Day of Reconing (Closed Future RP)
Space Date//5.25.2557//Captain's log// Planet Zion Battle Cluster//
"We have just completed operational construction on the last sub-orbital rail platform. The defense chain is now linked together giving the Zion planetary government a full 360 degree view of the planet's defenses. Galactic Minister has secretly ordered the trickling evacuation of non-military personell on the planet, we have reason to believe that Mokian troops are amassing at their closest planetary ship yard. We have reinforcments en route, but I am not sure if we will be able to hold them off. I must go and ready the chain stations for full engagement if that time, heaven forbid, comes upon us."
Zion Date//May 5, 2557 A.D.//General's Log//Planetary Defense Troops//
"Mokian troops are amassing on our Galactic border, we have reasonable intelligence that the force is two million plus ground troops, and we only have a good half million stationed here, but their is a rumor among the troops that the en route reinforcements are bringing experimental new M.I.U.'s (Mechanized Infantry Units) but until that point I must rally my troops for the worst."
////MDF record-2557-date unknown-////
As MDF ships emerge from slipspace, a preceding scout party of a wing of 6 Decade-class light assault gunships scan the planet.
"This is Enviro-1, reporting in. Enviro flight, check in."
"Enviro two, green"
"Enviro three, hot, mean and green"
"Enviro four, standing by"
"Enviro five, green"
"Enviro six, green"
As the flight moves foreward, suspiscion arises.
"This is Enviro one, base, I read no signs of life. Do you copy?"
"We copy, Enviro one. space Station reads dead. Move in for further recon."
"Copy, base. Enviro flight, fall out on my mark. Mark"
//Space Date 5.25.2557//Troop Record//Conversation//
"I overheard the Captain saying something about using us in some kind of experiment."
"Yeah, I heard that to, said something about Carbon Sleep or something."
"Either way, that Mokian fleet is still coming, so I don't know what the hell the Cap'n is thinkin' but hey when we get blown to hell at least we'll be asleep."
//Space Date 5.25.2557//Captain Log//Subject//Sleep//:Classified
" I have ordered that the troops on the stations be put into experimental carbon pods, until the reinforcements arrive, it might buy us a little time, but it's a blind shot in hell. Hopefully, this will render our lifesigns undetectable by ship's scanners, but just in case I have set a radius perimeter around the stations, set to self destruct if the perimeter is breached by anything larger than one or two carrier ships. A.L.I. is still monitoring the Mokian fleet movements and will notify the planet of any in bound fighters. At that point its up to the Planetary defenses, until those M.U.I.'s arrive we are virtually helpless."
////MDF record-2557-date unknown-////
"Enviro lead, you are free to engage any enemy craft you see. Don't worry about support....we have that covered."
"Copy, home"
"Enviro flight, do you read?"
"We do, flight lead."
As the flight moved foreward, the strang occurances became more evident.
"Lead, this is Enviro-5. I read a mysterious field of energy along the southeast corridor of the station. Can you read this?"
"I do, five. It seems to be the containment field for carbon sleep chambers. It appears they have frozen all personel onboard. Home, do you read this?"
"We do, Enviro lead. Prepare to turn around-we have EMP missiles ready to take out the electrical equipment."
"Copy that, home. Enviro flight, pull out on my mark. Mark."
As the flight turned around, 6 Orion MKIV EMP missiles streaked past them.
The weapons ops officer had the station in his sights.
"Sir, the weapons have impacted the base. the effects will be evident as soon as the after effects wear off of our systems."
Just then, the rest of the MDF armada arrives. 25 battlebarges, each equipped with Planet Destroyer Nuclear warheads, move in to decimate the planet. Along with these are 50 light cruisers, and Chenkovs aide aboard the 'Mokian Pride'-vice Admiral Yuri Vinski.
Meanwhile, back aboard the cruiser 'Purple Skies', Admiral Chenkov reviews the mission log for the incursion.
As the MKIV EMP's impacted the rail platforms and almost instantaniously the electronics went haywire, and eventually fried under the stress of the hard drive overload, and the EMP's had unexpected results, it inadvertantly leaked into the Life systems aboard the platform and silently suffocated the troops in their sleep. The virus silently swept through the linked rail gun cluster and silently killed off all of the stations troops.
