NationStates Jolt Archive

New Race (for FT nations)

The Scandinvans
15-05-2005, 02:31
The Eternal were born upon a world bombarded great energies being created and destroyed. Its birth star went into supernova and exploded during the temperance of life upon it changing the organisms DNA by putting into the organisms the potential for great healing, mental, and physical powers. Then the same time a gas giant was destroyed by it atmosphere with high concretions of hydrogen turned into a star shortly then went supernova putting even more radiation upon the planet. The planet somehow survived all of this and life also endured.

Over time the planet gave birth to complex life forms, then the highly intelligent proto Eternals. They were not very intelligent, but within was the powers within their DNA. A nearby planet, after being hit with an asteroid set radiation and debris down upon the planet. This combination caused a serious decaying in the environment and ecology of the planet that lasted a hundred thousand years. During this time they sentient life forms evolved dramatically and they started to make high quality stone tools and houses made of furs and other flexible materials.

After this period a slow period of evolution for the sentient life froms occurred that lasted about eight million years. During this period they became smart and stronger as their diet became better that was based on fruits and meat that they either hunted for and/ or foraged for them.

After eight million years of relative peace and growth a large comet hit the surface destroying about 2/3 of all life (not in species numbers but in the species total numbers in population inviduals only). The proto-Eternals great genetic powers began to activate within in them in order to survive this great disaster.

After the disaster the Eternals mind double in thinking power and their brains began to grow. The proto-Eternals began to slowly develop in the modern Eternals that exist today. After another nine million years of evolution the Eternals began to farm and build small permanent villages across the planet. As they began to prosper the activates within the planet itself began to change.

Then as the proto-Eternals prospered, spread, and grew in space one of the planet’s moons erupted into fire and flame that cast down huge amounts of radiation and heat that would linger upon the planet for ten thousand years that would be a dark time, but what would give birth to the modern Eternals.

After a comet that was one thousandth of the moons size hit that caused the radiation and damage to its mother planet below.

For a decade this continued that would later cause ten thousand
years of large amounts pf the day pf being dark and the rises of the modern Eternal as the radiation unlocked their full mental, physical, and healing powers. Their mental powers allowed them to manipulate the environment around them and to effect nearby creature and objects. Their great physical powers allowed them to lift things many times their weight and to be able to suffer great pain and harms that would kill lesser creature. Their healing powers allowed them to live without fear of any sort of sickness for age so in a sense they were immortal, but in the fact they could be slain.

This period lasted from abut ten and a half billion years ago to about eight point two billion years ago.
15-05-2005, 02:35
ooc: you looking for a first contact scenario?
The Scandinvans
15-05-2005, 02:40
The Scandinvans
15-05-2005, 03:04
OCC:I have made this thread to explain the race I rp on is Ft, but now I am opening it for a FEW other playes to use, but only if the recongize my leader as their leader.
The Scandinvans
15-05-2005, 04:18
The Scandinvans
15-05-2005, 04:34
OCC: Question for the people who understand biologics well, does this seem plasusible to you?
Rea Dan
15-05-2005, 05:16
OOC: I think they call people who know alot about biology, biologists.
The Scandinvans
15-05-2005, 05:29
OCC: I was referring the question to people who have a understanding of biologics, and not all people are biologists.
15-05-2005, 06:55
I have many points,

1) The Birth Star going Super-nova.

- There is absolutely not a snowball's chance in hyper-hell that any planet orbiting that star would survive and be able to produce any life at all.

2)A gas giant igniting and going Nova.

- Even if magically life had somehow survived the first nova, it would have been killed by the second.

3) Asteroid shower.

- Yet again any form of complex life would be killed.

4)Comet strike.

- those 2/3rds of the species it killed would include all your sentient species as their food is dead now too. Small mammals will do great though.

5)Moon somehow exploding.

- Mass extinction, blah blah blah.

6) 1/1000th Moon sized comet.

- I'm assuming you mean mass when you say size. It would have at the very least enough energy to completely heat sterilize the planet ending ALL life.

Now that that's out of the way, why don't you just re-write that and explain that the Eternals have their powers because they evolved in a harsh environment, while not explaining what that environment is. Avoid at all costs destroying the planet and ending all life.
The Planet Federation
15-05-2005, 13:20
OOC- I like the into hopefully it evolves into something i can get involved in.
The Scandinvans
15-05-2005, 15:40
OCC: When I mean a moon exploding I mean something like it's atmoshpere going into flames.
The Scandinvans
15-05-2005, 16:53
OCC: I am talking about a series of miracles keeping life alive and as I said 2.3 of life I mean in number of creatures not in numbers of species plus those those proto-Eternals survied by the ones that were islaoted pockets that weren;t as baldy affect. Also, my planet was in a binary syestem when the supernova happened it was orbiting the other star.
16-05-2005, 03:10
OCC: I am talking about a series of miracles keeping life alive and as I said 2.3 of life I mean in number of creatures not in numbers of species plus those those proto-Eternals survied by the ones that were islaoted pockets that weren;t as baldy affect. Also, my planet was in a binary syestem when the supernova happened it was orbiting the other star.

It's a god-damned supernova. It would destroy the other star too, along with the planets.

If the atmosphere ignited it would kill all life too.

If 2/3rds of every single life form died then your Eternals would be in even more deep shit.

Face it, you killed all life on the planet several times over. And destroyed the entire star system before you even did that. Now unless you want your species to have survived by taking shelter in the ass of a giant magic space elf heed my sugestion and just give them their powers and just say they're a result of evolving in a harsh environment mkay?
The Scandinvans
19-05-2005, 04:10
I checked in a search that there have extremely unusual or miraculous events in the universe that are extremely unlikely of possibilities that occurred in the universe more far fetched then this.
19-05-2005, 06:02
I checked in a search that there have extremely unusual or miraculous events in the universe that are extremely unlikely of possibilities that occurred in the universe more far fetched then this.

More miraculous than a species surviving a star they orbit going super-nova? I don't think so. Now tell me, what is so god damned hard about giving your people their powers but NOT FUCKING KILLING ALL LIFE ON THE PLANET OVER AND OVER AGAIN!?
Gaian Ascendancy
19-05-2005, 06:10
More miraculous than a species surviving a star they orbit going super-nova? I don't think so. Now tell me, what is so god damned hard about giving your people their powers but NOT FUCKING KILLING ALL LIFE ON THE PLANET OVER AND OVER AGAIN!?

((OC- You're doing it again..

..and Scandi, send me a TG about some more details about this thread, and I'll jump in tomorrow.))
19-05-2005, 08:27
((OC- You're doing it again..

..and Scandi, send me a TG about some more details about this thread, and I'll jump in tomorrow.))

Yes I am, and I'm quite annoyed because The Scnadinavians asked if what he posted was possible. I told him it wasn't but he could still have his powers but just not kill all life on the planet several times. I said this nicely the first time, the second time as well. But since he seems to think that I want him to not have his species, which I think is fine for him to have, when I just think he should avoid destroying the planet to do so.

