Royal family Stranded (FT)
The Planet Federation
08-05-2005, 22:15
The Roayal Family of The Planet Federation expierenced a explosion on board there escort space craft this morning while in route back to the Federation. Our thermographics indicate they are losing oxygen fast. Although they were escorted it seems the explosion triggered the Enengercy attack EMP on the craft.....This EMP was designed that if the ship was attacked it would go off disabling the attacking ship...
This EMP disabled all the escort ships we are unsure of their condition.
Any ships that are in the coordinates of 192.98.2080 please retireve and secure the royal family.
The Vice Prime Minister of The Planet Federation
Rico Aboutt
PS. We currently have 1 major fleet of ships at warp 9.8 enclosing on the convoy but they will not arrive for another 10 hours due to the extreme distance they were from the Federation.
The Scandinvans
08-05-2005, 22:18
We have one Imperial Destroyer in the area and we have ordered it rescue them and it should be there within the hour and it's life support syestems and resuce and escape craft are not affecfted by EMPs.
The Planet Federation
08-05-2005, 22:25
"This is General Nikkoli of The Federation Escort Ship Jennains"
General Looks Up at war torn ship and around at the bridge and all the dead bodies there must be at least 50
"STAY AWAY FROM HERE DO NOT COME NEAR IT WASNT AN EMP THE ESCOR----static----designed to with------EMP IT WAS AN ATTA---------ITS A TR----------DO--------Help
General of RFSS (royal Family Security Services)
Frank Hummel
The Scandinvans
08-05-2005, 22:33
The destroyer quick;y scanned and found that weapon activty had happened and began to scan the trail the projectieles had left until it found the escort that had attacked the ships and it's cannons and other armanents opened readied to fire at the ship.
The Planet Federation
08-05-2005, 22:55
This Is Senator Feaadeetr traveling with the royal family someone please come in...
The Scandinvans
08-05-2005, 22:58
The ship disabled the escort's weapons syestems and then headed the stranded ship and sent in a rescue dispatch.
The Planet Federation
08-05-2005, 23:03
Senator Feaadeetr reporting to anyone listening please come in......I think Queen Gilmore is dead.....i repeat we need immediate medical assistance to anyone listening on this ban. Queen Gilmore of The Planet Federation might isnt breathing and she has no pulse. The king is bleeding everywhere. Please help us anyone.
Someone please Come in this is Royal Escort 1124000------------------CONNECTION TIMEOUT----------------
The Scandinvans
08-05-2005, 23:06
The resuce ships immieately docks and it's medical team rushesd to the royal quarters and tries to save the king and queen.
The Planet Federation
08-05-2005, 23:13
The Medical teams arrive on board the escort ship. The senator rushes them to the Queen and king and they begin duing emengery rescue procedures on the Royal Family the Queen is not looking good but it looks like King Gilmore will survive.
The Scandinvans
08-05-2005, 23:17
One of the doctors asked," How long hasn't the queen been breathing?"
The Planet Federation
08-05-2005, 23:24
About 25 minutes please SAVE HER!!!!!
Federation Rescue Fleet still inbound has gotten word of the royal families condition and has gotten emengercy authorization to surpass warp 10 The ships are now traveling at warp 12.5 a speed thought impossible by Federation standards..
Expected Fleet Arrival time 18 minues
The Scandinvans
08-05-2005, 23:28
The doctor said," We can, but we will have to use unorthdox methods."
He takes out a needle with a strange fluid in it.
The Planet Federation
08-05-2005, 23:36
"What is that WHAT ARE YOU DOING"... Demands the Captian of the Escort Ship CPT. Greer announced
10 minutes
Gaian Ascendancy
09-05-2005, 07:48
Meanwhile the signals were recieved by deep border HPG stations at the edge of the Ascendancy Core Republic, and relayed to StarFleet Command.
As a result, a medical fleet of six Med-Troop Hospital Ships, and a cover of five WarShips, the former equipped with hyper advanced genetic refabrication units and all kinds of normal tech for a Hospital vessel, were dispatched to the coordinate area.
They Fold Jumped to coordinate 192.98.2080 about fifteen minutes after recieving the transmission. They also iknew by signals that Scandinvan vessels were in the area, but who knows what they could do medical wise.
As a result, the small fleet Folded with only humanitarian concerns in mind, as they appeared off the far port sector of the respective vessels, their announce shown by the bright horizontal expanding light scheme of vessels traversing through Fold Subspace.
As soon as they appear, a message is sent out...
~ :: This is the Gaian emergency assistance Fleet Fourty-Two. Give us a status situation and how we can assist. Out hospital vessels are ready to assist where required.
Admiral Dana McKenna :: ~
They hold station, but begin sending out three shuttles with emergency teams, and have ten more on standby on teleporter pads.
The Planet Federation
09-05-2005, 21:28
About the same time the medical ships arrived from Gaian Ascendancy Federation STARFLEET emengercy fleet arrived this consisted of the following starships.
1 Instellar Carrier
3 Battlecruisers
2 Small Military Transport Vehiciles
1 Space Hosptital (Roughly the Size of 5 Nimitz Aircraft Carriers MT)
These ships were ender the command of Commander Green.
"Commander we are recieving FLASH traffic on the emengercy ban"
"Send it through LT."
"Commander green this is the Prime Minister I want you to use any nesseceary actions to save lives of the royal family you hear me.....ANY MEANS NESSECEARY. If you need help from any nations you use it!" END TRANSMISSION
"LT. send this back....Yessir and gos save the queen"
"Sent sir"
"Sir we are picking up an incomming transmission from several ships on the farther end of the coordinates holographics indicate there are several ships we know the Scandavians are already on board the ship giving emengercy aid to the family these ships are seen closest to the convoy (points at screen) but these unknown ships are way over here"
The commander pauses for a moment "hmmm well send them a transmission tell them to send to emengercy medical teams to the Royal Shuttle we will send 2 as well....that will put 6 teams on the royal craft. Tell the other 2 nations to form a permeter around the convoy so nothing gets in or out also tell them to use there remaining medical teams to help the guard vehiciles of the rest of the convoy.........Let them know this is a Federation issue and i will be taking command of the operations."
Immediatly after the general went back to his desk this message was dispatched.
ATTN ATTN-------All Rescue Craft in the area.
-----Please Send 2 medical teams to the royal craft all other medical personell please dispatch to the other ships in the convoy...Commander Green of the Planet Federation STARFLEET is now in command of rescue operations please reply if message is aknowledged..
Commander Green of The Planet Federation STARFLEET.
Dominion Alliance
09-05-2005, 22:45
Keevan paced slowly around the bridge of his Jem'Hadar Battlecruiser, since he was the commanding Vorta aboard the vessel. He stopped to check on weapon status, which were up to date, as usual.
alarm beeps
"Sir, I am picking up a large group of Federation vessels near the coordinates of 192.98.2080." The helm officer said.
Keevan asked "How many ships"
"11, mostly medical vessels, and long range sensors detect 6 more med-ships accompanied by 5 warships" the helm officer replied.
"Seems like a rescue mission of someone with high importance, this is the logical time to attack" shouted another Jem'Hadar.
Keevan stood there for a minute. "Continue our previous coarse" he shouted.
"Yes sir" replied the helm officer.
A Jem'Hadar exclaimed "Sir, you are making a mis--" Before he could finish, Keevan pulled his sidearm and shot him once in the chest. He dropped to the ground.
Keevan then announced "May that be a lesson to you all, never question my judgement"
The bridge was silent.
Keevan calmed himself and softely announced "Continue to monitor the situation, and someone get that body out of here"
The Planet Federation
10-05-2005, 02:21
Commander Green looked at the monitor......"Send a message to the commander of the Dominion Alliance we are A Federation led rescue team of mutinational nations in netural space rescueing a International diplomat are you here for assistance??"
