The Ragnarok Rising ((Into FT))
The Fiefdom of Ominrio was not a large nation, not by any standerds, On last count, its population was only half a million. It had been the smallest nation on its world for a long time, but now, now it was going to get an advantage over its enemies, it had got the newest craft in history ready. They now had the Ragnarok a craft able to stay in space for long periods of time, long enough to launch a salvo at those enemies below.
The Sorceress Queen looked at the Massive Red Ship was ready to launch. She smiled inwardly, she had sufficient weapons to destroy every other nation on the planet, which she would. She already had support from the population, or rather, they thought she did, so now all she needed was to get the opperation done. She looked around, seeing the soldiers who would be sent on the massive ship.
"For a Long time, we have lived under the domination of the other nations, their superior might in arms. Today, this reign has ended. We shall launch this ship as you know, and destroy their armies, their governments, then our ground troops shall move in and force the people to sign our newly made treaty." She paused as the crowd of soldiers errupted in cheers. She then began again. "BUt this talking mearly delays us the Inevitable. My Children, go forward, take your ship to space and bring us our victory! The Cheers went around and around, as soldiers ran to their positions. She looked with a tear in her eye at the rightly called Ragnarok, it would bring them their victory.
Slowly she ship began to assend, just like any other craft of the time, it moved through the air quite easily. However, it was designed to do the same in the conditions of space, and had been checked for air leaks or any like things. The ship was crude by some standereds, but it would do what was needed. The ship continued its step assent, and the small defencive force left behind watched in hopeful fear. Should the ship fail, then they would be crushed, for they had formaly declared war on all other nations. If it worked however, victory would be theirs.
The ship hit the atmosphere, shaking as it did, but sustaining no damage. The Cheers from the soldiers on board where massive, right before order was restored. Captian Mark Bonicci sat back with a smile on his face, right before he shouted orders.
"Right, these missiles are long range, lock their targets then fire!" He roared to his deck hand. The man saluted, before he and his subordinets began to work on the target system, meanwhile, Bonicci took control of the ship.
The Grandon Armies watched the smaller Ominrion force aproch, smiling as they did. In their defencive position, the enemy would be slaughtered in masses. The commander was about to give the order to fire when he heard a slight screaming, like a missile. He looked before them, the missile would only be coming from the Ominrion cities, but it wasn't. It was coming from above. He looked up, to see the missiles tear apart the majority of his force. What he had left was slaughtered by the Force before him.
This was repeated across the planet, as force after force was killed, the government buildings where also destroyed, leaving the people leaderless and Defencless. Within a week, the entire planet had signed the treaty of Ominess, the very name an insult to their people. The Ragnarok was sent to and from space a number of times, on missions on the soldiers knew. Space was not becoming easeir to study, but they thought themselves alone. If only they knew.....
ONI Concordiat
15-05-2005, 03:05
The Concordiat probe picked up the flashes of the heavy weapons going off nearby, and activated. Instantly, the probe activated, circuitry coming online.
I have detected several electromagnetic flashes, within 1.6 lightyears, and within the 100-150 Angstrom range. I am forced to assume these are weapons. As more sensors come online, I detect a magnetic anomaly, a spaceship, near the planet where the detonations occured. Much time has passed for the flicker of radiation to reach me...I must attempt communications.
A message torpedo shot from the rotating probe, sprialing towards the sensor anomaly, broadcasting in the clear:
"Scanning Unit 1634 GRY of the Concordiat. Grid Location 451-670-234"
15-05-2005, 04:44
It had been far far to long since the PSN Demon Hunter had been able to leave port again. The AE Rebellion had been taxing on the entire PSN, for hunting hundreds of thousands of rebels that were the peak of Phalanixian evolution and technology was not going to be easy. Behind her a pair of destroyers, PSN Forgotten and PSN Never Fear, kept pace with the relativly small 2km long light destroyer. They were both light cruisers bristling with almost as many weapons as there were marines and other special forces onboard.
