Declaration of War on Baltic States and Croatia (Earth 13.75)
The Great Sixth Reich
28-05-2005, 05:11
Ludo Hienkel, Cheif Officer of Defense (And Offense) made the following speech at a rally for war in Munich:
"Diese primitiven Leute von den baltischen Ländern nicht unter unserem Land bedroht uns alle. Sie sind stinky, übel riechende, und hässliche Leute, die erobert werden müssen! Wollen Sie Ihrem Land helfen zu wachsen, ein Reich zu sein? Schließen Sie dann die Armee, an und töten Sie die übel riechenden Barbaren! Wir werden auch Kroatien töten, während wir dabei auch sind!"
Later, in a press release by Ludo Hienkel, he said "Der Groß Sechst Reich erklärt, dass Krieg auf den Barbaren vom baltische Länder bleiben, und Kroatien!"
OOC: In English: "These barbaric people of the Baltic Countries not under our country threatens us all. They are stinky, smelly, and ugly people who need to be conquered! Do you want to help your country grow to be an empire? Then join the army, and kill those smelly barbarians! We also will kill Croatia while we are at it, too!"
"The Great Sixth Reich declares war on the barbarians of the Baltic Countries, and Croatia."
The Great Sixth Reich
28-05-2005, 22:28
2200 Hours:
It happened without warning. 3,000 FA-29K Tanks were hidden around the border between Poland and Lithuania, along with the entire Storm Troopen (300,000 Special Forces). 175mm shells from all the tanks were fired simultiniously. The shells rained down on the border checkpoints, blowing them all to pieces. The stormtroopers jumped out of their hidding places, lowered their bipods on their GSR36-A1s, and started a rain of gunfire at the checkpoints which were already blown up anyway. Soon, sixty-thousand armor-plated Merecedes G500s customized with a TOW missile launcher on the roof drove down the roads and parked near the stormtroopers. All the stormtroopers stormed in. The SUVs performed burnouts, accelerated to 60 mph before slamming on the brakes by the checkpoints with the side windows rolled down. Like a gangwar, the stormtroopers performed a drive-by on the remaining guards. With the border guards down, they drove down the A-5 towards Kaunas. Tomarrow, they were expected to take the city, and with reinforcements, the capital of Vilnius, along with the FA-29K tanks. Meanwhile, thirty-thousand Polish soldiers rushed in to occupy the towns between Kaunas and the Polish border, and seventy B-2 Bombers and three-hundred F-25 Hawks were enrouted to bomb the heck out of Vilnius, Kaunas, and Riga. In case the bombing of Kaunas wasn't enough, the FA-29K tanks were going to rain 175mm shells down on the city all night long.
Additionaly, one thousand Estonian mercenaries were also traveling south towards the Estonian border with Latvia while this was happening... 40%24%3a%26w%240u6%24su6%24HJQD%11T%26FDBBD%7cd4bxdy%24llf7g1%40%24%3a%26%40%24%3a%26a2%3a 40%24%3a%260%240u6%24su6%24HJQD%11T%26FDBBD%7cd4bxdy%24llf7g1%40%24%3a%26%40%24%3a%26a2%3a
28-05-2005, 22:59
The Grand Dutchy of Brockmann supports you in your actions towards the Baltic States, and Croatia. But what about taking Bosnia and those ruthless monsters, the Serbs? Invade them and The Grand Dutchy of Brockmann will aid your forces in the invasion. I believe that if you are able to defeat Croatia with relative ease, then Bosnia and Serbia will fall either as easy or easier. Good Luck.
-Minister of Defense,
The Novikovian state is not at all displeased with the recent turn of events in the Baltic. The Novikovian government, as well as certain branches of the Novikovian military, is prepared to deal with any political pressure put of the Reich, as well as compensate the Reich for any loss in trade revenues brought on by opponents of the Reich's annexation of the Baltic States. These compensations are estimated to be excess of 500 million USD, not counting the cost of political actions taken by the Novikovian State.
In return for these, we wish to obtain the small piece of territory between Venta River and the Baltic coast, in both Latvia and Lithuania. This land will be assured to the Novikovian State through a written contract, and will be cleared of resisting Baltic nationalists by Novikovian personnel.
If this proposal is in any way of value to the Reich, we request that you send a return message and that a deal be worked out for the aforementioned territory.
