Pirates of the Imperium (Character Thread)
05-05-2005, 02:48
Introducing two of the most feared pirates in the galaxy (Thankfully under the employ of the Imperium). Alexus, a dark armored, hooded warrior, who bears a set of ornate pistols and a great sword, and claims leadership of the Black Corsairs; who prowl enemy shipping, returning at least part of their ill gotten gains to the Imperium. Though his origins are unknown; it is claimed that he is of the same ilk as the Chaos Space Marines of the Imperium; and that he and his brother act as more than mere pirates, but as instruments of the Emperor's Will.
His brother, the great and feared Bio-Vizier Marius; spreads his corrupt ideals of purity across space; whether altering genomes, tinkering with warriors to make them 'better', designing weapons or creating biological drugs; he seethes with dark purpose and vision; intent on corrupting with his skill as both a warrior and a scientist.
Together; they lead the Black Corsairs forth from the warp wreathed worlds of Chronosia, and from hidden bases across the cosmos; waging a secret war that few are truly privy to...
(OOC: On that note; anyone want to RP with them outside of TFU's little crusade?)
I wouldn't mind it, they could raid/try to raid parts of the merchant navy.
05-05-2005, 03:17
Sounds fun :P
How would you want to organise/arrange it and do it?
(Thankfully under the employ of the Imperium) Employ irony much? sounds WarHammer 40k based?
OOC: I don't have time to start anything major at the moment because I won't be able to log on very often over summer vacation, but it might be fun if they had a run in with the Kendaryn border patrol and/or Gorteth and his crew some time.
05-05-2005, 03:59
OOC: Sure, all sounds good.
Chronosia is based on WH40K Chaos; but since they started out as Imperial; they have basically been on the whole, corrupted. Imagine if Horus had won the Heresy and that is the Chronosian Imperium;a vast and brutal empire loyal to Chaos.
05-05-2005, 21:08
This sounds pretty cool. I would probably rp as a Tau-like race.
05-05-2005, 21:35
No, you'd RP as yourself :P
Chaos is just how I am; its what my nation is based on
05-05-2005, 21:38
Well, my actual nation is relatively Tau-like, but has magic. If magic is allowed, I'll use that one.
05-05-2005, 21:39
Sure, my guys usually use some Sorcery anyway
I think that Theao and I are going to reprise our roles as Jason and Perigrine for this...
05-05-2005, 22:13
Anyone wanna start? :P
LOL it's your RP, start a thread setting the scene and we'll be there...The dark must have the light to hold it at bay...don't you just love it when the shadows come into play?
05-05-2005, 22:23
OOC: How Poetic of you.
The black ships dodged through the darkness of space; great harbingers of bloody doom to any who crossed their path; yet now; wreathed in shadowy stealth fields; they lay dormant, awaiting. Upon the great bridge of their Flagship; the Hammer of Vaul, the name unceremoniously taken from an Eldar forge God, stood the great intimidating figure of Alexus, his black robes hugging his powerarmored figure, as he gazed out over the stars; somewhere behind him; Marius tinkered with some body part, adjusting tendons, fixing muscle; improving upon the designs of the gods.
"Whats the status?" Alexus' voice was a harsh and grating whisper.
"My Lord." A technician bowed. "We are operating on silent running near major shipping lanes; we await only your command."
06-05-2005, 14:02
Space cracked open and from the wierdlingness of other space a slow moving convoy of freighters, some twenty in all and a pair of passenger liners., exited into normal space. The third 'in line' exited without the steadiness of the prior two, perhaps indicateing a misaligned drive or simply sloppy navigation. The sudden flare of the drive units as the ship 'slipped' to the side gave further creedence to the notion of drive problems. Something not unusual at all in independant freighters, particularly older models such as this one obviously was. It's low power shield flickered with a noticeably ragged pattern and it's sides were streaked with the microblemishes that indicated that it ran without shields frequently. Another standard procedure for those who's profits were marginal. Shields, even the low power ones available to civilians were power hogs.
The readings any one would have gotten off the sensors further heightened that impression. The Vain Glory's engines were straining at civilian red line power levels, and still they dropped back and out of the line of the convoy. The other ships captains filled the communications with a spate of curses until Vain Glory was aside and not in their economical and effecient path
The reply they recieved was a tired laugh and an barely understandable apology. Captain Mercedes Merrideth Hexx turned to Perigrine and Jason.
"We just can't keep up" She commented wrily as she looked about the bridge
Perigrine just nodded and rubbed the barely noticable mound of her pregnancy. She was four months along - healthy and happy as could be. Her slight smile was that of a resting tiger. Life aboard the independant Vain Glory was suiting her well, or perhas it was the simple pleasure of having a mate.
