New Innisfree on the brink of Civil War, Moderator requested
New Innisfree
14-05-2005, 22:09
This is Colonel James Naesmith, Foriegn Minister of The Isle (also known as New Innisfree). We are requesting one nation of UN status to moderate talks between us and the Sepratists
14-05-2005, 22:16
The Daesus of Concremo volunteer to send a diplomatic party to your fractured nation. If you accept, we shall send four negotiators with an armed guard of eight. Numbers are not negotiable, but we will perform these services free of charge to help regain national stablility.
OOC: We are non-human, but are very similar. we use human MT weapons and technology adapted to our different proportions and greater physical size. a full history detailing the Daesus is found here;
Southern Innisfree
14-05-2005, 22:24
My name is General Todd Taylor and I am the leader of Southern Innisfree. We accept the delegate
Now, for 15 years President O'Dwyer has corruptly kept his position and has assaulted my people multiple times because we are the minority socialists, we demand his resignation at once!!!
New Innisfree
14-05-2005, 22:27
General, you only are upset because you have been defeated by the president twice in general elections, and you well know the laws that outlaw socialism were put in place in 1988-years before the presidents election. We demand you disarm your rebels or we will attack
14-05-2005, 22:30
ooc: do you want my help or not?
(are you rping with two nations yourself? or have you got someone else to do it? if its just you, its easier to just use one account and say 'transmission from southern innisfree')
New Innisfree
14-05-2005, 22:32
ooc: yes- its me and my bro in tx and we would love the help
Secret Communique to New Innisfree:
Your troubles with socialist rebels has come to the attention of the Imperial Commonwealth of Malkyer, and we are willing to help. If you request it, we can send forces to help put down this uprising, or to act as peacekeepers and moderators during a diplomatic settlement. The choice is yours. If you would like our help, contact us.
Davis Hanson
Foreign Minister
New Innisfree
14-05-2005, 22:34
We also recommend using the appropriate court channels to repeal the laws, the president will not pen out a law because you want to force him at gunpoint
New Innisfree
14-05-2005, 22:36
Secret transmission to malkyer.
We will offer to bring your forces in as peacekeepers and if the situation goes bad, we will gladly accept military assistance
Southern Innisfree
14-05-2005, 22:38
Be Advised, Colonel, tell your President that until this issue is resolved we have Avante Air Base under our control, and we will execute them all should you attempt an invasion!!! :mp5:
14-05-2005, 22:39
The Daesus of Concremo would like to offer military support to New Innisfree if there is no diplomatic solution. We would like to work with Malkyer to bring peace to this scarred nation and have a sensible government in democratic control. As a sign of support, we offer to let negotiations take place on our soil to provide neutral grounds. This will also deter acts of violence, as an attack would be war against Concremo and we are bigger and better than all of Innisfree put together. We request that Malkyer send a representative as well.
ooc: combat smileys are the fastest way to be looked down on here.
New Innisfree
14-05-2005, 22:40
General, The President has given me authority to reach an agreement, not give you Independence, our moderators would agree-terrorist tactics would not bode well for PEACE negotiations. Now, give us your requests we will give you ours and the moderators will give sggestions
Southern Innisfree
14-05-2005, 22:43
We agree to peace talks in your nation and I give my word as an officer that no harm will come to Avante if no invasion is allowed
New Innisfree
14-05-2005, 22:45
The President has just sent word, I and Admrial Gee will come to your country and welcome any suggestions, he has further authorized me at any point, to halt negotiations if the saftey of the men at Avante are ever threatened
...We would like to work with Malkyer to bring peace to this scarred nation and have a sensible government in democratic control...
OOC: Just for future reference, that was labelled 'Secret,' meaning only New Innisfree knows I offered him support. Anywho, moving on.
Open Telegram to All Parties:
The Royal Navy has dispatched one carrier battle group, along with one division of Royal Marines, to Innisfree in order to provide a neutral presence to help mediate the situation in the area while the government of New Innisfree and the rebels of South Innisfree negotiate a peaceful solution to the problem. The Imperial Commonwealth urges both sides to maintain peace as their first and only priority. Malkyer is neutral here, and any transgression by either side will not be accepted while our ships are in-theater.
