Akins Republic Begins Production of its own navy
Akin Republics
10-05-2005, 20:17
After some deliberation, the Millitary High Command realized it may, as one leader reccomended, be wiser to make their own fleet.
The massive fleet is setimated to cost 5 trillion dollars.
2000 Glory Class Destroyers each 500 million= 1 trillion
2000 Patriot Class Cruisers each 500 million = 1 Trillion
1000 Daredevil Class Submarines each 1 billion = 1 trillion
40 Posiedon Class Aircraft Carriers each with 150 fighter bomber F-1 Raider. each 25 billion for 1 trillion.
20 Imperium Class Arenal/Capitol ships for 50 billion each, =1 trillion.
10-05-2005, 23:24
that a pretty big navy.
Akin Republics
10-05-2005, 23:27
we will continue on with this rate of ship production for teh next 3 years. The flagship of our navy shall be a 500 billion guided missle battleship/carrier hybrid of our own making.
Akin Republics
10-05-2005, 23:40
Also, at the end of the 3 years we will go into specifics about our ships's design, armaments/weapons systems, etc. At that time, countries will be able tp purchase the blue prints for our ships, and will be able to reproduce them freely.
wait? A ship with 500 billion guided missiles or a ship with guided missiles that costs 500 billion? the ofrmer would be so pricey as to be absurd, I mean you could build it on the cheap but that many guided issiles would bankrupt you.
also, Your carrier design is very expensive, for a carrier of that size your probably looking at a price more like 10 billion. and both your cruiser and destroyers seem a little cheap, a better price would be between 8 hundred million and a billion, Your nav looks to be sadly lacking in variet as well, you need a,phibios assault crafts, supply vessels. patrol boats, shallow drafted combat vessels (Corvettes), and a few other things to make a navy.
Furthermore: The Navy your building is HUGE, HUMONGUOS and GARGANTUAN all at the same time. You probably don't have the popultaion to support it even if you do have the cash.
Akin Republics
11-05-2005, 19:40
Well my popualtion is slightly over a billion so i think it would suffice. As for no amphibious craft, that is not a problem as for now i am concetrating on building a powerful defensive force. I know my navy may lack in variety now, but once we have the core navy set up, we can begin to elaborate with acessories such as supply vessles etc. again, while we may be prodicing a very large navy, it is not yet in service, so we dont have to worry about supply ships yet, and again those will be built after the core navy has been set up. Our carrier has some unique features that set it apart from other carriers, in fact it would be more proper to call it a battle carrier. But more on that later. Your suggestion about the fact that our destoryers and cruisers being possibly inferior to others because of theri chepaer price tag has in fact sparked heated debate. We have decided this year to spend the 2 trillion dollars on improving on our current 4000 destroyers and cruisers, and creating a much more versatile and powerful vessle. As for our 500 billion flagship, keep in mind there is only 1, and since it is the flag ships, carrying several Admirals on the Naval High Command it will only see combat if it is completely unavoidable.
Akin Republics
11-05-2005, 19:43
The rest of the 3 trillion, for producing the carriers,Arsenal Ships, and submarines will continue as planned.