06-05-2005, 20:48
OOC: Tanara, I hope you don't mind being on a shipping lane near Caladonn.
Archmage Aramil Holimion, Mage of the First Degree and Ruler of Caladonn for five years, had just finished addressing the Merchants' Guild. He exited the building, moved to the teleporter pads, and was back at his office in a flash. The lowly Twelfth Degree Mage who had teleported him had looked shocked to see the Archmage, but had recovered enough to let him through. At the office, he sat down with a tired sigh, and began to scroll through the new files on his Holoscreen. Suddenly, Teclis, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, appeared. He saluted to Aramil, and began to speak. "Sir, our sensors have sighted a convoy of freighters, approaching Caladonnian Space. They may wish to enter, or just go along the border. Should I send a customs vessel?"
"Where is it? The 17th sector? That's near unoccupied space... and our Colonization Fleet is due along that route in a week. Better send two Heavy Frigates, just in case," said Aramil.
"Yes Sir, it shall be done, for the Greater Good." Teclis teleported out, and immediately contacted Spacedock 128, near that area.
"Spacedock 128, this is Teclis, Diplomatic Minister speaking. It is the will of Archmage Aramil that two Heavy Frigates be sent to 234-592 of the 17th sector. They are ordered to check up on a freighter convoy. For the Greater Good."
"For the Greater Good," came the reply, and immediately drones were sent to begin preparation for the departure of the massive frigates. The troops were hustled out, and Captain Ilthimar, Mage of the Third Degree, was chosen to command them. Before leaving, he gave a short speach via the intercom of both ships. "Sailors and Citizens of Caladonn, today we depart on a routine mission, to check up on some freighters in Sector 17. However, I expect that you will all do your duty as if this was a mission on which the survival of our race hung. For the Greater Good." Little did the sailors know, it was, in point of fact, more than a routine assignment. He was to secure the border and scout out ahead for the Colonization Fleet, but the sailors would learn that when they needed to. "Captain Halarvor, we move out," Ilthimar said to the captain of the other frigate. The two ships slid out from dock, and shot off in the direction of the convoy.
Perigrine looked at the display before her, noting that it would take the slow moving leviathans of the convoy nearly two full days to travel from the wormhole exit to orbiting the planet that was their first port of call. Civilian ships didn't have the capacity to do micro jumps and their lesser compensator ratings meant that they had to create their wormholes further from the local sun. Hence the boring two day in system run...and the not so boring fear that commerce raiders - who knew the ships limitations all to well- would be waiting
As Jason checked a few read-outs, he felt a rumbling in his stomach. Since he was hungry, he decided to head to the galley. As he headed he called out to Peri, "Are you hungry?"
Perigrine swiveled her seat about, and grinned up at him. "Absolutely starving".
Anything special you want?" He asked, with a grin
"Protein...a steak or chicken?" She thought for a moment "I think chicken, something quick. Any body popping up suspicious is going to show on the sensors fairly soon. They'll want to hit us as far out as possible. This systems sensor webs are set in very tight, leaving a big gap for raiders to take advantage of"
“It’s a good thing I remembered to set in a large store." Jason said as he headed into the galley. A short time later the smells of cooking food drifted out of the galley and into Peregrine’s nose.
The tantalizing scents set Peregrine’s mouth to watering. Any of the ships ‘droids could have heated something up but Jason was a wonderful cook, and he never failed to create something special. Her attention was caught by a flicker on the sensors. "Glory, can you give me a better look at that?"
"Cleaning it up now, there's a lot of dust in this system, part of the reason that their sensor nets are so close in." The ships' AI replied as he tried to refine the highly distorted image.
"Jason, I think we'd better mount up. It looks like we may have company." Perigrine sent over the ships comm, as she got up from the sensor station and headed to the concealed hangers where their individual ships waited
Hearing Peregrine’s message, he turned the stove off, placed the foodstuffs into the fridge and headed toward the hangers. As he went he spoke into his gizmet, "Valk, get ready. It appears we got pirates off the starboard bow.”
09-05-2005, 00:04
"Convoy to port," rumbled the intercom. "Good," said Ilthamar, "Close in, shields at maximum. We don't want to take any chances. Put me on speaker to them." He cleared his throat, and spoke into the mike, "Unidentified Convoy, you are nearing Caladonnian Space. This is Captain Ilthamar, Mage of the Third Degree, of the Imperial Navy of Caladonn. Respond with your intentions, we will teleport a customs party on board." He gestured to an Optio, who quickly exited the bridge and ordered Decurion Caelian, Mage of the Fifth Degree, to ready his Decury for deployment as customs officers. They were battlesuited up, and escorted the Teleportation Pads, where mages prepared to teleport them to one of the ships.
