NationStates Jolt Archive

Coup in the Serene Death, Military Junta installed (Semi-Open FT; ATTN: The Republic)

The Serene Death
03-05-2005, 07:01
OOC: This is open to those that respond in the OOC thread here:

Serene News Node
--Vonar City, Dunwyl
"This is Sarm Relsa. Today the president was arrested and charged with corruption, extortion and may possibly face treason charges after a heated battle between the President's Republican Guard and several squads of the Armed Special Forces.

Reports are still sketchy, but what is known is that President Alexius Recoi, seen here ( ) was trying to get to his private shuttle when the Special Forces swooped in. A firefight ensued and most of the Republican Guard were killed while the President was captured after being subdued.

The leaders of the branches of the Serene Death's military quickly claimed power in a press conference announcing the former President's arrest and and charges. They claimed "the total loyalty of the military and thus total control over the Armed Republic." These leaders said they would not turn the nation into a military dictatorship, but would keep control of the executive branch an undetermined amount of time.

This announcement caused uproar on some planets, and a few protests occured around the nation. Most were dispersed without any harm to the protesters. In some protests the police that were called in joined the protesters and Military Police units had to be called in. Few arrests if any have been confirmed, and it is unknown if any will be prosecuted.

As for now, things seem to have settled down. However, most of the military has been on high tensions, and already several jumpy soldiers have scared the local populace with unecessary weapons fire. Everyone here in the Serene Death is on edge.
Omar Guilds
03-05-2005, 12:41
The Serene Death
04-05-2005, 07:00
OOC: bump for edit
04-05-2005, 15:29
ooc: Let me know if you think I'm going too fast, SD, ok? I thought we had this planned out but If you want I'll change it.

"Is that a Serene Death ship? In kazeci space? Oh, s***! Raze the alert! Full alert!"
"What's going on?"
"Sir, there's a SD ship in the system!"
"They know there not supposed to be here without telling us first. Send out 2 of our drone fighters to escort them away from here, send them in fast, I don't want them getting any closer to this world."

2 fighters came out of the bay at lightning speed. They shot towards the unknown ship, their patterns were erratic, but direct.

"Serene Death ship: you..... What, how did the press find out?!?! I'm going to kill that...."

The commodore left the room without finishing his warning message to the intruders; they would have no idea why the fighters were comming at them.
04-05-2005, 23:35
I'm in, but is this mostly FT or MT?
05-05-2005, 00:06
Taledon, Taledonia
Imperial Senate of Taledonia

"Fellow senators!" said Imperator Kellerman, elected ruler of the Taledonian Empire, "This new law simply cannot pass! If it were to, our economy would suffer and we could lose face within the Republic! We simply cannot officiat any such law."

The senators broke out into arguments with each other, some even screaming their opinions across the room. Another senator then stood up off of the marble bench he was sitting on.

"Nonsense!" he scoffed as the room fell silent to hear his words, "If we were to pass up this law, we would be dooming the Empire in which we, the people of Taledonia, have worked so hard to build and maintain! The government should all be from here, on the planet Taledonia!"

More arguments ensured as Kellerman replied, "The other provinces would not allow this! And another civil war would be on our hands! We must allow each planet to elect it's own leaders that know exactly what's going on over there. People simply cannot sucessfully represent a province if he is millions of lightyears away! This is madness!"

"Madness? Madness you say? This from the man that started the war with the infernal nation of Theao and didn't even get anything from it?! My fellow senators, who would you believe in this matter? Kellerman? Who has wronged the Empire with that war, or me? Who has done nothing to harm the Empire in any way?"

More shouting and arguing started. Soon enough, the vote was taken, and the law wasn't passed. As the senators retired to their villas and the Imperator went back to the Imperial Palace, a message was recieved from Kazecistan.

Foreign ships have entered Kazeci space, will update later.
05-05-2005, 01:20
*Keerk* The radio scratching noise was heard as Hydrogen-Land officials came onto the channel, "This is Hydrogen-Land defensive force Schutzstaffel 1, we are requesting permission to enter air-space, we will be bringing in a small squadron of AXE fighters and the flagship Macpherson II with DRED producing capabilities, again, requesting permission to beacon into airspace. Over." *Keerk*

*AXE: (Acto-Plasmic Energy) A small manned fighter that takes up about a quarter of the H-L fleet, medium armour, high speed.
*DRED: (Detonation-Ready-Energy-Drone) Making up most of the H-L fleet, this small, drone, Kamikaze ships are relatively weakly armoured, but pack a powerful punch with explosives located in a storage compartment. They have the ability to attach to ships, then detonate.
05-05-2005, 01:33
ooc: Who's air space?
The Serene Death
05-05-2005, 01:34
I'm in, but is this mostly FT or MT?
OOC: FT, see title.

IC: All of a sudden, Lt. Janson was woken up by a transmission coming in.
"Serene Death ship: you....."
"Hello?" he responded to the voice over the comms. Janson shook his head and switched over to his wingmate's comm channel. "Firebug 3, you hear anything on the comms just now?" he asked.
"Nothing but you 4. Why, you pick up something?"
"I swear I heard somethin-" he started to say, but then saw two ships on the radar moving towards him fast. He noticed they had weapons and pulled a quick barrel roll to the left and dived down below the oncoming ships. He swung his ship's nose up and opened its S-foils.

He ended up behind the two ships, and as they tried to maneuver, he lit them up with is quad lasers. "Two enemies down 3, looks like we should head back and report in."
"Roger that 4, better tell HQ about this." Both headed to the edge of the system and then jumped out.
05-05-2005, 01:49
"Attention all citizens of the republic: Serene Death has committed an act of war against our proud nation. This is the day we have been...." The public service announcement rambled on.

Serene Death: you have committed an act of war and we will not tolerate it.

A Kazeci Super Cruiser and Heavy Battle Carrier jumped into the Narba system. They entered orbit over the planet Fugazi.

"Take them out. Initate battle plan omega-6." He was calm, as if reviewing a routine daily report. As if the people on the planet didn't matter.

All of the Heavy drone fighters on the carrier were launched (about 2500, but there all small and are controled in groups of 5 by the pilot back on the carrier). They weaved there way to the planet's surface and opened fire on anything military, concentrating on the ground to space weapons. When they ran out of missiles they would fly back to the carrier, and be replaced by light drone fighters.
The Serene Death
05-05-2005, 02:23
"What the hell is that?" one of the pilots said as he was lounging around in his chair. Something dark was coming out of the sky.
"Scanners are picking up something incoming, and its not friendly."
The pilots in the beat up-looking building looked at each other for a moment before rushing out to their fighters on the tarmac.

"You think its raiders Joe?" the youngest of the pilots asked as he climed into his cockpit.
"Can't be, they don't come this close to the planet." Joe switched over to ground control's channel. "Hey GC, why aren't the guns firing?"
"You know we can't shoot unless they show agression Joe, just get up their and find out whats going on."
"Joe looked out his cockpit window and said "Don't think thats possible."

