NationStates Jolt Archive

The Parade (Earth II)

29-05-2005, 02:54
The Parade snaked its ways through the winding streets of Manama. The High Sultan Wandu e-Mumman sat atop an exquisitely decorated elephant, approaching the Royal Palace, where he was to give a speech about the great expansions and changes his country had gone through over the past year.

As he rounded a corner, a gunshot went off. He looked down at his chest and saw a hole the size of a grapefruit before it went black.

The man who shot him turned and ran. A Nebraskan by birth, he fled before the Royal Guard could grab him, getting into a car with his accomplices, two Sicilians, a Gambian, and another Nebraskan. They rushed through the city, one getting out at each safehouse, preparing to go into hiding, their work done.

Even as the Royal Guard rushed the High Sultan's body inside the safety of the Royal Palace, messages went out to the Electing Sultantes, ordering them to be at the Palace at dawn for the first Calling of the Sultans.
The Lightning Star
29-05-2005, 03:27
Offical Statement by the Caliph

The death of the High Sultan, a personal friend, a friend of the Caliphate, and of the Roman Confederacy, deeply saddens me. I will personally attend the death of the High Sultan, for he was one of the greatest men that I have other met, second to none(save Muhammed and the Prophets, of course).
29-05-2005, 12:39
Imperial statement

The untimely death of the High Sultan, who was a very good friend of mine and a very good ally of Cotland, deeply saddens me. I wish to offer my condolences to the family of High Sultan e-Mumman, and I wish to attend the funeral of the Sultan personally.

I am appalled by the cowardice of the assassins, and also offer any assistance that Elephantum may require from Cotland to hunt these murderers down and convict them of their crimes.

I shall await the answer from Elephantum.

Thomas I
Emperor of Cotland
29-05-2005, 12:57
The murder of the high Sultan is indeed tragic. In support of a fellow Roman Confederacy member, President Mikhail Yerrick and wife Helga well intend the Sultan's funeral.

We stand in grievous with the people and the of Elephantum in these dark times .

Mikhail Yerrick
Pantheaa Federation

Alexia Hans
Chief Foreign Minister