NationStates Jolt Archive

Star Wars: Clone Wars [Signup]

21-05-2005, 21:18
First off, the rules:
1. No bitching about how bad the recent trilogy is, because frankly, I don't give a damn about anybody else's opinion of it
2. No spoilers about Revenge of the Sith if you have seen it already
3. The usual forum rules
-Anything that I deem a violation will be reported to the mods, but anyone can alert me to what they think is a violation. However, I still make the decision

Now, the signup format:
-If you control an available film character, you may only have one custom character, otherwise
-You may have up to three custom characters
-Joint RPing of a character is not allowed (meaning two people can't control the same character)

Available film characters: All characters are taken. They are Anakin, Obi-Wan, Grievous, Dooku, Palpatine/Sidious, Padmé (ANY OTHER FILM CHARACTERS CAN BE USED BY ANYONE)

This is how you should submit a custom character (THIS IS NOT REQUIRED FOR A FILM CHARACTER, BUT YOU MAY DO SO IF YOU WISH):

Species: (go to the Databank under species to keep it real)
Affiliation: (Neutral, Republic, CIS, Jedi=>please specifiy if you are a Master, Knight, or Padwan, Sith=> you cannot be a Sith Lord; you can be a Sith Assassin or something along those lines)
Gadgets: (does not apply to Jedi, clone troopers, or droids, who already have all necessary gadgets)
Force Powers: (only applies to Jedi and Sith) (Max of 4) (If you are a Jedi, you cannot use Sith powers and vice versa) (If you make up a Force power, I will either approve it or deny it)

Light Force Powers:
-Heal (Limited healing powers)
-Protect (Limited proximity-sheild)
-Absorb (Absorbs energy from blasters and Dark force powers)
-Farsight (See into near future without meditation and can see longer
-Blind (Can blind foes for a limited time)
-Persuasion (Alters the foes mind to your will. Only works on the
-Deviate (Deviates the course of missiles and blaster bolts slightly so they
miss the target, unless they are homing missiles, in which case it only
scrambles the targeting mechanism)

Dark Force Powers:
- Lightning
- Destruction (A more powerful version of lightning, only uses raw energy
balls instead of bolts)
- Choke
- Kill (A more powerful version of Choke)
- Immolate (Causes small fires and explosions. Limited range and effect)
- Dark Control (A more powerful version of Persuasion, but still only works on
the weak minded. Allows for physical control)
- Darksight (Anyone who looks at the user get painfully hurt)
- Saber-throw
- Saber-arc (Saber flys around user in a circle)

Bio: (if desired)

If you plan on being a "Neutral" character (under "Affiliation"), please specify which side you are most likely to lean to

There will be several chapters, each lasting for six months within the Star Wars universe (The Clone Wars were three years long). The story will begin with a massive Seperatist invasion of Kashyyyk, the Wookie homeworld. If you want one of your characters to die (THIS CAN ONLY BE DONE WITH CUSTOM CHARACTERS), then they cannot appear in any of the later chapters.

Here is the list:
Chapter 1 - It Has Begun... (First Six Months, the beginning of the war)
Chapter 2 - At The Frontline (First Year, the transition from Jedi peacekeepers to Jedi warriors)
Chapter 3 - Assassination Attempt (First Year-and-a-Half, attempt on the life of Chancellor Palpatine, both of my characters will be involved in this, and I will be the one to attempt and thwart it, but my assassin will need help on his attempt; war continues)
Chapter 4 - The Emerging of Grievous (Second Year, self-explanatory)
Chapter 5 - Devastation (Two Years-and-a-Half, space battles only, but you can have troops invade enemy ships)
Chapter 6 - The Final Hour (Third Year, end of the war, ROTS battle on Coruscant)

Thats all. The RP will begin when the film characters roles are filled
21-05-2005, 21:19
Here are my characters:

Name: Joran Adrian
Age: 27 years old
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Affiliation: Jedi (Jedi Master)
Vehicle: Alpha-19 Saber-Class space superiority starfighter (sorry, pic unavailable, has lintegral hyperspace capability, 2 dual laser cannons, capable of carrying 4 proton torpedoes)
Weapon: 1 lightsaber (green)
Force Powers:
-Force Fire-green fire shot from hand knocks down enemies
Weaknesses: He can be a little arrogant at times, and has a knack for getting himself into bad situations
Bio: To start, he made up his own form of lightsaber combat called Jinra. Basically, he can access any form of lightsaber combat (graceful, acrobatic, offensive, defensive, etc.) at any time, which makes him very hard to fight because his opponents don't know where the next blow is coming from

His Force powers are unquestioned; undoubtedly he is the most intuitive Force user. His insight has allowed him to discover certain mysteries surrounding the Force, giving him the ability of Force Fire and Jinra. Only Master Yoda, Master Windu, Obi-Wan, and Anakin can rival him in knowledge of the Force and lightsaber combat

Real Name: Kyan Reo
Sith Name: Darth Vauron
Age: Unknown (he's not immortal, it's just that no one knows that information, however, he is about the same age as Joran Adrian)
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Affiliation: Sith Order (Sith Assassin)
Vehicle: Personalized Fighter (with integral hyperspace capability) (Pic ( )
Gadgets: He has various tools to repair his fighter, and he obtains anything needed to survive on a planet
Weapon: 1 black darksaber (instead of white middle in a lightsaber, it's black in his, which means that his darksaber is all black and is impossible to see in a dark area)
Force Powers:
-Dark Control
Appearance: about 6'0", black hair, red eyes, he only aggression or evil, same kind of robes as Darth Maul
Personality: Extremely aggressive, very quick temper, destroys practically anything in his path
Weaknesses: Tends to get out of control and kills not only enemies but allies as well
Bio: Hailing from a wealthy family in the Corellia System, Kyan Reo was strong in the Force, although he did know it. Strangely enough, he was not discovered and brought to the Jedi Temple.

Because of clumsiness in childhood, he often was the receiver of hurtful comments and physical actions. This drove his later fears of humiliation, which led him down the path he continues today. He discovered his abilities when he was teased by an older child. His fear drove his anger, his anger drove his hate, and before he knew it, Kyan lifted the older child off the ground and strangled him.

Not much is known after that except one thing: Kyan traveled to Korriban. On the ancient Sith homeworld, he was taught by ancient spirits who eventually possessed him. They gave him the name Darth Vauron, and now he can call upon the spirits within him to give him guidance.

He is not affiliated with Count Dooku or Darth Sidious, in fact, they don't even know him. However, he assists the CIS whenever he can, always dropping in on battles, destroying clone troopers, and then leaving whenever he feels to.
21-05-2005, 21:28
21-05-2005, 21:41
Name: Semmi Seraph
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Affiliation: Republic
Vehicle(s): ARC-170 fighter, V-19 Torrent starfighter, All Terrain Scout Transport (AT-ST walker),
Weapon(s): DC-17m Blaster, DC15s, Plasma Knife
Appearance: Brown hair, Hazel eyes and very tall. He is very well fit and has extreme strength. He charms the ladies and he is one of the best in the Republic's army.
Weaknesses: Though he is very good combat wise, he does have weaknesses. He harnesses the Force but he doesnt know, the darkside is strong with him, he is weak to fall to the darkside if he ever falls into the hands of a sith.
Bio: Semmi joined the Republic's cause and got accepted into the clone army's ARC Troopers because of his excelled combat skills and piloting. He has poor leadership skills. He prefers to work alone. Semmi has scored a 92% in his training. Not much is known about Semmi Seraph except that he was born on Corellia.
21-05-2005, 21:51
22-05-2005, 00:22
22-05-2005, 01:41
Name: Randar Kal
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Affiliation: Neutral- Republic,
Vehicle(s): Gallofree Transport, N-1 Starfighter, Firespray
Gadgets: many things you would need to do many different things
Weapon(s): 2 Blue lightsabers and blaster
Force Powers:
- Choke
- Dark Control
Appearance: looks much like Anakin but with flater hair
Weaknesses: likes women to much
Bio: i will fill it when i have more in the meantime i will say he is not sith or jedi but a dark jedi (a force capebal person that still has jedi ideas but will use sith powers if needed)
22-05-2005, 01:54
Name: Samani Ansu
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Species: Human (Mandalorian)
Affiliation: Jedi Order (Master)
Vehicle: KSE Firespray (
Weapon(s): Lightsaber (Orange), Boot-Knife
Lightsaber Form(s): A mix of forms Two and Zero.
Force Powers:
-Dominate (It's in KotOR I, so I'm assuming you know it's function)
Appearance: 6'1", shoulder-length dark brown hair, Jedi Robes.
Weaknesses: Force bond with Padawan, Keeva Tatiana.
Bio: Samani was found on Ansu, an old Mandalorian world, by Master Ki Adi Mundi. Raised on the history of the warlike Mandalorian race, he has strived to become a warrior worthy of the name.
Now a master swordsman, Ansu has studied with many Jedi, including Master Windu and the former Jedi, Count Dooku, who now leads the seperatists. He has a strong command of the force, but his feelings for Keeva have in the past forced him to use his anger to survive a situation. Ansu knows of the corruption within the Republic, and has in past rejected the wishes of the Jedi Council.
Name: Keeva Tatiana
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Affiliation: Jedi Order (Padawan to Master Ansu)
Weapon(s): Lightsaber (Purple)
Lightsaber Form(s): Form Five.
Force Powers:
Appearance: 5'4", slim, with long black/blue hair, Jedi Robes.
Weaknesses: Force bond with Master Ansu.
Bio: A moisture farmer's daughter, Keeva was found on Tatooine by Master Ansu after hearing of her in a cantina. After a stay at the farm, Ansu took her before the Jedi Council on Coruscant but she was rejected, being almost fourteen at the time. Regardless of the Council's decision, Ansu trained her in the Force.
Keeva proved herself adept in the use of the Force, being both powerful and focused. Her fencing skills are not of the same standard as her Master's, however.
22-05-2005, 02:07
OOC: OMG, I was gonna do something like this after seeing the movie yesterday, but anyways....