"Sir" The Commmander turned around to the LT. " What is is son?" The commander looked up "Sir we show these dominon ships to be headed at high spped towards the blocade we are unsure of their intentions but we have a stong possibilty they are weapons rdy"
The commander takes a deap breath "Ok get STARFLEET command on the horn tell them we need as many ships as the federation can spare we might have problems.....inform the nations giving us aid that if we cannont move the family that we will need all there nations military ships to come to this location an help us defend if this is indeed an attack."
Commander looks at the LT.
Commander Green looks down at the PVT sending the message. "Any word yet?"
No sir
Gaian Ascendancy
10-05-2005, 07:25
Admiral McKenna within a few minutes gets a full report of the situation brewing.
They had their 'own' measure to take in dealing with this.
They had three Kushan-Droid Fleets ready to Fold in on the coordinates of the approaching 'Dominion' battlecruiser, seen easily via deep active scans of the Dimensional Sensor arrays the WarShips had.
The Med-Ships were ordered to approach and create a defensive screen in front of the entire Planet Federation Fleet, and the Gaian WarShips short Fold Jump about one million kilometers in front of 'this' defense 'line'.
"The Federation ships are calling for help."
Admiral McKenna, a veteran of the NZ-Dominion assault on the Gaian Homeworld of White Diamond/Sapphire, and having seen similar Dominion technology in action first hand, ordered all WarShips to open weapon ports and send a HPG signal back to Republic StarFleet Command.
It'd take twenty minutes to get there from this range, and they felt confident to hold the line until then.
"Send this message in borad and clear." ..she ordered. Comm-Techs then prepare a message packet.
~ :: Even at this range Dominion vessel, your intentions are discerned to us. Know that it would behoove to turn 'around'.
We will defend the line and prevent innocent casualties due to a pirate's act of greed. To progress thus to it's dour conclusion will see the teeth of our Fleet.
This warning is the only sent.
Admiral Dana McKenna
Gaian Rescue Fleet
...with 'help' readily available ~::
A second signal was sent to the Federation flotilla to concentrate on helping their royals first, and leave any fighting to the Gaian Fleet.
Neo Zeta
10-05-2005, 07:42
One Warbird and one Reman Wabird came out of warp. The Symbols on the ship showed it to be from Neo Zeta but a Blue Cosmos ship .
a message was sent How may we help??
a heavly coded message was then sent to The Dominion Alliance You intrest us we can help you if your attacked, We have attached known weakness' of these gaian ships and there battle tactics. Please bare in mind our goverment would never allow this but Blue Cosmos follows a higher power.
10-05-2005, 10:04
Some distance away, in the direction of The Planet Federation's own territory, four ships streaked into view, coming to a halt a medium distance away. One large ship, accompanied by three smaller ships, all apparently heavily armed. Several squadrons of fighters launched from each ship, taking up defensive formations around them as they slowly moved closer.
The huge command centre was two tiers, with a third if one were to count a maintenance ramp that ran up the aft wall to the ceiling. Dozens of officers and crewmen milled the dimly lit room in their red and white uniforms, operating complex-looking computer stations and performing general, pre-battle maintenance on sensitive systems. Several doors at the aft of the upper-tier were constantly being opened and closed as crewmen came and went.
"Jump successful sir," Lieutenant Matthews announced, sitting back in her chair at the forward-most station on the large, busy command deck.
"Tactical report," Captain Julian snapped, pointing at an officer who apparently controlled the entire starboard section of computer consoles. He glanced at a radar-like screen and looked up.
"Multiple unknown warships, surrounding the Federation fleet at multiple angles," Commander Hutch said. "No weapons fire as of yet. I am detecting primed weapons, though."
Julian nodded. "Sound the bell, Commander. Arm all torpedo tubes and load up the flaks. Helm, forward heading, 65% thrust; take us to within 5,000km and then bring us to a halt."
Hutch tapped in some symbols before hitting a red button which lit up. Alarm klaxons blared, and a computerised voice announced, "tactical alert, all hands to battle stations; repeat, tactical alert, all hands to battle stations."
Julian sat back in his chair and waited, looking out of the windows on the far side of the command centre as the ships in the distance grew ever larger. He preferred it when ugly warships didn’t obscure the stars. It's not like he could see the stars at all at home, so distance stations like these were often desirable. But not when other ships got in the way.
"Starboard and port torpedo rooms report all tubes loaded and ready to fire, sir," Hutch said quietly. "Forward and aft torpedo bays will be ready in about thirty seconds. Flak turrets are loaded-up with projectiles and charged with plasma. All three cruisers are following suit now, sir."
"Vent atmosphere from the tubes and have them ready to fire in a split-second," Julian nodded. "Officer Berkley, send a signal to the Admiralty informing them of our status, and then establish a fully-coded direct-laser-link with the lead Federation ship."
"Aye sir," Berkley nodded. He sat at a station filled with complicated-looking stations; frequency analysers, bandwidth displays, potential interference in the local area... it was all displayed on multiple screens as he worked.
The largest ship in the small fleet sent off a very highly coded signal into deep space as they came to a halt, before establishing a direct link with the Federation ships. As it did so, tiny jets of air vented from multiple torpedo tubes as it primed them to fire.
Federation Commander,
I am Captain Julian of the Bretonian Royal Battleship HMS Dover with partial cruiser escort. We arrived from your border as soon as we could and are here to render assistance.
Please detail us with a report and your deployment requests, over.
"Your signal should have been received sir," Berkley nodded as he cut the link.
"Good," Julian nodded. "Put out a generic warning message to any potential hostiles. Helm, station-keeping thrusters only for the time being."
The Planet Federation
10-05-2005, 21:52
Sir.....Commander Green looks over to his right to see a Skinny PVT obviously looking very scared.
"What is it son"
"Well uh sir we recieved these messages from the HMS dover The Gain Asendancy and Neo Zeta Fleets.
Commander green reads over these messages several times and looks at his polished boots.
"Ok son thank you this is my bog now"
The general looks over to his command centre "God" he mumbles "this could start an instellar war" Ok Jonsey! Where are ya boy" The senior tech come down from working on the broken encoder"
"Jones i need you to send the following----To the Gain asendencancy Thank you for your assistance we have more ships en route to fight alongside you if this arises anymore they will be under the Gains full disposal we will leave the fighting to you. Ok Jones now send this to Neo Zeta-----Please hold on outer perimeter and help The Gain asendenancy to hold off attacks we also trquire 18 small transport ships to move the royal family when it becomes time. K and this one goes to the HMS Dover......Dover please resume your patrols along the federation as our SPACEFLEET is still small we have all our ships en route to this location please sent the Dover back to watch our borders also send any ships the bretonians can spare to our planets to keep watch over the planets this would be much appericatted"
Jonsey types for several more minutes before finallyuttering the words "Messages Sent"
"Ok now we know we cant move the family yet moving them could kille them but if this esclates we have to move them. LT. Please get me a medical update on the sisuation ASAP NOW!"
The Scandinvans
10-05-2005, 22:07
The doctor said to him," We may have to revieve her from the dead she will be the same entirely."
The Planet Federation
10-05-2005, 22:13
Sir------Incomming Flash Traffic from royal vehicle---------"Send it through" A tired and upset Commander green said.
"Sir this is the CTp of the royal convoy the scandavians said they can bring the queen out of prognosis negative and into a state in which we might be able to even move her."
"Excellent News CPT. Ill inform the prime minister any word on the King?"
"No Sir but he is in critical condition last i heard"
"Ok let me know when we can move them"
"ayeaye sir ill get on it"
The commander looked up from his communication screen and saw jonsey working on the power comvrter "Dont you ever sleep jones?" The commander askes seriously?"
"not on her majestys time sir not on her majestys time"
10-05-2005, 22:50
"Roger, though I can't promise any extra ships given the internal situation in Bretonia at the moment," Julian said.
