Empress Serena is going to have a Baby! Hatarians Happy.
Hataria Boradcast Company
Hataropoils, Hataria
Empress Serena announced today that she is with Child. The News is met with Danceing the streets of Hataropoils, Tangalee and Calvardar Province.
Empress Serena, 19 years old, was born in Northern Hataria. she became Princess of Calvardar when her Brother, the late Emperor Barbarossa, took over.
She took the thorne of Hataria when a Roman Republican Launched a RPG Rocket at the Imperial Car and Blew it up, killing everyone inside.
Empress Serena said that if it's a girl she will name her Mako, if it's a boy, he will be named Barbarossa, after her Brother.
16-05-2005, 22:18
President Nellis would like to send his congratulations to the Empress and hope that she has a healthy bouncy baby!
The Nellisland government has sent over a crib and several little cloths for the young baby.
16-05-2005, 22:57
National Announcement to Nellisland from the Dominion of Gryphendor
from Gryphendor and the region of Auerilan we send our congratulations and warmest wishes for the good news regarding Empress Serena pregnancy and gifts have been gathered from all over the region and delivered to the princess
a bouquet of the regions rarest flowers.
a genuine fur coat made from the finest pelts to keep the Empress warm on the winter nights.
and a Gryphon egg so the child may have a pet. the egg will hatch a approxametly the same time the child will be born.
once again we send our best wishes and warmest regard
- Beareu of Foreign Relations
16-05-2005, 23:02
National Announcement to Nellisland from the Dominion of Gryphendor
from Gryphendor and the region of Auerilan we send our congratulations and warmest wishes for the good news regarding Empress Serena pregnancy and gifts have been gathered from all over the region and delivered to the princess
a bouquet of the regions rarest flowers.
a genuine fur coat made from the finest pelts to keep the Empress warm on the winter nights.
and a Gryphon egg so the child may have a pet. the egg will hatch a approxametly the same time the child will be born.
once again we send our best wishes and warmest regard
- Beareu of Foreign Relations
OOC: Man you used the wrong nation name man. I am not having the baby...Hataria is. Lol...thats funny!
16-05-2005, 23:15
President Jackson congratulates the Empress on her joyful occasion.
~Foreign Office Telegram.
Nueve Italia
16-05-2005, 23:42
The entire Imperial Republic of Nueve Italia shares in the joy of the Hatarians for their happy tidings, and wishes both the child and the mother well. As a gift, a necklace carrying the Imperial Seal of Nueve Italia made with Emerald, Ruby, Pearl, and Gold will be sent immediately to Empress Serena, as to show the support our countrymen have for your great nation.
Emperor Giovanni Dominicio Gori I
We congratulate the Emperess on her child to be. We hope that s/he grows up strong and healthy.
19-05-2005, 03:17
Message to Hataria:
I wish to congratulate the Empress on her pregnancy, and wish good health and fortune to her and her child/ren. The Royal Union is on a tight budget at the moment and we cannot afford to send any gifts as of yet, but we will try and scrape something together if we can.
May luck fall upon you...
Princess Natsuki Amashi,
Regent of the Royal Union,
Elected Heir to the Queen.
Roman Republic
19-05-2005, 03:22
Vice Dictator Kombayn Nikoladze wants to congratulate the Empress. I hope the child will learn from the past mistakes and make friend with Rome.
The Supreme Dictator Patel says nothing, because of hatred for the Hatarian Government. He considers the government corrupt and forcing its will against its subjects.
19-05-2005, 03:33
Didn't she die?
Vasiliou Bandanaris
Agustinate of Education
Clan Fur
19-05-2005, 06:21
Congratulations to the Hatarian Princess that she may keep well and stay strong. Prayers are being offered for the whole of your bloodline Princess Serena and as a gift our country offers the humble gift of 1,000 of the finest House Spitz Personal Guard for the baby and its mother.