Name: Igor Potapovich Hrepoi
Age: 29
Gender: MALE
Species: Human
Affiliation: Neutral, Sith Warrior, most like to help Evil Anakin and the gang
Vehicle(s): Hovercycle, Interscellar Transporter
Gadgets: Remote Controlled Surveillance Probes: 4
Weapon(s): Twin light-sabers
Force Powers: Choke, Destruction, Saber-Throw, Saber-arc
Appearance: Face is usually covered with a hood, eyes are yellow/redish like all the sith, he is about 2 meters 8 centimeters tall, has dark hair, which forms a short beard on his chin, everything down from the left wrist is a cyber protes. Wears a dark robe with a strange, red, bird like picture on the back
Weaknesses: Likes power too much
Bio: Igor was born on Tatuine, he was separated from his parents at the early age of 4 then they were sold to a different master. At the age of 11 he has realized his power and killed his master, he then stole his master's transporter and flew away. Somethere in space he was intercepted by a sith lord who became his master. At 23 Igor killed his master after learning everything there was to learn from him. He is on a look out for himself and only himself, he follows no one and will do whatever neccessary to ensure his survival, even if it is at the expenss of others. This past 6 years, he was doing assanitaion jobs for republican credits, he became quite popular in that circle. Two years ago he ran into another Jedi, he killed him, but that came at a cost of his left arm. Right now he continues about his assasination business same as before.
22-05-2005, 02:23
Name: Rivak
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Affiliation: Neutral
Vehicle(s): custom-built light freighter, weaponry similar to Slave 1
Gadgets: custom-built armour, Ysalamiri, both in ship and on body (in special case around neck)
Weapon(s): two blasters, vibroblade, trophy lightsaber
Appearance: similar to this, shorter hair, greater muscle tone
Weaknesses: fairly easy to distracted/short attention span
Bio: An assassin and bounty hunter, will hunt anyone including Jedi, Sith and other force users, has proof of at least one Jedi or Sith killed, belived to have slain many more force users. She was the one who designed both the armour and ship as well as the specialized Ysalamiri case that she wears.
22-05-2005, 02:37
Here's my character.

Name: Jonma-Lomin
Gender: male
Species- Human, from Chandrila
Affiliation: Jedi Master of the republic
Vehicle(s): Jedi starfighter.
Weapon(s): Purple Lightsaber (shaped like count Dooku's)
Force Powers: Saber-throw, Persuasion, heal, force push
Appearance: Looks like Master Tholme (tall, brown eyes, long black hair) standard jedi robes,
Weaknesses: He's a maverick, doesn't always listen to the councils wishes or others.
Bio: His training was begun by Count Dooku, but for reasons unknown to Master Lo, Dooku stopped being his master. His skill was recongnized by Master Mace Windu, and he finish Jonma's training. Now an esteemed jedi who's blended fighting style of type 5 and the Vaapad (taught to him by Master Windu) has brought him fame as one of the orders best saber masters. He used to teach along Sora Bulq as a fighting instructor teaching younglings the ways of saber combat. Now he servers the Jedi as their offical liaison to the senate, where he's gained the respect of many senators, and watches in the chancellor with distrust. with the coming of the war, Jonma is more than ready to protect the republic. and the council as granted him control of the 12 Army.

If this is not exceptable, I could also play as Count Dooku.
22-05-2005, 03:33
Name: Syn Alekios
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Species: Zabrak
Affiliation: Sith Knight
Vehicle(s): YT-1300/ If on the job of a attack a Ancient Sith Fighter modified to fit the time peroid
Gadgets: N/A
Weapon(s): Dual Sided Lightsaber- Red Crystal
Force Powers: Throw,Destruction, Choke, Immolate.

Appearance: He wears a Dark Robe. having no hair 6 horns pop out of his head pointed sharply. His face was tan with a Black tatoo of a flame all around his face. (( Kinda like Anakin skywalker in Ep 3 ))
Weaknesses: Being strong in the force and lightsaber combat at peroids he has a peroid of fatgiue that lasts for a day.

Bio: Syn started out as a Jedi Intiate exiling himself from his family and close friends. Training up to a Jedi knight he always hated not being able to use his emotions and putting other people before himself. His hatred increased so much that he slained his own master after that happen he knew he could no longer serve as a jedi. Exiling himself he ran away joining the Sith in their cause eliminating all Jedi.
22-05-2005, 15:03
Nebarri_Prime: Approved! (Although I said you couldn't mix Sith and Jedi Powers, that was if you were truly Sith or Jedi. You are a Dark Jedi. Congratulations, you found a loophole!)

Verghastinsel: Samani=>Actually, I don't know what Dominate is, so that can pass. However, you'll have to change at least Destruction to something else, as I don't really want Jedi and Sith with mixed Powers. Choke is on the borderline, mostly because Luke uses it on Jabba's guards in ROTJ. Keeva=> Approved!

Pushka: Approved!

Theao: Approved!

FORT TICONDEROGA: Approved! You are officially Count Dooku as well as Jonma-Lomin. Change Force Push to something else because I forgot to add that:

ALL Jedi & Sith automatically have the force powers Jump, Speed, Pull, Push and Sight

Kiharxis: Approved!
22-05-2005, 15:14
OOC: I'm figuring Samani as a Master, but he's used the Dark Side in the past, so has some experience with it. But perhaps you're right, and Destruction is too much. Would you mind if he had Lightning instead? It's a bit lower level, and would fit for him not being totally immersed in the Dark Side.
Oh, and Force Dominate is just a more powerful version of Persuade. Rather than making a person think they want to do something, you can physically force them to do it.
22-05-2005, 15:28
OOC: I'm figuring Samani as a Master, but he's used the Dark Side in the past, so has some experience with it. But perhaps you're right, and Destruction is too much. Would you mind if he had Lightning instead? It's a bit lower level, and would fit for him not being totally immersed in the Dark Side.
Oh, and Force Dominate is just a more powerful version of Persuade. Rather than making a person think they want to do something, you can physically force them to do it.

Hmm...Okay, but use it in spare amounts
22-05-2005, 15:29
Hmm...Okay, but use it in spare amounts

OOC: No probs. It's a 'Dire Situation' thing.
No endorse
22-05-2005, 16:35
Name: Endre Pulser
Age: ~35
Gender: male
Species: Terran (from Corellia ( )
Affiliation: Wherever the money lies. Will ally with the seperatalists more and more, since they'll pay big money for dangerous hauls.
Vehicle(s): a modified TransGalMeg Xiytiar-Class transport (Lo Khan's ship if that helps any), heavily modified (Cloakshape Fighter ( in a small cargo compartment modified to a one ship hanger bay.
Gadgets: liquid rope, multiple MRE packs, survival kit, electro-binoculars, ascension gun, comlink, 3 R2 series droids
Weapon(s): Blaster pistol & rifle, a few stun 'nades, and some HDE charges
Force Powers: N/A
Appearance: Red head, blue eyes, 5'8." Has Corellian bloodstripes on his pants.

Weaknesses: Females (he's corellian LOL), gambling, racing, and money. Also has a really personel attatchment to a girl back home. (in Hollowtown, Centerpoint Station, Corellian System) Hurt her and he'll be devestated.