What does this mean? It means that The Scnadinavians obviously didn't want to know the truth about his little history, he just wanted to be told that it was right. And I'm forced to ask, why ask for a scientific opinion if you won't listen to it?

The story he concoted to explain why his species has their powers is ungodly stupid and doesn't allow for anyone except Scandinavians to retain their Suspension of Disbelief regarding them.

"So this species survived a super-nova, their atmosphere igniting, and several other super mass-extinction events? Riiight. :rolleyes: "

This species would be no less fun to RP with if they say, evolved in an area with many active volcanoes that spewed radioactive material into the air. That's just as good a rational for their powers and infinitely more believable.
The Scandinvans
22-05-2005, 05:57
22-05-2005, 15:40
Xess does have a point. If the sun went nova, all the planetary matter in the system would have either been disintregrated or thrown out into the cold deep interstellar space. Either scenario would have destroyed the race. You should rethink your story.
The Scandinvans
22-05-2005, 16:41
Mephista I have said that that my star was in a binary syestem and was orbting the other star at the time and the star when it went supernove neither reached the other star or the planet.
Gaia Rodina
22-05-2005, 16:47
((OOC-Stop riding the dude's ass. Let him play as he wants.))

-post forthcoming-
22-05-2005, 17:24
One last question to ask. Have you researched the size of the killzone for a supernova?
The Scandinvans
22-05-2005, 17:30
22-05-2005, 18:34
((THen your screwed cause the other star wouldve gone Black hole cause of the nova. nothing can survive a black hole))
The Scandinvans
22-05-2005, 18:45
I never siad it turned into a black hole a star that went supernove can eith turn into a dwarf star, a large amount of gas, or a black hole.
22-05-2005, 19:18
No, Scandanavians, you're so wrong it's humorus. If this solar system has planets orbiting two stars in a binary formation as you've said multiple times-

The stars HAVE to be infinitly more than close enought that destroying one destroys the other, either sucking the planets into a black hole created by this catastrophic event or sending it careening out into cold, airless space.

You know what happens to life in a vaccum? It's not pretty.
The Scandinvans
22-05-2005, 23:01
Acually the distance between binary stars can be enough so that does not happen.
The Scandinvans
22-05-2005, 23:56
Gaian sent you another TG.
23-05-2005, 00:15
Actually that's not really possible. You can't have two stars far away enough so that one survives a supernova but be close enough so a planet can orbit both of them.
The Scandinvans
23-05-2005, 01:24
Matter of opinion as the orbits of planets in binary syestems is still under debate.
The Scandinvans
23-05-2005, 02:06
Gaian Ascendancy
23-05-2005, 03:44
((OC- Okay, time to end the science discussion, and back to rping. If we were so reality bent, then sci-fi wouldn't be where it is today.

We 'are' making our own reality after all...))


The Ascendants knew of the Eternals. The elder races usually knew of each other, unless xenophobic, or were destroyed by one catastrophy or another. It was such that the Ascendants grew side by side with them in places, as the Ascendants moved across the multiverse, and then into the further Dimensional sectors.

It shouldn't have been. The supernova that took their System by such forcem left so little, that it should have become another stepping stone for further stellar evolution. But evolution for the Eternals was 'kind' in a different way. The dual nature of the System when one star blew, caused just enough of the shockwave to be absorbed by the second sun, and the planet the Eternals would inhabit was sparred the worst that the rest of the System endured. The radiation flood was also merciless, but 74% of the planet was still intact thanks to utterly impossible events.

Both stars still lay decimated, and the entire System no better than an uber-Chernobyl. But one planet survived, and that planet had massive amounts of debri amid it.

It was during this time period that the Ascendants came along. Their penchant for stellar metaphysics allowed for them to wrought Systems to their will. However they also obeyed their own 'prime directive' that went with it, so in as to only assist in the molding of Systems, only when it laid outside the natural order of the universe.

Cruel, but one heeded over billions of years of their existence, and one that prevented them from morally assisting the Eternals homeworlds until after the event occured.

After the shockwave subsided, and they learned by pure chance the planet's bare survival, they made good on 'after event' actions. They would then Phase in sections of Dimensional Fortresses and Fold in numbers of Journey Sar`Nor Base Cores, as well as other advanced nodes that all would be used to stabilize the stellar environment.

Over a period of twenty Ascendant years, (ones about a half standard year longer than normal, as their original homeworld before what would become White Diamond, was a planet with a slower rotational rate, as well as a higher gravity quotient.) the Ascendants managed to stabilize the zone, and reduce radiation decay effects, as well as centralized the System upon the surviving sun, though it took a lot of fusion grade material to achieve a stable fusion core once more.

But they managed to get the star's mass reduced by one and a half factors, and gave another five billions years of added life.

A 'lot' of Ascendants died, and several Ascendant vessels and one BaseCore were sacrificed achieving that. In the end, the System was placed back at the level of a System still half alive and with enough 'kick' to let gravity do most of the work over the next few Eons.

After, they left and let the Existence take care of the rest. But the Ascendants went into Debate over a generation over this event, one that turned out to be very controversial.

When the Eternals began to extend themselves, the Ascendants were already spread across ten thousand galaxies and hundreds of universes all the same. Yet, this did not stop the Etnerals from confronting them on an equal level, and over course of misread messages and misunderstood stances, three seperate wars over ten thousand years each resulted, and in the result, the Ascednants were pushed back, losing many galaxies, but won more battles than lost. In the end, and with the loss of several galaxies along the way to ever more powerful Dimensional weaponry, not to mention massive losses of life, the wars began to end with a new generation of souls on both sides.

As well as the discovery of where the Eternals came from. When it was discovered finally that the Ascendants had assisted in the healing process of the Eternal System, the war all but ended on a whim.

The Golden Age of the Ancient Races began. The Eternals were finally introduced over time, to more and more Ancient Races. Vorlon, Asgard, Shadow, Ancients, Vox, these and many more, as well as the Younger Races of the time, such as the eventual Ancient Races the Gaians encountered, such as the Fungesians and Energon. These and many more gave the Eternals a new life outside of misunderstood war, and that gave them their place amid the Ancient Races eventually.

Eventually however, the Ancient Races evolved and moved on in one way or another. Some made their own Universes and moved into them enmasse, closing them off from outside contact. Others died from inability to evolve past coporeal form. Others, like the Ascendants, ascended to the Ascendant Planes, and left behind theor elder concerns.

Others, were not known of their fate. The Ascendants, when they evolved, borke all contacts, as they did not forsee such a need ever again. Over a billion years since that time, the Ascendants existed beyond concerns, in ways not conceived of.

...until the present, when the Ascendants returned to 'foster' the new Representative Power's charges, they had no idea what had happened to the other races of Old.