The small group had a simple mission; scout out new worlds and if they have any AE ties... obliterate the civilization. Now the captain in comand of the group had her doubts about her orders but she was thankful that they had yet to stumble upon a inhabited system. Though she had the thought in hte back of her head she didn't expect the current jump to result in another historical footnote in the Phalanix logbooks.
The ships dropped out of the space fold only 100,000km away from the planet in a blinding flash of sickly green light that vanished in seconds only leaving behind a gentle aurora of green fading into the bleak void.
"Captain we have completed fold number 3024 and beginning scans of the system. We sould have our report...We got life signs" the ship board AI exclaimed from his holo-emiter.
"Alright begin to assess their technological level and prepare for any AE contacts. Also have the Forgotten and Never Fear power their Fallen Angel's just incase we need them," Captain Summers replied to her AI before pressing the com switch, "All hands this is the captian. We have reached an inhabited system. Prepare for possible combat. This is a level 5 combat alert."
The Sorceress Queen, Kiulna was not one to take chances, she was however, harshly controled by one she feared, Sephiroth, his features always hidden in shadow. His voice came through, hard and thick, showing the Jenova Cells in his Blood.
"Do not attack them, ask them who they are!" he shouted. "Or I will cut your toung from your mouth!"
"Yes master" She wimpered.
The Ragnarok sent out a message.
To those who talk
We are the Ominrio, the Soldiers of the Sorceress Queen. We would like to know where you came from, failure to send some sort of answer will result in you being brought down to the planet for questioning. Thank you.
Captian Mark Bonicci
15-05-2005, 05:50
A bright flash of white light and a Kazeci super cruiser had jumped in-system, very neer to the unknown ship. The giant slate-gray ship remained still, it's whale-like hull dimly reflecting the star's light.
"Another first contact. Open hailing frequencies." It was quite early for the commander and he yawned after each sip of coffee.
"Sir, are you sure they are ready for this? They only have one ship." The bright eyed officer had been up for quite a bit longer. He had wanted to be ready for his first day on a real ship. The commander could smell the stink of the academy all over him. He was too tired to debate it though.
"Too late now, after seeing this ship, I don't think we can do any more damage. Open a channel."
"Yes sir." Fortunately, he had learned not to challenge command.
A lone transmission went out over the silent airways:
"This is the Kazeci ship KNS dark thunder of the nation Kazecistan. We wish to open relations with your nation. But first, we must know the reason you have launched an attack on your own planet. We must also warn you that any hostile attempts will be met with deadly force. We hope it will not come to that, though. Please respond."
Those who Talk
I am Captian Mark Bonicci of the Ragnarok, the reason we fired apon our own planet was to end the enternal wars that would have forever reigned apon this world otherwise. We now wish to know what you are doing near our planet, and how exactly you got here, if it pleases you, if it doesn't bugger off, cause we won't let you stay here unless you answer our questions.
Captian Mark Bonicci of the Ragnarok.
15-05-2005, 13:48
Through the depths of space it came, a sleek and shimmering ship. Its sensors blazed in the aftermath of weapons fire, its hull glimmered with arcane and sentient runes, shifting and changing as they willed. The great vessel drifted closer, before its communications channels opened; flooding the silence of space with the prayers of their Lunatic Gods....
"We are the Imperium..." The hissed voice came, black and terrible; the voice of the Sorcerous Primarch, Severino...
"We have noticed your recent actions. Identify yourself, or know the bane of Chaos."
Mark rolled his eyes, he might not actually be able to fight this many people at one time. He sent a message to the Chronosian ship.
What we do with our own planet is not your buissness, so please do not threaten us. We are He swiched it so all people in the system could here him. The Feifdom of Ominrio, none shall tell us what we may and may not do in our own space, so do not presume to do so! Now, how did you get here without centuries of travle.
15-05-2005, 13:58
"We have mastered travel through space and time, using the Warp; we can shorten a trip by generations. Originally we come from Terra; but later moved to our true Homeworlds. From there, the Chronosian people have used the Divine Technology to spread throughout the stars, conquering and expanding..."
