NationStates Jolt Archive

Terrorist Attack in the Tru'Way of Alan (Open FT)

The True Way of Alan
09-05-2005, 18:41
VectorTunnel A5- A large speedway designed for speeders and hovercrafts. Speeds up to 150 km per hour, one of the largest mass transit tunnels on Tru’Alan

Derek Holms had been in Tru’Alan for over three months now. This was the part of his job he hated. Had to get a visa. Had to live in this country. Had to buy a house. Had to find a job. He was just lucky that the Holy Hands of Alan paid for everything. The Hands had been planning this operation for over a year now. The spaceship was due to arrive in only one hour. “Guess I better get to the bloody dock and pick up the guys.” Holms muttered to himself.

Tru’Alan InterGalactic Spaceport-

Holms stood there holding the sign up. He smiled as seven or eight men detached themselves from the crowd and walked towards him.
"One?” the tall blonde one asked softly.
“Yes, I’m One. You are Two.” Holms said quietly. “The speeder is outside. Do you have luggage?”
Two just laughed. “It wasn’t a concern. We won’t be here long.”

-Safe House-906 N 8th Avenue- Tru’Alan City, Tru’Alan.

“Ok. I’m One. This here is Two. You all are Three through Eight. Got it? Good. Here’s a map of the region surrounding Vectortunnel A5. Three and Four? I’ve got two blast rifles. You each are going to be on opposite sides of the bridge. When you hear the explosion, open up into the cars and crowds that are around. Five through Eight, I’m going to give everyone of you pistols and your job is to go to the railway station and pick up the packages. There are four. Be careful. When you get them back, we’ll load the speeders and hoverships that I “borrowed”.

Holms and Two walked out of the room. “So tell me One, why did you join the cause?”“The attention. I was bloody attention deprived as a child.” Holms said as Two laughed, “No, honestly, because I thought that I could make something of my life.”“ I understand.” Two said. “I think we all want that.”

-The Next Day-
“C’mon! Get a move on! We got one hour ‘til deadline.” One yelled as he watched Three and Five struggle to load the explosives onto the hovership.

30 minutes till Deadline-
One and Two stood watching from the top of the nearby skyscraper.
“Are you sure we can’t be traced?” Two asked nervously.
“Bloody sure. Nervous are we, chap?” One said calmly. “I’ve been in over a dozen ops and never got caught. I know what I’m doing.” One laughed and thought. Well. I know what I’m doing. He made sure his silenced pistol was loaded. The Leader had said that Two was supposed to die in action. Or just die. One had to make sure that happened.

The two hoverships headed for the support pillars holding up the vectortunnel. Five and Six looked at each other across the water and nodded. They both reached for the switch in front of them.

As the explosion ripped the center of the vectortunnel out, from opposite ends two speeders sped onto the bridge and exploded themselves taking out the closest part of the bridge.

“Looks like Seven and Eight did it right.” Two said.
“Bloody good job.” One answered. “The whole center and end of the bloody tunnel is gone.”

Three watched as police and ambulances pulled up. As the officers and EMTs leaped out, he pulled up his blast rifle and opened up into the police and people around him. “For Alan!” He yelled.”

Four listened to the sounds of the explosions and then gunshots. “It’s freaking working.” He muttered.
He pulled out his rifle and let loose several blasts into the stand-bys before turning it onto himself.

One smiled as he pointed the gun at the back of Two’s head.
“Bloody sure it worked Two. But, you don’t get credit.” With that he pulled the trigger and watched as Two’s head exploded into little bits.
The True Way of Alan
10-05-2005, 18:40
Four sprinted down the side street firing his blast rifle over his shoulder. He grunted as a bolt hit his left leg and sent him flying.

"You little shit. You're under arrest." The Peaceofficer's name tag said El'rich. "On next thought. Maybe I should just shoot you here?"

Four looked up at him and just smiled. "For Alan."

Offical Holy Empire of the True Way of Alan Statement:

A terrorist group calling themselves the Holy Hands of Alan have destroyed a VectorTunnel in Tru'Alan. The death count is at over 40,000 due to the high nature of travel.

The Minister of State, K'ristif, was caught in the blast as her convoy drove here to a meeting with the officals from Issil. It appears at the moment that she was just unfortantely caught in the blast. However an investigation is underway. One terrorist has been apprehended. We hope to elimiate this fringe radical group and resolve the death of the MoS.

