05-05-2005, 04:43
Prime Minister James 'Gannon' Wilder looked out from the bridge of his Carrier mark 2. The largeish carrier battle group stretched out before him.
"We are ready to start the test sir," the fleet admiral, Yerrick said. James turned and looked at one of his most trusted advisors.
"Very good, you may proceed," James replied. Yerrick turned and nodded to his first in command.
"Laser power buffers are charging, reporting 40% firing capasity," one of the people in the room said, as the single nuclear reactor onboard the space station started sending it's energy into the buffers.
The OSL-01, Orbit-Surface laser was biult in geosyncronus orbit over a little island. It was effectivly a hugely powerful X-ray laser system. The same basic weapon had been used, but it was powered by a nuclear bomb that exploded, powered and fired a Gamma Ray laser system. It could do massive amounts of damage, but was wildly inacurrate and didn't stay on target for long. The OSL-01 would be able to create an x-ray laser and hold it on target for a long period of time, which was yet to be determined.
"Buffer at 95%" the same guy said again.
"Targeting Gyros online, location confered, Gyros alligning now," that was the targeting officer.
"The target area is secure and ready to recive fire."
"Gyros alligned, targeting confermed."
"Ok, boys," said Yerrick, who was in charge of this operation, "Go, no go for firing."
"Weapon systems, go."
"Crew, go"
"Power, go"
"Targeting, go"
"Fleet, go"
"Reciver, go"
"Fire control, go"
"We are go for test," Yerrick said, turning his gaze to the window, where the fire works would take place, "Commence firing."
"Firing.. now"
The 5 foot wide area where the laser penatrated appered to catch on fire as the high power beam incinerated any particals that got in its way and set ones around it on fire. Smoke rose from the center of the island. Even from 8 miles away it was possible to see toungs of flame reaching up around the laser.
"Expanding Beam now"
The laser beam began to expand, enveloping more of the island. The actuall beam couldn't be seen, but its effects could. More of the sky caught on fire as the rest of the island was swallowed by the laser's fury. Suddenly a deafaning roar rumbled over the fleet as the sound from the burning air reached them. The island was now compleatly covered in the laser, trees were incinerated, the sand turned to glass, anything close to the center of the laser simply nolonger existed as a solid. The center of the island suddenly became increadably bright and a shockwave rolled over the water towards the fleet. The island was enveloped in a ball of plasma created by the super heated stuff at the center of the laser.
"Ending test!" The fire control officer yelled over the roar.
The sky stopped buring suddenly, and the ball of plasma suddenly collapsed inward, as it nolonger had the super hot laser fueling it. Water fell into the huge hole left by the plasma ball pulling the fleet towards it. Even the massive Mark 2 carrier was noticably moved by the implosion.
There was a strange silence as the roar stopped, not even the ringing in all of their ears could fill the silence.
"Report," James said, trying to end the silence.
"All sensors report.. good test!"
The room broke out in cheers, even James was exited.
"How much damage did we do?" Yerrick asked, once the cheers died down.
"We fired for.. 15 seconds and the island.. is compleatly gone! It simply dosn't exist any more," this was followed by more cheers.
"99 red balloons," yerrick laughed.
"That'll create a huge boom," James said, "Now the question is, who will listen?"
"Scan the area, I want to know who and what is here, it if moves more then half a knot or is bigger then a sardein, then I want to hear about it," Yerrick said, and everyone got to work.
Prime Minister James 'Gannon' Wilder looked out from the bridge of his Carrier mark 2. The largeish carrier battle group stretched out before him.
"We are ready to start the test sir," the fleet admiral, Yerrick said. James turned and looked at one of his most trusted advisors.
"Very good, you may proceed," James replied. Yerrick turned and nodded to his first in command.
"Laser power buffers are charging, reporting 40% firing capasity," one of the people in the room said, as the single nuclear reactor onboard the space station started sending it's energy into the buffers.
The OSL-01, Orbit-Surface laser was biult in geosyncronus orbit over a little island. It was effectivly a hugely powerful X-ray laser system. The same basic weapon had been used, but it was powered by a nuclear bomb that exploded, powered and fired a Gamma Ray laser system. It could do massive amounts of damage, but was wildly inacurrate and didn't stay on target for long. The OSL-01 would be able to create an x-ray laser and hold it on target for a long period of time, which was yet to be determined.
"Buffer at 95%" the same guy said again.
"Targeting Gyros online, location confered, Gyros alligning now," that was the targeting officer.
"The target area is secure and ready to recive fire."
"Gyros alligned, targeting confermed."
"Ok, boys," said Yerrick, who was in charge of this operation, "Go, no go for firing."
"Weapon systems, go."
"Crew, go"
"Power, go"
"Targeting, go"
"Fleet, go"
"Reciver, go"
"Fire control, go"
"We are go for test," Yerrick said, turning his gaze to the window, where the fire works would take place, "Commence firing."
"Firing.. now"
The 5 foot wide area where the laser penatrated appered to catch on fire as the high power beam incinerated any particals that got in its way and set ones around it on fire. Smoke rose from the center of the island. Even from 8 miles away it was possible to see toungs of flame reaching up around the laser.
"Expanding Beam now"
The laser beam began to expand, enveloping more of the island. The actuall beam couldn't be seen, but its effects could. More of the sky caught on fire as the rest of the island was swallowed by the laser's fury. Suddenly a deafaning roar rumbled over the fleet as the sound from the burning air reached them. The island was now compleatly covered in the laser, trees were incinerated, the sand turned to glass, anything close to the center of the laser simply nolonger existed as a solid. The center of the island suddenly became increadably bright and a shockwave rolled over the water towards the fleet. The island was enveloped in a ball of plasma created by the super heated stuff at the center of the laser.
"Ending test!" The fire control officer yelled over the roar.
The sky stopped buring suddenly, and the ball of plasma suddenly collapsed inward, as it nolonger had the super hot laser fueling it. Water fell into the huge hole left by the plasma ball pulling the fleet towards it. Even the massive Mark 2 carrier was noticably moved by the implosion.
There was a strange silence as the roar stopped, not even the ringing in all of their ears could fill the silence.
"Report," James said, trying to end the silence.
"All sensors report.. good test!"
The room broke out in cheers, even James was exited.
"How much damage did we do?" Yerrick asked, once the cheers died down.
"We fired for.. 15 seconds and the island.. is compleatly gone! It simply dosn't exist any more," this was followed by more cheers.
"99 red balloons," yerrick laughed.
"That'll create a huge boom," James said, "Now the question is, who will listen?"
"Scan the area, I want to know who and what is here, it if moves more then half a knot or is bigger then a sardein, then I want to hear about it," Yerrick said, and everyone got to work.