NationStates Jolt Archive

The Power of Hikari (FT - Secret IC Report)

Gaian Ascendancy
18-05-2005, 05:45
Secret Report, Final Revision
Subject: The Power of the Hikari

Author: Lady Jeain Kerensky; First Mother-Dowager of the Lord Excellency

Section One - The Basics

Please excuse this report as being bland and technical, as it does no justice for the miracle that is the Power of Hikari. In all honesty, the reason this report exists, is to try to understand something, for the lay reader, that 'isn't' a Hikari Partner, whence to give an understanding in words, what is known 'far' better and deeper by Hikari Partners.

I'll start with the history of the Trees of Light, as they are essentially known.

Apparently, it all began when we planted the First Gift Seed that grew into the Holy Palace Tree, at the Founding of the Ascendancy, almost from the moment we step foot on this majestic world we call our own. The Seed was apparently a gift of the Great GrandFather, the Representative Power that held that title before Lord Aleaic did. He was an ancient person, that was alive when this Universe was still young. As an olf person myself, I can't fathom having a relative that's over several Ages in age, with each age in the multiples of years unto the billions. It strikes me that my husband Terrai could have been the Power that took over, when Great GrandFather asked him to.

Instead, that chore fell to my son Aleaic, who still hs fits about the whole thing. As known in the official historical archives, the Great GrandFather saw his own son refuse the position, my Terrai, by chance of a prohpecy Terrai stumbled upon eons ago.

That Prophecy evidently was upon the Stone Words we found when we first arrived on White Diamond/Sapphire. In essence, my love Terrai obeyed something he shouldn't have, and as a consequence, when my son Aleaic turned of age, was 'forced' by the Great GrandFather to assume the mantle of the Representative Power.

Aleaic hasn't been the same since. He's been forced to live with a titanic responsibility, that if not for us his Family, loves, blood and friends alike, would have driven him mad well before now. That base is why we followed him all too willingly, when we learned that my Great GrandFather stepped down from his ancient Throne.

That Throne came with this System, the caretaken of the Ascendants, given after the Avian Lords ascended, and the Great GrandFather assumed responsibility. That transfered to Aleaic's control upon his forced assumption as Representative Power. (Trust me, my son's face was writhing in agony of responsibilities he did not want, of face the consequence of the living fabric of the current Universal and Dimensional Sector become unto Atrophy within an Eon.

..even I don't understand that part, as why my son has to be present as a 'Power' to prevent the universe from accelerated Entropy. Nonetheless, my son is too much like my beloved Terrai, and would not have acquiesed to such expectations, unless it was 'real'. Considering events over the past few decades, I believe that more and more.)

When this System was handed to my son unto control and ownership, the Seed was given also. In simple fashion, at the base of the city that was named Jurai`alheim, an advanced city the Ascendants constructed over Eons and left behind, (with it's entire libraries and technologies intact.

..still trying to figure 'that' out too.) ..that Aleaic himself planted the Seed that he thought would be a plain tree grown from.

That plain Tree is the Holy Palace Tree. The Seed grew into a tree that grew like a wildfire weed. Must have been 'some' Good'n'Grow in that Seed, because in only five years, the thing was taller and wider than most normal skyscrapers. At ten it could support 'actual skyscrapers. The thing was a miracle, befitting a land of the same. What with those Angelics and returned Ascendants, it seems everything ws built to be a heaven on Earth, and the Palace Tree a focal point.

But the big secrets wasn't shown until that Dark Wave event when that Skeith guy and all that attacked us. Before that, at the five year mark, while exploring the Tree for all it's secrets, we came across the Sealed Doors. When Aleaic saw them for the first time, escorted by most of the Council Family, he ordered the Sealed Doors off limits. At the time, he felt a powerful emination from within that was too wild to control.

It was otherwise when the Dark Wave attacked us. The event forced upon us, also saw Lord Ackronus force the issue of the Sealed Doors on Aleaic, who even then reaced with great fear. Knowing now, I can fully understand and relate. The Alcove of the Hikari Trees is a terrible sight to behold, since a terrible and awe imposing light of heaven exists in there. Most of the information here is after the fact, but after my Step Daughter Tsunami was attacked and placed in a coma along side Lord Tenchi, and later Lord Tsutsumi and Lady Set by Skeith, the creature apparently sensed Aleaic had accepted his calling.