Any international aid is appreciated and will most likely be accepted.

The True Way of Alan
11-05-2005, 14:58
Four woke up to a bright light in his face. He tried to sit, but realized that he was stapped down.

"So. You're the terrorist. What's your name?"

Four struggled to see the voice and it's owner. "Four"

"Right. Your real name."


Four grunted as a fist slammed into his face.

"Now listen. You will tell us everything. We can extract it from your memory after you are dead. Your choice."
The True Way of Alan
12-05-2005, 18:19
Four looked up as a man stepped into view, leveled a blast pistol at Four's chest and fired.

Four's last thought was that blast guns really didn't hurt all that much....

"I want a memory extraction. Find out everything we can."

Comdr. Darsik was the officer in charge of the Tru'Alan IAC. His superiors had insturcted him to keep somewhat quiet.
Hell on earthx666
12-05-2005, 18:46
Flaming Souls
12-05-2005, 18:55
*tagged to join in later*
The True Way of Alan
18-05-2005, 13:59
The AIS had extracted all nessecary information from Four's brain.

Four. You are going to be...'terminated'.

Four began to shake visibly. He watched as a black-clad soldier stepped forward, leveled a strange gun at him and pulled the trigger.


Pvt. G'utrhi put the kil-pistol back into the holster and stepped out of the room...

The Black Guard were activated to capture at least 5 rogue terrorist cells throughout Tru'Alan.
18-05-2005, 15:37
OOC: If at any time or place you want to magically link these to me when you end this thread, as a linkup with the other thread we have planned, go ahead.

I'll try and get my application to ESUS done before then so I don't get stuck between two things at once. Do'nt worry, I don't plan on pullnig ESUS into anything related to this though.
Millitary might
18-05-2005, 15:47
To:The True Way of Alan
From: Millitay Might
The Federation sends it deepest regrets and offers to send in the 4 man Delta squad to assist in the capture of the terrorist.

Dictator-for-life Raxilion

OoC: Delta squad is kinda like Rainbow 6 only with more futuristic weapons.
18-05-2005, 16:21
"This Jan Johnson, CID News. The Emperor is about to make a statement.

"I want to assure the international community that the government of Darkumbria had no knowledge of this act, and if the perpatraitors of this act oare found on Darkumbrian soil, we will return extridite them for justice. If no extridition is asked for, we will enact our own form of justice for this crime. No questions."

/The Emperor stepped away from the podium.
19-05-2005, 09:38
Official Xenonian statement.

We would send help, but there is a small problem. The problem that you hate us and would shoot the people carrying the aid, take the aid for yourselves and continue to voice your pathetic anti-Xenonian propaganda. The sad thing is, you will probably continue to spout this and all the while, we sit on the sidelines, ready to help if we are ever asked to, which we never will despite our readyness to do so.

What a pity.

Charles Dreyfuss,

Xenonian Senior Ambassador.
Hell on earthx666
19-05-2005, 13:06
Seeing as most of the fleet of Hell on Earth came from your store, I would like to help you. Please tell us how we may help you. be it military or humanitarian aid.
King Ashnak Agaku & Gen. Adam Selene
The Planet Federation
19-05-2005, 13:18
The Peoples Republic of The Planet Federation sends its deepest regrets.

Being victims of mutiplile terroists nuclear attacks on our soil has also killed many people in our nation.

We at the time on the attacks only had 4 nations help us. We are here to ensure that we will pledge our support to your aid requests.

In route right now is a medium medical vessel to orbit your nation to give immediate medical assistance to anyone who needs it. Also en rote are 20 MIlitary transport craft each carring 100 men. These will remain in netural space until you give them acess to enter your space.

We also have contracted Labtec Corp on the federation our largest transport company to send varous amout of aid ranging from food to shelters. These will also remain in netural space until you give them clearence. Please let us know as soon as possible.

We morn the losses youve substained here and we are in much regret the terroists actions on your Nation.

The Prime Minister
Ricky Hanekamp
The True Way of Alan
19-05-2005, 18:35
~Official Government Statement~

The True Way of Alan would like to thank all those who have offerered aid.
We will accept all offers of aid and military assistance.
We have apprehended one terrorist and are in the process of locating and apprehending several more.
It appears that a rebellion movement is in process and will be crushed summarily...


