NationStates Jolt Archive

Barlibgil Charter/Factbook

07-06-2005, 06:49
OOC: Post any several points I was writing this into the wee morning hours. Anyway first things first:



We, the Religious Leaders of Barlibgil, in representation of the People of Barlibgil, are determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which too many times in our history has brought untold sorrow to Barlibgil, to reaffirm faith in humanity’s ability to govern itself, in the dignity and worth of the human being and in the equal rights of men and women, to establish conditions under which justice and respect for all people can be maintained, and to promote better standards of life for the future. To accomplish these ends, we do hereby establish the Federal Government of Barlibgil; so that we may live together in peace with one another as good neighbors, and to unite our strength to maintain peace and security in Barlibgil, and to ensure, that armed force will never be used, save in the common interest. We have resolved to combine our individual efforts to accomplish these aims. Accordingly, through representatives assembled in the city of Mafelind, the new capitol, who have exhibited their full powers found to be in good and due form, have agreed to the present Charter of the Barlibgil to the world.

Article 1
The Purposes of the Federal Government of Barlibgil are:
1.To maintain peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and Barlibgillian law, adjustment or settlement of disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace.
2.To develop friendly relations among foreign nations for the purposes of trade and allies, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen regional peace.
3.To achieve co-operation in solving Barlibgilian problems of an economic, social, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to sexual orientation, race, sex, language, or religion.
4.To be a center for harmonizing the actions of Cities in the attainment of these common ends.

Article 2
The MHEB and High Council, in pursuit of the Purposes stated in Article 1, shall act in accordance with the following Principles.
1.The High Council is based on the principle of the equality of all its City Leaders.
2.The MHEB, in order to ensure to all of the High Council the rights and benefits resulting from membership, shall fulfill in good faith the obligations assumed by the Office of the MHEB in accordance with the present Charter.
3.All City Leaders shall settle their disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that Barlingillian peace, security, and justice, are not endangered.
4.All City Leaders shall refrain in their relations from the threat or use of force against the integrity or independence of any City, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the Federal Government.
5.All High Council Members shall give the MHEB the assistance in any action the Office of the MHEB takes in accordance with the present Charter, and shall refrain from giving assistance to any country against which Barlibgil is taking preventive or aggressive action.
6.The High Council shall ensure that groups which are not Members of the High Council act in accordance with these Principles so far as may be necessary for the maintenance of Barlibgillian peace and security.
7.Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the MHEB to intervene in matters, which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any City, but shall require the Cities to submit such matters to settlement under the present High Council, if involved parties cannot reach a consensus.

Article 3
The original Members of the United Nations shall be the Cities, which have representatives present, here, at the Great Enclave. Foreign countries can be invited to the High Council to raise issues, but only those issues concerning relations between that country and Barlibgil.

Article 4
1. Membership in the High Council is open to all other cities, which accept the obligations contained in the present Charter and, in the judgment of the High Council and MHEB, are able and willing to carry out the obligations presented by the High Council.

2. The admission of City to membership in the United Nations will be effected by a decision of the High Council and MHEB upon the recommendation of at least three Members of the High Council or MHEB.

3. Foreign countries, that attend the High Council, are not allowed to vote, nor, under any circumstances are they to attend without first consulting one Member of the High Council, or the MHEB.

Article 5
A foreign country against which preventive, or aggressive, action Barlibgil has taken may be barred from attending the High Council. The High Council may restore the right of that country to attend at any time.

Article 6
A Member of the High Council, which has persistently violated the Principles contained in the present Charter, may be executed, by the recommendation of the MHEB.

Article 7
1.These are established as the principal organs of the Federal Government:
The High Council
2.Organs of individual Cities may be created at the discretion of the City’s ruling body, so long as, that organ does not interfere with the processes created in the current Charter.

Article 8
1.The Federal Government shall place no restrictions on the eligibility of male and female Members to participate in any capacity and under conditions of equality in its organs.

Article 9
1.Regarding the eligibility of citizens for being elected MHEB, a person must meet the following requirements, and at least three of the second set of requirements.
A1 Have lived in Barlibgil for at least seven years. Need not be consecutive.
A2 Are not currently, nor have ever been, married.
A3 Childless.
A4 Have attended school(s) for at least twelve years. Institutes of higher learning do not count towards this, and proof of enrollment must be offered.
A5 Have never been incarcerated for any reason. Must supply proof.

B1 Be between the age of 18 and 25.
B2 Have lived in a Barlibgillian City for at least five years.
B3 Be a member of a state-sanctioned religious institute, or be unaffiliated with any religion.
B4 Have attended a Barlibgillian institute of higher learning for at least one year.
2.All citizens of Barlibgil, who meet the above requirements, and apply for the position of MHEB, are then subjected to multiple examinations. Those citizens, who qualify from the exams, are then eligible for the Office of the MHEB.

Article 10
1.Regarding the eligibility of citizens for being elected as City Leaders, a person must meet all of the following requirements, as long as any City mandated requirements.
Between the ages of 18 and 25
A legal citizen of Barlibgil for at least seven years. Need not be consecutive
Not currently, nor have ever been, married
Never been incarcerated
Attended school(s) for at least ten years
Attended a Barlibgil institute of higher learning for at least one year
Be a member of a state-sanctioned religious institution, or be unaffiliated with any religion
Lived in the City, or on City-claimed lands, for at least five years
2. Citizens who have met these requirements, those mandated by the City, and applied for the position in question are then required to take, and pass, a test administered by a government official. Those citizens who have done all this are eligible for the position.

Article 11
1.The High Council shall consist of all the City Leaders.
2.Each City shall have not more than one representative in the High Council.

Functions and Powers
Article 12
The High Council may discuss any questions or any matters within the scope of the present Charter or relating to their powers and functions provided for in the present Charter, and, except as provided in Article 12, may make recommendations to the Members of the High Council or to the MHEB or to both on any such questions or matters.

Article 13
1.The High Council may consider the general principles of cooperation in the maintenance of Barlibgillian peace and security, including the principles governing regulation of armaments, and may make recommendations with regard to such principles to the MHEB.
2.The High Council may discuss any questions relating to the maintenance of Barlibgillian peace and security brought before it by any Member of the High Council or by a foreign country in accordance with later Articles, and, except as provided in Article 14, may make recommendations with regard to any such questions to the countries’ representative or to the MHEB or both. The High Council shall refer any such question on which action is necessary to the MHEB either before or after discussion.
3.The High Council may call the attention of the MHEB to situations that are likely to endanger Barlibgillian peace and security.
4.The powers of the High Council set forth in this Article shall not limit the general scope of Article 12.

Article 14
1.While the High Council is exercising in respect of any dispute or situation the functions assigned to it in the present Charter, the MHEB shall not make any recommendation with regard to that dispute or situation unless the High Council so requests.
2.With the consent of the High Council, the Allies of Barlibgil shall be notified at each session of any matters relative to the maintenance of Barlibgillian peace and security, which are being dealt with by the High Council, and shall similarly notify them immediately the High Council ceases to deal with such matters.