The Alcove is guarded by an 'actual' goddess. Lady Creation is the caretaker of the Alcove, one that was finally matured enough for Aleaic to enter and claim his Tree. Doing that instantly made him the master of the Hikari Power, and in doing so, opened the Power to all Gaians, and even non-Gaians, with intent to the next effect upcoming. In anycase, it was because of this Power, that Aleaic defeated Skeith handily.

After that, the Hikari Trees, the very things hidden in the alcove, took many of us as Partners, and in doing so, allowed us to defeat added power to defeat the actual Dark Wave itself. If not for the Hikari Power, we 'really' wouldn't be here.

But to the actual subject of this report, I speak of the details of the Trees themselves, the powers they give, and the Partnerships that generate this power, added the fact that there are layered 'generations' of Trees, and equivalent Users that in all make up the current Hikari Power.

The Trees themselves, to start off with, are sentient lifeforms of their own. They aren't like normal terrestrial trees that are simply alive, and conduct themselves through photosynthesis. The Hikrari Trees are thinking beings, though the best equal to this is those Ents that were in that Lord of the Rings holoplay the kids once did. (Still think Al and Tsui were cute as Aragon and Arwen respectively.) Hence that they think about the same. Slowly and methodically.

Their lifespans are just as extensive as regular trees, but the nature of the Power they 'emit', one as a by product of a special synthesis of their connection with a layer of subspace that feeds them the same as regular light, water and sun do for regular trees, as such gives them lifespans in the hundreds of thousands of years. Possibly longer, though there is no actual account or historical record to fall back upon to certify this. Nonetheless, with my own experience as a Partner and User, I suspect the fact may destroy any myths, with time the final arbiter.

The Trees, to the normal eye, are a sight of heaven itself. The Trees are essentially the same structure wise, looking like any normal specie of Terran Oak, Fir, Pine, any number of types. The difference is that when looking at a Hikari Tree, it's like looking at the utter opposite of a shadow, with the Tree glowing with an internal light that floods every leaf, root and branch, with glowing light, accented by soft blue 'shadow' hints that give the light from the Tree a deep and three dimensional effect. The light would be enough, as it's like looking at a doorway to heaven itself, but the Trees when they are 'feeding', they sparkle light 'drizzles' of light that eject out anf float down like either cherry blossom petals, or tiny snow specks that are entirely serene to look at. It's so hypnotic, that a lay person looking at, can lose track of time and end up staying an entire day near a Tree, without even realizing.

Hence why Tree Keepers and Maidens are trained to not look at a Tree star shower, as it's called, for too long a time. Some less disciplined Keepers and Maidens are required to wear special goggles that dull out the effect. The magic of the effect is that powerful for the uninitiated. (As I can attest to. There's even a special 'club' that develpoed, as a result of 'victims' of this effect.

To get this effect, the Tree feeds on a special (mentioned) subspace dimensional energy, as well as (by an unknown construction process. Suspect a 'design' effect by the Palace Tree itself..) special Platforms that were somehow in place 'with' the Trees. The Platforms have orifices that the Trees are 'planted' in, ines with a type of water that is only produced by the Trees themselves. A ultra-pure water that has properties that act like an actual holy water. In fact, if regular water is placed in the pool of water beneath the Tree, it's made ultra-pure in consequence within a day. How is still undetermined, as it would require examination of a Tree, and to do so is near sacralige quite bluntly. One of the 'only' things that an advanced culture of technology would consider of anything.

And it's a single minded ideal too.

The Piower they produce however, is what is amazing. The Trees are rather symbiotic creatures, with their own desire to explore beyond their surroundings. For all their beauty and marvel, they're just like regular trees. They can't move whatsoever. For all their power, they can't teleport, without risk of interrupting their fragile link to this subspace layer, which for the sakes of this report is never to be revealed. (Never.. Even I don't know what layer this is, and I'll die to protect this fact too.)