The House Spitz Personal Guard stands between 6 and 6 ½ feet tall; the males are often heavier while the female is more streamlined in form, both have approx. between 2%-5% body fat and know only loyalty. Command and mold them as you wish or dismiss them as you see fit, I give you my word as new Khan of Clan Fur, and stake the reputation of my House and Nation that the Spitz Guard is the most trustworthy and efficient my nation has to offer such a precious thing as a baby.
Khan Rat Shuvit
Chief Khan
Kellan, Raskt, Clan Fur
Roman Republic
19-05-2005, 20:56
OCC: Hataria, explain why your a monarch but on the NS website, Your nation is actually an "Inoffensive Centrist Democracy". That mean you van't be a monarchy unless you have a Constitutional monarch or the people overthrew the government and set up a democracy. Explain that smart ass.
La ce numesi pirokajuon,
The Pirokajuon would like to personally congradulate you, Esteemed Empress Serena. However, he is caught up in the businesses of Empire at the moment, and so he has commissioned me to send a letter of good will to the Hatarian people.
As a gesture of friendly intent, the Emmitian Imperial Government has sent over a collection of books written by the Pirokajuon Aristaton Secundus, detailing the history of Emmitia for use in his studies to become a great emperor. For his luck, we have consecrated a ceremonial sword to Aedon, Telaremael and the Holy Emperor (1), which will also be making the voyage over. Finally, the Pirokajuon has deigned to send over the tutor named Desetaen to be used to guide the great future Emperor in his studies.
Emmitian Foreign Defense and Relations Ministry
Minister Veresi
(OOC - 1: In the Emmitian Religion, there are three gods. There is Aedon, Telaremael and The Holy Emperor. Aedon is the archangel of birth and creation and the arts, Telaremael the archangel of destruction, war, and the sciences, and the Holy Emperor is the guardian of civilization and humanity.)
-Official Ratheian Response-
We humbly would like to present this message, composed by the people of Ratheia.
"The Ratheian citizens would like to remind Hataria that they are worthless pieces of human refuse and that they hope the Empress and her Child both die from radiation poisoning. If you desire we will present you with a billiard set made of Uranium-238 and you can fulfill this task yourself. That is, of course, if you have inherited any brains from the previous Emperor whose failed conquests into Ratheia are now the source of much laughter.
-Official Ratheian Response-
We humbly would like to present this message, composed by the people of Ratheia.
"The Ratheian citizens would like to remind Hataria that they are worthless pieces of human refuse and that they hope the Empress and her Child both die from radiation poisoning. If you desire we will present you with a billiard set made of Uranium-238 and you can fulfill this task yourself. That is, of course, if you have inherited any brains from the previous Emperor whose failed conquests into Ratheia are now the source of much laughter.
From: Empress Serena
Your uranium will be sent back to you and we remind you that we are bigger then you and can make you into part of the Empire.
OOC: do you kiss your Mom with that Mouth?
Blessed Restraint
20-05-2005, 03:06
The small country of Blessed Restraint offers its humble tribute of a golden statue of Her Majesty with babe in hand. We congratulate you on a safe birth and hope you achieve the greatness of your ancestors.
20-05-2005, 03:10
we remind you that we are bigger
OOC: How many times do NS players have to tell you - population means nothing. It's the military that counts, and frankly, from experience, yours isn't that great.
I concede that it's getting better, though, I must say. I commend you.
Nueve Italia
20-05-2005, 03:18
OCC: Hataria, explain why your a monarch but on the NS website, Your nation is actually an "Inoffensive Centrist Democracy". That mean you van't be a monarchy unless you have a Constitutional monarch or the people overthrew the government and set up a democracy. Explain that smart ass.
Uhh. . .dude? First of all, this is off topic. Secondly, that rating, the Inoffensive Centrist Democracy, is a UN brand given to your country depending upon your desicisons in the daily issues. It has nothing to do with how you represnt yourself on the forums. Third, I don't think you can try and pin Hataria on this, as your nation's name is the Totalitarian Dictatorship of Roman Republic. A dictatorial republic. A Senate group elected by the people. . .ruled by a Supreme Dictator. Think real hard on that for a minute. Does it make sense? No, i thought not. Don't go bashing on people for insignificant reasons such as this. I suggest we end this here.