Article 15
1.The MHEB shall initiate studies and make recommendations for the purpose of:
a. Promoting inter-City co-operation in the political field and encouraging the progressive development of Barlibgillian law and its codification,
b. Promoting Barlibgillan co-operation in the economic, social, educational, and health fields, and assisting in the realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sexual orientation, sex, language, or religion.
2.The further responsibilities, functions and powers of the High Council with respect to matters mentioned in paragraph 1 (b) above are set forth in later Articles.

Article 16
Subject to the provisions of Article 14, the High Council may recommend measures for the peaceful adjustment of any situation, regardless of origin, which it deems likely to impair the general welfare or friendly relations among Cities, including situations resulting from a violation of the provisions of the present Charter setting forth the Purposes and Principles of the Federal

Article 17
1.The High Council shall receive and consider annual and special reports from the Allies of Barlibgil and the City Leaders; these reports shall include an account of the measures that those parties have decided upon or taken to maintain Barlibgillian peace and security.
2.The High Council shall receive and consider reports from the other organ of the United Nations.

Article 18
1.The High Council shall consider and approve the budget of the Federal Government.
2.The expenses of the Federal Government shall be borne by the High Council Member as apportioned by the High Council.
3.The High Council shall consider and approve any financial and budgetary arrangements with foreign countries referred to in later Articles.

Article 19
1.Each member of the High Council shall have one vote.
2.Decisions of the High Council on important questions shall be made by a two-thirds majority of the members voting. These questions shall include: recommendations with respect to the maintenance of Barlibgillian peace and security, the election of the temporary members of the High Council, the admission of new Members to the High Council, the suspension of the rights and privileges of membership, the expulsion of Leaders, questions relating to the budget.
3.Decisions on other questions, including the determination of additional categories of questions to be decided by a two-thirds majority, shall be made by a majority of the members.

Article 20
A Member of the High Council which is in arrears in the payment of its financial contributions to the federal Government shall have no vote in the High Council if the amount of its arrears equals or exceeds the amount of the contributions due from it for the preceding two full years. The High Council may, nevertheless, permit such a Member to vote if it is satisfied that the failure to pay is due to conditions beyond the control of the Member.

Article 21
The High Council shall meet in regular annual sessions and in such special sessions as occasion may require. Special sessions shall be convoked by the MHEB at the request of the Office of the MHEB, the High Council or of an Ally of Barlibgil.

Article 22
The High Council shall adopt its own rules of procedure. It shall elect a Speaker for each session.

Article 23
The High Council may appoint other such positions, as it deems necessary for the performance of its functions.

Article 24
The Office of the MHEB shall be composed of the elected MHEB and any other positions appointed by the MHEB.

Article 25
1.In order to ensure prompt and effective action by the Federal Government, the High Council Members confer on the MHEB primary responsibility for the maintenance of Barlibgillian peace and security, and agree that in carrying out its duties under this responsibility the MHEB acts on their behalf.
2.In discharging these duties the MHEB shall act in accordance with the Purposes and Principles of the Federal Government. The specific powers granted to the MHEB for the discharge of these duties are laid down in later Articles
3.The MHEB shall submit annual and, when necessary, special reports to the High Council for its consideration.

Article 26
The Members of the High Council agree to accept and carry out the decisions of the MHEB in accordance with the present Charter.

Article 27
In order to promote the establishment and maintenance of Barlibgillian peace and security with the least call for aggressive action of the country's human and economic resources, the MHEB shall be responsible for formulating, with the assistance of the General, plans to be submitted to the Members of the High Council for the establishment of a system for the mobilization of the military.

Article 28
The MHEB may pass a law, only after the High Council reviews it. Approvals for this law are not required, but the High Council Members must be given time to adjust their respective City laws. Exceptions to this Article are discussed in later Articles

Article 29
1.The Office MHEB shall be so organized as to be able to function continuously.
2.The MHEB shall hold a yearly meeting with each City Leader,
3.The MHEB may hold meetings at such places other than the Capitol City of Barlibgil as in its judgment will best facilitate its work.

Article 30
The MHEB may establish such positions within the Office of the MHEB, as it deems necessary for the performance of its functions.

Article 31
The MHEB shall adopt its own rules of procedure.

Article 32
Any Member of the High Council that is present during a discussion with the MHEB may participate in the discussion of any question brought before the MHEB whenever the interests of that Member are specially affected.

Article 33
Any Member of the High Council, or other body, that is not party to a dispute under consideration by the MHEB shall be invited to participate, without vote, in the discussion relating to the dispute. The MHEB shall lay down such conditions as it deems just for the participation of a body that is not a Member of the High Council.

Settlement of Inter-City Disputes
Article 34
1.The parties to any dispute, the continuance of which is likely to endanger the maintenance of Barlibgillian peace and security, shall, first of all, seek a solution by negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, resort to regional agencies or arrangements, or other peaceful means of their own choice, before approaching the Federal Government.
2.The MHEB shall, when it deems necessary, call upon the parties to settle their dispute by such means.

Article 35
The MHEB may investigate any dispute, or any situation that might lead or give rise to a dispute, in order to determine whether the continuance of the dispute or situation is likely to endanger the maintenance of Barlibgillian peace and security.

Article 36
1.Any Member of the High Council may bring any dispute, or any situation of the nature referred to in Article 36, to the attention of the MHEB or of the High Council.
2.A body which is not a Member of the High Council may bring to the attention of the MHEB or of the High Council any dispute to which it is a party if it accepts in advance, for the purposes of the dispute, the obligations of pacific settlement provided in the present Charter.
3.The proceedings of the High Council in respect of matters brought to its attention under this Article will be subject to the provisions of Articles 11 and 12.

Article 37
1.The MHEB may, at any stage of a dispute of the nature referred to in Article 35 or of a situation of like nature, recommend appropriate procedures or methods of adjustment.
2.The MHEB should take into consideration any procedures for the settlement of the dispute that have already been adopted by the parties.

Article 38
1.Should the parties to a dispute of the nature referred to in Article 33 fail to settle it by the means indicated in that Article, they shall refer it to the MHEB.
2.If the MHEB deems that the continuance of the dispute is in fact likely to endanger the maintenance of Barlibgillian peace and security, it shall decide whether to take action under Article 35 or to recommend such terms of settlement as it may consider appropriate.

Article 39
Without prejudice to the provisions of Articles 35 to 39, the MHEB may, if all the parties to any dispute so request, make recommendations to the parties with a view to a pacific settlement of the dispute.

Action With Respect To Threats To The Peace, Breaches Of The Peace, And Acts Of Aggression
Article 40
The MHEB shall determine the existence of any threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression and shall make recommendations, or decide what measures shall be taken in accordance with Articles 42 and 43, to maintain or restore international peace and security.

Article 41
In order to prevent an aggravation of the situation, the MHEB may, before making the recommendations or deciding upon the measures provided for in an earlier Article, call upon the parties concerned to comply with such provisional measures, as it deems necessary or desirable. Such provisional measures shall be without prejudice to the rights, claims, or position of the parties concerned. The MHEB shall duly take account of failure to comply with such provisional measures.

