NationStates Jolt Archive

The United States declares war on Jangle Jangle Ridge (attn Allies of TFU):

The Fedral Union
26-05-2005, 04:13
"Since you obviously do not comply, we have no other choice than to use military force. All Ridgian out-of-system patrol ships have been ordered to disable and detain TFU supply ships on detection. Any TFU ships detected by Ridgian sensors will be destroyed."

Sorrah leaned back and sighed to herself lightly. This was going to get messy... and fast... she just hoped that they could still gain the strength to destroy Ven Ker'seahn after the battle to come...

USFU congress may 25 2990:
Speaker of the house rosily Jennifer’s, as of today may 25,2990 after the act of war and ultmatuim communiqué to the union buy JJR this congress with a vote to 550/525, as of now a state of war has been declared with JJR the federation will not tolerate being bullied, these orders have been sent to the presdeint who will sign it.

President bastidas on live through out the galaxy:
To day it is my duty to report, that JJR has declared war on us basically, the congress has voted to declare the full might and resources of the United states military and its industries to war against this pathetic excuse for a bully, I’m am authorizing the mobilization of ships and forces along this nations borders and to protect our fleet of merchant ship any attack on them will be met with deadly force, I will not tolerate nor our people will not tolerate being bullied in this manner and it will stop, the Union has full confidence in star fleets ability to fend off an attack, the united states will delay its flooding and stop it to preserve funds for the war effort, we don’t expect this war to be easy or have a quick victory but if JJR wants a fight they can come and get it we will not bow down we will stand up and fight for ourselves!, I’m also authorizing the deployment of a new class of ship the Jupiter class, and several others. To rush in to service for this war. Good luck to every one and our armed forces and may what ever gods you worship bless this nation. The comn cuts to normal programming.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
26-05-2005, 04:51
OOC: So it goes.
IC: Sorrah groaned to herself as she got the news. She knew it'd be bad, but she didn't think they'd declare war right off the bat... Well, there was nothing to do about it...


"Lock and load, you sons of bitches! We got ourselves some humans to kill!"

The gaunt captain smiled, showing two rows of massive, jagged teeth. He swung a heavy chaingun strap over his shoulder and stepped into the Nes'sor transport.


Scores of hovertanks skimmed their way through the massive hangar, gliding into the back of the hulking Warmonger. After over 300 tanks had gotten on, the entire hangar began to slide away. Panels slid back into other panels, which in turn slid back, until all that was left was a topless box. Thrusters fired, and the warship lifted from the space station's surface, in unison with countless others. It had... begun...
26-05-2005, 05:11
OOC: Wow, haven't seen you in a while, TFU! I'm just going to observe this thread, so TAG!
26-05-2005, 05:11
OOC: JJR, get in touch with me on IM in the morning. I need to talk to you relating to this...
26-05-2005, 08:30
OOC: Hmm.. Well well well.. who to kill...

Tag of course.
Neo Zeta
26-05-2005, 09:49
Statment from Neo Zeta Council-

We support the TFU in their war. The unjust acts of the JJR must not go unpunished. We will close off all trade with JJR and break diplomatic ties as well. Even tho we are not in a postion to support the TFU militarly. The Forces of TFU are in our hearts and minds. Any TFU ship needing repairs, resupply our some rest are welcome to all Neo Zeta Space Ports. We pray for the safty of TFU troops and their fast and over welling victory.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
26-05-2005, 12:17
OOC: Just so you know, I don't want very many allies in this war. Or at least, not on my side. If I see the need to get allies, I will tell you. Until I see fit, I'm hoping to do this alone.

Also... 5 billion! Wh00t!
26-05-2005, 12:40
Statment from lord ryu -

We support JJR in their war. The unjust acts of TFU must not go unpunished. We will close off all trade with TFU and break diplomatic ties as well. Even tho we are not in a postion to support the JJR militarly. The Forces of JJR are in our hearts and minds. Any JJR ship needing repairs, resupply our space ports are open to you JJR . We pray for the safty of JJR troops and their fast and over welling victory.
The Fedral Union
26-05-2005, 13:49
A convoy of freighters and star ships slowly rumbled along towards neo zeta space they were still in neutral space being escorted by no more than 8 star ships including 1 Prometheus class and 1 sovereign class.

