King Mole Murdered! Funeral + new leader declaration RP. (FT, open)
03-05-2005, 16:06
IC:Hail estemed Leader.
It may sadden you to learn that a great leader, King Mole the 14th was killed by enemy agents. You are invited to attend his funeral held at the co-ordinates attached to this transmission.
Sensible funeral dress is expected, and no more than 2 capital ships.
We welcome you at this sad time.
Grand Admiral Stevens.
OOC: Sign up, and RP your arrivial. Please no violence in this thread. Thankyou.
03-05-2005, 16:08
OOC: IS this continued from Raid on Mole Mountain?
03-05-2005, 16:12
OOC: Yes, I was going to tell you about this. The plan is that we pretend you lot were successful in killing him, and your nation has been blamed. Watch what happens in my threads. I'll TG links.
The Imperial Navy
04-05-2005, 09:21
The dreaded TAG of TIN!
04-05-2005, 11:35
Anyone want to arrive? (BUMP)
The Imperial Navy
04-05-2005, 11:42
The Oblivion Class Mothership Eternity Exited hyperspace, followed by the Juggernaught Class Heavy Battlecruiser Infinity. On board were Grand Admiral Dangar, Grand Lord Gregory, now sporting a cybernetic arm, and Emperor Marshall I, all grim in the face.
"Why did they do this?"
"I've herd roumors it was a Hyacombian... those bastards won't let up."
"Silence both of you."
The Emperor was looking particularly grim.
"This death is unfortunate. It will ruin my schedule... we shall have to put back my next project."
Grand Admiral Dangar, who knew nothing of their plans, was clearly confused.
"My Emperor... what project?"
Gregory was quick to react.
"That is top secret Admiral. Complete your escort mission."
"Aye my Lord."
Message to Mole command
This is Grand Admiral Dangar of the Imperial Armada. I have bought Lord Gregory and his highness Emperor Marshall I to attend the funeral. Request permission to dispatch a shuttle.
Message ends
04-05-2005, 11:49
There were several ships present in this sector, many were escorting frigates, MCD's and corvettes. The Huge Super Crusier Mole was where the people were expected.
'Confirmed. You have permission to launch a shuttle. Please land in hanger bay 3.'
04-05-2005, 11:52
lord ryu frowned when he heard that transimition what has my hot headed brother done he thought to himself.
a lone slip fighter exited trans warp and sent this transimition i am lord ryu akurus sephrioth i wisk to attend the funeral even though our nations are not excaclty allies.
The Imperial Navy
04-05-2005, 11:54
"Confirmed. Stand by to recive us."
The shuttle roared from the bay, joined by two TID fighters until the last moment, when they swung away, the Shuttles docking legs opened, and she touched down in the Mole hangar bay. The door was quick to open, and 5 Stormtroopers ran from the transport, forming a line outside the shuttle.
Then Emperor and Lord disembarked, with faces of condolence.
"We have arrived. Our condolences on your loss. King Mole was a credit to us all."
04-05-2005, 11:55
Messege from Mole Command
Your kind are not welcome here Sephriothians! Go back to your own space or be destroyed.
Your concern is welcomed, but you are considered enemies.
Grand Admiral Stevens
04-05-2005, 11:57
''we were brining a token of our sorrow at your king's death but if you dont want us here so be it my fighter has no weapons it is only equiped with it's cloking device and shields'' he send the transmition
04-05-2005, 11:58
"Confirmed. Stand by to recive us."
The shuttle roared from the bay, joined by two TID fighters until the last moment, when they swung away, the Shuttles docking legs opened, and she touched down in the Mole hangar bay. The door was quick to open, and 5 Stormtroopers ran from the transport, forming a line outside the shuttle.
Then Emperor and Lord disembarked, with faces of condolence.
"We have arrived. Our condolences on your loss. King Mole was a credit to us all."
Grand Admiral Striker was the officer to meet with them. Behind him were 2 MUSRUMs and 5 troops. Striker was wearing his formal uniform, with what looked like his rank on his shoulder, and with several Medals across his chest, 1 of them being the Imperial leaf.
'Your condolences are welcomed at this sad time. However, the mourning part does not start yet. Are you familar with Mole burial proceedure?' =
04-05-2005, 12:00
''we were brining a token of our sorrow at your king's death but if you dont want us here so be it my fighter has no weapons it is only equiped with it's cloking device and shields'' he send the transmition
Messege From Mole Command
We welcome your sorrow and thank you for it. However, you are still consider enemies.
We believe you do indeed have peaceful intentions here, but we must strongly urge you to leave before you are fired upon.
Grand admiral Stevens
The Imperial Navy
04-05-2005, 12:00
'Your condolences are welcomed at this sad time. However, the mourning part does not start yet. Are you familar with Mole burial proceedure?'
"I'm afraid not... this is our first mole funeral."
04-05-2005, 12:01
coms to mole fleet we have a gift for your new ruler when she or he is ellected 20 bottles off 300 year old Sephriothian whiskey and if you fire up on my craft we will retalite by deploying the ENTIRE FLEET
04-05-2005, 12:04
'Well,' Striker continued, 'It is tradition that before the sad burial part of the ceremony takes place, that the life of the Mole, who has died is celebrated. Therefore there is always a feast and party equal in length to the years the Mole lived for. '
'So, in this case the celebrations will last 183 minutes. The Super Crusier will arrive by the end of the celebration at Moleland, where the funeral and declarationof the new King will take place. Got that?'