Article 42
The MHEB may decide what measures not involving the use of armed force are to be employed to give effect to its decisions, and it may call upon the Members of the High Council to apply such measures. These may include complete or partial interruption of economic relations and of sea, air, postal, and other means of communication, and the severance of diplomatic relations.

Article 43
Should the MHEB consider that measures provided for in Article 41 would be inadequate or have proved to be inadequate, it may take such action by air, sea, or land forces as may be necessary to maintain or restore Barlibgillian peace and security. Such action may include demonstrations, blockade, and other operations by air, sea, or land forces of Members of the High Council.

Article 44
1.All Members of the High Council, in order to contribute to the maintenance of Barlibgillian peace and security, undertake to make available to the MHEB, on its call and in accordance with a special agreement or agreements, armed forces, assistance, and facilities.
2.Such agreement or agreements shall govern the numbers and types of forces, their degree of readiness and general location, and the nature of the facilities and assistance to be provided.
3.The agreement or agreements shall be negotiated as soon as possible on the initiative of the MHEB. They shall be concluded between the MHEB and Members or between the MHEB and foreign countries and shall be subject to ratification by the signatory states in accordance with their respective constitutional processes.

Article 45
When the MHEB has decided to use force it shall, before calling upon a Member of the High Council to provide armed forces in fulfillment of the obligations assumed under Article 43, invite that Member, if the Member so desires, to participate in the decisions of the MHEB concerning the employment of contingents of that Member's armed forces.

Article 46
In order to enable the Federal Government to take urgent military measures, Members of the High Council shall hold immediately available contingents for combined City defensive or aggressive action. The strength and degree of readiness of these contingents and plans for their combined action shall be determined within the limits laid down in the special agreement or agreements referred to in Article 43, by the MHEB with the assistance of the General.

Article 47
Plans for the application of armed force shall be made by the MHEB with the assistance of the General.

Article 48
1.There shall be established a General to advise and assist the MHEB on all questions relating to Barlibgil's military requirements for the maintenance of Barlibgillian peace and security, and the employment and command of forces placed at its disposal.
2.The General is the City Leader of Cavin.
3.The General shall be responsible under the MHEB for the strategic direction of any armed forces placed at the disposal of MHEB. Questions relating to the command of such forces shall be worked out subsequently.
4.The General, with the authorization of the MHEB may appoint any subordinates and officers as needed.

Article 49
1.The action required, to carry out the decisions of the MHEB for the maintenance of international peace and security, shall be taken by all the Members of the High Council or by some of them, as the MHEB may determine.
2.The Members of the High Council shall carry out, such decisions, directly and through their action in the appropriate agencies of which they are members.

Article 50
The Members of the High Council shall join in affording mutual assistance in carrying out the measures decided upon by the MHEB.

Article 51
Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the High Council, until the MHEB has taken measures necessary to maintain Barlibgillian peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defense shall be immediately reported to the MHEB and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the MHEB under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.

Concerning War
Article 52
The only Organ of the Federal Government that can declare war, or make peace, with a foreign country is the MHEB.

Article 53
During a state of declared war, the MHEB may pass any law that will further the cause of the Barlibgillian Military in the war. After peace has been declared, the High Council may repeal any law, declared by a MHEB concerning the war, and have its legality reviewed.

Article 54
When a state of war is declared, the following conditions go into effect:
1.Private enterprise in all of Barlibgil is halted, and the entire nation’s industrial capacity is directed to the war effort, until such time as it can be determined that a particular service or enterprise has fulfilled its requirements to the Federal Government, or such service is no longer needed.
2.Martial law is declared.
3.All inactive soldiers are sent to Cavin, and those that can be spared are sent to various stations throughout Barlibgil for defense in the chance of an invasion, and to enforce martial law.

Article 55
Martial law conditions are as follows:
1.The school day will last its normal nine hours. All extra-curricular activities are suspended.
2.No person under the age of twenty-one will be outside between the hours of 9 PM and 7 AM.
3.No person will be outside between the hours of 12 AM and 5 AM.
4.All government building will be under guard twenty-four/seven, any suspected attacker will be executed on the spot.
5.Any citizen who does not follow the regulations of martial law will be arrested and imprisoned for a week on the first offense, a month on the second, a year on the third, and increasing by a year for each subsequent infraction. This punishment does not end when martial law ends.

City Arrangement
Article 56
1.Nothing in the present Charter precludes the existence of City arrangements or agencies for dealing with such matters relating to the maintenance of Barlibgillian peace and security as are appropriate for regional action provided that such arrangements or agencies and their activities are consistent with the Purposes and Principles of the Federal Government.
2.The Members of the High Council entering into such arrangements or constituting such agencies shall make every effort to achieve pacific settlement of local disputes through such City arrangements or by such City agencies before referring them to the MHEB and the High Council.
3.The MHEB shall encourage the development of pacific settlement of local disputes through such City arrangements or by such City agencies either on the initiative of the Cities concerned or by reference from the MHEB.
4.This Article in no way impairs the application of Articles 34 and 35.

Article 57
The MHEB shall at all times be kept fully informed of activities undertaken or in contemplation under City arrangements or by City agencies for the maintenance of Barlibgillian peace and security.

Miscellaneous Provisions
Article 58
1.Every treaty and every Inter-City agreement entered into by any Member of the High Council after the present Charter comes into force shall as soon as possible be registered with the Federal Government and published by it.
2.No party to any such treaty or Inter-City agreement, which has not been registered in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article, may invoke that treaty or agreement before any organ of the federal Government.

Article 59
In the event of a conflict between the laws of the Members of the High Council under the present Charter and their obligations under any other treaty or Inter-City agreement, their obligations under the present Charter shall prevail.

Article 60
The Federal Government shall enjoy in the territory of each of its Members of the High Council such legal capacity as may be necessary for the exercise of its functions and the fulfillment of its purposes.

Article 61
1.The Federal Government shall enjoy in the territory of each of the Members of the High Council such privileges and immunities as are necessary for the fulfillment of its purposes.
2.Representatives of the Members of the High Council and officials of the Organization shall similarly enjoy such privileges and immunities as are necessary for the independent exercise of their functions in connection with the Federal Government.
3.The High Council may make recommendations with a view to determining the details of the application of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article or may propose conventions to the Members of the High Council for this purpose.

Article 62
Amendments to the present Charter shall come into force for all Members of the High Council when they have been adopted by a vote of two thirds of the members of the High Council and ratified in accordance with their respective constitutional processes by two thirds of the Members of the High Council including the MHEB.

Article 63
Any official of the Federal Government can make a proposal for an amendment.

Article 64
Regarding marriage:
1.A City government can refuse to marry any two people it so desires, as long as a precedent for such a refusal has already been set.
2.Under no circumstances may a City government refuse to recognize the marriage of two people, as long as they have the appropriate documentation. All married couples qualify for any government, both Federal and City, benefits that are awarded to a married couple.