Until now. During the event known as the Exile Crisis, the Ascendants watched with both bemusement and dismay at their charge's actions. They considered their moves to either challenge or assist. Their majority remained still in Ascendant Planes, and there theu deliberated the fate of the current situation, and their own regards.

..but they also were informed that one of the Ancient Races still lived among the stars.

It seemed, the Eternal were not lost to them. However with a billion years seperating their races, it was unknown what the end result would be.

They went from enemies to friends. Where would the present take them both?

The Ascendants prepared this, as they also prepared to take a more active role in the future of the present races.
The Scandinvans
23-05-2005, 04:04
CC: Thank you.

The Eternals had created technologis that none had thought or dreamed as their minds were linked and examined each if they willed it. This allowed them to qoek in unsion. Their lifespans allowed them to work on a project if nesscary forever. Their powers also allowed them to understand alien languages and technologys farily easily and qucikly.

The Eternals (in their terms) were just a little younger then the Ascendants. As life had eveoled very quickly upon their homeplanet. As the Ascendants were older they repected them and had remebered that the Ascendnats had saved their star which had saved their planet.

OCC: Let's say that they are about five hundred million years difference in age. Okay?
Gaian Ascendancy
23-05-2005, 04:26
((OC- It works..))


The Avian Lords, the previious name they took, and were still known as as part of the Ascendancy Sphere's, Four Races Alliance, had decided to make contact outside of the bounds of the Ascendancy.

They still regarded themselves as elder enough to do things 'not' of required knowledge to the lay Gaian that wasn't even alive back in their heyday.

Whence they had decided to send a small vessel to ascertain the current state of the Eternals. (Old races are like old people, like to keep in touch, and all that..)

Whence a single Ascendant vessel lept out of Foldspace into the dying remains of the Eternal's System. A vessel made of carved crystaglass that looked like a massive version of one of those crystal sculptures, the size of a Light Cruiser, moved into the System, with nary a sign of large engine thrusters, nor even many conventional aspects at all.

..the simple wing shaped vessel moved in to begin scans of the System.
The Scandinvans
23-05-2005, 04:33
Upon the dying remains of the star a strange device surrounded it that seemed to be a gaint factory and a giant power planet. Upon the way to the homeworld of the Eternlas a syestme of devies and instruments kept the planet sustanied with sunlight and energy. The surface of the planer was still filled with inhabited cites.
Gaian Ascendancy
23-05-2005, 04:56
The Ascendants approached the world and conducted passive scans that confirmed the fact that the former rubbled remains of the once elder System, was incorporated into this one planet.

In essence, the Oort clouds, all planetoid fields and even the broken rubble of the other destroyed planets had been consolidated into three cold worlds dedicated to the Eternal way.

The vessel deliberately came over into high orbit, and sent a simple message.

:: ~ Do you still exist, as we once knew of you? Or do you exist far different from the realm of memory?

We await any message in reply from an old friend ~ ::
The Scandinvans
23-05-2005, 05:00
"As once we are we change little as time hold no power over us in body, mind, and spirit. We hold to the old ways and long we sought for you hoping to find, but when we found that you went into a exile of sorts we were saddened and gave up our search as we are bound to our bodies and ascend when we die only, if we don't we are reborn to a new body as like the one we had before being slain."
Gaian Ascendancy
23-05-2005, 05:12
A message sent back..

:: ~ So that we know, if your words say truth, then you will have your current Eternus-Prime we can still speak to. We are wanting to reestablish relations and further the knowledge both sides have, though apparently, you may have more knowledge of the Mortal Plane than we, while we hold far more the reciprocate.

If it agrees, we will land and discuss in personal contact. ~ ::
The Scandinvans
23-05-2005, 05:13
"You are welcome upon our world friends of old and new."
Gaian Ascendancy
23-05-2005, 05:43
With that, the large crystaglass vessel within five minutes, saw a single small 'shuttle' emerge and head for the ancient 'capital' of the planet, the oldest and most ancient of the city-foundries, long since made dark and gray from eons of foundry work, as well as countless layers of city layers, marked by lines of operational light, though all of the still functioning lights were fusion powered, any others were dimmed as even 'this' was growing ancient.

The sky was less a habitable one, and more a layer of air that was just as stale and ancient as the planet.

The approach was one of only city layers. Most mountains had long since been scoured away for the continuance of the race. But not all was dire. The Ascendant shuttle's approach made it look like a beacon of light descending.

"~ Much still has changed nonetheless ~" The Avian Lord, Lady Uith`a, with three other mates were approaching what looked like a large structure.

They would land in a few moments.
The Scandinvans
23-05-2005, 05:46
A machine turned on near the shuttle that churned out vast amounts of pure air into the atmoshpere. To meet them aboard the shuttle came a few Eternal.

OCC: goodnight
Gaian Ascendancy
23-05-2005, 07:09
The Ascendant shuttle made a quiet landing with little event on the waiting landing area. There after landing, the four Avian Lords exit, leaving the sentient craft to tend to itself.

Lady Uith`a strode forth, her slender girth colored in black and silver, and clothed in the usual shrine like robes that covered well her form.

She strides forth and sees the Eternal and then bows about five meters away. "~ Thank you for having us. And by the dinensions we both have shared, it is good to see a familiar race once more.

..our aged eyes still are not accustomed to the young races that exist amid the Planes these days. ~"
Gaia Rodina
23-05-2005, 12:55
It was at this moment that one such young race decided it was time to rain on the parade.

"Fasttravel drives returning to normal, cheiftain."

An orcish dred'not had just emerged from hyperspace, followed quickly by a quartet of dis'troyas and a car'yer.

"Scan for life forms and technology. Ready Drak'qua fighters! If there's anything down there, I want it!"
The Scandinvans
23-05-2005, 22:25
OCC: This a meeting thread if you want to start a battle please wait.

"We have returned mostly to this galaxy our home galaxy and portect and guide the younger race here, but in other places Dark Eternals enslave and conquer the younger races. This happened shortly after the waning of the older races, we were torn in as how to deal with them most of us either returned to our home galaxy and helped the younger races there or went into hiding upon a few hidden worlds."
The Scandinvans
24-05-2005, 00:15
The Scandinvans
24-05-2005, 00:54
"Excuse were, time has corrupeted the thinking of some of us as they think their age makes them superior to the younger races, I have a question where are the other Elder races?"
Gaian Ascendancy
24-05-2005, 01:20
((OC- Oh do let the younger race try and attack a vessel over a billion years older than their race. The Gaians themselves are centuries away from approaching a vessel like this one.))


Lady Uith`a nods, and strides a few more paces forward, saying... "~ We have lost track of most the Elders when we achieved ascendance. In fact this meeting is the first among many to reestablish the 'larger picture', as our younger allies like to describe such needs.

..the darker elements of your race are however disturbing to hear of. How extensive have they become? ~"
The Scandinvans
24-05-2005, 01:52
OCC: Sure why not.

