Camewottian Public Television (CPT)
OOC: I was thinking about putting "the news in Camewot" here, it would be normal reports as you see in everyday news channels and newspapers. Nations would be able to respond, but don't except an article each day. When I'm bored, I'll write something, but it will always be in this thread. Nice idea? (If you guys comment, it would be a nice way in improving my english vocabulary to)
Camewottian Headlines, 15 May 2005
Farmers getting poorer
The netto wage of the farmers last year decreased with about 17.4 percent, as stated in an investigation of the national institute for statistics.
The farmers and gardeners now earn less then 25 years ago
2004 was a very bad year for the Camewottian farmers. The egg prices decreased 50%, potatoes went down 32%, vegetables 15%, ....
The fall is all the larger because the year 2003 turned out better than expected. By the extreme dry summer the harvests were smaller, but the prices higher.
"Now there are Peruvian asparagus appearing on our market against particularly low prices '', say spokesman Roger Saenen "We are stimulating agricultural companys to cooperate, for example in the purchase of machines."
Manager grasps young robber in collar
HERSELT - the manager of the shop Home Flyers grasped a young robber in the collar Friday. The 19-year old had pinched 260 beckers from the pay-desk.
Home Flyers is a shop wich sells toy-planes. Manager Jo Rens was giving a demonstration Friday-afternoon at the local parking. Suddently, two youngsters came driving by with their motorcycle. "They were acting very strange", says Jo Rens, "They asked what one toy-plane would cost, and then entered the shop without waiting for an answer. I went inside the shop to see what they were doing when they runned out, after a short investigation I saw they had stolen 260 beckers from the pay-desk. I was the Camewottian national champ in the 2000 metres once, so after a short sprint I was able to stop them." A real hero if you ask us.
Cartoons of the day
OOC: Here's how I've been doing it. ( You're free to copy or take ideas as you like. :)
OOC: Very nice, I'm going to do that to if I have more time. (if you don't mind)
15-05-2005, 12:25
Very nice, I think I might do one as well...
Camewottian Headlines, 16 May 2005
Nine-year-old boy prevents accident
A nine-year old boy prevented an accident sunday-afternoon on the highway.
The boy was in the car with his mother and 2 sisters (aged 2 and 4), when his mum became indisposed.
The car threatened to bump against another car when the boy, who sat at front, grabbed the wheel and drove the car to the right, where the vehicle grazed the crash barrier and came to a halt at the breakdown counterfoil (????)
Other drivers saw the accident, stopped, and gave the women first aid until the police and medical forces came to the scene.
Wild Fridge
The fridge can hold up to 514 litres, its the new fridgerator of CC Electronics. Very usefull for big familys, big partys or for who likes to bring in large quantitys of food for several days uhm.... weeks!
The fridge is supplied with all the latest technology such as an ice floe dispenser (cubes of several sizes are possible) and drawers wich have been classified into boxes. The fridge makes no noise and is very low-energy. Available in white or in titanium coating, starting with 1,999 Beckers.
In the Picture/Cartoons
Soldiers of the Camewottian Special Ops, training on a touristical beach. The government wants to test their abilitys to stop terrorists from kidnapping/killing tourists. Meanwhile, the tourists are wondering if the tough soldiers haven't lost their way? Aren't those boys supposed to be in Nerotika?
Soldiers of the Camewottian Special Ops, training on a touristical beach. The government wants to test their abilitys to stop terrorists from kidnapping/killing tourists. Meanwhile, the tourists are wondering if the tough soldiers haven't lost their way? Aren't those boys supposed to be in Nerotika?
OOC: "You! In the Water! We don't care about no damn shark, get in the water now!" :D
OOC: Don't get me ideas, Vastiva :D
Camewottian Headlines, 21 May 2005
Hold-up with hostages in bank office Northern Camewot Neupré
An unknown person has taken several people taken hostage in a bank branch in Neupré. The hostage taker is probably a man who escaped from the prison of Mable earlier. The hostages have been released in the meantime.