Article 65
1.In order to promote Inter-City relations, and Inter-Office relations, the MHEB is required to legally marry each member of the High Council, regardless of race, gender, religion, or orientation. Failure to do this by the end of the MHEB’s second year in office will result in the execution of the High Council and MHEB.
2.Each Member of the High Council is required to spend one month out of the year, unless circumstances make this impossible, at the MHEB’s side, fulfilling all the requirements of a equal marriage. During that month, the MHEB and City Leader will submit to counseling to ensure an equal marriage. Failure to do this, on the part of the City Leader or the MHEB’s, is punishable by death

Article 66
An equal marriage is legally defined as that of both partners caring for each other; mentally, physically, emotionally, psychologically, and sexually. The law, with the exception of Article 61, does not require marriages to be equal marriages.

Article 67
The MHEB, and Members of the High Council, are never permitted to have children, even with each other. Any child conceived is to be terminated at birth, along with both parents.

Article 68
City Governments shall not, under any circumstances, dictate to any two people or group of people what they can and cannot do in the privacy of their own homes; so long as these acts occur between consenting adults, and do not disturb others outside of the premises.
07-06-2005, 06:53
OOC:Wow, I didn't realize the Charter was that long, it was alot shorter in Word. Anyway, here's the Factbook, i'll post more information as I recieve it.

Major Cities

Ganil Leader: Liberator Mared Lesaarde

Ganil is the only port city of Barlibgil. It is a sprawling city located almost directly in the middle of Barlibgil’s short coastline. Ganil is probably the richest of the Eight Cities Ganil, with the exception of the Capitol City. Ganil is the only one of the Eight Cities that has embraced semi-modern technology (Just beginning to make electricity available to the entire City). Ganil Harbor is sheltered and fortunately, easily defensible. The bulk of Barlibgil’s relatively small Navy is housed here, along with of Barlibgil’s sea-based economy (shipping, fishing, etc). The Leader of Ganil is called the Liberator. He is known as this because Ganil is the most forward thinking (socially and technologically) of the Eight Cities. He is also known as the Liberator for his city’s location as the only possible sea-escape from Barlibgil, and the first Leader of Ganil Liberated Ganil from its original dictator. The dragon Zalette also lives in the Harbor.
Liberator Lesaarde is 22 years old. He is a very witty, charismatic, and intelligent man. Haran has broad shoulders and is built. Haran is well loved by all Ganilites, and one of the higher Priests of Althera, possibly heading the Cult himself. He is roughly 6’0”, black hair, blue eyes. Haran is good-natured, is rarely in a bad mood, and very patient, going beyond what normal people would put up with. Most considered him the most likely to be elected MHEB, but that honor went to Bol Relym.

Mafelind Leader: MHEB Bol Relym

Mafelind is the Capitol City of Barlibgil. It is located, more or less in the center of Barlibgil. The MHEB is the Leader here, and as such, needs no special title, as all the other City Leaders have. Mafelind is the cultural center of Barlibgil. Most of the country’s artisans are here, along with the most prestigious schools (with the exception of medicine, agriculture, and science). Most Barlibgillian fashion trends are started here. Most national celebrations, and important religious occasions occur here as well.
MHEB Relym is 18. Bol is still a little childish, but is also incredibly intelligent, perceptive, and is a good judge of character. As a diplomat, he is the best his mentors and tutors have seen. Of the city Leaders, Bol “favors” Bol is handsome, but introverted. Bol is 5’8”, black hair and violet eyes. He is very thin, but considered attractive by most.

Arthrian Leader: First Healer Lenore Manelir

Arthrian is the medicinal center of Barlibgil. Arthrian is located about sixty leagues Southeast of Mafelind. The Leader here is called the First Healer. All healing or medicine advancements are made here, both mystical and mundane. Most of the land around Arthrian is devoted to growing herbs and natural remedies. Most of everything Arthrian produces goes to Cavin, home of the Barlibgillian Army (which then distributes to the rest of the country).
First Healer Lenore Manelir is 21. She is caring (some would call her a bleeding heart) and unselfish. Ironically, her best friend is General Ovessa Melprom. Lenore is quick to notice things, and is on a personal quest to get the government to recognize various psychological problems (stress, hysteria, dementia) as true illnesses, and worthy of a government study. Lenore is 5’5” with long red hair and green eyes. Most men (and women, for that matter) consider very beautiful.

Danivere Leader: Verdant Lord Peil Ganvin

Danivere is the agricultural center of Barlibgil. Danivere is located forty-one leagues due South of Mafelind. Its Leader is called Verdant Lord (chosen long ago by MHEB Kilmip who had an overactive imagination and a love for anime superheroes and local drugs with hallucinogenic properties). The forests surrounding Danivere have been cleared for leagues to accommodate the steadily growing population of Barlibgil. Due to Barlibgil’s unusual growing season, Danivere alone can make more than enough produce for the entire country. Like Arthrian, Danivere sends all it produces to the Army, which then distributes to the country.
Verdant Lord Peil Ganvin is 23. Peil is an introspective and somewhat dreamy man. The Verdant Lord is trusting and kind, but relatively uninterested in what goes on out side his Gardens. Peil spends most of his time caring for the Danivere Gardens, or researching plants in the library. Peil is 6’3”, and scarecrow thin. He has brown hair, green eyes, and darkly tanned skin.

Cavin Leader: General Ovessa Melprom

Cavin is the home of the under-funded Barlibgillian Army. Cavin is located twelve leagues Southwest of Mafelind. The Leader here is simply called General, because they are the leader of the Army as well as the city. There is almost no civilian population here. Raw materials are sent here and converted to weapons and armor by the blacksmiths and craftsmen. Four years of military service is required of all citizens (except elected officials) before the age of forty. No one over the age of fifty-five is allowed to serve (except the General).
General Ovessa Melprom is now 19. Ovessa is a severe woman, but is very attuned to her world. She knows when she is losing, and how sometimes it is necessary to cut your losses. She notices weaknesses, and is the best strategist Barlibgil has ever seen. Ovessa easily looses her temper, and can’t stand those she views as idiots (which is almost everyone). Standing at only 5’1” Ovessa’s size belies her true military prowess. Ovessa has long black hair and black eyes; she generally wears a leather armor of some sort, but disguises it with distracting and feminine clothing. Ovessa suspects everyone, and even if she has been disarmed, she probably has at least one more weapon that everyone missed.

Naulor Leader: Archmagus Offara Lanthas

Naulor is the magical center of Barlibgil. Naulor is located twenty-seven leagues Northwest of Mafelind. The Leader here is the Archmagus. Barlibgillian magic is unreliable at best. Naulor mages train themselves in handling magic. Combat magic is offered, but relatively useless. Barlibgillian magic malfunctions around any electrically powered object (this also extends to alternative, futuristic sources of power; spells tend to rebound upon the caster, activate too soon, or not at all), likewise, technology ceases to operate around it magic. As a direct result, only Ganil is equipped with electricity. All other Cities do not use such technology.
The Archmagus Lanthas is 22. Offara is a very intense and focused person. Her burning gaze makes most people uncomfortable around her. Offara wears glasses and her figure is a mystery to all everyone because of her long, heavy robes. Offara has very short blonde hair, blue eyes, and is 5’7”. The Archmagus carries the staff of her office, wears the Medallion of Thasseran, and acts as the High Priestess of the Cult of Thasseran.