The captain of the lead vessel was sitting on his chair quietly humming as he read the presidents speech in a news paper padd he said “ohh bloody hell!”, his helms officer looked over “what sir?”, the captain replied shaking his head “well its seems we have a bit of a war on our hands”, the officer nodded saying “don’t these things always happen some big nation thinks they can bully us around well I’m ready to fight to the death against this bully”

Mean while on the lead ship the Prometheus class USS valiant-A captain Richardson anders was sitting on his chair looking at continuous scans of the surrounding sectors and regions as far as 500 lys out. His officers were quietly monitoring as the ship moved thorough neutral space there consoles blinking and
flashing, it was some what dull.

The ships rumbled along there hulls gleaming the star light and the dull dark blue naccels shining as the ships rumbled slowly along the void.
The Humankind Abh
26-05-2005, 19:21
Empress Romage received a communication informing her that the TFU had mobilized for war. She sent out a communication on an open frequency that could be heard by all.

Bound by alliance and friendship, the Empire of the Abh as of today has mobilized for war. The 2nd and 3rd fleet are currently on their way to TFU's homeworld where they will be under their control. Admiral Mustaf will be in charge of the 2nd fleet while Admiral Spoor shall lead the 3rd fleet. Admiral Bebaus's fleet is on stand by as reinforcements. Supply fleets Omega and Alpha shall accompany the two fleets. Accompany the fleets will also be squadrons of our new fighter class ships. To all our forces, we pray for your safe return. Remember always that you are the kin of the stars. Fight well!
The Fedral Union
26-05-2005, 20:44
(bump btw thanks abh i owe ya one im wiating for JJR's reply)
Jangle Jangle Ridge
26-05-2005, 21:41
In the center of a small, mostly-uninhabited system, a massive trans beacon lit up, pulsing out signals strong enough to stretch through all of the galaxy.

The Fedral Union
26-05-2005, 22:48
The ops officer of the lead ship looked over to the captain saying “sir were detecting a beacon in a system a few light years away what should we do?” the captain sighed and looked over saying “well we cant investigate it we have to escort this convoy but send a probe in and lets continue on..”
The ops officer nodded launching a probe form the ship the probe zipped and whooshed towards the system investigating as the convoy rumbled along.
26-05-2005, 22:51
An Imperial Scoutship watched undetected from deep within T-Space. The crew silently recorded and relayed everything that they detected back to the Empire.


Just a fancy TAG
Jangle Jangle Ridge
26-05-2005, 22:54
The system was just that, a system. There we no ships, no traps, no mines, just a small planet, and a white dwarf star.
The Fedral Union
26-05-2005, 23:22
The probe scanned the planet and started to send back information as the fleet moved lslowly towards the border.
27-05-2005, 00:11
Tag, this could be interesting indeed
Jangle Jangle Ridge
27-05-2005, 00:42
The system was quiet. It had always been quiet, because there was no reason not to be. Well, that, and the fact that you couldn't really HEAR anything, because there wasn't anything but empty space in most of it. And then... a small black sphere popped into existance, right in front of the union droid. Just a 1 metre diameter black sphere, made of what looked like plastic or metal. A few small slits opened on the back of the sphere, and hissing gradually became audible as the oxygen gas was pumped from a small storage container inside it. And then, a moment later, the sphere popped open in a whirling storm of sounds and light. As the artificial smoke cleared, the object was reveal, a small, wide-smiling comm bot, complete with microphone and a buzzing camera drone circling around it. The mystery and finesse of the drone was lost as it began to transmit with its face split by a massive smile.

"Heyheyhey folks! Looks like we've got a doozy today! Guns, mines, rams, you name it, you're gonna see it today, boys and girls! On one side, we have the lovely, majestic, fabulous, fantastameristamagical Jangle Jangle Riiiiiiiiidge!"

With that, the gleaming robot swept its arms to side, as ship upon ship began to manifest itself, creating a gleaming tide of armor and weaponry.

"And here, on the other side, we have the ugly, the snot-nosed, the utterly undermaintained ships of The Fedraaaaaaal Uniiiiiiiioooooooooon! But... they aren't here. So we're going to have to wait. I hear tell that they fielded all eight of their ships for some convoy they're moving around. Just kidding folks, just kidding. They have at least nine ships. So, here we are, waiting for them. Anyone wanna give them a ring? Wait, here we go! I have the solution!"

The robot turned around to the nearby probe and started yelling at it slowly.

"Do... you... un-der-stand... Stan-dard? Come... to... the... bea-con, O-K?"

Again, the robot spun, springing up an even wider smile than before.

"There you have it, folks! Those are our contestants! Stay tuned for the action!"