The large ships slowly turned around and pushed off at sublight for a while. Their hulls started to glow a swirling blue-green colour faintly, before they suddenly streaked away, into nothingness.
Cardassia Minor
10-05-2005, 23:59
Gul Sevit was anxiously reading through his system files on his new Keldon class warship, while sitting in his ready-room. His ship was the new flagship of the Cardassian 2nd Order. He was traveling with his fleet comprised of 10 Keldon-class warships, 20 Galor-class battlecruisers, and 45 cruisers and support vessels.
Suddenly Glinn Damac rushed into his ready-room. "Sir, sensors have detected a Dominion battlecruiser, which has seemed to have stumbled upon a Federation rescue mission. It seems he has alerted them of his pressence. There is now a massive armada assembling."
Gul Sevit got up in a flash and headed towards the bridge. Once there, another officer informed him more of the situation. Gul Sevit responded by saying "Those Jem'Hadar are hard-headed, do you know if their Vorta is still im command." The officer replied "We believe so, it seems they are just sitting there having a look at whats going on."
"It would be unwise for them to attack an armada that big." Gul Sevit said. He sat and pondered for a second. He then announced "If the Dominion vessel charges its weapons, set and intercept coarse. I'll be in my quarters."
The officer replied "Yes, sir" and began barking orders to the others on the bridge.
Gaian Ascendancy
11-05-2005, 00:09
Admiral McKenna got the message from Commander Green.. "Stations, assume level one ready status, and prepare for possible hostilities. Inform all allied forces to form a cresent line, we'll hold the center. Zeta to the left, Scandinavains that wish to help hold the right and inform the Planet Federation forces to act as reserve behind the line to protect their leaders.
And 'tell' the Zetans to act within 'our' orders, and not to fire until told to. There will 'not' be a repeat of the previous events 'here'.
Begin deploying fighters and combat DropShips for a fighter screen."
As the Aerofighter screens and Omni-LAMs deploy, a message is sent out from the Gaian Fleet, that this sector of space was now, until the Federation royals were rescued out of the sector, that the sector was a temporary Gaian Protectorate.
They were 'that' serious about protecting the royals.
The Scandinvans
11-05-2005, 00:22
The doctor prepared to insert the needle into the queen's arm.
11-05-2005, 02:08
From the opposite direction the other Bretonian vessels had arrived, a ship suddenly streaked to a halt. And then another. And then another. One after the other, ships piled their way into the area. All in all, 13 battleships, 47 cruisers and over 150 gunships, all with full fighter escort. The ships slowly shifted their formation as they cruised by.
A signal called across the void to the lead Federation ship.
"You wanted extra ships at your borders," a voice said in a secure transmission. "You got 'em -- you can thank Her Royal Majesty Queen Carina for this. I'm Commodore Andrew Jefferson of the HMS Norfolk, Flagship of the Second Fleet. We're just checking in with you here to alert you of the new circumstances. Please note we can't devote the Second Fleet to your border defence on a permanent basis; primarily due to internal conflicts, but also because it costs a bucket-load to maintain a presence this large. So give us a shout when your fleet is up to strength or the threat has subsided, whichever comes first, so we can pull out again. Norfolk out."
And with that, the ships began to streak off again, in the direction of Federation space. One after the other they sped away and disappeared, until there were none left. Several of the big-hitters had deployed small sensor pods, to monitor the situation as it developed.
The Planet Federation
11-05-2005, 04:10
As commander Green sat at his control panel having not slept for several hours he uttered the orders "Gimme a Status check Lt."
The Lt. looked up from his control panel with a smile on his face "sir im pleased to report that the Bretonians have sent a massive amount of ships to Federation space like requested. Also we have a transmission from the Cardassia Minors they say they will help us if we are attacked. Oh and sir we have reports that our remaining Federation Ships of STARFLEET are now out of their docks and in hyperspace and will be here within 24 hours."
"Great finally some good news" Commander Green said with a smile. "All these nations halping us is amazing i never expected thier support to be this overwhelming."
The commander looks over at Junior tech Frederick Tecass "Freddie!" Ensign Tecass looks up haveing long been called that name and still hating it "Yessir"
"Please send a message to all nations involved in the conflict Reads as so.........To all support nations within the immediate range of the stranded convoy, please list all ships currently in the convoys range so we can get an accurate reading of our defensive capabilities remember please list all ships"
Ensign Tedass looks up after typing "Message Sent sir."
"Good now send then umber of ships we will have in the area after the rest of STARFLEET arrives"
-------------TO ALL SUPPORT NATIONS-----------
In accordance with the orders of Commander Green, Lead commander in rescue efforts the Federation Ships consist of the Following.
8 Galatic Carriers
16 Battlecruisers
20 Escort Ships
4 Small Range Immediate Response Ships
1 Hospital Ship
The Scandinvans
11-05-2005, 04:13
The doctor injected put the needle into the queen's arm and the liquid quickly took affect restarting all of the queen's body.
Gaian Ascendancy
11-05-2005, 04:37
Admiral McKenna gave her compliments to Commodore Andrew Jefferson for their fleet's arrival, and then ordered her crew to keep sensors engaged at full blast, to see what was coming if needed.
She silently hoped that nothing 'came', as it were.
Meanwhile a medical shuttle requested permission to dock upon the royal family's vessel. They had several technicians along as well to help foster quicker repairs.
Neo Zeta
11-05-2005, 04:53
The Blue Cosmos ships stayed in formation ready to fight if it came to it but kept weapons powered down.
Dominion Alliance
11-05-2005, 11:32
The Dominion Battlecruiser still sat there in the middle of a massive adversary which surrounded it. Then, without any warning, a small fleet comprised of 5 Dominion Battlecruisers, 3 Dominion Battleships, 1 Standoff Cruiser and a Fighter Wing of 30 attack ships, jumped out of warp and closed on the position.
Keevan snickered "Reenforcements" Then he shouted, charge weapons, change coarse to the Cardassian vessels."
The Dominion battelgroup was planning to attack the Cardassians.
Cardassia Minor
11-05-2005, 11:40
"Raise sheilds, power up weapons, set intercept coarse." yelled Gul Sevit. The whole fleet was powered and ready. Gul Sevit knew the Jem'Hadar would try and attack them.
"Sir, the Dominion has brought in re-enforcements. Standoff cruiser, battleships, more battlecruisers and attack fighters." Gul Sevit replied "That standoff cruiser is 4 times the size of a regular battleship."
The Fleet continued towards the Dominion
The Planet Federation
11-05-2005, 13:23
Commander Green jumped out of his seat and yelled "Code Red Alert Status! Battlestations Battlestations!"
"Sir" The lt yelled from across the room "The rest of our fleet has.......(about this time several other federation ships came out of hyperspace the fleet was of great size) there they are sir the rest of STARFLEET"
"Tell them im in command here order them to form a 200KM close proximity protection rign around the convoy"
"Pvt get me a status report on the royal family can we move them or not i need to know NOW!"
"If the dominions get tot the gain line i want status checks ever 5 minutes if they break through were the last chance the family has got"
The commander watches as everyone gets in there battlestation position and lights up a cigar "alright everyone shields up and full wepons charge arm the HP-Mark-11 Torpedos in all shafts drain the atmosphere so we are fire rdy."
"Your Move" The commander utters quietly
Cardassia Minor
12-05-2005, 00:36
The bridge of the Praymar shook as the weapons fire from the Dominion ships hit the shields.
Gul Sevit shouted "Return fire, target the nearest Battleship." The Keldon-class' spiral wave disrupters roared and connected with a Battleship. Then a group of Dominion attack ships managed to take out the Cardassian warship to the right of Gul Sevits' ship. The shockwave from it hit the Praymar and officers were knocked off there feet on the bridge.
