NationStates Jolt Archive

The Rise of the Binarian Empire

Dirdel and Binary
08-05-2005, 06:23
**Thousands of years ago, far from the warring ancient civilizations of the Milky Way galaxy, in the Whirlpool Galaxy (M51, according to memory), there lies a peacefull binary star system, called Binaria, orbited by 3 known planets, and multiple unknown planetds. 2 of those planets are Dirdel and Binary, earthlike worlds orbiting each other, 1 of which has continents resembling those on Earth, but all clustered near the north pole. Here, these two planets give birth to new races of intelligent beings, some humanoids, some amphibious, and some insectoid. This is where the Binarian Empire was born...**


OOC: The RP will take place on dirdel and binary, the double planet. we will start in the stone age, and go all the way up to the space age where the entire system is colonized.

Facts about the system I made in Celestia:

Binaria (2 stars), 3 planets, 1 moon. the innermost planet is actually a failed star, and it is the one with the moon. The stars orbit each other every 6 to 7 Earth days.

The names are actually based on computer stuff. Dirdel is actually, from command prompt (MS DOS stuff), dir and del put together. The names are also somewhat astrology based, such as with the innermost planet's moon.

Nuclear Twin (the failed star), radius 170000 km, one moon, Geminaria, radius 4936.31, at 335,000 km from planet. (
(Geminaria is on the lower right, a bit tough to locate. HINT: Geminaria also has its own ring system)

Dirdel (the double planet), radius 6770, one companion, Binary, radius 4130, at 41260.15 km from Dirdel. The double planet system is tilted on its side, like Uranus and Pluto, causing extreme seasons. Binary orbits Dirdel the same way charon orbits Pluto--always stays in the same position in the sky, never moves. One Dirdelian year is 18% longer than one Earth year, due to a slightly greater distance from the suns than Earth is from Sol. (

(Feel free to add more planets and moons as the RP progresses! :) )

Also, for the purpose of the RP, the timeline will be like this: one RL day will equal the following number of years, Dirdel time:
Gatherer-hunter age/Stone age to Medieval ages = 50
Medieval ages to Industrial era = 20
Industrial era to 1990 AD = 5
1990 AD to ??? = ??? (we'll decide on it when we'll get to it)

(Got a better idea for the timeline? TG me please :) )

Here are very-low-resolution maps of both planets...

(Yes, I know it looks like the Pacific rim, I took it off the Civilization II: MGE computer game, so be quiet. :p )



OOC: I'll start. I'll take the "korean" peninsula, on Dirdel, just west of "japan".

IC: **A small group of humanoid orangutans slowly came to sentience on a moderate-sized peninsula on Dirdel, and roamed about the peninsula, hunting mainly binarian birds, using body language as their only form of communication for the time being.**

*A majestic female binarian bird is sitting atop a lush jungle tree, pecking out treeworms for her mate resting below, sleeping. Nearby, 3 humanoid orangutans, 2 men and one woman, waited to make the move...*

Male H.O. (humanoid orangutan): *grunt!*

*Quickly, the woman jumped up, climed the tree, and stabbed the male binarian bird with a sharp-edged rock*


*Within moments, the woman had the now dead bird in her hands and carried the meal down to the men, and they returned to a cave they inhabited*

OOC: I realize this is similar to Taledonia's civilization style RP, but the Dirdel and Binary RP was in the works long before that thread was posted, and is not related to the other RP whatsoever.

Have fun! :)
The Plutonian Empire
08-05-2005, 06:25
OOC: TAGged!!! :D
The Moepoeian Republic
08-05-2005, 06:38
OOC: This looks like it is going to be interesting ;) Tagged
08-05-2005, 06:46
OOC: I'll take "California" on Durdel

IC: The massive male gazed serenely from the mouth of the cave his clan inhabited. It was a brisk winter day, cold and clear. The air was especially dry. A youngster scrabbled up beside the alpha, seeking the strength the male radiated. The child was carrying an odd rock, discovered earlier in the day. The male barked at the child for interrupting his vigil. The tiny creature jumped in surprise, launching the rock against the side of the cave. A shower of sparks fell onto a dry bush, dead at the cave mouth. It began to smolder, and a gentle breath of wind coaxed a flame into existence. The male was shocked at the sight. However, being the alpha of the clan, he could not show the fear that the child did when he scampered back into the cave. Reaching for the flame, he sensed heat on his hands! The implications of what had occurred slowly dawned on his primitive brain. Rock + wall + bush= heat! Warm, no cold!
Dirdel and Binary
08-05-2005, 14:51
*The female binarian bird flew back down to her nest, only to find that her mate disappeared. Immedieately, she smelled the scent of blood, and knew what had happened. Immediately, she swooped down, following the scent of what apparently had been the captors.*

