NationStates Jolt Archive

Mockingbrid Missiles Armed - Targetting Enemy Vessels

Feline Catfish
03-05-2005, 18:28
ooc: This applies to whoever has passed into my waters, because I cant remember who the hell has over about 20 zillion threads.

ic: Across the Catfish coast, camoflagued batteries were making their final checks. Truck-mounted radar was relaying back all of the enemy ship location data via wireless network. In total, 500 Mockingbird devices were prepped. This was along with the 2,000 normal ICBMs mounted in camoflagued railway launchers. Anti-air radar was also in place, and Feline Catfish had made it quite clear in an earlier statement that any attempt to knock out the nuclear arsenal would result in the full force of set arsenal being used against the offending nation.

"Why are they doing this to us?" Bemoaned King George. He had been growing increasingly mad of late, "What have we done to them? Why can't they just leave alone?" He screamed.

"Calm down, Your Majesty. We will pull through," said his General Lord Rotherham.

"Calm down?" He said softly, "Calm Down?! You must be mad Rotherham! This is the end. I know it. Ready the missiles to fire! Tell the invaders that they have 20 minutes, and if they arent gone or steaming at full speed away by then we'll open fire and destroy them all! Our fate be damned!"

"Yes, Your Majesty."
03-05-2005, 18:43
Her Majesty replied, the voice of reason. "Calm down, dear friend. We are patrolling your waters (outside the 100nm line, I must say) and preventing your foes from even getting near you. Now, I have a question. Will you allow your esteemed ally to go within your waters in order to better defend your nation? If not, we will comply with the territorial mark, but it won't be as effective."
The Isle of Skye
03-05-2005, 18:44
The Isle of Skye reminds feline catfish that any ships within 100 NMi are moving to 115NMi, out of the waters which she claims.
Call to power
03-05-2005, 18:45
ooc: there is knowone in your nation (I think)
03-05-2005, 18:51

Emperor class SD; Titan, to re-direct to 100 nautical miles as standard procedure, ballistic missile threat against everything within said range, including allied units such as yourself.

Exercise extreme caution, permission to fire only when fired upon.

OoC: Keeping the SD out of the 100nm line, eventhough I am defending you.
03-05-2005, 19:39
OOC: FC, I think you should watch out for the larger nations, and wait and see if they can get past the Fleets protecting your Nation before you go and use Nukes.
Feline Catfish
04-05-2005, 18:50
05-05-2005, 21:54
OOC: This is meant to be a covert mission. As such, we have not declared war yet and have not made any statement hinting about any covert mission. If I miss all of your nukes (which is a rather high probability), then you must find proof that these are from Fluffywuffy before launching.


"Incomming CRITIC traffic, sir." The communications officer turned to the captain, and the look on the communications officer's face increased the tension in the submarine. Any message could be a message to commit to warfare in Feline Catfish. He tore the page out of the printer and scanned it quickly. He handed it to the captain, who shook his head on completion. "Well, here goes."

The message read:


He turned on the intercom and addressed his crew. "Crewman of the HIM Gettysburg, this is your captain speaking. Feline Catfish has done something to seriously piss us off, and Commander-in-Chief-Feline Cafish has ordered us to commence with operation CHINA TOWN. I expect the best out of all of you, as this mission is of the utmost importance. Everyone will operate under a strict silence rule until the mission is completed and we are outside of FC's illegal waters. Watch your steps, don't slam any hatches, and don't make much noise. Got it? Good. All right Gettysburg, let's go to battlestations."

All about the submarine, submariners scurried to their posts. Within a minute, the ship was transformed from passive peacekeeping to active war-making. And that was a huge transformation. The Gettysburg and ten other subs in Fluffywuffy's Feline Catfish contribution had been modified to launch special-ops soldiers, and all ten of these recieved the message. All ten of these crept toward the coast line at a sluggish five knots, a futher security measure, and at the coast they would dispence 24-two man min-subs each. These submarines were placed in the missile tubes, replacing missiles for soldiers. This totaled the special-ops force at 480 men. These would attempt to assassinate the political leadership of Feline Catfish; the special forces were dressed in civilian clothes (and dressed in the best of Feline Catfish fashion) and would act as Feline Catfish protestors protesting against Fluffywuffy, Communist Louisiana, and the Parthians. They were armed with simple AK-47s and .45 revolvers (all of them without "Made in Fluffywuffy" anywhere on them or their ammo) to mask the nation of origin if discovered. A cyanide capsule in each man's load-out enabled one to take an eternal vacation to reveal nothing in interogation.

Meanwhile, 30 other submarines would attempt disabling the Feline Catfish nuclear arsenal via cruise missile. Being generic Tomahawks, any one of a million nations could have launched them. So as not to give away what type of submarine launched them via the number of missiles launched, each submarine would launch only 120 (out of the available 168) missiles. Discovering the camoflagued railcars had not been completed. Satelite coverage of Feline Catfish had only identified 20% of the ICBMs, and an additional 3,200 suspected railcar launchers had been identified.

All of this would be readied in just 20 hours. At that time, the operation would commence only with a confirmation message in 20 hours and thirty minutes; the earlier message only meant to get in place, not to launch.