The reinforcment armada shreiked out of slipspace on the dark side of Zion, and on the polar south of the Mokian fleet, soon their shipCOM's were flooded with ambient chatter from the Mokian COM lines. One of the COM scramblers grasped his translucent ear peice, and motioned for the captain. "Sir, I'm having trouble deciphyring the code, but I am picking up something about Planet Destroyer class nukes." A few seconds later the dark vacuum of space lit up as the retro boosters of one of the nuclear warheads ignited and headed toward the planet. The captain frantically called for the bow head turn as the ship prepeared to reenter slipspace. Before they could the turn, the planet lit up with blood red rifts, and soon the core gave under the pressure and the planet combusted, sending the ship lurching foward. Crewman started screaming their dying breath, and ships all around them, part of the Robonic reinforcement armada, were blowing up as they were ingulfed in the red orange fire ball. "Internal damage, decks 4,5,7 are compromised, we are trying to reastablish an airlock, but we lost 75% percent of our medical and military crew." shouted a destressed bloody crewman, another, clutching his arm said "Sick bay is completely gone, and the cargo bay has a bowling ball hole in the bow side, the M.I.U's are intacked though." the captain chirped quickly, "Fine, fine, just help the wounded as best you can."
On another ship that had survived the crash the captain chatted over his COMset, "Home 1, this is Blacbird 2, mission accomplished, pulling out." A.L.I. suddenly flickered on in one of the ships holoports, "information obtained, ready main assault force on their home planet."
The highly damaged but victorious armada silently jumped into slipspace, the decoy had worked perfectly, and now the position of the Mokian homeworld has been discovered.
Confidential for the president's eyes only.
"Wow, we weren't expecting mok to blow to whole d**** planet! Oh well Robonic's loss." President Clarence Potter said when the news reached him.
"Sir, the strike force is ready, should we send it now?" Vice Admiral Irving Morrel.
"Yes the first phase of 'The Victorious Opposition' has worked out perfectly. Time to reveal the truth to the public, soon i will be known as Supreme Chancellor Potter!" Oh and kill admiral johnson for me will you? he's been a complete idiot, and Admiral is part of my new job description anyways. "
"Yes, Chancellor! Hail!" Irving exclaimed as he saluted ang exited the room.
"Perditor Stella, come in the Chancellor has given the order. head to the mokian homeworld."
"Yes sir," Commander York responded as the Perditor Stella entered slip space with 7 Leviathan allies and their Behemoth escorts.
"Long live the Chancellor!" all of the crewmen shouted as they traveled across the universe.
Chancellor's Speech to the Public
"Hail Chancellor Potter!" Exclaimed Vice Admiral Irving Morrel
"Hail, Long live the New Empire and the Chancellor!" The Crowds shouted as Potter stepped onto the platform.
"Finally the day of Reckoning has finally arived, soon MKO will join it's fellow nations as a Super Power. The mere mention of MKo will inspire feer in it's enemies, nations will fall to their knees, we will take back what is rightfully ours." Potter spoke as the crowd cheered.
Potter stepped of and walked toward his ship.
"What if they don't allow us to take back what is ours?" Commodore Green whispered into his ear.
"What do you mean by 'they', Commandore? Do you mean the JTCF? Allibakkars forces are spread to the limit trying to do the Emperor's bidding."
"Robonic and Mok can't interefere, you know as well as I, that they are in the middle of a secret war. Soon the lost colony will be ours again." Potter said as he borded the ship.
"Soon, MKo will regain all it lost and then some!" Potter whispered to himself as the ship landed in the Torvus Permities.
A man strolled along the street casually, like any other civilian in MKO, but then, he dashed into an abandonded warehouse, looking around frantically to see if anyone had noticed his disappearance into the warehouse. Once he had determined it was safe, he walked over to a dusty table and pulled out a HOLOcom and set it on the table. He pressed a central green button on the circular looking HOLOcom and a holographic keyboard jutted out of the HOLOcom along with a three deminsional screen. The HOLOcom announced in a purely fabricated voice, "name please." The man, adorned in MKO civilian clothing said "
"Lt. Daniel Adams, Robonic Intelligence branch."
