The Celestial Blade: A Key to the Past (Open, FT RP)
17-05-2005, 02:03
Prologue: The Awakening
The world has changed...civilizations have risen and fallen on the planet. Hiroshiko, once a contintental empire, has grown and unified the enitire planet under one stable, equal regime. It calls for a constitutional monarchy, the Supreme Chancellor being the head leader. The world, once an environmentally stunning place, has become a massive planetary metropolis, with the original cities as central sects. The largest city Kyoshiro, is home to the tallest infastructures on the planet. It is home to many companies and high-tech firms. Just below the massive skyline are historic remnants of past buildings of previous centuries. Some have been left to decay along with the passage of time, while others, noted landmarks, have been preserved. War is evident in some ruins; scars from ancient battles only serve as a reminder that such things did occur, that it was not just a story made up by the sages.
Today, however, the lowly planet of Hiroshiko serves as a central corridor for the many colonies in the solar system. Trade routes from other advanced civilizations among the stars have extended into the system through colonial establishments. As civilizations cross paths, they share stories...stories that may hold truths and rewards. One such story is the legend of the Celestial Blade.
The Celestial Blade, as called by ancient star-faring civilizations, is the ultimate possession. It is rumored to have extraordinary powers of unimaginable strengths. The sages of old also say it holds the key to an alternate universe, a universe untouched by three-dimensional laws.
The saga continues today...
17-05-2005, 02:25
ooc: what kind of response are you looking for, national recognition, embassy offers, character interaction ect?
17-05-2005, 02:37
Right now, I'm looking for interested persons wishing to participate. I'll build on the story so there can actually be a plot to start with.
One more thing, my style of RPing is somewhat different to a standard Role- Play on Nationstates, just to get a little insight. Its plot and character oriented, rather than nation and mass oriented.
17-05-2005, 02:39
count me in
I'm in. I do well at both Character and nation level RPs
17-05-2005, 02:44
Ok, thats good! However, I probably won't begin immediately because of final exams and essays. These last two weeks of May will be somewhat busy so I might not update this RP in like...a day or few. Until then, chow!
17-05-2005, 08:16
OOC Count me in, the Empire would have refugees flooding out of it cause of the civil war, so it should be easy to get a character in
18-05-2005, 01:03
OK, I will need an opposing team of two or three people. Again, this is please introduce your characters in any way.
Do you have any objection to non-humans?
18-05-2005, 01:38
IC: The breeze was cool. The crisp, cold morning emanated through the steel walls of the residential complex. A guy, a 20 year old starship pilot, woke up from his bed. He stepped up...slowly at first, to the screening window. The soft light from the dawning sun hit his face. A sense of warmth filled him up as if he had coffee. Almost instantaneously, he felt fully recharged. He went to the mirror, looking at his athletically-built body, he flexed his muscles like his usual self, a semi-narcissist human being. He did his daily routine, showered, ate, and got ready for his job.
The skyway was packed. Numerous amounts of people rushed forward and back. Races and species of every kind communicated and traded along the busy skyway. It was windy again...and the loud droning of skymobiles and air transports could be heard miles around. The air, unlike the air from the ancient days, was fresh and healthiful. Air back then was polluted by fossilized fuels. Anyway, the black-haired man ran as fast as he could to a transport terminal. He got on and rode to the closest central sect: The Kyoshiro district.
The district was busy, as most districts are. The tall, glassy skyscrapers pierced the cool fog of the morning. Nighttime lights can be vaguely seen through the clouds of dense fog. At last as the terminal transport docked on the Central Skyway, he continued on...not to be late for his job.
"Dammit, Nobuyuki, why can't you be on time!"
His boss was infuriated. Nobuyuki was late, yet again.
"Boss, my alarm system isn't working...the computer's know...the information age is somewhat screwy these days."
He shrugged off the complaint and went to his work.
"Nobou, your next schedule is here!" shouts a colleague of his.
"O, ok. Lemme see. I hope its somewhere near Hiroshiko." He says.
"No, its going to an isolated colony. Its on the outskirts of the Hiroshikan Solar System and next to the SR-5 system. Its really cold there, pack up nicely!"