04-05-2005, 12:07
coms to mole fleet we have a gift for your new ruler when she or he is ellected 20 bottles off 300 year old Sephriothian whiskey and if you fire up on my craft we will retalite by deploying the ENTIRE FLEET
Mole command transmitts:
Very well. You have permission to deliever your gift to the Frigate Hope.
You may dock, but your ship will be scanned several times.
Grand Admiral stevens
04-05-2005, 12:08
this is the sephrional craft the wraith permison to dock with frigate hope
The Imperial Navy
04-05-2005, 12:10
'So, in this case the celebrations will last 183 minutes. The Super Crusier will arrive by the end of the celebration at Moleland, where the funeral and declarationof the new King will take place. Got that?'
"Very well... lead the way friend."
04-05-2005, 12:10
Messege to Seph
You are cleared to dock
04-05-2005, 12:13
the wraith pulls up side to the hope and deploys its docking tube lord ryu puts on his envirosuit and steps in to space. he then goes to the forward photon torpedo tube and picks up the crate of wiskey and steps in to the tube.
04-05-2005, 12:16
"Very well... lead the way friend."
'This way please.'
Striker lead them onto a transport. It engaged, racing forward along several darkened corridors.. After sometime, it arrived at a large room.
'Here we are, we have arrived.'
Striker Walked up to the door, and incerted a Key card.
Access granted
The door raised revealing several tables. Each one the resting place of any food you could imagine.
Striker pointed to the one side of the room, with tables and chairs. 'You can sit there if you wish. If your hungary feel free to help yourself.'
04-05-2005, 12:17
lord ryu thought i should have bought 100 bottles this is a good drink and the moles might like it.
04-05-2005, 12:18
the wraith pulls up side to the hope and deploys its docking tube lord ryu puts on his envirosuit and steps in to space. he then goes to the forward photon torpedo tube and picks up the crate of wiskey and steps in to the tube.
The Docking port opened. Out stepped several Mole troopers. All armed. An officer stepped forward.
'Thank you for your gift. We shall take it from here.'
With that, the mole troops walked foward and picked up the crate and started carrying it back.
04-05-2005, 12:20
id be carful with that the bottles are fragile ad the whiskey is quite rare would you leader mined if i said goodbye to king mole. i have an even rarer bottle for your genereall a 500 year old bottle of whisky out of my personal suplly
The Imperial Navy
04-05-2005, 12:21
"Very nice... I see you imported some Liquoa. Very nice work. Gregory, be a good friend and fetch me some Blue Liquoa."
"Heh... your fave. At once my Emperor."
The two sat down and began conversation.
"So Striker, who is the most likely to succeed King Mole?"
04-05-2005, 12:22
tid be carful with that the bottles are fragile ad the whiskey is quite rare would you leader mined if i said goodbye to king mole.
'You may record a messege, and it will be played a the funeral.'
04-05-2005, 12:24
king mole im sorry our two nations were not more friendly here's to you and the health of moleland. he pulls out his flask and takes a gulp goodbye old enemy.
04-05-2005, 12:25
"Very nice... I see you imported some Liquoa. Very nice work. Gregory, be a good friend and fetch me some Blue Liquoa."
"Heh... your fave. At once my Emperor."
The two sat down and began conversation.
"So Striker, who is the most likely to succeed King Mole?"
Striker scratched his head.
'Technically, any Grand Admiral or General could be chosen as the next King. But I reckon it will be Grand Admiral Stevens. In fact, he is so sure, he is actually pampering himself up for the coronation.'
04-05-2005, 12:25
excuse me lead trooper make sure this gets to aderamal stiker ryu passes him the 500 year old whiskey
04-05-2005, 12:27
'I will Make sure this gets to striker for you. Now please go.'
04-05-2005, 12:30
will do he steps back into the tube and walks back to his slipffighter he jumps hin and retracts the tube engage clocking deviece rasise shields layinin course fo the orrt cloud warp 9.9
The Imperial Navy
04-05-2005, 12:36
'Technically, any Grand Admiral or General could be chosen as the next King. But I reckon it will be Grand Admiral Stevens. In fact, he is so sure, he is actually pampering himself up for the coronation.'
"Such a shame. I was so sure you would be Emperor. You've done so much for your country... and for us. But still... if that is your custom. Be assured that you have our full support however."
"Yes Gregory." Said the Emperor, nodding. "He is an honorary citizen, and therefore entitled to our protection. I dislike the phase between rulers... too much chance of Civil war."
04-05-2005, 12:53
"Such a shame. I was so sure you would be Emperor. You've done so much for your country... and for us. But still... if that is your custom. Be assured that you have our full support however."
"Yes Gregory." Said the Emperor, nodding. "He is an honorary citizen, and therefore entitled to our protection. I dislike the phase between rulers... too much chance of Civil war."