"They ruler over holdings over a million galaxies and have enslaved countless races and uncountable numders of slaves."
The Scandinvans
24-05-2005, 02:28
A huge ship many times larger than the alien ship fired a beam that could easily cut the ship in halve and it approached at lighting speed and.......
The Scandinvans
25-05-2005, 04:24
The Scandinvans
25-05-2005, 05:34
Gaian Ascendancy
25-05-2005, 05:51
Lady Uith`a then remarks. "~ Then theu sound over extended for an ancient race. There comes a time for all races to move past what they are, and a subjugative race such as they will tend to have become atrophied.

Ever the greater hieights before the abysmal fall. ~"

The Avian Lord looked bacl with a crane of her neck at her mates and then back at the Eternals. "~ ..and if you would, what lies the difference between your sect and theirs. Their weakness may well lay in that realm of consideration. ~"
The Scandinvans
25-05-2005, 06:01
"We are different as genrally good and evil are, we are people who seek to teach and help, while they seek to enslave and conquer. They wield powers forbidden to be used by our kind. One easily can conquer a planet as they use the very planet's power against their enemies. Their great healing power grants them extreme durabiltiy and in the past we have beent the only ones to defeat them in a billion years thanks to our leader the oldest of our kind who sleeps now."
Gaian Ascendancy
25-05-2005, 06:27
"~ Then it comes down to how to interrupt their ability to converse with this 'power' they use. Using the very essence of a planet-node to conquer with, tends to mean they have twisted the essence of the Plane itself.

In fact, the Plane itself where they exist may have become their greatest enemy, and may act in a harsh manner, if 'prodded'. ~"

The Avian then considers to herself, and then asks.. "~ Do please tell, has your oldest ever been in contact with a Power? Even in sleep this may still be so. ~"

..was a war suddenly being planned? =oO=
The Scandinvans
25-05-2005, 22:51
"Their minds are capable of fixing the damage they cause when doing so. Our oldest one does not draw upon any power, but himself."

OCC: About th war I'll TG you.
The Scandinvans
26-05-2005, 01:32
The Scandinvans
26-05-2005, 02:27
The Scandinvans
26-05-2005, 05:01
Gaian Ascendancy
26-05-2005, 08:35
Lady Uith`a however noted that her words were misconstrued. "~ The word power did not mean an empowerment quotient, but rather a being that represents the vast Planes, by doing their all to keep the Existence on whole, on Balance.

The Gaian Lord Excellency is such a Power, but there are far many more out there. It comes to my query that if another such has been in contact with, if anyone possibly could know, if your Elder has been in such a contact?

It would give us a clue to where to go from here. We are still many, but the mass majority remains in Ascendace, rather than back on the Mortal Plane. ~"
The Scandinvans
26-05-2005, 22:41
"His source of power is his mind from which he draws upon all elements of the universe in an infinite matter use," one of the Eternal said in response.
The Scandinvans
27-05-2005, 03:59
The Scandinvans
27-05-2005, 05:10
Gaian Ascendancy
27-05-2005, 05:27
((OC- Don't worry about bumping so much..))

Lady Uith`a just cranes her head down. "~ I then take it as a no. Then the options are a bit more limited. We cannot say it will be easy to involve ourselves upon Prime Plannar matters once more.

We need to first get a better bearing on where the other Elder races have gone, and then see where to go from there.

But most of all, we need a clear picture of these Dark Eternals, and their current activities. Few yet powerful may still mean spread out and unprepared, if we prepare ourselves properly. ~"
The Scandinvans
28-05-2005, 03:00
"They are an ever expanding empire and they grow at annual rate of one galaxy per every thousand years."
The Scandinvans
28-05-2005, 21:48
The Scandinvans
28-05-2005, 23:18
"The Darl Eternals do not attack us even though they easily could because they fear us."
Gaian Ascendancy
29-05-2005, 00:01
Lady Uith`a nods. "~ One weakness is confirmed then. If will not mind, I must depart to look to the location of the other Elder races, if any others still remain. regards to your people. Also, feel free if you require a replacement world if this one cannot be as a use anymore. ~"

She then turns around to head to her vessel, but then stops and cranes her head around to ask. "~ Where by chance would you know of the next target of these Dark Eternals would you? ~"
The Scandinvans
29-05-2005, 00:08
"It a galaxy at the end of all things in the universe."
Gaian Ascendancy
29-05-2005, 00:46
Lady Uith`a suddenly looks very agitated. "~ If they found that galaxy.... ~"

..and all of a sudden leaves to reboard her vessel without further word. Her mates look with equal confusion and then follow suit. Moments later, the vessel departs, and within moments leaves the System.


By then, several events are beginning to take place, events the younger races will be ill prepared for.

No matter how powerful they are.
The Scandinvans
29-05-2005, 00:53
After they leave the planet that was under a false ruse turns into a paradise and teh sun shines with a light that doesn't hurt someone's eys, but is felt with the same warmth of a regular but with a strange feeling it gices of ease, beauty, and grace.
The Scandinvans
29-05-2005, 01:27
The Eternals began to coverse of what may happen as an end result of this.
The Scandinvans
29-05-2005, 05:10
bumping it up
The Scandinvans
29-05-2005, 06:13
OCC: Gaians should it develop slwoly with you know some add ons tht make it more inversive and explains more or just it is straightforward?
Gaian Ascendancy
29-05-2005, 06:36
((OC- More worried about how to do the interactions between the various Elder races the Ascendants manage to rediscover, and how all that will affect the future events against the Dark Eternals.

..or more likely, the 'readjustment' of them.

Also, that last piost I made is pretty major in terms of the Gaian-Ascendant relationship. Still trying to think on this, as well as do the other threads I'm in. =^^=

It'd be nice for other nations to play Elder races as well in one format or another. ))


The Ascendants were discussing too. All they were doing at the moment was discussing.

They just were not used to dealing with such matters like they used to do. It's been an incredibly long time since they had active affairs in the well being of the universe.

That's what they were assisting the Gaians to do in their place after all.

In fact...
The Scandinvans
29-05-2005, 06:42
The Eternals began to muster their strength and reactivate their ships, defenses, and arms in case of a upcoming war.
The Scandinvans
31-05-2005, 04:49
Gaian Ascendancy
31-05-2005, 07:38
"A........... what?"

Lady Uith`a looked at Lord Akito, as he sat at his normal Council seat, and 'not' in the Throne Seat he could have sat in considering his shared station as Acting First Throne.

"~ Exactly what I said. A war against an ancient race. ~"

Lord Akito only stares back. In fact, as word of this idea makes rounds among other Council Members over the next few days, the same reaction is not unexpected to the Avian Lord.

Lord Ackronus himself is suprised, as he's the last to find out, considering his close attachement to the Gaians.

The explanation would be given to a special session of the Council the next day. It would change the Gaians' standing even further than they expected of themselves. It also would eoon end an exile and draw dire need from both enemy and ally alike among the young races.