Ground control looked out his window and started to ask why before watching the Space defense turrets and 6 fighters on the tarmac get blown apart. The 4 that had just launched were able to take 20 or so of the attackers down before being destroyed as well.

Ground control stared out the window for a moment longer before grabing the mic in front of him and yelling on all frequencies "This is Fugazi ground control to anyone out there, we are under attack and need assistance. A large fighter force has hit our defenses and is overwhelming us. We need help now or we-" and then the building shook as they took out the comms array.


"Why does this have to happen on our watch?" Lazy boy asked his wing mate.
"Because everyone hates us?" Maddog responded as she turned her ship back towards Fugazi.
"Gotta be, the whole universe is against us, I tell ya."


They arrived to a swarm of drones flying over the city. "Crap. Maddog send out a message over the holo, I'll engage them."
"Roger Lazy." She switched channels to the Holo satalite on the edge of the system. "This is Sergent Madgo of the Fugazi defense forces in the Narba system. We have come under attack by an unknown force and have lost most of our defenses." She paused to try and see where Lazy boy was, then continued.
"We cannot hold them off much longer. The have a carrier and large amounts of fighters. We do not know their intentions, but we know the are hostile and- NO Lazy Boy!" She rushed into battle, taking many a drone down before being overwhelmed.
05-05-2005, 02:29
A blue rupture in space appeared and a portal opened up. Immeadiatly, 15 battlecruisers jumped into the system and headed towards the planet. They came into orbit and headed towards unpopulated spots of the planet, which seemed to be everywhere. The cruisers landed, destroying much of the jungles below them. Landing craft emerged from the cruisers, thousands of them. They headed towards the only city on the planet, the invasion was about to begin.
05-05-2005, 02:37
The landing craft headed to a location 1 mile from the city and landed. The lightly armored Nirsian troops then disembarked from the ships and started moving towards the city.

The troops had light armor that could defend against small amounts of fire, and were armed with a single blaster pistol and a small cylinder device that looked like a handle, which was about 7 inches in hight. They also wore light infantry helmets that had the same capabilities as the armor.

Arriving within view of the city, which was under attack from the Kazeci air raids, the men got into formation. They positioned themselves to form a giant rectangle of men, and, at the orders of the commanders, they took out the cylandrical devices and flicked on the switches. Large energy shields, large enough to cover the entire body, emergerged from it. These shields are inpenetrable to all weapons fire that men can carry. Weapon emplcements however, seeing as how they create large explosions and force, usually sent the troops flying, making their shields in those situations almost useless.

(OOC: Think of a Roman Legion, were they have their shields and stuff, think of that except with energy shields instead of normal shields, blaster pistols instead of swords, and modern(as in FT modern) light armor instead of heavy metal armor and such. This should provide some insight as to how I fight.)
05-05-2005, 02:46
Stupid me. :p

Alright, apologies, but I'll have to start doing stuff in this tomorrow, I got caught up in all the FC stuff, so I'm a tad busy...
05-05-2005, 02:50
A wormhole opens and a Imperial Deatharon Fleet of 25 Imperial Battlecruisers and10 heavy assault carriers, and 1 Imperial Guardian jump out and begin to form a formation away from the Kazecistan fleet.

The Imperial Battlecrusiers and Carriers circle around the Guardian.
05-05-2005, 02:59
Noticing the manuever of new ships within the vecinity, the Nirsian fleet immeadiatly went into silent mode and is hiding from any scanners. This has been done until the diplomatic position with the nation has been determined.
05-05-2005, 02:59
"Shots have been fired, and Nirs has jumped to the system." said one of the communication officers at the control panel of the Macpherson II, "Alright! Jump to the system, deploy bunkers and DREDS, have the AXEs police the planet!" *Kreek!* "Nirs, this is Hydrogen-Land Macpherson II, requesting to deploy bunkers in your area." The beacon was teleported to the airspace of the planet, and the fleet jumped to the area, the Macpherson II landed on the planet, and prepared the bunkers "We need an answer to the bunker problem Nirs!"
05-05-2005, 03:01
Silent transmission
42-bit encryption
"Hydrogen-Land, go ahead and create bunkers, we will continue our advance on the city. Create bunkers all around the city to make easy fall back points for our troops if the worse should happen."
05-05-2005, 03:07
"Copy, set them up!" The bunkers were sent out via AXE to the city, and the remaining techs from the Macpherson II were sent out to help with rewiring the city. "Nirs, we've sent some techs to disarm the city, if you need any other specialized infantry, we'd be happy to supply, but we have limited numbers, and the Macpherson II is only a B-Class cruiser, we need a little protection for the moment, we request to move all forces to the city to make up an outpost, AXEs will police."
05-05-2005, 03:13
Roger H-L, our forces are entering the city now.

At the City

The Nirsian legion arrived at the city, but before they entered the streets the commanders shouted, "Tortoise formation!" The men immeadiatly interlocked their energy shields to make a giant shell to house the men, making them immune to fire while they could fire out at will on the enemy. They then began to advance throught the city, ready to fire on all who opposed.
05-05-2005, 04:24
Deatharon fleet: State your intensions. Be they hostile and you shall die. Consider yourself warned.

"Looks like we are going to need some backup."
"But sir, this was supposed to be a quick, simple mission, not an all out brawl."
"G*****, ensign! Don't question me on my own bridge. Now call for backup."

23 more Super Cruisers (equivlant to Super Dreadnoughts of other races), 31 torpedo ships (small frigate for longer range contact, 'can dish it but can't take it'), and 12 Heavy Battle Carriers jumped in system, (HBCs and SCs very close,with TSs further off on a diffrent side of the Deatharon fleet.) Their shields and weapons were powered up.

Stand down! In the name of the Kazeci High Council, stand down. This is your last warning.

"Set the fleet into attack pattern Beta-4. Launch all fighters (70,000ish). Prepair for battle."
"Surely you don't intend to attack them, sir?"
"I'll do whatever is required."
05-05-2005, 05:04
Taledon, Taledonia

After recieving word that Kazecistan was attacked and that the Imperial Senate had ordered an invasion of a small planet by Republic nations, Imperator Kellerman ordered an immeadiate senatorial meeting. Within two hours all the senators had assembled at the Imperial Senate of Taledonia.

"Fellow Senators!" said Kellerman in a commanding voice, "I am sorry to have called you to meeting so late, but it is of the utmost importance! Our allies, Kazecistan, has been attack by the Serene Death. This has been met by an invasion sactioned by the Imperial Senate of the Republic; I gave the final vote myself a few hours ago. Our orders have also come in. Nirs, Hydrogen-Land and Kazecistan have started the invasion of a small poorly defended planet. All was going well until Deatharon forces arrived in the system. It is not know yet whether they are friendly or hostile, but reinforcements must be sent to ensure success. Our primary orders, however, are to await until enough reconnaissance can be taken of the Serene Deaths territory and another planet found which could be invaded."