'Hmm...' Striker pondered, 'The last King choses successer, and it is revealed after the ceremony. Stevens would make a good King, he is poular after his success in the Kernut War. Your support is welcome, however, I am very young compared to other Gernerals/Grand Admirals. See, look around.'
Many other older and more decorated moles wer ein attendence, enjoying the food.
The Imperial Navy
04-05-2005, 13:01
"Hmm... Medals do not make a man. Courage, integrety and intellegence are what makes a man proud. You have all these qualities my friend."
Gregory Handed Striker a glass of Blue Liquoa.
"This stuff is the best in the universe."
04-05-2005, 13:05
Striker Chuckled. 'Your support is welcome. Maybe Next time.'
Attention all guests. Super Cruiser Mole is a to depart. Your escort may follow
'Here we go! I'm off to get some of that Mud and chocolate... You want any?'
The Imperial Navy
04-05-2005, 13:08
"Sure-I'm amazed that you managed to get Tydanian Danala Fillets... are you trading with the TIE corporation now?"
04-05-2005, 13:10
'I have no idea... Ok, I'll be back in a moment.'
Striker walked off to one of the tables, and returned with 2 large plates. One with Chocolate and the other with the special Mud.
'Tuck in!'
04-05-2005, 13:11
"The Imperium wishes to send a diplomat to attend the funeral; regretably Marcus De Drakan; our glorious God Emperor cannot attend as he is, at present, at war. Therefore,a high ranking Diplomat shall be sent. He will arrive quite soon"
- The Chronosian Imperium.
The small craft tore through space, sitting, mournfully and patient above the planet; they knew that they must show respect for these beings; allies, distant as they were...
The Imperial Navy
04-05-2005, 13:14
The Emperor politely nibbled at his food, as did Gregory, who was having trouble holding his fork.
"hmm... I seem to keep applying too much pressure..." Said Gregory, as he snapped another fork in two.
The Emperor roared with laughter.
"You'll get used to it... try using the toilet with this!"
The Emperor lifted his own hand, and the two men laughed to tears.
04-05-2005, 13:17
OOC:Chronosia, checked TG
04-05-2005, 13:20
Message sent to the Royal Family through the Imperal Embassy:
Greeting old friends,
We are extremely saddened by the news of your loss. The Emperor would like to attend the funeral in person. He fully trusts in his friendship with your nation and would like to visit.
With your permission, he is scheduled to arrive in one day. If you wish otherwise, please inform the Embassy and the Emperor will reschedule his visit to another time. He would fully understand and not take any offense at your refusal.
04-05-2005, 13:20
Striker Just laughed.
'So Emperor, Waht have you done in your life so far?'
04-05-2005, 13:22
Message sent to the Royal Family through the Imperal Embassy:
Greeting old friends,
We are extremely saddened by the news of your loss. The Emperor would like to attend the funeral in person. He fully trusts in his friendship with your nation and would like to visit.
With your permission, he is scheduled to arrive in one day. If you wish otherwise, please inform the Embassy and the Emperor will reschedule his visit to another time. He would fully understand and not take any offense at your refusal.
Transmission from Moleland
You are welcome to attend the Funeral, which will take place tomorrow. The ceremony will be delayed for your arrivial.
Grand Admiral Stevens. Acting King.
04-05-2005, 13:29
Message sent to the Royal Family through the Imperal Embassy:
The Emperor has changed his mind. He does not wish to inconvience the grieving royal family or any of Moleland's citizens. He thanks you and is honored for offering to delay the ceremony but it would be a great injustice to the king if you were to wait.
He will arrive within the hour. Please expect him at the Palace Courtyard.
The Imperial Navy
04-05-2005, 13:30
Striker Just laughed.
'So Emperor, Waht have you done in your life so far?'
"Before I succeeded my father, I was the Grand Admiral of the old Imperial Navy. I commanded the Super Star Destroyer Iron Fist. I despised all the design flaws. So I modified it."
"Your father was furious." Laughed Gregory.
"Yep, but we did so much-We conquered Ragnarok VII when they attacked us, we repelled alien menaces, and met new races. Of course when I became Emperor, I spent much time in Parliament, debating new laws and whatnot."
"You are a great leader My Emperor."
"Don't start ass kissing Gregory. Now where was I? Oh yes, the first thing I did was scrap those damned Star Destroyers... so weak, so pitiful. And now we have the fleet you see today."
"It's one of the most advanced fleets in the Galaxy, like some of your own."
"Of course now I do all the work, while Gregory here saves the universe with you. You're like some kind of Dynamic Duo. You've repelled 3 Alien invasions and repelled even an attack from an alternate dimension is less than 20 years..."
"It was all coincidence my Emperor."
"Well of course it was. You know how I feel about superstition."
"So Striker, what have you accomplished since we allied?"
04-05-2005, 13:32
Message sent to the Royal Family through the Imperal Embassy:
The Emperor has changed his mind. He does not wish to inconvience the grieving royal family or any of Moleland's citizens. He thanks you and is honored for offering to delay the ceremony but it would be a great injustice to the king if you were to wait.
He will arrive within the hour. Please expect him at the Palace Courtyard.
Transmission from Moleland
We thank you for your hurried response. We await your arrivial.
