31-05-2005, 15:32
Here at Concremian Firearms, we are dedicated to bringing you the finest in battlefield goods. Our latest line in warfare is the Non-Lethal range, providing safe, legal and diplomatically friendly alternatives. Who are the nations of the world going to stick up for in a war, the enemy? With their threats of Nuclear Holocaust and full scale invasions? Not likely...
You can have authority, power and military strength, at an affordable price with no loss of life. These products are ideal for small scale skirmishes, training runs, stopping criminals from other countries and otherwise disarming harmful situations safely and easily.
Now on to the products;
Less-than-lethal 12 gauge shotgun $600
Tried and tested in Armed Police and SWAT teams around the world, this weapon uses beanbag ammunition to incapacitate a target with blunt force. The cheapest in the selection, it has encountered numerous problems such as causing blindness or even death at very close range. Ammunition can be replaced with tear-gas cartriges, but normal shotgun shells are not accepted. This weapon is perfect for hazardous environments, such as aeroplanes and oil rigs.
Mk3 Net-Gun - $1000
This weapon fires 12 hooked inch-long steel spikes in a huge spread, each tied to the perimeter of a large net (4 square metres). Upon contact with walls or floor, they remain firmly stuck and such a spread means that they have a very tight net (Tests show that it can pin a 240lb man to the ceiling). An alternate form of ammunition has 8 highly magnetic balls. Once they pass the target, the magnetic force brings them together and fully encloses the target. The looseness of the net is resistant to cutting but tight enough to restrain movement.
Mk2 Multi-Taser Hangun $900
This weapon uses an acid-based battery to send electric shocks up to 10 yards away. The firing alternates between two tasers, one fires while the other charges. This gives a good rate of fire whilst avoiding jamming problems common to conventional weapons. Thick rubber casing and plastic switches etc ensure it can be easily cleaned yet the user cannot be shocked. Can knock the target unconcious with two hits at the most, regardless of pain tollerance. This is perfect for use on aeroplanes where a normal firearm would puncture the hull, but unsuitable for oil rigs etc.
Mk4 Multi-Taser Autorifle $1400 (with 40mm $1500)
This works in a similar way to the hangun variant, but uses nine small tasers to incapacitate the target. Although lacking the punch of the handgun, it more than compensates for it with rate of fire and can easily take them down in four to six hits. Optional 40mm grenade launcher can be fitted with a variety of grenades, including EMP and teargas (more below). This is perfect for use on aeroplanes where a normal firearm would puncture the hull, but unsuitable for oil rigs etc.
'Bulldog' Anti-Air Missile Launcher $1600
This unique launcher fires a missile that in transit extends three claws that on contact dig into the hull. Each missile measures 12cm long and 4cm radius, and when attatched short-ranged broadcasts infect the computer systems with multiple virii that trigger the eject function. On models advanced enough to repel the virus, the missile initiates a 'last resort' program which lets loose a good sized EMP blast. However this seriously endangers the pilots life and only mechanical ejection systems or cargo bay doors could save them.
'Roundhouse' EMP Missle launcher $1800
Using our experimental variant of EMP technology, this missile launcher has an integrated scope with infra-red, night vision and new Magne-Vision to operate at its full potential in any scenario. A control pannel on the missle launcher itself configures the yeild of the blast and the shape (3D Spherical or 2D Circular). The EMP missile will disrupt communications, radar and anything else with electronic workings.
Mk1 'Phantom' Sniper Rifle $2100
A highly untested and experimental weapon, this long-range rifle is capable of matching distances set by more conventional weapons. Ammunition is a glass ball, coated in steel with a lead core and charged up with electricity, with the usual back-end of a bullet. Over long distances the projectile is very unlikely to be fatal, and the charge released into the target is what causes unconciousness. Theoretically, enough charge could be put into the sphere to instantly kill someone, or severly electrocute someone inside a vehicle. Although somewhat innacurate as-is, ammunition has been put into production that will allow proper rifling.
Mk7 'Ventilator' $2100 (Gas Mask Included) ($2300 with backpack)
The Ventilator is a unique weapon, similar in most aspects to a flame thrower. Four canisters of any gas are loaded into the rear of the weapon, and a range of 7 metres ensures a good spread and a consistent cloud. Although lethal gasses could be uses, to prevent sabotage an automatic and quick chemical analysis determines which gas it is that is each breach. Because of four breaches, a variety of gasses that complement each other can be loaded. For example, one that stops the breathing of the target to render them unconcious, and one that restarts the breathing to prevent death. Programmable computer always gets the timing right.
'Pluto' EMP ICBM $4 000 000 ($2 500 000 warhead only)
Taking non-lethal warfare to the next level, this weapon-of-no-destruction elabourates on the 'pinch' EMP effect of a nuclear weapon. Mounted on a unique delivery system, the warhead is compatible with popular models such as the Peacekeeper. Capable of easily putting out a major city, this is the perfect solution to stop an aggressive fleet or armoured division without resorting to nuclear weapons.
