ooc: Coming Soon: The Despair of Wolfish [sign-up]
Here is the In-Character thread: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=8963487#post8963487
Here are the guidelines.
1. I must approve your participation. My criteria is simply that you possess the ability to write and participate in a decent storyline.
2. Modern tech, which is defined (by me) as current fielded technology, or technology that could reasonably be attainted in RL but was abandoned due to the Cold War ending (ie high-mach interceptor/tactical bombers could be reasonably assumed to be modern tech following up on the technology of the SR-71 – even though the US never developed them).
3. Realistic – or at least reasonable – allowances for logistics.
4. Leave me enough of a nation to rebuild (ie no glass-bowl syndrome).
I will provide a story line that will justify your involvement in an conflict – so you don’t need to worry about that.
Please note, this will be a closed RP once I’ve accepted the players.
If you have questions – or would like to sign up – indicate here. Please – no telegrams.
Approved Participant List
Calpe [pop 500 million]
USTIO [pop 200 million]
Ollieland [pop 1 billion]
Mikosolf [pop < 50 million]
The Newer England [pop 3.6 billion]
The Fallen Races [pop < 50 million]
Authorized Terrorist Organization: Agglomerate
Total: 10ish billion [that should do it]
This thread will remain open for all ooc comments in relation to the RP.
What is this about? Civil war...invasion of your country?
I`m interested in signing up if you`ll accept me.
This will be a coalition invasion of Wolfish.
The coalition (ie whomever signs up and is approved) will be large - ideally twice my size (so 8 B plus) as invading can be costly.
Sounds good...i`m not too big....but i`d be interested in participating...let me know if i get the stamp of aproval or u need links to some of the RP`s i take/took part in :)
26-05-2005, 16:49
Hmm, I'll definitely consider this. Looks interesting. If my RP skills meet the criteria, then sign me up. Look at A New Kind Of Terror for proof of my RPing.
Hmm, I'll definitely consider this. Looks interesting. If my RP skills meet the criteria, then sign me up. Look at A New Kind Of Terror for proof of my RPing.
I'm familiar with your work - welcome.
And Calpe - you don't have much of a RP history - but I'll trust you can manage seeing as you were the first to sign up. Welcome.
Well - we may just have to get this started and continue to accept sign-ups as we go.
I've written most of the "set-up" portion - and can post it if you're both ready.
The Newer England
27-05-2005, 14:59
I got you TG Wolfish and i'm interested in joining in.
If that's okay?
I got you TG Wolfish and i'm interested in joining in.
If that's okay?
Yep - you're in.
Yeah thanks Wolfish, i hope this works out well cause my armed forces arn't huge ya know, i'm only little.
27-05-2005, 17:45
I'd be interested if you'll have me.
Sure - you're in.
Coalition population now nearing 4 billion.
Alright - I've launched the ic thread - as noted in the first post it can be found here:
This is largely a post about the back story and gives an opening for a international response.
I've taken some liberties - but trust that Calpe will be fine with being the target of my aggression. ;)
28-05-2005, 16:12
I would like to participate, if there aren't already too many people. Basic agenda is to send in some soldiers that will try to secure the nation from enemies and then close in on it to plunder it.
Mikosolf Corporation
28-05-2005, 16:17
I hope I am not to late, I would like to join this RP if not. Pretty good writer (participated in a thread thats now archived, well who I used to be was...)
I'm aka A Few Rich People (till I was lazy and it went boom) factbook! http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=398368
Not sure but I think that puts me over 3 billion...
Cordially awaiting your response.
ok...i`m here...i`ll post in half an hour or so....just came back from another city....Wolfish...can you TG me your AIM, MSN, Yahoo...whatever you use?
28-05-2005, 19:05
Calpe, with regards to your post:
Soren is currently on a mission inside Sanctaphrax as part of the DFD RP, therefore he can't be there. The two RPs are ongoing at the same time, so he can't be in both places.
Calpe, with regards to your post:
Soren is currently on a mission inside Sanctaphrax as part of the DFD RP, therefore he can't be there. The two RPs are ongoing at the same time, so he can't be in both places.
Hmm...you`re right...sorry about that...it just seems to prelong forever that RP...and i wanted to make Soren more important then just an assasin.....i`ll edit the post then and make someone else take the place of ISS director.
