Fortress Boulder
Fortress Boulder
17-05-2005, 04:50
...........We interupt The Life And Times Of Richard THe First Origanal Cross Dresser to bring you this news brief. We send you over to John Holms Washington live at the Walled City Of Boulder.......(in a snooty voice) Thankyou I am here at the Border of Fortress Boulder the only city in The Incorporated States of Colorado and Texas to be given the right to form thier own country. President Wardog of the ISCT was quoted as saying this"Let them there BLEEPing bleeps leave this great land those little slave loving hippie hugging bleeps can fend for their own bleeping selfs. " The New Leader of Boulder had this to say"This is a great day to be from Boulder our walled city with its work force of inslaved prisoners and conservatives will grow untill all the world takes notice. We will open our borders to like minded lands." That is all we now return you to your regular program."*flash on the screen of President for life of Boulder Sigmund Freadrick Freud.*
Fortress Boulder
17-05-2005, 04:56
*sound of whips and chains* "Work faster you white male pigs, it is time we victims stood up for our rights."
"Come off it margret and quit hitting me we were married for yea*the sound of a 9mm fireing point blank into a head*
"Heh you never understood the plight of a female in this world"
*Watching from a nearby rooftop three people twom men and a woman in black scop out the city*
"we need to get out and tell the world what is going on, but the city is baracaded by troops from Colorado and Texas with orders to shoot any one leaving and our own so-called breathren are being inslaved"
"I know we must wait some one will hear our pleas"
Fortress Boulder
17-05-2005, 05:08 *intercepted letter sent out to every land covered in heart and flower doodles*This is an open letter to all of the oprasive and thier inslaved people. THe time of the White Male Overlord is over, I urge you to hear Mother Gaia and raise up women we have the power we bore these scum, any noe-white male or female join us in working these dogs over. Thankyou and I look forward to hearing form you all.*Signed in flowery Script*
We find your outright racism and sexist views highly offenceive. We wish to know why you choose to take these views of the caucasian male.
Fortress Boulder
17-05-2005, 05:22
We find your outright racism and sexist views highly offenceive. We wish to know why you choose to take these views of the caucasian male.
To whome it may concern.
You are ither one of the White MAles of a Victim who has be brain washed. Ithger way you are the enemy. The WM has kept us down all our lives, leading us to belive we were bred for birthing and cleaning we stronger then that, with the help from our allies we have risen up and overthrown the opreesvie regiem(sorry about the spelling) We now teach the children what is right from wrongs, we lead the military we broke away from Colorado and Texas.
I am a white male yes, thought what you describe is the actions of a few people who are deluded to reality, they most likely also believe the world if flat and people have never been to the moon. We happen to be an enlightened nation where males and females are equal. The ruler prior to myself was a female, my mother to be exact. We would request that you not base your opinion of all peoples on the actions and beliefs of a few.
Fortress Boulder
17-05-2005, 05:32
I am a white male yes, thought what you describe is the actions of a few people who are deluded to reality, they most likely also believe the world if flat and people have never been to the moon. We happen to be an enlightened nation where males and females are equal. The ruler prior to myself was a female, my mother to be exact. We would request that you not base your opinion of all peoples on the actions and beliefs of a few.....coded transmision....*on the screen* IMG][/IMG]
You are one of the men*almost spat out* who have kept us down for years, with out you in charge here in Boulder there is peace*behind her a white male in ragged cloths walks by being proded by a small female child* We have changed the way things run we are enlightend.
Flaming Souls
17-05-2005, 05:46
~~A small outpost in a wild nomans land.~~
'Sir, we have some funny stuff here, a small nation out on a racist and sexist capaign against white males of all things.' the comm officer stated as he rested his chin in his hand.
'Well, nuke them, they are obvious blind to the world, thinking that they are any better than the 'white-man' when in all reality we are equal.' the Commandant replied callously.
'Um, sir? I don't think that would prove your point all that well. How about we just send them a message?' the officer suggested briskly.
