24-05-2005, 11:07
The United Nations of Shinra
I am Sephiroth, President of Shinra Industries and Corperations. We are based on the planet Kilinu, Bastion of the short lived Ominrion Empire. A number of Weeks ago, the Queen was killed, and I, President of Shinra, was left with the nations command. Sadly, I am not one to understand polotics, so I converted it into Shinra's Power. All Nations on the planet where sworn into Shinra's Service, and now I am President of a Nation Compony. Now that we have the new flow of revenue, and two types of FTL generators, we are quite capable of trading with the intergalatic community. Thus, we have opened bussniess to all people within the universe. I would like to write the rules here and now.
Firstly, all Items within this store are Copyrighted, and should you break this copy right all nations with contracts must assist in some way in forcing you to give up plans and items, and you will be banned from purchasing items from this store.
Secondly, we do not take responsobility for what these things in the store are purchased for, nor do we make sure products are not being sold to "Terrorists" or such people. We sell items, we don't care what they are being used for.
Thirdly, all units within this are safe programed, any attempt to find out how they work will result in termination of product and all products sold in the future will be sent with an obseritory party. This is to ensure our own security, and any losses cause by afore mentioned rule will not be placed on Shinra.
Forthly, We hold the right to denie sales for any reason, to cancel treaties for any reason.
Ok, now I have gotten the formalities over with, time to actually show a list of Products.
Mako Related Products
Mako Generators
Mako Generators is actually more then a simple power creation unit. It goes through all processes from Mineing, to purifing it into usable form, then following that they can both be used as a power source or actually be used to create Materia. Because of the Highly unstable form of this, observers must be trained and tested at the expence of the buyer, while replacements must also been trained. Mako generators will provide a massive amount of power, and unless using for Materia, it is suggested mining only Five Kilos of Pure Mako per Standered Kilinu Orbit ((Roughtly One and a half Orbits of Terra)) They also are able to construct Mako Generators
Price: 10 billion Per Generator ((Includes Full Transportation Construction and set up))
Mako Power Units
These units are refilled using the Mako Generators, or a Shinra refill stations. They can provide power for a Ragnarok Class Warship for One Lifetime. ((Eighty Terran Orbits)) Stable, powerful, efficiant.
Price: 100 thousand
Now we come to Materia, the most influencial thing in the Nations. Mateira is able to be charged to certine Elements, starting out at a fairly low power level and raising as it is used more often. Changing the user will make the Materia loose its charge, so it is advised to keep it with the bearer at all times. Materia is Pure Mako charged using a powerful device known as a Togogander. This can charge Materia into the following catagories.
Fire: Allows Manipulation of Fire, Lower levels can allow combustion while higher levels can start a fire Without any thing burnable in sight ((Including Oxygen))
Water: Allows to create water, Weather this be in any form. Lower charged Can allow the bearer to create small amounts, while the Higher Charged ones allow to create larger amounts. Water requires no substance around to activate.
Earth: Can allow Control the substance you stand on, Higher charged allow greater level of control.
Wind: Allows Power over the air on planet, which means staic control as well, allowing to create lightinging.
Ice: Allows freezing of any Liquid or cooling of solid, Higher levels allows higher Amount of power.
Gravity: Very powerful, allows gravitational control, requires very good skill with materia before sold.
Summon: These are the most powerful Materia, feeding off your own mind and body power they create the image of a creature which is solid and has a large amount of Materia power. Can be charged with other Elements.
Health: Increases Your Resistance to body harm, higher charge has healing ability.
Cure: Heals yourself and those around you, does so faster higher charged.
Price: 100 Per Materia Stone.