*" Captain Ilthamar, Mage of the Third Degree, of the Imperial Navy of Caladonn, this is Captain Aragorn, Imdependant Merchant Vessel, I guess I am the senior most captain in this convoy. While this may be near Caladon space, it is also near Anarcanis space, and we are headed into that system. I need to advise you sir, that since there has been a recent upsurge in commerce raiding in this sector in recent months we have Tarlachian anti teleportation sigils active. Any attempts at magical teleportation will go awry as I understand it. I'm no mage but when they showed us what would happen, I near lost my lunch, Captain. If you wish to send over a small group in a shuttle, that will be acceptable."*
Captain Aragorn ws an older man with steel grey hair and warm blue eyes, who very visably meant every word he said, especially the last when he spoke of what had happened when the captains had seen the demonstration of what magical teleport blockers would do. The results had not been pretty.
09-05-2005, 20:49
"Ah, I see, Captain Aragorn. In point of fact, we use advanced anti-teleportation and scrying devices also. I will send a Decury over in a shuttle. I apologize for the search, but as you know there are many raiders in this area and this quadrant is under special surveillance by the Imperial Caladonnian Navy. Thank you." With that, he ordered Decurion Caelian to enter the shuttle with his platoon and get moving. They quickly went to the Docking Bay, and the huge doors opened after they entered a small shuttle. It quickly traversed the gap between the ships, and sealed to the side over a hatchway.
*"Well, Captain Ilthamar, I'm willing to admit that I have not the slightest understanding as to how they work. They are relavitly new for us. And no apology necessary for the search. Tis but practical. And our slowing down will allow the Vain Glory to catch up, if they have their drives fixed...again."
*"This is Vain Glory, yes our drives are fixed, ...yet again. We'll be taking Tail End Charlie"* The old merchant man's AI replied, useing agreed upon code phrases to let Captain Aragorn know that they were standing down from level 2readiness to level 3.
When the Imperial Caladonnian Navy shuttle arrived and docked they were greeted by the Executive Officer of the bulky merchantman
"Greetings, I'm XO Hardesty. I have our manifests here, or you can review them on our main bridge. The other vessels in the convoy are burst transmitting their manifests at this time." The XO was a pleasantly plump middle aged woman with soft brown hair and warm green eyes.
I just pray that the thread doesn't start while I'm not on NS for a period of time and I end up being late (as usual... *Sigh*). I want to help out the imperium and all, but everytime I do, I'm way too late to change much.
Not to mention my own empire is in a middle of a war.
I'll send in what I can.
10-05-2005, 20:15
"Greetings from Caladonn, XO Hardesty. I am Decurion Caelian, Mage of the Fifth Degree of the Imperial Navy of the Grand Magocracy of Caladonn. I will review your manifests, and a few of my men will search your compartments, purely a routine measure. I apologize for any inconvenience." At first it was hard to tell any distinctive features of the Decurion, as he was clad in a sleek white battlesuit with Caladonnian markings, but he popped back the headpiece to reveal black hair and dark green eyes. He quickly gave orders to his Decury, and they split up to survey the ship.
The XO handed Decurion Caelian the padd, allowing him access to their manifest as well as the now recieved ones from the other ships.
"All I ask Decurion Caelian, is that your ment don't enter the engineering spaces with out an escort. I'd hate to have some one accidentally trigger the hyper core."
Helen Hardesty made sure that the freighters small crew knew that the Caladonnians would be moving about the ship. Like every good merchant she wasted no opening. When the Decurion, who reminded her very strongly of her own son, finished reviewing the various manifests she inquired about trading possibilities. The ship's AI had provided her what rudimentary information it had on Caladon, it wasn't much, just shell information from the Universal University.The Tanaran Empire had never dealth with them but they weren't on the banned list either so it was safe to make trade contacts with the Magocracy.
"Who would we be approaching about mutual trade? Anarcanis is becoming a regular run for us, and if your borders are nearby, perhaps mutual trade agreements would be beneficial"
16-05-2005, 15:25
"Do not worry, my men are proffesionals," Caelian said to the likable woman. Oddly enough, she reminded him of his mother, back on Sentara Prime. "They know the damage a hyper core can do on a ship, and will take precautions. They are equipped with radar devices which will scan the engineering spaces. And about trading relations, I obviously have very little say, but I'm sure we could work something out. Caladonn is expanding in this area, so no doubt increased contact would be for the good of both of us."
Helen smiled understandingly.
"I'll make a report of our contact of course, and we're thankful to see partols so far out. The Anarcanis system is so full of debris, we have to jump nearly two full days of sublight out. And the reports coming in about the ferocity of the pirates is rather daunting. We carry a few missiles, what merchie doesn't? But they're nothing against a warship."