"Sir" shouted an officer, "One of their battlecruisers has sustained heavy damage!" Gul Sevit shouted without hesitation. "TARGET ITS REACTOR!" The weapons of the Praymar once again roared as the Wave Cannon fired upon the weakened Dominion vessel. The ship exploded, and part off the vessel veared into Battleship, causing that damage.
Suddenly the Standoff cruiser opened fire with its Phased Polaron Beams and torpedos onto the Cardassian fleet......
Gaian Ascendancy
12-05-2005, 05:41
Admiral McKenna however reacted to the attack differently.. "Prepare Plan Blind-Two!"
The six Gaian WarShips then angled their weapon ports to a position where the Dominion Alliance vessels were passing the Cardassians.
"Target Sector locked, twelve projectiles at your command!" ..Weapons section said back, and Admiral McKenna ordered back. "Viewscreens down visibility by 75%, and FIRE!!!"
Each Warship fired two projectiles, and they raced the quick distance, with even a hit giving the same effect. As soon as they are either hit, or reach a target zone designated by the WarShip targeting computers, they turn into the BLINDING effect of StarJel torpedoes, but add a second interesting effect.
..they STAB pulse an EMP burst that scrambles other vessel targeting computers for mere moments before they can reset. That is enough time for Long range Gauss-charger shots that hit the Dominion vessel shields and do the practiced effect of overloading their shields and collapsing them. That makes for a lot of blind, shieldless vessels, and 'no' enemy vessel is good in such a situation.
Instead of added fire however, a message is sent.
~ :: Simple point.
Remove from this fight, or find our what 'else' we have up our deep sleeves.
There will be no addition warnings. :: ~
More, Gaian StarFleet Command was about to get the waiting message.
..three whole Kushan-Droid Fleets were on the heels of further orders. at least 4,000 vessels of 'many' weights.
Meanwhile, the Gaian techs were ordered to follow the convoy, but not enter unless allowed.
Neo Zeta
12-05-2005, 05:53
The Reman Warbird powered up its weapons along with the Warbirds and begian a attack run. The Disrupter banks from both ships unleashed hell on The Dominion Ships as well as Photon Torpedos.
The two ships knew however that Dominion Ships can pack a punchtoo and readyed them selves for even for The Dominion ships to ram them.
The Planet Federation
12-05-2005, 21:44
The Prime minster awoke from his room "whaa what is it?
A royal aid rushed in "sir we have emengercy transmission comming in from the Cherra from Commander Green he says its urgent"
"Ok son lets put it on the viewer"
"Sir this is commander green fighting has erupted on the Gain lines bewteen our ally ships and the Dominions now the Scandavians say there medical people advise against moving the family but we can attempt to tow them but we cannont go into hyperspace with the tractor beam engauged"
The Minister looks up obviously trying to make a decision "ok tow them 1,000,000,000 KM away fomr the fighting if possible send your best ship to do the job and Commander tell STARFLEET to stay and help the fighting we started this thing theres no damn way were running away from this"
The commander looks at his senior tech "jonsey get me in contact with the Hommar. The hommar is a burning demon class Battlecruiser recently purchased from the Hell on Earth x666 and deployed on emengercy orders to the convoy.
"Captian Eisley" Captian Eisly was a new cpt fresh out of officer traing core and graduated with honors he was in charge of the Hommar.
"What is it Pvt."
"sir commander green on the line"
"Yessir uh huh yeah oh ok yessir immediatly sir"
"what is it sir"
"Orders from commander green deploy tractor beam on the royal convoy were to move them 1,000,000,000Km away from the gain lines"
As the tractor beam was engauged all seemed to be going well the ship was caught by the beam and began towing a .89 Megaclicks a second
"Sir we will be 1,000,000,000 Km away in 6.5 minutes"
"Very good ok i want a systems wide system ch-----"
All of a sudden a large explostion rocked the ship
From the window of Commanders greens rdy room he watched the Hommar explode and the royal escort heavly damaged split in half
"OH ****" The commander rushed to the commander centre where the Lt was awaiting him.
"what the hell just happened!!!!!!"
"Sir a stray bullet so to speak just hit the tractor beam making it extremely unstable and destroying the Homar"
About that time a piece of the homar hit Commander Greens vessel "Debris sir"
"Dammit what about the royal family?"
"Sir the royal craft split in two but the emengercy fields engauged within a split second so no oxygen escaped (The field puts a forcefield bewteen broken sections of the hull)
"ok send out emengercy orders to move the royal family to the nearest avaiable craft not in the fight and get me the Prime minister back NOW!"
The Planet Federation
13-05-2005, 00:06
"Sir the Prime Minister one Instellarphone 1"
"Ok put it through jones"
"What the hell is going on over there commander i was in the middle of assesing the recovery efforts of the terrorists attacks on Aprail 24th-----"
"Sir the tractor beam exploded from a stray torpedo we dont believe it was aimed at the tractor beam but we will probably never know"
"Crap give me a damage assesment"
"Well sir the hommar is gone the ship was completely destroyed and the royal escort ship broke in half"
"Well sir the ship plit in see when the tractor beam is disrupted by a weapon of that size it caused an overload in the hommar destroying the Plama core which as im sure you know has the force of about 1,000 25 megaton nuclear missiles luckly all the energy was pointed at the Hommar and not the ROyal escort ship or we would be in one hell of a sisuation.....Anyway sir the royal craft engauged the hull forcefields and noone was killed were trying to get the family off as we speak."
"What about the hommar"
"Well sir the ship imploded then exploded i dont think that anyone survived but we deployed a rescue ship just to make sure"
The Commander looks down at a message handed to him "Sir the Gains are requesting that they send a team of medical personell and mechs into the royal craft to try and help"
"well how old is the message?"
"several days sir"
"what the hell kinda mission you runnin down there I think im gonna suggest you be replaced you cant handle a mission of this manitute"
"Sir the message was just overlooked it wont happen again"
THe PM thinks about this for a moment "Yes.....yes your right and im sorry but if the Family dies its MY ASS"
"Yessir and thats not going to happen on my watch"
"It better not..............oh and Send a message to the gains giving them full ascess i got to go and report to the Security Council."
"Yessir this is Green Out"
Shortly after the confrence with the PM Commander green walked out of the communications room, "jonsey please send the following message to the Gains-------Sorry for the delay your request to help the convoy has been granted"
Jonsey looks up after a few seconds "Message sent sir"
"Good LT ill be in my cabin call me if anthing developes"
The Scandinvans
13-05-2005, 00:13
The resuce team commander said," Hurry to our ships docked in the landing docks we can carry them to the destroyer their they will be safe."
The Planet Federation
13-05-2005, 00:54
The Scandavians were rushing the Family down the halls after the exacustion order was given they stopped for a moment to check the vital signs on the queen when all of a sudden A huge explosion knowed everyone off there feet. The hallway riped off the craft 20 ft in front of them and 4 Scandinvan and 12 Federation medical officers were sucked into space before the forcefields activated.
"Dammit were trapped theres no way out now!!!!!" The Captian almost yelled
"Shut up you baffoon" A federation medical officer screamed there has to be another way out
"No there isnt this was the only hallway that lead to the exits believe me i know this ship ive flowin it for 20 years"
"Ok so were trapped now"
"It seems that way"
"Ok the Captian said im going to the emengercy command console and get in touch with Commander Green lets move the family to the main hall its safest there"
"The LT looked up at the viewer as he saw the royal ship and a Scandinvan medical ship blow up he also saw several small objects fly out before the shields closed "Bodies" he whispered to himself
"Crap sir the federation Royal craft is being attacked by a small probe origion came from the Middle of the dominion battlefleets."
"Shit get me the Commander and Grego blast that dam pest now"
Esigen Gregory Freedman thw weapons officer launced 3 lazer arraysat the small probe blowing it into several thousand pieces. "With pleasure sir"
"Good shot"
"Thank you sir"
"Ok whats going on here" a tired Commander Green said as exiting the turbolift.