We would also like to commend the nation of Concremo for their efforts in dissolving the hostilities in Innisfree. We will of course send a representative to any negotiating table we are invited to.
Davis Hanson
Foreign Minister
Southern Innisfree
14-05-2005, 22:48
why would you give military support to his regime?
I feel this is not in good faith toward my people.
I do not wish conflict with you, so why would your soldiers have weapons pointed at me?
New Innisfree
14-05-2005, 22:53
This is Innisfree News:
Adm. Gee and the Foriegn Minister arrived on Concremo today to try and diffuse the situation which has led to major upheaval, General Taylor who was until last week Commander of the 144TH Red Branch Knights. He argues that the Anti-Socialism Law, passed on July 1, 1988 violates the people rights, we will keep you posted as these talks continue
14-05-2005, 22:55
All nations;
Weapons are pointed but the safety is on. There is still a safe and beneficial way for Innisfree to prosper. In any event of conflict towards anyone, nationally or internationally, we will not hesitate to take action. Forces are on standby, and facing both human and non-human forces would be most unwise.
Private TG to Malkyer;
We have forces on standby and are willing to assist if things go awry. On a words notice we shall have all twelve legions mobilised and en route towards Innisfree. We hope that our methods differ enough with you humans to cause unrest amongst the enemies ranks, but are similar enough to establish peaceful relations with Concremo and Malkyer.
To all of Innisfree;
We ask you this: Why do you dislike the opposing faction?
Southern Innisfree
14-05-2005, 23:00
We feel that the governments staunch anti-socialist stance is unhealthy for people in the South. President O'Dwyer does not effectivley represent our people, therefore we must push for independence
New Innisfree
14-05-2005, 23:02
We cannot and will not allow independence of the South, you cant just succeed when things arent going your way, we are all Innismen and our nation must be preserved. Thier are proper channels our forefathers installed for situations like these
14-05-2005, 23:07
Upon the reply of New Innisfree, we request that both factions write a brief report covering the following points;
(A) Why your leader should rule Innisfree/have an independance, and what are your goals.
(B) What your governments outlook to the following is;
-(B.1) Non-Humans
-(B.2) Ethnic minorities
-(B.3) Homo-sexuals
-(B.4) Working class (general populace)
(C) What extent you would you fight to achieve your goals.
(D) How willing are you to find a peaceful solution
To: All Involved
From: Colonel Janick Svoray
Subject: Proposed Solution
There seems to me to exist a glaringly obvious and simple solution to this process. South Innisfree desires independence because the government has outlawed socialism. Therefore, it stands to reason that if the government were to repeal this ban, the South would have no reason to secede. Unless there was a very specific reason that socialism was banned in the first place, I see no reason why this solution would not work.
Col. Janick Svoray
24th Division Adjutant
Southern Innisfree
14-05-2005, 23:20
The United Socialists States of Southern Innisfree herby declare:
We desire independence due to the increased anti-socialists background of the mother country.
While we have had little contact with non-humans we believe that all peoples everywhere deserve the right to exist and the right to engage in peaceful interaction with The State. Being the Ethnic and political minority we encourage the fair treatment of all who are loyal to The State. Homosexuality, while is not recognized as matromony here will not be persecuted.
We will go to the ends of the universe to achieve Independence, we only hope it will be peaceful.
14-05-2005, 23:24
We agree with Malkyer on this issue, and wish to offer peace in all its forms before resorting to war.
Super duper secret transmission to innisfree factions;
Assassinations, uprisings, bombings, sabotage and all manner of underhanded tricks are available to you for a significant discount, we can give you the edge when it comes to violence. Pricelist (in USD);
Assassination: $10 000 000 per head, mutilation requests taken
Bombings: $2 000 000 each, around 6 C4 charges used
Uprisings: $4 000 000 per month, union/terrorists/mercinary contacts and synchronisation
Sabotage: $50 000 000 each, missile silos, battleships, airfields, tank depots, barracks etc
Hijacking: $1 000 000 per target, 2 C4 charges used for effect
Surgical strikes: $5 000 000
ooc: completely unsponsored and unknown to the goverment, dont get angry anyone.