The line between the ancient races and the kinseth ones was about to be crossed.


((OC- I'm slowly going to get this thread idea to involve other nations, and make it like the transition between the old and new races, like in Babaloyn 5.

Except with more 'flair'. =^^= ))
The Scandinvans
01-06-2005, 04:40
OCC: Wha about the war stop the expansion of the Dark Eternals and they start to treat their slaves as more of a people, but how they treat children?

The Dark Eternals launched an massive attack upon the the objective galaxy and prepare to launch attacks on nearby galaxies.
Gaian Ascendancy
01-06-2005, 05:35
((OC- Um, TG me so we can work out the bugs. That last post is both too simplistic and unrealistic, hate to say. After that, I'm going to start a new thread to draw in elements of the 'exile' thread into that new one. But first we need to establish guidelines for working out this ancient races bit.))
01-06-2005, 21:35
OOC: Is this going to be one of those Rps that shakes the Ascendancy to its foundations?
The Scandinvans
01-06-2005, 23:12
OCC: Sent the TG and changed the post.
01-06-2005, 23:42
One last question to ask. Have you researched the size of the killzone for a supernova?

OOC: It's about 20-30 light years.

They pump out an utter crapload of radiation and energy. Hell, when a supernova can wipe systems of life from thirty light years away, think about what it's going to do a planet in the same damn system.
The Scandinvans
01-06-2005, 23:51
Actuallt the range can varie greatly if it is a sudden destruction and even under that senario a outer star may block alot of the affect kinda of like the Earth;s magnetic fields do.
The Scandinvans
02-06-2005, 03:02
OCC: I agree that this thread should be divided into different ones, but when and which one of us will start it?
The Scandinvans
02-06-2005, 04:12
The Dark Eternals began to select the strongest and most able of the races that were their slaves and trained them to be warriors in their service.
The Scandinvans
04-06-2005, 00:07
The Scandinvans
04-06-2005, 04:25
bump Theao
The Scandinvans
04-06-2005, 06:10
04-06-2005, 07:33
ooc: Check TG, also will have to respond in morning, need sleep.
The Scandinvans
04-06-2005, 07:40
OCC: Alright.
Gaian Ascendancy
04-06-2005, 14:58
((OC- Sorry for not replying, since I slammed down hard on the Exile bit last night. =^^=

..and yes Deatharon, it's another shake the foundation type bit.))

The Ascendants would have reacted sooner, but when all reality is being sundered right out from under ya, you tend to focus on priorities first. How that crisis ended shook the Ascendants to the core.

But as soon as that begins to end, the target galaxy the Dark Eternals invaded was one of the 'portals' the Ascendants used between the Mortal Plane and the Ascendance Planes. The galaxy was essentially one immense portal, one that was filled, like a storehouse, of Ascendant technologies, and hence made it a sensitive galactic node.

The galaxy has been for eons overlooked as just another galaxy, and the Ascendants had counted on this. Apparently the time for 'that' was over. As soon as the Eternals invaded, the Ascendants immediately reacted by having entire Fortress Systems 'reignighted', verses the dormat state they had been before hand.

Unlike the Dark Etnernal's penchant for enslaved races, the Ascendants felt themselves 'too high and self-important' to need such. Even with Lady Uith`a's asking, the Avian Lords at large were still less than keen on the idea of asking for help.

Thus, the opening act of what would become a vast and total war involving thousands of galaxies, began as a holding action that saw hundreds of inital Avian Lord battle fleets being pulled out of Dimensional Storage pockets, and within days, a quiet, secret war started at the very edge of this current Universe's boundry. Beyond this lay the Big Bang line, and galaxies and quasars that were too young for evolution to place civilizations upon,

Beyond that was the Dark Link between other Universes altogether. (Another topic for another time....)

The war began with the Ascendants attacking in several places at once, the Dark Eternal attack axises, driving hard to push them back out from over 1,500 plus Star Systems. Considering it wasn't expected, the Dark Etneral forces would be pushed out within a few months.

But the Ascendants do not stop, realizing that they had to break the dark Etnerals over time. Without advance knowledge to the other races of the Four Races Alliance, they would begin to expand the war shortly after pushing the Dark Eternals out. This would multiply the war across tens, and then hundreds of immediate galaxies within the first three years of the war alone. It seemed at first that the Ascendants 'could' do it alone.

This would become a nearly disasturous mistake.
04-06-2005, 20:46
As the scoutship entered the system, the on-board sensors spiked. They were detecting large numbers of ships in the system. From scans and DeTac imagery, both the pilot and computer system reached the same verdict, Warships. Still protocal was clear, once detection of a non-reged civilation was confirmed, providing they were either searching for other life or had achived deepspace levels, they were to be contacted. The scout sent out a multi-channel transmission to all vessels in the system.

"Greetings, I am Fetry Lotun. I am a member of the Theao naval forces and I come in peace."
The Scandinvans
04-06-2005, 20:56
Gaians: OCC: Let say that the Dark Eternals one on one can push back a Asendant, but not destroy them and also that that they are defated entially in singualr battles into they begin to learn new powers and techniques and then the one on one battles are still n the Dark Eternals favor, but they can win with a good style and strategy.

Theao: "Ship ate you one of the Naukai?"

OCC: Naukai literally translates into servant or slave.
04-06-2005, 21:00
"Naukai, what in the seven hells is a Naukai."
"Context unavailable, need more information to run throught matix."

Outbound Transmission
"Since I can not determain meaning of 'Naukai', I couldn't say."

ooc: assuming you mean "are you one of the Naukai"
The Scandinvans
04-06-2005, 21:11
OCC: sorry typo in ate it should be are yeah I do mean that I'll fix the typo

Another message came to the scout ship," I apologize, our emperor wishes that we either meet your leader in a transmission or in person."
04-06-2005, 21:30
"At present the Emperor is on the far side of the galaxy and even with FTL communications the time delay would be significant. I am a fully acredited diplomat or if you were willing to wait a short while I could get an ambassador here." Fetry replied
The Scandinvans
04-06-2005, 21:35
Another message was sent," We can you give amplification devices that will allow us to communicate with him."
04-06-2005, 21:41
"Unfortunatly even with an amplification device, the difficulty in pinpointing the location, would be essentially impossible as I do not have the present spatial co-ordinates." Fetry responded
The Scandinvans
04-06-2005, 21:45
"Alright, then we will accept you as an ambassdor in the place of your emperor, but will it be alright if we give you a message that only he could read," another transmission said.
04-06-2005, 21:46
"That would be perfectly acceptable." Fetry replied
The Scandinvans
04-06-2005, 21:51
OCC: I'll send you a TG containing the message.

Another message said," Alright then, when will the ambassdor arrive?"
04-06-2005, 21:56
Fetry sent out a message and recived one a few minutes later.
"Aproximatly three hours. I'll be leaving to continue my primary job, so I'm out"
The scout warped out.

