Revolution in North Mack!! - Page 2
North Mack
31-05-2005, 13:20
General Jackcson was sitting at his desk at his post north of Karakai, monitoring the forces to the north. Suddenly, his phone rang. not the normal one, but the big red one with no keys on it. The Imperial Contact Phone.
"Jackson. What can I do for you my lord?"
"General, The Emperors Dead."
"Anderson?" The general was confused. what was the Emperors aide doing on the Imperial contact line? Then he heard the rest of the sentence. "WHAT!!? WHEN!!?? HOW???"
"He was assasinated in his office. You know he left no heir and no instructions on who was to come after him. According to our laws sir, well, you know what I'm talking about, Emperor Jackson."
Jackson was stunned. Him? an Emperor? It took him thirty whole seconds to recover. "Anderson, get me a chopper here. now"
outside the imperial palace
Segeant Davis ran twords the tower, firing as he ran. His M16 and those around him slammed buttets into the tower where the sniper was. If he even popped up for a look around, that sniper would be hit instantly.
Inside Eastton
The lone man hid in the rubble of a collapsed building, watching the Krendakov forces enter the city. He smiled. The warning had come almost two days earlier, giving him plenty of time to perpare. He looked through the sight he had duct taped to the RPG. Duct taped it may be, but it was still as good as any sight that could have been mounted professionaly. He perferred his weapons to have the home made feel to them. As he sighted on the Krendakov troops, he was looking through two windows and a hole in a wall. Unless the Krendakov troops were in his line of fire, they wouldn't even see him. That's why my codename's the ghost he thought. He checked his aim one last time, then pulled the trigger. Not even waiting to see if it was a hit, he got up and ran twords his second attack point.
31-05-2005, 14:36
A squad of Krendian soldiers moved through the ruins, searching for enemy soldiers. All of a sudden there was an explosion in their midst at least half were blown to bits, the others dove for cover. They waited - No-one was there. They called the attack in on their radio.
"Sir" a messenger broke in on Aleksei, his wife and two children eating dinner.
Aleksei put his fork down which had a piece of steak impalied upon it's end. "What is it? Can't you see I'm eating dinner!"
"Sir, There is a new emporor of North Mack, The previous onewas assasinated."
"Send him greeting, and tell him that if he refuses to stand down he will be executed."
"Yes, sir"
One of the Spetsnaz sat at a desk in front of a window with a sniper rifle and looked out at a pile of rubble, where it was likely that their mystery attacker would hide. He waited, and waited. It was only be a matter of time.
North Mack
01-06-2005, 13:21
the ghost crawled twords his next point in the rubble. he reached it and began to take aim. suddenly, the hairs on his neck rose.
"Shi..." he muttered as he rolled to his side, on a hunch. He had learned long ago to trust his hunches, or he would have been dead many times over. Dust rose up next to him, follower a split second later by the crack of the sniper rifle. Crawling out of sight, he wondered if he should just move on to point three.
North Mack
05-06-2005, 00:06
the ghost made up his mind, and clicked his radio on.
"Ghost to Wildcat, phase one clear. Two is go."
The second man of the 3 man, and 1 woman team heard tha radio crackle with static.
"Ghost to Wildcat, phase one clear. Two is go."
Wildcat smiled. He flipped up his laptop screen and looked at the cameras of the intersection the Krendakov troops were approaching. His laptop beeped.
>Proximity Alarm
>Awaiting Response
>Program Ready
he smiled again. the Krendakov troops wouldn't know what hit them
North Mack
08-06-2005, 17:48
ooc: I don't have anything to say, as there are no taliosian forces in the capitol city anymore.... and they set up another airfeild, so the one being attacked is worthless to them.
10-06-2005, 17:35
OOC: Dude, I'm not gone... i'm just a little confused at what that whole cameras and stuff post is about... oh well, here it goes.
IC: 3 North Mackians sat in a room with a laptop, watching a squad of Krendians advancing through the city. one of them murmered "just a little further". suddenly the door crashed in with a bang a squad of 10 Krendian soldiers ran in, pointing their weapons at the North Mackians
North Mack
12-06-2005, 14:14
OoC: uh... i may have confused you. only 1 North Mackian in the room. sorry. the 'team' is dispersed throughout the city. ill play it like the one was caught
IC: Wildcat jumped, and was suddenly staring into 10 gun barrels, all pointed at him. Damn, he thought. if they had just hesitated a bit longer...
he lokked at his laptop screen. the ememy troops were just crossing the intersection on the screen.