"What are we to do until then?" interupted one of the senators after yawning from fatigue.

"The Republic has ordered that we prep our forces and await further instructions, and I intend to follow throught with it. We are bound by Republic law, but I cannot mobolize the Taledonian forces without your permission. This is the reason I have called you here, I must have your permission to mobolize the troops and the fleets. I must be allowed to send aid to our Republic brothers!" Kellerman finished.

The Senate yelled their applause and support for their leader, some actually supporting him, and the others just wanting to retire back to their comfy beds.

Within another 8 hours after the Senate was dismissed, the Imperator stayed up all night calling up all the forces available to be sent to aid the others; while at the same time he sent out messages that the commanders of the military were to meet in the capitol city of Taledon for a briefing.

The small fleet was mobolized and jumped to the system their allies were currently sieging. The force contained the following:

2 Battle Cruisers(Our capitol ships)
13 Destroyers
18 Frigates
20 Support Frigates
05-05-2005, 07:54
The Deatharon Fleet hails back: "This is an advance Combat fleet in search of planets to target for invasion this one will do nicely."

Adrimal Meizon was ordering the fleet into a defensive formation. Meizon then orders, "use the interceptors as an anti fighter shield. The Deatharon fleet sends a coded transmission requesting Fleet 2 to help in the conquest.
The Deatharon fleet trains heavy Weapons on the Kazecistan ships.

The second officer inquires, "Adrimal how are you getting permission to attack another world without Grand Duke Mavis's permission?" Adrimial Meizon replies," The Empire is growing and the Emperor over ruled the Imperial Council on colonizeing in our own Galaxy. So here we are attack easy targets for the Empire." The second officer implies," The Emperor approved of this?" Adrimal Meizon states,"Yes, the Emperor did."

Fleet: 2
1. Imperial Guardian (Captial ship)
20 Heavy Assault Carriers
20 Imperial Battle Cruisers

Interceptors are A.I. Controled fighters this fleet has about 50,000
The second fleet contains 100,000 Interceptors.
05-05-2005, 15:31
"Open fire! Execute battle plan delta-7."

The main of the kazeci fleet moved into extremely close quarters (relatively) and took up positions all through the enemy fleet. Their powerful Zat* turrets firing in all directions. Their SPPTs** were lashing out at the closest ships. Barrages of torpedoes and missiles pounded the enemy fleet, while heavy drone fighters moved in targeting the interceptors with their many missiles and the larger ships with their 2 torpedoes.

The torpedo ships kept their positions and began unloading thousands of missiles and torpedoes at their predetermined targets, aiming to take out one at a time. The light drone fighters were with the torpedo ships, which were circling the enemy fleet to help avoid large caliber fire.

Coded trensmition:
Republic nations we request aid in our defense against the deathearon threat.

* Zats cannons are a plasma, energy combination that come in many sizes.
** SPPT, or Shield piercer Plasma torpedoes, are preceded by an energy beam designed to make a small hole in the shield, allowing the Plasma torpedo
The Serene Death
05-05-2005, 16:07
Roger H-L, our forces are entering the city now.

At the City

The Nirsian legion arrived at the city, but before they entered the streets the commanders shouted, "Tortoise formation!" The men immeadiatly interlocked their energy shields to make a giant shell to house the men, making them immune to fire while they could fire out at will on the enemy. They then began to advance throught the city, ready to fire on all who opposed.OOC: now you get to learn why we're called the "Armed Republic" :D

As the tortoises moved into the city, the people armed themselves. Every adult and most children over the age of 10 had weapons of some type. Members of ARM, the Armed Republic Militia, organized the defenses of the city. Quickly, the streets were empty with cars and other vehicles abandoned at weird angles, some even blocking the streets.

As the tortoises entered the city, they were met with a small amount of small arms fire here and there, but nothing much. As soon as they arrived at the first road block, the fun would begin. The first to approach a block in the road was on the eastern edge of the city. As they manuevered around the red car, several men heard a *tink* *tink* like metal hitting concrete.

And then the left side of the tortoise exploded as men were flung in every direction. As soon as the tortoise was exposed, a hail of lasers came down on the invaders. Several people ran out and started beating anyone still alive, stabing and blasting anyone that moved. They then scavenged off the dead, taking shields and armor alike. The people quickly vacated the streets, not wanting to be caught out in the open.

The city would wait, and then the battle would truely begin.

OOC: all of my people have been in the military (its required), and so all know how to use a weapon. And most own weapons, as it is very important to them. Most children are taught to hunt from an earily age also. So much of the population is as well or better armed than your troops.

Also, the ARM is a sort of civil defense force. They are allowed weapons others are not, like explosives and rocket launchers. They also organize the people in a time of war. Have fun.

I just wanted to give you the heads up that I won't be able to respond often, as I don't have a computer at the moment.
05-05-2005, 17:30
Although the carrier had left for battle the Super Cruiser was still orbiting the planet.

"I think it's time for a show of force. Launch all fighters (250), give them low patrols over the city and allow them to return fire."
"Yes sir."
The Serene Death
05-05-2005, 19:27
As the fighters flew towards the city, they were being tracked. Several groups of insurgents were hiding on the roofs of buildings with rocket launchers. They tracked the fighters and then fired, destroying several. They moved to reload quickly, but not quick enough. They had underestimated the number of fighters coming in, and the buildings that the rocketeers had been on, as well as those around them, were strafed by the fighters. Soon they were all killed, and several blocks of the city were destroyed.

On the streets, several tortoises had been destroyed by similar tactics as before. Plasma grenades and overwhelming numbers slaughtered the incoming forces. There were loses on the civilians' side, but no where in the number of those lost by the invaders.

A comms transmission was sent out to everyone in the system, and played over the speakers around the city as well:

This is Colonel Juárez, governor and mayor of Fugazi, as well as head of the Armed Republic Militia on this planet. You have violated our space, killed our people, and forfieted your lives. You will leave or die, these are your only options. If you stay, your men on the ground will be killed.

We will work slowly on most of them, knocking them out and carving them up. Showing them their beating heart before we cut it out of their chests. Some, we will leave hung on debris, it slowly tearing through them. Others will not be so lucky.

Go back now, or your fleets will be destroyed. Then we will go to your homes, and see how your people like it. We will not surrender, we will not give up, and we have more resolve than your pitiful people have ever had. Give up, or die. If you are ready to fight my people, let me hear you.

And with that, a cheer could be heard across the city. The people had answered.
05-05-2005, 21:11
A small Laskonian fleet, returning from the Huntaer galaxy after a lengthy process of getting rid of pirates, was meeting up with other small flotillas of ships near the Serene Death planet.

Sorry for the small post, I'll read up on everything after I see the situation fully...