The man entered the building a few minutes before nine. He hostaged several people and tied up one of the clerks. The crook then escaped with the hostages in the direction of Luik, he was threathening them with a grenade. There he released them in an underground parking.
The police and Special Ops were mobilised and a helicopter was used. The gangster has been caught now.
Soldier shoots other soldiers in Roman Republic
In The Totalitarian Dictatorship of Roman Republic, a Camewottian infantrist stationed there shot others. Doing that he killed a man and wounded 4. Afterwards, he commited suicide. The man opened fire on soldiers from his own contingent.
According to a spokesman from the Ministry of Defence, the killer shot himself afterwards. What the motive is, is still unclear.
Soldiers practicing in Roman Republic
Daily Cartoons
Roman Republic
21-05-2005, 16:09
OCC: Excellent...This is good Current events thread.
The Island of Rose
21-05-2005, 16:18
(Camewot, we must talk on MSN!)
Check mine out, It's the best newspaper in my nation
Liberty City Times (
RR: Thanks
TIOR: Whenever you feel like and we're both online :)
B: Cool, but I geuss more info would be cool no?
Roman Republic
22-05-2005, 03:27
The Roman FBI was called upon to investigate what happen in the Camewottian Military Base.
Roman News Broadcasts talked about the attack on Roman soil. The News Anchors hypotheized what might have happened.
FBI agents flew in UH-1Y Hueys to the Camewottian Base. The agents landed and got off the helicopter and talk to the Commanding Officer.
OOC: If you wanna RP this, start another thread please.
Camewottian Headlines, 22 May 2005
Shut up, Layla!
"Each day we spread our liberal message to the world, without attacking our other members. That is what we also need to do the coming 2 years." Prime Minister Kevin Verhofstadt will be asking today, if the internal fights in the CLD can stop. Target nr. 1: Princess Layla. The prime minister will be asking Layla to please stop starting fights.
The CLD-congress will be finished tonight with atleast 2 flaming speeches. One made by the president of the party , and one by the prime minister himself.
The roles: Somers apprehends the ' dissidents ' and Verhofstadt gains a tremendous applause.
The running congress has been overshadowd by one of the numerous fights between Princess Layla (Minister of Foreign Relations) and senator Jean-Marie DeDecker. Saturday, both members could still not come allong.
The fights is going about wether or not the CLD needs to develop into a centrum-liberal party. Some members say the party is currently going a to [b] extreme liberal course.
"The congress has decided to keep going the current course, but enough corrected to keep the liberal unions happy!" says Union President Rik Daems.
Will Verhofstadt be able to survive the elections two years from now, with the party almost splitting into two. The Layla side and the DeDecker side. "I'm chosing for the hard way, that's why I got into politics. My dad had crisises like this, but he's dead now. Killed in the civil war! AND OUR COUNTRY WILL NOT GO THROUGH A THIRD CIVIL WAR!" shouted the Prime Minister to the congress yesterday.
Princess Layla is given the advice to "shut up"
Monkeys also roar for the hardest
Jestrovic at last top scorer
Nenad Jestrovic
After a few runners-up, Nenad Jestrovic finally managed to become the top-scorer in the Camewottian highest football-class. The Jensen-striker scored his 19th goal yesterday in the last minute of the last match from the penalty spot. A nice job from the 29-year old Hogsweatian.
But even with his 19 goals, Jensen didn't manage to become the champions this year. They got a second place, Club Brugge were the best.
In the Picture/Cartoons
This week was a crucial week for Nerotika, a new leader came to power, again a fascist and he stirred up the people to riot. The coalition troops managed to get the situation under control, but these children keep on playing
OOC: Nerotikan children are not really that colour, it's just a picture I found.
Camewottian Headlines, 29 May 2005
Peter Van De Veire establishes worldrecord crowdsurfing
The worldrecord 'crowdsurfing' exists and was invented yesterday by Studio Jensen presentator Peter Van De Veire. He dropped himself into the audience and got carried by hands 14 minutes and 37 seconds. Crowdsurfing is a professional sport for musiclovers!