"Sir a small craft from the dominon fleet attacked the royal craft and destroyed there only means of exiting the craft it also destroyed a Scandinvan medical ship docked with the Craft."
"Crap ok get me the PM on the horn"
"Oh and how the hell did the dam thing get through the Federation clse proximity ships?"
" Sir a vehicile that small someoen probably interpreted it as debris from the Hommar"
"Dam, ok get the PM on the phone im going to my babin to change be back in 15 minutes. oh and LT figure out a way to get the family off and if anymore of those things get near us blow them apart"
The Scandinvans
13-05-2005, 00:59
The rescue commander said," I am tired of this I didn't want to relieve this part of our technology to a less advanced race, but we have no choice now."
He pressed a bottun and a beam of light carried them off to the Scandinvan destroyer.
The Planet Federation
13-05-2005, 01:07
The Federation Royal Family watched at the medical officers appeared and dissepeared.
The queen became very scared being 63 and not familiar with this tech She uttured "Dont use that thing on me id rather die"
The King stated "Im staying with my wife"
Several Scadavian officers tried to beam them anyway and a federation Security officer got in there way.."You heard them they dont wanna be beamed were not forcing them and they outrank even the PM"
"Dammit the Scandivian screamed just let us do it the old bat wont feel a thing"
The Security officer punched him in the face and pulled out his weapon
"There stayin here one way or the other"
With that all the scandivians beams out
"Good job" A federation medical officer said
"now were here alone"
The Scandinvans
13-05-2005, 01:16
A small Scandinvan ship came up alongside them and came in bringing a small docking linker that broke through the shield near the Royals and their staff and a crewmen of the ship said," We never abandon people when there is still hope to save them."
The Planet Federation
13-05-2005, 01:34
"Mam MAM" A royal guard said to the queen over the roar of the shield collapsing agter being breeched
"Get everyone else first"
The Guard pauses more a split second to think things over
"Yes Mam......Ok everyone aboard the shuttle NOW!!!"
Commander Green watched from his viewer as the shield collapsed around the ship as he heard that evacuations were quickly "Of course they are the dam Scandinvans just destroyed the ship."
"Yessir stupid move but gutsy" Jonsey commented
"Jones be quiet"
As the people were being evacuated from the vessel the shield began to fracture.
"ROAYALS ARE NEXT" Someone yelled the queen said silently to the gaurd "No get everyone off"
The queen and king finally give in by the captian begging them to get on the shuttle
As the shuttle closed its door and got approx 3 miles away the shield collapsed. The plama core crushed under extremecompression and exploded sending people flying off there feet. Then all containment ships failed and everyone left abord was sucked into space and the ship exploded into millions of pieces.
"****" The commander said under his breath
"Sir incomming transmission from the Scandinvan resuce vessel"
"Send it through"
"This is Scandinvan rescue vessel we have the Royal family and 10 other survivors all others lost.....I repeat all others lost."
"Get me a tally of who was left on board" The commander uttered
"Sir 52 People Died from origional crew another 30 Federation officers from medical and rescue teams died along with an unknown amout of other nation medical and rescue personell."
"Get me the prime minister and the fleet leader for the Scandinvans NOW"
The Scandinvans
13-05-2005, 01:56
A screen flickered up and he up a minister and a the admiral were upon in two seprate screens.
The Planet Federation
13-05-2005, 02:06
Commader Green looked at both screens and stated in th clamest possible tone
The Scandinvans
13-05-2005, 02:13
"We tried to teleport them out, but the queen wouldn't let us and the king chose not to so we managed to send one ship in time because our other ship had been destroyed in an explosiong from a stray bullet from the battle."
Cardassia Minor
13-05-2005, 02:17
The battle continued to rage on, the Dominion ships had taken losses but the Standoff cruiser was still annihalating the Cardassians.
The bridge of the Praymar was dark and smokey, the ship had taken heavy damage. Bodies lay on the floor all over the bridge.
Gul Sevit shouted "We have to take out the Standoff cruiser." he then said "Ensign, open a channel to the fleet, tell them to divert all fire to the Standoff cruiser."
"Yes Sir" the Ensign replied
The fleet began to fire on the Standoff cruiser, their shields were weakening.
"Sir, sensors are picking up breaches in their hull, and a weakened area around their warp core."
"TORPEDOES, FULL SPREAD!!!!!" he yelled. "FIRE!!!!"
They all hit the Standoff cruisers warp core, The ship began a slight decline before the explosion which sent a massive shock wave.
The Praymar shook violently as the shockwave hit. Everyone was knocked off their feet. They slowly got up.
Gul Sevit asked "Damage report"
"Shields are done and their are breaches in alot of places, emergency forcefields are inplace."
An alarm went off. "Sir the remaining Dominion vessels are making a suicide run at the Royal Escort and medical ships."
Gul Sevit replied "We are in no shape to continue, the Federation can handle them."
Gaian Ascendancy
13-05-2005, 06:00
Admiral McKenna watched the Cardassian line buckle, and was about to order her ships to seal the breach, a HPG message comes in.
~ :: With effect of salutations. We send you help, with far more than needed.
Orders are same as your own given. Protect the Fedaration Royals, and retrieve all bodes for later genetic healing and revival. But your first orders are to drive off your attackers.
Give no quarter, but use Ionics where possible.
Ascendancy High Command gives it's blessing to this action, give it your all.
Lady Yurkia Tenkawa
Gaian Tactical Advisor / Republic StarFleet CIC ~::
Dana smiles, and is alerted that massive gravitron waves, indicators of several Gaian Fleet Groups are arriving literally at the tail end of their words. As consequence, the 114th, 115th, and 123rd Kushan-Droid Fleets, and heavy elements of the 22nd and 23rd WarShip and 27th high-Mobile Fleets. They are centered upon the suprise arrival of a Star Shield Class A-SSD, the sixty-five plus kilometer length monolith dominates the battlefield as soon as it arrives. With it are two SSDs and ten ISDs, which form a background cordon behind the belagured Federation vessels.
The rest of the 5,000+ vessel fleet Fold in into neat and static lines of in the midst of the Cardasian/Dominion fighting, and PUMMEL the Dominion vessels with heavy amounts of Ionic disabiling fire. Like all such weapons, they stun and disable vessels, shields, and crew, but do not kill. Tactics honed during the recent Deatharon War, no were poured in a sheet of fire at the Dominion vessels.
This line however is part of a large sphere that forms around the 'entire' area of the battle zone, broken only by a single large opening behind where the Dominion vessels came from, determined by original course into the battlefield. This was deliberate, and the inital message sent to the Dominion Alliance was adhered to. There is no second message, and the continuance of battle meant only one thing to the Gaians..
..time to teach a lesson on 'respect'.
The sheet of fire, is joined by short-Folding clouds of Omnifighters and Omni-LAMs at the edges of the Dominion Alliance battle line, and pummel with more Ionic weaponry with expected, and telling effect.
Behind all this, the command A-SSD begins to form a 'large' Fold Static Bubble around the entire Federation Fleet. As the Gaian techs arrive at the 'appropriate' place, the bring with them advanced equipment 'they' are not so needless to hide, and use every technology at their disposal to begin recovering Federation dead...
...and revive them, as if it was only a case of dry skin to them. This is accomplished by teleporting bodies from all sides, and placing them in genetic refabrication units. A whole body to them, even brain dead, was a body that was 'ressurectable' to them. (..another put in practice effect of the Deatharon War the Gaian won.)
The Commodore Admiral, Lady Urd Morisato, looked the scene over with a critizising eye. She would place orders for either helping, or hindering, per the case present before her.
Her most critical order...
"Form a Fold Bubble around the Federation Fleet. Inform them to transmit the coordinates of their homeworld, so that we may transport them enmasse back there, and away from this facre...