Southern Innisfree
14-05-2005, 23:38
I, Admiral John D. Gee by order of the President of New Innisfree give these, our intentions:
President O'Dwyer was elected by the whole people of New Innisfree three times- 1990, 1997 and 2004. He is the rightful represenitve of the people, as a whole sovergn nation. Our Constitution states that the fair treatment of all is given to ALL citizens. We will go to any extent to preserve the Union.
We desire Peace but are Ready for War
Southern Innisfree
14-05-2005, 23:41
The Anti Socialism Law was set in 1988 by a 78% to 22% vote by the whole nation. It can only be reversed by a vote of the people, General Taylor may apply for sucha vote and it will be carried through the proper channels, The President cannot repeal a law voted on by the people, it is unconstitutional
Southern Innisfree
14-05-2005, 23:43
that would take to long and just by numbers, we are a minority, we must seperate
14-05-2005, 23:49
The diplomats of Concremo suggest that both leaders be taken away for a short while to rest and recuperate, whilst an election is going on for whom should rule the country. On a side note, forces have been declared neutral, and 1st and 2nd Legions have been deployed. 1st are landing in the Southern Innisfree main airport, and 2nd are arriving in the New Innisfree capital. Each Legion numbers of around 124 000 Daesus, with exactly 30 000 as anti tank, 4 000 as officers and 90 000 as standard infintry. 40 multirole fighter-bombers, 60 fighters and 20 heavy bombers have been fueled and armed. 20 000 Supply trucks have accompanied the infintry, 6 000 MBTs and 2 000 artillery have been deployed on the border, but will not mobilize unless hostile actions take place.
This is not negotiable. Our forces shall remain until a diplomatic solution is found, or the agressors are crushed.
15-05-2005, 00:02
Message from the office of the Presidency of the People's Republic of Arabistania
The People's Republic of Arabistania will, in accordance with the anti-imperialist line of our foreign policy, support the right of the United Socialist States of South Innisfree (USSSI) to declare their God given right to independence and nationhood.
If the Republic of New Inisfree (the north) wishes to keep the south and north as one nation, then they must listen to the concerns of the USSSI.
The Republic of New Innisfree MUST meet the following demands:
1.) To abolish the Anti-socialist law of 1988 and allow for the full freedom of workers and all working class and communist/socialist parties.
2.) For the government and president of the Republic of New Innisfree to resign and allow for proper multiparty elections
3.) To renounce war and aggression as policy for national unity.
If the North refuses these demands, then the People's Republic of Arabistania will support the USSSI and declare war on the Republic of New Innisfree.
My government has yet to build up an advanced military force, but we will provide the following to the USSSI in their struggle for independence:
1.) 25,000 troops from the Revolutionary Militia of Arabistania.
2.) 2,000 suicide bombers with C4 and dynamite bombs.
3.) Medical staff and medicine.
4.) Food supplies.
Message from the President of the People's Republic of Arabistania
Sayeed Qutb.
15-05-2005, 00:12
Further revision of our international outlook has resulted with us siding with Southern Innisfree. All troops in the country have been mobilised to the border, and will not start a conflict. if the New Innisfree attack us, we will work in conjunction with Malkyer and Arabistania to wipe out their military down to the last soldier. If we are attacked by South Innisfree, we shall work with the aforementioned nations to subdue their military, and proceed to have new officials in charge. Their noble policies and politics, however, shall stay.