"Hey, someone get his laptop." the Krendakov soldier ordered his troops. As one of them walked twords wildcat, he did three things. First, as he was bringing his hands above his head, he hit the transmit button on his radio, which was concealed in his pocket. Second, he said, loudly,
"Cizent Herentio, Est Uy Joleget." It was Old Mack. Only citizens of North Mack knew it. It was not taught anywhere else, as it was a dead language. Roughly tranclated, it meant 'Phase two complete. For god and Country'
Finally, he smiled. The Krendakov troops looked confused, and lifted their guns again. just before the one soldier got to his laptop, he dropped his hand, and hit the enter key. Gunfire sounded, and bullets ripped through his body. "Est Uy Joleget..." hr muttered before he died. On the laptop screen, the intersection went white, as 14 shaped c4 explosives detonated in the intersection the Krendakov were passing.
Valkarie heard her radio click on. "Cizent Herentio, Est Uy Joleget." It was wildcat. she wondered why he was speaking in old Mack, until she heard the gunshots, followed a split second lated by the explosions from the intersection. Now it was her turn, Phase 3.
16-06-2005, 22:58
18-06-2005, 02:01
OOC: My guys are still occupying the southern quarter of NM. And are not to leave it any time soon, :D . What's taken by us shall be also KEPT by us.
But meanwhile, you guys just play this on, beat down the Krendakovians so that we can get rid of this so called "civil war" and move on! I ahve some plans considering on how to continue.... ;)
OOC: just a note, the longer this takes the more heavy armor and crap I fly into my little forward prefab airbase. So, Madnestan, you are going to want to move.
I'm going to post my little forces update, for my referance (as well as yours, just note that this is NOT public information for IC)
Air Force:
1st Attack wing, 64 OF-01s at PFAB-NM (PreFab Airase - North Mack)
4th Air Transport wing, 32 HB-03D DragonBirds at Hilora Airforce Base, Taliosa
5th Air Bombardment wing, 64 HB-03E DragonBirds at Hilora Airforce Base, Taliosa
10th Air Defence wing, 64 AF-04s at PFAB-NM
11th Air Defence wing, 64 AF-04Bs at Hilora Airforce Base, Taliosa
12th Air Defence wing, 64 AF-04Bs at Tenlor Airforce Base, Taliosa
24th Paradrop Armor, 400 AT-02s surrounding PFAB-NM
25th Paradrop Infintry, 2,000 men surrounding PFAB-NM
32nd Combat Controlers, 800 men at PFAB-NM
4th Heavy armor, 400 AT-11Cs at PFAB-NM
5th Heavy Infintry, 2,000 men at PFAB-NM
Space Force:
SBR-01 (Space Based Radar-01) Geosyc over NorthMack
SBC-01 (Space Based Communications-01) Geosyc oveR NorthMack
21-06-2005, 20:49
The Krendians pulled out of Eastton, and from their base in Tanaki bombers took of to bomb Eastton to the ground. Not a single building would be left standing.
North Mack
22-06-2005, 14:25
Valkarie watched the Krendakov troops pull out of Eastton. As they left, she realized that they wouldnt give up that easily. She flipped open her radio again.
"Valkarie to Grand Poobah"
"This is Grand Poobah, come in Valkarie"
"Krendakov retreating, 1 and 2 complete, Wildcat down."
"roger Valkarie, good job."
"Thank you emper... Grand Poobah"
The watch officer sat staring at the radar screen, and the new Cell Tracking Positioning screen, or CTP. He was bored. there were no air forces in North Mack. at least not enemy Air Forces. not even the rebellion had had any. so, he was bored. bored. bored.
'huh?' the watchman looked at the screen. four blips had just showwed up near... he checked a map, Tanakai?
"uh, jake?" jake came over. he was the senior officer here today.
"why are there blips on the radar? there shouldnt be."
"blips on the radar?" jake looked over the watchmans shoulder. he suddenly stood up very fast. running over to a wall phone, he picked it up. "get me the Air Defense Squad. NOW. i want them at Tanakai five minutes ago. and, get me the Taliosa general."