Armed Forces
SOLDIER Regiments
The SOLDIER Regiments, these warriors are the back Bone of any Shinra or Nation Venture. They are skilled warriors, sent through Nation combat, Guard Duty, Patrols, anything needing an armed force with stratergy or no, these are your men. SOLDIER Regiments are Directed by the Paymaster, In laments Terms Their commander. A Regiment consits of 1000 SOLDIER's who are armed with two Materia, dependet on their own unit, as well as a Baliconan Rifle and Kin Armour. Each unit has enough armoured transports to carry their entire units, in the form of Clankers, Huge Aracnid Battle Compartments able to hold Twenty men. They also have armour support, which consists of One Kanika Tank for every Clanker. These units are not nessersary, you can hire the troops themselves, at a limit of 100 men.
Price: One Regiment ((1000 Men)) Without Support: 20,000 Per week ((Food Bedding Transport and Officers Supplied))
With Clankers: 23,000
With Kanika: 25,000
Should you feel that SOLDIER Regiments are not as usful for your own ventures, or you just don't trust Mercinaries, you may make yourself your own clone army. We have sufficiant Cloning Facilities to produce up to Fifty thousand Clones a Year for one nation, however, that number is a Total, without counting out own Facilities for personal Use. Our Clones go through Three stages of Develoupment, Birth, Learning, Combat Training. These are all different stages, with the following.
Birth: Is the Longest stage, taking Six Months. It is a time the Clone is produced and changed to buyers specifacations.
Learning: This is where clones are given combat stratergy and Theroy, taking two months.
Combat Training: Where they learn in all areas of combat specified by Buyer
The further stages you wish you clone to be, the more expencive they become. Also, Clones implanted with DNA host memories and come up at age and Status DNA was taken can be created.
Price: One Thousand Clones: 100,000 For Birth, 125,000 For Learning, 150,000 for Combat training. ((Please note this is including food and such for one year, and facilities are limited.))
Single Clone: 1000
SeeD Graduates
SeeD, the Single Greatest Warriors within the nations. Trained since the end of Main Stream School, they are then begun to be trained and taught warfare. They are placed into live Combat situations at the end of year exames from Tenth Year Upwards, So that by the time they are in Last year at 21 Years of age, they know real combat. They are trained in all forms of combat, in all forms of operations, and all types of Units, and leveled Monthly. Higher levels cost more. They also have large amounts of Materia on them.
Level 1: 1000 Per Terran Week
Level 2: 2000 Per Terran Week
Level 3: 3000 Per Terran Week
Level 4: 4000 Per Terran Week
Level 5: 5000 Per Terran Week
Level 6: 6000 Per Terran Week
Level 7: 7000 Per Terran Week
Level 8: 8000 Per Terran Week
Level 9: 9000 Per Terran Week
Level 10: 10,000 Per Terran Week
Instructer: 15,000 Per Terran Week
Garden Master: 20,000 Per Terran Week
All Units will be 200% of Amount due is mission is suceseful but Graduate Dies, 100% if Subject dies but Mission is failed, 50% If Subject survives but mission is failed.
Single Armerments
Pistol: Fires a Bullet at high speeds: 100
Rifle: Fires a Ionized Bullet at High Speeds with great force at a Target: 300
Sword: Finely Crafted, Come in Variety of Ranges: Price Dependent on Sword
Gunblades: A Usful weapon for undercover agents, fire the gun of this at the right time and you will cut a hole of which to fire into: 500
Weapon Construction hire: Usful when your own factories are over worked, use our workers and space to build your own weapons: 10,000 per week per thousand workers.
Battle Units ((Large))
Clankers: These are the most usful of battle units, they are spider like beings able to hold twenty humans and all equitment. They have a heavy weapon and machine gun. Able to move in all terrain, the larger ones can even convert into star craft, although those ones are Shinra only.
Price: 300,000 Per Unit
Karin Battle Tanks: Not as easily deployed as Clankers, these units are still usful for most terrain. Mounted with a Materia Gun and two Chain guns, usful for both seige and Infantry.
Price: 200,000 Per unit.
Materia Gun: Mounted on what ever required, useless without some form of forign power soruce, so are best mounted on tanks or other such veicals fire Materia Weaponry, which amplifies the explosion. Very usful for artillary and Tank cannons.