15-05-2005, 16:57
"These people don't realize our true power, fools." muttered the commander. "Alright, send out the standard first contact information message." He was quite bored with the situation already.
"Yes sir."
Another transmission went out over the silent airways:
"We are the Kazeci people, we come from the planet Kazak in the... We are here to initiate contact, trade, and possibly an alliance with your nation. We arrived here through the use of our FTL (Faster Than Light) drives. These can carry our ships and people through space at incredible rates of speed..." The commander had taken over the recording, "Your ship cannot win a battle with ours, and even if it could we have more, many more. Do not threaten us. If you wish us to leave we will, but we would rather stay and open friendly relations." With that it had ended.
As a show of force, the Kazeci ship temporarily brought all shields to full strength; a light red glow began to form inches from the hull. Then, suddenly millions of tiny orbs surrounded the ship, they moved faster and faster in erratic patterns. They would smash to bits anything that came too close. They stopped dead in their tracks, and began to enter the small ports from which they came. The red glow faded.
ONI Concordiat
15-05-2005, 18:39
Hah, they underestimate the power of the Machines! I am apalled. I will not respond, simply to see what they do...On further analysis, the bombs that were detected were high-explosive weapons, small by Concordiat standards. I will summon a battlegroup here, not only for my own protection but because they have sentiences that far exceed mine.
Nearby the planet, much closer than the probe, a Class I Heavy Assault Battlegroup appeared in normal space, with a Flagship-class assault ship, two Terra-class dreadnoughts, fourteen Assault Cruisers, eight Heavy Cruisers, and 24 assorted light units and destroyers. The ships powered up their immense, ancient reactors with unworn prescision and began to move toward the planet.
"We will...assist cleansing your world of war." came a rasping, mechanical voice, becoming more organic as long-dead circuitry came to full power.
15-05-2005, 22:24
"Ma'am they are trying to make us answere their questions," one of the com ops said to Captian Summers. "Open a channel to them," she said, "This is the PSN scout group Aegis. We do not have to answer to any of your questions for it will be you who answer ours. And for a world that has already been unified by conquest it is pitiful that you havn't mastered intersteller travel."
By now the AI had ploted all the new arivals on the threat display board and began to hilight the major threats with red and leave the minnor ones white.
OOC They where not nukes, sorry to be picky but please change that, if they where nukes, the planet would be uninhabitable soon.
IC Mark sighed, intending to talk to them all at once.
Sorry Buds
I am not permitted to answer those kinds of Questions, you will need to land someone on the planet, see the city on the tip of the Penensular that looks like a womans leg? Thats where our Queen is, quite Ironic if I do say so myself. Oh, and whoever said a unifed planet hasn't even mastered space travle, its cause we have been unified for about.....three weeks, so we haven't had much of a chance.
Mark Out
16-05-2005, 00:17
A small, sleek, silver craft left the bay of the super cruiser. It headed for the planet's surface at top speed.
"Alright, I see what he was talking about. Coming in on the city. Open a channel."
"We seek council with the leaders of your society, where may we land?"
The ship would circle over the city until it was given landing clearance.
ONI Concordiat
16-05-2005, 02:47
They have summoned ships and speakers to the Surface. I will dispatch a Combat Unit. Unit GKY 778 will represent the Concordiat, and with good reason too...if the two 2.5 meter Hellbore cannons don't, then the Concordiat must be considered weak by this nation. I can accept that, for a time.
The heavy lift platform rocketed from the side of the Flagship, carrying a Mark XLIV Planetary Siege Unit onto the planet's surface, not only to negotiate, but as a show of force. Plus, a Class I Battlegroup posessed few weapons less powerful than a Mark XLIV Bolo.
16-05-2005, 03:05
"Well since we got nothing better to do," captain Summers muttered to herself as she sat back down in her comand chair and brought up the crew manifesto. After afew quick selections she pressed the com button and spoke, "Fine we will send down a deligate though she will be escorted by the standard number of guards. Send the landing location to us and the dropship."
