03-05-2005, 18:37
“The Democratic Peoples Republic of Mekugi in order to establish more concrete international relations in this constantly shifting a turbulent world, due decry that on this date of Thursday the fifteenth of April 2005. That subsidies shall be made available for the establishment of a diplomatic sector in the capital city of Carin, and that it shall be opened to all willing nations seeking furthered relations with the Republic without restriction.”
- Executive Order 3498.05; Drafted: 03/04/2005; Ratified: 04/15/2005; Enacted 05/03/2005
Resting just north of the Antarctic circle the massive land mass that makes up the Democratic Peoples Republic of Mekugi is a hostile and highly imposing island. A shifting morass of ice and mud as the seasons change, its few major industrial areas had to be reclaimed from the constant cycle of the summer melts of the frozen earth which in years prior had turned the nation into chaos as travel by any means except air became a pipe dream.
Time has brought improvements, better roads, a climbing economy and allied support has allowed for much of the once impassable land to be reclaimed from the bog, and mud of the summer melts. In recent times the Republic has reached a psuedo-golden age, as self sufficiency with a high amount of export profits have made the republic an industrial wonderland of sorts bringing in many a foreign investor in search of cheap land, (as little as 50.00 Menuki’s [25.00 USD] an acre in some parts) though this unclaimed land is cheap it is plentiful and two massive internal trade zones have sprung up around two of the republics major ports.
It was through this economic boom that the republic began considering the establishment of embassies. Prior to the Executive Order only one major embassy rested in Carin; a sort of ‘experiment in diplomatic courtesy’ and one that seems to have succeeded. Those interested in establishing furthered relations with the Republic are welcome to submit an inquiry with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and will be accepted pending their agreement to the following articles.
Article 1: The land seeded to the receiving nation will become their sovereign territory and become Natale solum, the rights of which shall not be compromised or infringed regardless of the republics’ current political stance or hostilities towards said nation.
Article 2: The arriving nations shall respect the laws and territories of the Republic surrounding their embassies and respect our sovereignty as we respect theirs.
Article 3: The amount of armed (guard) personnel allowed in a foreign embassy shall not exceed 30% of its total personnel. Armament of said personnel shall not be infringed due to type; except to the limit of excluding large high explosives or any form of Weapon of Mass Destruction from this freedom. All armament entering the country must be registered, and inventory submitted bi-annually for review in order to ensure compliance with the articles listed. The weapons will only be checked to confirm type not to determine the workings off so as to respect the countries right to design control
[Ex: if a nation imports 500 rifles a year to an embassy of only 100 personnel (of which only 30 are authorized to be armed) this shows a clear violation of the agreed terms]
Article 4: The number of soft skin military or civilian vehicles on the embassy grounds shall not be infringed, except by the amount of space provided. Furthermore soft skin vehicles by definition include but are not limited to; Armored Personnel Carriers Armored Limousines, Infantry Fighting Vehicles, Transport Helicopters (armored or not), and such. Hard skin vehicles such as tanks and attack helicopters will not be permitted within the country for obvious security reasons.
Article 5: Outside the gates of the embassy a nation may choose to post a single guard in regimental colors and uniform. Though this extra territorial guard shall be limited to ONLY a semi-automatic side arm of his (or her) choice, and a semi-automatic (by means of conversion or design) or bolt action rifle with a single magazine. Should the rifle be of converted semi-automatic design and using a full capacity magazine it may only be filled to half the normal capacity of the magazine, or 15 round which ever is less. Abuse of these terms shall void the privilege and said guard shall be tried for crimes against the Republic. [usually a fine for carrying an unregistered weapon]
This guards post shall be to the right of the embassies gate. At the left of the gate will stand a member of the DP or Diplomatic Police; which are responsible for the additional defense of the embassies, as well as Republican soil, and the citizens of Mekugi. The DP can be distinguished by the Semi-automatic MAS 49 Rifle they carry and their white helmets with a blue and back stripe around its circumference. The DP are held by the same restraints as the Extraterritorial guards are, and may not carry any form of grenade or automatic weapon. But unlike the Extraterritorial Guard the DP may not enter the embassy of a nation without the owning nations permission.