Bio: Born somewhere in the Corellian system, and lived staring up at the Centerpoint Station for the first few years of his life. His mother was killed by CoreSec in a police sweep, and he left planet with his father, traveling all over the system's many stations and planets. Helped save a staton from asteroid collision, and was breifly pardoned and given a set of Corellian bloodstripes. Then got mixed up in a smuggling scandal, and hunted again. He lived hidden on the Centerpoint station until just before leaving to become a smuggler. He stole his freighter from a starship repair dock, and managed to escape into hyper before CoreSec or Old Republic forces could get him. It and him have obviously been through a lot. Currently, he has three functional R2 units onboard to deal with different ships systems. (named Anne, Bob, and Charles)

Name: Mira Paranight
Age: ~33
Gender: Female
Species: Terran (Corellian)
Vehicle(s): Z95 Headunter (armed with only two civilian grade light laser cannons, mostly a joyride ship)
Gadgets: compact survival kit, a few medpacks
Weapon(s): sport blaster
Force Powers: N/A

Appearance:5'6," green eyes, strait black hair about sholder legnth, B cup (for anyone that really cares :rolleyes: ), pale white (as she spends most of her days under dim lights working on computers. Also has Corellian Bloodstripes

Weaknesses: Not a skilled fighter, is a civilian. Decent pilot and shot though, but not as skilled as a regular Clone trooper.

Bio: Grew up in a respectible middle class family on the planet of Corellia. Got a job as a computer programmer onboard an Old Republic cruiser before the Clones came. Eventually went back to Corellia, and has been living there as the head of a small technical group. Will probably get drafted back onto a Republic cruiser at some point.
22-05-2005, 16:41
Name: Traz Jouin
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Affiliation: Jedi Master
Vehicle: Jedi Star fighter
Weapon: Lightsaber (Green)
Force Powers: Saber throw, Persuasion, Deviate, Farsight
Appearance: Tall with short blond hair and deep blue eyes. He is handsome and wears Jedi robes.
Weakness: Can be too cautious.
Bio: Traz was born on the planet Coruscant and was taken to be trained by the Jedi at the age of 4 and was a fast learner. His progress was unlike anything the Council had seen before, and he was awarded the title of night at age 18. When he was 26 he discovered Karn and immedietly petitioned the Jedi council to let him train the boy. Believing him to be up to the task he was allowed to take Karn under his wing. They have remained together since.

Name: Karn Azox
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Affiliation: Jedi Padawan
Vehicles: Jedi Star fighter
Weapons: Lightsaber (blue)
Force Powers: Heal, Protect, Blind, Persuasion.
Appearance: Medium build, with brown eyes and Jedi robes. Has medium length brown hair.
Weaknesses: Hot headed, and impatient. Always ready to jump into action.
Bio: Karn was found on the planet Telos at the age of 14 and was dicovered to already have a large command of the Force. Master Jouin saw the potential in the boy and decided to take him as his apprentice. They have been together ever since, and remain loyal to each other through thick and thin.
22-05-2005, 20:23
Name: Lenler Nelkin
Gender: Male
Species: Human (From Talus)
Vechiles: Custom Medium Freighter Gladiator, AV-21 Landspeeder
Affiliation: An ex-Jedi Sentinel (ranked Weapon Master), now neutral but a bounty hunter/smuggler
Weapon: Green Lightsabre
Gadgets: Jedi Holocron
Force Powers:
-Sabre Throw
Appearance: 6'2, 180lbs. Long dark brown hair, and redish black eyes. He wears grey cargo pants, covered by a long black skirt, black leather boots, a black long sleeve tunic, a black jedi robe. He occasionally wears a black composite armor suit.
Weakness: He has been known to indulge in the carnal pleasures.

Bio: He was spotted early on as having great prowess in both the force and in fighting techniques. At the age of 6 he was sent to the Jedi Temple where he trained with the other younglins. At 11 he was sent to be the padawan of Master Tenn Krarus. He completed his trials at age 18, and became a Knight. He continued to fight along side Master Krarus until the age of 21 when on the planet Dathomir the two were ambushed, and Krarus killed. Lenler escaped into the wilderness where he found a young woman by the name of Joann Nexonel. He escaped with this woman, and the two lived together as friends for 3 more years. At the age of 25 Lenler was bestowed the rank of Weapons Master, later in the year he left the order due to falling in love with Joann. The two entered into the Smuggling, and bounty hunting business, which they have been doing for 3 1/2 years now. Though he left the order, he still has a great deal of friends and respect for the members and in an emergency he would probably side with the Jedi in a heart beat.

Name: Joann Nelkin
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Species: Human (From Naboo)
Vechiles: Custom Medium Freighter Gladiator, AV-21 Landspeeder
Affiliation: Neutral, (bounty hunter/smuggler) she has prowess in the force, but not a Jedi nor a Sith.
Weapon: CDEF Laser Rifle (hair trigger, scope, stock, fitted grip, custom barrel), and Striker Pistol (custom grip, hair trigger)
Gadgets: A great many, in particular: Surveying tools, Electronic Binoculors, Camo Kit, Bounty Hunter Pack, Adhesive Mesh Trap, Chance Cube. 2 R2 Class Droids, 1 Protocol Droid, 1 Medical Droid.
Force Powers: N/A, but they are developing

Appearance: 5'4, 110lbs. Long black hair, and greenish-blue eyes. She wears white and blue padded armor, with a black double bandolier, along with a bounty hunter kit backpack, and a long black robe. She occasionally wears a reinforced long sleeve shirt over the padded armor as well.

Weakness: She loves jobs that produce a great deal of wealth.

Bio: Joann was taken by a group of privateers from Naboo following its victory over the Trade Federation. She had a great deal of combat experience, and upon landing on Dathomir she escaped into the woods. She was found by Lenler, and after returning to Couroscent she fell in love with the young Jedi Knight. When Lenler left the order the two were married, and have entered into the bounty hunter/smuggling trade.
23-05-2005, 15:34
No endorse: Approved!

Raqatia: Approved!

Newtdom: Approved! However, Joann can not know she has Force Powers. They can develop, but she can't know how they happen (and Lenler can't tell her, either, no matter how many questions she asks)
23-05-2005, 15:52
If it could be done can i play palpatine/sidous?
23-05-2005, 19:13
If it could be done can i play palpatine/sidous?

Jal-Sen Katmec
23-05-2005, 22:11
Name: Jal-Sen Katmec
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Species: Human (from Corellia)
Vehicle: Custom-built and modified Jedi starfighter
Affiliation: Jedi (Master)
Weapons: Two lightsabers (one green, one blue)
Force Powers: Protect (rarely, since it's quite draining), Persuasion, Blind.

Appearance: Normal Jedi garb; 5' 11"; Dark sepia hair (extending almost to the base of the neck); medium build; greenish-hazel eyes.

Weakness: Hardly any at all, but occasionally a little daring.
24-05-2005, 15:06
Name: Jal-Sen Katmec
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Species: Human (from Corellia)
Vehicle: Custom-built and modified Jedi starfighter
Affiliation: Jedi (Master)
Weapons: Two lightsabers (one green, one blue)
Force Powers: Protect (rarely, since it's quite draining), Persuasion, Blind.

Appearance: Normal Jedi garb; 5' 11"; Dark sepia hair (extending almost to the base of the neck); medium build; greenish-hazel eyes.

Weakness: Hardly any at all, but occasionally a little daring.

approved, but do you want 4 force powers? (4 is the max)
24-05-2005, 18:55
25-05-2005, 15:44
No endorse
25-05-2005, 23:24
26-05-2005, 00:15
time to...BUMP!
26-05-2005, 00:59
26-05-2005, 01:00
How many more people do you need?
Neo Zeta
26-05-2005, 01:15
Name: Drake
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Affiliation: Sith Knight ( CIS and the Empire when it appears)
Vehicle: Stolen Jedi Fighter
Weapon:Two Lightsabers (Red)
Force Powers: Lightning,Kill, Saber-arc,Saber-throw
Appearance: 5'11 Black hair with normal build
Weakness: Being Insane
Bio: Drake has never been right in the head. He love to watch others die. His skill for a Sith his age is great and has been known to take any chance to kill younglings.