04-05-2005, 13:34
"Before I succeeded my father, I was the Grand Admiral of the old Imperial Navy. I commanded the Super Star Destroyer Iron Fist. I despised all the design flaws. So I modified it."
"Your father was furious." Laughed Gregory.
"Yep, but we did so much-We conquered Ragnarok VII when they attacked us, we repelled alien menaces, and met new races. Of course when I became Emperor, I spent much time in Parliament, debating new laws and whatnot."
"You are a great leader My Emperor."
"Don't start ass kissing Gregory. Now where was I? Oh yes, the first thing I did was scrap those damned Star Destroyers... so weak, so pitiful. And now we have the fleet you see today."
"It's one of the most advanced fleets in the Galaxy, like some of your own."
"Of course now I do all the work, while Gregory here saves the universe with you. You're like some kind of Dynamic Duo. You've repelled 3 Alien invasions and repelled even an attack from an alternate dimension is less than 20 years..."
"It was all coincidence my Emperor."
"Well of course it was. You know how I feel about superstition."
"So Striker, what have you accomplished since we allied?"
'Well, Since we've allied I haven't done too much. The mission when we met was my first mission in command. I acheived a lot when I was not commanding the ship and was a fighter pilot. That's were all my medals came from.
OOC: Check your Emails TIN
04-05-2005, 13:37
About an hour later:
In the courtyard several guards were startled with the sudden appearance of a vortex. The aperture appeared and slowly opened revealing a crimson nebula-like area with red lightning flashing between clouds. A form appeared within the opening.
The form stepped from the aperture and the gateway to Hyperspace closed behind him, leaving an acrid smell in the air. The elderly man approached the nearest soldier.
“Greetings kind sir, I am Nhur-Galladu. I am here to wish your king one last farewell. Could you please let Grand Admiral Stevens know I have arrived?”
04-05-2005, 13:40
The trooper saluted. 'Yes sir!'
He ran off. An officer approached. 'Welcome to Moleland. You are one of the first Balroggians here If I remember? Anyway, you are outside Mole Mountain, the capital of Moleland!'
The officer pointed to the huge Mountain behind them.
'It won't be long before the others arrive. Would you like to go the throne room while you wait?'
The Imperial Navy
04-05-2005, 13:45
'Well, Since we've allied I haven't done too much. The mission when we met was my first mission in command. I acheived a lot when I was not commanding the ship and was a fighter pilot. That's were all my medals came from.
OOC: Check your Emails TIN
"Really? Tell me of your years as a fighter pilot!"
OOC: Silly sheep game... :D Nice.
04-05-2005, 13:47
"I will go wherever Grand Admiral Stevens wishes to meet with me. I just ask for a place to sit down. These old bones have seen younger days even though there are quite a few miles left in them."
Nhur-Galladu started following the Officer and after a few minutes he stopped him and asked him a question.
"Would you have a walking stick or staff handy? I couldn't bring mine along because it would have been disintregrated by my passage through hyperspace. You see, it extends outside the Aura so I would not be able to protect it during the Passage. A simple straight branch would suffice."
I allways assumed we exchanged ambassadors and established embassies long ago. If not, we should have. Hindsight...
04-05-2005, 13:47
"Really? Tell me of your years as a fighter pilot!"
OOC: Silly sheep game... :D Nice.
OOC: Glad you liked it!
IC: 'Well, I joined the Mole Space corps towards the end of the Kernut war, and the start of our battle against the pirates. I did several things, but I don't like to brag. That's what my medals are for...'
04-05-2005, 13:53
"I will go wherever Grand Admiral Stevens wishes to meet with me. I just ask for a place to sit down. These old bones have seen younger days even though there are quite a few miles left in them."
Nhur-Galladu started following the Officer and after a few minutes he stopped him and asked him a question.
"Would you have a walking stick or staff handy? I couldn't bring mine along because it would have been disintregrated by my passage through hyperspace. You see, it extends outside the Aura so I would not be able to protect it during the Passage. A simple straight branch would suffice."
'hmm... I'll ask for someone to find you one.'
The officer approached the large doors of the Mountain. He inserted his keycard into the slot, and the dorrs opened. The Officer gestured towards a transported.
'Please take a seat!'
OOC: I don't think we did....
04-05-2005, 14:21
At last, the Super Crusier reached Moleland orbit.
'Here we are, we have arrived. Shallwe go to our shuttle now?'
The Imperial Navy
04-05-2005, 14:26
"Lead the way my friend."
OOC: Sorry 'bout the lack of posts-got a migraine. :(
04-05-2005, 14:32
"Lead the way my friend."
OOC: Sorry 'bout the lack of posts-got a migraine. :(
OOC: Then stop eating cheese :D! Don't worry. You are forgiven!
IC: 'This way.'
They got back ontot the transport and returned to the shuttle bay.
'Here we, let's get ontot he shuttle then.'
They boarded the shuttle.
'Please sit down.' Striekr turned tot he pilot. 'Take us down.'
The shuttle was lauched, and it was floowed by 24 other shuttles towards the surface, with heavy escort.
04-05-2005, 14:46
Nhur-Galladu leaned back and relaxed for a while. He began meditating, using his Psi ability to watch everything around him. He was no fool and could defend himself quite admirably even considering his extreme old age. Thankfully he was here on friendly business but since his old friend was murdered, he best keep an eye out. He trusted the security of Moleland but it never paid to be foolish.
