Arkwright Protection Corporation Storefront
24-05-2005, 06:50
Are you tired of needing to put kilometers of armor on your ships to protect them from your enemies? Are you tired of having your cities vaporized from orbit? Are you sick of having to always repair mictrometeor punctures?
If you answered yes to any of those questions then you have come to the right place. Arkwright Protection Corporation is one of the leading suppliers of shieliding in the local arms and we want to help you.
So sit back and take a gander at our wide selection of energy shields for all uses. Whether you're protecting a planet or just keeping the rain of your car, APC does shields right!
24-05-2005, 06:50
Personal Shields
Civilian Grade Shield Systems
Defender Personal Shield: 300 USD/unit
This small unit is about the size of a waist pouch and projects a form fitting shield that protects against common caused of injury. Sensors in the mechanism sense when objects such as knives or fists are going to impact and activates the shield automatically. This shield offers excellent protection against human force attacks and will increase survival rates in vehicle crashes.
It runs off a super-conductor power cell which is good for 1 hour of continual use.
Protector Personal Shield: 1000 USD/unit
Slightly more bulky than the Defender shield system the Protector offers better protection. Along with being capable of what the Defender can do it adds the bonus of being able to protect completely against small caliber handgun or energy weapon blasts and increase the risk of survival versus medium calliber weapons. It is equivalent to the Defender in protecting in vehichle crashes.
It runs of 2 super-conductor power cells which are good for powering the shield constantly for 45 minutes.
Interceptor Personal Shield: 10,000 USD/unit
This is the pinnacle in civillian personal shielf technology. This shield is actually less bulky than the Defender but far more protective offering total protection against human force attacks, small calliber weapons and household eletrocution. It prevents the penetration of medium calliber weapons reducing their effect to minor injuries such as bruising and minor burns. It also offers guranteed survival in all but the most violent of vehicle crashes.
This shield runs off of 3 high-capacity micro powercells which are good for 3 hours of continuous use.
Military Grade Shield Systems
M-Interceptor Shield: 30,000 USD/unit
Same protective effects as the civillian Interceptor shield. This shield differs as it is built into light body armor. This makes the shield excellent for vehicle crews where they are not expected to enter heavy infantry combat.
Power cell is good for 10 hours of continuos use.
Infantry One: 40,000 USD/unit
Incorporated into the standerd battle armor of your infantry troops this shield offers excellent protection against shrapnel and small to medium calliber weapons. It reduces direct hit low end large calliber fire to moderate but survivable injury.
Power cell is good for 10 hours of continues use.
24-05-2005, 06:51
Vehicle Shields
Civillian Grade Shield Systems
Enviroguard 1000: 600 USD/Unit
These shields are a form fitting shield projected by emmitters place in the frame of the vehicle. It protects the paint finish against the elements and insect strikes.
Runs off of the vehicle motor while in use or can use power-cell for 5 hours of continuous use.
Life Saver 2150: 1200 USD/unit
Our best protection available for civillian vehicles. It has a low cost as we at APC are devoted to saving lives. This shield offers a complete intertial dampning system and internal and external shield projectors. The internal system shields and dampners shield the passengers from harm while the external shields work to deflect whatever is impacting the vehicle saving more lives in vehicle on vehicle crashes.
This system comes in a high impact case with a 48 hour power cell.
24-05-2005, 06:52
Starfighter Shields
Military Grade Shield Systems
Stonewall-class starfighter shield: 500,000 USD/ unit
This basic shield protects against glancing hits from other starfighter weaponry.
Max dissipation peak: 8.4x10^12 Watts
Heat sink capacity: 4.2x10^12 Joules
24-05-2005, 06:54
Starship Shields
Military Grade Shield Systems
Level 1 Vector Shield: 5,000,000 USD/unit
This shield follows the contours of the hull several meters out. It is vectorial so allows you to fire out of the shield without dropping them. This shield is designed for corvetted and up to mid-sized frigates.
Max dissipation rate: 4.2x10^17 Watts
Heat sink capacity: 4.2x10^18 Joules
Level 2 Vector Shield: 10,000,000 USD/unit
Like all of out hull-hugging shields this shield is vectorial and allows you to fire out or launch fighters or missiles without dropping your shields. This shield is designed for use on large frigates or small destroyers.
Max dissipation rate: 4.2x10^19 Watts
Heat sink capacity: 4.2x10^20 Joules
24-05-2005, 06:55
Theatre Shields
Military Grade Shield Systems
Infantry Dome Shield Level 1: 5,000,000 USD/unit
This shield projects a ground contact dome with a diameter of 400 meters. It protects against bombardment from enemy artillery. It is non-vectorial making it impossible to fire out of the shield while it is activated.
Power generator operates so long as it is fueled.
24-05-2005, 06:56
Planetary Shields
Military Grade Shield Systems
Level 1 Global Defence Shield: 500,000,000,000 USD/planet
This is our most basic planetary shield. It offers complete global coverage with the shield located 100 km above the surface. The shield network is connected to a massive series of thermally super-conducting heat sinks and neutrino radiators allowing for excellent protection. It can resist a Base-Delta Zero operation indefinetly.
Max dissipation rate: 3x10^27 Watts
Heat Sink capacity: 3x10^30 Joules
Level 2 Global Defence Shield: 1,500,000,000,000 USD/Planet
A more powerful version of the Level 1 shield. The shield canopy is 150 km above the surface and connected to a massive array of thermally super-conductive heat sinks and neutrino radiators. It can protect your planet from a bare minimum planet destroying blast.
Max dissipation rate: 4x10^29 Watts
Heat Sink capacity: 4x10^ 32 Joules
OOC: Interesting. I may just make a few purchases when this is up and running. Shields seem to be my weak point, and I'm gonna be needing a lot of them soon...
25-05-2005, 12:06
All items displayed are available to order. More are on their way.
26-05-2005, 06:08
bump, I added a vehicle shield and a planetary shield
26-05-2005, 18:00
Added two military personal shields and added a general description of the planetary shield strength.
29-05-2005, 19:59
Bump for any orders or feedback.
31-05-2005, 12:06
All types now have 1 prodcut available.
Der Angst
31-05-2005, 12:26
Level 2 Global Defence Shield: 1,500,000,000 USD/Planet
A more powerful version of the Level 1 shield. The shield canopy is 150 km above the surface and connected to a massive array of thermally super-conductive heat sinks and neutrino radiators. It can protect your planet from a bare minimum planet destroying blast.
Max dissipation rate: 4x10^29 Watts
Heat Sink capacity: 4x10^ 32 JoulesA shield capable of dissipating 95.5 exatons (Or the yield of about 6.37 quadrillion Hiroshima bombs) per second for less than 1/3 the price of a Nimitz carrier?
... Must be christmas, 99.9999% discount on all products.
Buy people, BUY! You wont get such an offer a second time!
31-05-2005, 12:33
A shield capable of dissipating 95.5 exatons (Or the yield of about 6.37 quadrillion Hiroshima bombs) per second for less than 1/3 the price of a Nimitz carrier?
... Must be christmas, 99.9999% discount on all products.
Buy people, BUY! You wont get such an offer a second time!
Why thank you for the bump DA. And I shall change the price.
05-06-2005, 06:58