[signed] Novikovian Committee for Foreign Relations
Generic empire
29-05-2005, 00:25
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Official Imperial Communique
To: The Great Sixth Reich Military High Command, Appropriate Government Offices
From: General Lew Dmitriev, Chair of Generian Imperial Military Council
The Empire, noticing your recent incursions into the Baltic States, and noticing further mobilizations and thus percieving intentions to take the balkan state of Croatia, has decided it wise that our two nations with expansion interests in similar regions would do well to avoid butting heads. It is the opinnion of the Empire that your expansions are no business of our own so long as they do not conflict with our interests, and in order to ensure that our interests do not conflict, we propose the idea of a signing of a pact of non-aggression between our nations' governments and militaries.
We shall, under this agreement, respect your intentions so long as you do not attempt incursions into, or invasions of any standing Imperial territory, or the lands of Romania and Bulgaria. We believe that this agreement would prove profitable to both our interests, and allow us to focus our attentions away from our borders with each other, and onto matters elsewhere in the world.
General Lew Dmitried,
Chair of the Imperial Military Council
Encrypting response, please wait...
Encryption process complete.
Begin transmission.
Unofficial Transmit To Generian Authorities
Only rumors have surfaced of possible diplomatic agreements between Generian and Reich leaders, but Novikov does pride herself on information gathering, and we are not afraid to act on rumors if they may prove profitable.
I am Polkovnik Buzrlova, senior director of Novikov's Special Information Division. I have diplomatic authority in these matters.
Concerning the Sixth Reich, all matters are of great concern to Novikov. The Reich is the leading power in Novikov's region and any events affecting it may de-stabilize Novikov's economy and military operating in the area. Such a situation could be unfavorable to Novikov, and we therefore take great interest in what we have heard.
I do not know the manner of negotiations to occur between your government and the Reich - nor if they will occur at all - but I assure you that if they do occur, it would be a profitable venture for your people to include Novikov in those discussions.
Respond if you may, formally of not.
-Plkvnk. Buzrlova
[OOC: Pray I wasn't too presuming with that post. I'm not trying to screw either of you over.]
Generic empire
29-05-2005, 01:24
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Sender: Mr. Black
To: Mr. Grey
It has come to my attention that Novikovan authorities picked up information regarding the extension of a non-aggression pact to the G6R. This troubles me to say the least, as I was under the impression that GIIS divisions in charge of maintaining the clandestine nature of the deal were properly sealed. We cannot afford information leaks in any situation, as I know you are aware, and so I will take it on faith that you will deal with the matter, plugging the necessary holes and dealing with other problems that may compromise our positions. Should you fail to do so, I will take personal measures to ensure you are properly replaced with a more capable individual.
Good day.
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-beginning transmission
Official Imperial Communique
Sender: General Lew Dmitriev, Chair of Generian Imperial Military Council
To: Plkvnk. Buzrlova
The imperial government is baffled by your speculations, and assures you that no such dealings are being planned at the moment, however we may be interested in initiating independent dealings with Novikov to secure certain diplomatic, economic, and possibly military agreements between our respective states. We would be interested in organizing a meeting to discuss these matters, however, we would prefer that such a meeting be carried out in a clandestine fashion. Should you be interested, we will be willing to recieve your representative(s) for a conference in Generian Athens three days from now. Security will be provided.
General Lew Dmitriev,
Chair of the Imperial Military Council
Opening file...
File access: restricted...
Passcode: *******
File opened...
View file?... A/N?...
Input: A...
Summary: Preliminary Intelligence Operations
File Number: 113.764.032
File Status: Closed (Zatvoreny) / Deletion Pending
All files regarding presumed diplomatic relations between Reich and Generian officials (see 113.745.820) have been dismissed as faulty following official Generian response (see attachment). Field Officer 451 (Generian Phone Exchange) is reported missing and unable to validate prior claims. Presume 451 has been reenlisted to Generian or Reich service – warrant for the arrest of 451 has already been filed in Copenhagen.
Analysis: Generian response indicates aforementioned meetings likely (see attachment). Unable to verify due to missing informant. Cannot bring sufficient pressures to bear without further documentation. Operational failure.
Recommend all other Generian and G6R officers associated with national military or paramilitary operations cease all activity until further notice. Reassignments will be necessary throughout Generian system.
Delete file?... A/N?...
Input: A...
Deletion confirmed... Deleting...
File deletion complete...
Command: logout
Line opening, wait...