It's a combination of this desire to explore and know their surroundings, outside their Alcove, and their desire for a symbiotic relationship, that they willingly call out to find souls to Partner with. This call is done usually through dreams while subjects sleep, or echoes in their head, or something such effect that gets the effect of drawing a subject to come near the Tree, where a special 'conversation' takes place between potential Partners. Above specific emotional ties or similar veins between Tree and subject, the normal stake gained by each is as follows.

A Tree gains the ability of 'all' senses of a Partner User, and experiences everything as if first hand. From personal experience with my Partnership, the Tree indeed knows 'everything' that I experience. It's almost like the Tree becomes a repository back up 'drive' for everything that a mortal Partner does, as well as everything that 'had' been done. As a consequence, a Tree knows 'all' a Partner's secrets, even ones better left in dark corners. It's a price that can be steep sometimes.

But in return, the User gains the following from a Hikari Tree:

~ Enhanced senses (all) - (and we mean 'all', not just the five normal ones.)
~ Extended lifespans, (which can become 'as' long as the Tree's own lifespan, hence the unknown factor here.)
~ Near immunity to all poisons and sicknesses, (including cancerous and artifical effects.)
~ Near immunity to mind altering effect, as well as the ability to passively surface read minds, as if listening to a radio turned low. A strong mind can be tougher to read, while a weak mind as loud as a bullhorn. High Generation Users can do 'active' mind reading, even drilling into other's minds if required, though doing this drains the Power from a Tree rather good.
~ Ability to Mind-Link to other users, if the same Tree - at will, if another Tree - with permission of the Tree and User. However a Mind-Link can be blocked if desired.
~ The ability to shape energy matter at whim, dependent on the power level of the Tree itself. This all includes manipulation of the Angelhawk Energy, which will be described later.

This all is tied to the 'Generational' effect (described below,) and a Tree of a certain power level, gives it only to a Partner(s) that can handle it. This is usually a given when the Tree calls out to a potential Partner, as power level is essentially 'factored' in. (It just works out that way, so there.)

A Hikrai Tree however is not limited to a single Partner. A Tree can call out to single users, couples, even up to whole families to become a Partnership with. This can give the Tree multiple 'vectors' for learning, and give all the shared Users the same Power. It's a touch of a strain on a Tree if more than one shared User conducts Power, with the effect cumalitive if more shared Users act at the same time. If that happens, the Tree's Power can be exhasuted.

The Tree when it gives it's Power, acts like a celestial battery. A battery has a Power limit, which fits into the living essence theory, one that says living things have a limit of a well of energy, no matter how powerful and deep the well. As a result, a Tree Partnership is not taken lightly, and Powers used sparringly. When Power is used, it can be recharged either by tapping into the subspace layer, or 'asking' for some from equal Generation level Trees. The time to recharge is rather quick, but a Tree 'can' exhaust itself into a dormant state if pushed too hard. If this happens, the Users also feel 'drained', and can even die from lack of this Power, which essentially boosts their soul, as well as attaches itself to it.

A drained Tree means a drained User(s) soul, and can kill a User if left this way. An internetwork between Trees prevent a total drain, as best it can, when such an event occurs for any reason, to prevent a death due to this drain. From what my Partner told me and my husband Terrai, if such were to happen, the Trees would mourn in such a way, that their Users would be hit with the effect of a manic depression for several days. We're endeavoring with all our might and understanding to avoid this of course.

The Generational effect meanwhile, comes from the fact that all Hikari Trees came from the same Seeds that came from the 0th Generation Tree. All 1st Generation Trees come from the original, and all henceforth from further Seeds that created added Generations. Each successive Generation can however, dilute the power of the Trees of a Generation below it's Seed creator. The effect however can be combined with other Trees to give a 'boost' to Power, though this alone can exhaust a Tree as well. But is accomplished, the Combined effect can cause greater effects than normal, even all the way up to the 0th Generation.

It's by all these that form the 'base' of the Hikari Power, one with certain limits, but those that no where near as small as they think. But the real advantage to all this is not the Power, but the relationship given. Hikrai Trees apparently existed in a realm 'outside' this existing Universe, and probably even 'before' this Universe existed. There is many secrets we can learn from the Parternships over time, and given that time, we'll grow very strong with this relationship. The same as the rest of the Ascendancy does.


((Next section - Powers in detail.))