NationStates Jolt Archive

Goh Makel, the Gates to "Hell" Opens ((Open, Returning to FT))

17-05-2005, 12:24

The Red Lava smashed against the massive wall.


The creature had been caught in the fiery death of the Lava.


The power rises. And now, it is unleashed.

The Massive Volcano, higher then Everest on Earth, was bulging. Power was being feed in via a direct rout, power that would be harnessed. From the shadows in a tight black metal construct, the lava doing nothing. The human beside him quivered in fear. The being before him was looking in anticipation. Why? Well, the question will now be answered.

Goh Makel, a string of planets on the outer rim of the galaxy. Well, actually, it was the out rim, in one direction the multitudes of the galaxy where before them, while their was nothing on all other sides. Their was, in essence, one way in, one way out. For Eons, the gateway had been closed, lack of energy prohibited the use. Now the Alentians, Known to the Naggrothians as the Makers, where once more working on opening the gateway. Their was a pause, nothing like a pause. Then it happened, the volcano Exploded, creating a massive chain reaction. In an instant, the continental shelf of Go Mar Nor Cracked, making the smaller part of the continent sink. Slowly, the once proud city of Na Kor Mak Sunk and burnt. But that had been planned. What was now happening should have made itself known, for a sector further in the galaxy, a massive Power Flux would be sensable thoughout the entire galaxy. And, in that instant, the gates where open once more. Now, the Naggrothian Ships began to move.

They came through the gate, the largest easily the size of a small moon. It had no super weapon, it was in fact a colony ship, landing the massive creatures to the planet that had once belonged to them. They sighed, the Tsurani had left the gate undefended, that ment...they had forgotten. Good, the Naggrothians where not the same. While they where still carnivorus, having no plants to make on the hostile worlds, they where more controled. For the last Eon, they had trained themselves to keep their hunger under control. The colony ship droped its cargo on the habitable planet below, and in a few days, any trace of Humanity on the planet was erased, swallowed and tasted within the bodies of the new arrivles. Now, their ships once more went out. The Naggrothians where back, with the Alentians behind them, had returned, once more the gates to what the Tsurani had called Hell, for it was nothing but dark lava filled planets, inhabited by the deamon like Naggrothians. No, it was different this time. Control had been made.

OOC Right, the power flux would have been massive, more then the largest supa Nova, more like seven. Its not anything minor. Send ships to investigate, SEND!
18-05-2005, 05:56
18-05-2005, 06:21
Not future tech yet, sorry :(
19-05-2005, 07:42

The Naggrothian looked pained, its arm was hanging at a funny angle, and it was limping badly. It looked at the sky, before jumping once more. It flapped its wings, intending to get airborn. It didn't, however, and droped, once more hurting its form. It looked at the form of the half breed above it, snarling. The normal Naggrothians where heavily plated, on their home planets the lack of gravity allowed them flight, but on earth like control, the only ones that could now where the Spell Casters and lighter forms of Half breeds. Those ones where made espesially for flying, and for negotiating. But anyway.


That was the sound that could be heard on all frequencies Emitting from the Naggrothian ships. They where more like probes, used to attract attention to the new system. Hell was open once more, the Naggrothians had actually trained themselves for this, so none wanted to miss out. The probe pulse would actually send a subliminal message to go investiage the power bloom in the Gateway system.

They would be interested in what they find.
19-05-2005, 11:32
And the warrior bumped his leg as he fell once more
20-05-2005, 00:18
20-05-2005, 09:03
20-05-2005, 17:42
OOC: Nothing like pity posts, is there?

IC: In a flash of green light, a small ship appeared. Little more than a ball of sensors, a QUETZAL uplink, and a KK Drive, the Otagian probe had been sent to investigate the extreme power signatures emenating from the system Goh Makel. As it began orbiting the sun, its scanners whirred to life...

OOC: Not sure what I should be doing, so just a probe for now. Tell me, and you can have anything from a warfleet to a trading envoy from PRA come in next. My MSN is, if you need to contact me. Scanners are the whole shebang: gravitic, PSI, STC, and the more basic IR, UV, etc.
20-05-2005, 17:50
Weishaupt Nano-Industries had spent centuries researching stealth upgrades to it's line of temporal warships. Strictly speaking they were against the temporal accord, but who knew anything? Not even Indra Prime knew of the temporal Stealth Intruder series of ships, designed to watch major events in history, in order to build up the most valuable historical and technological database in the universe. The sleek form of the 11 kilometre long craft suddenly burst into existence, the only sign of it's intrusion being a small burst of energy at the exit point.
The commander, a heavily nano-augmented officer with eighty years of experience had seen a lot of things, but this was more important than most of them put together. The temporal fleet has established knowledge of a massive tree of events caused by this event.