Tap initiated...
Tap failed...
Transmission received; sender location - unknown.
Official Imperial Communique
Sender: General Lew Dmitriev, Chair of Generian Imperial Military Council
To: Plkvnk. Buzrlova
The imperial government is baffled by your speculations, and assures you that no such dealings are being planned at the moment, however we may be interested in initiating independent dealings with Novikov to secure certain diplomatic, economic, and possibly military agreements between our respective states. We would be interested in organizing a meeting to discuss these matters, however, we would prefer that such a meeting be carried out in a clandestine fashion. Should you be interested, we will be willing to receive your representative(s) for a conference in Generian Athens three days from now. Security will be provided.
General Lew Dmitriev,
Chair of the Imperial Military Council
Encrypting response, please wait...
Encryption process complete...
Relaying transmission, please wait...
relay 1...
relay 2...
relay 3...
Relay complete...
Begin transmission.
Official Response of the Novikovian State
We apologize on behalf of our over-zealous officers. You must understand that we have a liberal doctrine regarding an officer's rights, and that this sometimes leads to a low-level commander - a Polkovnik perhaps - overriding senior command and acting independent of our better judgment. Any inconvenience caused by these false insinuations is deserving of the most sincere apologies of the Novikovian General Staff.
On perhaps a brighter note, the Novikovian Government has been relayed this communiqué and is interested in beginning diplomatic relationships with the Generian people. Three days is short notice, however we fell that this is important enough an opportunity to send two foreign analysts to the conference. In addition, you may expect the Novikovian Ambassador, Mr. Pripevski, to attend the conference. He will have authority to act in full support of the Novikovian State, and all dealing then must be enacted through him.
Transportation arrangements can be worked out in due time and are not the concern of the General Staff. We assure you, however, that Novikov will have its representatives in Athens in time for the conference.
-In hopes of a beneficial relationship between our two great States.
[signed] Novikovian General Staff.
Generic empire
29-05-2005, 03:45
((OOC: Novikov, I presume a new thread for this is in order. I'll get to work on it.))
The Great Sixth Reich
29-05-2005, 16:49
OOC: Whoa. On Earth V I just take over countries without getting reaction posts. This is sure one heck of an active Earth!
IC responses coming up....
29-05-2005, 17:04
Antonius Ceasar stood at the german frontier.
"These germans are a very promising tribe for all their primitiveness." he said to his advisor.
"They have attacked that baltics and moving toward Croatia." responded the advisor, a close friend since childhood.
"Send an emissary to the Germans, I find them worthy of alliance."
"And Marcus, what the troops in France doing?"
"Nothing. They are just sitting around cause they've completed what you've set them to."
"and the troops in Switzerland?"
"The same your godliness."
"Send orders to the forces in France, they are continue northward to subdue the primitive nations of Luxembourg and Belguim and that other barbaric state, whatever its called. Neverneverland or some such."
"I'll get dispatched asap you godliness."
"Oh, and well you're at it, password to the troops in Switzerland to continue on eastward. I don't want them to stop at the Austrian border. The barbarian austrians are to be subdued, that we may bring the glory of Roman civilization to the heart of Europe."
The page had been standing there the whole time. He dashed off to telegraph the orders to the troops.
The Great Sixth Reich
29-05-2005, 17:11
-beginning encryption process...
-scanning cipher database...
-searching pad combinations...
-encrypting level one...
-encrypting level two...
-encrypting level three...
-beginning transmission
Official Imperial Communique
To: The Great Sixth Reich Military High Command, Appropriate Government Offices
From: General Lew Dmitriev, Chair of Generian Imperial Military Council
The Empire, noticing your recent incursions into the Baltic States, and noticing further mobilizations and thus percieving intentions to take the balkan state of Croatia, has decided it wise that our two nations with expansion interests in similar regions would do well to avoid butting heads. It is the opinnion of the Empire that your expansions are no business of our own so long as they do not conflict with our interests, and in order to ensure that our interests do not conflict, we propose the idea of a signing of a pact of non-aggression between our nations' governments and militaries.
We shall, under this agreement, respect your intentions so long as you do not attempt incursions into, or invasions of any standing Imperial territory, or the lands of Romania and Bulgaria. We believe that this agreement would prove profitable to both our interests, and allow us to focus our attentions away from our borders with each other, and onto matters elsewhere in the world.