She shook her head worriedly and changed the subject back to her first love, trade.
"I know you'll write up a report as well. Could I give you a data crystal to pass along to your superiors? It has coordinates for contacting the Tanaran Empire and what our trade policies are."
The WIck
16-05-2005, 17:16
TAG...will want to post maybe having ya kill some merchant or perhaps some of my navy will hunt...let me know
16-05-2005, 17:48
"Yes, both the debris and the pirates are challenging, but we hope to clear this area for colonization purposes. Of course, a data crystal would be helpful. Although the Caladonnian Foreign Ministry already knows of our contact, finer details would always be helpful. Perhaps we could give your convoy some information also."
Helens eyes lit up. To Tanarans information, knowledge, was all but sacred.
"I'll be happy to accept what ever information you'd be willing to pass on. And our library is at your disposal. Here, care to come into our rec room and look through the system?" She offered eagerly as she finished down loading the official 'welcome and Tanaran Empire FAQ" program into the crystal maker worn on her belt.
"This holocrystal is Tanara's official Welcome" She offered it to Caelian.
19-05-2005, 20:22
"I would love to, both in my official capacity and just for curiosity. Actually, I could get you a link to our ship's library, it has quite extensive information on all aspects of Caladonn. Feel free to peruse it at your lesiure." He spoke a few commands into the helmet microphone, and unclipped a small pod from the back of his suit. It generated a holographic projector, showing a table of contents with glowing green letters and color holographic representations of the different subjects on Caladonn. It was voice-activated, Caelian explained, and would give her all she would ever need to know on Caladonn-if it was not confidential, that is.
Helen smiled and accepted the pod with thanks as she ushered him into the rec room, and offered him some coffee
"It's mountain grown on Terra Two, the planet the empire originated on, and it's supposed to rival that of old Terra. We keep well stocked, life on a merchant man can get rather humdrum." She showed him how to handle the library controls and how to download what ever data he chose, then bustled over to the galley to pour the coffee that MoreMaus, the Ship's AI had set to brewing.
"If I may ask are all Caladonnians mages? My cousin's son is off to Tarlachia for training, but the he's the only one in his ryouiki that has the sensitivity. I guess thats the ability to manipulate magical energies?
22-05-2005, 16:35
"Thank you, the coffee they have on shipboard is more often than not a second-rate growth teleported in at the last minute. Well, most Caladonnians have some magical aptitude, and the way things have been for millennia, its hard to advance in the government or the military without both magical aptitude and training. We measure magical training in Degrees. The Supreme Archmage is always of the First Degree, which is very powerful. However, there are variations within a degree. I am a mage of the Fifth Degree myself."
"I see. And you will move to lower numbered degrees as your training advances? Tanara is very new to magic. We have been able to 'see' and 'manipulate' magical energy only for a few years. We have Mutancies, both genetic line specific and x factors as a common part of our lives, and we are finding a growing number of psionics, though I believe that there is still a lot of debate as to wether that is just a Mutancy or something seperate"
She chuckled as she refilled their cups "I'm no scientist so I stay well out of their shouting matches. I'm an x factor myself. Like most of us though, it's not something that's going to make me "rich and famous", unless one needs twilight lights."
Helen pulled a small silver disc out of a pocket and rubbed it between her fingers. Shortly it began glowing with a soft shadowless blue light. "I've never had it - my mutancy 'papered', studied that is, to determine exactly what I do. It's very minor, and I know that it's all I can do."
She handed the disc to Caelian "It produces no heat, or any sort of injurous radiation. As far as my friends in Engineering can detect. If it is allowable, please accept it as a small memento."
Her communicator cheeped as MoreMaus advised her that the Caladonn team had finished their inspection
"Would you superiors like convoy on in with us, we could give you an introduction to the Anarcanans. Nice folk, if a little strange."
23-05-2005, 20:28
"Yes, the degrees lower as you become more experienced. Most people are at least Mages of the 30th Degree, with small but nonetheless interesting abilities like yourself." He drained his coffee cup and commented on its refined taste. "I thank you for this little gift, it is very interesting. Here, I must return the favor." He cupped his hands and concentrated, as the lights temporarily dimmed. When he was done, a small, sparkling emerald rested in his hands. "It's not really that much. It's called a luckstone in Caladonn," he said as he handed it to her. "It brings minor good luck, nothing like saving your life, but little things. I hope it will help you in some small way. Well, I unfortunately must be off with my decury, but I will speak to Captain Ilthamar about the possibility of continuing with you, since we are supposed to patrol this sector anyway, and you would doubtless like the extra protection. Anyway, it was a pleasure meeting you, Goodbye." With that, he ordered his decury to return to the shuttle via comm-link, and put on his helmet.