*Meanwhile, in the skies, something strange took place. A feeble light began to shine at the barycenter between the two suns (a barycenter is the center of gravity where two bodies of similar sizes and/or masses orbit eachother).*

*The binarian bird flew above the trees, soaring with an impressive wingspan of 12 feet, occasionally swooping below the treetops to catch a scent of the humanoid orangutans. Sometimes the scent was there, sometimes it was not.*

*Suddenly, the light at the Binarian barycenter erupted, flashing brighter than the two stars combined, and ejected a whole lot of stellar material in an explosion-like manner. It was a space-time anomaly acting as a wormhole and transporting segments of a huge explosion from elsewhere in space.*

*After two hours of flight, with an occasion stop to rest, the binarian bird located a cave. The suns were beginning to set behind her, and a huge ring loomed in the sky, and growing ever larger. A light between the suns was flashing furiously, occasionally brighter than the two suns combined, but no longer ejecting material (the anomaly was beginning to die down).*

*The trio of the humanoid orangutans were preparing for their meal, when they suddenly heard a loud screeching of a binarian bird. The woman, which caught the male bird earlier in the day, was cutting the meat, looked up, to see a frightening flying figure coming at her out of the sunset, with the eyes glowing red as fire and claws extended, just as the shell of ejected material hit the planets hard, causing eerie glows in the atmosphere. The red as fire eyes, an impressive wingspan, an eerie sunset with a flashing space-time anomaly between the suns, and atmospheric glows caused by shell hitting the planet, were the last things the woman saw, before the binarian bird clawed her face with such force that both the woman and the binarian bird instantly died upon impact. (ooc, that's not too explicit/engrossing, is it?)*

*The remaining two humanoid orangutans, both male, simply figured that the dead female binarian bird was also now part of their meal. However, they also experienced the first emotions a sentient being can have, grief and sadness, with the insta-death of their female companion. Intuitively, the males now knew not to select just one female for a mate, but two, one for each male.*

*To the west, the anomaly died out and the suns set, and the ring of material dissipated into deep space.*

**Years pass, Dirdel and Binary are both plunged into an ice age as a result of the anomaly's ejection of stellar material, but the ice age was slightly weaker than it should have been, because the suns were now a teensy bit stronger with the new material they absorbed. The males find new mates and raise families, and die.**
The Plutonian Empire
09-05-2005, 03:41
OOC: bump! :D
The Plutonian Empire
09-05-2005, 05:13
OOC: bump
The Three United Isles
25-05-2005, 09:28
the young woman, was riding bareback on a horse, she was herding the others up, she had long hair with rosy tanned cheeks.
The Plutonian Empire
25-05-2005, 09:34
the young woman, was riding bareback on a horse, she was herding the others up, she had long hair with rosy tanned cheeks.
OOC: Don't you think it's a wee bit early for horse-back riding abilities? ;)
21-08-2005, 03:58
The area of Dirdel that would have been Vietnam was covered in dense green canopies, wet tree tops that absorbed the humidity and hot weather. Noises sounded from it; harsh bird calls and cackles of the hidden beasts beneath the brush.

A female human, slightly short and bent over (looking as though her growth had been stunted) stepped into a small clearing. Her angular eyes tilted up at a slight rise, and odd, clicking grunts rose from her thick throat.

Two males emerged from the trees, one taking a basket of the gathered vegetation and the other swooping her up onto his shoulders. They began the trek back to the tribal living area, bird-eyes and beast-eyes watching their movements.
Dirdel and Binary
21-08-2005, 04:06
OOC: Yay, back on track. hopefully. :D

I'll post mine in a few...
Dirdel and Binary
22-08-2005, 05:26
*It has been approximately 4000 years since the anomoly erupted between the suns and the climates on Dirdel and Binary were beginning to warm up again. Sea levels rose as the ice caps shrunk. The area where the humanoid orangutan woman was killed by the binarian bird was slowly inundated by the rising seas, and turned into swampland.*

*The humanoid orangutans, still very slow to develop, eventually learned to gather into large communities, but the communities were strife with territorial aggression for a long time until they learned to accept their similarities as a species*