1 CFB (Cardos)

1 Laskonian Super Cruiser (Death's Edge)

5 Laskonian Battlestars

24 "Minerva 2" class fighters
05-05-2005, 22:36
The Deatharon fleet was ready for such an attack and used the Interceptor fighters to take down enemy missiles. The Point singularity Cannons unleashed a heavy barrage on the larger Capital ships. Thousands of Alpha Warhead missiles are fired at the Enemy fleet and the Point Defense Phasers were holding off a lot of the Enemy missiles. The Deatharon fleet is starting to lose fighters which are acting like a shield agaisnt enemy fire. The Deatharon Guardian unleashes its main weapons the Heavy plasma torpedos while the main phasers rack the Kazecistan fleet.

5 Imperial Battlecruisers are crippled and 3 Heavy Assault carriers crippled

A wormhole opens and Fleet2 arrives with orders to engage any who defiy Imperial order.
05-05-2005, 22:53
The Laskonian commander, Johnas Kaye, had recently been picked up by the military to get back to Laskon, but then they happened upon the battle raging in space.

Remembering the alliance pact that he had signed so long ago on that secret planet, he contacted the Kazecistan forces himself.

Kazecistan forces, this is Commander Johnas Kaye. Do you need assistance against these oppressers?
05-05-2005, 23:25
As the Taledonian fleet jumped into the system, they took up positions behind the Deatharon fleet that was ingaging their allies.

"Order the ships to shields up and attack mode. Have the photon torpedoes armed and ready to fire, start blasting them with lasers and other fire, and get those angels charged up. This shouldn't last long once they're up." ordered Admiral Sallustius to the crew of the command ship "Arbiter."

"Yes, sir!" replied the weapons officer, "Photon torpedoes armed and ready, and angels at 5%. Were do you want us to concentrate our fire?"

"Have all ships concentrate on their capitol ship. Take it out. Also order the fleet into offensive position Delta Delta Triad." ordered Sallustius.

"Yes, sir."

As the ships got into positions, they started opening up on the command ship of the Deatharon fleet.

"Send in a welcoming party to pick off their fighters." said Cpt. Morgan from the cruiser "Arcanic." From the cruiser, 20 squadrons of TF-20s left one of the many hangers.

(OOC: Each squadron contains 30 fighters.)
05-05-2005, 23:31
The second Deatharon fleet had jumped out of the wormhole and Decided to attack the Taledonian fleet they raise shields and tried to relive the sister fleet by using the Interceptor fighters to harrass the Taledonian fleet. The Fleet also launches a few volleys of Alpha warhead Missiles and Heavy plasma torpedos. the Phasers start pounding at the Taledonian fleet. The Disrupter cannons from the Heavy Assault Carriers are used to target the Enemy engines.
05-05-2005, 23:33
OOC: Serene Death, you can't post my losses for me, that's godmodding. Please don't do it again. And it would be highly unlikely to kill off 500 well trained soldiers just like that, especially when all you have is militia.

IC: As the explosive went off, it took out a section around the corner of the tortoise. It killed 10 men in total and the following laser fire took out 5 and wounded 7. Quickly, the men reformed the tortoise and turned to fire on the enemy militia. They turned the entire formation and started marching towards the enemy, still firing rapidly from the safety of their energy shields.

Also, Field Commander Tomas ordered in ari strikes from the Nirsian fighters that sat back in the Nirsians hiden fleet. At this, 15 bombers flew out and headed towards the city, where they began to unload missiles at the militia that would no doubt run; either from the advancing troops of the air strikes.
05-05-2005, 23:36
"Sir! Incoming fire!" shouted an officer on the bridge of the Avatar.

"Return fire on the new fleet, but have half of our fleet still concentrate on that command ship. And how long till those angels are ready?!" Sallustius shouted back.
05-05-2005, 23:42
Adrimal Meizon hails The Taledonian fleet: "what bussiness of this is yours to attack Imperial Ships? If you do not halt we will retailate and destroy you in the name of the Emperor."

The Deatharon fleets unleash Massive Omega Class warhead missiles at Taledonian Capital ships. They form independant wormholes and head straight for the Taledonian ships at impressive speeds for missiles of this size.
05-05-2005, 23:50
"Admiral! Were being hailed." reported the communications officer.

"Open channel. This is Admiral Sallustius of the Taledonian Vessel "Avatar." We are members of the Republic and the nation of Serene Death has attack another member of the Republic. By doing this, a war has been declared and we are currently assualting this planet. I have answered your question, now answer mine; why are you here when we are attacking the planet and it is going to be under the rule of the Republic, not your Empire. Furthermore, why are you attacking Republic vessels. Your attacks on Kazecistan has been observed and seen as an act of war."

The message was sent and the channel closed.

"How long before we have the angels?" Sallustius asked.

"90% charged sir."

"Good, when their done, hold until I give the order. Continue firing on them tho."
05-05-2005, 23:59
Meizon hails back: "The Kazecistan fired the first shot at the Imperial fleet. however you have now forced us to take the planet and destroy you for sideing with the aggressors."

The Deatharon fleet is still attacking and sending distress messages to Imperial Base Brakka-A. via small wormholes.
06-05-2005, 00:12
"Very well," sighed Sallustius, "Have the Arcanic fire their angels on the original capitol ship and have our angels targeting the new one. Fire when ready."

The cannons came out of the hulls of the 2 Battle Cruisers and fired the secret weapon of the Taledonians, Crystal Angels*. The giant beam of energy envelopped the first ship and the other beam did the same to the other ship. With the 2 capitol ships de-activated, the fleet now began firing on the other ships.

*Crystal Angels are my secret weapon. It's a giant beam of pure energy that can travel past any type of shielding or armor and kills anything organic, a.k.a humans and the like. It does not affect computers of machines however, just kills organic things. Can only be fired once every 24 hours.
06-05-2005, 00:21
The Deatharon fleet losing Two Imperial Guardians decides to fall back for reniforcements. The Imperial Battlecruisers open fire on the Imperial Guardians knowing the shield frequency and destroyed them. The Adrimals were dead and the ships opened a massive wormhole and retreated after ships unable to make the jump self-imploded. The life pods slowly head towards the wormhole.
06-05-2005, 00:23
"Republic forces in the area, the threat from Deatharon has been removed, you are clear to proceed with the invasion." reported the communications officer to the other Republic ships and troops.
06-05-2005, 00:23
"Laskon command: Your assistance is most welcome in defeating those who would have us dead. Feel free to join in the fun at any time, watch your self though-" The transition was cut off. The ship had lost its com array to one of the missiles.

Serene Death, your nation has committed an act of war against us and as such we will retaliate, do not hinder us, it only means more of you die.

The Kazeci point defenses had been pretty effective at destroying most of the incoming missiles and fighters that got past their Magnetic Particle Shielding*.

On the planet:
"Order the fighters to free fire on any person they see, threat or not."
"But sir that's...."
"I know what it is. I won't stand by while our allies are slaughtered by civilians. I simply won't allow it!"

ooc: 3 Super cruisers, heavily damaged, left the battle. The 3 heavily damaged HBCs however weren’t so lucky they must stay to control their fighters. 67 thousand drone fighters remained in working order.