OOC:Xenonier, if you wanna offer to aid the rebels TG me.
The Planet Federation
19-05-2005, 21:01
Our Troops just arrived out of warp and are being transpoted down to your antion as we speak. All humanitarian aid is also being transported. If you have any wounded please send them to our space ship.
The True Way of Alan
20-05-2005, 00:42
The True Way of Alan thanks you...

Our intellegince agencies have located the source of the rebellion...

20-05-2005, 00:49
The Imperial Republic of Deatharon would like to send military aid to supress the terrorist threat.

Emperor Akarth Von Antheron
20-05-2005, 09:19
The True Way of Alan thanks you...

Our intellegince agencies have located the source of the rebellion...


Prove it in an impartial court of law without doctored evidence. Because knowing the fact you host many speeches and forums on new ways to kill us, have a flagship named "xenonier's bane" and are still seething after we annihilated your last attack and that of your allies, I serverley doubt your people and their impartiality.

Charles Dreyfuss, Xenonian Senior ambassador

OOC: Xenonier doesn't support terrorists. If they wanted to take you down you would see a miak lineship or two above your capital planet blasting away with merry abandon. Trust me on this one.
The Planet Federation
20-05-2005, 12:29
Although The Planet Federation is a devoted nation to stopping terroists through all galaxys. We would need some kind of proof that the Nation in question :Xenonier. We need undenyable evidence that they are harboring terroists before our nation can respond.

Although until we are satisifed in the Xenonier issue will will keep troops and humaniatarian aid flowing to your Nation.

The Prime Minister
Ricky Hanekamp
Hell on earthx666
20-05-2005, 13:33
Message from Hell on Earth military command center on Tellus Tertius:
"The military aid should be arriving now, we are sending 200,000 ground troops and 4 Apocalypse class star ships carrying 800 heavy drone bombers, 100 light drone fighters,100 Blackfires and 100 Starrunners. The fleet is being comanded by Commander Hazel Stone."-Gen. Adam Selene
21-05-2005, 10:42

We have no doubt the allies of The True Way of Alan are already amassing forces to attack our borders, not unlike the manner of a dog that likes to perform pleasing tricks before their master, whom unto which he hands them a kibble treat for their services.

Know this.

Xenonier has nothing to do with this - and we have challenged The True Way of Alan to prove otherwise. Those whom launch a pre-emptive strike, we will defend ourselves.

Charles Dreyfuss

Xenonian Senior Ambassador
21-05-2005, 16:58
"Sir! Incoming transmission!"

"Put it through to my screen, ensign." Captain John Perry of the Ybronnebian Intergalactic Battleship Maleficus ordered. He looked over the various messages. Finally, he looked up.

"Ensign, get me Commander Vrex. Bring us about to two-niner-one. Full speed."

"Aye aye, captain."
-----Perry's Office>Destroyer Maleficus-----
"Commander Vrex. Good to see you."
"Same, sir."
"Very well. On to business." Perry hit a button, displaying a holographic map of Xenonier. "We have just been notified of a terrorist attack from a rebellion in Xenonier. The details are a little sketchy at this point, but we have decided to move in none the less. We'll have our archives searched, and see if we can get some intel. As far as I know, the rebellion could be on any one of countless planets. I want your team ready for drop at any time."
"Yes sir! Rules of engagement?"
"Keep it quiet, as always. Do what you do."
"Sir!" Vrex saluted and left the office, leaving Perry to contemplate the map.
Finally, he set up a communication channel with the Ybronnebian Intergalactic Information Database (YIID).
"Administrator Grendin? John Perry here. Yes. Good to hear your voice too, sir. Yes, that's right. No, Susan's doing fine. Um...yes, but I'm sorry. This isn't a personal call, unfortunately. No. Actually, I need information on..." Perry checked the folder on his desk. "...Xenonier. Yes. That's right. Yes, multiple planets. Yes. Apparently there is a rebellion. We've decided to aid in it's destruction. Correct." Perry laughed, as Grendin said something on the other end. "Isn't it always though? Talk to you later, James. Say hi to the kids for me." Perry paused. "And James? This is top secret, as usual. I know. Take care." Perry cut the line. Finally, before returning to the bridge, Perry took out a clean white label, sticking it in his computer. He typed out seven bold letters, printed it, and stuck it on the folder: Grendel.
-----Wraith Ready Room 07>Destroyer Maleficus-----
"Wraiths! Suit up! We've got work to do!"
"Silenced, as always. Give me 3 frags each, 2 flashes, and a smoke. We'll be using our OMEGA tactical assault rifles for this one. Understood?"
The team of 20 saluted casually and set to work.
-----YIID Headquarters>Restricted Archives-----
James Grendel sat at the computer terminal, one of several lining one wall. He tried several queries, printing out all information each time. Gathered from various sources, the information was sketchy at best. Still, it might yield some facts. Grendel also passed the word on to several other agencies, giving minimal information, which each started studies of their own. Within hours, the information was sent to Perry.