PRice: 1000 Per Unit
Machine Guns: As the name says, extreamly fast fireing weapon. Usful for mowing down infantry.
Price: 1000 Per Unit
War Ships ((Space))
Ragnarok: The Ragnarok is the Epoch of The Shinra Technology, fast, large and able to pack a major punch in combat with their two Materia Cannons and Fifty Missile Packs, they are FTL Capable and Posses a number of Rooms and placement for supplies and a Regiment of Troops with Equitment. Can be paited any colour to desire.
Price: 5,000,000
Manira: Designed as the second Craft, these are more of a Warship then The Ragnarok, with less speed but more armour and weapons. These ones armed with Ten Materia Cannons with More then Five hundred Missile Packs, and sheilding and armour is increased to let it live longer. Not able to carry many troops, it can still carry supplies for the crew for three months.
Price: 7,000,000
Inichidar: This is more of a fighter, single crew, three missile packs and two Machine Guns, able to manuver as fast as an air based fighter, is quite usfull in all sisuations.
Price: 1,000,000
Hire Space
Space station Rooms: Ever Feel like watching Kilinu from the depths of a Shinra Space station? This is your chance, the rooms start from 400 per night with All meals included, Five Star by all standeres, we have ships for rent to allow you to travle to the planet during the day, fun for the whole familiy.
Space Station Docking Yards: Not getting a room and need somewhere to park your craft? That Armada need to be kept somewhere near your enemies but not in your own space? Rent out our Dock yards, price will vary on size of craft.
Ship Yard Building Facility: Build your own ships with our ship yards, great when your own are over taxed and you need those extra ships, all units provided, just tell us where you want the ship and we will give you the best time we can depending on how many facilities you hire, we currently have fifty Ship yards able to produce one ship one Kilomeater in length every three weeks.
Price: Price of Materials plus 10,000 per facility per ship
Army Barraks: Need to Deploy those forces closer to your enemy, wait cheep place to keep your men, we supply barraks, with food and bedding. The buildings are able to house Three thousnd troops.
Price: 100 Per soldier eating within, those not 50
I am Sephiroth, President of Shinra Industries and Corperations. We are based on the planet Kilinu, Bastion of the short lived Ominrion Empire. A number of Weeks ago, the Queen was killed, and I, President of Shinra, was left with the nations command. Sadly, I am not one to understand polotics, so I converted it into Shinra's Power. All Nations on the planet where sworn into Shinra's Service, and now I am President of a Nation Compony. Now that we have the new flow of revenue, and two types of FTL generators, we are quite capable of trading with the intergalatic community. Thus, we have opened bussniess to all people within the universe. I would like to write the rules here and now.
Firstly, all Items within this store are Copyrighted, and should you break this copy right all nations with contracts must assist in some way in forcing you to give up plans and items, and you will be banned from purchasing items from this store.
Secondly, we do not take responsobility for what these things in the store are purchased for, nor do we make sure products are not being sold to "Terrorists" or such people. We sell items, we don't care what they are being used for.
Thirdly, all units within this are safe programed, any attempt to find out how they work will result in termination of product and all products sold in the future will be sent with an obseritory party. This is to ensure our own security, and any losses cause by afore mentioned rule will not be placed on Shinra.
Forthly, We hold the right to denie sales for any reason, to cancel treaties for any reason.
Ok, now I have gotten the formalities over with, time to actually show a list of Products.
Mako Related Products
Mako Generators
Mako Generators is actually more then a simple power creation unit. It goes through all processes from Mineing, to purifing it into usable form, then following that they can both be used as a power source or actually be used to create Materia. Because of the Highly unstable form of this, observers must be trained and tested at the expence of the buyer, while replacements must also been trained. Mako generators will provide a massive amount of power, and unless using for Materia, it is suggested mining only Five Kilos of Pure Mako per Standered Kilinu Orbit ((Roughtly One and a half Orbits of Terra)) They also are able to construct Mako Generators
Price: 10 billion Per Generator ((Includes Full Transportation Construction and set up))
Mako Power Units
These units are refilled using the Mako Generators, or a Shinra refill stations. They can provide power for a Ragnarok Class Warship for One Lifetime. ((Eighty Terran Orbits)) Stable, powerful, efficiant.