[Aboard James' personal AF-84, callsign Taliosa two, or Gannon]
James was in the prosses of flying back to the pre fab base after the party, when he got a radio call.
"PFAB-NM to Taliosa two, do you copy?"
"I'm here," James responded. The Callsign Taliosa one was reserved for the president, he was simply the CnC.
"The North Mack city of Eastton, or something like that, is under attack by bombers, what appears to be Krendakov bombers, they are requesting help."
"They just ran into the wrong element," James laughed, with a tint of evil to it, "Get the 1st attack and the 10th air defence wings airborn ASAP. Have them both meet me at Eastton pre-defence holding area. Meanwhile, have the 11th Air Defence Wing get over to PFAB-NM quickly, I have a feeling the next place those bombers will be coming will be our place."
There was a momets pause as the radio operator wrote down the orders. After a quick run over them to make sure they were correct he asked.
"Sir, is your plane armed?"
"Aye, fully loaded Air to Air, my standered load out," James responded, similing, "Oh, and tell the North Mack guys that we're headed their way, with lots of crap. Don't tell them how much, their radio may be monitered.
"Aye sir"
[a few minutes later]
They had very quickly scrambled the two wings from the base, and getting them to James' position soon after that. They were all very stealth, and had their radars on passive search.
"Let's move in guys!"
From the passive radar they had only one search radar, from the North Mack guys, and one location verify radar, from one of the bombers, probably the lead ship. Right now they were above the bombers, james thought for a moment.
"I wonder..." He keyed the mike, "2, go low for alt dar," James said quickly on the formation radio. he didn't want to say much, it might give away their presance. But he got his point across.
The plane in position two, back and left of James, broke down headed for the deck. It was a mistake that many nations made in their bomber disign, peticurarly if they have never gone up against Taliosa in the air.
The altitude radar was a common thing, allowing the pilots to know their altitude above the ground, instead of above sea level. Most of these systems started up automaticly with the rest of the airplane, and couldn't be shut off. Or the pilots simply didn't, not knowing air to air missiles could be locked on to it.
"alt dars on, see 15 min," Came the responce. They had left their radar altimeters on, not surprising.
"feed target data," James said, and suddenly reseived a missile lock tone, having never turned on his radar. Sharing target data was a fun thing.
"all, fire one." James said, and fired a missile at the bombers.
in total, 129 missiles left the plane's wings, all locked onto a target that didn't even know they were locked on. The sudden infared out put of the missiles should key the missile launch system on the bombers, assuming they had one.
Moments later, the Fighters activated their own high powered radars, to search for any more targets.
22-06-2005, 19:23
129 missiles flew toward the krendian bomber.
129 missiles grew ever closer to it.
Very soon they would hit.
Just a little closer...
...a little closer...
All of a sudden thousands of small pieces of metal flew out of the back of the plane, sending any radar signals bouncing everywhere, these so-called 'smart missiles' were too easy to confuse, given the right equipment.
The Taliosan fighters turned on their radars, and saw about ten blips right on top of them. The Krendian fighter pilots let their missiles fly and hoped the Taliosans would see no more.
A fleet of cargo planes buzzed lasily as the brought defenses to the Krendakov controlled North Mack. Krendakov would not give up this land easily. The planes held many SAM launchers, stationary artillary and rolls of barbed wire.
The missiles were confused by the chaff, if only for a moment. a good number of them exploded right there. But atleast a forth of them made it through, reinforced by the Taliosian's anti-chaff radar system onboard their fighters.
Each fighter still had 5 or 6 missiles left, depending on the type of fighter.
The huge Taliosian formation broke, everysingle ship turning on ECMs (electromagnetic counter mesures), the missiles were giuded towards a fake target, generated by the ECMs exploding harmlessly 3 or 4 miles from the nearest Taliosian fighter.
Within seconds the huge formation had broken up and was heading away, and they quickly disappered as they all turned off their radars and ECMs. The planes had no altitude radar, so it didn't need to be turned off.
The huge 129 plane formation quickly followed its orders, should they be engadged. They all turned around and started heading back towards the enamy fighters. 5 miles from the targets they all turned on their radars again, and gained near instant locks, from all the radar power in the air.
"postions 3-15 prepare to fire one," James said, "all others, close for guns."
The 10 enamy fighters were now surrounded by superior fighters, of superior numbers with better pilots. Taliosa in the air was not to be triffled with.