No offense, just being cautious.
But seriously, I thought we had established them "years' ago shortly after sending the Mobile Factories but I cannot locate any proof. Oh well, slip of the mind I guess. Perhaps we should establish some after this is finished, seeing as we are neighbors.
04-05-2005, 14:48
Nhur-Galladu leaned back and relaxed for a while. He began meditating, using his Psi ability to watch everything around him. He was no fool and could defend himself quite admirably even considering his extreme old age. Thankfully he was here on friendly business but since his old friend was murdered, he best keep an eye out. He trusted the security of Moleland but it never paid to be foolish.
No offense, just being cautious.
But seriously, I thought we had established them "years' ago shortly after sending the Mobile Factories but I cannot locate any proof. Oh well, slip of the mind I guess. Perhaps we should establish some after this is finished, seeing as we are neighbors.
OOC: Fair enough. IC response in a moment. BRB
04-05-2005, 14:57
The transport whizzed through the darkened corridors and appraoched the lift. The officer inserted another keycard and the doors opened. after a climb of 100 stories, the Lift opened. The transport then arrived at the throne room.
'Here we are.' The officer said. He walked forward and opened the doors. 'Grand Admiral Stevens is expecting you.
04-05-2005, 15:07
“Thank you. You are a credit to your King.”
Nhur-Galladu entered the Throne Room and waited for Grand Admiral Stevens to address him. He was the guest here after all.
I’ll let you describe the room and make the scene if you wish.
I started a Thread for Embassies of The Empire
Embassy Thread (
04-05-2005, 15:14
“Thank you. You are a credit to your King.”
Nhur-Galladu entered the Throne Room and waited for Grand Admiral Stevens to address him. He was the guest here after all.
'Welcome!' Said Stevens as Nhur-Galladu, 'I trust your ride here was a good one?'
For a thorne room, it was fairly plain. The walls were the same brownish colour as the rest of the mountain. However, there was a brown throne in the centre of the room, which had bright orange eyes on it, the seemed to be looking straight at Nhur-Galladu.
Behind the trone were two flags of te Moleland flag.
04-05-2005, 15:48
“The ride was quite relaxing. I managed to get in some meditation while we were using the transport. Your officer was quite polite, even considering the loss he must have felt. He is a fine officer and a credit to your military.”
Nhur-Galladu looks around the room.
“I see you don’t dwell on appearances like most other nations do. That is another good quality I admired in your late King, his sensibility. I just wish he had asked us for help during the dimensional incident. We would have helped if it was possible.”
“What funeral customs do you practice? I am not familiar with your customs as well as I should be. On Earth, many of the cultures have something called The Wake where you can view the deceased one last time before the funeral. Is there any other customs I should know about? I do not want to insult the Kings memory through ignorance.“
05-05-2005, 09:16
As Stevens was about to reply, a trooper entered carrying a walking stick. He walked up to Nhur-Galladu and gave hime it.
'Thank you trooper. You are dismissed.'
'Affirmitive!' Te trooper left.
'Well, at a funeral of King mole, the ancient 'dismissial' text is read out, unless you speak Molish you will not be able to understand it. The Body is sealed in a casket, similar to the ones outside in the corridor approaching this room. He will join his 13 predecessors there.'
'Then, we activate his succession will, where he nams his the next King, and he is King. As for the dimensionial incident, most of us had no idea about it until it was over. One of the problems it happening in another dimension.'
He gestured to a chair, 'Please be seated. Is there any food or drink you need before the others arrive?'
05-05-2005, 09:23
Nhur-Galladu accepted the walking stick and took the indicated seat. He took a long draught of the cool refreshing liquid. He set down his glass.
"I would like to say a few words if it would be possible. If you allow me to access the mind of one of your citizens I can easilly learn Molish."
05-05-2005, 09:35
'If you wish'
Stevens gestured to someone outside. An officer walked forward.
'Here ya go. knock yourself out'
A different officer walked in, 'Sir, the otherws are in orbit and are coming into land in about 20 minutes.'
05-05-2005, 10:00
Nhur-Galladu contacted the mind of the officer and studied the language skills, and only the language skills. He carefully avoided any of the deeper knowlege centers. The Officer was not aware it even happened.
"There, that is all I needed." (in Molish)
The Imperial Navy
05-05-2005, 10:04
"Ok, we can understand everything that goes on..."
The Emperor tapped his head.
"Universal Translator Implant. Every Imperial citizen is given one at birth."
"Except I won't need it."
"Ah yes. Gregory has spent many months studying Moleland Language. He's almost completely fluent."
05-05-2005, 10:08
Nhur-Galladu contacted the mind of the officer and studied the language skills, and only the language skills. He carefully avoided any of the deeper knowlege centers. The Officer was not aware it even happened.
"There, that is all I needed." (in Molish)
'Good, the others are just coming into land!''
The Shuttles landed into the open landing bay inside the mountain. This was familar to the Emporer. Striker led them out to a large gathering of transports.
'Let us go then.'