Name: Jessica
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Affiliation: Trained in Some Sith powers,Who ever her brother fights for.
Vehicle: Bounty Hunter Ship
Weapon:Blaster Rifel and Lightsaber ( Blue)
Force Powers: Choke
Appearance: 5'2 Black hair smaller build then some girls
Weakness: Careing for her brother
Bio: Jessica only follows the sith and CIS so she can be with her brother. She is well trained in medical tech.
Neo Tyr
26-05-2005, 01:56
-Name: Garet Hatra
-Age: 29
-Gender: Male
-Species: Human, from Alderaan
-Affiliation: Republic
-Vehicle: A standard ARC-170
-Gadgets: An old astromech droid named R4-B7
-Weapons: Blaster Carbine, Blaster Pistol
-Force Powers: None. He has a little force sensitivity, but it would be a longshot if he could ever use the Force.
-Appearance: Somewhat short with black hair. Because he is a soldier he has a rather strong body. He wears his flight suit when fighting may start, but if not he wears his common clothes. He has gray eyes.
-Weaknesses: He is known to be distrustful towards orders he doesn't agree with.
-Bio: Garet was born to a somewhat wealthy family on Alderaan. He was able to live a comfortable life and eventually signed up in the military. While he was a capable soldier, he really stood out in space combat, becoming one of the better pilots in the Republic. During the time of the clones, he was able to keep his job as a pilot and was given ARC-170 to use. He is rather distrustful to the clones and is suspicious towards them.
26-05-2005, 02:12
Name: Andrew Malamar
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Affiliation: Jedi Knight
Vehicle(s): custom X-wing, landspeeder
Weapon(s): Lightsaber(green), blaster.
Appearance: 6'0'' with black hair and green eyes.
Force Powers: Heal, protect, persuasion, and absorb
Weaknesses: Loves his identical twin brother so much that he will do anything to help him.
Bio: Andrew grew up with his twin brother Jason on Coruscant. He and his twin brother share a strong bond and when they fight together, they are nearly unstoppable.

Name: Jason Malamar
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Affiliation: Jedi Knight
Vehicle(s): custom X-wing, landspeeder
Weapon(s): Lightsaber(blue), blaster.
Appearance: 6'0'' with black hair and green eyes.
Force Powers: Heal, saber-throw, farsight, and absorb
Weaknesses: Loves his identical twin brother so much that he will do anything to help him.
Bio: Jason grew up with his twin brother Andrew on Coruscant. He and his twin brother share a strong bond and when they fight together, they are nearly unstoppable.
26-05-2005, 02:52
Name: Suzki Patat
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Vehicles: Sith Speeder
Affiliation: Sith Knight
Weapon: Two Red Lightsabers
Gadgets: N/A I don't know yet
Force Powers:
-Force Lightning
-Force Grip
-Lightsaber Combat
-Accelerate Healing
Appearance: Suzki has a lightsaber on either side of her waist, she wears pure back clothing and a robe over the clothing. She rarely reveals her face, and those who do see her face don't live to give a description.

Bio: Suzki was boorn into slavery on the planet of Tatooine. At the age of 8, she witnessed her parents deaths and her older brother's disappearance. She ran away soon after, and was found by slave catchers. She was returned to her owner, apparently her owner had payed the slave catchers to look for her. Shortly after being returned, she became more infuriated. Her anger grew uncontrolibly. One day, when cleaning up a mess her owner made intentionally, she overheard him speaking about her older brother. She found out her owner was behind the killings of her parents. But why? She never found out. Later that night, she found a knife and killed her owner. She then ran away, again. Whe she was 13, she had been living with a family. She went wondering one day and was kidnapped. A year after severe torture and abusement, she was rescued by a man wielding a red lightsaber and using amazing powers. He found her, almost dead, and the man decided to take her with him. By the age of 15, a year after being rescued, the man had started training her in the ways of the Sith. She was soon accepted as a Sith, and showed incredible potential through her anger. She became a Sith Knight by the age of 19. -I'll put a less crappy ending on this...-


Name: Micha Patat
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Affiliation: Bounty Hunter ( Would side with the Republic if the Republic needed him...aka at war, like big time... )
Weapon: Heavy Blaster Rifle, Two Blaster Pistols, Vibro-Blade
Gadgets: Tracer, Fragmentation Grenades, Plasma Grenades, Shock Grenades, Explosive Packs
Unique Attributes:
-Expert Marksman
-Medical Knowledge
-Good with most vehicles
-Basic Force Powers ( see bio )
Apperance: Micha wears a pure dark grey armor set ( Think of Jengo but a bit darker. Infact it is just like Jengo just no jetpack. )

Bio: Micha witnessed the deaths of his parents when he was 11. He was saved by a Jedi, but the Jedi could not save his sister. Micha was offered a chance to be a Jedi but Micha couldn't live the life of a Jedi, bound to have no love in your life, and other reasons too. Micha did take some Jedi training, giving him the ability to use the basics like Force Jump, Force Push, Force Pull, etc. Micha became a bounty hunter at the age of 18 and became renowned at his job. - More to come -

OOC: Umm...I am a Star Wars fan but not enough to really know any fliers except like X-Wing etc...
Beta Aurigae VII
26-05-2005, 03:31
OOC: This looks extremely interesting and since I'm a Star Wars buff, should be very fun to RP. Anyway, here's my character.

Name: Tor Ma
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Species: Kel-Dor
Affiliation: Republic (Jedi Master)
Vehicle(s): Modified Surronian Conqueror Assault Ship
Weapon(s): One Lightsaber (dual-phase) Colors: Yellow and Blue
Force Powers: Farsight, Saber-Throw, Persuasion, Deviate
Appearence: Tall wearing brown jedi robes. Black eyes. Imposing figure.
Weaknesses: Over analyzation outside of battle, which makes him a slow decision maker.
Bio: Tor Ma, was trained as a Padawan under two different Jedi Knights and later a Jedi Master. His first master was killed during a mission on Duro. Tor Ma escaped the encounter, but has since been driven to find his full potential within the force so that he won't suffer the same fate. Due to this, he proceeded to train under Mace Windu after he passed the Jedi trials. During this time, he formed a special bond between himself and the force which has delivered him from many battles unscathed. His amazing proficiency in lightsaber combat, rivaled by few of the Jedi Masters, gained him a seat on the Jedi Council where his calm demeanor and superior analyzong skills have served the council invaluably throughout his service to the Order.
26-05-2005, 15:07
How many more people do you need?

I need people to play at least all of the film characters involved in the war. If anybody wishes to play a film character, they now can have two custom characters as well, or one custom character and two film characters. Count Dooku has been taken.

Involved in the war - Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Mace Windu, General Grievous (if you choose Grievous, you will want to create a custom character, as Grievous will not appear until the fourth chapter); Involved in politics - Padmé Amidala, Bail Organa, Palpatine/Sidious, Nute Gunray

Neo Zeta-Approved!

Neo Tyr-Approved!

Ageaol-Approved, but make sure the two brothers don't become too unstoppable

Pyschotika-Approved! You can have whatever vehicle you want, but since Micha is a bounty hunter, I would suggest the same type of ship as the Slave I (the Fett's ship)

Beta Aurigae VII-Approved, but he can't be on the Council. I'd like to keep it somewhat true to the story, or else my Jedi Master would have been on the Council.
Millitary might
26-05-2005, 15:22
I will take Grievous and if possible Obi-wan. No customs for me. Could you also TG me what each character's equipment, Force powers, ect? Thanks alot.
26-05-2005, 15:56
I will take Grievous and if possible Obi-wan. No customs for me. Could you also TG me what each character's equipment, Force powers, ect? Thanks alot.

just go by the movies
The True Way of Alan
26-05-2005, 16:37
Name: Dirk Carr
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Affiliation: CIS- (Sith Warrior)
Vehicle(s): Small V-XXL flier (Of his own design)
Gadgets: Tools to fix ship
Weapon(s): Double bladed dark purple lightsaber
Force Powers:
- Destruction (A more powerful version of lightning, only uses raw energy
balls instead of bolts)
- Choke
- Darksight (Anyone who looks at the user get painfully hurt)
- Saber-throw

Appearance: Tall, around 6ft 3, long blonde hair, purple eyes. Thin, but well-developed.
Weaknesses: Dirk can sometimes be too cruel for his own good, he gets to engrossed in things like that and forgets his missions.
Bio: Dirk Carr was born on the planet Tattooine and was trained in the Jedi Temple until he reached the level of Jedi Master. On an expedition with his Padawan, Ger Ultin, they were attacked by mercenaries. Dirk was captured but fought long enough for Ger to escape and get to the temple. Dirk was comfirmed dead by the Council. Word of the decision reached him and drove him insane that the Council could abandon him...
He managed to escape but turned to the Darkside....