..Admiral Alex rose has command of the forward forces once we Fold Jump, on their cue. Scandinvan forces will be welcome to be in the same bubble if they wish it, or remain behind as we 'stabilize' this situation.
This won't take long either way.
..and inform me when the Dominion Alliance 'finally' come to their senses. Attacking a rescue mission. They had better hope I don't order our superlasers on their homeworld for this insult to the lives at risk here." ...the last she puts with an angry tone, which she relishes the chance to use for once.
...she missed out on both the War, and the NZ-Dominion assault on White Diamond/Sapphire, due to her duties as reserve forces commander, and protecting the main Gaian borders during the war.
She was itching for action, and this was her calling for the moment.
But she didn't do bravado, she only stood there at the massive kilometers wide/long viewport, looking at the battle, and considering her next move.
((OC- case anyone wants to know the vessel types mentioned. The big picture is in the Special Assets section... ))
Neo Zeta
13-05-2005, 07:13
The Warbird had taken heavy damage to its aft forword areas and shields were down to 34% and some weapon systems were offline. Howver The Reman Wabird faired much better its Shields still at 87%
Commander Luke ordered The Warbird to fall back.
" They are breaking threw the Cardassian line sir!"
Luke luaghs " They are Cardassians what do you expect from a weak race? Target The Capital ships only leave the peons to the others."
The Reman Warbird went into delta attack pattern and fired while cloaked doing heavy damage to Dominion ships.
The Planet Federation
13-05-2005, 21:46
Commander green looks at the viewer as the line of the Cardassian line breaks.
"dammit" he whispers
"Sir we show 3 Dominion vessels headed at high speed towards our medical ships and the royal craft"
"Dont worry about the royal craft it is already gone get those bastards comming at the hospital ships."
With that order the weapons officer launched 12 Torpedos and hit the first Dominion Vessel which broke in half and then exploded.
"Good shot now get the other one"
A high energy lazer beam was launched at the other dominon vessel causing no damage
"Dam order all Federation ships to blow that dam thing apart"
"Rodger that sir"
About that time 14 other high energy lazers hit the vessel also causing no damage
"Shileds are down sir"
"Blow it to hell"
With that order 2 torpedos were lauched and a large section of the ship exploded wich thermographics indicated was the bridge the ship slowly went downward and never came back up.
Meanwhile the third Dominon vessel saw that the royal craft was gone and quickly went to its secondary target
"Target the Scandavian cruiser"
With that te vessel veered quickly into the cruiser causing an explosion that even rocked Commander Green off his feet
"WTF was that!!!! WHAT happened!!!"
"Sir the Scandavian cruiser was hit and.......(The viewer shoed the cruiser explode) oh god."
"Get me a status report on the Family NOW. and get me the minister of defense on the horn"
Dominion Alliance
13-05-2005, 23:32
Keevan sat in disbelief, a whole battlegroup of Dominion ship, gone.He had failed.
"Open a channel to the remaining Dominion ships, order the retreat."
"Yes sir."
He then walked off the bridge as the ship jumped to warp.
Cardassia Minor
13-05-2005, 23:43
The Praymars' main systems were now restored, in less than nine hours.
"SIR, The Dominion are retreating."
"So, they want to run. Order all available ships to set an intercept coarse, and jump to warp." Gul Sevit said.
Then he said "Send a message to Cardassian Central Command, and tell them to inform Legate Dukat II that we have taken heavy losses, and need support ships to meet up with the disabled ships."
"Also, send a message to the Federation. Tell them that we'll take it from here."
Gul Sevit sat down in his chair and thought to himself "Their not gonna get away this easily."
The Planet Federation
13-05-2005, 23:47
"ok" Commander green thought for a moment.
"Sir your orders?"
"order 4 instellar carriers and 12 battlecruisers to follow them. Then send a transmission to all allied nations asking them to send forces in the direction of the dominion alliance. Also ask the gains to help with recovery efforts on the scandivian recovery efforts and finding the Royal family."
Senior Tech Jones looked up "Messages sent sir"
"Thank you please inform me when we recieve a response"
Gaian Ascendancy
13-05-2005, 23:56
The Gaian commanders however ordered Gaian vessels to power down, and 'not' pursue, and Admiral Rose sent out the following message.
~ :: It would be in the best interests of tactical sanity, to 'not' pursue, whence not putting your various forces into a situation that would waste more vessels and resources.
The entire intent of the operation is concluded, the Royal Family is safe. Anything done outside of this conduct is conxsidered outside the bounds of the Protectorate Extensia, and will 'not' be condoned by the Gaian Fleet present.
Any that decide to forgore this advice, will face the consequences alone. The battle is over, it's time to recoup losses and settle accords.
Is not a victory on the field enough? Or must more barbaric acts be conducted, just to satisfy egos? ~ ::"
((OC- You guys 'did' read my entire post right? I'm worried it's being ignored a bit too much. ))
The Planet Federation
14-05-2005, 00:34
"Sir Message from the Gain fleet."
"Send this back. The scandavian cruiser was destroyed we dont know of the Families condition we are asking to please send rescue craft to try and find them. if they are dead we will have vengenance"
"Sir were not picking up any lifesigns from the Scandivian cruiser and we are recieving no responses to our hails."
"Roger that keep trying"
OOC-Whos not paying attention
The Scandinvans
14-05-2005, 01:00
Two Amend Class Ships dropped out of hypersapce and sent a transmission:
"The Royals are safe, but the people who attacked us will either answer for their crimes of attacking a rescue ship will have to come forth or be destroyed."
Cardassia Minor
14-05-2005, 01:24
From: Cardassian Central Command
To: The Scandinvans, The Planet Federation, and Gaian Ascendancy.
There is no need for assistance, The Cardassian Military has control over the situation. The remaining Dominion ships have entered Cardassian space, this is our jurisdiction.
Legate Dukat II
The Scandinvans
14-05-2005, 01:31
"We ask the surrendering of the criminals who fired upon that is all we ask."
Cardassia Minor
14-05-2005, 01:55
"Legate Dukat II, The Dominion ships have entered the Almatha Sector, they seem to have set a coarse for here."
Legate Dukat II replied "I want every ship in that sector to set a coarse to intercept those ships."
Gaian Ascendancy
14-05-2005, 03:07
Meanwhile the Gaian Fleet held it's ground, and continued to retrieve and revive supposedly dead souls, killed in the battle. Friend and foe alike were done this way, then seperated out into seperate and temporary quarters while the situation around them played out.
That meant 'living' Planet Federation, Scandinvan, Dominion, and any other souls from the battle, were being made to wait out the battle.
A fact the Gaians made clear as crystal in a last comm message.
~ :: If it may interest your various forces, do note that the dead from the battlefield, have been either revived, or are currently being revived all the same. We are also holding them as guests, as to not reenter them back into battle, and will only return them once we are certain that all hostile parties will STOP FIGHTING!
As such, if there is another way to allow this to happen, we are open to suggestions. And yes, this 'is' as it sounds. You citizen souls are being held hostage, until a peaceful means is conducted that ends this battle.
We 'are' willing to risk much, to end this stupid fighting, and will treat your citizen souls very well in the interm of the fighting. There's no reason to send revived souls back to their deaths. That is not going to happen.
All citizens will be returned, when 'all' fighting ends, and not before. :: ~ that, the Gaians go back to recovering the dead from the battlefield.
The Planet Federation
14-05-2005, 04:19
About this time a Federation Craft appeared with 14 fighters as escorts
"Commander Gerrn this is escort ship 1125 with a team of Diplomats ready to deploy accordingly we will be docking with Instersellar Cruiser Geagan in 2 minutes"
Commander Green read the message slowly and the following encoded oders
"Please send message to the Gains asking for clearence to see our Federation Citizens and establish that no harm is being brought upon them"
The commander passed the message to Jonesy
"Message sent sir"
"Thank you jones."