05-05-2005, 10:25
"Ok, we can understand everything that goes on..."
The Emperor tapped his head.
"Universal Translator Implant. Every Imperial citizen is given one at birth."
"Except I won't need it."
"Ah yes. Gregory has spent many months studying Moleland Language. He's almost completely fluent."
The Shuttles landed into the open landing bay inside the mountain. This was familar to the Emporer. Striker led them out to a large gathering of transports.
'Let us go then.'
The Imperial Navy
05-05-2005, 10:29
"As before-lead the way. I have no idea where I am going."
05-05-2005, 10:36
'let's go!'
The Transports sped down the corridoor. The transports stopped, as they reached the long corridor to the throne room.
'It's just a short walk to the throne room. This way.'
As they walked they pasted the highly-decorated coffins of the past 13 Kings...
The Imperial Navy
05-05-2005, 10:39
Passing the Coffins reminded the Emperor of his own father... and how much he hated him.
"Such interesting colours... I didn't realise that your leaders were so prestegious."
05-05-2005, 10:47
Ooc: Brb
05-05-2005, 11:14
'Yes, our leaders are highly honoured in death'
Striker contined to the throne and entered. Inside where Grand Admrial Stevens and a balroggian.
'welcome, distinquished guests. If you are ready let us start!' Said Stevens.
The Imperial Navy
05-05-2005, 11:34
The Emperor Nodded.
"Begin whenever you are ready. We are merely guests, after all."
05-05-2005, 11:44
'Thank you. Let us start!'
Stevens left the throne and stood with the others.
A large, well decorated coffin was brought in. A Mole with priest like clothes appeared.
'Welcome morners.'
'We are honoured to be present'
'As Am i I'
Both Gran admirals bowed, followed by all other Moles in attendence.
OOC: sorry about slow reply... too many convos...
The Imperial Navy
05-05-2005, 11:50
OOC: Thats ok... i'm going home early today anyway-got a few family engagements. ;)
05-05-2005, 12:32
Striker whispered, 'I advise you to bow also'
06-05-2005, 10:44
06-05-2005, 11:49
I have to leave for work in about 15 minutes.
Over the next 24 hours I will work two 8 hour shifts with only an 8 hour turnaround, which I spend sleeping. I'll try posting tomorrow morning.
Sorry, that is my schedule every Friday.
If you don't want to, please don't wait for me. Please have Nhur-Gallady do whatever he would do but in a polite maner. If you RP the event to where he could give his eulogy for King Mole, I will type it up tomorrow morning and post it when I get home.
Again, sorry about the delay.
06-05-2005, 11:52
No prob. I don't post at the weekends anyway.
09-05-2005, 10:52
09-05-2005, 14:48
The Grand Alliance will Politburo and Communist Party will attend the funeral of your great leader and we will also send a military honor guard to the ceremonies.The Grand Alliance sends its condolences to Moleland for its loss.
-The Grand Alliance Politburo
-The Grand Alliance Communist Party
09-05-2005, 19:01
The Grand Alliance will Politburo and Communist Party will attend the funeral of your great leader and we will also send a military honor guard to the ceremonies.The Grand Alliance sends its condolences to Moleland for its loss.
-The Grand Alliance Politburo
-The Grand Alliance Communist Party
OOC: Just assume your always been here. Start posting when you like.
10-05-2005, 10:23
BUMPy *Waits for someone to post*
The Imperial Navy
10-05-2005, 11:51
Striker whispered, 'I advise you to bow also'
Gregory and the Emperor were quick to bow.
OOC: Sorry, rather busy with the Chronicles of Arcadia. I've got some time now. ;)
10-05-2005, 11:58
OOC: Fair enough ;)
IC: The Mole unrolled an ancient looking Scroll. he spoke in Molish, and he said, 'W-H-E-N - A - K-I-N-G - I-S - C-R-O-W-N-E-D - H-E - I-S - T-O - L-E-A-D - H-I-S - S-U-B-J-E-C-T-S - T-O - G-R-E-A-T-N-E-S-S. S-U-R-E-L-Y - W-E - H-E-R-E - C-A-N - S-E-E - H-E - H-A-S - D-O-N-E - T-H-I-S - G-R-E-AT - D-E-E-D. A-L-T-H-O-U-G-H - H-E - I-S - N-O - L-O-N-G-E-R - P-H-Y-S-I-C-A-L-L-Y - W-I-T-H - U-S, H-I-S - A-C-H-E-I-V-E-M-E-N-T-S - W-I-L-L - L-I-V-E - O-N - I-N - U-S.'
The Mole rolled the scroll back up, and in English said, 'I now invite anyone present to say a few words.'
The Imperial Navy
10-05-2005, 12:08
The Emperor thought for a second.
"I'd like to say somthing."
He stepped forward a little, giving off a calm look.
"King Mole joined forces with us many years ago. For years we have worked side by side, fighting our foes with strength and courage. Your king showed us the value of friendship... and I hope that our friendship will continue long into the future."
10-05-2005, 12:14
The mole bowed, 'Thank you. Any others?'
Nhur-Galladu rose and made his way to the front.
“We first heard about each other many years ago soon after The Empire opened a service to supply power to the nations of Earth.”