* Our magnetic particle shielding consists of thousands of small particles randomly encircling the ship at high speed. They impact and destroy most anything that comes too close, like missiles and fighters.

EDIT: wow you did a lot while I was posting oops.
06-05-2005, 00:38
Antaries Galaxy
Brakka-a Deep in Imperial Territory.............

The Imperial Space Navy command center was in chaos two Imperial Guardians were destroyed by an enemy we knew little to nothing about. The Grand Adrimal Cain decided Imperial honor had be avenged the retailation would be from the Empire's greatest weapon the Black hole generator.

A modified Imperial Battlercruiser A.I. controled wormhole into the disputed system and entered where the old fleet use to be. The shields were raised but the ship seemed to have no weapons execpt for an esscort of 1000 Interceptors.


This weapon is exteremley tempoary and requires massive amounts of power to fire.
06-05-2005, 00:40
Taledon, Taledonia

Once again, the Imperial Senate of Taledonia was assembled in the Senate forum, with Imperator Kellerman leading the discussions. After several heated debates about differing topics, the most important issue was brought up. It was saved for last as it was the most important of the day and such topics are usually discussed last.

Imperator Kellerman spoke in his loud, formal voice as he stood in the middle of the marble floor, "And finally, the issue of the war with Serene Death has brought up another important topic. Another Empire called Deatharon has entered the system and has attacked both Republic and Taledonian ships. This simply cannot be tolerated! These barbaric peoples must be stopped from spreading out into the universe! That universe which we have sworn to bring order and prosperity to under the great Republic! I ask you, the Imperial Senate of Taledonia, to give me support as to take this issue up with the Imperial Senate of the Republic. Only by their consent can we strike back against this threat. We must be allowed to strike back and protect our civilization and wide spreading culture! We must be allowed to strike at this infernal infestation and defend the great Republic from the barbarian peoples!"

Cheers erupted as the senators cheered their support to their leader. They proceeded to stand from their benches and salute their leader. They lifted their hands into a fist and smacked it against their chests and holding it there, they then said in unison, "Hail! Kellerman!"

Imperator Kellerman then lifted his hand up high in salute to the senators and replied, "Hail! Taledonia!"

More cheers erupted from the crowd.
06-05-2005, 00:43
The Kazeci torpedo ships ripped into it and it's fighters. The other capitol ships moved off, their fighters remained and began the quick work of finishing up the enemy fighters.
06-05-2005, 00:48
The Imperial Battle cruiser had entered the system and was powering up the Generator of Death as it was nicknamed by Imperial command. The Weapon was at 85% power and was aimed at the Taledonian capital ships.
06-05-2005, 00:49
"Sir! Deatharon ships have entered the system again!"

"Shields up! Fire torpedoes. Have the ships form up in defensive position Delta Alpha 7."

"Yes Admiral. All Taledonian vessels form up into defensive position Delta Alpha 7 immeadiatly. Concentrate all fire upon the vessel." screamed the communications officer through the open channel to the rest of the fleet.

From the ships, 300 squadrons of TF-20s left the various hangers and headed towards the Deatharon escort fighters. 300 squadrons equalling a total of 9000 fighters headed towards the smaller force of 1000 fighters. The odds were in favor of Taledonia for numbers and the advanced design and performance of the TF-20s was superior to the enemy, this opinion was derived by seeing the enemy ships in combat earlier.
06-05-2005, 00:51
"Sir, scanners report their weapons system is almost charged. What are your orders, Admiral?" asked the science officer.

"Prepare the fleet for the countermeasure system. Thank god ISF gave us this technology or we would be sitting ducks. As soon as they fire, have the fleet activate." Sallustius ordered.

"Yes, sir."
06-05-2005, 00:52
The A.I. confirmed the weapon and unleashed it a wormhole seemed to form near the Capital ships but then starts sucking in matter and distorting time. The wormhole became a blackhole pulling in ships and matter for about ten minutes. Then the blackhole dies out.
06-05-2005, 00:54
12 thousend drone fighters formed up with the Taledonian ones and began the assoult.

"Bring a few of our Super Cruisers in close to take them out."
06-05-2005, 00:56
As the Deatharon ship fired it's black hole, the countermeasures were activated. The entire Taledonian fleet, excluding the fighters, immeadiatly jump-teleported to behind the Deatharon ship and once again started firing at it. 590 TF-20's were sucked into the black hole tho.
06-05-2005, 00:58
The mission complete the ships self-destruct.
06-05-2005, 01:01
"Target neutralized sir, with minimal casualties. Altho when that black hole opened up we took a bit of damage before we jumped."

"Right, get the damaged ships over to the support ships for repairs and medical treatment."

"Yes, sir, moving into position now."
06-05-2005, 01:03
A message went out on all channels:
Deatharon: Why have you initiated hostilities between our 2 nations? We wish not to fight a war in which we will both undoubtedly loose many good men. We wish to find a diplomatic solution to this madness. Will you comply with a cease fire?
06-05-2005, 03:02
In a coded message

The Empire agrees to a cease-fire if it goes for your allies as well.
06-05-2005, 03:06
There will be a ceasefire from me unless the senate authorises my invasion of your empire.
06-05-2005, 03:07
In which case I, too, will attack your worlds.
06-05-2005, 03:24
After making repairs to the damaged ships, the fleet then moved into position around the planet to create a sort of blockade, and to jam any and all transmissions the planet would send out.
06-05-2005, 03:37
The Deatharon Military is at Alert Status red.

The highest Alert. Military patrols increase and the Gaian Ascendancy is alerted of possiable hostile threat to the Empire.
06-05-2005, 03:41
The main body of the Kazeci fleet jumped out of the system. One carrier was left behind.

"It's time to bring out the heavy guns. Open a channel to the planet militia."

"We will not allow any opposition to remain on this planet. Surrender now and you will be spared. You have 2 hours."

"I think that went well. Make ready the G.A.S.'s!"

In 2 hours the Kazeci carrier would launch 42 of our Ground Assault Ships, GAS for short. They would begin to destroy all parts of the city not currently under the control of Nirs' forces. The fighters swarming over the city ceased to fire at any thing that did not fire at them, this would end when the 2 hours were up.

ooc: if you have questions about my fleet and its capabilities check out the ooc thread.
06-05-2005, 03:58
A coded message is sent out to Republic forces....

The message:

The Imperial Space Navy has a few people missing and are thought to be alive. We would like permission to use Imperial Ships to look for them.
06-05-2005, 04:04
"Deatharon: You may send in one lightly armed frigate and no more than 5 unarmed small craft to search for them. Any that we find we will return to you. Keep away from Republic ships, if you come too close without permission you will be fired upon"
06-05-2005, 04:06
A merchant vessel with the Imperial Symbol comes out of a wormhole with 5 shuttles they begin scaning the system.
The Serene Death
06-05-2005, 07:12
OOC: Serene Death, you can't post my losses for me, that's godmodding. Please don't do it again. And it would be highly unlikely to kill off 500 well trained soldiers just like that, especially when all you have is militia.

