NationStates Jolt Archive

A Normalization of Relations Between Two Unfriendly Nations [ATTN AMF]

03-05-2005, 08:44
From: Kaimoni A. Sutton, Commander-in-Chief, President, United States of Credonia
To: Leaders of Automagfreek
Subject: Credonia-Automagfreek Relations
Encryption: NONE

Respectable leaders of AMF,

Our nations have had no relations with each other since the days of Credonia's first War on Terror. Im am pretty sure that you remember what sparked the great rift in relations between our two nations dealing with the nation of Somalia and what was to be done with it. Since then, Credonia has gone through a great many reforms and we are now trying to mend relations with nations that were damaged in the past to prevent any hostilities from occuring in the future, though we highly doubt our paths would have crossed to a point that we would be fighting each other in the streets. Because of Credonia's new and peaceful foreign policy, I would like to cordially invite your government leaders to Credonia City to talk Credonia-AMF relations for the purpose of mending them and hopefully becoming friends and even allies once more. Though this is out of the blue, we wish to improve relations to a peaceful and friendly state. If you are interested in normalizing relations as we are, please get back with me to we may hold a summit meeting here in Credonia at your earliest convienance. I eagerly await your response.


Kaimoni A. Sutton
United States of Credonia
03-05-2005, 20:10
04-05-2005, 01:40
04-05-2005, 01:52
OOC: TM box was full.

I have a ton of RPs on my plate right now, so I apologize for any short and or crappy posts.


We accept Credonia's offer to normalize relations with Automagfreek, in spite of the many negative things they have said about our country and our leader. However, if a new age has come to Credonia we are willing to forgive and forget.

But at this time we will not allow any of our delegates to leave the country. Several wars may very well break out that will directly involve Automagfreek, and for the sake of security we will keep our representatives at home. However, if Credonia wishes to send us their 'terms' for this union, then we will happily look them over and give you our verdict as soon as we can.

I will be available directly if you have any questions or anything of the like.
Minister Hartman
-Minister of Foreign Affairs-
05-05-2005, 01:33
From: Kaimoni A. Sutton, Commander-in-Chief, President, United States of Credonia
To: Minister Hartman, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Automagfreek
Subject: Credonia-Automagfreek Relations
Encryption: NONE

Mr. Heartman,

Credonia thanks the leaders of Automagfreek for allowing us the opportunity to normalize relations with each other. Due to the circumstances in which you are currently under which, as you have stated, is causing your representatives to remain within AMF, Credonia would be more than willing to send its own representatives to AMF to carry out talks there if it is security in which you are concerned about. We feel that face to face talks would benefit us tremendously. Should your government agree to this, I will be sending my right-hand man, or woman I should say, Credonian Secretary of State Lauren R. Smith, the third in command of Credonia and the third most powerful within the Credonian government to represent myself since I will be unable to attend such a summit myself due to wars that may break out and that we are currently fighting against enemy factions. We hope that this summit, should it be agreed to, will open up a new and refreshing chapter in Credonian-AMF relations.


Kaimoni A. Sutton
United States of Credonia
05-05-2005, 19:25
10-05-2005, 01:28
23-05-2005, 03:38