Outside the hanger four jet black armoured Elites standing at 2.5 meters tall and armed with XR-65 14mm multi-rifles waited silently as a sole figure dressed in the standard black dress uniform of the PSN SF core entered the hanger. She motioned for the four waiting Elites to fallow. Five minutes later a sole Hydra class planetary dropship roared out of the PSN Demon Hunter's hanger and towards the capital city.
Kiulan nodded, and the Airport Guard sent out the messages to the ships trying to land.
We have set aside a section of the Airport, please land there, where our Queen will meet you. he nodded to her as she turned, her Guard, Including Sephiroth as the captian, followed.
They then waited, the Queen Sitting while the Guard Stood behind her. Sephiroth stood with his sword drawn, tip resting on the ground. The Cordinet packing so much firepower had made him edgy on his guard.
16-05-2005, 13:02
A bright portal opens near by the planet and a small fighter flys out it performs a recon scan then enters the portal again, moments later a bulky crimson Frigate exits from the portal after getting a good distance away, the portal close's.
"Hmmm theres more than one nation here"
The Commander spun around in his chair and faced the front of his Command Room, Open a Communications Channel to all ships in the region
"Greetings I am Commander Darian of the S.N.F Tele'nak. I have orders to initiate diplomatic talks with any willing nations"
Someone came up and wispered into Sephiroths Ear. He smiled, and wispered back, the man nodded, right before running off. He smiled, this was good. He was President of Shinra, the single most powerful Compony in the Empire. This is why the Queen before him feared the man, he controled SeeD, SOLDIER and supplied the main form of power, the powerful Junction Generators. He had the loyalty of the entire compliment of warriors on board the Ragnarok. He could take control of this ship in an instant, and he had his own agenda.
"You will be mine" He said softly. "Oh you will be mine."
16-05-2005, 15:35
The dropship began to decend through the atmosphere tearing through easily faster than mach one. As it reached afew hundred kilometers from the airport it slowed creating a sonic boom as it decended back below the speed of sound. Finaly it slowed only to a hover as it began to decend on a pillar of it's own thrust. Finaly as it landed the rear hatched opened and the four Elites swiftly moved out rifles sweeping the area fingers only milimeters from the trigger ready to begin firing in an instant. One of them lowered it's rifle and waved for the figure in the dropship to exit. As she did the rest of the Elites lowered their weapons and stood waiting for orders.
Sephiroth looked at the Elites move, as did Kiulna. Sephiroth was unimpressed, his own SOLDIER's could match it, but the majority of the nations armed forces wouldn't. He raised his sword, pointing it at them in salute, the SOLDIER ((Note thats compony name, so their is ten)) Running forward to make a guard screen, although it would be difficult to see if they where protecting the Queen or ready to attack, from the stance, it could be both.
17-05-2005, 00:23
The woman shook her head and muttered aloud, "And yet another pissing contest on yet another planet."
The look of some of the Elites chuckling at what she just said could be seen in their jet black armour even though it was impossible to see what they were actualy expressing due to the imposing golden faceplace on their helmets.
During this time a second figure stepped out this time dressed in simple black clothing with a leather trench coat over them. One of the Elites turned it's head back and preformed a small movment almost imposible to notice that the other three replied with a small foot movement. "If this is going to be a pissing contest we can just call down afew ODPs and make this even more of one," the figure said in a cynical and cold voice. Council agents were known for being the most ruthless and highly trained and equiped killers in all of Phalanix and always put others on edge with the exception of certain indivduals.
17-05-2005, 00:58
The relatively small Kazeci transport landed in the designated area. 12 men stepped out in full dress uniform; which although looks good, is just as effective as a combat suit. They carried tall staffs with them. The intricately carved white silver staffs glimmered in the light. The squad leader approached the Queen as far as he dared, then, after a short bow, asked politely, "Where will the talks be taking place?"
18-05-2005, 04:39
19-05-2005, 03:17
I hate to do this twice in a row, but, BUMP.
The Queen stood, nodding her head towards the new arrivals. Sephiroth bowed, in the fashion of guards, although he was the Queens First adviser and would be able to get away with it. The queen then waved her hands, using a spell that increased her voice's Projection
"Welcome brothers." Her voice roared. "Hearken apon me, and come, the questioning will being shortly."
20-05-2005, 03:40
The staffs of the 12 Kazeci soldiers fliped over foward once, twice and taped the ground, all in perfect unison. They then followed her, in step.
They moved inside, to a elogent room that was draped in blue silk. The lounge was a pale green, and the carpet was a deep Violet. The Queen sat on the largest chair, Sephiroth at her side. Her eyes narrowed as the people moved in, before she spoke.
"I am Kiulna, Queen of Ominrio" She smiled, her hands resting on her lap. "My nation has recently taken control of the planet, from a poistion of weakness we assended to supream power. All of it thanks to Shinra, our nations most influencial compony. Next to me is the directer Sephiroth." He nodded. "His compony are head of the nations reserch and development. It was his idea to create the Ragnarok, thus I will leave him to beging the questions."
"Thank you my lady." He said in a smooth voice, that sent chills down the bravest of spines. "I am Sephiroth, President of Shinra. Now, what I want to know, how the hell did you get here? Our Reserch into Space travle showed, in Hocho's Hypothosis showed nothing can travle faster then light, so exactly how did you bend the rules." He leaned forward. "And more importently, how much is it worth!"
22-05-2005, 07:52
The squad was seated.
"I hope you don't mind if our ambassador isn't actually here." With that he placed a small devise on the floor beside himself. A life-size hologram appeared above it.
"I am ambassador Tamala. I am here to open relations with your nation and answer most any questions you have. Faster than light travel is possible. There are several known ways to accomplish it, Hyperspace, Warp, Jump, Fold..." she gave a basic description of how each of them worked, nothing too specific, and moved on. "Although our nation is prepared to open trade with you, we are not willing to give you such a vital technology. Our studies have shown that when developing nations are given advanced technology, they almost always use it for the worst... Now what do you have to offer us?"
Sephiroth looked at the hologram before him and smiled, a way that showed he was not fearful of it, in fact he held it in contempt.
"We will not be using it for evil" He said soflty. "No more evil then you. We proect this planet first, and I mean the planets life force, not the planets surface. Such technology would help us imensly with doing so." He looked at the person before him. "What can we offer you? Well, for starters, we can offer you SOLDIER Componys and SeeD Warriors, both of which are very skilled units, we can offer you cheap Junction Generators, which provide much power. We have technology such as Clankers, spider like machines able to carry ten soldiers and all their equitment through all terrain, or we can give you a varity of beasts you can send into combat." He looked once more before continuing. "In Pure resorses, we have in Essence Mako, collected from our most exteror planet, which we can mine off since the way between worlds was opened, Metals in most forms, we do require Food, becaue of the recent wars, farmers are pratcily non existant, since all where rafted into forgin armed forces."
22-05-2005, 18:56
The hologram shook her head in a way that showed she thought these new people to be immature.
"To protect your planet you do not need to go attacking others. We might be willing to give you some non-combat vessels with which to explore peacefully. They would have our FTL drive, but any and all attempts to tamper, study, and dissect it would result in your immediate death. We will not give you the means to make war on others. Food we can provide. Our only interest in your worlds is the metal within them. Perhaps we can work out a deal?"
22-05-2005, 20:06
OCC:Sorry for the wait had school, family, and military things to deal with
The Elites were standing behind the two unarmoured officers. The agent just couldn't help but laugh as the claim that nothing was faster than light. The female officer made a mental note to never again volenter for off-ship duty with an angent. "Please exuse my interuption but thr fact that you havn't even mastered FTL drives just makes me laugh. Hell the last system we liberated had FTL drives, primitive but still they worked," the agent said the smirk still across his face.
"Please forgive my partner's rather rude coments," the female officer said as she shot a cold glair at the agent before speaking once more, "As it stands we are wondering what you could possibly offer us in exchange for what we have."
Sephiroth glared at the others, his eyes peircing.