IC: As the explosive went off, it took out a section around the corner of the tortoise. It killed 10 men in total and the following laser fire took out 5 and wounded 7. Quickly, the men reformed the tortoise and turned to fire on the enemy militia. They turned the entire formation and started marching towards the enemy, still firing rapidly from the safety of their energy shields.

Also, Field Commander Tomas ordered in ari strikes from the Nirsian fighters that sat back in the Nirsians hiden fleet. At this, 15 bombers flew out and headed towards the city, where they began to unload missiles at the militia that would no doubt run; either from the advancing troops of the air strikes. OOC: sorry for godmodding. Also, you can't march towards the enemy without breaking the tortoise. As soon as you are in the city, you are surronded by armed civilians, most of which are hiding in buildings. Every adult is armed with at least a pistol and basic weapons training. Also remember, the place is surrounded with buildings (its a city after all). You have to destroy the buildings to get at the fleeing militia.

IC: The militias continued their hit and fade attacks on the enemy formations. most consisted of throwing an explosive at the formation and firing into it while taking cover in rubble or buildings. As soon as they attacked, they hid in nearby buildings or fleed to futher away. As the bombers and fighters came in, they destroyed many buildings and ripped up streets with their bombs and missles.

The militia cought in the streets were slaughtered outright, with no chance in the open. Those in the buildings were able to harm the ground troops, but were unprotected against the bombing runs.

They continued to fight and retreat, staying with the buildings as much as they could as they headed towards the center of the city.


On the edge of the system, the strike groups Calla, Revenge, and Eld entered the system and formed up. The moved towards the planet Fugazi while sending out this message:

This is Admiral Ka'Rhi of the Serene Naval Forces strike forcel Calla. You have illegally attacked a Serene Death planet, killed our troops and our people, and caused billions in damage. You will stop this ruthless attack now or forfeit your lives. You harriers are nothing more than bullies that think they can take advantage of a nation in a time of weakness. Well you can't. You will lose. You will die. And when your families hear of your deaths, they will be ashamed to know you fought to pillage and take from others.

The three fleets headed out at full speed, weapons armed and ready to destroy the first enemy vessel to enter their range.

OOC: This is the size of one strike group (there are 3 in system):
1 Endurance-class Fleet Carrier [The Calla, The Revenge, and The Eld]
25 Gallofree Medium Transports (heavier armor and several extra quadlasers and full of marine troops in the cargo space)
10 Dreadnaught-class Crusiers (heavier armor [equal to star destroyer], 10 more double turbolasers and 10 more turbolasers; 1/3 the crew)
10 Lancer-class Frigates (10 more quadlaser cannons)
5 Neutron Star-class Bulk Crusiers (10 more quadlasers, cargo filled with marine troops)
5 Strike-class Crusiers (5 more turbolaser batteries and 5 more ion cannon batteries)
3 Imperial Assault Transports
3 Incursion-class Heavy Military Lander

50 Gat-12h Skipray Blastboat [The Wolves, The Knights, and The Storms]
500 Miy'til Fighters (2 extra laser cannons)

All of these came from Huntaer's storefront here (the stuff in the parenthises are added after production):
Gaian Ascendancy
06-05-2005, 07:35
A signal comes in within a few hours of learning of an incident between this 'Republic' and two rouge Deatharon Fleets. Considering everything within the Gaian Protectorate of the Detharon Republic was now under their responsibilitiy, it drew eyes from Gaian Intel.

..and such..

~ :: To: Subject forces of both sides in this previously unknown conflict.
From: Gaian Ascendancy Foreign Advisory

We will ask simply. What exactly is the summary situation concerning two Deatharon Fleets that were apparently unaccounted for, after our invasion of Deatharon was completed. We are informed of them being destroyed or some similar effect, and now a third party eyes our Protectorate.

We ask in the name of peace and sanity, in so far as can be obtained, of the summary asked for.


Gaian Foreign Advisory ~ ::
The Serene Death
06-05-2005, 15:46
Serene News Node
--Vonar City, Dunwyl
"This is Sarm Relsa. Today we bring word that the planet Fugazi out in the Territorial Sectors has been attacked by an invading force from the Republic. The Republic is an orgainzation of several sovereign nations working together for mutual benefit. Now, it seems they are also in the business of invading other nations.

This message was sent by one of the defenders of Fugazi:This is Sergent Madgo of the Fugazi defense forces in the Narba system. We have come under attack by an unknown force and have lost most of our defenses. We cannot hold them off much longer. The have a carrier and large amounts of fighters. We do not know their intentions, but we know the are hostile and- NO Lazy Boy!At that point the communications cut out and no more messages have been sent since.

The attackers have sent several messages out, here is one of them now:Serene Death, your nation has committed an act of war against us and as such we will retaliate, do not hinder us, it only means more of you die.The Serene Death government does not know what the message from the nation of Kazecistan means, but says it is responding with military force, calling in several strike groups to deal with the problem. When asked if standard forces would be called in to battle, they wouldn't comment.

The government has called out to any nation out there that would aid the Serene Death in this conflict. The military council says that it asks for help from anyone, and would be thankful for the slightest amount of help.
06-05-2005, 23:08
The Merchant vessel with the Imperial seal hails back to the Gaians : This is the Kikader a Merchant vessel for the Empire. The Deatharon fleets engaged Republic forces and lost two Guardians and a number of support vessels they retreated to Brakka-a and are now jumping system to system trying not to get caught by Deatharon Forces. I was ordered to look for missing personal who may have surrived. Kikader out.
06-05-2005, 23:40
OOC: I can keep my formation, and the troops are crack shots so they can hit your people in buildings with some luck.

IC: The formation arrived at what looked to be the city center. It was open enough for them to make their stand. So, they marched into the center and held their tortoise formation, firing at the enemy all around them.

The air strikes began to mainly concentrate on the groups of troops advancing throught the streets to the city center or the surrounding buildings.
07-05-2005, 00:07
Receiving word that the system was once again under attack, Kazecistan sent in another fleet. It consisted of 32 Super Cruisers (dreadnought class) 6 Heavy Battle Carriers, and 24 Torpedo Ships (frigate). They remained some distance from the Serene Death fleet.

"Execute battle plan Charley, Charley, Zulu!"

Suddenly the Kazeci Super Cruisers jumped away in threes. They reappeared right behind several outlying SD ships. The Torpedo Ships jumped to 6 different points surrounding the enemy fleet, one carrier followed them to each of the points. The super cruisers opened fire with everything they had while the Torpedo ships let loose their many missiles and torpedoes. Thousands of zat blasts, along with hundreds of SPPTs flew through space towards the enemy ships.

The Kazeci Super cruisers all jumped away. They reappeared behind other ships. This would continue.

On the planet:
The Kazeci fighters resumed bombing anything that moved. The G.A.S.s arrived, their Plasma cannons rained fire upon the city, and their EWCs flattened buildings. Nothing would be spared along their lumbering path.