"Send a shuttle down, Ankhmeti eigth period of space technology. WNI eluder class corvette, full armament. Use weapons and uniforms correct for this period."

The officer in charge of away operations nodded and assembled the team of 70 men needed to run the corvette.

"We are ready to go. Massive spikes detected. Something big is happening."

The boxy ship jetted off towards the source of the energy spikes.
21-05-2005, 01:33
What they would have seen would have boggled the mind. The System was large, almost 14 planets with only one human habitable, but it was dwarfed by the black hole that was on its edge. Huge, if it hadn't been monitered the system would have been sucked into the massive thing, as it was, the four Gate ships had created the gravity web. These ships where massive, showing the thousand years of work that had gone into the ship. The Main planet had ship the size of a small moon. In instants their was a number of pulses flashing over all channels. They where not really words, but the underlying messages could be heard.

We are the Naggrothians, you have entered the White side of Goh Makal, please state your reasons, and until permmission is given do not land on the planet, for their are some new orders apperaring.

The Gate Keepers.
21-05-2005, 11:13
The entire bridge crew went silent. The commander simply stared at the massive craft, large enough to make even the temporal warship look like an easy target. The comms panel bleeped.

"We seems to be recieving a message of sorts. Some kind of pulse patern, slight similarity to morse. running it through the translation systems now."

The bridge was filled by the message.

We are the Naggrothians, you have entered the White side of Goh Makal, please state your reasons, and until permmission is given do not land on the planet, for their are some new orders apperaring.

The Gate Keepers.

The communications officer turned from his console and faced the captain.

"Do we respond?"

The captain furrowed his eyebrows. Weighing up all the consequences, possible benefits, possible temporal damage. If the Temporal Accord was informed by some kind of agent, bad things would happen.

"Yes. We do. Use the first contact mathematical language. Transmit as follows: We are the Weishaupt Nano-Industries exploration and first contact vessel Chronos. We do not have any hostile intent, and will comply with your request. We are here by mere chance, a fluctuation in our IDF drives. We will wait for further contact."

"Now what?"

"We wait."
Gaia Rodina
21-05-2005, 13:04
((I gots an idea, I'll leave it to you if you want to run with it))

Warchief Durotan had freed the Horde from the demonic corruption and slavery of what had become known as the Burning Legion. Every orc, tauren, troll, and goblin knew this. It had been the combined might of the ancient Horde that had driven the Burning Legion's vast armada back and out of the Draenorian system. They'd spent many long seasons since then searching the vasts tracts of space for not only the Legion itself, but for things they could use to destroy the Legion once and for all once they found them.

It was one of these exploratory fleets that found the Naggerothians.

"Fasttravel drives powering down, Fleet Chieftain," said a grunt from the bridge of the Ghakzkull, a Dred'not. "Fleet in undocumented space, large ring of worlds ahead."

The Fleet Chieftain was an ancient orc, his olive-green skin now becoming pale with age. However, no orc would dare challenge him for dominance, for his shamanistic abilities made him truly a fiercesome warrior.
"Dabu, Grunt Kor'val. Grunt Lonetree? Status on the landing parties?"
The massive tauren, a strange mix between a bull and a human, turned and sighed.
"Dabu, Fleet Chieftain. However, many of the planets look uninhabitable. We may just be here until our fasttravel recharges."

"Still, keep me updated. Keep weapons hot, as well. We still don't know what we're up against."
22-05-2005, 06:30
The Pulse was sent forth once more, not really morse code, more subliminal messaging. All could hear what was being said, because it had been designed to make people understand. Last time Goh Makel Had been opened, this had been used to instill fear apon a technologicly inferior humans. This time the message was different, more veminent then before.

Of those here, permission is granted to land on our planet. We have finished out little indevor, and now the planet is firmly under our control. For those around, please land directly on the planets surface at the following coordinets.

The Feeders
Gaia Rodina
23-05-2005, 16:59
The old orc's eyes went wide as he and his entire fleet recieved the strange message. Something about the mesage filled him with dread...foreboding. Still, if they posessed the ability to contact the fleet, they could have something of use.

"Ready zeppelins! I want one full regiment on the ground with full air support!"

Balloonish transports departed from one of the Horde car'yers, followed by swarms of Drak'qua fighters.
23-05-2005, 23:35
The Pulse Quickened, directing itself towards the Orks own craft. This time the over all feeling was hostile and inqueritive. Ships, their hulls red, moved towards the Ork craft.