"Name acknologed, welcome Lt. Adams to the Robonic Intelligence Network, please state on what buisness you logged in."
"National Reconassaince"
"Acknologed, please type a brief summary of your findings."
"I would like direct link to the Minister."
"Please enter level 8 passcode"
Adams flexed his fingers as they went down on the HOLOboard and quickly typed in his password.
"Acknologed, Beta Beta Delta-81."
The screen went black almost instantaniously, and reappeared with the three dimensional image of the Minister of Intelligence.
"State your reason for your inturruption Lt. Adams."
"Sir, I have vital information in the intrest of Homeworld Security."
"It seems that Chancelor Potter of the Unstoppable Force of MKO as found the location of Alpha Major, but apparently he has not gathered the information that Robonic Project "Nightfall" is stationed in the forests of the "lost colony" has he calls it."
"Dammit! That is our most important project in our sector! Call back the Blacbird battlegroup, Alpha Major will not fall into the hands of MKO! Draw back the invasion force, we are going to fortify Alpha Major! How long will it take MKO to reach Alpha Major, let's say at WARP5?"
"Reasonable Intelligence shows his fastest ship can go only to WARP3, and even at that the voyage would take a little over a year, meaning for supply reasons his forces would have to be put into CRYOsleep."
"Good,that leaves just enough time for the armada on Ararat to intercept his ships."
"Eden sir? Public records show there is no life or exploration on Ararat."
"PUBLIC records LT. are no more useful that crap in a bucket, if you read the federal briefings more carefully, you would know that we have a military base on Ararat with an armada twice the size of that of the Blacbird battlegroup equipped with ten of our new Genesis class destroyers stationed there. I will inform the Galactic Minister of these new happenings. Prepare for extraction Adams, we have a new mission for you."
"Sir, yes Sir. Adams out."
The screen and keyboard on the HOLOcom went dark, and Adams slipped the palm sized disc back in his pocket and casually strolled out the door, constantly looking over his shoulder for MKO Chancelor Guards. "Something big is about to happen, and I fear that I just added gasoline to the fire."
Lt. Adams strolled down the sterile white hallway.
"Sir, we are here to negotiate, right?"
"Why else?"
The doors opened. "Well hello, Lt.....?"
"good afternoon, Lt. Adams. I trust we both are here today with good intentions?"
"I am."
"Well then, let us get down to business."
"I would like MDF forces to join us in a campaign to end the tyranous rule of MKO. If our governments allied, we could win this war in half he time. We could trade technology, weapons, and other useful means of expansion."
"I see what we can get out of this, but what would you get? MKO has done nothing to you yet."
"Oh, sir, but they have. We have a.....secret project on another would. They seem to be calling it the "Secret Colony". We will need help to defend it, as the closest forces are well out of reach and this world is bordering your space."
"Why haven't I known about this for so long?"
"It looks like a primitive planet, and we would be fools to colonise it otherwise. It has a wonderous mineral only found on that particular planet. We tend to cover up our projects as certain freedoms are alotted to Robonic citizens allowing them to have satellites that can veiw anywhere."
"Well, you can be assured that your secret is safe here. Give me a minute to collaborate with my superior, then I'll get back to you. Theres coffee on the other side of the room. feel free to look at the pictures on the walls. I find them most interesting."
"Thank you for your kindness, Admiral."
-30 minutes later-
"Well, you have a deal. MDF ships will not fire on your ships or citizens, and an armada is on it's way to Eden to resupply and re enforce. You are welcome to fly your troops on any MDF controlled world, and your citizens have full access to the wealth of information stored on Mokian Databanks. They are also welcome to flee to MDF worlds in case of MKO overrun of your planets."
"We thank you very much, admiral. You are welcome to our worlds too. I know that the Mok is a heavily militarized society, and that it doesnt worry about its outer rim wolrds as much as we do."
"We take care to make sure that our planets are as resistent to attack as possible."