Thanks, Balrogga!
27-05-2005, 01:14
Public statement:
The Socialist Republic is deeply disturbed by the offensive actions of the Fedral Union in this incident. Though we are unwilling to commit to participation in the conflict to come, the Alphin and Council have agreed that the nation's sale of goods to the United States should be suspended for at least the duration of the war. Henceforth, no organization in Mirfak shall be permitted to sell potentially harmful goods to the United States or any of its citizens or entities. Likewise, Mirfakan ships are being instructed to halt transportation to United States territory. The Alphin wishes to stress, however, that these protective actions will not affect diplomatic relations between the Fedral Union and Mirfak, and all embassy, visitation, and immigration/emmigration regulations will not be altered.

-The offices of the Alphin and Council, via the Xanthalian Ministry of Communications
The Fedral Union
27-05-2005, 01:22
The probe sent back nothing since there was nothing being heard the convoys continued on there route undisturbed it seemed that JJR’s ultimatum was a hollow threat, but the ships were still vigilant.

In response to Xanthal suspending of goods all trade between the union and Xanthal will be cut and companies ejected from the stock exchange during the war, there will also be a strict tax of any Xanthalian ship in this area the Xanthalian embassy will be put on the watch list as well, this will not really effect the economy of the union the gdp has grown by at least 5 % in response.
The Fedral Union
27-05-2005, 01:55
mean while several CG-47 Ticonderoga classes (about 8 warped in to the system were the other bot had been seen, accompanied by a Prometheus class, multiple galaxy classes , 2 sovereign classes, nebula classes ambassador classes, and a new Jupiter class ship, along with akria steam runner and 4 Marida classes .

The ships were using an Interphaseic cloak the fleet slowly glided in diligently with a couple of defiant classes flanking up the rear over half the defiant squad hiding in areas 3 ( CG47S) rushed in to position to bombard the enemy, one of the ship engaged jamming and FTLI.s mines were also laid quickly .

Every thing was in position for an ambush

all in all (40 ships)
(the one on top is the CG-47)
27-05-2005, 02:16
Message to the government of the Fedral Union:
Your domestic sanctions are your own business, but we will be requiring that you allow distribution of notice by our embassy in your nation to Xanthalian citizens there. This will be done in order to ensure that all Xanthalian citizens in your nation are aware of the sanctions you have placed and may leave if they wish. Xanthal also requests that one week's notice of further actions directly concerning Xanthalian people or interests in your nation be given so that the appropriate communications have time to go through and disagreements between our governments can be minimized.
-The Office of the Alphin of Xanthal

Message to the government of the Fedral Union:
In order to preserve our own interests, the Ministry of Economics has decided to reciprocate your expulsion of Xanthalian parties from your own stock market by voiding all shares of Xanthalian stock held by United States parties, effective immediately. Xanthal will reciprocate all further economic sanctions levied against it by the Fedral Union.
-The Xanthalian Ministry of Economics
Jangle Jangle Ridge
27-05-2005, 02:34
OOC: Fine. I have absolutely nothing to reply to, seeing as how you asserted your point of MSN to the point where I have decided I don't care.

The robot groaned metallically to himself. After a few hours of waiting, he ran out of things to say, and started tapdancing. In the middle of space. To neo-rag-time music.
The Fedral Union
27-05-2005, 02:39
Every thing was in position for an ambush
Mean while an attack squadron of 10 defiant classes rumbled in while the other ships are cloaked waiting for the enemy .
Jangle Jangle Ridge
27-05-2005, 03:35
The robot whistled to himself, and then looked up idly at the approaching ships dully.

"Well, you're here! That can mean only one thing!"

The robot shot upwards, for a panoramic view over the battle.



Slowly, ten massive ramships lowered themselves below the sea of ships, then slid to the front. They sat for a moment. And then, suddenly, they had covered half the distance to the enemy ships in the blink of an eye, spinning and firing all forward weapons and they hurled towards impacts at speeds comperable to all but the fastest of missiles and railgun shells.
The Fedral Union
27-05-2005, 03:53
As the enemy weapons hit the ships shields 4 defiant classes were severally dammed 5 were destroyed buy the first strike the rest rushed out of formation and some of the ships started de cloaking, defiant classes and other ships raced towards a group of 20 defiant classes started rushing towards the ram ships matching there speed and maneuvers, friend there powerful pulse Phasers and multiple quantum torpedoes volleys (10 in each) the missile cruisers started targeting heavier ship unleashing a hellish barrage teraton giga ton and extremely high speed missiles and torpedoes towards the enemy fleet targeting heavy ships., they supplement there intense fire with massive barrages of Phasers and pulse Phasers streaming out in a glorious stream. While the wreckage of destroyed and severally damaged defiant moved buy still flaming from the peril hey had endured, over 20 ships were swarming the fast ones the Prometheus classes focused there full forward and ventral might on the ship almost 12 phaser arrays and 25 torpedoes per second flew out of the ships streaming towards multiple targets,