Peter Van De Veire was a bit confused after his stunt, "I lost my shoes and socks after 4 minutes. 4 minutes later, the people started to pull my golden suit hard enough that my butt was bared!" Peter kept presentating during the crowdsurfing, and got turned like a roastered chicken several times. He almost made a salto! The audience, about 700 people, did not want to stop and kept screaming his name. "I had the feeling my head was going to fall off all the time. I'm never doing this again!"
Tens of hands touching his golden suit, Peter keeps presentating his radio show.
Praetonian Soldier of RIA War found in Twin Citys
In Twin Citys, the body of a Praetonian solder who was killed in the RIA War was found a few yards away from the former line of trenches. The body was still in a very good shape, so were the belongings.
The body was found Friday, during the diggings of a new railway. It's the body of a Praetonian soldier who was killed in Twin Citys, in the trenches. The body was covered with a cape, and still had its personal belongings such as a sigaretbox, a wallet and a pen. According to Franky Bostyn from the Memorial Musuem, it was an officer. 40 years after the war, soldiers are still missing. The man has been send back to Praetonia, where it will be identified.
Cartoons/ In the Picture
Alien or Human? Before you start to doubt, this is not an alien! This reconstruction in a Camewottian archeological museum must be the face of a female neanderthaler. The 20-year old beauty who carries the name Pierette, lived in Camewot about 35.000 years ago.
Camewottian Headlines, 6 June 2005
PT-busses driving on colza oil
Twenty busses of public transportation wil be driving on pure colza oil this year. In 2006, 50 more busses will be build to do so. Even more, all 50.000 busses will be driving on bio-diesel next year.
Today, in Camewot, 85 hectare colza is being grown. One bus on colza oil needs 10 hectare every year. This means only 8 Camewottian busses can drive on the cheap and clean plant. The government is asking the Camewottian farmers to make investments in colza, PT is guaranteeing that they will buy all. Thanks to the colza oil and bio-diesel, every year 50.000 ton less CO2 spoils the air.
Michael Lucifer Trotsky to face just 12 charges
The Camewottian government says the former nazi leader of Nerotika will face only 12 charges when he goes on trial, despite a possible 500 cases against him.
A spokesman said the 12 charges of crimes against humanity were fully documented and there was no point "wasting time" dealing with all 500.
He reiterated the government's plan to start the trial within two months.
The judge in charge of the trial says the former dictator's morale is low because of the number of accusations.
Government spokesman Leith Kubba said on Sunday: "We are completely confident that the 12 fully documented charges that have been brought against him are more than sufficient to ensure he receives the maximum sentence." Michael Lucifer Trotsky, who was ousted by Camewottian-led forces and captured a few months ago, faces the death penalty if convicted.
Speaking on the shortened charges, Mr Kubba said: "The position of the government is to speed up the trial."
Camewottian Headlines, 16 June 2005
Schoolbus driver abuses children.
The judge in New Camewot gave F.S. (61) a 5-year jailterm for abusing children. The man had abused 6 underaged teenagers between 1974 and 2000. The victims attended a special school for less gifted children.
At the moment of the facts, F.S. was a schoolbus driver. He was not punished for the kidnapping of teenagers. The children attended a special school in Herstelt. "F.S. abused the special state the children were in. He handled them hard and brutal," the judge said. The man has lost his civil rights for 10 years.
Camewot detains 25 terror suspects.
The Camewottian police has arrested 25 terror suspects, after raids in the citys Jensen, Twin Citys, New Camewot and Gooik, being suspected of having links to Islamitic Terror Groups.
Some 1000 police took part in raids in Jensen and a number of regions across Camewot, the Minister of Home Affairs said.
No weapons or explosives have been reported found.
Home Affairs Minister Patrick Dewael said police suspected the men of "raising funds and recruiting people in order to carry out activities abroad related to the international jihad", or holy war.
Cartoons/In the picture
An employee of the supermarket Bagunken gives a stork something to eat. The stork has been visiting the supermarket ever since a costumer lost a piece of fish down the road.
Camewottian Headlines, 19 June 2005
Teen on diabetes awareness mission
Tilly Dunne is flying to Jensen this weekend in an attempt to raise international awareness of a disease she has lived with since the age of two.
The 12-year-old also hopes to learn more about treating her diabetes.
"When I was younger I couldn't understand why I had to have diabetes and insulin injections and why doctors couldn't cure me," she said.
"I would love to have just one day without having to do tests and injections and really hope that in the future a cure will be found so that I can be 'normal.'"
Tilly will be representing the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation's (JDRF) to lobby at the Camewottian parliament.
The Foundation aims to raise international awareness of type 1 diabetes, which occurs when the body usually produces no insulin, which is in turn needed to produce glucose for energy.
Type 1, or juvenile diabetes, currently affects about 600,000 people Camewot and is increasing by 3-4% each year across the country.
It usually develops in childhood and insulin injections and daily blood tests are vital to ensure insulin levels are balanced.
Long-term complications can include blindness, heart attacks, kidney failure, stroke and nerve damage, and amputations may be necessary.
The speech will probably help the vote on wether to not dedicate more funds at healthcare, being held next week.
By Jane Elliott
Toughing it in the Nerotikan army
Dwarfed by the air conditioned sprawl of the nearby Camewottian airbase, the barracks of the Nerotikan National Army's 205th Hero corps are, to put it politely, extremely basic.
There is none of the shopping mall consumption that characterises the neighbouring Camewottian base. No DVDs, "air con" or golf buggies to transport soldiers to the groaning trolleys of the mess hall.
The Nerotikan soldiers take their water from the non-potable tap that feeds the toilet block; they have not received mineral water or canned drinks for months.
They wash their dishes in the showers, outside which a green pool of sewage festers. Their food comes topped with buzzing clouds of flies.
The Nerotikan National Army are very much the junior partner in the ugly war being fought here Nerotika; their 10,000 man contribution set against the 60,000-man Camewottian force.
But it will not be so forever. By next year it is planned that the army will top 70,000 men, allowing the foreign forces to begin to leave in the Nerotikan colony. And after this report being send to the Ministry of Defence, the Parliament has promised more funding for the new Nerotikan army.
Camewottian soldiers during the fight that lasted 6 months, fighting has still not ended in the capital.
Camewottian Headlines, 9 August 2005
Twin Citys remember 30th anniversary of the RIA War.
The Camewottian City's have marked the 30th anniversary of the fierce fighting in semi-trenches against RIA Troops by the end of the RIA War.
At least 50,000 soldiers were killed in the war that influenced the whole Camewottian history. A minute's silence was marked at the city's peace park, where survivors tearfully recalled the fighting. Clocks rang out the city marking the exact moment the first communist soldiers had arrived to Camewot's help. Camewot's prime minister Kevin Verhofstadt took part in the official commemoration, which also saw a memorial Mass in the city's Catholic cathedral.
"This is an occasion to remember the victims, and pray for world peace," he said.
Camewottian Fascists war suspect arrested
A Camewottian Fascist fugitive sentenced for crimes committed during the second civil war and wanted by a Camewottian war crimes court has been arrested in the jungle.
Police say Juve Acerdo, who has been on the run for more than ten years, was arrested in a underground hiding place.
He was indicted by the Camewottian war crimes tribunal for crimes said to have been carried out during the second civil war.
He is also wanted in Wrakistan, where he was sentenced in absentia to 20 years in prison for war crimes.
In 2003, a court in Jensen found Juve and three other men guilty of torturing and murdering 16 Muslim civilians whom they abducted from a plain travelling from Camewot to Wrakistan.
Camewottian officials say Lukic headed a paramilitary group believed to be responsible for abducting, torturing and killing the victims, all Camewottian nationals.
The incident - known as the Verboul case after the town where the victims were kidnapped - was the most serious crime to take place on Camewottian territory during the second civil war.
In the indictment from the tribunal at Jensen, Juve is accused of forming a paramilitary group which worked with local police and military units to exact a "reign of terror" against Camewottian Muslims in the Wrakistan city of Verboul where they fleed for the civil war.
Juve is being held in Camp Mable and is expected to appear in court for questioning before a federal judge in the coming days.