Waleras Leader: Malef Hessek the Enlightened

Weleras is the historical center of Barlibgil. It is the closest City to Mafelind at only nine leagues to the East. The Leader is known as the Enlightened. Waleras is the City containing the most (and best) schools in Barlibgil. The inhabitants are the smartest people in Barlibgil. Theologians, philosophers, engineers, scientists, musicians, artists, writers, and scholars all flock here to be published as the greatest minds of the Age.
Malef Hessek the Enlightened has only held his office for six months (the former member was the victim of a failed assassination attempt upon the MHEB). Malef is very intelligent, and witty, but also slightly arrogant. Malef is 5’9” with prematurely white hair at age 22. He has green eyes, and acts as the High Priest of the Wesyr Cult.

Dreuse Leader: Potentate Duvira Uth’Mal

Dreuse is the entertainment center of Barlibgil. Dreuse is located seventeen leagues West of Mafelind. The Leader is known as the Potentate (a rather boring name for such a place). Most people dream of going to Dreuse; the nobility speak of Dreuse as the ultimate getaway/vacation spot (and home to a rapidly growing porn industry). The overly moralistic (with too much time on their hands) regard Dreuse with disdain, and even hysterical outrage. Dreuse is the only place in Barlibgil where prostitution is legal, along with several generally illegal drugs and activities. Alcohol is more common than water. It’s said that simply breathing the air in the City can lower your inhibitions (which is fortunate because the age of consent lowers proportionally). Surprisingly enough, laws are very harsh here. Most offenses are easily death sentences, and most trials are speedy (unfortunately for the accused). Spas, inns, and strip clubs are the majority of the buildings here, as none but the richest can afford land. Despite all this, great talent is to be found here. Some of the country’s best actors, actresses, singers, and other performers have started out here.
Duvira Uth’Mal is eighteen years old. She is the High Priestess of the Thanla Cult. Duvira is said to be a raving beauty. Uth’Mal is 5’6”, and relatively thin. Her long, silky black hair frames her face perfectly, and her eyes are a startling shade of crystalline blue. She is “well-endowed”, and seems to have a natural charm. Her apparent ditzy-ness is just a cover; she has a mind like a steel trap.


Barlibgil was not always a unified nation. Originally, Barlibgil was a patchwork of small, independent city-states. Each City-State depended completely upon itself. There was little or no trade among them. Occasionally one or more City-States would go to war over some perceived slight; people would die, and the war would be over. The City-States fought themselves to a basic stalemate; each City-state unable to muster it’s forces to attack another, for fear of an attack from another City-State.

The Dasendian Era

Fifteen hundred years ago, Selphas Dasend, ruler of the City-State Ganil, went to war. Ganil quickly swallowed up his neighbors, the City-States of Naulor and Dreuse. He made himself dictator over the three. Quickly forming a loose coalition, Mafelind, Waleras, Danivere, Arthrian, and Cavin attacked the newly formed dictatorship. Ganil, being the only port, brought in thousands of mercenaries from around the globe, along with “borrowed” technology. Vastly outnumbered, and under equipped, the coalition was slowly broken down, as the Ganilite armies swallowed the independent City-States. For almost five hundred years, Barlibgil lived under the yokel of the Dasend Emperors.
Exactly 1073 years ago, at the Festival of Yterran, a small group of Ganilite “rebels”, led by Gytras Felm, broke into the royal palace and executed the entire royal line. This is known as the Dasend Collapse.
After the Dasend Collapse, Gytras Felm was made leader of Ganil (known as the Liberator). The other Cities immediately attacked Ganil. Each leader wished to set himself up as a new Emperor. Ganil managed to hold of their invasion for several years; allowing various groups within the Cities to organize and topple their governments.

Chaos Era

For roughly three hundred years, Barlibgil was a political nightmare. Various elements within each City-State scrambled for any thread of power. Small, mobile armies roamed the country, killing and pillaging any towns that refused to submit to them
Finally, after all those years of strife and famine, the Nine Cults of Barlibgil stepped in. The Nine Cult Leaders and their highest Priests met in Mafelind in what is now known as The Great Enclave.

The Great Enclave

The Great Enclave lasted four years. During which the Cult High Priests and Priestesses created the Barlibgillian Charter. The Charter created a provisional government headed by the Cult Leaders, which would then be turned over to the elected officials elected by the people.

The Era of Prosperity

Ten years after the end of the Enclave, the Cult leaders held Barlingil’s first free elections. Every vote was counted, and the first leader, Mati Orlen, elected. Mati Orlen was the first female ruler Barlibgil had ever had, and probably one of the best. It was Mati Orlen who came up with most of the laws regarding MHEB succession; she ingeniously made the law preventing elected officials from bearing children. All MHEBs and City Leaders must sign the charter before taking office.

Ten of the eighteen MHEBs, ruled during this time period. This Era of Barlibgillian history has been the most stable. This new stability brought on some fortuitous economic advances. There was MHEB 4, Jacob Povich, who separated the Eight Cities into specific jobs that kept the country running, so that no city could attempt another takeover. MHEB 9, Janeka Bohril, created the “Marriage for All” Law, which forced individual Cities to recognize any marriage, even if the City would not perform it.

The Age of Freedom

The eleventh MHEB, Levem Ilna brought social and commercial reform. Under him, the number of civil rights and liberties shot through the roof, but the economic prosperity that characterized the previous Era all but vanished, with the creation of various anti-business laws.
The twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth MHEBs continued the trend started by MHEB Ilna. The sixteenth and seventeenth MHEBs, Zlin and Harg were two of the most ineffective MHEBs to date; they both allowed City Leaders to do as the wished, not bringing them to heel when they stepped over their power boundaries. The only lasting contributions they made to Barlibgil society was to allow the man-eating death lily to as the main course at most state functions, and to declare several dates within the year as nation-wide celebrations.

Current Political Conditions

Barlibgil’s government is currently running itself, as it was meant to during the short periods Barlibgil is without leaders.
Bol Relym was just elected as MHEB, he and all seven City Leaders are currently undergoing state-mandated training for their positions. The first High Council is set to convene before the end of the month (June 2005), after the Leaders finish taking stock of the conditions of their respective realms of government.

OOC:A more complete history will be made at a later time.


The native religion of Barlibgil is composed of Nine major Cults, along with a many minor gods, demi-gods, and the occasional demon. With the exceptions of Althera, Velm, and Wesyr, Barlibgillian gods will rarely intercede on their behalf.