Ambassador class ships that had warped in later started rushing heavy enemy ships firing Phasers and torpedo sans the Prometheus turned its attention to enemy capital ships, as the galaxy and sovereign classes did the same there fire streaming out witch way in a glorious burst of crimson orange and blue energy, as well as targeting the carrier like ships as well.

SF-1 star falcons and SF-22 star raptors rushed out of multiple bays on multiple ships starting to raid at extremely fast speeds enemy ships the full might of the federal fleet was now pulsating and firing forward on the JJR fleet.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
27-05-2005, 04:38
Under the combined fire of the numerically superior ships, the ramships began to collapse, twisting and flaming, but continuing to fly forward, if now nothing more than hunks of propelled steel. As soon as the energy weapons began to fire on the fleet of ships, the entire formation split, slicing off into rows. Almost instantly, every ship set target locks and began to let loose missile after missile, while lining up shots for energy weapons and railguns. The rest of the ramships sped off at various ships, striking hard and fast.

And yet, the wildly careening formations could not avoid all damage. As they swung into position, phasers raked hurls, piercing shields and scorching the armor beneath, melting some of it. Other ships fell prey to the missiles, takings blows to the side and spinning off into space as they split in two.
27-05-2005, 05:32
In the face of the increasing hostilities, the Alphin of Xanthal issues an executive recommendation that all citizens and vessels from his nation evacuate the warring national territories.
Blood Moon Goblins
27-05-2005, 05:47
"Whos dat?"
"Federal Union, only 'e says 'es the United-States to. Dunno what dats all aboot."
"Why'r joo tellin me dis?"
"'Cause nofin else is happenin and joo said ta tell joo if anyfing happened."
"Errr...did I?"
"And how does dis affect us?"
"Oh, it dont. Deyre not even in da same dimension as us!"
"Den how do joo know?"
"I have...sources."
"Joo dont even know what a source is."
"Nope. But I can look it up."
"Screw dat. Lets watch the game"
"Sounds good ta me."
The Fedral Union
27-05-2005, 16:23
Under the combined fire of the numerically superior ships, the ramships began to collapse, twisting and flaming, but continuing to fly forward, if now nothing more than hunks of propelled steel. As soon as the energy weapons began to fire on the fleet of ships, the entire formation split, slicing off into rows. Almost instantly, every ship set target locks and began to let loose missile after missile, while lining up shots for energy weapons and railguns. The rest of the ramships sped off at various ships, striking hard and fast.

And yet, the wildly careening formations could not avoid all damage. As they swung into position, phasers raked hurls, piercing shields and scorching the armor beneath, melting some of it. Other ships fell prey to the missiles, takings blows to the side and spinning off into space as they split in two.

The second enemy strike had left only 5 small ships in total wreckage, and 1 medium ship there dead hulls Floating away as they flamed in a hellish glow, even a large ship was on the verge of being destroyed. A small pool of re enforcements mean while warped just out side the system only 20 ships and they waited as the battle raged on the galaxy wings whooshed in targeting heavy capital ship and fire multiple phaser beams from both ventral and dorsal arrays as well as volleys of 12 torpedoes per second targeting heavy capital ship crimson orange fire light up the sky, as defiant classes began rushing towards the on coming ram ships 2 federal capital ships were moderately damaged by the ram ship assault 2 medium ships severally dammed ,and 2 were destroyed. The Prometheus mean while was maneuvering like a fighter attacking capital ships and making heavy runs on them, now 16 of its massively powerful phaser arrays were in use, volleys of crimson blue and orange beams flew out of the ship and other ships light up the void, intrepid class light cruisers started firing towards lighter ships as star flacons and SF-22’s wooshed around harassing ram ships and enemy ships . the CG-47’s were continuing there massive suppression firing as 2 were struck by enemy fire, explosions rocked the inside of the ships as they were torn to bits in a fiery rain of death from enemy ships there husks slowly floated away still ablaze in the night while other cruisers took over firing some of the fleet witch had maneuvered behind and above the enemy ships de cloaked and started firing there full fury towards the enemy. Several fighters were also hit and destroyed about 20 of them