30-05-2005, 09:31
I got your TG Wolfish, just got back from a weekend in another part of the country so I hope I'm not too late. :)
Okay - couple things - sign-ups are now closed. If you're name isn't listed you may observe only.
Coalition population is roughly double mine - so that should give you a chance. ;)
Dump - let's drop the space-based artillery and keep this pretty modern tech - besides we both have it so we'd just cancel each other out.
Let's all remember to keep the story high quality and full of surprises.
Wolfish...could you please TG me your messenger id?
Wolfish...could you please TG me your messenger id?
30-05-2005, 19:48
Sorry guys, I just came to one hell of a realization. I'm shite at war RPing. I've never actually done a war, my knowledge of this kind of thing is less than zero. So sorry Wolfish, I think I'll have to pull out. Sorry again.
No worries - we'll re-open the RP - accepting a nation of around 2 billion - or several nations adding up to as much.
30-05-2005, 20:01
Alright thanks, I'll ask around, maybe someone will be interested. (feel free to send me your MSN if you want :))
31-05-2005, 15:38
If I meet your RPing selection criteria, I'd be willing to fill in, though note that my population is near the 3 billion mark./OOC
31-05-2005, 17:31
Well about the gun, its an experimental weapon that can fire tungsten rods a huge distance.
But I do intend to use it, RP'ing its failure as I go. ;)
The Newer England
01-06-2005, 00:25
If I meet your RPing selection criteria, I'd be willing to fill in, though note that my population is near the 3 billion mark./OOC
Or I could join :) I May be a little large though!
I'd like to join in, but I guess I am much to small
Well about the gun, its an experimental weapon that can fire tungsten rods a huge distance.
But I do intend to use it, RP'ing its failure as I go. ;)
I remember what it is...remember you used it on one of my fleets. Keep in mind that if you do use it, then I'll feel free to use mine (almost the same weapon).
Or I could join :) I May be a little large though!
Because we have such a terribly long history - you're in as the last members of the coalition against me.
With that - sign-ups are re-closed. Sorry to all others who asked.
Calpe - can I assume that the guys on the rigs have now been captured and hauled back to your nation and are somewhere being detained?
Yes Wolfish...sorry...i forgot to mention the re-capture after i neutralised the soldiers....i sent the helicopters and minesweepers in the area with the thought in mind that the oil rigs are back under my control.
The Newer England
03-06-2005, 01:09
Because we have such a terribly long history - you're in as the last members of the coalition against me.
With that - sign-ups are re-closed. Sorry to all others who asked.
Alright - let this stand as official notice that I've updated my web site (www.freewebs.com/wolfish) - and reserve the right for one more update before I lock the numbers down for this RP.
Here is what changed today:
1. Updated primary Wolfish map - adding scale, TAL 4 Prison (at the request of a coaltion member).
2. Added new map - topographical representation of Wolfish.
3. Updated Naval numbers to better reflect the size of the navy - there are now 5 Naval Groups - each comprised of 30 battle groups - each of which has 16 warships. Total number of combat ships - 2550. Incidently, in RL at the height of the cold war the USSR had nearly as many ships in its navy.
4. Minor updates to population figures.
I'm reserving the right to update my airforce numbers. I haven't touched them in some time. The numbers shown are way too low. I'll likely simply add two or three more Air Combat Commands, depending on the math.
If anyone has concerns about what I've done, speak now.
Some RL business....I'm not only typically over the weekend, and I'm out of town on business for the first part of next week.
I'll try to post on Tuesday during a brief window - so if you folks want to all start making your next moves - I'll respond then.
The situation as this point is I've got a big ol blockade of ships sitting in the middle of the ocean. To get to Wolfish you either need to go through, or attempt to go around.
03-06-2005, 22:05
Or attack with the Wolfish battlegroup that I haven't moved since our last encounter?
Abeit with a repair carrier by now, its still a carrier group.
As for the weapon, no, you haven't seen it, and you sure as hell wouldn't know about it since I've never ever used it before.
sorry about my lack of posts in the last 36-48 hours....i still dont have the time to post now in the ic thread....but starting tomorow i`ll be back home
The Newer England
10-06-2005, 14:05
Does anyone by any chance have a map of the areas involved? I know of Wolfish's website, what about Calpe?