Once the Caladonnians had departed, Lt. Commander (ret.)Helen Hardesty made an initial contact report that was most favorable towards the Caladonn peoples. MoreMaus, the ships AI, seconded the findings, having taken a long ( for an AI ) look through their library.
The convoy resumed the cruiseing speed that was the most cost effecient for merchant vessels and continued in system. the Caladonnian warships would have not trouble matching their speeds, if fact there would probably be grumbling about the huge bulk transports as being too slow.
Back in the smaller Vain Glory, still 'struggleing' to keep up Perigrine relaxed as she got the all clear. She comoed over to Jason waiting his his own fighter in the other hanger.
"Jason, the Trott says these new ones aren't hostile and may be providing us escort, so we can stand down for now"
06-06-2005, 21:15
The Decurion returned to the Silver Needle wia shuttle, and the two Caladonnian frigates took up positions to starboard of the convoy.
06-06-2005, 23:10
Darkness was the essence of space, deceit; subterfuge, subtlty, shadow. The ships had been watching, silent, sliding through the void, their stealth fields enveloping them. But that time was at an end. The crack of weapons fire, and the discharge of homing mines broken the monotony, as waves of pure warp energy surged towards the escorts. A pirate fleet numbering 20 ships struck, sliding through the gulf of space, whilring with weapons readied.
The dance of death had begun, yet the lead dancers no where to be seen
06-06-2005, 23:52
The bridge of the Silver Needle rolled in the shock of the warp fire, damage control signals beeping red. Captain Ilthimar jumped into his chair, and began issuing orders as fast as his mouth could move. "Fire all guns, aim at the ships closing in! Get the shields to full power, I want an Arcane Ritual team in here on the double. Ready the troops, prepare for a boarding attempt. Send a distress signal to Spacdock 128 and Caladonn, I want reinforcements on the double! Tell those frieghters to fire with whatever they've got, and get to the Warp as fast as possible. As soon as they're out of here, I want us at the spacedock, a crew neds to calculate the coordinates now! Fire another salvo at the enemy, and then fire at will, target whoever's within range!"
The ships obeyed, and thousands of plasma bolts came from their turrets, flying toward the enemy ships, bright harbingers of doom. The ships fired as fast as they could, a blanketing wall of fire to protect themselves and the merchantmen. Soldiers tossed out of their bunks and donned battlesuits; pilots readied their fighters in the event of an enemy bomber wave, and the Arcane Ritual met in the bridge, focusing the powers of many high-degree mages into a strong, ethereal shield, forcing the warpfire of the enemy back towards them.
The Tanaran merchies recoiled as twenty pirate ships ships dropped stealth and rolled down on the lumbering convoy. Their shields were of little enough use, but did allow them to weather the first salvos. Frightened but unpanicked the freighters fired off their ready missles and scattered, like a pounced on covy of quail.
The Hot to Trott send a harried acknowledgement to the Caladonnians aboard the Silver Needle and a light speed warning to the Arcanisan's toward who they had been heading. Others directed their communications elsewhere, and grinned like sharks. They hadn't expected such a fleet, and they knew their underpowered missiles would do next to nothing to those pirates, but the Tanaran main fleet could always use target practise.
One by one the freighters activated their slipstream drives and fled into the safety of the quantum universe, into the superstrings of Slipstream where ships that did not use that type of drive could not follow, and could not track. They did not escape without damage, and several fatalities. Their shield had proved of not much use against the wierdling energies of the pirates guns after the first fire had hit them. The technologies were too dirrerent.
The smallest of the merchantmen, the Vain Glory, slowest and last in line chose to drop, anti vertically, away from the plane of the major combat. It's shields fluttered, rasing then falling, before stablizing. Far heavier shields, if one knew how to interpert the readings, than the other merchies. Glory, the ships AI untertook to fire the first salvo on his own, five small heavily ecmed missiles with non standard warheads. Nothing explosive at all but homing beacons, tracking devices. Carefully the AI set part of its attention of guiding the missiles to five of the nearest pirate ships.
"My sensors show 20 of them. And they have an energy weapon that I am unfamiliar with. Do you want me to bring out the guns?" The AI asked.
"Do not blow panels Glory, no use in giving us away, not with that many out there." [i]Perigrine ordered as she picked herself up off the deck where one particularly sharp 'lunge' by the Glory had put her.
"Jason, you okay?" Her voice carrying clearly to her mate
Jason bounced off one of the bulkheads when the ship lurched, hearing Peri call out, he replied, "Yes I am, what about you?" as he headed over to see if she was alright.