27-05-2005, 17:11
The system was quiet. It had always been quiet, because there was no reason not to be. Well, that, and the fact that you couldn't really HEAR anything, because there wasn't anything but empty space in most of it. And then... a small black sphere popped into existance, right in front of the union droid. Just a 1 metre diameter black sphere, made of what looked like plastic or metal. A few small slits opened on the back of the sphere, and hissing gradually became audible as the oxygen gas was pumped from a small storage container inside it. And then, a moment later, the sphere popped open in a whirling storm of sounds and light. As the artificial smoke cleared, the object was reveal, a small, wide-smiling comm bot, complete with microphone and a buzzing camera drone circling around it. The mystery and finesse of the drone was lost as it began to transmit with its face split by a massive smile.

"Heyheyhey folks! Looks like we've got a doozy today! Guns, mines, rams, you name it, you're gonna see it today, boys and girls! On one side, we have the lovely, majestic, fabulous, fantastameristamagical Jangle Jangle Riiiiiiiiidge!"

With that, the gleaming robot swept its arms to side, as ship upon ship began to manifest itself, creating a gleaming tide of armor and weaponry.

"And here, on the other side, we have the ugly, the snot-nosed, the utterly undermaintained ships of The Fedraaaaaaal Uniiiiiiiioooooooooon! But... they aren't here. So we're going to have to wait. I hear tell that they fielded all eight of their ships for some convoy they're moving around. Just kidding folks, just kidding. They have at least nine ships. So, here we are, waiting for them. Anyone wanna give them a ring? Wait, here we go! I have the solution!"

The robot turned around to the nearby probe and started yelling at it slowly.

"Do... you... un-der-stand... Stan-dard? Come... to... the... bea-con, O-K?"

Again, the robot spun, springing up an even wider smile than before.

"There you have it, folks! Those are our contestants! Stay tuned for the action!"

Thanks, Balrogga!

OOC: XD JJR you are completely insane! lol Tag.
The Fedral Union
27-05-2005, 22:14
Jangle Jangle Ridge
28-05-2005, 02:23

The robot spun in the air above the action, jetting from place to place for close up shots.

"Aaaaaaaaand, they're off! Missiles, ramships, phasers, oh my! But... ooooooooh, it looks like those uppity Union boys are gonna get a surpriiiiiiiiiiiiiiise! Now, this is where the Ridgians really shine, folks. Just sit back, and enjoy the show."


Far below, the forces of JJR weaved and dodged, growing more used to the slicing maneuvers of the ships and fighters. And then... they stopped, hanging in the void, as if waiting for something. And waiting they were, as the Gaunt slid itself to the front. Massive plates of armor slid away from the front of the ship, and tons and tons of bb-sized pellets spilt out into space. Inexplicably, they began to form into a wall in front of the fleet of ships.


Suddenly, from above, the thin sound of a violin began to be heard through the broadcast, slowly rising into a full orchestra, to play the winding "Flight of the Bumblebee." The robot smiled and leaned back on the air.


And with that, the dance began to start. The pellets started slowly, weaving in and out in a hypnotizing pattern. Faster, faster, a whirling maelstrom came to life in front of the Ridgian ships, and they began to advance.

OOC: Here's a copy of the song, thanks to Siesatia for hosting it (Edit:AND buying it! Double-thanks!). Kudos, man!

Also, TFU, as a general rule, you shouldn't bump RPs...
The Fedral Union
28-05-2005, 05:25
The lead admiral said ”what the hell are they up to ?”… he looked around quickly as the fleet fell back one of his officers ran up panting a bit “sir sir… I have an idea!” admiral Simons said “what is it?” as he looked at the holographic 3D image,, the officer said “Well sire I suggest we engage inter lock protocol alpha omega black ..” the admiral looked over and said “what!? Are you Crazy!, that’s never been done before and plank fusing string fields in a spherical pattern might destroy half the damn fleet!” the ops officer shook his head “not if we do it right we wont be totally protected we will lose some ships but we might be able to bust threw with minimal losses if we engage the protocol, and we have ships out side the system about 20 so we can replace what we lost… and with the Jupiter here we can inflict some serious damage ”

The admiral sighed and said “do it!”

A channel was open with heavy encryption witch would take years to crack or at least months to, the message was sent engage tight formation for the alpha omega black.