G1 Flashbang grenade $400 for 100
This otherwise normal flashbang contains a very small ammount of white phosphorous, that continues to burn with a blinding light for a while after detonation. Fatalities have been noticed when the target is in extremely close proximity to the explosive.
G2 Stinger Grenade $400 for 100
This grenade is a low-yeild timed explosive with hundreds of thousands of rubber balls and covered with a thin steel coating. Upon detonation, sheer blunt force incapacitates targets with minimum risk of death. Fatalities have been noticed when the target is in extremely close proximity to the explosive.
G3 Smoke Grenade $700 for 100
A revolution in non-lethal warfare, this grenade not only produces our new "Grit'n'Smoke" but it also contains a healthy dose of tear gas and other similar chemicals. Operable in two ways, the 'Spreader' Mode, where a ringpull opens a small hole to spray the gas in one direction, or the 'Shredder' Mode, where the whole package explodes to make a bigger cloud. The case is too thin to be effective shrapnel, and timer is fully changeable.
L6 Anti-Tank Mine $800 for 100
Known to its inventors as 'Old Airbag' this weapon was designed to hinder incoming tank divisions to give the defenders time to set up more devastating weapons. Upon contact, a huge airbag inflates and stops the tank. In theory. Now, most modern day tanks can just roll right over it, and thats where our inventors made changes. Now it features not a single metal component, to avoid detection, and also houses a 'Deflator' fuction. This is used whereby a large pit is dug, the mine is placed inside and detonated. Wood and leaves are used to camoflague the inflated air bag, and when a vehicle drives over it the air is rapidly released. This catches the vehicle in the previously undetectable tank-trap, and can take ages for the crew to get a full-size MBT out and combat ready again.
But why would these benefit me?
In a number of situations these products could give diplomatically sound alternatives to war, and provide a middleground between politics and warfare.
For instance, you economy is failing and you have to draw up an embargo against another nation to ever have hope of a trade surplus. Say that they ignore the embargo and continue to ship their goods, you could fill a patrol boat with sodiers armed with these weapons, non-lethally neutralise the crew and set the boat to sail back to where it came from. A tense political situation is still there, but you have stood your ground and prevented loss of life.
Another scenario may be that international criminals have illegally entered your nation and are holed up somewhere with hostages. They make their demands and special forces fromt their home-country are coming to neutralise the situation. You know that as soon as the special forces get in the area, all hell will break loose. So you arm a SWAT team with these weapons and send them in, and very quickly your highly trained people have it under control, without deaths on either part.
[Profit-o-meter = $206,170,007,000]
You can have authority, power and military strength, at an affordable price with no loss of life. These products are ideal for small scale skirmishes, training runs, stopping criminals from other countries and otherwise disarming harmful situations safely and easily.
Now on to the products;
Less-than-lethal 12 gauge shotgun $600
Tried and tested in Armed Police and SWAT teams around the world, this weapon uses beanbag ammunition to incapacitate a target with blunt force. The cheapest in the selection, it has encountered numerous problems such as causing blindness or even death at very close range. Ammunition can be replaced with tear-gas cartriges, but normal shotgun shells are not accepted. This weapon is perfect for hazardous environments, such as aeroplanes and oil rigs.
Mk3 Net-Gun - $1000
This weapon fires 12 hooked inch-long steel spikes in a huge spread, each tied to the perimeter of a large net (4 square metres). Upon contact with walls or floor, they remain firmly stuck and such a spread means that they have a very tight net (Tests show that it can pin a 240lb man to the ceiling). An alternate form of ammunition has 8 highly magnetic balls. Once they pass the target, the magnetic force brings them together and fully encloses the target. The looseness of the net is resistant to cutting but tight enough to restrain movement.
Mk2 Multi-Taser Hangun $900
This weapon uses an acid-based battery to send electric shocks up to 10 yards away. The firing alternates between two tasers, one fires while the other charges. This gives a good rate of fire whilst avoiding jamming problems common to conventional weapons. Thick rubber casing and plastic switches etc ensure it can be easily cleaned yet the user cannot be shocked. Can knock the target unconcious with two hits at the most, regardless of pain tollerance. This is perfect for use on aeroplanes where a normal firearm would puncture the hull, but unsuitable for oil rigs etc.
Mk4 Multi-Taser Autorifle $1400 (with 40mm $1500)
This works in a similar way to the hangun variant, but uses nine small tasers to incapacitate the target. Although lacking the punch of the handgun, it more than compensates for it with rate of fire and can easily take them down in four to six hits. Optional 40mm grenade launcher can be fitted with a variety of grenades, including EMP and teargas (more below). This is perfect for use on aeroplanes where a normal firearm would puncture the hull, but unsuitable for oil rigs etc.