My map is there...but its not a map of the region...just my nation....Dumpsterdam should be south of me
And to put it all in perspective - I'm working under the premise that Wolfish is South East of Calpe - approx 4000 km away.
The Wolfish 1st Navy is halfway between the two nations, so approx 2000 km from each.
The Newer England
12-06-2005, 01:34
That helps! I will assume The Newer England is Somewhere West by North West of Calpe.
Regarding this latest attack - I'm going to wait for Dump's response/losses before posting my losses and counter-counter-counter attack.
I'm going to post tomorrow (Friday) - with or without Dump posting his losses - should he return he should start by responding to that attack before taking any further offensive action. Likewise - if the fleets move, his troops will be where he left them.
That work for everyone?
The Newer England
18-06-2005, 04:16
Sounds good! If he dosn't, I may have to try to come up with more forces of my own...
The Newer England
24-06-2005, 03:36
Does that work for you guys? Are there any questions?
Does that work for you guys? Are there any questions?
Looks good.
I'm going to get you guys some help from a terrorist nation that can cause some internal turmoil for me.
If all goes well - the nation of Agglomerate is going to conduct some terrorist activities in Wolfish that will hurt our war effort.
24-06-2005, 19:20
Curses! A thousand time curses of this pathetic world.
Explanation for my absence would be that I was currently unable to access my internet(my internet got cut by accident, some idiot with a wire cutter decided it would be a good idea to cut a few random wires in our meter cabinet)
So it took a while to re-wire the entire thing and get my internet sorted, I'm sorry for any delays I might have caused and I'll try catch up reading tonight, my post will come tommorow.
The Newer England
26-06-2005, 16:10
Curses! A thousand time curses of this pathetic world.
Explanation for my absence would be that I was currently unable to access my internet(my internet got cut by accident, some idiot with a wire cutter decided it would be a good idea to cut a few random wires in our meter cabinet)
So it took a while to re-wire the entire thing and get my internet sorted, I'm sorry for any delays I might have caused and I'll try catch up reading tonight, my post will come tommorow.
Do we wanna just play on without him?
Do we wanna just play on without him?
Dump - welcome back.
NE - lets keep posting and Dump can catch up when he catches up.
The Newer England
27-06-2005, 16:40
Just FYI.
My Naval Platform: www.geocities.com/thenewerenglandgovernment/Navy201-platforms.html
My INFDNs: www.geocities.com/thenewerenglandgovernment/Navy201-INFDN.html
Just FYI.
My Naval Platform: www.geocities.com/thenewerenglandgovernment/Navy201-platforms.html
My INFDNs: www.geocities.com/thenewerenglandgovernment/Navy201-INFDN.html
Looks good. Can we tone down the lasers - or at least have them be a bit undependable in war situations?
In other news, and keeping with my love of maps...here's a new one, now posted at www.freewebs.com/wolfish
It shows the Wolfish Defensive Zone structure....which will be handy when the invasions start. Please make full use of it so we all know where each other are.
The Newer England
28-06-2005, 05:20
Looks good. Can we tone down the lasers - or at least have them be a bit undependable in war situations?
In other news, and keeping with my love of maps...here's a new one, now posted at www.freewebs.com/wolfish
It shows the Wolfish Defensive Zone structure....which will be handy when the invasions start. Please make full use of it so we all know where each other are.
Sense it's current tech, I didn't think much of it. I need some defences to attack you but how about this; not much of the technology is made public, so how about a problem with overheating? They are very accurate and capable but they must cool for an average of 10 seconds per shot. They can be shot more then once but it will be cumulative and eventually they will start to damage themselves from heat. After an average of 10 shots each they will need to cool for around 1 1/2 minutes. With the way missiles fly these days this would be a major vulnerability. Of course this is an OOC post so you dont actually know this! :-) I'm sure you would be able to figure it out quick enough though.
Does this work or is it to much still? I guess with one on top of each of my protectors it makes for a lot. But I'm sure they will be over loaded quickly!
... They are very accurate and capable but they must cool for an average of 10 seconds per shot. They can be shot more then once but it will be cumulative and eventually they will start to damage themselves from heat. After an average of 10 shots each they will need to cool for around 1 1/2 minutes.