The Cult of Althera originated in Ganil. Althera is known as Empress of the Sea, Mistress of Storms, and the Fisher-Queen. A temple of Althera is generally under water with only an entrance above the surface. Althera is a kind and gentle, but very protective goddess. She will not hesitate to take corporeal form to protect her City. All Ganilites honor her by having aquamarine statues of her in their homes, surrounded by gifts from the sea (shells, sand dollars, bouquets of sea flowers, etc.). Statues of Althera are found all over the city, even at the entrance to other churches and temples. Roadside shrines are found all over Ganil lands.
Althera will appear in several forms. The first is a giant, warrior being carrying a harpoon and dressed in armor made of seashells. She is made up entirely of water in this form. The second form varies between mythical sea-creatures (kraken, sea serpents, harpies, sirens, or water nymphs). The final form is that of a small human girl (about five or six) with a white gown. The child’s head and clothes will always be wet. The child’s moods and health will vary with the sea, or deteriorate when she is not near it. Althera’s forms are not limited to these, but they are the most common. Althera also enjoys living in her city as another nameless face, so, by law, no child left outside overnight.

Li and Vem
Li and Vem are the twin god of the sun and goddess of the moon, respectively. Li is known as the Sun Child and Lightbringer. Vem is known as Moondancer and Nightfire. Together they are often just called troublemakers. Li is bright, innocent, and joyful. Vem is quiet, wild and mysterious. They are the patron gods of the Capitol City of Mafelind. They enjoy making themselves nuisances, when they are in corporeal form; playing tricks on the citizens of Mafelind. They will come to rescue their City, but only if it is directly in danger. Mafelind citizens pay homage to Li and Vem by carving images of the sun and moon all over the city, along with various statues. Li and Vem spend most of their time in corporeal form.
Li takes the form of a fourteen or fifteen year-old boy with blond hair, blue eyes, and golden (very tanned, not actual gold) skin. Often shirtless, he will be with his sister, playing tricks on people, or playing games with younger children. Li also takes the form of a phoenix or golden eagle. On occasions when he is defending his people, Li will take the form of a man in golden armor on white flying horse, carrying a fiery lance.
Vem takes the form of a fourteen or fifteen year old girl with long white or silvery hair and black eyes. She will often be found with her brother, swimming, or engaging in some sort of exciting or risky activity. Other forms of Vem are a large owl or a panther. On occasions where she is defending her City, Vem takes the form of a female warrior in black and silver armor, with short white hair. The warrior carries a large bow, a quiver full of arrows, and a rapier, and is riding in a silver chariot, drawn by a gargoyle.

Pterna is the goddess of nature, healing, and purity. Pterna is known as Forest Queen and Lifeblood. Pterna is a lively and kind goddess; she also feels deeply for everything she gets involved with. This goddess is the patron goddess of Arthrian. Pterna is known to roam the forests around Arthrian when in corporeal form. She also stays in the Arthrian hospitals, comforting the sick, wounded, and bringing peace to the dying. Arthrians honor Pterna with several gardens and by burning special herbs in their hearth fires.
Pterna’s major corporeal form is that of a dryad or fairy. She also takes the form of a dove, a doe, and a tree. Sometimes, when her City is under attack, Pterna will appear in the form of a monk wearing a green monk’s habit. She will fight bare handed or with a quarterstaff.

Yterran is the god of the harvest, prosperity, and the changing seasons. He is known as the Harvest King, Autumnbringer, and Lord of the Field. He is the patron god of Danivere. Yterran is a focused god. He views anything that doesn’t pertain to growing things as irrelevant. For this reason, anyone wantonly destroying farmland or the environment will face his wrath. Daniverans honor Yterran at a Festival every year. They celebrate by making straw dummies and burying them within the earth, this represents the earth’s dormancy during winter.
Yterran’s corporeal form is that of a large, middle-aged man with dirt smudged on his face and darkly tanned skin. Priests of Yterran claim to have seen him wandering the Danivere Gardens, taking care of the various plants there. He also takes the form of a dragon or an ox. When Yterran is “raining his wrath upon the defilers of the earth”, he takes the form of a heavily armored warrior with a sword in each hand. The armor is pitch black and the sword in his right hand spouts flame, while the sword in his left hand crackles with lightning.

Velm is the goddess of war and combat. She is known as the Black Crusader, Empress of Blood, and Battlemaster. She is the patron goddess of Cavin. Velm is in an almost continuous state of bloodlust. The citizens of Cavin leave blood offerings to placate and honor her. They also train in martial arts.
Velm spends all of her time in corporeal form. Her normal form is a heavily armed warrior in black skull armor. She carries a sword and a shield in this form. Some of her other forms are a dragon, a giant wolf, or a raven. Her battle-form is that of a giant six-armed monstrosity. Its torso is mostly human female-ish, but its head is a combination of reptilian (with slits for pupils) and wolfish (with highly sensitive ears that stick up). Its skin is partially rubbery and think, and partially scaled. It has claws on all of it’s limbs, serrated teeth, and bat-like wings. It’s eyes glow red and it wears bone-white armor. It carries a large bastard sword with a serrated blade, a wickedly curved, bladed quarterstaff, and a throwing shield. The free hands scratch and claw at its enemies.

Thasseran is the god of magic. He is known simply as Arcanemaster. Thasseran is a quiet, devoted, and serious god. He is the patron god of Naulor. Naulorans honor him by practicing magic, and by offerings of arcane scrolls and secrets.
Thasseran’s normal corporeal form is a small old man, dressed in old dusty clothes and having a white beard. Thasseran is devoted to magic, and rarely takes his attention from it. The only other form Thasseran takes is that of a tall young man with jet-black hair, dressed in black robes covered with arcane symbols. He carries a magical staff.

Wesyr is the god of history, science, logic, and order. He is an intense god. Wesyr is the patron god of Waleras. Walerassians honor him by contributing to the Waleras Library, and recording history as it happens.
Waleras has a corporeal form of an ageless man with silver hair. Wesyr spends all of his time underneath the City, recording all of the happenings of Barlibgil. Wesyr is also partially prophetic. He uses this to determine when he needs to intervene and prevent the destruction of Barlibgil. The only other form of Wesyr is an armored warrior with katars attached to each hand, and a buckler on his left arm.

Thanla is the goddess of beauty, lust, and the future. Thanla is known as the Pleasure Princess, the Raving Beauty, and Guardian of the Future (among her truest followers only). She is a deceptive goddess, always seeming to be intent on absorbing the pleasures of life, when her true agenda is hidden by what her clothes don’t hide. She is the patron goddess of Dreuse. Dreusites honor her in their daily lives, their professions and actions, along with multiple large statues and shrines.
Thanla’s corporeal forms vary, but are all beautiful women (of varying ages). Her clothes rarely leave much to the imagination, and are usually white. Thanla is prophetic as well, but hers is much stronger than Wesyr’s. She uses her ability to affect the future in more specific ways. She works for more than just saving Barlibgil, but for all of her people. Thanla works for future stability and peace. Her battle-form is a muscular female warrior with a single braid. The warrior is fast and strong. She carries a crossbow and a falchion. She wears brown leather armor.


Due to its people’s pacifist (and paranoid) tendencies, the Barlibgillian Military is poorly equipped, but brilliantly trained by its leaders. Weapons technology is out-of-date. The size of the Barlibgillian Military is roughly 4.5 million men and women; only about twenty percent (900,000) is ever on active duty.