“We were in contact again after Moleland opened their storefront and were flooded with orders. We sent a fleet of factories to assist and decided to accidentally forget about them here.”
Later we both assisted in the destruction of one of the greatest dangers, the removal of Lord Pain and his fleet and homeworld.”
“During these many years we have never actually met, even though we have exchanged a great many communications. We are even neighbors.”
Nhur-Galladu walked over to where the casket lay and placed his hand upon the lid.
“Well, we finally did meet, but unfortunately the universe trembles in grief, instead of fear as we used to talk about. I will miss you.”
'Thank you. Is there anymore.'
Grand Admiral Stevens approached the casket. 'As King Moles Favoured Grand Admiral I felt I had a very special relationship with the King.'
Most of the Grand Admirals Laughed at this, Striker could be seen biting his tongue. Stevens Continued, 'He was a Great leader, and mole who follows him will have a difficult job ahead of him.'
10-05-2005, 12:19
OOC:BTW: TIN, did you click on the linky in my sig (The new one)
The Imperial Navy
10-05-2005, 12:24
OOC:BTW: TIN, did you click on the linky in my sig (The new one)
Yup-you should remove it. The last guy who had that zombie link got banned. Get it off now!
10-05-2005, 12:32
Striker Made his way forward, 'I was fortunate to be able to call the King a good friend. I don't think anyone could even macth what he ahs acheived in his 183 year life. But someone has got to try.'
He returned to the crowd.
'Thank you'
The Casket was slowly driven out into the corridor. Followed by the Priest like Mole.
Stevens made his way. 'Is everybody ready to find who will be crowned as the new king?'
The Imperial Navy
10-05-2005, 12:39
Gregory raised an eyebrow.
Well it's pretty obvious who it is, asskisser... Thought Gregory.
"We are ready." The Emperor nodded.
10-05-2005, 12:54
'Okay Molthing. Lets see who has been chosen.'
Stevens step aside, and a Molthing, who was the throne emitted a hologram. It was of King mole.
'Hail, Subjects! This hologram ahs been activated because I have died. I hope I died with honour and courage. It has been a tough choice for me to choose who succeeds me...'
'Get on with it!' Shouted Stevens
The Imperial Navy
10-05-2005, 13:01
Gregory Prodded Striker.
"Hmph... some ruler he's gonna be... This worries me."
10-05-2005, 13:08
Gregory Prodded Striker.
"Hmph... some ruler he's gonna be... This worries me."
'I share your concern.'
The hologram continued, 'I saw 4 people able to carry out the duties needed to be King. First of all, General George, a superb campaign against the Hycombians on both worlds. Second, Grand Admiral Stewert, Who certainly has the ability to direct forces and make plans.'
'Then of course there is Grand Admrial Stevens, who has showed time and time to be capable leader under pressure...'
Stevens could be seen smiling, and almost ready to walk towards the throne,
'And last, but by no means least, Grand Admiral Striker.'
A murmur went around the room, this was obviously a surprise, 'This young mole has shown an ability that even I envy, he has so much promise.'
'But no experience!' Yelled Stevens from across the room.
The Imperial Navy
10-05-2005, 13:11
'But no experience!' Yelled Stevens from across the room.
Again Gregory Prodded Striker.
"Does he have no respect for the dead? In an Imperial ceromony he would have been executed for his outbursts."
10-05-2005, 13:14
Again Gregory Prodded Striker.
"Does he have no respect for the dead? In an Imperial ceromony he would have been executed for his outbursts."
'He has been practically running the nation for 10 years. To be honest I see no other candiate for King.'
'After many weeks and months of consideration, I have decided that my successor will be....'
The king made an long, intentionial pause. Striker was staring down at the floor, resigned to it being Stevens as the next ruler.
10-05-2005, 13:17
OOC: LOL! 3 of the 4 candiates all have names starting with ST!
The Imperial Navy
10-05-2005, 13:17
Gregory Clenched his fist, disapointed with the soon to be new ruler.
10-05-2005, 13:22
'Grand Admiral...' Another pause. General George could be heard cursing in the background.
'Grand Admrial Striker! Grand Admiral Striker is King Mole the 15th'
Nobody said anything. Everyone was in a stunned silence. Striker just stared at the hologram, as it fizzed away.
The Imperial Navy
10-05-2005, 13:25
OOC: Rock on! *Does Megas Salute*
IC: "Heh... I guess that'll teach 'em."
The Emperor turned to Striker.
"Well done, my Friend. We are now Kindred spirits."
"Well done pal." Gregory was clearly smirking.
10-05-2005, 13:33
OOC: Rock on! *Does Megas Salute*
IC: "Heh... I guess that'll teach 'em."
The Emperor turned to Striker.
"Well done, my Friend. We are now Kindred spirits."
"Well done pal." Gregory was clearly smirking.
IC: Striker, Nervously made his way forward towards the front, the huge crowd just stared at him as he made forward.
'There must be some kind of mistake!' Protested Stevens.
Silence Stevens Yelled Molthing. I have witnessed several ceremonies, and i believe the crowd is supposed to chant, 'Hail to the King, Long live the King' until the new King takes his seat!