Thats a bit much, those many men will not be needed. Shall you wish to be destroyed, continue, otherwise, send one hundred men only! This is not to hard is it?

The Flyers
24-05-2005, 00:23
The probe finished recieving the message from the Naggerothians, and the equipment on it slowly folded back into the hull of the unmanned vessel. As it did, it began to glow green, and promptly disappeared.

Still, the space it had vacated did not stay empty long. With a flash of emerald light, a small group of ships descended from space-plus.

--Naggerothian vessels, this is Atlas Transport Mule's Kick, requesting landing coordinates. Please respond.--

OOC: Atlas transport with a hundred marines aboard, and a quartet of Hector escorts.
25-05-2005, 10:06
The Craft was sent the coordinets, if it lacked any biological brain, the message would seem incomprohensible gibberish, unless it had a mind decoder, but thats besides the point. They then waited, as they wished.
25-05-2005, 12:00
OOC: tag
26-05-2005, 00:38
The single Atlas transport moved quickly to its designated landing zone, plasma jets flaring as it moved toward the planet. The Hector frigates followed it until it reached the upper atmosphere, then sheared away, while the Atlas fired its retros and began to descend to the surface. It's landing gear opened, and it touched down on the rocky surface below. As the gates opened, a squadron of three Sanguinus mecha screamed out of the ship, circling it in a defensive perimiter. They were quickly followed by a score of Gladii, who joined in the aerial patrol. Only then did the main force of infantry and terrestrial mecha cautiously exit the transport.

OOC: Don't take the rather combative landing the wrong way. It's not that I don't trust you, but I'm landing in a volcanic area of unknown hostility with a barebones force. That and this is pretty much standard landing procedure. And yes, my ships have organic pilots, just with DNI uplinks. QUETZAL is just my main diplomat.
26-05-2005, 07:44
OOC Actually, the planet you are landing is Goh MakEl, not Goh Makal, so the planet is quite Lush and nice, similar to endor.

IC The Naggrothians circaled in around, their bodies changing colour to compensate for the surrounding area. This was good movement, but rather wasted because of the fact the People would have technology to see. Still, one walked towards them uncamoflaged, truth be told she could not. She was strange, tall, almost 14 foot, with a body similar to a human woman. She was however, covered in transperant and usless armoured plates, and on her back where mounted two beautifuly formed wings. Then it came to her head, which started with a flatter head shaped in a small tranlge, the smile she wore showed rows of sharp grey teeth the size of a humans hand, and it had a pointed nose and small yellow eyes. The hair finally was a descriptant silver in colour. When she spoke, it was in highly gutteral accented English.

"Welcome" She said, "We are the Naggrothians, as you should know, you have come for the peace?"
26-05-2005, 17:16
OOC: Well, the plasma jets tends to make ANY surface I land on rocky...

IC: As the Naggrothians approached, a single Sanguinus detached from the squadron and screamed down to land behind them. As it did, a soldier walked up to the large female Naggrothian.

"Yes, we have come for the peace. I am Captain Alex Simmons, Avatar of QUETZAL, Diplomat for Otagia and Pale Rider Arms. We are in system to investigate the rather large energy signature released recently. While we didn't expect to make contact with a xeno species, QUETZAL is always eager to meet potential allies."
27-05-2005, 13:20
A flash of Black scooned across the ridge of the Large female, before the other Naggrothians stood and began going around once more. They uncamoflauged, and from no where thousands of them appeared, picking up their very well disguised belongings. Soflty feet padded through the grass, and when looked right, you could actually see a city disgused from the outside. This was a extream of the fear the naggrothians lived of hunters, which had plauged them, either eat or be eaten.

"This is our first city, Varlish"
29-05-2005, 01:17
Captain Simmons glanced around at the thousands of Naggrothians. They had done an excellent job of hiding themselves. Although the Otagians advanced sensors had registered most of them, many had remained hidden from the scans. He was impressed, and that didn't happen often. This species was worth watching...

He turned to the nearby female. "Your camoflague abilities are amazing. Are all your settlements masked like this?"
29-05-2005, 02:56
She nodded sadly, and when she spoke it was with regret.

