NationStates Jolt Archive

To Find the Lost Dratherians and Travel the Warp (FT Open To All)

23-05-2005, 22:36
Disclaimer: These Events Take Place A Few Years After the Peace Conference

Master Xeth Cortas stood before the new Search fleet that is to travel the Warp in search of the Lost Dratherians. This fleet was newly prepared by both the Dratherians and Star Forge Shipyards. This fleet consisted of 20 Acclamator-class Transports, 15 Venator-class Star Destroyers, and 3 Providence-class Carriers. This fleet was to launch in a mere 2 hours with Commander Savage now Admiral Savage at the flagship Searcher a Providence-class Carrier. Xeth told them their duty was to find the 35 ships that entered the Warp to find them and retrieve every last one of them. And since Reken had sent a few navigators over to help them travel the Warp they were ready to launch. Admiral Savage now stood on his bridge and ordered the fleet to move into the Warp. This was Sojourner Fleet a fleet completely designed to travel and do battle inside the Warp. Kane stood tall his eyes fiery and said, "All vessels engage Psychic Drives prepare to enter the Warp. In 3....2....1.....Go!" With that the fleet moved into the Warp and began its long search. None of them knew what they would encounter on this journey and they wouldn't be as ready as they should be.

OOC Come on guys I just need some opposing forces to make this work.
07-06-2005, 04:28
7 Days Later

A tech sitting at an Astronavigational console begins speaking, "Sir we're approaching the Eye of Terror and scans detect the faint signals from the search vessels. How do you advise we proceed?" Kane looks at the tech and says, "Begin procedures to enter the Eye of Terror. Lets go rescue our bretheren and return them safely." In a few minutes time the fleet lurched forward and began to traverse the Eye of Terror.
01-07-2005, 20:35
Commander Savage and the fleet had been traveling through the Warp by what chronometers said were 6 months Warp Time. The ships had been fighting off large numbers of Chaos Marines including the World Eaters, the Black Legion, and the Word Bearers. They had lost five Venator-class Star Destroyers and two Acclamator Mk III transports. They finally had found the debris which accounted for 60% of the ships meaning there were two million Dratherians still alive. What happened to the other Dratherians was said to have been a plague released by the Warp God Nurgle, but like the Dratherians themselves the systems had healed themselves in the years they were gone. It was said that the Warp-spawn could not enter the galaxy by themselves at the time because of the Dratherian forces and resorted to devious tactics, but when most of the Dratherians were killed the Chaos filth were cleansed from the galaxy in one sweep of power from an unknown force. Many knew it in legend as Heaven's Fury and that the legendary warrior Theras Jokom who had lead the armies of the Dratherians and fought the Anti-Creator himself in the First War. He had given his body and soul on an unimaginable scale. He was destroyed in the use of the most powerful attack given to the best of Heaven's warriors. It was said that the part of space known as Hell's Gate is the raw leftover power of one touched by the Creator himself. Normally one would survive the attack barely alive, but on the scale of which he used it he was not only destroyed but had left his unharnessed power behind. Hell's Gate is said to be the most dangerous part of space known and no man can pass through it. The Warp-filth never returned to the Dratherian space because they feared another similar attack, but it would happen again the Chronosians had come and in force. They were approaching nearer to the area of the energy signatures corresponding to the Dratherian Ultra-vessels known as the Retheris-class Warships, large six Kilometer long vessels that had been armed with Graviton weapons that harnessed gravity and used it as a deadly weapon that could crush ships and drain shields and Theras-class Guns each said to harness a tiny portion of the power in Hell's Gate. As well they were armed with Heavy Dratherian Shielding capable of regeneration. The ships had been sent to recover the 'Lost' Ones but unwittingly became the Lost Ones themselves. However they had been found the fleet approached the vessels there were six of them in bad condition. Kane looked relieved in saying, "All stop. Assemble the crews and begin rescue operations. Prepare to tow the ships and manuever at full speed through the Arx Gap and get to safe distance from the Eye of Terror then begin fold to our galaxy." Within a few hours the ships had reached safe distance and returned with their precious cargo to Dratheria. There the Lost Ones were reunited with old friends and a new age began consisting of advanced medical, assisting, leisure, and military technology.