The Planet Federation
26-05-2005, 06:05
OOC-This thread is bewteen the Dominon Alliance and The Planet Federation. If you wish to join it please Tg. Me
IC- The Planet Federation Diplomatic Committee awaited the Dominion Response.
Dominion Alliance
27-05-2005, 18:16
The Dominion Alliance agrees to a peace summit. We wish to sign the treaty at a disclosed locaiton of your choosing.
Cardassia Minor
28-05-2005, 22:08
Cardassia Minor wishes to provide Security for the Peace Summit. We will not allow Dominion ships around the location of the Summit. We prefer, that the representatives from the Dominion Alliance be transported on a Cardassian ship to the Summit.
The Planet Federation
31-05-2005, 17:35
We accept these terms furthermore we propose that the Summit be heald in Gain territory this would be greatly appericated.