Price: 100 thousand
Now we come to Materia, the most influencial thing in the Nations. Mateira is able to be charged to certine Elements, starting out at a fairly low power level and raising as it is used more often. Changing the user will make the Materia loose its charge, so it is advised to keep it with the bearer at all times. Materia is Pure Mako charged using a powerful device known as a Togogander. This can charge Materia into the following catagories.
Fire: Allows Manipulation of Fire, Lower levels can allow combustion while higher levels can start a fire Without any thing burnable in sight ((Including Oxygen))
Water: Allows to create water, Weather this be in any form. Lower charged Can allow the bearer to create small amounts, while the Higher Charged ones allow to create larger amounts. Water requires no substance around to activate.
Earth: Can allow Control the substance you stand on, Higher charged allow greater level of control.
Wind: Allows Power over the air on planet, which means staic control as well, allowing to create lightinging.
Ice: Allows freezing of any Liquid or cooling of solid, Higher levels allows higher Amount of power.
Gravity: Very powerful, allows gravitational control, requires very good skill with materia before sold.
Summon: These are the most powerful Materia, feeding off your own mind and body power they create the image of a creature which is solid and has a large amount of Materia power. Can be charged with other Elements.
Health: Increases Your Resistance to body harm, higher charge has healing ability.
Cure: Heals yourself and those around you, does so faster higher charged.
Price: 100 Per Materia Stone.
Armed Forces
SOLDIER Regiments
The SOLDIER Regiments, these warriors are the back Bone of any Shinra or Nation Venture. They are skilled warriors, sent through Nation combat, Guard Duty, Patrols, anything needing an armed force with stratergy or no, these are your men. SOLDIER Regiments are Directed by the Paymaster, In laments Terms Their commander. A Regiment consits of 1000 SOLDIER's who are armed with two Materia, dependet on their own unit, as well as a Baliconan Rifle and Kin Armour. Each unit has enough armoured transports to carry their entire units, in the form of Clankers, Huge Aracnid Battle Compartments able to hold Twenty men. They also have armour support, which consists of One Kanika Tank for every Clanker. These units are not nessersary, you can hire the troops themselves, at a limit of 100 men.
Price: One Regiment ((1000 Men)) Without Support: 20,000 Per week ((Food Bedding Transport and Officers Supplied))
With Clankers: 23,000
With Kanika: 25,000
Should you feel that SOLDIER Regiments are not as usful for your own ventures, or you just don't trust Mercinaries, you may make yourself your own clone army. We have sufficiant Cloning Facilities to produce up to Fifty thousand Clones a Year for one nation, however, that number is a Total, without counting out own Facilities for personal Use. Our Clones go through Three stages of Develoupment, Birth, Learning, Combat Training. These are all different stages, with the following.
Birth: Is the Longest stage, taking Six Months. It is a time the Clone is produced and changed to buyers specifacations.
Learning: This is where clones are given combat stratergy and Theroy, taking two months.
Combat Training: Where they learn in all areas of combat specified by Buyer
The further stages you wish you clone to be, the more expencive they become. Also, Clones implanted with DNA host memories and come up at age and Status DNA was taken can be created.
Price: One Thousand Clones: 100,000 For Birth, 125,000 For Learning, 150,000 for Combat training. ((Please note this is including food and such for one year, and facilities are limited.))
Single Clone: 1000
SeeD Graduates
SeeD, the Single Greatest Warriors within the nations. Trained since the end of Main Stream School, they are then begun to be trained and taught warfare. They are placed into live Combat situations at the end of year exames from Tenth Year Upwards, So that by the time they are in Last year at 21 Years of age, they know real combat. They are trained in all forms of combat, in all forms of operations, and all types of Units, and leveled Monthly. Higher levels cost more. They also have large amounts of Materia on them.
