24-05-2005, 19:14
|Message from the Huahinian Central Palace|
Re:Land deal
It has come to our attention that our sharing of islands (the islands in question are ) has presented a few problems, therefore we propose that you hand over your Arctic Ocean Islands to us, and in return we grant you the mainland that we possess. We own the state of Nunuvet, Canada, and all the mainland would fall under your control. If you have any military bases on these islands, you may keep them, but for the sake of the population, we suggest any other islands be gifted to us, and we hope what we offer in return is enough for you.
|End Message|
OOC - It's my first thread as part of Earth II, so I wanted to keep it simple.
Re:Land deal
It has come to our attention that our sharing of islands (the islands in question are ) has presented a few problems, therefore we propose that you hand over your Arctic Ocean Islands to us, and in return we grant you the mainland that we possess. We own the state of Nunuvet, Canada, and all the mainland would fall under your control. If you have any military bases on these islands, you may keep them, but for the sake of the population, we suggest any other islands be gifted to us, and we hope what we offer in return is enough for you.
|End Message|
OOC - It's my first thread as part of Earth II, so I wanted to keep it simple.