Name: Ger Ultin
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Affiliation: Jedi (Master)
Vehicle(s): N/A
Gadgets: N/A
Weapon(s): Blue lightsaber
Force Powers:

Appearance: Short, but well-built. Brown short hair, wears jedi robes.
Weaknesses: Can be impatient sometimes
Bio: Birthplace unknown, On an expedition with his Master, Dirk Carr, they were attacked by mercenaries. Dirk was captured but fought long enough for Ger to escape and get to the temple. Dirk was comfirmed dead by the Council. Ger refused to believe it and searched for Dirk after becoming a Jedi Master. Having found and confronted him, Ger realized the extent of Dirk's corruption and reported back to the Council... He was tasked with hunting down Dirk and elimination of Dirk.....
26-05-2005, 18:10
The True Way of Alan-Approved!
Manhattan Prime
26-05-2005, 18:35
If you can be anyone from the films, can I be Plo Koon, or Ki-Adi-Mundi?
Kaiser Martens
26-05-2005, 19:13
Name: Merco
Age: Unknown, but looks late twenties or early thirties.
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Affiliation: Somewhere between Light and Dark side.
Vehicle: EXTREMELY enhanced TIE Interceptor
Gadgets: Needs none
Weapon: Red lightsabre, but larger than usual by 1/4 the length and the handle is twice as large, to be gripped with both hands, but is surprisingly light.
Force Powers: Destruction, Heal, Deviate, Absorb
Rather tall man and well builtish man, but not one of those gym fanatic person. Pale skin, blue eyes, blonde short hair, he's very agile, has good strong hands and his eyes are cold like two glaciers, they even tend to scare people, although at times they're surprisingly warm. He ussually wears simple black clothing pretty much like Anakin on Ep. III, although often he has a dark trenchcoat over it, with a high neck which almost reaches his nose, of course with an opening in the front so his mouth is visible, his cheeks covered.
Weakness: Cold
Small bio: Merco is a genetic experiment containing DNA of some of the greatest force users, with a good intelligence and a body which works much more efficiently than the regular human, and grew much quicker, having reached the limit of growth and esteemed to live some 200 years. The lab where the experiment was taking place was destroyed and a pod was bailed out and crashed into a planet known as Chars. There he eventually met Ravyn Dijou, a Jedi Master (female) who sensed his abnormally good connection with the Force and trained her. Mace Windu should know her, for she once mentioned to him that he had been her Master. Anyways, he went on to continue his training, becoming each time stronger and stronger, eventually fell inlove with a girl, she died, years later with another, she betrayed him, this was not good for his feelings and caused him to stray from the path of the light, although he had always had Darkish tendencies this was too much. Then Ravyn dissapeared right when he needed her the most, he had lost it all, she was like a mother to him. He got eventually in another fight, with a strong man, and there he suffered his first defeat and fell, left for many years, going into deep meditation.. asleep like that as if hibernating...
He awoke now, his powers had diminished, but knew that if he did not just die it was for a reason. He wasn't truly in either side of the Force now, but he would return to the Jedi Temple to try to find his way again, although it would be clear for those who were experienced that in spite of not being an "Evil" person the dark was in him, almost like a curse he cannot seem to get rid of, so he may just attempt to do good things through dark methods as it happened before in his life, even though he's trying to...well, reform. Time will tell what happens, if he regains his power or dies, if he ends up with the Light or the Dark for good....
27-05-2005, 15:08
If you can be anyone from the films, can I be Plo Koon, or Ki-Adi-Mundi?

Unfortunately, any characters not listed can be RPed by anyone. For example, I could use Plo Koon, you could use Plo Koon, anybody could use Plo Koon, but only if I, you, or anybody else needed him for something. The characters listed can only be RPed by one person.

Kaiser Martens: Approved!
Millitary might
27-05-2005, 15:13
Going by the movies is fine but what specificly because what I think I can use and what you think I can use could be two diffrent things. So just to be safe please TG me the stats. Also can I RP some of Grievous' bodyguard? (The guys with the stafts with purple lights on the end.)
Kaiser Martens
27-05-2005, 18:33

Oh and, it'd be really nice to know just about when this is beginning (I hope soon) and I fear that when I does, I may not just see the thread unless it has enough bumps, I know it might be annoying, but could you telegram me please when you begin? I'll still check this thread almost daily, just in case.
East Lithuania
27-05-2005, 18:42
Name:Mike Mongoij
Affiliation: Sith Warrior
Vehicle(s):Mandolorian Fighter (close to Jango Fett's in Episode II)
Weapon(s):Two Red lightsabers
Force Powers: Choke: Saber Throw: Lightning: Immolate
Appearance:6'2" Black hair brown eyes, average body type
27-05-2005, 18:58

Oh and, it'd be really nice to know just about when this is beginning (I hope soon) and I fear that when I does, I may not just see the thread unless it has enough bumps, I know it might be annoying, but could you telegram me please when you begin? I'll still check this thread almost daily, just in case.

No problem

East Lithuania: Approved
Beta Aurigae VII
28-05-2005, 19:55
Beta Aurigae VII
29-05-2005, 15:55
Kaiser Martens
29-05-2005, 19:34
**roleplay eager impatient bump.** <-----Sorry, Hyper.
29-05-2005, 19:38
**roleplay eager impatient bump.** <-----Sorry, Hyper.

that's okay. just need people for the film characters
29-05-2005, 21:33
Name: Kran Hars
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Affiliation: Jedi Knight
Vehicle(s): None
Gadgets: Non
Weapon(s): Lightsabers (Blue and Yellow)
Force Powers: Heal
Appearance: Straight black hair. Scar above right eye. Pale skin.
Weaknesses: None really
Bio: Born on Korriban, Kran Hars was discovered by Jedi Knight Adi Gallia on a visit to Korriban. He was trained by Jedi Master Plo Koon. He was involved in only a few recon missions, one in which he witnessed his fellow Jedi and friend Dek Pios be killed, in an act of revenge, he took up Dek Pios' lightsaber and defeated an entire battalion of droids alone. To this day he still uses his old friends yellow lightsaber. His first major mission was the beginning of the clone wars.
Outer Heaven MK II
29-05-2005, 21:53

Erm, I don't know what part I can take. If you can post what film parts are taken, that'll be swell, so I can pick.
Outer Heaven MK II
30-05-2005, 18:01
Oh NVM, I read it. I'll play Anakin Skywalker :D
31-05-2005, 13:01
Name: Janus Orol.
Age: 30.
Gender: Male.
Species: Human, Correlian.
Affiliation: Neutral, Leaning towards Republic.
Vehicle:Correlian JV-113 Cargo Hauler (Just a beat up old cargo tug with two laser emplacements)
Gadgets:Grappeling Hook, Vibro lock pick, miniture stun dart crossbow attached to wrist.
Weapon:Plasma rifle (constantly overheats, jams, de-polarizes... etc. you get the picture), Vibro machete, Blaster pistol.
Appearance:Six foot one, dark skinned, long black hair, jade green eyes, medium build, scars on left forearm, Black comabt trousers, shirt and leather trenchcoat.
Weaknesses:Prone to excessive drinking, gambling, girls and a short attention span.
Bio: Smuggler and shady underworld persona from a Correlian system trading station in deep orbit of Correlia IV. Janus regurlarly ran 'packages' to and from the Correlian system astroid mines.
Mr. Orol was content with this life and for a while built up a tidy sum for his retirement. This was however not to be as one night Janus lost a big poker game and was so drunk that he actually paid up without too much of a fight. Now actually owing money Janus took on a job with the local crime boss Gurro Hazix to go and recover an artefact from some old temple on a jungle world. At the time this must have seemed as just another smash and grab mission, but it would turn out to be much more than that. On arriving Janus fought his way through a deadly creature infested jungle with his trusty vibro machete and scaled up a sheer cliff to reach the dilapidated temple complex. Descending into it's murky depths Janus encountred many booby traps and recieved the scarring on his left arm. When he finally got to the main chamber where the artefact was reported to be, he found a young Twi'lek woman retreiving the artefact and placing it into a brown satchel. Shooting her with a stun dart he liberated the artefact from her and bound her with spare grappel cord while he called the boss with his comm gear.
The young Twi'lek called Kiri Harul was actually a Jedi Knight and did not take kindly to this treatment. Using her knowledge of the force she undid her binds and tried to get the jump on the intrepid Mr. Orol which he avoided by seeing her reflection in a puddle on the floor.
What followed was an action scene which ended up with Kiri holding her lightsabre to Janus' throat and Janus pulling them both to the floor seconds before a serrated metal disc thrown by the Sith guardians of the temple entered the space were her neck had been, the pair then proceded to fight off their attackers and abscond with the ancient Sith artefact. With their new found friendship borne of common enemy so recently made they then began to argue about who the artefactbelonged to, untill Hazix's personal ship loaded with twenty armed mercinaries touched down outside the temple and took the bickering pair prisoner and the artefact for himself.
In the crime lord's dungeons the two made a truce and formulated an esacpe plan, putting this into action they made away from the station, taking the artefact on their way out and got on the next ship to Coruscant. After the Sith artefact had ben handed over, Janus was paid a considerable reward and sent on his way. With this money he bought his current ship the 'Remora' and started hauling cargo from the core to the outer rim. Through their ordeal Both Janus and Kiri formed a strong friendship and occasionally turn to each other for help.