Nobuyuki looks at the package. It is a small box with a steel chain to secure the package. It reads. 'Top Priority.'
"Sure, no prob...hey you know what this is?"
"Uh...I'm not really sure. Beats me. Remember, we just get the shipments and we ship them. No questions, no nothing."
Nobuyuki takes the package and gets on his personal beauty, Heaven's Fury. It is a medium sized starship with customized capabilities. Everything is pimped...including the interior. "Man, I love my baby! Its either my girl, or her. (Meaning Heaven's Fury)"
"He gets on and finds three empty cockpit seats. If I only had a crew. It'd make traveling more fun. But eh, I gotta pay them then. Oh well."
The ship gradually takes off. The panoramic view of the planet can be seen as he takes off from the tall building. The commuter traffic in the sky is terrible. But, as he goes up, he sees the beautiful patterns it creates. While one part of the world is in complete darkness, the other is stained with light. Artificial light can be seen at the dark side of the planet. Nobuyuki's ship must first pass the inspection check on one of the orbiting cities.
After the inspection check had been cleared, The starship, Heaven's Fury, takes off on unprecedented speed towards the virtually isolated colony of Hiroshiko.
18-05-2005, 01:39
Do you have any objection to non-humans?
No, I'm not racially discriminative, lol. I don't really care if they're human or not. So, if your character isn't human, then thats ok with me.
18-05-2005, 03:28
Bumped...for interest. =D
As the mysterious stranger got off the tramp freighter at a small colony outside the Hiroshikan Solar System, it's pilot and captain let out sighs of relief. While they're passenger hadn't done anything overtly creepy, he had still creeped them out, and for experianced spacers that was fairly hard to do.
The passenger had kept fully covered with a deep hood on his cloak. He hadn't come out of his cabin save for meals the entire trip.
18-05-2005, 05:41
"Ah...the travel's longer than I thought..." replied Nobuyuki. His face was somewhat tired. At last he finally gave an order to the computer to run the starship on autopilot. The computer replied with a monotonous female voice, "Confirmed. Auto-Pilot set to pinpointed course. Currently, system is on intelligence-mode, creating new paths in case of an obstruction or problem. All reports of importance will be announced for your attention."
Nobuyuki got up. He headed to the sleeping chambers to get a good night's sleep. He loved to sleep with no gravity because of the strange feeling. However, he needed to look prim and proper for his arrival at the colony. So, he left the artificial gravity on.
He slept hours passed by.
"Entering colony 57AC spacezone. I repeat, entering colony 57AC spacezone. Our ship has been spotted and allowed to enter the colonial spacezone. Our request to enter was accepted. Please follow the guidelines presented to you on the screen." ,says the automated computer.
"Ok, lemme see...ah. The terminal port is on this side of the planet." ,says Nobuyuki.
Colony 57AC lies in a world not yet terraformed due to the location. It is far away from its closest star, much like the distance of Neptune to its star in the Sol System. The landscape appears to be rigid, full of ancient ice crystals and virgin snow. The atmosphere is thick, however, enabling a protection from possible meteors that can quickly destroy the planet. The city lies on the equator, which is the warmest part of the planet. The city itself is built in a mountain. As he looked from his cockpit window, it seems to him that the terminal spaceport is the only entrance and exit to the city.
Heaven's Fury slowly makes its way to the isolated city. Many spacefrieghts and transports can be seen zooming to and away from the port. At last, the ship lands. nobuyuki unpacks the cargo in the hold and takes the package out.
Scanning the packages he brings is usually the orthodox way of handling things. The packet, however, contains a seal of authority that gives a right for this package to bypass the check. While this is rare and uncommon, such packages do exist. Nobuyuki shrugs it off as a governmental document.
"Well, it says to deliver this package to a hotel...So, ok, I'll just get on my way and go back. Ah, I love my job, its simple n easy!" ,says Nobuyuki.
18-05-2005, 20:27
bumped...for interest...again.