The fleet stopped firing and fell back a bit, a couple of moments passed they went it to extremely close formation. Energy threads flew out from every ship in a spherical patter forming a large bubble the strings were forming triangles, a few seconds passed until the thing turned solid with the triangular strings forming fields in side the crevices. The fused shield containing the fleet was un imaginably strong but it could only be maintained for a short period of time the fleet began moving at full speed towards the wall there weapons hot. As soon as the fleet smacked in to it a glorious glow of energy flew out some ships were instantly destroyed others were badly damaged but most of the fleet was still ok about 4 ships were lost 4 damaged 2 minroly damaged, just as the fleet started getting threw it firing off its weapons massive barrages of phaser and torpedo fire flew out in waves of continuous fire targeting capital ships and ram ships and other ships fighters behind the field or in it rushed in bombing all enemy ships in site the Jupiter firing its massive cannons packing over 100 Exawatts of power but was dead momentarily but we coved by other ships, massive amounts of missiles phaser fire and torpedoes flew out of the ships the power of the armada no consitrated on the flag ship and other ships as well.
The Humankind Abh
28-05-2005, 05:36
Count Hyde's shuttle arrived on the Latchkeu where he was greeted by Admiral Spoor.

Jinto: "Greetings Admiral. What is the situation?"

Spoor: "We are holding in space time awaiting for confirmation from the forces from the United States. Their fleet already has suffered casualties and more ships are being damaged. The 2nd fleet has already taken up positions and we already to attack at a single moment."

Jinto: "Send a secure link the commanding ship."

This is Count Hyde from the Empire of the Abh. Our forces are on standby awaiting your instructions.
The Fedral Union
28-05-2005, 05:40
Just then 20 federal star ships warped in the fleet had been reduced to 52 ships not as many causiltys as projected that far in to the battle how ever there was still a ways to go mainly small ships had been destroyed how ever multiple capital ships were in flames and burning dead husks but it was still not as bad as expected.
The Fedral Union
28-05-2005, 16:22
for people who want to post )
The Fedral Union
28-05-2005, 16:54
The Jupiter finally recovered after several moments wile the fleet firing masses of Phasers and torpedoes all over the place towards all enemy ships they could see the Jupiter rushed in and opened up with force . it unleashed all its weapons hundreds of Phasers disruptor beams sub atomic disruptors torpedoes flew out in a continuous blow of fire as CG47 fired masses of missiles the missiles careening threw space at fast speed towards enemy ships phaser fire lighting up the sky with crimson fury, pulses of blue crimson yellow beams of crimson, white ,green, yellow all flew out again and again all towards a mass fire spot on each ship the main cannon fired again at reduced power levels and again (about 15 exwatts).
Defians rushed up from ahead behind above while other ships closed in starting to fire at enemy ships every thing they had, a Prometheus class separated in to 3 ships and fired its entire 18 array arsenal from all of the 3 ships including torpedoes all towards the enemy flag ship.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
28-05-2005, 17:55
OOC: I gave you your chance TFU, you had this coming. The following is a revision of the end of TFU's post a little bit back, involving the plank-fused-superstring field.


The Union ships charged valiantly towards the whirling barrier of death, sure of their victory now. And then, a small frigate to the side was torn to shreds as a pellet ripped through the field, smashing the ship in two. The powerful field of the Union ships instantly turned to a massive cascade reaction, and the union fleet was no more.

OOC: There, done. I gave you your chance, you did not take it. I bid you good day.
The Fedral Union
28-05-2005, 18:01
The Union has declared victory today as the enemy fore fitted in a fit of rage and whiney assuim that spans the universe . all union forces have been put on stand down and victory has been declared!.
Green Sun
28-05-2005, 18:06
Green Sun does not recognize any direct ties with TFU other than the fact we're trade partners, and unimportant ones at that. We will stay uninvolved in this conflict.
The Fedral Union
28-05-2005, 18:10
Green sun its really over JJR doseitn want to go on and he basicly ignored me, for not loseing my fleet to his ub3r wep .
Green Sun
28-05-2005, 18:15
((I'm still not getting involved.))
Jangle Jangle Ridge
28-05-2005, 18:17
OOC: No offense TFU, but it you do want to use fancy weapons, etc., respect the laws of physics in the future. Anyways, again, good day. Enjoy playing in the middle of a busy intersection.
The Fedral Union
28-05-2005, 18:42
JJR enough its over you lost get over it stop being sore .
28-05-2005, 18:51
OoC: It's a real shame this war collapsed, it could've been interested but instead it ended with ignores as the pseudo-"victory" of The Fedral Union - a pisspoor ending to an alright RP if you ask me.