Name:Kiri Harul.
Affiliation:Jedi, Knight.
Vehicle:Eta-2 Jedi starfighter.
Gadgets:Standard Jedi kit.
Force Powers:
Appearance:Light Green skinned, wears brown Jedi robes, five foot ten.
Bio:Kiri Harul was born on Ryloth to a merchant family, at the age of four she was tested for force potential and taken to the jedi temple on coruscant for training. She was trained by master Gaia Rei and took the trials. Her second assaignment as Jedi Knight was to retrieve an ancient artefact from a sith temple on the planet of Geris IV. It was here that she met adventurer Janus Orol. (see Janus Orol Bio for details.) After the temple incident and subsequent incarceration. Kiri Harul went on to complete many more missions for the council and just before the clone war erupted asisted in teaching Jedi healing techniques to the young trainees at the temple.
The Vampyre
31-05-2005, 13:41
Trade Federation Version

Name: Assassin Droid 793-0

Age: 0(made at start of war)

Specialization: Jedi

Affiliation: Trade Federation(if captured can be reprogrammed, if reprogrammed look at one below.

Vehicles:Cubish shaped ship with one ion cannon on each side mounted on turret, sees with sensors so there is no glass. NO AIR GENERATORS. Equipped with A.I. and stealth capabilitys.

Gadgets: Ten poison grenades in each limb which come out of palms. Destroyer droid class shield, Sensors(heat, energy, and blood), as well as normal droid equipment.

Weapons: Six flamethrowers are attatched to torso and can be picked up by hands. Hands coated with poison.

Random info: Kills organics easily but has to attack with claws and weight to harm most droids. About as fast running as a horse gallops. No head as the sensors are in various locations(all are hidden). Poison is deadly.

Appearence: Lightly armored silver tube untill it unfolds into a centauroid form with four strong legs and six arms. Color varies according to enviorment.

Weaknesses: Helpless while in tube mode, cannot act without orders from Federation leaders or Grievous.

Republic Version

Name: Same

Age: Same

Specialization: Droids(Is equipped to kill droids)

Affiliation: Republic(If captured can be reprogrammed)

Vehicles: Same except ion grenades mounted on outside to blow up if smaller droids land on the ship, slower though.

Gadgets: Ion grenades instead of poison, metal used in most droids instead of carbon based blood.

Weapons: Hands are coated in ion energy instead and has ion pistols instead of flamethrowers.

Random info: Same except not as good in hand-to-hand and better against droids.

Appearence: Same

Weaknesses: Droid, helpless until unfolding, programmed not to kill organics (had to be as otherwise would kill republic masters while following their orders).
31-05-2005, 15:12
Oh NVM, I read it. I'll play Anakin Skywalker :D

Perfect. Would you like to play anyone else?

Here are the film characters left: Involved in war - Yoda, Mace Windu; Involved in politics - Padmé Amidala, Bail Organa, Nute Gunray

Nagasid: Approved, but Appearance is physical appearance

Ato-Sara: Approved!

The Vampyre: Approved!
31-05-2005, 15:18
OH MK II, you will also play Padmé, since she and Anakin are married
The Vampyre
31-05-2005, 15:26
Made changes for the switching uses. It is now different as they use the basic programming for different things. Starts as Federation droid. Will do Nute Gunray.
31-05-2005, 15:29
The RP will officially start soon!! I will Tg everyone involved and give them a link
East Lithuania
31-05-2005, 15:33
when u say soon... u mean like today... or in a few days?
Outer Heaven MK II
31-05-2005, 15:50
No thanks, Anaking will be more than a handful :P.
31-05-2005, 15:57
is it possible to be an apprentice of Windu ?
Post Arabia
31-05-2005, 16:16
Name- Sipus Aurillias
Age- 86
Gender- male
Species- human
Affiliation- technically neutral, with no military ties to CIS, but is a public speaker and heavally pro CIS.
Vehicles- what ever Aurillias happens to take at the time of escape.
Gadgets- special cell phone thing that allows Aurillias to contact anyone of his contacts anywhere anytime.
Weapons- personalized blaster pistol.
Apperarence- old, frail, man with amazing charisma
weakness- no combat training, age
Not much is known about Sipus Aurillias until he entered the public eye in the mid thirties. A harsh critic of the republic, Sipus used his wealth, knowledge, cunning, and charisma to do anything to bring down the republic legally, although many of the revolutions he insited where anything but legal. Later, in his 50's, the republic hade made some new laws specifically for Aurillias, that made him a wanted criminal.
Now, Aurillias could not take place in public debates or forums, but would go to remote planets and stir revolution. Because of the many attempts of republic mercenaries on his life, Aurillias was forced to make close relationships with the future leaders of the CSI. Also, Aurilllias has made no expense at his security detail, which by now is like a private army.
By the time of the invasion of Naboo, and the revolt of the seperatists, Aurillias had made as many allies as he had enemies. To this day, Aurillias is one of the most high value targets in the known galaxy, but he continus turning nations, continents, and planets against the republic.
Post Arabia
31-05-2005, 16:18
how can i find this thread once it begins?
31-05-2005, 16:22
Name: Alpheas
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Affiliation: Neutral - Jedi Padawan
Vehicle(s): None
Weapon(s): Light Sabre (yellow) E-11 Blaster Rifle
Force Powers:
Light Force Powers:


Appearance: Tall, about 190cm, long brown hair nearly touching his shoulders, wears normal cloathing, not that of a jedi
Weaknesses: None as such

Born the son of a famous jedi knight and his secret lover Alpheas had a troubled childhood, his father couldn't admit his existance to the Jedi Order so took him as his secret apprentise. For the first 17 years of his life he lived with his mother on Corrusant, he attended normal school and with the exception of a few close friends no one knew he was a jedi. This sheltered existance was brought to an abrupt end when his father was killed at the battle of Geonosis along with dozens of other Jedi in an attempt to rescue Padme Amidala, Anakin Skywalker and Obi Wan Kenobi. The news of his fathers death made Alpheas realise that in order to complete his jedi training he had to make himself known to the order, at the start of the story we join him as he mulls over what to do, his father warned him that he would be tempted by the dark side of the force and now powerful emotions rush through him as he seeks revenge for his father's death....
31-05-2005, 16:38
Age:Unknown (The records are lost, and he won´t tell you)
Species: Dashade
Affiliation: Sith Assassin
Vehicle(s): Imperial speeder bike
Gadgets: (does not apply to Jedi, clone troopers, or droids, who already have all necessary gadgets)
Weapon(s):Sith lightsaber (red)
Force Powers: Kill, Darksight, Dark Control, Saber-throw
Appearance:2 metres tall, dark skin, fiercly red right eye, blind left eye.
Weaknesses:Trusts in the Force too much.
Bio: Though his exact age is unknown, Arcanii is clearly not young, unlike most Sith he can control his temper, and he is highly skilled as an assassin, though he relies on Kill to do the job a bit too much. He also like to cut out the left eye of his victims, for it was when he suffered this injury that he turned to the dark side. As an ex-employee of the Republic, he knows quite a lot of it´s tactics and equipment.
As reckless as most Sith, he usually wields an offensive style of lightsaber fighting, though his skill has made more Jedi fall before his blade than the blade of most Sith.
31-05-2005, 16:40
[just taking a look and noticing something lol ok guys X wings, tie fighters cant have those, this is old republic they were made after heh :)]
Post Arabia
31-05-2005, 16:47
Post Arabia
31-05-2005, 18:41
31-05-2005, 19:12
when u say soon... u mean like today... or in a few days?

within a few days

VtS: No. Any other characters other than ones already taken can be RPed by anyone (Padmé, Nute Gunray, etc.). BTW, Mace Windu does not have an apprentice

Post Arabia: Approved

Alpheas: Approved, but no E-11 blaster

Sonaj: Approved
31-05-2005, 22:41

Nagasid: Approved, but Appearance is physical appearance [QUOTE=Jaghur]

Sorry! :rolleyes:
The Vampyre
01-06-2005, 00:31
[just taking a look and noticing something lol ok guys X wings, tie fighters cant have those, this is old republic they were made after heh :)]

Actually, tie fighters were but in the third movie Obi-Wan and Anakin are riding in the beginnings of what would be X-Wings. They even have "Set all wings for attack position" as well as red and gold leaders.
Kaiser Martens
01-06-2005, 00:38
Considering how from the whole timeline thing it would not be accurate to have my character Merco use a customized TIE Interceptor instead I will have him use a prototype, personally customized version of a TIE Fighter, which for the time will be rather advanced (And it will actually have some decent shielding)
No endorse
01-06-2005, 01:16
Actually, tie fighters were but in the third movie Obi-Wan and Anakin are riding in the beginnings of what would be X-Wings. They even have "Set all wings for attack position" as well as red and gold leaders.

well, supposedly the Z-95 Headhunter is the prototype for the T-65 X-wing. I'm not sure what those new deals were, but they had the Incom/FreiTech feel about them. The two-seat idea is uncommon for Incom/FreiTech though... I can't think of a single other Incom/FreiTech design that has it. The S-Foils is common to other Incom craft, since the Z-95 originally had it and the X-wing is famous for it.