'Alright, fine. Damn diplomatic bullshit.' the Commandant sputtered angrily.
Official Comminque to Fortress Boulder
Perhaps you can calm your racist tendencies before the eye of the world at large falls upon you and you feel the wrath of nations united. By going on this dictatorial route of racism and sexism, you are sinking lower than the people you despise. Realise this and rise above them truly, live in harmony, don't let them have the satisfaction of knowing they broke you, instead, let them live in the hell they always imagined, side by side with you in a land of equality and prosperity for all. Would that not be the better way to gain revenge upon such a hated enemy?
Comandant Stryer
With the comminque sent, the Commandant sat and eyed the button to fire the nuclear warheads. Seeing the look in his eyes the comm officer sighed.
'Sir, I know of a small nation that is serving no useful purpose, nor does it have much promise, mayhap you could fire the nukes at them.' the officer said under his breath.
Eyes lighting up like a kid in a candy store, the Commandant requested the coordinates. And as he pushed the button one could swear you heard him giggling in glee.
'Sir, destruction of the Random Confederacy of Deadlandaria has been confirmed.' the comm officer said sadly.
Fortress Boulder
17-05-2005, 05:59
Welcome to Boulder Free News to day out exteemed leader has sent to us a listing of the weapons that our wonderfull peackeepers wear also some uniform shots.
Webley Mark 4
Length 27 cm
Weight 0.77 kg
Calibre 0.38 in (9.65 mm)
Cylinder 6 rounds
Muzzle Velocity 180 metres per second
M1A1 (Thompson)
Length 81 cm
Weight 4.7 kg (empty) 5.4 kg (loaded)
Calibre 0.45 in (11.43 mm)
Magazine 20 or 30 round box
Muzzle Velocity 280 metres per second
Rate of Fire 700 rpm
The Karabiner 98k (Mauser Rifle)
Length 111 cm
Weight 3.9 kg
Calibre 7.92 mm
Magazine 5 rounds
Muzzle Velocity 755 metres per second
The DP (Degtyaryev Pakhotnyi)
Length 129 cm
Weight 9.3 kg (empty/loaded?)
Calibre 7.62 mm
Magazine 47 round drum
Muzzle Velocity 850 metres per second
Rate of Fire 500 rpm
SG43 (Stankovii Pulemet Goryunova obrazets 1943)
Length (gun) 112 cm
Weight 13.5 kg (gun) 26.5 kg (mount)
Calibre 7.62 mm
Feed 250 round belt
Muzzle Velocity 825 metres per second
Rate of Fire 500 to 650 rpm
Grumman F9F Panther
Four 20mm Hispano M3 cannon in the nose, with 190 rounds per gun.
The F9F fired 57 rounds per second, a weight of 7.4 kg/sec. Total muzzle power was 2660 kW. It had ammunition for 13 seconds.
Schwerer Kampfwagen A7V
Here are some of our brave women.
That is all and rember Work Brings Peace.
Fortress Boulder
17-05-2005, 06:24
*Shown on Channel 31 a Shop at Home Show* Welcome back to the second half of Mlae Trader I am here with #2356567-A he is a strong worker and comes with all of his papers. he is yours for the low low price of three payments of 78.99. Up next is #347534-97-R as you can see he is a large typcal abuser. he is yours for a lump sum of 546.67.
LAst we have a offering of a unrependant White Male Soldier he had been hiding in the sewrs smuggling out men and traitors he is yours for 1,000 just ask for number 566436-56-s
Thank you and rember the number to call is 1800-364-9876
17-05-2005, 06:40
OOC: What. The. Hell.
"What. The. Hell."
Francis St. Marie leaned forward in complete bewilderment as he watched the latest news broadcast from elsewhere, elseworld, elsedimension, whatever. He'd never seen a spectacle so outright ridiculous in his life. Enslaving white men... what the hell.
There was only one thing to do.
The Grand Duke of Cielonia lowered the TV's volume, reached for the phone, and dialed a number. "Get me Katou on the phone. NOW."