The Commander of the Military is General Ovessa Melprom.


It can accurately be assumed that every weapon here in Barlibgil has some sort of poison on it. There are two types of poison used in Barlibgil, a paralyzing poison and a painful, deadly one (both work in roughly twenty minutes). Theyit's entirely random which poison a particular weapon will have. The Barlibgillian ARMY is split into three groups:

The Infantry Battalions ARE the Army. Without them, the Army would fail miserably at everything. The Infantry carries swords (long, short, bastard, and two-handed), pole-arms (half-spear, long spear, trident, halberd, scythe, sickle, and footman’s lance), axes and hammers (battleaxe, great axe, light hammer, war hammer, and hand axe), and bludgeons (club, great club, war club, light mace, heavy mace, war mace, spiked mace, morning star, flail, dire flail, and light flail). Some may carry darts or hand-crossbows for when the enemy cannot be engaged at close range, or archers and other support units are unavailable. Most are equipped with body armor (scale mail, chain mail, full plate, and breastplate), helmets, and shields (hoplite, scutum, reinforced targe, targe, and wooden circular).

The Ranged Battalions are support groups. From covered areas and fortresses, archers, slingers, and crossbowman rain death down on the enemy. These soldiers carry bows (composite long, long, composite short, possibly throwing axes and short bow), crossbows (light and heavy), and slings. These soldiers also carry light weapons for when an enemy closes too quickly, or comes to close to safely use their ranged weapons (rapier, dagger, scimitar, falchion, rarely a katar). These soldiers can also be found in chariots or on horseback. Range soldiers equip themselves with leather armor (studded and plain), leather caps, and shields (light wooden and buckler) and when on horseback or in chariots they use chariot shields. The Ranged Battalions are often used for rescue and recovery operations.

The Calvary Battalions are also support. They are often used to flank an enemy, to lead a charge, or a sneak attack. These men and women on horseback use light sword weapons much like the Ranged Battalions. They wear lighter metal armor also. Calvary soldiers on elephants however wear padded and leather armor. These men and women have light weapons as well, but also carry small gunpowder “bombs” and whips. The Calvary battalion soldiers are also trained as medics.


The Barlibgillian NAVY is all low-tech. Many ARMY soldiers also serve in the NAVY. By law, every citizen must spend no more or less than four years in the NAVY, ARMY or AIR FORCE, but many people circumvent this law by spending four years in each.

Standing NAVY:
Thirteen Galleons – Brigadier, Oceandancer, The Enlightened, Naulor, Star, Ganil, Verdant, Flaming Twilight, Dreuse, White Lyon, Swallow, Yterran, and Ambrosia
Fifteen Galleasses –Velm, Zephyr, Archmagus, The Sea Dragon, Li, Janeka, Gytras, Sea Serpent, Surface Skimmer, Morning Glory, Dragonslayer, Wesyr, Selphas, Arthrian, and Levem
Five Frigates – Healer, Ilna, Hope’s Light, Moonlight, and Ocean Queen
Twenty-three Pinnaces - unnamed
Seven Caravels –King’s Guardian, Primrose, Pterna, Unlawful Empire, Death Lilly, Vem, and Danivere
Two Admirals (flagships) - Mati and Althera
Ten Brigantines – Thasseran, Hopewell, Felm, Shining Star, Queen’s Rook, Brave, Waleras, Tyger, Colonel, and Aid
Four Cutters-Cavin, Liberator, Falcon, and Veritas

Galleons are large, heavy, square-rigged ships, having high sterns and three or four levels or decks. Whether used for war or commerce, they are generally armed with cannons. A galleon typically carries 74 guns, with 36 each of these being mounted on either side of the ship. A Barlibgillian galleon is about 53 meters long. It has three or four masts and up to 15 sails.

Galleasses are a large and heavy. It usually carries three masts and has a forecastle and aft castle. It is up to 70 meters long, and its crew numbers up to 1,200 sailors. Galleasses make use of their advantage over other types of vessels under calm, when their oars allow them to gain quite a good speed.

Frigates are three-masted sailing ships, which use both oars and sails. It is a 677-ton vessel outfitted with 34 cannons and 12 smaller cannons, and carrying a crew of about 260 men. A single-decked ship, or rather, a single gun-decked ship, with an upper, or 'weather' deck.

Pinnaces are small vessels of around 20 meters, generally having two square-rigged masts. Pinnaces are small, fast, and maneuverable and sometimes carry oars. They are frequently used as message boats within fleets and are also highly regarded by the Barlibgillians for scouting coastal waters. Some small, undecked pinnaces are technically boats, for they can be taken aboard larger vessels.

Caravel is about 30 meters long. The caravel has two or three masts and up to five sails. Highly maneuverable, they are up to about 65 feet long and can carry roughly 130 tons of cargo. Five small cannons are carried in the stern castle and there is a small swivel gun in the Mizzen top.

The two Admirals, or Flagships, are identical. They carry 21 heavy bronze cannons, 130 iron cannons and about 100 barrel guns, these latter being swivel. They carry top and gallant sails on most of their mast, are about 67 meters long.

Brigantines carry 16 guns and are rigged for speed, having both topgallant sails and royals. They are used to track down ships of an enemy. They carry sweeps for maneuvering in still weather and are about 110 feet long. Brigs require 100 to 120 men.

Cutters are scouts, are used to carry dispatches, and carry 14 guns. They appear to be carrying sails that are too big, but because of the deep draught, the large sails are needed to drive the ship through the water at speed. They are about 65 feet in length.


The AIR FORCE of Barlibgil is mostly a force unto itself. The government asks the AIR FORCE to help the ARMY and NAVY and pays them obscene amounts of money afterwards. The AIR FORCE is currently made of fourteen dragons. The dragons are native to Barlibgil and are extremely hard to capture. The dragons only cooperate with the government for two reasons. The first is that humans raise all dragon children. Dragons consider this act a vital part of their upbringing (plus they like the chaos that occasionally ensues when dragon children hit puberty, and start becoming actual dragons). The second reason is so that the government doesn't open a year round hunting season on dragons. Despite this arrangement, only a few of the dragons ever show up when called for battle.
Both parents of whatever dragon child being raised serve in the AIR FORCE. Officially it’s a hostage situation, but the only thing the government is fooling is itself.

General information on dragons:

Dragons are cold-blooded, and cannot be sensed by heat-oriented sensors (thermal scans, heat seeking missiles, etc.). Most of the dragons mentioned can fly, but some are better than others. All of these dragons can breathe fire with one exception. A dragon’s breath weapon will last for roughly six, minute-long bursts. Cold weather is an antithesis to dragons, and all dragons have a shape-shifting ability. A dragon’s scales interlock, making its skin almost impenetrable. The whole shell weakens as it looses scales, though, so a dragon will have to retreat once it’s scales are too weak to stop whatever is being thrown at it (bullets, arrows, etc.). Most of a dragon’s abilities can only be used a couple of times a day, with a couple of exceptions mentioned below.
Dragons rarely coordinate their attacks, often interrupting any tactics in progress. The dragon is extremely vain, and will do anything to show up another dragon.