[EDIT:] Okay, I've checked. The T-47 Airspeeder (Snowspeeder) has a tandem cockpit, and the T-16 Skyhopper has a side by side cockpit. The I-7 Howlrunner though is a single seat short range interceptor. The Z-95 was apparently manufactured in conjunction with Subpro Corporation, so that may have been the dawn of Incom's single seat program.
01-06-2005, 01:42
I got way too much time on my hands, but here goes:
Name: Hewbrie
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Species: Wookie
Affiliation: A true neutral, but always ready to aid them that are doing right.
Vehicle(s): Custom built light space cruiser. Only needs one crew member, and can have a total of 4 passengers. Name: Proto WOMSC(Wookie One Man Space Cruiser)
Vehicle Weapons: Dual laser blasters in front and sides. Can be armed with 3 proton torpedos.
Gadgets: Intergalexcial Compass. He also owns a modified R5-D4 robot, who he has modified to speak in short burst. A type of 'morse code' that only Hewbrie knows, since he invented it. R5-D4 has also the entire galaxie in its mainframe, and knows everything on every ship ever built. Very dear to his owner, Hewbrie went on a frenzy once, killing 10 Niktos to get him.
Weapon(s): 2* Standard Republic Blaster and one wookie bowcaster
Appearance: Hairy, tall, looks not too bright. Broad shoulders(even for a wookie) and all completly brown fur.
Weaknesses: He has the unfortunate tendency to have a bad short term memory, he forgets what he is told, and would never fit in any kind of army.
Other than the weakness he has, he is really smart, can actully almost speak common. He is a loner, normally only acompanied by his cutom made cruiser, who he referrs to as 'Raahg'! His second love is to his R5-D4 whom he calls RD, for Red Duster. His third love is jedi power. He knew that he would never be a jedi, but studying them has taught him of the force. He cannot use it, nor manipulate it, but he would fight for a good jedi any day, even if it ment his death, or worse, the destruction of his space cruiser.

I hope it's not too late to enter..?
01-06-2005, 03:51
Hmm... I just saw Revenge of the Sith, and also went back and looked at the classics. Empire Strikes Back is the best. Hey, I could have some fun here... hows this guy?

Name: Needa, Ensign Lorth
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Affiliation: Republic Starfleet
Vehicle(s): Republic Attack Cruiser
Gadgets: none
Weapon(s): sidearm blaster
Force Powers: none
Appearance: Stereotypical Republic/Imperial Fleet officer
Weaknesses: Caution, lack of imagination
Bio: Since he was a little boy, Ensign Needa dreamed of commanding a large combat starship. Born to an aristocratic family on Coruscant, his dreams of joining the fleets were finally realized when Senate Chancellor Palpatine established the Republic Grand Army. Since the fleet was desperatly lacking in junior officers, being a brand new organization with clones on the bottom and Jedi on top, Needa was quickly commissioned as an ensign, and assigned to the bridge of the Republic Attack Cruiser Victory. Currently, he moniters sensors, though he dreams of commanding the ship he is on. However, this career focus has left Needa as an officer who will, for better or worse, not deviate from the book. Unimaginative, extremely cautious, and prone to being outwitted, one would say he's bound to succeed only to screw up and end up paying with his life.

That or I could take R2-D2 and C-3PO, and have some fun with them.
01-06-2005, 15:03
Nagasid, please edit

Xandyzon: Approved!

Bonstock: Unfortunately, Denied until you change your name. You can't use names from film characters, and C-3P0 and R2 will hardly be involved.

01-06-2005, 15:20
The opening battle is a CIS invasion of Kashyyyk. I'm sending my Jedi character. Who else is sending people and which side are they on?

Joran Adrian - Republic (Jedi Master)
01-06-2005, 15:29
If someone is willing to hire her, my character will be there, on whatever side hired her, for the battle at least.
Post Arabia
01-06-2005, 15:31
Sipus Aurillias has sent some ground scouts of his well supplied security force to see the outcome of the battle, but not partake in it... unless forced.
01-06-2005, 15:39
If someone is willing to hire her, my character will be there, on whatever side hired her, for the battle at least.

who's your character again
01-06-2005, 15:45
Page 1 post 10
Post Arabia
01-06-2005, 15:49
Sipus Aurillias will hire Rivka for the CIS for just this battle. Aurillias will give her one of his special cell phone things that he gives all his contacts if she accepts.
01-06-2005, 15:59
As soon as the thread starts, contact her, to hire her. Also it's Rivak, not Rivka.
Post Arabia
01-06-2005, 16:22
got it
The Vampyre
01-06-2005, 19:08
The assassin droid will be there because of the influx of Jedi and clones.

Nute Gunray will be giving holo-orders to Assassin droid 973-0 and overseeing its ship(not built yet so the assassin droid is with the rest of the droids).
01-06-2005, 19:15
Post Arabia, as a lover of the jedi order, i would fell terrible if you did not let me fly you and your hired assasin to your destanation.. Rarrrrrgh!
Beta Aurigae VII
01-06-2005, 20:26
I'm sending my character to fight in the battle:

Jedi Master Tor Ma (Republic)
01-06-2005, 22:50
This is a good idea(i think) but cant we use our own board? You know, to spare this one thread, so instead of being 1000 messeges a day, we can get like 20 threads, then we get to decide what ones we care enuf about to read..? Anyway, if other boards are a possibility anyone wants, tell me.
01-06-2005, 22:51
Jedi Knight Jason Malamar (Republic)
East Lithuania
01-06-2005, 23:19
Darth Monjoij (Sith)
01-06-2005, 23:57
I can be there with the 12th Army if you want.

Jonma-lomin (the republic)
Neo Tyr
02-06-2005, 00:13
If someone can send me the link I'd be happy.

Garet Hatra (Republic)
02-06-2005, 00:25
Jedi Knight Kran Hars will be there.

P.S- Can we change sides during the war, just so I know?
02-06-2005, 00:26
I'm sure you can as I will be, depending on who hires my character.
02-06-2005, 00:27
I'm sure you can as I will be, depending on who hires my character.

Thanks. ;)
No endorse
02-06-2005, 00:47
Endre Pulser (works both sides) (Appears CH1)

he'll be flying a supply mission to the Wookies, but will take any job that gives him money (republic, CIS, neutral, et cetera)

Mira Paranight (Republic probably, maybe CIS later) (appears later... not in the beginning. will depend on the flow of events)
02-06-2005, 02:16
I'm working on a board
Kaiser Martens
02-06-2005, 05:13
Merco won't be there, I'll be doing an introductory post and then he will head for the Temple...
02-06-2005, 08:46
Master Ansu and his Padawan will be present at Kashyyyk. An encounter with an assassin droid might keep him on his toes, eh?
02-06-2005, 12:07
Kiri Harul will be going to Kyysshhk as a Jedi healer and Janus Orol will be ferrying supplies to the beseiged Wookies.
Neo Zeta
02-06-2005, 12:15
Darth Drake will be in the battle sideing with the CIS of course.
Outer Heaven MK II
02-06-2005, 13:01
Obviously Anakin will be there.
02-06-2005, 13:41
A player for Yoda, I did not see...

Possible, is it, that forgotten he is?

Embarassing, that is...

Hmmmm hmm hmm hmm....
02-06-2005, 14:56
A player for Yoda, I did not see...

Possible, is it, that forgotten he is?

Embarassing, that is...

Hmmmm hmm hmm hmm....

do you want to be Yoda? :confused:
Post Arabia
02-06-2005, 15:36
I, Sipus Aurillias will hire Rivak, and personally escort her and some of my well equipped security force. Hewrbie, you can come to, but why? I'm against the republic, and for this reason, against the order.

Meanwhile, we approach Kashyyk in one of my many stealth and armed luxury ships- Onderran's Revenge.
Post Arabia
02-06-2005, 15:39
I, Sipus Aurillias will hire Rivak, and personally escort her and some of my well equipped security force. Hewrbie, you can come to, but why? I'm against the republic, and for this reason, against the order.

Meanwhile, we approach Kashyyk in one of my many stealth and armed luxury ships- Onderran's Revenge.

it sort of gay when people quote themselves.
The Vampyre
03-06-2005, 03:38
Master Ansu and his Padawan will be present at Kashyyyk. An encounter with an assassin droid might keep him on his toes, eh?