'Bulldog' Anti-Air Missile Launcher $1600
This unique launcher fires a missile that in transit extends three claws that on contact dig into the hull. Each missile measures 12cm long and 4cm radius, and when attatched short-ranged broadcasts infect the computer systems with multiple virii that trigger the eject function. On models advanced enough to repel the virus, the missile initiates a 'last resort' program which lets loose a good sized EMP blast. However this seriously endangers the pilots life and only mechanical ejection systems or cargo bay doors could save them.
'Roundhouse' EMP Missle launcher $1800
Using our experimental variant of EMP technology, this missile launcher has an integrated scope with infra-red, night vision and new Magne-Vision to operate at its full potential in any scenario. A control pannel on the missle launcher itself configures the yeild of the blast and the shape (3D Spherical or 2D Circular). The EMP missile will disrupt communications, radar and anything else with electronic workings.
Mk1 'Phantom' Sniper Rifle $2100
A highly untested and experimental weapon, this long-range rifle is capable of matching distances set by more conventional weapons. Ammunition is a glass ball, coated in steel with a lead core and charged up with electricity, with the usual back-end of a bullet. Over long distances the projectile is very unlikely to be fatal, and the charge released into the target is what causes unconciousness. Theoretically, enough charge could be put into the sphere to instantly kill someone, or severly electrocute someone inside a vehicle. Although somewhat innacurate as-is, ammunition has been put into production that will allow proper rifling.
Mk7 'Ventilator' $2100 (Gas Mask Included) ($2300 with backpack)
The Ventilator is a unique weapon, similar in most aspects to a flame thrower. Four canisters of any gas are loaded into the rear of the weapon, and a range of 7 metres ensures a good spread and a consistent cloud. Although lethal gasses could be uses, to prevent sabotage an automatic and quick chemical analysis determines which gas it is that is each breach. Because of four breaches, a variety of gasses that complement each other can be loaded. For example, one that stops the breathing of the target to render them unconcious, and one that restarts the breathing to prevent death. Programmable computer always gets the timing right.
'Pluto' EMP ICBM $4 000 000 ($2 500 000 warhead only)
Taking non-lethal warfare to the next level, this weapon-of-no-destruction elabourates on the 'pinch' EMP effect of a nuclear weapon. Mounted on a unique delivery system, the warhead is compatible with popular models such as the Peacekeeper. Capable of easily putting out a major city, this is the perfect solution to stop an aggressive fleet or armoured division without resorting to nuclear weapons.
G1 Flashbang grenade $400 for 100
This otherwise normal flashbang contains a very small ammount of white phosphorous, that continues to burn with a blinding light for a while after detonation. Fatalities have been noticed when the target is in extremely close proximity to the explosive.
G2 Stinger Grenade $400 for 100
This grenade is a low-yeild timed explosive with hundreds of thousands of rubber balls and covered with a thin steel coating. Upon detonation, sheer blunt force incapacitates targets with minimum risk of death. Fatalities have been noticed when the target is in extremely close proximity to the explosive.
G3 Smoke Grenade $700 for 100
A revolution in non-lethal warfare, this grenade not only produces our new "Grit'n'Smoke" but it also contains a healthy dose of tear gas and other similar chemicals. Operable in two ways, the 'Spreader' Mode, where a ringpull opens a small hole to spray the gas in one direction, or the 'Shredder' Mode, where the whole package explodes to make a bigger cloud. The case is too thin to be effective shrapnel, and timer is fully changeable.
L6 Anti-Tank Mine $800 for 100
Known to its inventors as 'Old Airbag' this weapon was designed to hinder incoming tank divisions to give the defenders time to set up more devastating weapons. Upon contact, a huge airbag inflates and stops the tank. In theory. Now, most modern day tanks can just roll right over it, and thats where our inventors made changes. Now it features not a single metal component, to avoid detection, and also houses a 'Deflator' fuction. This is used whereby a large pit is dug, the mine is placed inside and detonated. Wood and leaves are used to camoflague the inflated air bag, and when a vehicle drives over it the air is rapidly released. This catches the vehicle in the previously undetectable tank-trap, and can take ages for the crew to get a full-size MBT out and combat ready again.
But why would these benefit me?
In a number of situations these products could give diplomatically sound alternatives to war, and provide a middleground between politics and warfare.
For instance, you economy is failing and you have to draw up an embargo against another nation to ever have hope of a trade surplus. Say that they ignore the embargo and continue to ship their goods, you could fill a patrol boat with sodiers armed with these weapons, non-lethally neutralise the crew and set the boat to sail back to where it came from. A tense political situation is still there, but you have stood your ground and prevented loss of life.
Another scenario may be that international criminals have illegally entered your nation and are holed up somewhere with hostages. They make their demands and special forces fromt their home-country are coming to neutralise the situation. You know that as soon as the special forces get in the area, all hell will break loose. So you arm a SWAT team with these weapons and send them in, and very quickly your highly trained people have it under control, without deaths on either part.
[Profit-o-meter = $206,170,007,000]