Nueve Italia
20-05-2005, 03:21
OOC: How many times do NS players have to tell you - population means nothing. It's the military that counts.
You can't have a military without people, can you? Your population contributes to how many people can serve in your armed forces. So yea, population means quite a bit when it comes to your army.
-Official Ratheian Response-
We humbly would like to present this message, composed by the people of Ratheia.
"The Ratheian citizens would like to remind Hataria that they are worthless pieces of human refuse and that they hope the Empress and her Child both die from radiation poisoning. If you desire we will present you with a billiard set made of Uranium-238 and you can fulfill this task yourself. That is, of course, if you have inherited any brains from the previous Emperor whose failed conquests into Ratheia are now the source of much laughter.
La ce numesi Pirokajuon,
The Pirokajuon has deigned it necessary to denounce such a vulgar announcement by the good Ratheian state. This is a time for joy, and as such , brutal National politics should not be brought into the matter. Let it also be known: The Pirokajuon has, due to this threat by a foreign nation, offered the Hatarian people assistance from the Imperial Armed Forces, should the Hatarian Empress ever request it. For the young child's protection, we hereby offer to send, at this moment, a delegation of one hundred Imperial Guardsmen, finest soldiers in all of Emmitia. It is a humble gift from a humble empire such as our own, but we hope that we can protect the innocent life of the child, should the vulgar winds of war blow into his fragile life-to-be.
Imperial Foreign Defense and Relations Ministry
Minister Veresi
Roman Republic
21-05-2005, 03:33
You can't have a military without people, can you? Your population contributes to how many people can serve in your armed forces. So yea, population means quite a bit when it comes to your army.
OCC: What about UAVs and UGVs. They are unmaaned and can operate with out a population. And also skill in the military. Hataria sends his troops to their doom. Would you do that??? hmmm...!! I wouldn't, because Hataria sucks ass!! I can even kill you!!
21-05-2005, 03:41
Roman Republic cut the flaming now. Don't go boasting about how you'd "kick hataria's ass" or you may have a little surprise in for you. Oh, and just because his UN Ranking says "Inoffensive centrist democracy" doesn't mean he is one in RP. In NS RP you can Roleplay your government however you like disregardless of what the UN thinks of you.
Roman Republic
21-05-2005, 03:45
Roman Republic cut the flaming now. Don't go boasting about how you'd "kick hataria's ass" or you may have a little surprise in for you. Oh, and just because his UN Ranking says "Inoffensive centrist democracy" doesn't mean he is one in RP. In NS RP you can Roleplay your government however you like disregardless of what the UN thinks of you.
Oh...shit! Sorry Bro, I'll stop. I didn't kick Hataria's ass. I ignored hin, he is attempting to attack me. You know Hataria hates communists.
Roman Republic
21-05-2005, 03:55
OCC: I'll just fuck off now, You guys can ignore me!!
21-05-2005, 04:04
OCC: I'll just fuck off now, You guys can ignore me!!
That's for the best.
Crazed Marines
21-05-2005, 04:06
OOC: Hataria, I've got to admit, you've come a long way in the RP department. Good going.
Hataria: As relations have improved between our nations (namely, we have not used you for weapons testing in the past several years), we are willing to give your leaders a chance...and a gift. Now, it will not be as lavish as some of our previous ones (like the 24 karat gold dining room table we gave to Communist Mississippi before it was destroyed and the table recovered) due to economic problems tied in with our recent civil war. However, we are willing to have an engraver make a marble statue of the Queen and one of her newborn child seperate and together. Furthermore, these three statues will be gilded to your liking. Also, a security craze has taken over our country and we are willing to train a pack of Siberian Huskies to protect the new child. Again, we are happy for this occosion and hope the child does not suffer any ill effects from residual radiation.