That's perfect. I just didn't want this to start down the slippery slope to uber-modern tech.
28-06-2005, 14:24
Apologies for my absence. Work and family commitments. Will compose and make a post in a few hours.
Apologies for my absence. Work and family commitments. Will compose and make a post in a few hours.
I'm glad you're still with us. I think the story line with your folks already in-country is great - you may want to start thinking of them as a pre-invasion spec-ops team.
Regarding Post # 61 - only one of you can RP "Jonathan" - and receive the letter. What you do with it after that is your business - but please - one nation will have to take up the role of "spymaster" for the course of this RP. I will provide "Tim" - and thereby "Jonathan" with other material in the future.
First one to post gets "Jonathan".
The Agglomerate
05-07-2005, 00:29
Tag, incase you haven't read the IC thread yet, I'm the terrorist RPer, if anybody wants or needs some urban support, feel free to TG me and I'll see what my operatives can do, please if you ask for support from my operatives, count on arming them, all they have is home made 9mm SMG's
This is one of the finest RPs I've seen in some time. Keep it up guys.
PS - Love the terrorist potential - make good use of it.
I've sent a TG to all who signed up but haven't really shown up in the RP.
If anyone has a suggestion for other RPs that could bulk up the Calpe side of the RP - that'd be great.
Tom Joad
11-07-2005, 22:41
I'm going to spend the next twenty minutes and an hour or so tomorrow reading through the IC stuff, if I'm interested I wouldn't mind committing something akin to support of Calpe. Nothing major really, mainly expeditionary forces but details if we're both interested in participation.
I'm going to spend the next twenty minutes and an hour or so tomorrow reading through the IC stuff, if I'm interested I wouldn't mind committing something akin to support of Calpe. Nothing major really, mainly expeditionary forces but details if we're both interested in participation.
A couple hours ago I had the RL opportunity to tour a Canadian Frigate (HMCS Toronto). It was a great experience. It's one thing to read the stats and write about them - its a whole other thing when you're standing next to a real Harpoon launcher.
Now - if only they'd let me push the buttons!
Couple things.
NE - several outstanding issues that you should respond to when you get the chance (I just don't want you to overlook anything - given my lengthy response).
First is the Seal Team now captured.
Second the other Seal Team meeting the old couple on the beach.
Third is the attack I launched on the sub following its missile launch.
Calpe - where is your fleet exactly?
Ollie - same - where's your fleet?
If you guys also want to pitch ideas to our friendly neighbourhood terrorist organization - that's cool too.
Couple things.
NE - several outstanding issues that you should respond to when you get the chance (I just don't want you to overlook anything - given my lengthy response).
First is the Seal Team now captured.
Second the other Seal Team meeting the old couple on the beach.
Third is the attack I launched on the sub following its missile launch.
Calpe - where is your fleet exactly?
Ollie - same - where's your fleet?
If you guys also want to pitch ideas to our friendly neighbourhood terrorist organization - that's cool too.
Well, the fleets that left from Calpian territory should be all at the same place...around 4-500 km from NDZ 1-2 i guess
13-07-2005, 22:11
Last I posted, my fleet had peeled off from the Grand Armada and was 750km East North East of Canyon Bay. Its probably about 500 km away now.
Last I posted, my fleet had peeled off from the Grand Armada and was 750km East North East of Canyon Bay. Its probably about 500 km away now.
Are you sure you don't mean West North West? E-N-E would put you in the bay just south of the North Channel near Salzburg...or am I confused?
14-07-2005, 17:06
My mistake, I was very tired when I wrote that. Of courese I meant West North West
The Fallen Races
15-07-2005, 02:34
Wolfish, might I join this RP?
Absolutely...you'll of course have a relatively small force - I might suggest you RP a few Spec-Ops teams that can aid the invasion force, instead of a part of that force itself.
The Vuhifellian States
15-07-2005, 15:03
Putting aside that ridiculous question of mine earlier, may I join this RP?
The Newer England
15-07-2005, 15:30
This is a quick look at how my force is laid out as it approaches Wolfish, in case anyone cares!
It's kinda big, but it shows every ship just about!
Putting aside that ridiculous question of mine earlier, may I join this RP?
Sure. Welcome.