Red Tide2
15-05-2005, 00:14
Top Secret Message to New Innisfree From Tech-Com Corporation
"We are willing to sell you our weapons... tanks, planes, guns, missiles, hell even ships if you have the money. It depends on wether you can afford it or not. Here is some of our equipment:
MBT-66: This State-of-the-Art Main Battle Tank has 37% more armor than a M1A2 Abrams, yet moves at the same speed. The reason for this is instead of using the Abrams Steel-DPU Advanced Composite Armor, we use Titanium-DPU Advanced Composite Armor. Titanium is 40% stronger than steel yet lighter. The MBT-66 armament consists of one 140mm ETC Cannon, one 7.62mm co-axial machinegun, and one top mounted 12.7mm(.50 Caliber) machinegun. It has all the electronics you would find on a M1A2 SEP(Special-Electronics Package). Its gun is capable of firing HEAT(anti-APC/IFV/LBT), SABOT(Anti-MBT), and HE-FRAG(Anti-Infantry) shells. Cost:10 million USD per tank
APC-45:This Armored Personnel Carrier is capable of carrying 10 men inside. It has a fully rotatable turret armed with two 23mm rapid firing FLAK guns. These guns are also effective against infantry and unarmored veichles. 3 million per APC.
M-100 Assault Rifle:This rifle fires about 100 meters more then the AK-74, 10 more Rounds Per Minute, and has a slightly larger clip(34 instead of 30). It utilises 6.5mm rounds and can come with either a gunsight or laser scope. Fires in semi-auto, auto, and burst. Cost:1200 USD per gun.
MDM-1 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher:Has the same effective range as the M-100 Assualt Rifle and can be fired inside buildings. Unguided, lightweight, portable, and reloadable. Fire from above or behind the tank for maximum penetration. 2400 per launcher.
MDM-4 Surface-Air Missile: Is capable of effectively targeting all types of aircraft, Cruise Missiles, and Short Range Ballistic Missiles(like the SCUD) at all levels of height. A battery of them comes with Laser-Guided, IR Guided, and Radar-Guided Missiles, the first two are for targetting low-mid flying viechles, the latter targets mid-high flying veichles. A battery also comes with a specialised high powered radar array capable of detecting and targetting most Low Signature(read:Stealth) aircraft. A battery usually consists of 6 of these fine weapons. The MDM-4 is even capable of targetting large bombs(such as a FAE or MOAB), though only the laser guided missiles are capable of doing this. The MDM-4 is a stationary weapon that must be disassembled to move and assembled to fire. The launcher holds 6 missiles(radar-guided) or 12 missiles(IR and Laser-Guided). A single radar array can guide a battery of MDM-4s. The total cost for a Launcher WITH missiles costs about 21 million USD per launcher. The radar array costs 10 million USD.
M-1 Tunguska RT Mobile Anti Aircraft System: This is a modified Tunguska Mobile Anti-Aircraft Gun/Missile System. Instead of firing 8 SA-19 Missiles, it fires 8 QMSAM(Quick Manueverable Surface-Air Missiles)-10 and -20 missiles. These missiles move at Mach 5 and are either Laser(-10 version) or IR (-20 version) guided. Both versions have a 93% success rate against low-flying aircraft and cruise missiles. This will cost 12 million USD per launcher WITH the missiles.
LRASM(Long Range Anti-Surface Missile)-50: This is NOT a cruise missile but instead a long range missile effective against ships, bunkers, and structures(effectiveness against target type depends on warhead). There are two versions, a air launched one and a surface launched one, the former haveing a slightly shorter range of 110 miles instead of 115 miles. There are 4 warheads, deep penetration, anti-structure, anti-ship, and chemical delivery. The missile moves above mach-1 and is a surface skimmer making it difficult to hit with CIWS. It costs 3 million per missile.
We hope these products will fit your needs well. Please contact us soon.
PS:We prefer that you have a place to deliver these weapons."
End Message
15-05-2005, 00:44
Message from the office of the Presidency of the People's Republic of Arabistania
The People's Republic of Arabistania would like to thank the Republic of Concremo for their wise decision to support the just cause of the USSSI.
Arabistania wishes to build up and expand her own military forces.
Would the Republic of Concremo consider giving chemical weapons (sarin gas, mustard gas, nerve agent and anthrax) to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Arabistania?
In return, Arabistania would give the Concremo Republican Army 5 brigades of suicide bombers (each brigade has 50 bombers), which would see the inclusion of a total of 250 suicide bombers in the Concremo Republican Army.