Forward command:
After scanning some of the Serene Death ships the enison gave a report.
"Sir the ships seem to carry a heavy load of ground troops."
"As expected, we are invading a planet, we have to expect some kind of ground war."
"But sir, what can we do to help our allied ground troops? They'll be out numbered. And, no offence, but, our ground toops suck."
"You mean besides blowing as many of them up in space as possable? If they land very far from the city they will be sloughtered by our fighters, and once they get to the city they'll have nothing to hide in; the G.A.S.s demolishing many of the buildings as we speak."
07-05-2005, 00:15
The Taledonian fleet quickly slide through space to the new Serene Death fleets.

"Those angels are ready again right?" asked Admiral Sallustius to the weapons officer.

"Yes, sir. Also, the torpedoes and other weapons systems are online. Do you want us to fire sir?" the officer replied.

"No, no, not yet. Hail them first."

"Channel open, sir." reported the communications officer.

"This is Admiral Sallustius of the Taledonian fleet. You are ordered to drop your shields and surrender immeadiatly or you will be fired upon."
07-05-2005, 01:22
The Imperial Merchant vessel kept scanning near the rubble of the Deatharon ships and seemed to be collecting pieces Via Transporter.
Gaian Ascendancy
07-05-2005, 06:12
The lack of an answer and the message back from the Deatharon Merchant vessel, gave enough concern to the Gaians to have a small task force Fold Jumped to the last signal coordinates of the Merchant vessel.

As a result, 47 variously sized/weighted Class WarShips, primarily Kushan-Droid vessels, are centered around a Mothership Class vessel, and three major Gaian Capital vessels. An Imperiator Star Destroyer was the flag vessel.

The all Fold Jumped about sixteen hours after the last message was recieved, with orders to secure the area, and ascertain the 'true' extend of the situation.

The last thing they was looking for was a battle, and was prepared to do whatever it took to prevent this and more. They already had seen enough of battle for the moment.

However the Fleet was fully prepared for the unwanted event, and was at Code Green-III status, with all crew and pilots at actions stations.
07-05-2005, 06:25
"Gaian Fleet, this is Admiral Sallustius of the Taledonian Fleet. We have just recieved word from the capitol Taledon that a message from the Imperator himself has been sent to your leaders."

(OOC: Check your TGs Gaian.)
Gaian Ascendancy
07-05-2005, 07:04
The Gaian Fleet Star Admiral Alex Rose replied back over comm..

~ :: Understood Admiral Sallustius, we are here to also understand the clarification of the situation, and 'not' engage in battle. We also are here to search for Deatharon survivors, and question them for violation of a surrender message sent by their own Emperor.

..we are not the like to take such dishonor lightly. We 'will' settle all matters in an amicable manner.


Admiral Alex Rose
Gaian 6th/177th-C Expedition Fleet ~ ::

Gaian vessels were ordered to stand by status Blue-One, and taken off immediate action stations. However the Fleet was still heavily active in active scanning of the previous battle area, searching for clues and evidence. Survivors were not expected very much.

..but one never gives up hope.
07-05-2005, 07:11
"Well I'm glad that's over with." Sallustius smiled. "Have the fleet stand down and return to blockading the planet. Keep shields up and weapons ready just in cas...."

He was interupted by the communications officer, "Admiral, a message from Taledon, urgent."

"Open a hololink."

A holographic image of Imperator Kellerman appeared in the bridge. Sallustius and all the others present got off their chairs and down on one knee, bowing and then standing up and saluting their leader. "Hail Kellerman!" they shouted.

"Hail!" replied the image, "You are to return to space dock immeadiatly. The fleets must be accounted for so we can prepare to invade other systems under the control of the Serene Death. Message out." With that, the hologram faded out.

"Orders Admiral?" asked the navigations officer.

"You heard the Imperator, order the fleet to jump back to Taledonia."

Within a few minutes of navigating away from the planet, the Taledonian fleet disappeared in a blur as they jumped out of the system. The invasion was once again in the hands of the other nations of the Republic.
07-05-2005, 20:10
A damaged escape pod was hiding in the rubble cloaked. The only occupant was Captain Rafin Desoto. He had commanded one of the Rouge Battlecruisers in the fight and had escaped when it was destroyed. The Kikader discovered the pod and scaned it to find life signs. They found one occupant and beamed him aboard with the transporter. Inside of the kikader was Imperial Intelligence Core agents who wanted to talk to him about why he was out of Deatharon territory.
08-05-2005, 04:58
A sleek silver ship jumped in-system. It contained 2 people. It made a quick fly by of the debres feild, then came arround again. It began to beam things abord. It jumped out-of-syestem.

ooc: what did I bring abord?
The Serene Death
08-05-2005, 05:44
Receiving word that the system was once again under attack, Kazecistan sent in another fleet. It consisted of 32 Super Cruisers (dreadnought class) 6 Heavy Battle Carriers, and 24 Torpedo Ships (frigate). They remained some distance from the Serene Death fleet.

"Execute battle plan Charley, Charley, Zulu!"

Suddenly the Kazeci Super Cruisers jumped away in threes. They reappeared right behind several outlying SD ships. The Torpedo Ships jumped to 6 different points surrounding the enemy fleet, one carrier followed them to each of the points. The super cruisers opened fire with everything they had while the Torpedo ships let loose their many missiles and torpedoes. Thousands of zat blasts, along with hundreds of SPPTs flew through space towards the enemy ships.

The Kazeci Super cruisers all jumped away. They reappeared behind other ships. This would continue.

On the planet:
The Kazeci fighters resumed bombing anything that moved. The G.A.S.s arrived, their Plasma cannons rained fire upon the city, and their EWCs flattened buildings. Nothing would be spared along their lumbering path.

Forward command:
After scanning some of the Serene Death ships the enison gave a report.
"Sir the ships seem to carry a heavy load of ground troops."
"As expected, we are invading a planet, we have to expect some kind of ground war."
"But sir, what can we do to help our allied ground troops? They'll be out numbered. And, no offence, but, our ground toops suck."
"You mean besides blowing as many of them up in space as possable? If they land very far from the city they will be sloughtered by our fighters, and once they get to the city they'll have nothing to hide in; the G.A.S.s demolishing many of the buildings as we speak." OOC: I'm so close to calling Godmod on the number of ships you have. You have over 60 medium/large/very large capital ships and you're only a 110 million large nation. Plus, those aren't your only ships.

IC: "We're surrounded" shouted someone on the deck of the Calla as they started to get pumbled by incoming fire.
"Jump the fleet to point 56.35.28 now!" the Admiral yelled as the ship was rocked with hits.

For a second the viewport filled with starsteams before reverting to the dark side of a moon. "Alright, form up and give me a damage report. Launch all fighters, give the Wolves their Fangs, and get them into position for a pincer move. If we can't get our troops down there we may need to try and get our people off in quick pick ups. If that doesn't work...we'll have to 'improvise' won't we?"
An aide nodded in agreement and quickly moved to give the orders as another came with the lists of damaged ships.