"Poison Grenades falling from the trees? Silly Padawa-starts choking" :P
That might be arranged, just remember that as a droid it can't be detected using normal force detection. I do however have many different targets, Padawans and Masters are there aplenty as far as I can tell. The problem with wookies is that they have a very high poison resistence.
The Vampyre
03-06-2005, 03:40
Onderran's Revenge.

KotOR II player eh?
03-06-2005, 05:31
do you want to be Yoda? :confused:

Much uncertainty :confused: in you, I sense.....

To fear :eek: , uncertainty leads....

To the Dark Side :mad: , a straight path, fear is....

To relieve your uncertainty, I must...

Yoda :p , must I play...
03-06-2005, 13:43
I, Sipus Aurillias will hire Rivak, and personally escort her and some of my well equipped security force. Hewrbie, you can come to, but why? I'm against the republic, and for this reason, against the order.

Meanwhile, we approach Kashyyk in one of my many stealth and armed luxury ships- Onderran's Revenge.

Sorry, i must have mistaken you for a jedi knight, how i made this mistake, i do not know.. My offer to fly you is gone, if you already are onboard my cruiser, i push you out! Rarrrrgh!
Meanwhile, i just fly around the galaxy, a little towards the direction of Kyshhk, just to see my people..
03-06-2005, 15:03
I'll try and start the first chapter over the weekend. i've been busy (arrg, stoopid finals! :mad: )
Kaiser Martens
03-06-2005, 18:43
**Rocks back and forth fiddling with a lightsabre as he waits** Mmmhhh..blut...
No endorse
03-06-2005, 18:53
Endre has no problems with the wait... he's havin fun back on Corellia with Mira ;)

Guess his R2 units will have to keep futzing with his ship in the meantime though
Basque Spain
03-06-2005, 20:07
Name: Winton Bator
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Affiliation: Jedi Knight
Vehicle(s): Jedi Fighter "The Percolator", Speeder, Air Taxi
Weapon(s): Lightsaber (green)
Force Powers:
1. Saber-throw
2. Absorb
3. Farsight
4. Blind

Appearance: 6' 180 lbs. athletic bouild, brown hair, blue eyes, slight tan from working outside so much
Weaknesses: women, fear
Bio: i will do this later
03-06-2005, 21:44
Name: Winton Bator
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Affiliation: Jedi Knight
Vehicle(s): Jedi Fighter "The Percolator", Speeder, Air Taxi
Weapon(s): Lightsaber (green)
Force Powers:
1. Saber-throw
2. Absorb
3. Farsight
4. Blind

Appearance: 6' 180 lbs. athletic bouild, brown hair, blue eyes, slight tan from working outside so much
Weaknesses: women, fear
Bio: i will do this later

sorry, too late
03-06-2005, 22:07
Does this mean I can't submit a character?
03-06-2005, 22:51
Darth Syn (( Sith ))
04-06-2005, 07:37
Does this mean I can't submit a character?

Look like... :(
04-06-2005, 16:36
Does this mean I can't submit a character?

Regretfully, yes.
Kaiser Martens
05-06-2005, 04:15
Can't he use at least one of the characters from the Original Thing that were not taken?
05-06-2005, 04:21
Can't he use at least one of the characters from the Original Thing that were not taken?
You mean one of the film characters? I think he can. Jaghur said he couldn't submit a character. He didn't say any more film chars couldn't be taken.
05-06-2005, 14:58
Front page, first post says that all film char. are taken.

I land on Krysshh and get out of my space ship, look around.. Silence and more silence.. No signs of life.. I go inside, take my weapons, and go exploring.
Outer Heaven MK II
08-06-2005, 16:08
So, when is this RP getting started?
08-06-2005, 20:40
So, when is this RP getting started?

Soon, very soon. Finals have kept me busy
08-06-2005, 20:44
Is it too late to join? This might be kinda fun.
09-06-2005, 13:40
Is it too late to join? This might be kinda fun.

You'd have to be Mace Windu
09-06-2005, 14:27
It has begun (
09-06-2005, 15:46
Since im palpatine Am i on the driod ship or is this after they kill dooku?
No endorse
09-06-2005, 16:09
Since im palpatine Am i on the driod ship or is this after they kill dooku?
the order:

Chapter 1 - It Has Begun... (First Six Months, the beginning of the war)
Chapter 2 - At The Frontline (First Year, the transition from Jedi peacekeepers to Jedi warriors)
Chapter 3 - Assassination Attempt (First Year-and-a-Half, attempt on the life of Chancellor Palpatine, both of my characters will be involved in this, and I will be the one to attempt and thwart it, but my assassin will need help on his attempt; war continues)
Chapter 4 - The Emerging of Grievous (Second Year, self-explanatory)
Chapter 5 - Devastation (Two Years-and-a-Half, space battles only, but you can have troops invade enemy ships)
Chapter 6 - The Final Hour (Third Year, end of the war, ROTS battle on Coruscant)

Chapter 6 is when Palpatine gets captured. someone tries to assasinate him in ch 3. This is Clone Wars, not ROTS. It begins just after AOTC and ends with the beginning of ROTS. (I think)
09-06-2005, 17:32
the order:

Chapter 1 - It Has Begun... (First Six Months, the beginning of the war)
Chapter 2 - At The Frontline (First Year, the transition from Jedi peacekeepers to Jedi warriors)
Chapter 3 - Assassination Attempt (First Year-and-a-Half, attempt on the life of Chancellor Palpatine, both of my characters will be involved in this, and I will be the one to attempt and thwart it, but my assassin will need help on his attempt; war continues)
Chapter 4 - The Emerging of Grievous (Second Year, self-explanatory)
Chapter 5 - Devastation (Two Years-and-a-Half, space battles only, but you can have troops invade enemy ships)
Chapter 6 - The Final Hour (Third Year, end of the war, ROTS battle on Coruscant)

Chapter 6 is when Palpatine gets captured. someone tries to assasinate him in ch 3. This is Clone Wars, not ROTS. It begins just after AOTC and ends with the beginning of ROTS. (I think)

Precisely! You get a gold star!

Chapter 3 - Assassination Attempt (First Year-and-a-Half, attempt on the life of Chancellor Palpatine, both of my characters will be involved in this, and I will be the one to attempt and thwart it, but my assassin will need help on his attempt; war continues)

As it says here, my Sith character (Sith Assassin Darth Vauron) will attempt to assassinate Palpy, with help from CIS and Sith characters, and my Jedi character (Jedi Master Joran Adrian) will thwart it. I am not going in to the details on this, sp don't ask me.
09-06-2005, 19:38
Is it too late to hop in?
09-06-2005, 19:40
Is it too late to hop in?

09-06-2005, 19:43
Ah well. Invite me to your next one, yeah? :D LAters! Have fun.
09-06-2005, 20:14
When is this starting, and where are we playing it.
10-06-2005, 00:01
When is this starting, and where are we playing it.

Look on page 9. It starts with the invasion of Kashyyyk. Click on 'begun'
10-06-2005, 00:24
In case anyone cares the thread is here (
21-06-2005, 23:24
Name: Res Mento
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Twe’lek
Affiliation: Neutral- Republic,
Vehicle(s): Gallofree Transport, Delta-9 Aerthersprite
Gadgets: many things you would need to do many different things
Weapon(s): 1 special made "lightsaber" that’s more like a spear and a normal lightsaber both are green
Force Powers:
-Dark Control
Appearance: looks like a Blue Female Twe’lek
Weaknesses: over confidence
Bio: to be filled in (Also a Dark Jedi like Randar Kal)
Burning Onslaught
10-09-2005, 06:34
Name: Matma Bernu
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Species: Hapan
Affiliation: Jedi
Vehicle(s): ARC-170 starfighter
Weapon(s): Lightsaber, single-hilt
Force Powers: Force Healing, Force Protection, Farsight, Force Persuasion.
Lightsaber style: Form IV Shien, with some elements of Form III Soresu.

Bio: Matma Bernu was born in the Hapes Consortium, and probably would have been brought up as a noble, had not his family gave him off to another noble family on Vjun, a planet where the rain is acidic. Nobles on Vjun always had an extremely high midichorlian count, thus the Jedi Order often would take the babies to be trained. Matma was no exception.

As he grew, so did Matma's powers, as well as his arrogance. His Master, Augustus Raynor, barely kept him in check.

Then, Geonosis happened. Matma and Augustus were one of the first to arrive at the historic-and bloody- and tragically Augustus was killed. Soon after, Matma became sullen, moody-the Council feared for his well-being.

For some time, various Council members have been watching over Matma. Now, he has been Knighted, and they believe him to be ready to face the horrors of the Clone Wars. Matma's fate remains to be seen.