General Lew Dmitried,
Chair of the Imperial Military Council
-Automatische Computerunterstützte Verschlüsselung. Anfang. Eben Sechs.
-Eben Sechs Verschlüsselung hat bestätigt. Sendende Nachricht.
Zu: General Lew Dmitried, Chair of the Imperial Military Council.
Von: Ludo Hienkel, Chief Officer of Defense (and Offense), The Republican Dictatorship of The Great Sixth Reich.
After careful review of your proposel, and discussions with Dictator Otto von Hienkel Rommel and Chief Officer of Foreign Affairs Adolf Gorreing, The Great Sixth Reich will agree to your non-aggression pact. We believe this willl benefit us both.
Chief Officer of Defense (and Offense), The Great Sixth Reich.
The Great Sixth Reich
29-05-2005, 17:36
The city of Kaunas was virtually destroyed by the time the Stormtroopers entered the city this morning. The artillery shells had rained down on the city all night long as planned, and a grand total of 100,000 pounds of bombs had fallen on the city by air. The city was an easy one to take after all the bombing. Next target for the Stormtroopers and the FA-29K tanks was Vilnius, the Capital of Lithuania. The forces would travel down the A1 highway through the day, and assault the city at night with aid of the Luftwaffe. To ensure the city of Kaunas remained stable, an additional ten-thousand Polish soldiers were brought in to fortify it.
Meanwhile, the 1,000 Estonian mercenaries were at a checkpoint along the Latvian border in a long line of G500 SUVs. At the guardhouse, they stopped, rolled down their windows, and shot all the guards before driving off into Latvia towards Riga.
Now, the Croatian War was to start. The RIA had assigned six-hundred of their agents to the task of landing in Zagreb, assaulting the government building and forcing the government to recognize Otto von Hienkel Rommel as their supreme ruler. The Airbus A380H transports (and the 300 F-25 Hawk escort with sixty K-35 Stratotanker refuelers and three AWACS E767s) with the agents on board, along with AT-4 rocket launchers, GSR36-A1s, flash grenades, and modifed GSR36-C3s with tranquilizer bullets, took off from Munich Airbase and (the transports) climbed to 60,000 feet along the North Sea (the escorts followed their maxium ceiling instead). They would travel south down the Atlantic, enter through the Mediterean Sea to the Adratic Sea, avoiding foreign airspace, and drop their Agents over St. Marc's Square in Zagreb (with special space suits), which was right next to the governmental building at 2 St. Marc's Square.
The Great Sixth Reich
30-05-2005, 03:49
In Lithuania:
The capital of Lithuania, Vaunas, was captured overnight. Little resistance was met, as the bombing runs and ground-attack aircraft elminated almost all of the defenses. With the capital fallen, the rest of Lithuania was occupied by Polish soldiers.
Meanwhile, the mercenaries from Estonia arrived in Riga. They parked on the side of the road, and assemblied their vehicles into fighting mode by adding armor plateing and a TOW missile launchers. They then stormed through the city in their SUVs, blowing up unspecting enemy with their missile launchers.
At the same time, the forces in Lithuania were crossing into to Latvia. They would formally conquer the land, and destroy any remaining resistance.
(OOC: Lithuania, Latvia, and Croatia annexed!)
In Croatia,
The Airbus A380Hs were over the DZ. The sky was now was full of paratroopers, equiped in special suits:
At 4,000 feet, they opened their 'cutes, and landed in the square. Immiedately after landing, they shot tranquilzer bullets at the three outside guards who were caught completely off-guard by the sudden attack. They then stormed the entrance and shot the twenty guards and a few civilian servants with more tranquilzer bullets before entering the stairway. At the President's level, they stormed the Presidental office and grabed the President. They forced him to sign legal papers confirming that Croatia was a province of The Great Sixth Reich, and then gave him $300,000 USD in pocket cash to keep him happy, but only after shouting "WE'LL BE WATCHING!". Now the RIA agents changed into civilian clothes and left the building, but were to keep an eye on the President.
01-06-2005, 10:51
Few refugees could even make it this far. Of those that did, most were turned away. The Southern Border crossings were, essentially, closed. Finnish Cadillac-Gage was simply not going to allow itself to become involved by accepting hordes of those fleeing, rather than fighting.
Neutrality and Non-Interference were simply deemed too necessary for survival to allow sentiment to get in the way.
Those seeking refuge, would have to seek it elsewhere.