From the President of the People's Republic of Arabistania
Sayeed Qutb
Space Union
15-05-2005, 00:50
I urge both sides to stop their actions against each other. Space Union will interfere if needed to keep the peace. A diplomatic resolution is strongly favored by my government and if current peace talks die, then we will host another round of peace talks at our capital, Harsimran City.
President Harsimran Mann
Technocratic Republic of Space Union
15-05-2005, 00:52
We graciously reject the offer you have placed before us, as we have very recently ordered the destruction of our entire "anti-civillian" missile stockpile. We do not welcome suicide bombers humans in general in our military, but would like to establish peaceful ties nevertheless.
We shall not send research notes or specimens of various abandoned chemical weapons. These wepons shall never see the light of day, or a theatre of war. We are to shortly commense decommissioning of these too.
15-05-2005, 01:02
Message from the office of the Presidency of the People's Republic of Arabistania
To:The Republic of Concremo
Arabistania would urge the Republic of Concremo to consider that in light of the desire of Concremo to disband it's missiles, that it instead would sell them to Arabistania.
We would even consider allowing corporations and businesses from Concremo to obtain a 30% ownership of our fishing, agricultural and oil industries in return for Concremo to hand over all of its missiles and chemical weapons to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Arabistania.
From the President of the People's Republic of Arabistania
Sayeed Qutb
15-05-2005, 02:01
Message from the office of the Presidency of the People's Republic of Arabistania
To: Red Tide 2
The People's Republic of Arabistania would like to buy the following weapons:
*40 = LRASM(Long Range Anti-Surface Missile). 120 million USD in total
*650 = MDM-1 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher. 1,560,000 USD in total
*30 = APC-45 90 million USD in total
Total bill: 211.56 million USD
For the LRASM, can all warheads be chemical warheads.
From the President of the People's Republic of Arabistania
Sayeed Qtub
Red Tide2
15-05-2005, 02:24
OOC:Arabistania I think you got it wrong. You never HEARD that message. The message was sent to the side that you are NOT on.
15-05-2005, 03:04
Message from the office of the Presidency of the People's Republic of Arabistania
To: Red Tide 2
I have already pleged the support I am giving to the USSSI with what I have already sent. I have no intention of expanding on the 25,000 Revolutionary Milita fighters and the 2,000 suicide bombers that I have already given to the USSSI independence struggle.
My desire to purchase the weapons that I listed to you in my previous message are for the general build up of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Arabistania and to obtain chemical weapon capabilities for my nation.
I would even offer a promise not to use ANY purchase I make from you for my military support for the USSSI.
This is simply an offer to do business, which I hope your willing to consider.
From the President of the People's Republic of Arabistania
Sayeed Qutb
Red Tide2
15-05-2005, 04:20
OOC:You know NOTHING about the message. You dont know that the Tec-Com Corporation is involved in New Innisfree. Speaking of Tech-Com, theyre the ones who are making the offer. NOT the goverment of Red Tide. If you want to purchase weapons from the Tech-Com Corporation, you put the words Tech-Com in the 'To:' part of the message. But I will NOT accept the interception of the message sent to the side that you WILL be fighting. So when you send your order to the Tech-Com Corporation(which I request you do over again) do not mention the conflict in Innisfree.
15-05-2005, 09:12
Arabistania, there shall be no handing over of any of our missiles. We would be unleashing a curse on you humans if they see the battlefield, something we could not forgive ourselves for.
To: Arabistania
From: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Subject: Weapons
To Whom It May Concern,
Your attempt at gaining chemical weapons from Concremo at this time is wholly inappropriate. Malkyer and Concremo are currently at work trying to preserve peace in Innisfree. You are welcome to help us, but this is not the time or place for weapons proliferation. After the issue at hand is resolved, then you may pursue these weapons on your own time and at your own expense, though we urge you not to. Good day.
Davis Hanson
Foreign Minister
15-05-2005, 20:16
Malkyer, be assured that we shall not sell any of these weapons to anyone, as their next and final journey is to a disarmament factory. Samples of payload have already been incinerated, notes shredded and personell separated from each other. The structure was so that no one of the 40 branches could make the whole weapon, only one or two component. Names were replaced with numbers, and so we hope to forget the project and never revive it.