Mini Miehm
18-05-2005, 20:44
As the mysterious stranger got off the tramp freighter at a small colony outside the Hiroshikan Solar System, it's pilot and captain let out sighs of relief. While they're passenger hadn't done anything overtly creepy, he had still creeped them out, and for experianced spacers that was fairly hard to do.
The passenger had kept fully covered with a deep hood on his cloak. He hadn't come out of his cabin save for meals the entire trip.
OOC: I'm sure I make you look down-right normal Theao.
The group had ridden the same tramp as the mysterious cloaked individual, the group consisted of a synapse sliver, a victual sliver and a mistform sliver, as well as three muscle slivers, using the mistforms camoflague ability to seem as human and remain as unobtrusive as possible they spen most of their time amongst themselves and rarely mingled with the other passengers, the hooded individual had roused their interest but they decided to let the satiation of their curiosity wait until they made planet-fall...
The hooded stranger, who's real name was unpronouncable by any human tounge, but went by Kezek, still a painful name for most humans to try to say, but at least marginally pronoucable, walked out of the spacecraft and went throught customs before sitting himself down on a bench and waited for something or someone.
ooc: he's completely covered in a black robe and appears to be about 7'1"-7'3"
Mini Miehm
18-05-2005, 21:18
The hooded stranger, who's real name was unpronouncable by any human tounge, but went by Kezek, still a painful name for most humans to try to say, but at least marginally pronoucable, walked out of the spacecraft and went throught customs before sitting himself down on a bench and waited for something or someone.
ooc: he's completely covered in a black robe and appears to be about 7'1"-7'3"
OOC: Reading sluggy freelance too? It's pronounced k'z'k, no vowels...(only sluggites will get the joke)
The mistformed slivers passed through customs after the hooded man and were disappointed to see that he was sitting, as though waiting for something or someone, which prevented them from tailing him, instead they merely noted his prescence and continued on to the rooms the queen had booked for them in a mid level hotel, not conspicuously expensive but not a total dive either.
As he sat he saw a few of the other passengers exit the ship, ostentatiously human but with a number of slight irregularities to them. The travelled off in the direction of a hotel as he continued to sit and wait.
ooc: yes I read Sluggy Freelance, no it's not related.
Mini Miehm
18-05-2005, 21:30
As he sat he saw a few of the other passengers exit the ship, ostentatiously human but with a number of slight irregularities to them. The travelled off in the direction of a hotel as he continued to sit and wait.
ooc: yes I read Sluggy Freelance, no it's not related.
OOC: so you're not the voweless one, just want to be sure, if you are my slivers are running hell for leather back onto that ship and will not stop running until they die of old age(in approximately three or four hundred years).
19-05-2005, 01:12
OOC: Lol, interesting, Lets see where this leads!
IC: The city was fairly large. It was underground, quite common on unterraformed planets. The planetary sky was visible through domeshaped glass panes. They were large insulated glass shields, capable of retaining heat and vital conditons to life. Nobuyuki looked up at the glass domes. The eternal blizzards outside howled softly through the panes. Most of the noise, however, was drowned out by the busy central sector where traders and merchants alike participated in the capitalist venture. There were top priority buildings located at the central sect, much like the cities in Hiroshiko. In this case, Nobuyuki was looking for a hotel. This hotel was the delivery point of the package.
He continued to walk to find the hotel. Many neon signs were hanging on buildings. Some referred to nightclubs and bars, while others were various gift shops and merchanise retail stores. Finally, the hotel was spotted. He moved closer to the entrance.
The hotel is called 'The Colossus.' It is a medium-sized hotel which offers basic rooms to luxurious escapades. As Nobuyuki stepped inside hotel, he felt a fresh, relieving breeze rush into his face. The entrance held a real-life alien botanical garden. Some plants were native to the Hiroshikan Sol System, while others were alien and foreign. He was intrigued...but he had told himself he must carry out his job. He takes the elevator and heads to the place of delivery.
Nobuyuki finds the room. At once he rings the doorbell and waits for the expecting owner of the package. The door opens and a very tall being confronts him. He was wearing a hooded cloak. Instantly, Nobuyuki finds himself somewhat scared but estatic that his job was complete. He reads the address and tries to pronouce the being's name.