To All: May I suggest that, if you haven't already, you create some method of coordinating attacks.
To NE: Nice friggin deployment chart. Let's assume that my attack on the fleet was to the further East group, and concentrated on the eastern side of that group (assuming North is up).
The Newer England
15-07-2005, 18:11
Sure. Welcome.
To All: May I suggest that, if you haven't already, you create some method of coordinating attacks.
To NE: Nice friggin deployment chart. Let's assume that my attack on the fleet was to the further East group, and concentrated on the eastern side of that group (assuming North is up).
I can do that, but I already finished my post, so I'll have to go back over it.
I got things to do now, but I should be able to post it later!
Tom Joad
15-07-2005, 21:02
I think I'm going to pass on this one, just a little too far gone for me to feel comfortable getting involved with.
The Agglomerate
16-07-2005, 04:50
Anyone feel like taking advantage of a dug in special operations unit capable of operating in public areas without support and devastating Wolfish assets with out fear of death or reprisal? The Agglomerate has agents in Wolfish and needs your help coordinating their attacks with your military operations, Please TG me or get me on AIM at salsahead01.
Hey all - its Wednesday - work blew up good on me this week - I should be posting tomorrow though. Sorry for the delay.
20-07-2005, 16:56
Can i slot in somwhere here?
Can i slot in somwhere here?
Yep - fighting me - we may want to start with the forces I have stationed in your country! I believe I have 10,000 troops and an airbase there.
NE - Regarding the engagement with the Wolfish 3rd navy - given you were operating at max range - I'm assuming the ships furthest back will be unscathed - that your barrage targetted the first 5 battlegroups. The other groups are going to try and flank you.
I'm about halfway through a monster post - so bear with me. It's coming.
The Newer England
27-07-2005, 03:40
NE - Regarding the engagement with the Wolfish 3rd navy - given you were operating at max range - I'm assuming the ships furthest back will be unscathed - that your barrage targetted the first 5 battlegroups. The other groups are going to try and flank you.
I'm about halfway through a monster post - so bear with me. It's coming.
Sounds fine with me, looking forward to reading the post!
I've created a zoomed in map of NDZ 1. Sorry about the low res. If you can't see the picture it's on the backpage of my website www.freewebs.com/wolfish.
The legend is the same as the previous maps - with the addition of purple indicating power plants.
The Newer England
28-07-2005, 03:54
Nice! Even with the low res.
Regarding Operation Storm Front...
I've made some assumptions - regarding the deployment of your ships - I explain this at the beginning of the ic thread.
Beyond that though, I'm assuming that a) the vast majority of your aircraft are inland aiding in the landing of your troops and b) that the decoy's that I've sent in (directly towards your troops) work and distract your fighters long enough so that I can either get in and out or they won't have the fuel to fight the bombers.
Let me know if you're okay with that.
The Newer England
29-07-2005, 20:25
Regarding Operation Storm Front...
I've made some assumptions - regarding the deployment of your ships - I explain this at the beginning of the ic thread.
Beyond that though, I'm assuming that a) the vast majority of your aircraft are inland aiding in the landing of your troops and b) that the decoy's that I've sent in (directly towards your troops) work and distract your fighters long enough so that I can either get in and out or they won't have the fuel to fight the bombers.
Let me know if you're okay with that.
Actually, this is a quote from my last IC post, note the last sentence;
“From the Naval Platform: 72 F-117A Nighthawks fly at high altitude to strike if and where needed, 60 F-15E Strike Eagles escorted by 120 F-15 Eagles launch with half going 100 miles up the shoreline and the other half going the other way to poise to strike any ground targets there or intercept incoming aircraft. The remainder of its’ aircraft stand manned and ready to launch when and if needed.”
The link that I gave you for my platform which is on page 3 or 4 of the OOC thread shows that it has 1080 fighter aircraft.
I launched 252 fighters from the Platform, and kept the rest back and ready for “when and if needed,” so I have hundreds of fighters standing ready! The primary support for the landing was coming from the carriers in the amphibious force.
Sorry I did not explain a little better! How do you want to do it, I can respond the way you wrote it if you want?
The other assumptions I have no problems with.
29-07-2005, 20:31
Can i get in? Preferedly in a role where i use infantry as opposed to Naval/Aerial warfare.
