NationStates Jolt Archive

[OOC] Kri Gesh Combat Units

Kri Gesh
28-05-2005, 08:08
Upon entry the religious dictator of Kri Gesh begins to speak.

“Greetings my fellow nations.. I Alexei Kovak of the Kri Gesh nation here by introduce our future fighting machine.. The Terror Drone is our first innovation within the field and from what I can tell by our grand craftsmanship. It could take on a tank with great speed and ground troops!”

upon saying this the large warehouse doors open to reveal this ball shaped machine as it starts to move closer to only stop dead in the floor to reveal its four legs.

As he went on more about it.

“It is a perfect circle on all sides even where its legs fold in. its hard plating boosts that like the katana folded into thin strong plates to be sealed together by 3 other plate layers making its size 10 feet by 10 feet by 10 feet when its legs are retracted. But with them out and of use it stands 14 feet high with a 4 foot gap from the bottom to the ground as it could travel like a spider and even. With rocket assistance built into the bottom of the terror drone as auto closable doors open and closes when or when not the rocket engine is in use. With this active it can leap up to 4 floors high and even across from a building to another! And because of our cloning technology we are as well developing clone troopers and even spliced DNA of animals in our troops letting them have the advantage against who their enemies are. We are already in the beta for the average trooper and also the programming from cloned birth to adult hood. This is the Mk1 Zealot a clone fitted with experimental blade technology upon the fact the glove it retracts and reveals from will be surgically attached to each clone. And the last but not least if the Kal Desh Guardian.. That we will not go deeper into at this time..”

Taking a few moments to relax a person continues and asks.

“is there any questions any one that may have? There will also be air craft types in production and planning at this time as well not for viewing yet.”


Mk1 Zealot a ground pounder unit like a guard that is trained to use various weapons and armors. even enemy vehicles in a battle. but known as the new Zealots of the dictactorship that is in place from an outside view but from an inside view is that the people embrace their religious protectors.

Terror Drone a anti tank and infiltry vehicle as the name implys terror at how quickly and durable it is to any weapon. though not indesstructable it is reknown for its durability and damage it can do to personnel and tanks even the top mount machine gun can target flying aircraft as well.

Kal Desh Guardian
under development at this time.

((any and all views on this are allowed though my Terror Drone is more worked out than the clone guy. aircraft will be added in with any ideas since its scetchy atm.))
Kri Gesh
28-05-2005, 09:57
----- Kri Gesh Offical Notice -----


--- Weapons ---

-REB Glove-
This is a defense melee weapon of choice you should have on hand in case you run out of ammo or stranded in such and such place. Because of its design you’re allowed free mobility of your hands as if you had both equipped and trained within the arts of defense using this weapon will allow you to block incoming projectiles of any kind though element damage is trickier to block. The length of the energy blade from the glove is 5 feet long is the max unless the servos within are over clocked making its length that of a large claymore making it hard to wield if you don’t have the training.

this weapon can be bought in pairs which cost 10,000 for each pair.

-Heavy Sonic Cannon-
An enclosed armored arm with a lower arm cannon attachment which fires a sonic ring out towards a target which could stun a living body or at higher charge shot will cause more damage including crushing something at this higher charged blast. A 10 shot clip is inserted from the top of the lower arm cannon it’s self and discharged from the bottom as a let off of a empty chamber that can be recharged later to be reused 6 times before the warranty runs out.

this weapon can be bought in units of 20 at the cost 1,000,000 for each unit.

-Plasma Charge Rifle-
The light and durable weapon in the list can be adjusted to use the energy function, projectile function, or the sonic function. It is most reliable in any battle situation that could come to hand even a built in self destruct action was added so that person’s trying to use the weapon would have to put in a voice activated password. Guessing it wrong would cause it to protrude spikes from its hand points which are needed to be held before saying said password. Which will cause the spikes to ruin the person’s hands and will retract said spikes after the damage to the user is done.

this weapon can be bought in units of 10 that cost 75,000 for each unit.

((more will be added later so check back.))