--General Kowalski, Secretary of Defense
03-06-2005, 16:55
ooc: I'm getting kinda sick of this. RR, Hataria, ignore each other. Don't invade each other, don't even post in each others threads. If you can't stay out of each others threads, and in this case its RR at fault, then I'll have to ask the mods to ensure you do. No more insults, threats or anything else. Don't tell me you understand or post OOC any more, I'm taking it as read that what I said was fully understandable.
We would like to congratulate the Hatarian people, and Empress Serena in particular on this joyful news. You are welcome in Sanctaphrax for a holiday any time you wish, and we'll ensure your trip to be a pleasant one. Failing that, we wish to provide you with a present from the Sanctaphraxian population. We have sent over a diamond necklace for the Empress and a cot for the child made from the most expensive wood Sanctaphrax has to offer. In addition we provide you with a golden statue, about a metre tall, of the late Emperor Barbarossa. Let the boy never forget who his uncle was.
Cowlquape Pentephraxis in a live broadcast from Lake Landing.
The Scandinvans
03-06-2005, 17:47
Congrats and sorry about the empress's brother;s death.
Staggering drunks
03-06-2005, 17:53
The Laird Christain Mclachlen of the Raving Clan of Staggering drunks sends a message:
'Och, congrats on the wee babbie on th' way, perhaps ye would tak a trip up on the mountains of th' clan after the bairn is ready?'
Enclosed is a gift from the Laird, a smooth stone from one of our riverbeds traditionally given to our children when they come of age
03-06-2005, 17:57
OCC: I wouldn't, because Hataria sucks ass!! I can even kill you!!
Roman Republic, such comments posted OOC are flaming, and against board rules. DROP IT, permanently. If you can't get along with Hataria, don't read or respond to his threads. Period.
Continue this, and we'll have to bring out the Grand Hammer of Mod. Trust me when I say, "you wouldn't like that".
~ Frisbeeteria ~
NationStates Forum Moderator
Forum and Game Rules (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=416023)
Staggering drunks
03-06-2005, 18:05
Roman Republic, such comments posted OOC are flaming, and against board rules. DROP IT, permanently. If you can't get along with Hataria, don't read or respond to his threads. Period.
Continue this, and we'll have to bring out the Grand Hammer of Mod. Trust me when I say, "you wouldn't like that".
~ Frisbeeteria ~
NationStates Forum Moderator
Forum and Game Rules (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=416023)
Hehe, along with the knife fork and spoon of the Mod :D
But where did all this start anyway? Just curious.
Staggering drunks
03-06-2005, 18:09
After being told about the other nations gifts, the Laird Christian would also like to apologise for the cheapness of his gift :D
Hell on earthx666
03-06-2005, 18:34
I would like to offer my congratulations to the Empress and wish her and her expected child long and happy lives. We also wish to offer her a gift of a pure-bred Greyhound puppy as something to amuse the child (we are sorry about the cheapness of our gift but at the moment our funds are severly depleted because of trying to build up our military).
-King Ashnak Agaku
--Emperor of the Agaku Empire
The Charr
03-06-2005, 19:14
"I have little clue as to why people are giving gifts to the child itself, or the parents. If you give offerings to anybody, it should be to the gods for granting you the ability to do so. But as we continue to try to establish our furry nation in a world full of baldy nations, we will get into the spirit of things.
For the pup, a blanket made from the finest Charr fur that exists. I understand that baldies can get cold. For the parents, a suit of ceremonial Charr armour. Forged from the finest materials, and later plated in 22 carat yellow Tyrian gold, the armour of a Charr Axe Warrior dates back hundreds of years to the era of the Great Tyrian Wars. I would suggest you put it on display in a museum rather than wear it -- it would likely be too big for humans.
I hope that your offspring develops into an honourable warrior."
Bonfaaz Burntfur