"Sir 'Agent Brody' has made contact with the robonic minister of defence." Kyle Watkins whispered into his headset. "We've been tracking him for a while, and it has finally paid off, anyways this poor fool is a very thick headed man."
"What do you mean?" Ryan Clark responded.
"He underestimates MKO and our Leviathans, he thinks they travel at warp3! they are forifieying Alpha Major and sending a force from Ararat to intercept our ships."
"Ararat is far from the strike forces path they won't make it in time, and the fortifications won't be ready for a year. I'll inform Chancellor Potter. Kill the robonic spy, he is worthless now."
"Yes sir!"
Chancellor potter was on the Torvus Permities when he resived the information.
"Good soon, Mok will enter also, probably against us and while they are away from their systems. Boom project Rectus will have killed two birds with one stone."
He picked a comlink of the table.
"Now." he said and shut it off.
Colonel Gomvanic heard the command and gave the signal.
100 MKo lindworms flew into the planet's atmosphere and fired at their targets, the city was blown away.
"Gold leader to base targets destroyed, strike forces returning to the Attingo Classicus."
"Good, Lets hope the deal was completed, or they'll be able to put up a fight." "Ha Ha, kidding they have no idea what the Chancellor has in mind for them." "The Emperor's help will come in handy when the real fighting starts, these weopns fill come in usefull when we invade the lost colony and take back what is ours."
"Ha Ha, good one sir. Do you think we'll be able to fight soon? my men are getting bored we want to fight something that can actually fight back."
"I don't know if there's going to be anything left, if there is then we'll get to fight, but i doubt there will be enough to actually put up a fight."
OOC: read the title of Mok's post dumbass, it was BEFORE my briefing with the minister of INTELLIGENCE.
Lt. Adams headed out his back door of his apartment, which was by chance, located on the first floor of the five floor compound with a leather flap down slung over his left shoulder. Lt. Adams whispered into his COMlink on his arm, "Ok A.L.I., I'm out of the building now where do I need to go?" A.L.I. replied "Go down fifth avenue, but be careful to stay out of site, there are usually guards patrolling the streets to make sure everyone obeyed the new curfew put into place. Then, head towards the Potter airstrip, we will have an undercover extraction team ready. You need to move now my sensors detect a MKO chancellor dispatch team at your front door, when no one answers they'll send a search team of thermal scanner bots to find you." With that, Adams ran at an alarming place down a nearby alley adjacent to fifth avenue, with his head ducked to avoid being detected by the occasional scanner bot. Soon, he got to the airstrip, and hacked into the plasma gates using a computer gaffer he had in his leather sack. He walked calmly through the gates, and as he was about to walk into hangar bay three, four big floodlights blinded his eyes and in reflex he put up is left arm to the light and winced one eye opened to see the dark outlines of a troop battalion.
"who are you?"
"we're here to detain you."
"under what law?"
"under the law of high treason against the chancellor."
"what do you have to prove this?"
The captain of the battalion shined a HOLOdisc in the light in such a way that Adams could see the name written in a reflective blue metal: Security recording 7-29-57.
Just then, there was a thunderous noise above them, and the sky was lit up by a hail of bullets. The Chancellor guards were cut down almost instantaniously, not expecting such resistance. Amidst all the chaos the captain crawled over to the HOLOcom, already being shredded with bullet rounds and shrapnel stationed on a nearby post, and shouted raspily into the recorder
"Red alert, Red alert, inruders, repeat Red Al-"
Hearing his exaperated cry, a nearby gunner aboard the gunship impaled him with 5 more rounds to his back, flinging blood all over the pavement, and soaking Adams shoes in blood.
"Get your ass on here Adams, we don't got all damn night!"
"Yes sir!"
Adams grasped a pole on the side of the gunship and hoisted himself up on the hovering platform. Just as the ship was prepearing for take off, machine gun nests opened all around them, and the gunship responded by firing their foward rail cannon, flames consumed the airstrip and lit up the nightsky.
"I thought this was supposed to be a covert extraction"
"That's not the Royal Guards style, we like to make sure they know we got past their raggedy ass defenses."