The Grand Duchy outright condemns the actions of the government of Fortress Boulder. We have received reports of flagrant human rights violations, government-sanctioned slavery, racism, sexism, and vile crimes against humanity being perpetrated with no hint of remorse. While it is foul enough that any government would seek to enslave all white males, it is far worse that such unconscionable conduct has been broadcast for the world to see. A motion has passed through both the House of Counts and the Grand Council barring all Cielonian citizens from travelling to Fortress Boulder as well as declaring Fortress Boulder exempt from any and all trade with the Grand Duchy. Furthermore, all citizens of Fortress Boulder are barred from entering Cielonia proper save those fleeing the nation as refugees.
His Grace Francis St. Marie, Grand Duke
Yoshihiro Katou, Acting Defense Minister
Fortress Boulder
17-05-2005, 06:41
ooc: To bad they cant be invaded they are in the middle of Colorado and Texas's land.
17-05-2005, 06:43
OOC: ...Did I say I was invading? I said we cut off trade and travel, not that we sent troops - though I was sorely tempted.
Fortress Boulder
17-05-2005, 06:44
ooc: nope just comenting it will get much worse :cool:
Fortress Boulder
17-05-2005, 06:51
....We intrupt this program to bring you a message from Comp Center.....Hello citizens of Boulder tonight a new law goes into effect.For now on white men may not walk around with out papres from thier owners also all white males will have a number tattooed on thier backs for idevication. That is all.
Sigma Octavus
17-05-2005, 06:56
High General Snowlander was going over the daily reports of what was going on in the world when he came upon a number of messages regarding a place called Fortress Boulder.
He looked the reports over and over, trying to see if he had missed something.
Nope. Nothing missed. They were in fact psycho.
He called one of his lieutenants into the room. The young woman, who had risen quickly through the ranks in the past few years, under both his and Ms. Chaknov's rule, rushed forward. "Yes, High General?"
He smiled a bit and handed her the reports. "Read these, then tell me what you think."
The lieutenants eyes darted through the papers until she put them down and responded. "High General, it is in this lieutenant's opinion that they are all loons."
The general laughed and nodded. "Yes, yes they are. You may go back to what you were doing."
Snowlander turned to his personal computer and began to type.
To: Fortress Boulder
From: High General Bradley J. Snowlander
It has come to my attention the actions going on in your small part of the world. I don't agree with what you're doing, and so far, it seems quite insane what you are doing. But who am I to tell you what to do.
If I did actually send in "peacekeepers", there would be nothing to gain. We would be losing valuable (but easily regainable) resources doing it. I've decided out of the good graces of my heart to let you destroy yourself over time.
Good luck with the whole psychosis thing. Don't expect many (any) allies in this crazy world we all call home.
Bradley James Snowlander
High General of Sigma Octavus
Fortress Boulder
17-05-2005, 07:03
ic:"Madame Leader"*gravels the chained man*"we have a comuniquet for you"
*she takes the paper looks at it and laughs*"We have nothing to fear our well kept men would die for us, is that not right #45672-098-78?*formally knowen as Police Lt. Bon Harvard.*
"ye yes mamdame"* he grovles in fear of being beat*
Fortress Boulder
17-05-2005, 07:20
The sounds of trucks fill the night as green clad women and men rush towards the rambling old house on the hill.*"Hurry people"*screams the comander*"they have white males in there"
*the sounds of revolvers and light machinguns start as the troops rush the building many fall as the defenders fire back with hunting rifles.*
*the front door flies in as the few men and women defenders flee up the starirs the large rumblings of tanks aproching gives the fighters time to say good bye befor shells rip the house to shreads.