Dragons currently serving in the military:

Gender: Male
Wingspan: 6 meters
Height: 8 meters
Tail length: 5 meters
Picture: (
Gandar is pure white in color and has two small horns on his head. As a special offshoot of his natural magic Gandar can manipulate light, he can blind small groups of people, cover an area in darkness, or make himself and those within a certain range invisible. This particular ability is unlimited. He is a very nimble dragon, and is fond of sneaking up on an enemy and surprising them. He prefers close combat, and doesn’t use his breath weapon very often.

Gender: Female
Wingspan: 5.6 meters
Height: 6.9 meters
Tail length: 4.7 meters
Picture: (
Athara is a green dragon and does not have any horns, but does have three large spikes at the end of her tail. When she is in a human form, Athara can hypnotize other humans when they look at her face. This effect lasts at least an hour after she has left human form, or has gone out of range (about a mile). Her favored tactic is using this ability to immobilize enemies, and then slaughtering them. Athara tends to fight at a distance, but she is dangerous no matter what.

Gender: Male
Wingspan: N/A
Height: 3 meters
Length: 52 meters
Picture: (
Pyrrenth is one of the more rare serpent dragons. He has no wings, is tan and red, and he levitates. Pyrrenth is never heard or seen before he attacks. This is because serpent dragons can compress their bodies to impossibly small dimensions (in respect to their original width, not paper thin or anything). Pyrrenth can color change at will (even duplicating patterns).

Gender: Female
Wingspan: 7.1 meters
Height: 9.5 meters
Tail Length: 6.7 meters
Picture: (
Merlaine is a black dragon and is one of the largest dragons. She is slower in the air, but can shrink herself at will (this has no effect on her flight abilities or speed). Her ability can be used no more than five times in a day (six if she pushes it). Merlaine will sometimes allow a rider to accompany her, but this is rare, as she often forgets they are there and does some maneuver that makes the rider somewhat flatter than what a normal human should be.

Gender: Female
Wingspan: N/A
Height: 2.9 meters
Length: 46 meters
Picture: (
Zalette is another serpent dragon. She is blue and stays in the water most of the time. She cannot breathe fire. She can levitate and compress her body like serpent dragons do. Zalette can control medium-sized areas of water (high/low tide, small whirlpools, waves; and an area of roughly twenty thousand feet squared). Any changes immediately revert to normal when her concentration is broken. Zalette lets the elements weaken her enemies before she goes in and attacks. Zalette is more often with the NAVY, rather than the AIR FORCE, but she is always listed with her draconian brethren.

Gender: Male
Wingspan: 8.3 meters
Height: 10 meters
Tail Length: 7.9 meters
Picture: (
Tersei is a red dragon with two long horns at the back of his head. He is a very strong dragon, and is covered with scars. Tersei can make himself dissolve and re-form. His favorite tactic is to dissolve and enter an enclosed space (a ship’s hold, a castle tower) and then solidify causing the thing to explode outward (hence the scars). Tersei always goes for maximum damage.

Gender: Female
Wingspan: 5.5 meters
Height: 7 meters
Tail Length: 4.3 meters
Picture: (
Ioanar is a green serpent dragon. She can compress her body like other serpent dragons, as well as breathe fire. She can levitate though, but not propel herself forward. She must crawl on the ground, as is often the case. Ionar is never caught off-guard because she has a strong telepathy that allows her to “hear” a person’s thoughts as they approach her. Ionar tends to avoid close combat for this reason, preferring hurling objects from a distance or using her breath weapon.

Gender: Male
Wingspan: 5.7 meters
Height: 8.9 meters
Tail Length: 6.5 meters
Picture: (
Hilnith is a gold dragon with two horns at the back of his head. His special ability is that he can make a very high-pitched crooning-like noise that interrupts signals of all kinds (with the exception of those carried by wires). The noise scrambles radio and sound waves, interferes with satellite communications, and even disperses smoke signals. In addition to that, anyone within a certain range could be permanently or temporarily deafened. The drawback is it only works where the noise is directed, so it wouldn’t fill a room, just make a widening cone-shaped area devoid of a means of communication beyond sign language, until it hit solid matter.

Gender: Female
Wingspan: 6 meters
Height: 9 meters
Tail Length: 7.2 meters
Picture: (
Wedyra is a silver dragon. Wedyra’s special ability is that she can temporarily speed up time in a specific area. For example, shorten the amount of time it takes for food to spoil or for water to stagnate, or iron and steel to rust. This ability can only be used once every few days though, and not on any living things.

Gender: Male
Wingspan: N/A
Height: 3.2 meters
Length: 51 meters
Picture: (
Uliphan is a red serpent dragon, and has the compressing ability and the levitation power. Uliphan is technically blind. His ability allows him to make everyone his equal. When Uliphan concentrates on it, he can cause a large area to be covered in a dense fog, an oppressive and humid fog (almost solid, can cause water to accumulate in the lungs, disrupts sensors partially. Uliphan doesn’t generally use his fire breath, preferring instead to land in the middle of a large enemy grip and proceed to rip them apart, causing them to run and get separated, where they can be easily picked off.

Gender: Male
Wingspan: 7.8 meters
Height: 9.9 meters
Tail Length: 6.5 meters
Picture: (
Olwan is a green dragon. His ability is mind affecting. When he engages in battle, the enemy is almost overcome by an irrational, debilitating fear that gets stronger as you come closer. This causes many to run in fear. He prefers to let this do his work for him, letting him avoid fighting altogether.

Gender: Female
Wingspan: 6.1 meters
Height: 7.9 meters
Tail Length: 4.9 meters
Picture: (
Chynth is a gold dragon. Her special ability is manipulation of air; she cannot create a windstorm or tornado, but she could make a wall of air that slows down projectiles or push the air out of an area, preventing things in a small area from breathing. Chynth is not an active fighter; she stays out of sight and uses her ability to create chaos and fear, then takes advantage how she sees fit.

Gender: Female
Wingspan: 5.5 meters
Height: 7.4 meters
Tail Length: 4.3 meters
Picture: (
Merata is a red dragon. Merata is a very quick and flexible flier. When attacked in the air, she leads her pursuers though elaborate chases, before attempting to out maneuver them in a dangerous place. Merata can summon large quantities of low-voltage lightning energy pockets, these act as a kind of mid-air mine field that is suspended above a battle; these bolts can appear anywhere, even at ground level. Merata will also hide herself and direct individual higher-voltage energy bolts at individual targets.

Gender: Male
Wingspan: 6.9 meters
Height: 9.0 meters
Tail Length: 5.8 meters
Picture: (
Ditenes is a gold dragon. When he is on the ground, all the land within two miles of him becomes marsh-like (unless you are only on rock, like on a mountain). Ditenes uses this to slow down his enemies, and then blasts them with his fire breath. He is not a fast flier, and so rarely gets up before a battle has ended.

Dragon pictures came from following sites:
a quizilla quiz, not sure which one anymore

Any picture who’s website I failed to mention I apologize. Post a notice here with the website address and I will give credit.