With that, the Gunship exited the atmosphere and docked with "Perserverance" a Mecury Class Carriership. Has they exited the docking bridge into the main hangar they were greeted by the Minister of Intelligence.
"How'd the extraction go?"
"Off without a hitch" said the Captain triuphantly, who kept on walking right past the minister
"You ok, Adams?"
"Not even a scratch"
"Good then we have mission briefing in half an hour, we've got a new job for you, Adams."
{Half and hour later}
"You sent for me minister?"
"Yes, sit down Adams"
The Minister slid a manilla folder across his desk towards Adams, it had the bright red letters "CLASSIFIED" stamped diagonally across the front cover.
"What's this?"
"It's your new mission."
"We know of your service in the royal guard black ops, we also know your a sniper with more than fifty hits to your name. That's why we chose you for this mission, Adams."
"But taking out a member of the senate?"
"Yes, we have reason to believe that he is giving information to MKO insurgents somewhere inside Robonic. Remember, if your found out, the government will deny everything and you will be tried for treason in the galactic senate."
"I understand."
"Sir, the fleet is ready to move on your command."
"Good, those MKO bastards think we're years away from Alpha Major, little does their raggedy ass intelligence know we moved our fleet months ago, we'll shove our cannons right up their ass. Give the command, make sure we keep perfect pace and exit slipspace after MKO."
"Sir, yes Sir!"
The soldier gave a crisp salute and clicked his heals together, turning on them like an axis and then promptly leaving the room. The soldier went to the COMlink and said, "The Admiral as given the green light, repeat green light, all ships prepare for slipspace depature. Count off."
"Alpha Cluster-go"
"Beta Cluster-go"
"Gamma Cluster-go"
"Delta Cluster-go"
"All green, repeat all green prepare for slipspace."
A bluish white ripple appeared in the black expanse of space, and each ship was pulled into it and stretched like like a slinkie and then rocketed off into the rift.
"Those MKO bastards won't know what hit 'em prepare to give 'em hell boys!"
robonic i think you read my post wrong I told them to kill him not capture him, anyways...
" Alright the robonic fools fell it our trap. the have taken our replacement 'adams' up they are giving hima new mission as we speak." Captian Hopkins reported
"Good, what do you think Lt. Adams?" The chancellor asked his captured advisary.
"alkallmbfmha!" Adams didn't mean to say that but his mouth was still numb from the rifle butt that had knocked him out. he was lucky he hadn't bitten his tounge off in the process.
"What? i can't understand. didn't they teach you to talk in that arm pit of a nation you call robonic?" the chancellor was enjoying himself, playing with his former advisary. "Soon enough your minister will be dead, actually as soon as I give the order or should I say you give the order."
"almmnhph?" He still couldn't talk.
The Chancellor lifted a comlink.
"Yes, Master?"
He held the comlink over the real adams mouth as he kneed him in the stomach.
Adams pulled out his blaster and assasinated the minister and all of the gaurds that saw him, one by one. then he headed back to MKO. He landed, exited the vessal, and commed back
"Yes Adams?"
"It's done."
"Good bring me the minister's head."
The chancellor also made another call.
"Detonate the 2nd Nebulic Bomb in Robonic's system."
"Yes sir"
Later that day he gave another speech.
"One enemy of MKO has been destroyed." he said as a pair of gaurds carried out a silver plate with the minister's head on it.
The Crowds cheered.
"Anyone else who stands in our way will also be destroyed!"
FYI: The 2nd nebulic bomb is a bomb which was placed in every known system's star/nebula/nova. And AI activates the bomb which blows the stellar object up destroying the system. Maybe a little godmodding on my part, but hey it's future tech who knows.
oh and robonic, it wasn't your meeting I destroyed, I destroyed all evidence of a secret meeting between the Emperor and the Chancellor. So STFU
31-05-2005, 05:39
This is painful to read.
OOC: Mko that's total bs. Only the nation can declare losses, that's how rping works, obviously you've never rp'ed before. You cant just take Adams, without my permision in and IC thread.
The robot Adams was secretly gaffered by the real Adams.