James switched his radio to GAURD and tried to remember some Krendakov.
"Taliosa plane to Krendakov planes. Lower gear and turn off radars and leave and you live will," he said in broken Krendakov. It has been too long for him to say much for then that.
23-06-2005, 20:59
David Cerama scowled at the results. There had been nothing in the tower or the palace.
"Well at least there is a new emperor." He thought aloud.
The servant standing beside him said;
"Any new orders, sir?"
David Cerama looked at the war map of NM. He was losing at the airfield, and his forces in Easton were getting bombared.
"Move the searching team back to the airfield. Get some TPs(Transport Planes) To Eastton. I want my forces there brought back."
"Yes sir."
Shade Kinolian was one of the few Commandian soldiers still fighting at the airfield. Even most of the F-15s have been shot down. But now his mission was simple. Destroy all the A-A missiles and A-A turrets. All he had to do was throw a few grenades, and also try not to get killed by rebels. Simple job, Simple enough.
"Yeah Right." He thought
23-06-2005, 23:47
"Taliosa fighter pilots, please remove yourself from Krendian North Mack. If you do not comply you will be shot down."
Suddenly all the copses on the ground pulled apart, turning out to be cover, and many AA-cannons were there instead.
"You have ten seconds to leave"
James laughed aloud, they had revealed themselves at last.
"He's right guys, get out of here, I have a feeling that the sky will fall," as James said the code word, he started to feel sorry for the crew's of the guns down there, and for any plane that was stupid enough to stick around.
High above them, in was can be considered orbit, Dragon Bird 01, 02, and 03 were waiting to hear 'sky is falling' or something like that, from James.
They got targetting info from the space based radar even further above them, and began casting out 1 and 2 thousand pound bombs. It takes nearly a minute for the huge bombs to fall and they cause massive destruction once they do hit the ground.
After the AA guns had been rendered dead, and the area they were it was turned into a moon scape, James and his fighters returned.
24-06-2005, 00:16
OOC: *fires ignore cannon 4,000 at Taliosa, AGAIN*
OOC: its my Dragonbirds, I've used them through out this camapain... rule one of fighting me: you don't challenge me in the air, figure it out from there.
24-06-2005, 00:32
OOC: And you got told this was MT. Stop it with the FT/Sci-Fi and do this properly. (btw, stop god-moding aswell. Everyone here has been very nice and not reported you as there is hope for you. If you take my advice you will become a great RP-er)
OOC: They have always been it almost low Earth orbit, 100,000 feet is way up there, the Dragonbird has been specificly disigned to fly that high, it increaces its range, it's carrying capasity and survivability. while my 2 wings were moving in to attack, I also had 3 dragonbirds covering them, it's not abnormal, or godmodding.... it's like how you covered your bombers with fighers and AA guns, how you got all those AA guns there confuses me, but still.
24-06-2005, 00:48
OOC: I never said that your units were god-moding, I was meaning your actions. I said your units were to FT/Sci-Fi. Also, if you look back at my previous posts, I brought in defenses - That is where they came from.
Definition of Godmoding
1) Saying what happens to other people's stuff.
2) Refusing to take any losses. Or lose. Ever.
3) Having übertech armies that are too large, etc.
4) Having your nation’s geography to your extreme advantage.
My oh my. 1, 2 AND 3. So you're not god-moding, are you?
1) ok, for this one I appologies, i should have simply said 'Render's the area they were on a moon scape'
2) I've lost a number of men, tanks and planes over this incedent, along with a Dragonbird.
3) I have a large nation with a large military that I can move quickly. I have 10% military size (out of 500 million some odd people) and a ton of Dragonbirds which I can move things around with very quickly. (it is a working thing, it just can't do combat landings and stuff, which is why I needed the air port, then to make my own.) and my ground forces arn't really that great, they use M-16A2s, and they have moderatly big tanks, and there arn't many of them. I have maybe 400 tanks on the ground and 4,000 combat men... most of my power is in the air. 128 fighters in the area (129 if you count Jame's personal fighter). I had another 64 ship wing, but they were pulled back for reinforcing.
North Mack
24-06-2005, 14:18
OoC:omg. i leave you two alone for five minutes, and look what happens. honestly, i cant take you two anywhere.
okay then, lets figgure this out.