"Sir...Mr...Keezk, Kizik, Kizek, K'z...uh. well here is your package."
Mini Miehm
19-05-2005, 01:20
OOC: Lol, interesting, Lets see where this leads!
IC: The city was fairly large. It was underground, quite common on unterraformed planets. The planetary sky was visible through domeshaped glass panes. They were large insulated glass shields, capable of retaining heat and vital conditons to life. Nobuyuki looked up at the glass domes. The eternal blizzards outside howled softly through the panes. Most of the noise, however, was drowned out by the busy central sector where traders and merchants alike participated in the capitalist venture. There were top priority buildings located at the central sect, much like the cities in Hiroshiko. In this case, Nobuyuki was looking for a hotel. This hotel was the delivery point of the package.
He continued to walk to find the hotel. Many neon signs were hanging on buildings. Some referred to nightclubs and bars, while others were various gift shops and merchanise retail stores. Finally, the hotel was spotted. He moved closer to the entrance.
The hotel is called 'The Colossus.' It is a medium-sized hotel which offers basic rooms to luxurious escapades. As Nobuyuki stepped inside hotel, he felt a fresh, relieving breeze rush into his face. The entrance held a real-life alien botanical garden. Some plants were native to the Hiroshikan Sol System, while others were alien and foreign. He was intrigued...but he had told himself he must carry out his job. He takes the elevator and heads to the place of delivery.
Nobuyuki finds the room. At once he rings the doorbell and waits for the expecting owner of the package. The door opens and a very tall being confronts him. He was wearing a hooded cloak. Instantly, Nobuyuki finds himself somewhat scared but estatic that his job was complete. He reads the address and tries to pronouce the being's name.
"Sir...Mr...Keezk, Kizik, Kizek, K'z...uh. well here is your package."
OOC: he's not the voweless one, you can pronounce it, and he won't hurt you like k'z'k would, he might hurt you other ways, but not like k'z'k, whoever he is he wouldn't be evil enough to replace the women of baywatch with chippendale dancers.
19-05-2005, 01:21
OOC: he's not the voweless one, you can pronounce it, and he won't hurt you like k'z'k would, he might hurt you other ways, but not like k'z'k, whoever he is he wouldn't be evil enough to replace the women of baywatch with chippendale dancers.
Lol, ok. I'll change that =P
Kezek haved arrived at the hotel a few hours prior to Nobuyuki's delivery. As he answered the door he grinned behind the facial covering, seeing the delivery person his smile widened and his lips peeled back revealing teeth and if Nobuyuki could have seen his face, he would be wetting himself. "Thank you." as he took the package a thought crossed his mind, "You wouldn't happen to have a ship by any chance would you?"
ooc: could you TG me with what if/anything was in the package, or should I create the contents?
Mini Miehm
19-05-2005, 01:28
Lol, ok. I'll change that =P
OOC: He's probaby just as evil anyway, and kinda creepy in his own right, just not sliver or k'z'k creepy\dangerous.
19-05-2005, 02:27
Well, Mr. I'm sorry If I butchered your name. Yes, I have a ship. Why do you ask? Well...(with a chuckle) there's a tad...small fee if you are going to hop on. Tell me where you wanna go!"
"That is quite alright, as to the fee and location that shall be best discussed in locals that are not here." Kezek replied "Shall we go, by the way what is your name?"
19-05-2005, 02:42
"The full name's Nobuyuki Samejima. I guess it comes from that alien language in the Sol System. Not really sure, you see my family heritage is somewhat scattered across the universe. Anyway, if i'd be easier, my nickname is Seraph." ,says Nobuyuki. "And sure, I'll take you anywhere you want to go. We'll discuss the terms once we enter my ship. Its secure in there. By the way, does it have anything to do with the package?"
"Partially yes, Seraph. Lead on." Kezek replied his voice seeming to swollow the ph on the name pronouncing it Sera.