Article 6: Should conflict arise between the nations of Mekugi and an embassy holder, and no hope for de-escalation or a refusal to negotiate is chosen, the Republic retains the right to give 24 hours notice of a request to vacate the embassy. At which time all ambassadorial staff will be escorted safely and without threat to the nearest airport, and transfer of all papers records or the like transferred at the embassies choice of courier at the expense of the Republic.
Article 7: Crimes committed on embassy grounds -regardless of the nationality of the intruder- are subject to the owning nations legal control, to be tried, exported for trial, or otherwise sentenced without intrusion by a foreign government. The right of which can be waived by the owning nation at any time to lessen the logistical, or legal burden. Likewise any crime committed on Republican soil shall be handled by local Republican courts regardless of the Personnel’s status within the embassy. The exception to this rule involves social and civil misconduct which could be simply a culture difference.
Article 8: Construction and design of the embassy shall be the responsibility of the owning nation, but shall be financed fully by the Republic.
Request for the exchange or construction of an embassy shall be considered compliance with the above articles. To apply for an embassy please fill out the attached E45 Form and Fax or deliver the necessary form in triplicate to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Embassy Regulation Department.
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-E45 Embassy Application Form-
1. Submitting Countries Name:
2. Government Type:
3. Major Alliance you are part of:
4. Current Relations with the Republic: ( Hostile to Close Allies)
5. Will you be taking advantage of the Regimental Guard Privilege: (see article 5)
-If Yes, please describe the Guard equipment, and appearance for our records:
-If No, would you like a dual detail of DP for additional security?:
6. Name of Ambassador, or Consul:
7. Names of any other important Personnel:
8. Amount of Foreign Personnel: (Total)
9. Amount of Guard Personnel: (see article 3)
10. Amount and Type of arriving vehicles:
11. Please describe the general design you would like for your Embassy within the Republic: (including items such as; a parking a garage, a helipad, a chapel, additional barracks, etcetera)
12. Do you have any further questions for the Ministry which we can answer for you today in order to ease an discomfort you may have with opening relations with the republic?:
Lastly Please do have your Minister or Director of Foreign Affairs Sign along with the Ambassador/ Consul you choose to send.
X ___________________
Minister/Director of Foreign Affairs
Ambassador/Consul to the DPRM
- Executive Order 3498.05; Drafted: 03/04/2005; Ratified: 04/15/2005; Enacted 05/03/2005
Resting just north of the Antarctic circle the massive land mass that makes up the Democratic Peoples Republic of Mekugi is a hostile and highly imposing island. A shifting morass of ice and mud as the seasons change, its few major industrial areas had to be reclaimed from the constant cycle of the summer melts of the frozen earth which in years prior had turned the nation into chaos as travel by any means except air became a pipe dream.
Time has brought improvements, better roads, a climbing economy and allied support has allowed for much of the once impassable land to be reclaimed from the bog, and mud of the summer melts. In recent times the Republic has reached a psuedo-golden age, as self sufficiency with a high amount of export profits have made the republic an industrial wonderland of sorts bringing in many a foreign investor in search of cheap land, (as little as 50.00 Menuki’s [25.00 USD] an acre in some parts) though this unclaimed land is cheap it is plentiful and two massive internal trade zones have sprung up around two of the republics major ports.
It was through this economic boom that the republic began considering the establishment of embassies. Prior to the Executive Order only one major embassy rested in Carin; a sort of ‘experiment in diplomatic courtesy’ and one that seems to have succeeded. Those interested in establishing furthered relations with the Republic are welcome to submit an inquiry with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and will be accepted pending their agreement to the following articles.
Article 1: The land seeded to the receiving nation will become their sovereign territory and become Natale solum, the rights of which shall not be compromised or infringed regardless of the republics’ current political stance or hostilities towards said nation.
Article 2: The arriving nations shall respect the laws and territories of the Republic surrounding their embassies and respect our sovereignty as we respect theirs.