Fake Adams blew up in the Chancellors face distegrating him.
OOC: read the title of Mok's post dumbass, it was BEFORE my briefing with the minister of INTELLIGENCE.
Lt. Adams headed out his back door of his apartment, which was by chance, located on the first floor of the five floor compound with a leather flap down slung over his left shoulder. Lt. Adams whispered into his COMlink on his arm, "Ok A.L.I., I'm out of the building now where do I need to go?" A.L.I. replied "Go down fifth avenue, but be careful to stay out of site, there are usually guards patrolling the streets to make sure everyone obeyed the new curfew put into place. Then, head towards the Potter airstrip, we will have an undercover extraction team ready. You need to move now my sensors detect a MKO chancellor dispatch team at your front door, when no one answers they'll send a search team of thermal scanner bots to find you." With that, Adams ran at an alarming place down a nearby alley adjacent to fifth avenue, with his head ducked to avoid being detected by the occasional scanner bot. Soon, he got to the airstrip, and hacked into the plasma gates using a computer gaffer he had in his leather sack. He walked calmly through the gates, and as he was about to walk into hangar bay three, four big floodlights blinded his eyes and in reflex he put up is left arm to the light and winced one eye opened to see the dark outlines of a troop battalion.
"who are you?"
"we're here to detain you."
"under what law?"
"under the law of high treason against the chancellor."
"what do you have to prove this?"
The captain of the battalion shined a HOLOdisc in the light in such a way that Adams could see the name written in a reflective blue metal: Security recording 7-29-57.
Just then, there was a thunderous noise above them, and the sky was lit up by a hail of bullets. The Chancellor guards were cut down almost instantaniously, not expecting such resistance. Amidst all the chaos the captain crawled over to the HOLOcom, already being shredded with bullet rounds and shrapnel stationed on a nearby post, and shouted raspily into the recorder
"Red alert, Red alert, inruders, repeat Red Al-"
Hearing his exaperated cry, a nearby gunner aboard the gunship impaled him with 5 more rounds to his back, flinging blood all over the pavement, and soaking Adams shoes in blood.
"Get your ass on here Adams, we don't got all damn night!"
"Yes sir!"
Adams grasped a pole on the side of the gunship and hoisted himself up on the hovering platform. Just as the ship was prepearing for take off, machine gun nests opened all around them, and the gunship responded by firing their foward rail cannon, flames consumed the airstrip and lit up the nightsky.
"I thought this was supposed to be a covert extraction"
"That's not the Royal Guards style, we like to make sure they know we got past their raggedy ass defenses."
With that, the Gunship exited the atmosphere and docked with "Perserverance" a Mecury Class Carriership. Has they exited the docking bridge into the main hangar they were greeted by the Minister of Intelligence.
"How'd the extraction go?"
"Off without a hitch" said the Captain triuphantly, who kept on walking right past the minister
"You ok, Adams?"
"Not even a scratch"
"Good then we have mission briefing in half an hour, we've got a new job for you, Adams."
{Half and hour later}
"You sent for me minister?"
"Yes, sit down Adams"
The Minister slid a manilla folder across his desk towards Adams, it had the bright red letters "CLASSIFIED" stamped diagonally across the front cover.
"What's this?"
"It's your new mission."
"We know of your service in the royal guard black ops, we also know your a sniper with more than fifty hits to your name. That's why we chose you for this mission, Adams."
"But taking out a member of the senate?"
"Yes, we have reason to believe that he is giving information to MKO insurgents somewhere inside Robonic. Remember, if your found out, the government will deny everything and you will be tried for treason in the galactic senate."
"I understand."
"Sir, the fleet is ready to move on your command."
"Good, those MKO bastards think we're years away from Alpha Major, little does their raggedy ass intelligence know we moved our fleet months ago, we'll shove our cannons right up their ass. Give the command, make sure we keep perfect pace and exit slipspace after MKO."
"Sir, yes Sir!"
The soldier gave a crisp salute and clicked his heals together, turning on them like an axis and then promptly leaving the room. The soldier went to the COMlink and said, "The Admiral as given the green light, repeat green light, all ships prepare for slipspace depature. Count off."