Aproximatly three hours later a large craft arrived, "This is the DiploShip Vorigan. We were informed you wished to speak to an ambassador."
The Scandinvans
04-06-2005, 21:58
A message was sent to the ship," Yes, we wished to speak to you."
04-06-2005, 22:02
"Where should we dock?" The Vorigan transmitted.
The Scandinvans
04-06-2005, 22:04
"You should land upon the largest station of the second planet closest to the sun," a messge responded.
04-06-2005, 22:06
The Vorigan headed toward the station, once there and getting landing co-ordinates, docked with the station.
The Scandinvans
04-06-2005, 22:12
The entorage from Theao were meet by two ten foot tall aliens from an unkown specices that were incredibly broad and wore wearing strange armor and carrying some sort of staff weapon and a shield made of a shining metal tat could reflect most hand held laser fire one of the said," We are here to escort you here to the chambers of our masters, please come with us."
04-06-2005, 22:19
"Alright, after you." The ambassador and party follow the aliens.
The Scandinvans
04-06-2005, 22:26
The aliens led the entorage throught gilded and ornate hallways and chambers. After walking a distance they reached a large room at it's center was a ciruclar table surronding a smalle table in the center whose seats looked towards and at the outer table the entorage's seats where at the outer one all them already prepared with computers that translated for them and left the entire conversation on screen. Their in the center descended a elegant beautful creature that took a seat facing the entorage and said," Welcome honored guests.'
04-06-2005, 22:43
"Greetings, it is an honour to meet you as well." The ambassador replied with a nod of his head.
The Scandinvans
04-06-2005, 22:49
"Do you desire or need anything before we start this confrence," said the Dark Eternal.
04-06-2005, 22:57
"At present, no. My name is Vorn Retak, and what is your name?" Vorn asked
The Scandinvans
04-06-2005, 23:02
"My name is Harbanish amongst the mortals," he answered.
04-06-2005, 23:22
"So why did you want to speak with us?" Vorn asked
The Scandinvans
04-06-2005, 23:25
"I wish on behalf of my master that we form a alliance," he answered to him.
04-06-2005, 23:28
"Why do you wish for an alliance?" Vorn asked
The Scandinvans
04-06-2005, 23:31
"In fear of a upcoming war," he answered.
04-06-2005, 23:33
"A war with who and why?" Vorn asked
The Scandinvans
04-06-2005, 23:36
"Agianst an emeny of ours who disagrees with us enough on our point of views to attack us," Harbanish answered.
04-06-2005, 23:38
"How would this effect us enought to bring us into the war?" Vorn asked
The Scandinvans
04-06-2005, 23:41
"In exchange for supporting us in the war we will give you extremly advanced technologies and give you entire galaxies for your own purposes," he responded.
04-06-2005, 23:43
"Territorial gains, have absolutely no intrest to Theao. We go where we want as it is, with no obligations, should we have territory then we would have obligations." Vorn replied
The Scandinvans
04-06-2005, 23:45
"Then instead we offer you a chance for a extremly long life that is many many times longer than the lfie you have now without aging or illenesses afflicting you," he said.
04-06-2005, 23:49
"As to illness, the last disease was elimiated hundreds of years ago. As to aging it is important to age, because with out aging how can you experiance new things?" Vorn asked
The Scandinvans
04-06-2005, 23:53
"Then what do you desire then?" he answered.
05-06-2005, 00:06
"What we desire, we desire very little that we don't already have." Vorn replied
The Scandinvans
05-06-2005, 00:09
"Have you heard anything from your emperor?" he asked.
05-06-2005, 00:10
"Not as yet." Vorn replied
The Scandinvans
05-06-2005, 00:13
"Hmmm....... let us await his answer to the letter." he answered.
05-06-2005, 00:29
A small gizmet* on Vorn's belt beeped. "It appears the message has been received and replied to, do you want it sent to a private terminal or should I relay the message."

ooc: do you want it here or TG'ed
* I love this word
The Scandinvans
05-06-2005, 00:33
OCC:TG please

Habarnish responded," That is good."
05-06-2005, 01:07
ooc: TG'ed
The Scandinvans
05-06-2005, 02:08
OCC: didn't recieve the TG
05-06-2005, 02:13
ooc: Re-TG'ed
The Scandinvans
05-06-2005, 06:20
OCC: Okay, I tged you back and sorry about me tyaking so long to repsond had to go out.
05-06-2005, 06:24
ooc: replied, need sleep will pick up in morning.
The Scandinvans
05-06-2005, 16:09
OCC: Sent TG.
05-06-2005, 16:32
ooc: replied
The Scandinvans
05-06-2005, 22:33
bumping it up
05-06-2005, 22:49
ooc: replied
The Scandinvans
05-06-2005, 23:18
OCC: Replied Theao.
05-06-2005, 23:39
ooc: replied
The Scandinvans
06-06-2005, 04:11
The Scandinvans
06-06-2005, 05:21
Sent you a TG.

Staying neutral in the upcoming war, got it.
The Scandinvans
06-06-2005, 16:39
OCC: Going to Itatly for two weeks feel free to rp ot TG amongst yourselves in this thread and you may TG or rp me here, but not that much don't want to be reading pages upon pages of rps for me.
The Scandinvans
16-06-2005, 20:31
bump for nations looking to join in maybe as this going to esclate into something extremly large as pssibly unheard of in ns
The Scandinvans
16-06-2005, 22:36
OCC, I recieved your TGs and repsonded Gaians.
The Scandinvans
25-06-2005, 08:51
25-06-2005, 08:53
OOC: The Dark internals sent me a message about allying myself with them. In the Neo Zetan Jedi Rebellion Should we make first contact here?
The Scandinvans
25-06-2005, 09:05
OCC:Sure let's have first contact.
25-06-2005, 09:12

The Imperial BattleCruiser Dragon's Eye was heading towards a new system to conqurer in the name of Emperor Mavis Von Antheron. The Captain Alexi Cain had given order to stay cloaked the weapons and shields were offline but Alexi hoped the Aliens in this system would be to primitve to sense there arrival. The Avatar of the Ship gave estimates of successful conquest. about 50-50 for now. The Imperial Battlecruiser exited the wormhole that had been generated to get them to the new system all seem well so far.
The Scandinvans
25-06-2005, 09:18
Within in the syestem the Dark Eternals syestems picked up the ships and sent a response fleet muc more advanced then the Deatharon ships. A message was sent to them saying," Halt, how dares to trespass on territory on the Dark Eternal Empire."
25-06-2005, 09:24
OOC: This is one ship.