"Just bruised" She rubbed her tail bone as the buffer systems kicked in and insulated them from the wild veering and rolling. Glory had activated one of his several evasion programs but the compensators had not spooled up quickly enough. Now they were online and the vessels two personell were free of the buffeting.
"I don't think a pirate armada was what they had in mind for us to take on. I recommend doing a false jump, and going full stealth, sitting just inside the oort cloud and watching to see what unfolds." Perigrine looked at the readout of numbers and dispositions that Glory was projecting for their information
07-06-2005, 02:48
Fropm the centre of the Raiders came a far larger ship; its engines revving; its weapons glimmering. Missles and blasts of plasma surged through the void, as the front unfolded, a massive blast of raw warp energy hurtling towards the centre of the formation.
"Engage the inhibitors..." A voice hissed, as the hooded figure stared out at the enemy. "You know the rules of any convoy, stay with the prize...I want us to engage in a rapid offensive; blow the convoys engines, and immobilize the defenders, prepare for immediate boarding pod launch and teleport offensive; when the first barrages hit them, I want marines on those ships."
"No, I don't. That seems like a good idea, thought Valk may be a bit pissed he can't blow a few ships." Jason replied as he came to stand beside her.
07-06-2005, 23:43
Captain Ilthimar strode to the viewing screen as a massive ship came into view, blasts coming towards the frigates at lightning speed. The warpfire was stopped, but when Captain Ilthimar looked back at the Ritual Circle of Mages, he saw their faces white and their bodies covered with frost, all their force going into protecting the ships from the enemy. Returning salvoes were fired off, plasma bursts and magical blasts alike streaking towards the vile foe. The ships prepared for the Jump to the Warp, and the mages readied themselves. At the last minute, the conventional shields took over, as all the mages exerted their power into launching the ship back to Spacedock 128, away from the carnage. All the mages but one, that is. Centurion Quarion, Mage of the Third Degree, was focued on something entirely different. he had not reported to the frenzied ritual circle. Instead, he was doing an equally important job, suspended in a room in the center of the ship, gazing into a pool of water. In the face of the pool, a hooded figure on a forboding bridge hissed unintelligible dark commands.
08-06-2005, 00:13
The Hooded figure turned to face its brother; a great hulking behemoth in Terminator Armor; riven with symbols and sigils, even into his flesh. He grunted, chuckling as he moved forward.
"My marines will be ready and waiting to attack; they shall strike key points, to disable weapons, engines; anything. We've done it before, brother, we can do it again. I advise a surgical missle strike against all engines, and a warp fire volley against weapons arrays....Now"
And it was done...
The Tarlachian anti teleport sigils flared to life, anything or any one attempting to teleport aboard the Tanaran merchantmen would find their component atoms scrambled into new and decidedly unpleasant- not to say non living- arrangements.
Each sped towards the rips in normal space their exotic matter lenses created, heading for the safety of the superstrings and quantum universe of SlipStream. Each had their own prechosen destination, unknown to any of the others. Scattering like a covey of frightened quail had its advantages and drawbacks, but to the captains of the convy the advantages far outweighed the drawbacks.
"Entering Slipstream..in Three...Two...One...opened micro jump, Exit in Five...Four...Three"
Glory chanted down as Perigrine sprinted for the bridge.
"Jason, you want to pilot or take point defence?"
The neaby oort cloud was so dense, that on emergence the only safe thing was to have their point defense up and manned- to clear them a hiding spot amid the stellar debris
"You know the ship's capabilites better, so I'll take the PDs." Jason replied as he headed to the defensive controls.
09-06-2005, 20:59
The enemy missiles and warpfire streaked towards the hugely outnumbered two Caladonnian Frigates, enough power to do heavy damage to both.
But it was too late. Seconds before the enemy fire would have impacted, the ships disappeared... and reappeared near Spacedock 128, on the edge of Caladonnian Space. Ilthamar hoped all the convoy ships had gotten out, but it was too late now.
Captain Hexx looked up as Pergrine and Jason entered. She was coordinating the 'stream jump, environmental, and other stations, leaving the normal space helm and point defense for the other two. She repoerted as the tow stepped up to their station and the Vain Glory completed the micro jump
"Neither Glory or I have any idea what sort of energy weapons they're using. The readouts are not making any sense. And their stealth tech is better than our sensors. Thought wr're getting good readings now and the five trackers are a telemetry positive."
Then both were too busy to reply. The space they exited into was filled with chunks and hunks of extraneous matter, a good portion of it where they wanted to be. There was much for Jason to use the point defences against.
Jason used the PDs to clear a path throught the rubble that was in the location the ship was going to.