Only small but i wanna make some contribution
Actually, this is a quote from my last IC post, note the last sentence;
“From the Naval Platform: 72 F-117A Nighthawks fly at high altitude to strike if and where needed, 60 F-15E Strike Eagles escorted by 120 F-15 Eagles launch with half going 100 miles up the shoreline and the other half going the other way to poise to strike any ground targets there or intercept incoming aircraft. The remainder of its’ aircraft stand manned and ready to launch when and if needed.”
The link that I gave you for my platform which is on page 3 or 4 of the OOC thread shows that it has 1080 fighter aircraft.
I launched 252 fighters from the Platform, and kept the rest back and ready for “when and if needed,” so I have hundreds of fighters standing ready! The primary support for the landing was coming from the carriers in the amphibious force.
Sorry I did not explain a little better! How do you want to do it, I can respond the way you wrote it if you want?
The other assumptions I have no problems with.
That's the link I couldn't find yesterday...damn.
Alright - here's what I propose - I'm going to modify / add to the 747B portion of the strike which will add some missiles to try and pockmark your runways...but I won't add anymore fighters - so you should have some fun with whatever you get airborne.
I'm also planning on having your spy pick up the location of President Todler - I figure he needs to die soon.
Intl Red Cross
01-08-2005, 17:44
OOC: Sorry for the delay ... (RL has been busy), but if there is a desire for the International Red Cross Organization to play a *neutral* humanitarian only role, I am still interested and now will be happy to make the time to keep active (meaning perhaps a post every weekday and reading everything else). :)
The Newer England
10-08-2005, 04:55
IRD: I don't mind
My computer is having troubles, I hope to post within a couple of days. Sorry!
Intl Red Cross
13-08-2005, 07:29
I'm still here, but won't jump into a military conflict unless asked for HUMANITARIAN (i.e. non military) purposes. :) I've subscribed to the main thread and will check it once a week. If you need a faster IRC response, a telegram to Mikitivity will get a much faster response.
Also feel free to write "humanitarian" styled statements form the Intl Red Cross Organization much like we'd expect in our world! :)
The Newer England
17-08-2005, 06:49
I'm still here, but won't jump into a military conflict unless asked for HUMANITARIAN (i.e. non military) purposes. :) I've subscribed to the main thread and will check it once a week. If you need a faster IRC response, a telegram to Mikitivity will get a much faster response.
Also feel free to write "humanitarian" styled statements form the Intl Red Cross Organization much like we'd expect in our world! :)
Well, I'm not asking for your help. I'm at war with him and the more his people suffer the easier it will be for me to win! I'd probably even try to block your support if you did attempt to help.
Guys - very sorry - RL has kicked the hell out of me lately.
I'm bailing on this, with much regret - this was one of the best RPs I'd seen in some time.
I'm going to assume that each of you have successfully invaded NDZ 1, and are now an occupying force.
If and when I come back, and you're still interested, perhaps we can play that out.
Again - sorry.
Guys - very sorry - RL has kicked the hell out of me lately.
I'm bailing on this, with much regret - this was one of the best RPs I'd seen in some time.
I'm going to assume that each of you have successfully invaded NDZ 1, and are now an occupying force.
If and when I come back, and you're still interested, perhaps we can play that out.
Again - sorry.
Damn, sorry to hear you got problems. We`ll be here when you come back if you want to continue with this. Good luck with the RL.
29-08-2005, 17:57
Guys - very sorry - RL has kicked the hell out of me lately.
I'm bailing on this, with much regret - this was one of the best RPs I'd seen in some time.
I'm going to assume that each of you have successfully invaded NDZ 1, and are now an occupying force.
If and when I come back, and you're still interested, perhaps we can play that out.
Again - sorry.
Good luck. We'll be waiting.
The Newer England
30-08-2005, 05:04
Guys - very sorry - RL has kicked the hell out of me lately.
I'm bailing on this, with much regret - this was one of the best RPs I'd seen in some time.
I'm going to assume that each of you have successfully invaded NDZ 1, and are now an occupying force.
If and when I come back, and you're still interested, perhaps we can play that out.
Again - sorry.
Sorry to hear. Don't worry, I'll make sure I plunder all of your natural resorces while your gone :-)
Hope to see you back some time...!