The World's first reverse storefront!
Tichang Is trying to build up an army, navy, and airforce. as we have no armed forces program up until this point, our current procurement budget is somewhere in the range of three trillion dollars. Anyone who can offer me package deals on tanks & support vehicles, Naval Vessels, or Fighter/Bomber planes is welcome to post here. I am also looking for help in setting up my armed forces, so experienced players are encouraged to post here as well. you will find me ready to accept any suggestions.
28-05-2005, 05:08
We can train 10,000 SpecOps troops per year, under the training of our Elite Shockforce Sagetroopers. Cost per soldier is $10,000 (total coming to $100 million per 10,000 troops, but very worth it), and they will be trained by the elitest of elite. The Sagetroopers are raised from birth to be killing machines, and are genetically enhanced to improve field performance. When you train with these men, you train with the best.
A reverse storefront...not the first, but the first one called this. Nice idea. I suggest making a list of prices and things you want. That would live up to its name [/hijack].
Thank you, Truitt, but I don't exactly know what I want, so I want people to tell me! Tannenmille, I thank you, but I don't need a large-scale troop-training purchase, so unless you have hardware or manufacturing tech... I will definitely consider you if our troops are having trouble adjusting to new tech!
28-05-2005, 05:47
The Holy Empire of Shazbotdom is having a MAJOR WEAPONS SELLOFF. GET THEM WHILE THEY LAST!!! (
This is a public service announcment by the Holy Empire of Shazbotdom, The Minsiters of Forign Defence, Marine Corps, Finance, Public Relations, and the Shazbotdom Chamber of Commerce.
I'd recomend taking a look at the best run storefronts I've found. Naval is first and foremost the Portland Iron Works ( followed closely by Royal Shipyards of Isselmere-Nieland (, for the army and helicopter needs, defently Strategic Arms Inc ( For the Air Force, look at Phoenix Dynamix ( or roman Republican Military (
Hyst does come to the table with the lightest weight rifle avaible today, The UX-3 ( It will facilitate a much needed decreace in over carrying weight for soldiers without losing ayne effectivenes
01-06-2005, 07:47
Aequatian Military Industries offers a wide range of military equipment ranging across all branches of a nation's armed forces, it offers all equipment currently and previously in use by the Aequatian Republic. As well, if there isn't something you are looking for on the storefront, we would be happy to design something to your specifications.
Aequatian Military Industries Storefront (
Neuvo Rica
01-06-2005, 09:31
Try theEdinburgh Military Shipyards ( .
I found these most useful in Modernising my navy.