NationStates Jolt Archive

Satellites show massive heat signature in Grand Duchy; smoke covers region

22-05-2005, 06:28
The Grand Duchy of Tulgary, once a moderate power in charge of a small empire before military collapse and vassalage to a foreign king, had sat in its own miserable and ignorable cloud of failure for a century. Nobody cared, because the Tulgarians were washed-up.
But today the clouds emanating from the vast, under developed empire-cum-Duchy were less metaphorical and more obviously the result of trauma as smoke menaced the summer in surrounding lands. Foreign satellites happening to pass over the usually uninteresting state were concurrently able to detect a major new hot spot on the ground.

Outside the City of Gospodarstovo, Benivaria, Tulgary, the previous evening

Village 212, like all the rest, had not looked so grand since the days of empire. Days that nobody could remember... nobody save perhaps Grand Duke Felvarosh Pupin, whose one hundred and fourth birthday the nation prepared to celebrate. Even the infamously miserable coalmining villages -like Gospodarstovo 212- were showing a little colour in appreciation of their first day of rest in months unnumbered.

The Grand Duke had never been so popular. He'd sworn to end Tulgary's alliegence to its foreign dominator and to break open the land to the wonders of the wider world, perhaps even to restore Tulgarian imperial pride. Long-suffering workers dreamed of change, but Pupin's declarations and century-refined personality cult made quite sure that they looked to him as its source and not to their own empowerment.

The dirt road through Village 212 was lined by poor quality coal heaped on either side after generations of extraction at the rich Gospodarstovo seam, all the black discharge that was not pure enough for marketing by the company and as such was left to the workers... though they had to pay for the right to pick it up again. Here and there wives swept the road and the paths to their cottages, a laughably futile effort to expel the thick black grime of the village's skin, and all around young children hung quite crude decorations of coloured paper from house to house while crippled old folk looked on. Older children and their fathers, brothers, uncles, and officially able grandfathers trod home with spines a little straighter than ordinary as their noses sucked in air that seemed today a little less acrid and smacked their lips at the thought of the next morning's feast, for which they'd saved so long.

Of course, this suddenly carefree attitude was all a little more than they should have allowed themselves, survivors would say in retrospect, as a couple of kids at it round the back of shaft 3's lift engine -when ordinarily they wouldn't have found the energy after work, knowing that eight hours later they'd be back down in the dark, picking at the seam- had by some accident managed in their youthful excess to quite literally set a fire. Soon, shaft 3 was spitting like a dragon and as flame licked the road towards Village 212, the sooty air itself seemed to burn.

The conflagration had little time for the small and ignoble company village, however, and by morning it had consumed several other designed-for-profit communities and was threatening Gospodarstovo-proper and its several hundred thousand residents, a great many of whom resided still in homes built largely of wood and all of whom depended for fire fighting upon an ill-arranged system of... buckets and hand pumps.
24-05-2005, 02:13
29-05-2005, 12:27
(I have to stop bumping when nobody's around! It just feels so wrong to do it in public.)
05-06-2005, 03:30
Benivaria is Burning Down: Gospodarstovo Consumed

Little victories won by residents and army units tackling flame fronts outside the Benivarian capital were better attributed to the great fire having done away with all the fuel available to it. The city burned for two nights and almost three days before Tulgarians could regard it without shielding their eyes against the light and heat. Hundreds certainly were burned or suffocated, or even crushed by falling timbers and masonry, but tens of thousands more were homeless and countless businesses were destroyed around Gospodarstovo.

Having received no attention from the outside world, Benivarians expected little more from the Grand Duchy as they set to recovering. A few soldiers from neighbouring provinces were sent, but it became evident that they were mostly concerned with shooting looters and not with burying dead or clearing rubble.

Tulgary remained more interested in bracing more industrialised towns for a leap -long delayed- into the world's market place.
05-06-2005, 03:55

To: Grand Duke Felvarosh Pupin

Your Grace,

The Republik of Verghastinsel offers it's aid against the inferno which has engulfed numerous Tulgarian villages in the past few days. I must personally apologise for the time it took for this message to be sent, but matters closer to home took precedence. I have taken the liberty of preparing the 55th Legion, equipped with firefighting equipment, additional medical personnel and food and water supplies. The Legion has been mobilised for immediate transportation in anticipation of your reply. More supply drops are being arranged, with temporary housing included in the roster.
If you accept this help, please provide a clear 1 km2 area for the initial landing.

Emil Kaufman
Foreign Minister

Requisition confirmed,
Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Nachtmann
26-06-2005, 02:18
(Eee! Crap! I didn't think anyone had responded to this! Belated ego-search proves otherwise. Terribly sorry! Well, I'll reply to that, but shan't complain if you've lost interest by now, Verghastinsel. To anyone else, I suppose this is open, again!)

No doubt the Kaufman communiqué was delayed in no small part by the nature of Tulgarian infrastructure. Being a bit skeptical about this apparently supernatural force, electicity, the Grand Duchy was not well furnished with telegraph poles, having only a few that were given less care than they really needed in order to properly function. Perhaps the dawning of Tulgary's second international age would demand a review of this state of affairs, but as yet the networks remained wanting.

Never the less, Trepest would eventually receive the approach from Verghastinsel's foreign minister, and belatedly sent an affirmative reply and set about attending to the involved requests. Nobody had any idea what a km might be, nor did they stop to ask, instead forcing shipping and low-profit firms out of the docks around the port at Severeb and clearing fields immediately behind the port, thinking that supplies would be shipped in and there built-up.

Oxen and mules began to arrive by the dozen as carts were brought out to facilitate distribution.
27-06-2005, 05:13