IC: Dragon's Eye was surrounded by unkown craft. The ship quickly decloaked and raised shields and weapons. The Avatar caculated chance of victory less than one percent. The Captain hailed the enemy fleet: This is Captian Alexi Cain of the Imperial Republic of Deatharon with orders to conqueror this system in the name of the Emperor.

a hidden distress call was activated within minutes an Imperial Warfleet would respond
The Scandinvans
25-06-2005, 09:29
OCC: Okay

Your emperor is known to us, buut we will not yield syestems to him.
25-06-2005, 09:36
The Captain was shocked did these aliens just say they knew Emperor Mavis Von Antheron the ruler of The Antaries Galaxy? The Captain hails again: What do you mean you know the Emperor we do not even have your species on record. Your ships have technology that my ship's Avatar can not even figure out.

OOC: The Deatharon Ships have advance Androids that are powerful A.I. for the ships called Avatars.
The Scandinvans
25-06-2005, 09:40
"We know of many things that other do not know we know of your species and your little empire. We are an Elder Race so we possses tech and lknowledge you do noccannot even comptrehmd let aalone understand."
25-06-2005, 09:48
The Captain debates with the crew what to do when the Imperial Warfleet folds into the system. The Fleet attempts to secure an area without attacking. The Adrimal like all Deatharon's views things through military might but his intelligence Avatars are telling him fighting an Elder race is useless. The Adrimal hails the Aliens:

Identify yourself's or be destroyed in the name of the Imperial Republic of Deatharon.
The Scandinvans
25-06-2005, 09:52
'Evem if you wwere capable of destroying me you would be crushed by my kin we they are needed. But, I will identify my slef that I am just an emssary of being many times strongerer than and ancient into the billlions of years who is the ruler of thiss syestemm and countless others."
25-06-2005, 09:57
The Adrimal feared this may one day happen the Imperial Republic of Deatharon would expand to a point where it ran into beings many times stronger. He communicates to the other commanders of the fleet and comes up with an idea. They hail the aliens

Since it obvious fighting you is pointless lets just ally and save each other wasted ammuntion.
The Scandinvans
25-06-2005, 10:03
"I agree to that as we ourselves have matters more urgent too deal with as we psuspect a war is looming between us and the Gaians and our kin who follow the light paths are not known if they will join in the upcoming war agianst us, so we ask you do you want to join our side in thwe war against ythe Gaians and in turn we willl bestow you great rewards if we win."
25-06-2005, 10:08
The Adrimal sends a message to the Emperor withing two hours time a message is sent to the aliens:

The Emperor has agreed to ally with the aliens of this system in the upcoming war with the Gaians who have betrayed the Imperial Republic and abandoned us in this darkness that we now live in.
The Scandinvans
25-06-2005, 10:13
OCC: Last rp for tonight, OI need sleep.

The Dark Eternal emissary/captain responded," Thank you this shall not be soon be out to side by us and we shall if you need it give you better weapons to fight against the Gaians with."
25-06-2005, 10:20
The Adrimal Responded, "We may need help with the Gaians they have an Elder race in there nation something we can hardly match by ourselves."
The Scandinvans
25-06-2005, 20:25
"Thes are the Ascendants the true rulers over the territiories of the Gaians. This is little known to anybody, the Ascendants gave them their advanced thechnologies or aided in it's creation. We Dark Eternals will help you gain the technologies needed for your use against the Gaians and Ascendants," the Dark Eteranl responded.
25-06-2005, 20:33
The Adrimal responds, "You may want to recurit the Grand Dominion Axis they hate the Gaians more than we do."
The Scandinvans
25-06-2005, 20:39
OCC: Is that a group, region, alliance, or just one nation.

The Dark Eteranl answered," The more descisve the victory we have over the Gaians and their allies the better it is. The more who join us the closer we are to our goal."
25-06-2005, 20:47
OOC: it is an alliance run by Neo Zeta

IC: The Adrimal responds, "The Grand Dominion Axis defeated the Gaian Ascendancy before they probally could do it again, because of The Grand Dominion Axis the Gaian Ascendancy has been missing for five years time."
The Scandinvans
25-06-2005, 20:53
"Hmmm.... Intresting the Gaians and the Ascendantas still exist for we know our kin who are 'good' meet with them and plotted war agianst us if they unite, the universe will be unsafe for culture and empires like ours," he siad in response.
25-06-2005, 21:10
OOC: Sorry got caught up in different Rp's. The Adrimal is checking his Avatars for information on the Gaian Ascendancy.

IC: The Adrimal responds, "The Gaians have dissapeared off our sensors for about five years time. We at first believed they were destroyed but they have returned and are demanding there lost territories."
The Scandinvans
25-06-2005, 21:13
"Our senors have kept track of them for untold years in mortal measure and we knew of their comeback before they were even established in the universe again after a billion years we were ever vigilant," he said.
25-06-2005, 21:16
The Adrimal responds, "When you say untold years do you mean like when you were all just regular races and not Elder races?"
The Scandinvans
25-06-2005, 21:45
OCC: Sorry about the wait.

He in turn said," I mean before must of the mondern races weren't even alive and before many of their worlds had developed comples life."
25-06-2005, 21:58
The Adrimal winced at the explaniation. The Avatar did as well the idea of any race being around that long and having tech to monitor the Ascendancy since then was astounding to them. The Adrimal responds, "We shall mark your space off limits if you give us the coordinates to all your systems and territories."

OOC: Its ok I was eating breakfast while surfing througth the different threads.
The Scandinvans
25-06-2005, 22:01
"You desire the knowledge of a million galaxies and trillions of worlds, we will give you the locations of all our galaxies and stars but down to planets we will not dislodge that infromation," he answered.
25-06-2005, 22:08
The Adrimal responds, "Agreed." The Adrimal secretly thanked the gods that they would not put all the species and stuff down. That kind of information along with the info on the millions of Galaxies and trillions of worlds would eventually overun the Imperial Republic's computer data base.
The Scandinvans
25-06-2005, 22:12
"I wish to now can we have some information about your empire?" he asked.
25-06-2005, 22:16
The Avatar responds for the Adrimal, "What do you wish to know about the Imperial Republic of Deatharon?"
The Scandinvans
25-06-2005, 22:18
"Boundaries, syestems, and just the number of planets not their location will serve us well," he messaged to the Admiral.
25-06-2005, 22:25
The Avatar processes the request and responds after getting the okay from the Adrimal, "The Imperial Republic of Deatharon claims the entire Antaries Galaxy, The systems we control are still under calculation because we keep expanding and moving plus we have not calculated all the planets that have fallen to our military."
The Scandinvans
25-06-2005, 22:27
"Fare enough, but please keep us updated on the future results. Do you wish to visit our vast empire?" he asked.
25-06-2005, 22:36
The Adrimal responds, "Sure but I need to notify the high command of what I am doing. The Avatar replys to the Adrimal, "I already did you got permission to vist them." The Adrimal replies to the Dark Eternals, "It seems I can, should I beam myself aboard your vessel or should I just use my own?"

OOC: Last post for now have to go to work soon
The Scandinvans
25-06-2005, 22:38
OCC: Alright.