"Had your people had our history, would would understand why we don't!" He snapped, before smiling. "As for what we can provide, SeeD Graduates are fairly usful for under cover operations, As well, I think you will find Mako increadibly usful." He smiled, taped a consoul which put up a projection.
"Mako and Materia, both of these are made using materials you would most likely not have come into contact with. We where not the first race on this planet, and while we say faster the light travle is not possible, their are ways to traverse the stars, the old race new how. We do not, so your drives would be much more usful. The Keltoi, our ansestors, had searched for this mineral on other planets, and found no such trace. This must mean that it is fairly unique. Mako is a very potent Energy source, the smallest amount of distilled Mako able to power a ship of the Ragnarok Standers for a few thousand years. Materia can show us ways to work the space around us, similar to magic, although not quite as it the power is limited to the stones own power." He smircked. "And other things that will be told about later."
24-05-2005, 04:30
"We are interested in more... common substances, in their raw form. We would also like to mine them ourselves.
The fact that the other nations on your planet were able to develop this any you weren’t means nothing. We are still unwilling to give you military FTL."
24-05-2005, 05:26
"Real nice way to tease em and not get on their good side. Even though I'm not doing any better," the agent said with a laugh not realy caring what he said causing his coutnerpart to become noticably more agitated, "So you want FTL and we just got what you want. How badly would you want to be able to travel across the galaxy in a matter of days rather than centuries?"
Sephiroth smiled at the Kazecistani delagate.
"Mine them yourselves, if you could get something on one of the other planets, fine, we will buy it off you later, However, should you wish Mako or Materia, you can buy it from Shinra like everyone else. The Mako Generators are our own design, and nothing you say will perswade me to give them to You" He smiled, the got a map of Koloan. "The mines we will not be tapped for the next Seventy Years are free to buy, for their resonable price." He nodded. Before turning to the Phalanixian Agent. "As for you, we would be willing to pay, a fair amount, the amount it would cost for...Three Mako Generators." He nodded, "Roughly A hundred fifty million Cenii" He looked. "As well as a five years worth of Materia and Mako, And acess to about fifteen different Mines of the ones metioned on the map."
24-05-2005, 22:23
This time her head shake was accompanied by an eye role.
"We have already told you that we aren’t interested in your special... whatever it is. We simply want the rights to mine the worlds of your system for our selves. You can check in on us to be sure that we arn't taking any of your precious.... stuff. What price do you suggest? We would prefer to trade in technology or information, but we can pay cash."
24-05-2005, 23:10
A wormhole opens and 3 Imperial Battlecruisers exit out. The Ships raise shields after scaning all the different types of ships in the system.
25-05-2005, 00:20
"Hmm. Well we may be able to come to an arangement where we can help you construct fold drives as well as supply you with the systems required to controll them. Though just wondering, what level of advancment are you at with the feild of artificial inteligence?" the agent asked pausing every now and then to let his words sink in.
In orbit the Demon Hunter sent out a signal that would simply go off as a pointless calibration for the ship's sensors yet to the trained SRDF ai or pilot they could tell instantly what was needed.
After only five minutes a sole Hell class super cruiser (a monster in it's own sense) defolded only five hundred meters from the Demon hunter. the 9.5km long frame easily over shadowed the 2.3km long Demon Hunter like a bullet overshadowed by a tank shell.
After only a scant five seconds of chating between the two Overloard class AI on the ships and the ECM systems came online jamming further scans.
25-05-2005, 03:05
The Imperial BattleCruisers hail the Planet: "We are an exploration scout sub fleet our orders are to find worlds for colonization."
THe Ragnarok's reply to the Deatharon ship.
"Without paying there is nothing in this String of planets you can take my friend, so send someone to the confrence happening down south." Mark smiled, before doing another Sweep.
25-05-2005, 22:54
Captain Kain was an Veteran of two wars in Deatharon. He face was scared and his body looked like it took a beating but he beamed down with 10 Imperial Defense Personal armed with phasers and Chronos Armor.