19-05-2005, 03:00
Kezek and Seraph quickly left the vicinity. The city temperatures have gotten cooler; it has become nightfall at Colony 57AC. The monotonous lightings from lamps lit up. A faint warmth enshrounded them as they passed the lamps. The central sector of the city seemed quiter and the howling of the eternal blizzards gradually grew louder. At once, they had reached the terminal port.
A customs officer made them go through the routine inspection. They had passed the inspections. Shortly after they left the customs building, the customs officer ran out and yelled at them. He said, "Sir, as of this hour, limited gates are only open for critical and top priority transports. You may still leave, but I'm going to have to charge you. You may wait till all ships gain clearance again. This will come up in three earth units. (3 Hours) May I suggest you wait in your ship?"
Seraph thinks for a moment and says, "Yeah, that'll be good. We'll wait for 3 earth units. Seraph and Kezek head off to the Heaven's Fury.
The ship looked like a dull red and blue transporter on the dimlighted terminal. They both got in and Seraph offered Kezek some water and food. Finally, they sat at the cockpit section, discussing about the future voyage ahead.
"So, Kezek, where do you plan to go?" ,says Seraph.
19-05-2005, 04:42
Mini Miehm
19-05-2005, 21:06
One of the plants in the lobby had unfolded itself and walked out shortly after the two men, Seraph and this mysterious kezek, had left, the "person who left the hotel soon shifted form again into a medium sized insect and landed on the back of Seraphs pant-leg, being careful not to make any contact with exposed skin or to land on the pant-leg too heavily and attract his notice, his job was to tail them, not get swatted.
"We'll be headed to Vigko, a world in the Arceoan system." Kezek replied to Seraph's question.
Mini Miehm
19-05-2005, 21:38
The images and sounds heard and seen by the mistform sliver were transmitted to the others of the team through the hive mind, their destination was another planet, this person had aroused their interest and they would follow him until he died, they died, or the queen directed otherwise, they wanted to know what was going on, possibly more than this Seraph man did. The mistform detatched from Seraphs leg and found a secluded place, there he returned to his humanoid guise and headed as swiftly as possible for the hotel, he had to the rest of the team and get them to the ship he was boardingbefore he left, if he failed they would have to charter a ship, and they would most lkiely lose him if they were forced to do so.
20-05-2005, 01:04
"The Arceoan System? Ok, I'll check the starmap. While I get the stuff ready, you can lounge around. Guests get special treatment on my ship." As Seraph moved, he felt a strange feeling at his leg. It felt like a small ache and then a sudden chill; he ignored it for he thought it was just space-lag. Seraph came back, with the results. He pinpointed the distance. Seraph then said, "Are you going to your home planet? The only viable planet there is Vigko, its not really nice...well for humans. But, hey, I'll bring you there."
Both sat down and waited until clearance was given to all starships. The faint light from the sun shot through the terminal gates as it opened. Almost immediately, a rush of starships began 'competing' for the entrance. Heaven's Fury beat most of them to the gate, leaving the slower and larger-carrier transports behind. As they blasted off the planet. The colony became smaller and smaller, until covered by the eternal blizzards. Both Kezek and Seraph speed toward the Arceoan System. Little did they know the mistform being are following their every step.
20-05-2005, 05:41
bumped for in-ter-est.
"No, not my homeworld, that is very unpleasent or should I say instantly fatal to humans, and most other things as well." Kezek replied as he headed to his cabin.
As Kezek ensured his cabin door was shut and locked, he began removing the robes and coverings. As he removed the inner and outer cloaks his ears unfolded back to thier normal six inch height. As he removed the cloth covering his face revealing pure black eyes as well as a design over his right eye he let out a yawn revealing teeth which extended as he yawn till they reached a length of about an inch and a half. As he removed the his chest covering two wings flexed out, before settling back, partially wrapped about the body. As he stripped off his gloves and flexed his hands claws extended before retracting into his fingers. Last to be removed where the pants(he has pants under removed pants) and foot coverings revealing long clawed feet as well as a tail. Once fully unburdened by the covering clothes he lay down on the bunk.
ooc: looks similar to the demon from but with longer wings.
for all pictures you have to go back to the 9th May 05