12-06-2005, 03:52
Captain Ilthamar requested clearance to land, and it was granted. The two frigates dropped down in one of the many ports of the Spacedock, which housed over five legions. The Captain immediately sought an audience with Admiral Quaithor, commanding Spacedock 128 and 129. His audience was granted.
Ilthamar entered a room walled completely with glass. Upon closer inspection, however, the glass appeared to shimmer, and to Ilthamar, as a gifted mage, he could see the runes crawling along its length. Ilthamar approached, and saluted to the Admiral.
This room was at the exact top of the double-cone shaped spacedock, and you could look out in three directions into the vacuum of space, as the admiral was doing now.
The Admiral turned, sensing his presence, and only then did Ilthamar realise how old he was. Quaithor was beyond a thousand, and yet still had his stiff, upright posture, similar to his stance against any enemies of the Magocracy. His heavily lined face smiled as he turned to face the Captain, and he said, "Report, if you please, captain."
Ilthamar swalloed, and said, "Sir, my patrol has encountered a large fleet of pirates beyond the border. They attacked us and a convoy of merchants, and we got out just in time. Although most of the raiders were normal-sized ships, one ship was gigantic. One of our mages scryed on their bridge, and saw two figures: A hooded commander, and his companion, sheathed in power armor. They are undoubtedly of chaotic persuasion."
Quaithor took this in with a nod, and said, "So they have struck. It is earlier than the Council of Divination predicted, but all the same, we are prepared. Chaotic forces cannot be allowed to prowl beyond the borders of our righteous nation. They shall soon feel the sting of Caladonnian magic!" The Admiral calmed, and said, Captain, you will go and see what became of the merchant convoy with five ships. Retreat if you are attacked with overwhelming odds. I will send Legate Ectheliar to deal with the main pirate fleet. Go now, and prepare your ships. May your Magic shine brightly."[/i]
Ilthamar saluted again, as the Admiral turned back to the stars and he left quickly. There would be much to prepare, but the pirates would fall.
24-06-2005, 20:48
A meteor got through the shields of the spacedock, and hit the station with a BUMP.
Perigrine had to concentrate completely on her piloting , the systems Oort cloud was unusually dense and the Vain Glory ws far larger than was recommended for 'impromptu navigation'. Eventually she managed to locate a relativly empty zone. Jasons incredibly accurate use of the point defense lazers to enlarged it further and when he ws done the Vain Glory had a well secluded 'hide'.
Captain Hexx activated the drone which shot out to take scans of the pirate fleet and report back their findings. The drones ere not only small and thus hard to detect but they were also heavily stealthed, rendering them even harder to observe.
Jason headed to the pilot's section, "So Peri, what's the plan from here?" He asked.
25-06-2005, 03:32
OOC: Is it too late to join?
07-07-2005, 20:31
OOC: I don't think so.
08-07-2005, 18:38
08-07-2005, 18:45
The fleet had, at this time, retreated somehat; their sleek, sinister ships plunging through the warp, tearing great seething rips into real space, as they dove from place to place; confusing, dazzling displays of acrobatics.
The Flagship hovered in the centre, stealthed and waiting. An ominous vessel, equipped with the finest technologies their 'sponsors' could provide.
"What do you think we should do, brother?" The giant geno-manipulator hissed.
"Why we wait; and we watch. They cannot hide forever, and neither can we; but once we strike. We shall strike as a serpent; quickly, and envenomed..."
08-07-2005, 19:07
Ilthamar strode to the docking bay, where the five great ships were suspended, mechanics working out the last details. The two frigates, two destroyers, and one cruiser were a powerful squadron, but nothing compared to either the pirate fleet, or the fleet being prepared for Legate Ectheliar.
Ilthamar approached the cruiser, the ICS Tiranoc and entered. This command served as a large promotion, from commanding two frigates, to this squadron.
He took the elevator to the Bridge, greeting the crewmembers as he went. He settled into the sleek captain's chair, which immediately molded to him, and said, "Let's go."
The squadron exited the Spacedock hanger, the Tiranoc in the lead. They were off.
"So Peri, what's the plan from here?"
"Watch and wait, my love. The merchants made it out, and eventually the pirates will leave. And until they do our drones are gathering all sorts of data." She gave him a smile and turned to the Vain Glory's official captain.
"Well Captain did those tracking torps lodge?"
"Sensors show four of the five with a positive data stream. When they leave, where they go will be know to us, and I'm feeding it on to the Navy as well." Merideth Hexx noted as she kept an eagle eye on the scans.
"Are you hungry?" Jason asked as he bent down to give her a kiss and began giving Peri a massage. "I wonder if the pirates will stay there so they can ambush the next convoy, or whether they will leave." He mused
Perigrine leaned back for a second just enjoying the massage. Hopefully it wouldn't be too long before she could return the favor.
