Dracun to begin Mass Producing Depleted Uranium Ammo
Dracun imperium
03-05-2005, 20:12
Announced today
Today, the Dread Lord and the Supreme Commander have authorized the use of DU ammunition to be mass produced. Dracun's massive nuclear energy program will now come into full effect, and mass production shall begin today. It has been authorized as legal ammunition within the Dracun Armed Forces, and shall be used whenever needed.
The reason for such a sudden mass production is unknown by suspicions say a war is brewing and only the Imperial Gods know the target. The production of DU is not the only sign, but a massive sacrifice is being prepared to the god of war, Imperivas.
The Dread Lord, nor the Supreme Commander have been available for comment and it is apparent they not make a comment about either subject. The press can only assume.
03-05-2005, 20:13
ooc: Err... most people use tungsten ammunition, which is harder than DU.
Call to power
03-05-2005, 20:15
ooc: doesn’t depleted uranium cause gulf war syndrome!
Dracun imperium
03-05-2005, 20:15
OOC: Oh...*thwaps self* I'm not the best for military technology and pretty late on the times. But a question, does tungsten ammunition cause bio-damage, and all other effects of DU?
Call to power
03-05-2005, 20:17
OOC: Oh...*thwaps self* I'm not the best for military technology and pretty late on the times. But a question, does tungsten ammunition cause bio-damage, and all other effects of DU?
ooc: no
Dracun imperium
03-05-2005, 20:18
OOC:Ok then I'm gonna use DU then, thanks though for the information.
Communist Louisiana
03-05-2005, 20:24
Communist Louisiana is highly interested in possibly purchasing DU shells for any possible conflicts that we may face.
03-05-2005, 20:36
ooc: DU tends to make your own soldiers sick as well. You'll be hemorrhaging money from your treasury like crazy when you start paying veterans affairs bills 20 years after your wars.
Dracun imperium
03-05-2005, 20:39
ooc:that's if i pay them.... ;)
Roman Republic
03-05-2005, 20:45
Could you make DU rounds for any Caliber gun??
Call to power
03-05-2005, 20:46
03-05-2005, 20:55
DU doesn't necessarily cause those effects-the allegations are based on a single study done a very short time ago. Properly depleted uranium is no more damaging than unjacketed lead-otherwise all those cases of SS-109 on the surplus market (that's 5.56mm Nato/obselete standard bullets) would be dangerously toxic waste, and illegal for use at target ranges in the U.S.
(SS-109 standard ammo uses a DU core behind a steel tip in a full-brass or copper jacket.)
Unjacketed DU processed haphazardly is seriously dangerous stuff-but the causes of Gulf War Syndrome are still being debated. Some of us got sick off the vaccines, some got sick on local bugs, and there was the whole 'black air' from the burning oil-fields (crude oil releases some very toxic shit when it burns), and that doesn't include the arsenal-blasting incident that released particulates from stored chemical and bio weapons.
03-05-2005, 20:58
In Theory yes but it tends to be easier and more useful to use DU ammo in anit tank guns, trying to develope rifle bullets using it might be a bit of a nightmare (and petty pointless, shooting someone with DU Does not Mean "OMG MY DU BULLETS GIVE U CANCER!!!!" there are far better amterials for rilfe ammo).
03-05-2005, 21:09
In Theory yes but it tends to be easier and more useful to use DU ammo in anit tank guns, trying to develope rifle bullets using it might be a bit of a nightmare (and petty pointless, shooting someone with DU Does not Mean "OMG MY DU BULLETS GIVE U CANCER!!!!" there are far better amterials for rilfe ammo).
DU is a fairly soft, heavy, metal-it's got characteristics like lead, only denser. rifle-ammo has already been in production for decades using it. the DU used in Tank Guns is actually DU/Tungsten alloy often employing Chromium and/or nickel to give it hardness and resiliency. Pure DU will "Flatten" rather than penetrating. Penetrators use the DU to up the mass in a high-sectional-density projectile to provide greater force on impact at a given velocity.
DU bullets work much the same way (See SS109 standard, 60 gr. bullet in a 55 gr. shape and size @ 3000 fps), using the DU to increase the mass of the slug without increasing either length, or diameter.
03-05-2005, 23:46
true my mistake...
Roman Republic
04-05-2005, 21:19
So could I have some dam DU Mags or do I have to kick someones ass.
Dracun imperium
04-05-2005, 21:36
Message to Roman Republic,
You have been denied Depleted Uranium, for... our own reasons.