1)Krendakov, he wasnt dictating your losses. if bombs hit AA-guns, its kinda obvious what happens to them
2)dragonbirds are only Near Future Tech, and probably will be developed (or something like them) by the USA in the next ten years or so. Krendakov, Taliosa did indeed use them earlier, and there was only a problem when they had sheilds, or something like that...
3)Taliosa, while i do agree the dragonbirds are fine, krendakov has a problem with them, and in his defense, it was agreed to be only MT. i would say, keep the cragonbirds, but have them in the stratosphere instead of LEO, or something like that
24-06-2005, 17:42
OOC: I don't have anything against the dragonbirds as bombers, but the fact that they had shields and such like was annoying. You also refuse to take casualties on your air-force (unless I god-mode in return) and your statement about not engageing you in the air strengthens this statement. You also used 129 stealth fighters, far more than your defense budget of over $400 million could get; considering the F-22 Raptor costs $150 million and yours are substantially better. Even if they were the same cost, at the current defense budget it would take slightly over 48 years to create that unit. Maybe just two next time! ;)
let me explain my aircraft:
OF-01s-my run of the mill aircraft.
Stealth: 63% It's not great, but it can keep it hidden for long enough.
the OF-01s were biult to serve as all purpose aircraft, the OF means OmniFighter. It can be outfitted with lots of stuff, it has a pretty good stealth rating, and can just barly reach mach with full AB. Their main defence is good menuvering and ECMs.
Cost (including pilot training and 1 year maitnence): 960,000 USD
AF-04s-Air to Air
Steath: 74% better then the OF-01, but still not "Raptor great"
The AF-04s were made to protect our airspace, aswell as others. They have a basic super cruise fuction, just enough to reach mach, and can be fitted with an afterburner. They are the most common aircraft in the inventory.
cost (including pilot training and 1 year maitnence): 1.05 Million USD
AF-84-All purpose attack fighters
Stealth: 94% you know, there is a reason I only have one wing of these.
the AF-84 is an assult fighter, made to blow things to hell. It's VTOL, super cruise and very stealth. It can haul at Mach 1.4 with out afterburners. It can carry just about anything you want it to, has a incredable range and survivability. But, there is only one in this formation, and that's James' aircraft.
Cost (including Pilot training and 1 year maitnece): 16.3 Million USD
The reason the F-22 costs so much is because it's biult by 3 or 4 different companies, and they all want their share. And that radar absorbing paint isn't cheap. I use good disigners, and I make my own aircraft.
25-06-2005, 00:17
OOC: To Taliosa & Krendacov= So when does the rapid swearing start?
Shade ran around the airfield blindly, hoping to catch a glimpse of an A-A cannons or turrets. He had no idea how many there were, but he hoped to get info on that topic later. All around him bombs were being dropped, planes flew around, and rapid gunfire was heard all around him. Then, he saw a turret.
"Bring out the TNT." he joked.
Shade took out a grenade. (OOC: Hey that rhymes!), he got closer, but not too much. and then threw it. It exploded. The turret was destroyed.
"One down, more to go."
The Commandian transports were landing. Most of them sent were shot down. Luckily, there were extras sent, just in case. It was very hard to avoid the Taliosa/Krendacov battle in the air, and bombs exploded everywhere in Eastton. It seems that the nations trying to protect North Mackhave got from "protect" to "destroy". Accompaniang (OOC:I have no clue how to spell it) them were 7 C-F15s (Commandian F-15s). Who knew what this revolution would turn into.
OOC: Is "terrence" still alive? im wondering?
North Mack
26-06-2005, 13:57
OoC:sorry, terrance is dead. The rebellion is pretty much over, and there arn't even that many civillians left in NM (youll find out why later). the only problem now is the Krendakov attacks, and the fact that madnestan has claimed the southern part of NM for itself.
30-06-2005, 21:18
OOC: Ok then...
20-07-2005, 22:52
Ooc:i Officialy Declare This Thread.....inactive
North Mack
23-07-2005, 19:09
OoC: i agree. anyway, North Mack has been slowly moving their entire population to another planet for a while now, and it is almost complete. There is no North Mack left here anymore. The total population of NM is now about 7 million. well, the total population here. North Mack has moved to New Terra. Any other nation that wants to move there can go here ( to buy land on new terra.