Level 1: 1000 Per Terran Week
Level 2: 2000 Per Terran Week
Level 3: 3000 Per Terran Week
Level 4: 4000 Per Terran Week
Level 5: 5000 Per Terran Week
Level 6: 6000 Per Terran Week
Level 7: 7000 Per Terran Week
Level 8: 8000 Per Terran Week
Level 9: 9000 Per Terran Week
Level 10: 10,000 Per Terran Week
Instructer: 15,000 Per Terran Week
Garden Master: 20,000 Per Terran Week
All Units will be 200% of Amount due is mission is suceseful but Graduate Dies, 100% if Subject dies but Mission is failed, 50% If Subject survives but mission is failed.
Single Armerments
Pistol: Fires a Bullet at high speeds: 100
Rifle: Fires a Ionized Bullet at High Speeds with great force at a Target: 300
Sword: Finely Crafted, Come in Variety of Ranges: Price Dependent on Sword
Gunblades: A Usful weapon for undercover agents, fire the gun of this at the right time and you will cut a hole of which to fire into: 500
Weapon Construction hire: Usful when your own factories are over worked, use our workers and space to build your own weapons: 10,000 per week per thousand workers.
Battle Units ((Large))
Clankers: These are the most usful of battle units, they are spider like beings able to hold twenty humans and all equitment. They have a heavy weapon and machine gun. Able to move in all terrain, the larger ones can even convert into star craft, although those ones are Shinra only.
Price: 300,000 Per Unit
Karin Battle Tanks: Not as easily deployed as Clankers, these units are still usful for most terrain. Mounted with a Materia Gun and two Chain guns, usful for both seige and Infantry.
Price: 200,000 Per unit.
Materia Gun: Mounted on what ever required, useless without some form of forign power soruce, so are best mounted on tanks or other such veicals fire Materia Weaponry, which amplifies the explosion. Very usful for artillary and Tank cannons.
PRice: 1000 Per Unit
Machine Guns: As the name says, extreamly fast fireing weapon. Usful for mowing down infantry.
Price: 1000 Per Unit
War Ships ((Space))
Ragnarok: The Ragnarok is the Epoch of The Shinra Technology, fast, large and able to pack a major punch in combat with their two Materia Cannons and Fifty Missile Packs, they are FTL Capable and Posses a number of Rooms and placement for supplies and a Regiment of Troops with Equitment. Can be paited any colour to desire.
Price: 5,000,000
Manira: Designed as the second Craft, these are more of a Warship then The Ragnarok, with less speed but more armour and weapons. These ones armed with Ten Materia Cannons with More then Five hundred Missile Packs, and sheilding and armour is increased to let it live longer. Not able to carry many troops, it can still carry supplies for the crew for three months.
Price: 7,000,000
Inichidar: This is more of a fighter, single crew, three missile packs and two Machine Guns, able to manuver as fast as an air based fighter, is quite usfull in all sisuations.
Price: 1,000,000
Hire Space
Space station Rooms: Ever Feel like watching Kilinu from the depths of a Shinra Space station? This is your chance, the rooms start from 400 per night with All meals included, Five Star by all standeres, we have ships for rent to allow you to travle to the planet during the day, fun for the whole familiy.
Space Station Docking Yards: Not getting a room and need somewhere to park your craft? That Armada need to be kept somewhere near your enemies but not in your own space? Rent out our Dock yards, price will vary on size of craft.
Ship Yard Building Facility: Build your own ships with our ship yards, great when your own are over taxed and you need those extra ships, all units provided, just tell us where you want the ship and we will give you the best time we can depending on how many facilities you hire, we currently have fifty Ship yards able to produce one ship one Kilomeater in length every three weeks.
Price: Price of Materials plus 10,000 per facility per ship
Army Barraks: Need to Deploy those forces closer to your enemy, wait cheep place to keep your men, we supply barraks, with food and bedding. The buildings are able to house Three thousnd troops.
Price: 100 Per soldier eating within, those not 50