"Yes, I am afraid so" her voice said. "We are forced to hide, so that the races we feed on do not migrate from our hunting grounds. Thus we hide to they stay within our grounds. Without them we would starve." As that happened a hunting party returned carrying a number of human looking creatures. "Please, if you have anything against death of humans look away now." That said was followed by the sound of snapping bone as the Naggrothians crunched down on the humans flesh.
29-05-2005, 03:07
The Captain looked on passively. "No, I'm not really bothered. I've been to a Rhunfolk banquet while negotiating an alliance, and they eat long pork while being flayed by their servitors, with salts being rubbed into their exposed flesh. It was quite the experience. I'm not sure about my men, though, especially the Necroscope. He will most likely be complaining for a while... Tell me, do humans compose your entire diet? Or do you have other food sources? We don't seem to be the best source for fibre, for example..."
29-05-2005, 03:20
"No, Humans are not our only part of the diet, they mearly form the main part of it, the ones on this world are not of a technologic period to battle us, so make easy prey. We have for the last mellenia been forced to dine on our own speices, as we where the only food availible, now that has changed, so your speices have started being Shiped back to Goh Makal." She smiled weakly at him. "The Design was needed for survivle in our home system, Sure you understand"
29-05-2005, 04:23
Simmons laughed. "Of course! I understand perfectly. As I've said, other races in the galaxy already practice this, and we are allies with them already! For example, the Rhunate axotl tubes produce human clones by the thousand for Rhunfolk kitchens. It seems that my people are a bit of a delicacy to them. I have a few recipes in my quarters still, if you would like them. But I digress. Shall we continue onwards?"
29-05-2005, 10:53
She smiled, flashing her grey teeth, before continueing past and coming into the one part that when looked right, was a long hall. She smiled, and went into the building, gesturing for them to follow.

"This is the meeting hall, the Gate Keepers will arrive soon, so you must wait here." She shurged. "Any more questions before they arrive?"
Gaia Rodina
29-05-2005, 17:09

"Listen, Blademaster Hiroma, I don't care what you think." The Chieftain of the Horde fleet laid back and spoke through a direct spirit link with the leader of the landing parties. "You will return to the fleet and await further instructions. Blademaster Klompraam and the Bleeding Hollow Clan will make contact with these Naggerothian thingies. Should the need arise, you and your troops will escort the Zul'farrak to the surface and lead the landing parties, but until then, I want you up here."

"...Dabu, Chieftain. I will obey."

The green face of the Blademaster faded from the Chieftain's vision, and all but two zeppelins continued to the surface of Goh'Makel. They floated leisurely to the surface of the world, and began disgorging their troops.

Blademaster Klompraam, and aged orc for the position of Blademaster, unsheathed his energy sword - a bit of plunder from one of the outlying human colonies. They'd called it a "light sabre," or some such nonsense. Klompraam called it the next generation of weaponry. Already, some of his grunts carried axes that mimicked the technology. The rest either carried the standard vibroweapons or massive hand cannons of the Horde marines.

"Prepare to move out!" screamed Klompraam over the din of the dying engines. "Stay at the ready, but do not attack unless the order is given!"

Something unnerved the orc about this place. He didn't know what...
02-06-2005, 00:28
When they landed, a large number of Naggrothians, almost three hundred, went running, with a Flyer, one of the un-armoured Ones, came running. The reason? The Location the Orks had landed was a human hot spot.

Kilik moved through the woods, wearing the metal breast Plate. Before him the orks stood, he smiled grimly, pulling out his long Sword from its sheath. He gestured to the other people around him, and they drew back their bow strings to point them at the orks. He raised his sword, then brought it down in a chopping motion. At that moment, fifty bows fired into their ranks.

The Naggrothians jumped in, their colours flashing in skin speech. The Flyer started shouting things to the Orks in Naggrothian, something that may be recignised but most likely wouldn't. The Naggrothians where bounding into the human ranks, more then a thousand of them had materialzed from the bushes. Naggrothian lines struck human, and the clang of swords on amour plating.
Gaia Rodina
02-06-2005, 14:24
Several orcs went down under they barrage of arrows, but most of the primitive weapons simply bounced off of the thorium armor worn by the grunts. Klompraam himself rose his energy blade and fried an arrow in mid-flight, being hit with only a small puff of steam.

"Kara Kil'jaeden!", uttered the Blademaster. "LOK'TAR OGAR!"

At once, thirty marines crouched and began firing the massive hand cannons.

If you were to take the main turret from an ancient terran panzer, shorten the barrel by half, and strap three of them together on a massive hand-held machine gun, that's what an orcish hand cannon was. Now imagine that type of firepower being shot at 600 RPM.

The orcs laid down a cover-fire, thinning the human ranks right before Klompraam himself led the charge. Vibroblade and bottled energy sliced through the pinklings with ease.
04-06-2005, 09:12
With the aid of the orks, the humans where killed, slaughtered in fact. Not one surviver. As one the Naggrothians let out a massive roar, and from the shadows a massive number of Smaller ones came to pick up the bodies. The prossession began to move back to the city, the Unarmoured gesturing the orks to follow.