Fortress Boulder
17-05-2005, 07:31
BWN.......It is a sad day for Boulder we lost three brave soldiers in a raid on a home hidding suspected male terriost Jacob T. Kirk, he was not thiere but three of his men were along with four traitors to the cause. The troopers will be missed but they are in Gaia's arms now as for the terriost they may burn in hell. Here is a photo of the foul leader the reward for hi mdead is 2,000,000 no reward for being alive
Fortress Boulder
17-05-2005, 07:50
BWN.....The Department Of Male Health has anouced plans to neutertwo out of every five White Males. They shall alos test out new medical experements on any White male over working age of 55. Any woman caught matting with a white male outside the pleasure dome will be whipped. THat is all.
Fortress Boulder
17-05-2005, 07:59
*Deep under the C.U Womens Shetory building lays the lab of Dr. Mc Dellicans
"Ahha! I have the gas to make WMs do as we want now no more will the revolt!"
Fortress Boulder
17-05-2005, 17:45
....BWN....Today marks a new day slowly white males will be wiped from the face of Fortress Boulder. We breed more exceptalble males each day, males that will doo as we teach and tell them. That is all......
The Empire of Xeraph has noted with a good deal of disdain the twisted and malicious policies of Fortress Boulder. While the Empire has a long-standing policy of "nationale laissez-faire", i.e., " let the nations govern themselves", we will be keeping ourselves informed as to the progress of this feminist-oriented nation.
The Emperor has ordered the 34th CBG to the waters just outside the legal boundary of FB, for observation purposes. Any attempt by FB or it's allies to interfere with these peaceful proceedings will cause an incident of potential hostilities.
General Lord John Strickland, CMDR EX Forces.
The Merchant Guilds
17-05-2005, 18:44
OOC: Is there a point to all that?
And no, I am not planning to attack you.
The Empire is watching the sentiments coming out of Fortress Boulder and we would take this chance to warn Fortress Boulder to pursue other policies or the Empire and it's brother and sister Empires/nations may have to deal unfavourably with the nation of Fortress Boulder.
We suggust you look up the word 'Purification' in your dictionary woman, for we are God's chosen master race. You will submit to the Emperor, or face eternal damnation if you choose to continue your pathetic actions.
For God and Saint Peter,
-Random Chauvanistic Imperial Guild Bureaucrat
Fortress Boulder
17-05-2005, 22:58
occ: slowly getting there
IC. This is an open ended letter to all nations. What we do here in Boulder is our buisness as Women and Non-white males. We have earned the right to be our own nation, with our own laws. We are keeping the abuser in there places like the dogs they are.
Lady Pendragonsnape Minister of Internal Affairs.
"I want this filed, under the title of low comedy and the fact that women can be just as crazy as men."
Empress Michiko Jones shook her heads at the satellite feed and poured herself another coffee. 'Maybe it's something in the water' she mused to herself as she made note to send a letter of support to Colorado and Texas.
Colorado and Texas
18-05-2005, 09:00
To the foul so-called humens of Boulder, we will not declare war on you at this moment but nor will we protect you. If any nation has a good reason to we will alow them to pass through our lands. But only if you attack them first. If anymore of our citizens die we will come down on you with the full fury of the rebal soul.
Colorado and Texas
19-05-2005, 07:24
*The three women climbed silently through the swer tunnel towards the middle of Fortress Boulder*
"Rember troops we are to spy and report anything we see." said the tall blond.
The shorter red head replied"So we split up once we are in correct?"
"Yes we do kill only if needed then fleee we meet back here in two weeks"Said the last woman a hevaly scared warrior
Fortress Boulder
19-05-2005, 07:38
FBWN......Welcome to the Docter Feelgood show with my co-host Oprahra Large Tree we have here today three men who have renouced their victimizer ways and joined us on the light side. First up is John Whiped, how are you john?"
*in a lisping voice*"I am just swell Docter. I love what the women have done here.
"Next up is Jeb Beatendon"
*in a sad voice*"Hello sir"
"And last is Dennis Twilleger."
"YEs well*a pause as he reaches into his jacket*"I am bleeped kill you all!*He opens fire with a Colorado .45 killin the two host befor he is brought down by a hail of gun fire the screen goes to statci then a picture of a crying bird hitting the t.v saying tech difficltys.*