"My vessal please," the Dark Eternal answered.
25-06-2005, 22:50
The Adrimal asks, "Does your life support human life and do you want me to use our transporter to beam on board your ship or do you want to just beam me aboard?"

OOC: We use the Startrek transporter to beam aboard and off ship.
The Scandinvans
26-06-2005, 00:06
He responded," Yes the ship can easly support human life and you can use any means you want to get aboard the ship."

OCC: Okay.
26-06-2005, 05:17
The Adrimal beams himself aboard the lead alien ship. He is armed with a force lance.
The Scandinvans
26-06-2005, 15:55
The Admiral is greeted by two aliens fourteen feet tall and three feet wide, and compleyely armored (like Halo Hunters) and carrying laser weapons of tearing down entire buildings and cutting down fifteen enemy soldiers down with one hit form thier weapons.

One of the gaurds said with a very hard accent," We sahll escort you to the main meeting room."
26-06-2005, 17:10
The Adrimal nods and saids, "Very well lets go." He follows the Guards to the meeting room.
The Scandinvans
26-06-2005, 19:22
The gaurds lead him onto a viewing platform above a traning area where many untold species are traning that are unknown to the people of his galaxy, the aliens are soldierstraning using advanced weapons far nore advanced then what soldiers of the younger races used in battle. Some of the trainging weapons being fired melt right through a test fire ship hull that is sent up.
27-06-2005, 05:19
The Adrimal watches the sight highly impressed at the technological ability of the Dark Eternals. He hopes this alliance will increase Deatharon's power.
The Scandinvans
27-06-2005, 13:24
They arrive at the meeting room where a being clothed entirely in black and it said," Venaia chara monra."

Upon hearing this the guards went out the door and stood guarding it.

Then the figure said to the Admiral with a accent," Welcome, Admiral to my ship."
27-06-2005, 22:45
The Adrimal responds, "I thank you for the invation to board this ship." He looks at the being and thinks know how do I use this meeting to my advantage.
The Scandinvans
27-06-2005, 23:13
The Dark Eternal said," Do you desire anything?'

At the same time lifting his hand six containers each containing a different strange liquid and they were housed in strange glowing containers made of perious stones unknown to the Admiral.
27-06-2005, 23:37
The Adrmal states, "We could use your help in the upcoming war agaisnt the Ascendancy."
The Scandinvans
27-06-2005, 23:42
The Dark Eternal questioned," What type of help do you desire?"
27-06-2005, 23:47
The Adrimal responds, "We request military backing should they decide to invade The Imperial Republic of Deatharon."
The Scandinvans
27-06-2005, 23:50
The Dark Eternal answered," You shall have our support if that occurs. In the mean time I have a device that you may want to try."

A couple of alien servant bring to the Admiral a single handed device that is made of silver and meant to be worn on the hand like a glove.
27-06-2005, 23:56
The Adrimal puts on the device on his right hand.
The Scandinvans
28-06-2005, 00:00
After he puts it on the gem in the center of the palm part of it turns on. Then the Dark Eternal says to him," With that device you can lift objects up 20 tons and throw them over 50 yards, aksi you can heal far quicker with that from wounds and sicknessses, and also you can fire flame balls at people and fire lighting at people also."
28-06-2005, 00:07
The Adrimal looks at the glove and looks up at the Dark Eternal and saids, 'Is there a place where we I can try to test out this device?"
The Scandinvans
28-06-2005, 00:10
The Dark Eternals answeres," Yes. Elevator Floor #A-128 Test Room #C-219."

The elevatyor within seconds arrives at the destination.
28-06-2005, 00:15
The Adrimal asks,"How does this device work anyway?"
The Scandinvans
28-06-2005, 00:16
The Dark Eternal responds," By thought alone does it needed to be worked."
28-06-2005, 00:21
The Adrimal responds, "Do you have any targets that are meant to be fired upon?"
The Scandinvans
28-06-2005, 00:23
The Dark Eternal answers," Hear are some."

He rasies his hand and following his hand movements are multiple tragets ready to be fireed upon.
28-06-2005, 00:28
The Adrimal uses the devices ability to shoot fire balls and lightning to hit its targets. he thinks to himself this is better than my force lance.
The Scandinvans
28-06-2005, 00:31
The Dark Eternal then sets down on the ground a large metal object weighing twenty tons and then syas to the Admiral," Try to pick that up now."
28-06-2005, 00:35
The Adrimal uses the device to pick up the object. He was shocked that it really worked.
The Scandinvans
28-06-2005, 00:36
The Dark Eternal asked," What do you think of that device?"
28-06-2005, 00:49
The Adrimal saids, "I think I know alot of people in the Deatharon military that would love to have these devices."

OOC: sorry for taking so long to post was eating dinner.
The Scandinvans
28-06-2005, 00:55
The Dark Eternal asked," What kind of figures would you want them in and for who?"
28-06-2005, 01:01
The Adrimal saids, "We would need a total of about 500,000 of them to go to the Imperial Intellgence Core, and the Imperial Republic Space Navy, and the Marine Starcommand."
The Scandinvans
28-06-2005, 01:10
The Dark Eternal answered," Alright, they are all ready, but be warned they cannot be duplicated by you for all Eternal technologies desgins and information is destroyed if any none-Eternal tries to excess the designs and secret infromation in them."
28-06-2005, 01:18
The Adrimal smiles and saids, "Then we better keep them away from the Reasearch Core they would want to tinker with these devices to duplicate there effects."
The Scandinvans
28-06-2005, 01:21
The Dark Eternal laughed slightly then siad," Sorry, we just use it as a fale safe so less advanced races don't gain hold of them. Also think of it if our empire's data is an incrediable amount on your computers think of what the technology in that device would do to your computers.'
28-06-2005, 01:30
The Adrimal thought about this for a few seconds and saids, "Yeah that would not be good for our computer systems. That is unless we find a way to seriously upgrade them."
The Scandinvans
28-06-2005, 01:34
The Dark Eternal said," These devices are insigniffacant to the natural power that the Dark Eternals can control."
28-06-2005, 01:37
The Adrimal responds, "So you can do all this without these devices?'
The Scandinvans
28-06-2005, 01:51
OCC: Sorry I am working on th war thread agianst the Gaians.

The Dark Eternal answered," Yes, those device's power is merely child's play for us."
28-06-2005, 01:56
OOC: Have to go to work last post for few hours

IC: The Adrimal recieves a call from the Imperial Republic his war fleet is to return home to defend the Imperial Republic's space. He nods and orders all ships exepct the Dragon's Eye to leave. He then looks at the Dark Eternal and saids, "Military manevering quite common for us." The Warfleet folds out of the system and back into the Antaries Galaxy.
The Scandinvans
28-06-2005, 02:00
OCC: Alright.

The Dark Eternal syas to the Admiral," Farewell."
The Scandinvans
30-06-2005, 03:30
OCC: Deatharon the war thread is called The Wars of Destruction here is the link: