24-05-2005, 21:02
Today at 0434 hours, Mrs Ulrika Simpson gave birth to a son who has been named as our billionth citizen. Mrs Simpson and her husband, James, have named their first child in the traditional manner calling him Oliver. Congratulations for the couple and gifts for the child have been pouring in from all over the nation, and a personal visit has been made to the couple and child by the Governor General.
Xeraph would like to be the first to congratulate Ollieland on such a notable achievment.
25-05-2005, 14:03
Thankyou for your congratulations. We hope this birth will be symbolic of a new era in our nation.
25-05-2005, 14:35
The Shadow Realm wishes you the best with this landmark event for your nation. Though we to recently hit 4 billion people in our great nation and her colonies.
Millitary might
25-05-2005, 15:18
I think the kid should be named Bill. HA HA HA. No but seriously Millitary Might congragualtes you and the proud parents.