OOC EDIT: Fixed most of it, I think. If there's anything else, tell me. I just need confirmation regarding Grendin's findings. Anything that he might find would be good. Most would be just normal, everyday information, tourism stuff, history, etc.
22-05-2005, 02:39
OOC: The Xenonian Protectorate is in it's own galaxy, the number of planets there are is immense. The entire Xenonian fleet is currently 7 ships - each one designated a battlefleet for good reason.

Considering nobody except Dratheria has ever been in that galaxy, navgiated that galaxy, or even bothered to explore It, I find it impossible you even know what you are looking for, alongside the other fact you wouldn't have just got through the orbtial defences and the like without being blown to pieces.

Yes, you'd need recon and planning before you tried anything like that. Most Xenonian planets are unihabited after all - you'd be aiming for the immensly heavily guarded ones close to the protectorate core, all of which have string sensors. The problem is you wouldn't get there in one piece, so aiming for one of the core world is a good idea. Only problem is ,there are no Xenonian installations on those, so you would be shooting civlians and our reprocriaton and that of my allies would be pretty nasty.

In other words, you really need to roleplay some reconnaisaince, or it's completely unfeasible you'd get anywhere near Xenonier in one piece.
23-05-2005, 03:00
OOC: My mistake. This is my first real military rp since I went FT. I'll edit tomorrow at school.
23-05-2005, 08:15

no problem, happens to the best of us at any time.
23-05-2005, 20:12
OOC: Okay...fixed, I think.
24-05-2005, 02:10
OOC: He wouldn't find too much, just how the Xennoians come, help anyone they find, treat everyone fairly, blow those who attack them away in a storm of gunfire and are fairly aloof.

Mostly their society is open and random. Virtually anything you can make up except crimes would be reall - they tolerate anything. I'd guess you be on one of the ringworlds, a realtively lightly guarded (seemingly so) world where the actual Xenonian anicents (Ie, the ones who will kill you) tend to hide and watch.

Three types of Xenonian, anthropmorph, Ancient, Human. Anicents are the originla, the other two are being absorbed into the protectorate as they expand.
25-05-2005, 02:51
OOC: The thought of fighting that scares the hell out of me!! The Ancient weapons alone wiped out Anubis's fleet and they make up some of your population!!!!
25-05-2005, 06:27
OOC: The thought of fighting that scares the hell out of me!! The Ancient weapons alone wiped out Anubis's fleet and they make up some of your population!!!!

OOC: Hence my fleet being 7 ships and the military 50 000. They could probably even take on some of teh ub3rpow3rs in a straight 1v1 fight and win rather easily.
The True Way of Alan
26-05-2005, 16:01
The True Way of Alan withdraws it's complaints against Xenonier and wil apologize for it's unwarrented slander.

Lord Priest N'ala R'hab
26-05-2005, 16:16
Excellent, much appreciated you show us the same respect we show you. Of course, you couldn't blame us when we explicitly state we don't trust you, but we expect you would do the same, so that is nothing new.

- Charles Dreyfuss, Xenonier senior ambassador
26-05-2005, 20:31
OOC: RL stuff came up...I'm gonna have to pull out of this one.
27-05-2005, 12:09
OOC: RL stuff came up...I'm gonna have to pull out of this one.

OOC: Okay. Well, it doesn't look like anything is going to happen in this thread anymore ...
The True Way of Alan
27-05-2005, 20:22
OOC: Yeah. I think that the terrorist angle is history...Thanks y'all. Xenonier TG me if you wanna start a war...