"Oh and Jones please send a message to the Scandavians ask them if they can please allow The Battlecruiser Slice to please enter Scandavian airapce and retrieve the Royals as soon as possible."
"Messages Sent Sir"
"Thanks jones"
Commander green looked around for a moment
"Main viewer up please"
A screen popped up and the Commander looked at the massive wereckages strewn aver what seemed like millions of KM.
"God" he muttered under his breath. "how will we ever clean this up......Jones please tell all avaiable craft to please send out all recovery craft as soon as possible and look for anymore survivors. Then send another message to the Gains asking them how many people they have recovered. Tell them the Federation has 2145 Missing people and sit at your screen until you get a response.
On Battlecruiser Doral a message was recieved my Lt Commander Garcia....
"Ok send all our craft out to begin looking for bodies after the bodies are found sent them to the gains"
"Roger that sir"
All other federation ships in the area launched 50 Rescue ships almost instantly and they began searching over the convoy the Scandavian cruiser the Royal convoy and the Debris of the Hommar.
The Scandinvans
14-05-2005, 04:31
"We will bring the Royals to you instead."
The Planet Federation
14-05-2005, 04:40
The Commander looks down at the message from the Scandinvans "Hmm we cant meet here tell them to fly to coordinates 123.00.2456"
"Yessir Message Sent"
"Thank you commander and fly The Doral out there with a Intsrellar Carrier with the diplomats to recieve the Royals."
About this time 2 of the larger federation ships streaked off into space to the Rendevous point.
The Scandinvans
14-05-2005, 04:43
A huge Amend Class Ship transported the Royals to the meeting point in a luxurious quarters easily fir for them.
OCC: Follow this thread to see how big this ship really is.
The Planet Federation
14-05-2005, 04:48
The Federation Craft appeared several seconds later under the command of Lt. Commander Garcia.
"Ok Send out the diplomatic ship from the carrier and await clearence from the Scandinvans to enter there craft."
The Lt. Commander looks around for a second. "Man its nice to be back in quiet space.
Gaian Ascendancy
14-05-2005, 04:56
The Gaians easily allowed the Federation to board Gaian vessels that had their citizens upon them. Not only were they well cared for, they even looked like they were on ships that were created for pure recreation.
The Federation personel recovered were about 1,781 recovered and revived, and only about 100 not accounted for just yet, though space was pretty large to scan. However the Gaian vessels were not stopping recovery operations. Of the remainder, they were all in genetic refabrication units, with a round time of two hours to create a stable subject from remains and such. The 'results' were the original, if not a touch healthier thanks to the Gaian's advanced medical technology and techniques.
The same for Scandinvan souls and all others. No expense or technique was spared to ensure 'all' of them were revived. (and in the case of Dominion subjects, berrated like children for their inane actions...)
However the Gaian terms still held. Once battle was halted, all held souls would be returned. As collateral, the Gaians offered twenty souls for the Planet Federation to 'hold onto', until the exchange was finalized.
The Scandinvans
14-05-2005, 05:04
OCC: I have my own means of bringing back my people as such. Question is it more advanced to use a liquid to bring back the dead or use chambers kuke the Gaians?
A voice came up on transmission:
"You can come aboard."
As the Fedartion vessal approached the shear size of the vessal was relieved it was miles going in every direction.
The Planet Federation
14-05-2005, 05:06
The Commander looked at the gain offer.
"Tell them re require no people to hold we trust there judgement if they were bad people our people would still be floating through space.
Gaian Ascendancy
14-05-2005, 05:29
((OC- Well, your version is your own. We just use the version that was used in Fifth Element, jacked up a damned good degree. I never bought having to see people die, and that technology and certain 'understandings' could reverse even that..
..if sci-fi can do ascending civilizations, then what 'can't' be done. =^^= ))
The Gaisn honestly thanked the Federation guests for their understanding. The Gaians wokred hard gain both trust, and respect for what they stood for.
Not an easy chore in a universe filled with short tempers and plasma infused lasers..
The Planet Federation
14-05-2005, 05:34
Commander Green looks up as Federation Ships begin to bring bodies to the Gain medical ships.
"Were gonna be here for quite some time"
"Thank the Gains again and ask if they requrie assistance.
The Scandinvans
14-05-2005, 05:35
OCC: Your version is for bringing people back from the dead under all circumstances while mine is more for warfare and emerganices. Good enough and did you get the ascending for the Stargate Ancients?"
A escort showed the Royals to where their transport waited to carry them back.
Gaian Ascendancy
14-05-2005, 05:53
((OC- To an extent, though the Ascendants (as I call them..) are more like the griffon like creatures from of all places, The Dig computer game, if anyone ever has heard of it. ))
The Gaians eventually found all that could be retrieved. Some were very badly damaged, and would take a few weeks to recompile and recover genetically. In the end, the area was scoured and every dead body retrieved.
Took awhile, but the Gaians had nothing except time in the first place.
The Planet Federation
14-05-2005, 06:01
The Federation Ship went into the docking bay at .001 Megaclicks a second and made a soft smooth landing. After the ship landed a side hatch opened with A Senior Advisior General Moaat of the Supreme Federation Forces and 23 Memebers of PFSF (Planet Federation Special Forces.
The General was greeted by Scandivan senior Military offical in which the General simpily responded "Please show me to the Royals cabin"
"Absoultly sir"
"Thank you"
Meanwhile a small timer on board the Federation Diplomatic cradt bgan couting down from 25...24...23..22..21.....................................3....2...1.......
Right as the general was on the Royals level a gigantic explostion rocked the Scandivian Vessel although the vessel was of great size The Federation Battlecruiser notices a section approx 500 years in depth and 250 yards wide fly off the Scandivan craft.
Lt Commander Garcia jumped to his feet at the sight of the huge explosion. "FULL SHIELDS UP arm and engauge all lasers for weapons ready"
The Lt Commander looked to his right. "Private where did that come from??"
"Sir our projections say the explostion came from the inside of the ship the outside was well too armed and defended for such an attack"
"Alright get me a status check on the Ship inform the scandivians if they need medical assistance we will gladly help send out 40 Small attack aircraft from the Carrier to form a defense perimiter around their craft send out aother 80 to cover our vessels."
Inside the Scandivian craft the power was out but emengery illumination was engauged people were runnign everywhere As the general rose to his feet he asked his Scandinvan escort "Where did that explosion come from?"
"Souded like inside the ship around the docking bay area"
"Shit how do they know we are here..........inform your commander we have a mole in one of our ships."
"Ill go check on the Royals."
As the general ran down the hall he found the Diplomatic Suite as he gave the security code the door opened to a Frightened queen and a very angry king.
The queen got up from all here vital machines and asked "What is going on what is that noise?? where is the power?"
The kind responded "Its the dam terroists i just want to go HOME"
The general looked at both of them before asking "are you both alright?"
"Ill be alright if we ever get home" the king snapped back"
"Yessir im going to stay here with you until we can determine what caused the explosion and if we can somehow get you to our ships"
"Well hurry it up" The king replied.
Neo Zeta
14-05-2005, 06:53
The Wabird moved to into the Gaian fleet formation and was nearly hitting some of them Gaian ships. The Capitan of the Warbird sent a message to the Gaian fleet.
SOS SOS......... * static* Our.....* grable ....Warp.. Core........Cooling system is down * More static* Radation levels hitting hight levels......... * Static and explosions.* Our Warp Core is about to breech.* static* Massive loses on decks 12 D Threw 23 A........We need help now. The ship has a matter of moments befor it explodes. The Reman Wabird was to fare away to make it in time to be of any help. The fate of the crew was left in gaian hands.
Gaian Ascendancy
14-05-2005, 07:34
The signal was recieved by forty Gaian vessels nearby, and began counermeasures to try and seal the possible event away.