Article 3: The amount of armed (guard) personnel allowed in a foreign embassy shall not exceed 30% of its total personnel. Armament of said personnel shall not be infringed due to type; except to the limit of excluding large high explosives or any form of Weapon of Mass Destruction from this freedom. All armament entering the country must be registered, and inventory submitted bi-annually for review in order to ensure compliance with the articles listed. The weapons will only be checked to confirm type not to determine the workings off so as to respect the countries right to design control
[Ex: if a nation imports 500 rifles a year to an embassy of only 100 personnel (of which only 30 are authorized to be armed) this shows a clear violation of the agreed terms]
Article 4: The number of soft skin military or civilian vehicles on the embassy grounds shall not be infringed, except by the amount of space provided. Furthermore soft skin vehicles by definition include but are not limited to; Armored Personnel Carriers Armored Limousines, Infantry Fighting Vehicles, Transport Helicopters (armored or not), and such. Hard skin vehicles such as tanks and attack helicopters will not be permitted within the country for obvious security reasons.
Article 5: Outside the gates of the embassy a nation may choose to post a single guard in regimental colors and uniform. Though this extra territorial guard shall be limited to ONLY a semi-automatic side arm of his (or her) choice, and a semi-automatic (by means of conversion or design) or bolt action rifle with a single magazine. Should the rifle be of converted semi-automatic design and using a full capacity magazine it may only be filled to half the normal capacity of the magazine, or 15 round which ever is less. Abuse of these terms shall void the privilege and said guard shall be tried for crimes against the Republic. [usually a fine for carrying an unregistered weapon]
This guards post shall be to the right of the embassies gate. At the left of the gate will stand a member of the DP or Diplomatic Police; which are responsible for the additional defense of the embassies, as well as Republican soil, and the citizens of Mekugi. The DP can be distinguished by the Semi-automatic MAS 49 Rifle they carry and their white helmets with a blue and back stripe around its circumference. The DP are held by the same restraints as the Extraterritorial guards are, and may not carry any form of grenade or automatic weapon. But unlike the Extraterritorial Guard the DP may not enter the embassy of a nation without the owning nations permission.
Article 6: Should conflict arise between the nations of Mekugi and an embassy holder, and no hope for de-escalation or a refusal to negotiate is chosen, the Republic retains the right to give 24 hours notice of a request to vacate the embassy. At which time all ambassadorial staff will be escorted safely and without threat to the nearest airport, and transfer of all papers records or the like transferred at the embassies choice of courier at the expense of the Republic.
Article 7: Crimes committed on embassy grounds -regardless of the nationality of the intruder- are subject to the owning nations legal control, to be tried, exported for trial, or otherwise sentenced without intrusion by a foreign government. The right of which can be waived by the owning nation at any time to lessen the logistical, or legal burden. Likewise any crime committed on Republican soil shall be handled by local Republican courts regardless of the Personnel’s status within the embassy. The exception to this rule involves social and civil misconduct which could be simply a culture difference.
Article 8: Construction and design of the embassy shall be the responsibility of the owning nation, but shall be financed fully by the Republic.
Request for the exchange or construction of an embassy shall be considered compliance with the above articles. To apply for an embassy please fill out the attached E45 Form and Fax or deliver the necessary form in triplicate to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Embassy Regulation Department.
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-E45 Embassy Application Form-
1. Submitting Countries Name:
2. Government Type:
3. Major Alliance you are part of:
4. Current Relations with the Republic: ( Hostile to Close Allies)
5. Will you be taking advantage of the Regimental Guard Privilege: (see article 5)
-If Yes, please describe the Guard equipment, and appearance for our records:
-If No, would you like a dual detail of DP for additional security?:
6. Name of Ambassador, or Consul:
7. Names of any other important Personnel:
8. Amount of Foreign Personnel: (Total)
9. Amount of Guard Personnel: (see article 3)
10. Amount and Type of arriving vehicles:
11. Please describe the general design you would like for your Embassy within the Republic: (including items such as; a parking a garage, a helipad, a chapel, additional barracks, etcetera)
12. Do you have any further questions for the Ministry which we can answer for you today in order to ease an discomfort you may have with opening relations with the republic?:
Lastly Please do have your Minister or Director of Foreign Affairs Sign along with the Ambassador/ Consul you choose to send.
X ___________________
Minister/Director of Foreign Affairs
Ambassador/Consul to the DPRM