Straight away, the crowd stopped staring and started chanting, 'Hail to the King, Long live the King'
Thank you Molthing Thought Striker
The Imperial Navy
10-05-2005, 14:51
"Heh heh... I bet that shut that idiot up..." Muttered Gregory.
"Silence Gregory." The Emperor said as he watched over the event.
"It is not your place to comment on this planet and it's customs."
"As you wish my Emperor."
10-05-2005, 15:00
Striker Took his seat on the throne.
You are now officially King Mole 15th. Give your first order.
'Erm.... All present, return to your duties as soon as possible.'
'Aren't going to get punish those Chronosians for what they have done?'
'Ah yes, Grand admiral, I have a task for you.'
'Patience, Grand Admiral. Please Escort the Balroggian Ambassodor home.'
'Very Well'
He escorted him unto a transport and left.
'Well, that was a surprise result.' The king said to Gregory.
The Imperial Navy
10-05-2005, 15:13
"Indeed. You are now at the highest place of office... Impressive. One day, so shall I."
"But not while i'm alive." Laughed the Emperor.
"Now I didn't want to bring this up in the funeral, but Imperial Agents have uncovered that the Hyacombians were also involved in this assasination... This means that the matter concerns us too... we need to find where the Hyacombians are hiding and crush them."
"Patience Gregory... our plans will not work if we allow these two issues to co-incide."
"Yes My Emperor, but the Hyacombians are indeed a threat to our plans..."
"Not now. We shall discuss this later."
10-05-2005, 15:16
The King nodded in agreement, 'True. However, we have sources informing us that they were supported with funding for Chronosia. It is my personal belief that the Government as a body is not to blame, but elements within it are.'
The Imperial Navy
10-05-2005, 15:18
"Considering that Chronosia is supposed to be one of our allies, we shall discuss the matter with the Chronosian Emperor as soon as possible... it just seems so unlikely someone of his stature would order a simple assasination... there is no motive for it... but the Hyacombians of course, have a perfect reason for this assasination."
10-05-2005, 15:27
"Considering that Chronosia is supposed to be one of our allies, we shall discuss the matter with the Chronosian Emperor as soon as possible... it just seems so unlikely someone of his stature would order a simple assasination... there is no motive for it... but the Hyacombians of course, have a perfect reason for this assasination."
'I totally agree.'
Grand admrial Stevens returned to the room, 'What have you decided about the Chronosians? Are we to wipe the scum out'
'I expected this type of reaction from you. No. I believe that elements of the government are responsible, but I will not start a war with a nation we barely know.'
Grand Admiral Stevens sighed, 'Then what have you decided?'
'You and your fleet are to head into Chronosian space, and present them with a list of demands. One being an apology, and secondly, that peoples within their nation, proven to be responsible should be handed over to us straight away.'
A smile cracked along the Grand Admrial's lips, however, he had alredy turned to leave,a nd nobody saw this. 'At once, your holiness' Stevens had a plan.
The Imperial Navy
10-05-2005, 15:34
"Hold it Admiral. Emperor, if I may."
The Emperor walked up to Grand Admiral Stevens and grabbed him by the throat.
"Now I don't care how Mole Procedure works, but rest assured, if you were one of My Admirals, I would have snapped your neck long ago. Show a little respect. I suppose you even gave a little smirk as you were leaving there. I just know these things."
He released his grip.
"Now fuck off before I break you in two."
He walked back over to Striker and bowed before him.
"Please forgive me for that... I just could not stand his mood any more. Rest assured I shall not lose my temper again."
Gregory merely stood, looking shocked.
"Emperor... what have you done?"
The Imperial Navy
10-05-2005, 15:36
OOC: Now the question is-will I get applause or will the chamber turn it's weapons on me? :D
10-05-2005, 15:38
Stevens quickily abandoned all dignity and ran from the throne.
'That was a bit extreme, but he had it coming for a long time. Now, I just guess I wait around here for news about how the chronosians response. Greogry, you may talk to molthing again if you wish. He hasn't seen you for nearly 200 years
10-05-2005, 15:39
OOC: Now the question is-will I get applause or will the chamber turn it's weapons on me? :D
You been answered. Luckily Striker supports the action,a nd so does the only other person... molthing. BRB.
The Imperial Navy
10-05-2005, 15:41
"Oh my Goodness... Molthing? It is good to see you again."
"Ah, so thats why the throne looks alive."
"Indeed my Emperor."
10-05-2005, 15:48
Hello again Gregory. You've hardly aged since we last met...
'That's because when he last met you, it was only a few months ago.'
Really? Time travel really screws up your perception of age. I assume you ahvelots of questions for me Gregory?
OOC: Must run. Finish this (and start the next thread) Tomorrow!
The Imperial Navy
10-05-2005, 15:52
Righto. Bye bye!
11-05-2005, 00:55
I will assume I have left after the post where you had me escorted home. I can get back there myself.
Before leaving I would have offered any aid that was needed.
11-05-2005, 10:53
BUMPy.... TIN, if you want we can start the new RP now, if you want?
The Imperial Navy
11-05-2005, 10:54
Sure why not... got nothing better to do...
11-05-2005, 10:58
Ok. Linky to follow
11-05-2005, 11:03
Story continued HERE! (