"Alpha Cluster-go"
"Beta Cluster-go"
"Gamma Cluster-go"
"Delta Cluster-go"
"All green, repeat all green prepare for slipspace."
A bluish white ripple appeared in the black expanse of space, and each ship was pulled into it and stretched like like a slinkie and then rocketed off into the rift.
"Those MKO bastards won't know what hit 'em prepare to give 'em hell boys!"
Ok you said i can't say your loses. Well you seem to enjoy stating my loses let's use this as an example.
How in the world do you think your minister's ship could fly through a highly gaurded asteroid field and enter into my atmosphere without being shot down. also you keep stating that my ships are so far behind your ship's tech level. well guess what we have the same tech level. My leviathans could take any of your ships you'ld just have a larger fleet. plus you didn't realize you lost your agent, he was replaced with our agent. Why don't you state your lose in your system and don't make up some energy field shit a star's explosion would surly destroy the system, even if they some who magicly survived the climate would change so dramaticly they would die.
You killed my small force that was about to kill your agent so i killed your minister and everyone on that ship.
shut up the fake adams wasn't a robot he was a geneticly altered clone, your system is gone your leader is dead.
You Lose
The END.
Dam Robonic we were going to be allies it didn't have to end this way, but you betrayed me again and that was the last straw, sorry.
To state the obvious,
You No Longer Exist.
Read the post more carefully, I never said any of them were dead, although i do admit it was quite a bs loophole...and you never said anything about your defenses, remember this is an Role Play, any thing in the region is now obsolete and you have to re post it.
None of you know how to Rp. I say since it's all gone to hell, we just blow crap up and do it the way we want to then end it.
Mokian ships are now on the edge of MKO's system, and sheilds are up. The initial assault, plasma torpedoes, cut through the asteroids and stations you have on the asteroids. As my ships move past your shitty defences, my aramada of 7,000 ships arrives via 18 vectors towards your planets. One by one, your planets fall, until my Jakt class Star Assimilators move in and fire their salvos of nukes towards your planets. your outer planets implode, and not a scratch on my ships yet.
And, as I know you are full of shit, my home system is FULL of ships, from civilain yachts to Jakt class ships patrolling. My plasma defence turrets, rail guns, and Ergo class fighter bombers are patrolling everywhere.
Goodbye, MKO. Have a nice time burning in hell with your soldiers.
Oh, and you also need to learn how to speak English. I'm sorry we're not in mexico, but it's not my fault you can't speak the most widely spoken language in the world.
01-06-2005, 03:46
Isn't it actually Mandarin Chinese or something?
EDIT: Just for reiteration: This thread sucks.
01-06-2005, 03:53
Because nobody gives a shit:
892,647 OMFGTHATSABIGSHIP Class Cruisers come out of Slipspace 122 yards from the Mok Homeworld. They create a new field of gravity for some reason we're not quite sure of. Your planet crashes into the fleet, and is shredded to pieces on our awesome energy shields.
To state the obvious,
You No Longer Exist.
Because nobody gives a shit:
892,647 OMFGTHATSABIGSHIP Class Cruisers come out of Slipspace 122 yards from the Mok Homeworld. They create a new field of gravity for some reason we're not quite sure of. Your planet crashes into the fleet, and is shredded to pieces on our awesome energy shields.
To state the obvious,
You No Longer Exist.
What the crap is this?
STFU Mok Your ships couldn't get by a stick lying on the ground much less my defenses.
Why do you and Robonic always go after me? if i woulndn't have posted would you be fighting each other or fighting some random enemy that isn't there?
i guess you could have a point with the repost thing but then none of us would have any defenses in the begining.
01-06-2005, 19:05
What the crap is this?
STFU Mok Your ships couldn't get by a stick lying on the ground much less my defenses.
Why do you and Robonic always go after me? if i woulndn't have posted would you be fighting each other or fighting some random enemy that isn't there?
It's called sarcasm, moron.
What is it with you people? Do you have no sense of humor at all?
actually i'm kind of acting like all this matters to get my posts up i had 500 with MKO2 i only have 12 with MKO.