First they locked onto, even through the interference, and teleported most of the crew away that they could reach. The second event was when the heaviest Capitals near the Warbird unleased temporal stasis beams, as well as hitting it with Ionics, in an attempt to kill the atomic reactions occuring, as well as holding the Warbird in a temporary temporal stasis field to give time to pull out any other Zetans they may have missed.
In the end, the Warbird's only chance, was for the Gaians to board, and dump the core, since apparently the Zetans themselves were incapable. Special volunteers offered their services on an uncertain event, and boarded the belagured vessel, with every intent to give their lives if needed to try and avert a disaster.
Some didn't make it, as the damage even overcame some gaian teams as sections were too damaged to either pass. Some of them then ran into exploding conduits and such, and would only be revived alter...
..two teams however made it through, despite having to wade through a temporal field that made movement worse than moving through molassess on a cold day...
...on Neptune..
However they did their jobs, both with just as many casualties, to finally get to the core and dump it. As soon as the core was clear, the core was towed by remote drone controlled Omni-LAMs with tractors...
...the three tractored and Fold Jumped the core away with them, just before the core finally detonated about 5 million kilometers away in an empty area of space.
After that was settled, the Gaians began recovery procedures the same as they had done for the TPF, Dominion and Scandinvans. This time they had their own to add, along with many NZ personel in genetic refabrication units.
The Scandinvans
14-05-2005, 21:03
The ships internal repair units dispered and began to quickly repair the ship the only reason this had happened was because of the ship's shields was offline.
The ship's cannos and baterries opened up in prepartion to attack the enenmy.
Thousands of fighters and bomber poured out of it's landing bays to track down and destroy the enemy ship.
The Planet Federation
14-05-2005, 23:59
Lt. Commander Garcia steps up to the viewer to adress Commander green.
"Sir theres been an explostion from the Scandinivan Ship carring the Royals we recieved confirmation that they are ok but we are awiating the ship to be secured before bringing them aboard The battlecruiser."
"Ok Lt. Gercia keep me updated"
"Yessir this is Garcia out"
Lt. Garcia looks at his viewer as it switches from the confrence toa close up od the burning vessel.
"Pvt. Please send the following message to The General watching the royals."
"General Moaat please get the Royals to the nearest avaiable docking bay and prepare for emengercy evacuation of the Vessel."
Several seconds later a response came buzzing in
"Yes Lt. On the way"
An unknown vessel cloaked about 30,000 Billion KM away and entered hyperspace it mave in right bewteen the Scandinvan and Federation ships.
"Sir we have a subspace anamoly appearing .7789 Right in front of us sir."
"Cloaked ship?"
"Possibily sir"
The Lt. thought for a moment then whispered "Battlestations ready all weapons"
Immediatly the ship uncloaked and aimed all its weapons at the Scandinvan Cruiser although the Scandinvans weapons along with federation Battlecruiser armorments and Fedeaion attack ships hit it its armor seemed to be much to strong.
The ship powered up all its weapons and unleashed one huge wave of weapons right at the Scandinvan ship.
"Sir were showing a complete loos of the Scandinvan shields."
"Shit Send a message to General Moaat to get the royals out now!!!!"
About that time another tech on the bridge yelled "Sir the enemy ships has lost its shields"
"About bloody time"
The battlecruiser launed 22 torpedos at the ship unfortanly the mysterious ship got another 3 lazer bursts off before being blown into 3 large sections.
The first two lasers hit t he scandivian engines blowing them into pieces the last laser hit dead center blowing a massive hole into the ceneter and the ship began to come apart.
"Send a rescue team now" The Lt. Commander Barked "Inform Commander green we need reinforcements and someone get me General Moaat NOW!"
The Scandinvans
15-05-2005, 00:35
The shields were actually turned off so it could fire it's super axial laser and it's ship and planet destroying batteries, that could destroy any lesser ship.
The Scandinvans
15-05-2005, 00:38
OCC:A ship ths size of the Amend Class ship engines wouldn't be destroyed so easily, but I will accept that they are damaged and a hole in the center of my ship wouldn't destroy it's battle powers that much.
The Planet Federation
15-05-2005, 00:40
OOC-Yes i ment to type dmaged the engines and i know that the ship armorments werent hurt in the xplostion. But the area around the hole was falling apart beacuse of the suction and massive damage.
The Scandinvans
15-05-2005, 00:42
OCC: Okay, I get what you are getting at now.
The Planet Federation
15-05-2005, 01:12
Commander Green looked up after reading the hails from Lt. Commander Garcia.
"Dammit.......tell him we have another Carrier on the way send the Escabaz."
"And inform STARFLEET and the Prime Minister"
Aboard the Scandinvan ship the emengercy lighting shut off. General Moaat looks around in the pitch black it was now only him 2 PFSF officers and the royals. The PFSF forces moved into a protection formation but since there were only 2 one went in front one went behind each with Thermal imaging on.
The general got out his blaster pistol.
"Mam plase stand behind me"
"Yes general i think that would be best" The queen said politely."
"The docking bay is 4 floors up and 400 yars noth noth east. We will be there in 4 minutes if the turbolifts arent down....but chances are they lost power." The Special Forces officer in the front said.
As the Special Forces officer reached the turbo lift it did not open. "Yep" he said "Lifts are down but there should be an emengery ladder 10 yars this way" As the officer led them to the right another explosion rocked the ship although not enough to can anyone to fall.
"The ship is breaking apart" The Special forces officer said behind them.
"No its not its just where it was hit....chances are that part of the ship is already under lockdown. and that explostion was just somethin inside the lockdown area explosding"
Finally the officer in front found the emengercy ladder. "Ill go first followed by the general then the royals then officer doyal"
"Good" The general said.
After almost 10 minutes of climbing they stopped so the royals could rest......Then continued on.......They finally reached the docking level about 5 mintes after there rest.
"That was quite a climb" king gilmore observed
"Ok everyone" the front officer said the docking bay should be 400 meters this way" He points in front of him.
As they continue to wals on the special forces officer notices many bodies lining the floor "Watch your step debris on the floor" He said delicately.
After about 2 minutes of walking they reached what appeared to be the docking may door but it would not open.
"Dam" the officer commented "It wont budge"
"What do we do now?" General Moaat asked
"Well we could pry the door open but there might be a hul breach inside the docking bay which might be the reason the door wont open. Or it could just be because of the power loss.... But a power loss shouidnt effect the docking bay doors."
"Why is that" the King asked.
"Well sir the docking bays are where some emengercy equipment and shuttles arelocated so they usually operate on there own power supply so if there is a critical emengercy people can get to there escape craft. So the only reason this should be stuck is if the hull is breached....which means if we opened the door we could all be killed."
"So what should we do?" The queen asked.
The general waled to the left of the door and to the right about 10 yards each way.
"we stay put and get in contact with the sense in gettin ourselves more lost." The general looks at the Special forces officers. "Set up a defensive perimeter if the ship was boarded we must maintain security.....Oh and Doyal try to get in contact with Lt. Commander Garcia."
"Already on it Sir."
The Scandinvans
15-05-2005, 17:21
A deck officer said,"Main guns ready to fire."
The admairal said," Fire at will.'
Huge beams of energy cut through space and hit the unkown ship splitting it in two and it blew up within 5 seconds of being hit by the cannons.
The Planet Federation
15-05-2005, 19:22
General Moaat looked down the dark hallway with one of the officers veatvisors.
"General weve been here for almost an hour and nothing"
"Doyal can you get through to Lt. Commander garcia?"
"Im trying sir but somethign seems to be jamming our signals."
"Ok we will stay put for another 30 minutes if noone comes we will make our way to the bridge"
The Planet Federation
16-05-2005, 21:04
The Planet Federation
18-05-2005, 23:19