new Weapon
Its a weapon that can fire an unimaginably powerful EMP underground at another country.. So basically u can create ur own earthquakes..
price 800 billion USD
[OOC: Your nation has nowhere near the production means or funds for one of these devices - much less the ability to fully fund the development of them - and that is assuming the technology exists to somehow create a "unimaginably powerful EMP", transmit that "unimaginably powerful EMP" underground, and somehow make "unimaginably powerful EMP [pulses]" capable of causing tremors and other disruptions in the tectonic plates, which are not – as far as my knowledge of basic physics – affected by Electro-Magnetic energy in any significant degree, being rock and all.
Thank you, please don't post any more "new weapons" threads. Ever.]
[OOC: I'll give you a dollar for it.]
20-05-2005, 05:36
$1.24, a stick of gum, and some lint. That's all my government has appropriated this year for the Imaginary Stuff Budget. I'll give it to you for three of those magic earthquake makers.
20-05-2005, 05:59
OOC: The Goverment of Romulan Serpantol has issued the fallowing statement.
"We will make you the best offer yet.... we will give you this shiny new quarter... Look... shiny, shiny, shiny! What do you say?"
Thank you,
Fleet Commander: Vizaric Azrikolov
Praetor: Dorian Ra'Shal
Really man... im sorry... i dont really mean to be a jerk but you might want to at least give technical data and reasons why your nation can make these kinds of thing. You seem to be a new nation. Maybe you are maybe you have other nations but as friendly advice you may want to read some others posts and see how things are done. But enjoy and have fun thats what RPing is about... ok enough ranting.
OOC: Emmitia has been outbid! Serpantol, you bastard, we're upping the ante! *Jingles keys.* Ooh! Look, shiney! And they jingle!
Seriously, give some sort of background on it, technical information, or common sense.
20-05-2005, 06:11
All right, enough insults. Xandir, please don't let this discourage you from RPing in this forum. I advise you to check out other, more experienced nations' storefronts to get an idea of technical info, cost, and reasonable power. And don't be discouraged by assholes like us. :D