"I don't know Jason. That monster that seems to the command ship is worrisome. This many ships was absolute over kill, I don't care if they took every ship in the convoy. The cost of running dedicated warships- cause those aren't any rag tag pirates scum out there- is enormous." She shook her head. A fleet of pirates was the last thing she'd expected.
"I don't know. To cover the energy expenses and missile out lay they need to get something. I bet they go stealth and wait."
"They could be an official fleet that has taken to raiding ship lanes as both practice, revenue and disruption of trade." Jason replied as he continued to rub her back. "As to what they'll do, we just have to wait and see."
"Official is very likely. And if so this amounts to an act of war. The Navy has been wanting to find some to chew on." She shook her head. Perigrine did not like looking for trouble, much less the mess that people called war.
She leaned back against her mate, enjoying the back rub, her smile warm and contented. Her stomach rumbled. dinner preperations had been intrupted earlier
"Lets go get dinner finished making" She answered his question from earlier. She wasn't the adept chef he was but was certainly capable of the basics.
Mercy waved them off the bridge. Between Glory and herself the stations were covered, and she was getting hungry too. Jason was a good cook
"Alright, it'll be good to get some food in all of us." Jason said as they headed to the galley. "If it is an official fleet, depending on who owns it, they may have issued them a letter of marque and reprisal or just claim they were acting without orders." He commented as he set to work a good meal.
"If it is an official fleet, depending on who owns it, they may have issued them a letter of marque and reprisal or just claim they were acting without orders."
"You are right on that Jason. There are too many governments out there that are nothing other than jumped up thugs themselves."
And she set about helping him with the dinner preperations
Glory was busy interperting the readings that had been taken during the battle. The attacker's weapons and propulsion systems were like none in the data banks. This would take sometime even for an AI, but she wanted to have her data in order before she compiled a report.
The Celestial Swords
17-07-2005, 18:27
This sounds pretty cool. I would probably rp as a Tau-like race.
Seen the WH40k Storefront?
Perfect for weapons.
"That's one of the problems of letting people have unilateral power, it goes to thier heads." Jason said as he continued cooking.
The Celestial Swords
17-07-2005, 20:38
A message crackled over the radio sets.
"Imper- Navy. -14-745-more static-14, .V Retribution, identify yours-NOW!"
Just wanted to know if I could come in.
I've go no problem but this is Chronosia's thread- I'd suggest TGing him.
**********************************"That's one of the problems of letting people have unilateral power, it goes to thier heads"
Perigrine laughed at that - between the two of them, given the various powers their respective governments had granted them- they could be said to have some rather 'unilateral' power.
"Oh I guess deciding to stock what holds are not filled with various sorts of missiles, with gourmet food was an example of our power going to our heads?"
Perigrine teased as she waited until he was busy and them proceeded to interupt him with a playfull kiss
Jason chuckled at her quip. He was in the process of chopping veggies when she launched her surprise 'attack. He returned the kiss and dropped the knife on the counter and launched a tickle attack on her. It appeared that dinner would be delayed a bit.
Dinner was delayed, but neither Perigrine or Jason really cared. And Captain Hexx had a stash of her favorite chocolates on the bridge. Glory didn't need either, she had data to digest and correlate. Besides she had her eye on a certain A. I. back home.
The Celestial Swords
20-07-2005, 05:51
Ooone well-aimed shot, and you would all be floating in a vacuum.
I want to kill some pirates...
OOC: So do I but suicide is not high on my agenda, and right now with 20 freaking pirate ships that is all anything else than what I'm doing would be.
Have you tg Chronosia yet?
After a while Jason leaned over and gave Perigrine a kiss on the nose. "I think we'll have to re-cook dinner." He said with a grin
The Celestial Swords
20-07-2005, 06:20
OOC: So do I but suicide is not high on my agenda, and right now with 20 freaking pirate ships that is all anything else than what I'm doing would be.
Have you tg Chronosia yet?
Meh, I'm too lazy...
*BLows up the pirates.*
I win.
OOC: Not to be rude but ...
Turns the Ignore Cannon on The Celestial Swords and blows them out of the RP.
Perigrine grins, pulls Jason down for another kiss and makes sure they go back for seconds...
The Celestial Swords
20-07-2005, 08:20
Ho ho!
Twas' but a jest, I leave you to your pirately ways.
Jason relaxed in the aftermath of thier actions, "I love you dear," he said with kiss to her cheek.
24-07-2005, 22:40
OOC: Yes, I've seen the storefront. Good job, however, Caladonn prefers to make its own weapons. Sorry :(