The admiral looks over the list several times before looking up at her aide. "We lost how many ships?!?"
"5 Assault Transports and 3 Landers, plus 2 Bulk Crusiers and 4 Lancers are heading back to drydock due to the extent of their damage. The rest sustained minor damage, though many weapons have been damaged beyond use."
"Alright. We'll do a double hop to 5 klicks which will put us right alongside the blockade. Then launch the landers and shuttles to the city center. Use the Lancers to shoot down any incoming missles or torpedos and have the fighters give cover to the landers. Then start Zeta-4."


The fleet jumped out to within view of Fugazi, then jumped to within 5 kilometers of the blockading ships. The fighters and landers headed for the city while the rest took aim at the blockade, except for the Skipray Blastboats which headed down to the planet and split into 5 groups of 10 heading out in different directions.

OOC: Zeta-4 calls for the fleet to knock down the enemy's sheild, and then destroy their command deck(s)
Gaian Ascendancy
08-05-2005, 05:46
The Gaian 6th/177th-C Expedition Fleet meanwhile conducted a far more detailed scan of the area, and was far more rewarded by their meticulous work, by discovering two partially destroyed computers cores and several badly damaged 'black boxes' along with the wreckage, and a few bodies.

..the sudden pop in and out of the Kazecistan vessel didn't worry them much, since they only ported in some random wreckage, maybe a black box, but thats about it.

..the information the Gaians were able to glean from the various wrecked informational cores gave a clearer picture of what had happened, mainly to get a first hand account of the failed invasion.

Then came word from the Kikader of the 'retrieved' survivor, and they ordered the results of the interrogation to be relayed in full to them as well. They intended to return with a full report to Gaian High Command, and not before.
08-05-2005, 05:54
(OOC: Serene Death, please post what's going on on the surface, and please contact Taledonia about the other planet states, the rest of the Republic is getting anxious.)
08-05-2005, 06:11
OOC: I'm so sorry for not making it clear that my first fleet left and reorganized into what you see. there are 38 cap. ships here total. Due to the way my ships are built Zeta-4 would mean cutting through so much of the ship that it might as well be gone.

"Follow them! Don't let them get away! Jump, jump!" the commander had had a bit too much caffene.

The ships jumped to the new location.

"Give them everything we've got. All ships fire at will!" came the Fleet Admral's voice.

Every ship with weapons was utilized, the fighters were pulled from their surface missions to join the rest of the fighters that had just left their bays for the battle in space, and the cariers even moved into close quarters combat. They began to bombard the enemy fleet.

"Focus your fire on the transports! When you fire on the other ships take out their weapons and drives first." The flight commander was walking up and down the rows of fighter control banks.
"Will do, sir." came a pilot's voice.
ISF Devastator
09-05-2005, 01:29
Ships started jumping in-system. Many ships. One hundred and Eighty superdreadnaughts, Two hundred Twenty-three Dreadnaughts, One hundred twenty Carriers, Twenty-four Command Carriers, Three hundred Seventy Assault Carriers, One Thousand Light Carriers Two hundred Fifty Battlecruisers, and Fourty light cruisers. And two twenty kilometer long ships.

"Kazeci ships, this is the ISF First Fleet. Do you require assistance?"
09-05-2005, 01:45
ooc: Wow.

Ic:"Finally, a chance to difinativly take the system. Open a channel."
"ISF fleet, please assist. We are begining to take losses."
"Don't let those transports reach the surface! All ships: focus fire on the transports!"
The Serene Death
09-05-2005, 04:25
OOC: Heres your ground action. Oh, and ok Kazecistan, I misunderstood. Also, if your ships stop fighting mine, then they will assume that the majority of its functions are gone.

IC:Attention marauding fleets, this is Admiral Ka'Rhi again. Right now my Wolves are in the process of planting their Fangs into the planet. What this means in layman's terms is that they have launched virus bombs into the jungles. One of these bombs could overwhelm all of the planet's biological material, breaking them down to combustable gases which would cause the planet to hit a flash point causing the atmosphere to ignitein just 25 arns.

That is what happens with one of these bombs. We have just launched 50. Your troops and our people on the planet have 30 macrots to an arn before they are doomed. Please let us retreve our people, we will let you retreive yours. You insit on fighting still and we will make you pay dearly.

Remember that Taladonian fleet that left at the begining of the battle? We calculated where they went based on their trajectory. If you don't stop, that planet is next. And then we'll find other planets of yours and repeat the process. Ka'Rhi out.As the admiral finished her speech, a Lancer firgate next to the Calla exploded. I hope they believe me, she thought to herself. I don't want those people down there to die that way.

OOC: If your ships scan the planet's surface they'll find that there are 50 spots that are completely devoid of life, and all of them are growing.
09-05-2005, 05:12
From: Kazeci forward command
To: All Republic forces

This is Kazeci fleet admiral Lockhart. I advise that you cease all ground operations at once, and pull back to space. There will soon be nothing for us on this planet.

Kazeci fleet command out.
09-05-2005, 06:28
"Holy fu*k! Did I hear that transmission correctly?" shouted the commander of the Nirsian troops.

"Yes sir you did." the man replied.

"Damn it! Get those transports here immeadiatly to pick us up!"

"Yes, sir!"

Within several minutes, the transports arrived and started lifting the troops out of the city and heading back to the hiden cruisers. Once they arrived in the docking bays, the cruisers lifted off and headed back into space to join the allied fleets. However, just incase it was a bluff, a force of 100 troops was still positioned in the city holding their positions and firing on the enemy.
09-05-2005, 06:34
(OOC: AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....................HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....... ............AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That was funny Serene Death! No offense to you, but do you know how much hell your ships would go throught if they entered any of my systems? You wouldn't even get close to a planet with the fire your ships would take, let alone have any time to launch your bomb things. But anyways, unexpected twist in the invasion. I thought we had planned it out so we would take it over. I'm a little confused since it was mostly Kazecistan and you who did the planning but whatever. Oh and once again, thanks for that, I haven't laughed like that since I was a little girl, thank you! :p )
The Serene Death
09-05-2005, 06:50
OOC: glad to make you laugh Taledonia. And who needs to send a fleet to your planet? just stick a small canister with a timer on one of your ships :p

Oh, and I sent you a TG with 3 more planets.

IC: 3 military landers were able to make it to the planet, all badly damaged. The fighters were running heavy cover as the landers opened their doors and troops rushed out to protect the opening. The landers' guns fired at enemy fighters as several colored somke grenades where launched to allow people to find their way to the ships. As they hurried the people to the ships the troops knew they wouldn't have time for them all....
Gaian Ascendancy
09-05-2005, 07:09
((OC- Everyone having fun out egoing each other? =oo= ))

The 6th/177th-C Fleet finished their scans about half a day later, and got their information, and Admiral Rose ordered the Fleet, and the Deatharon merchant vessel Kikader to return to Protectorate space at once.

The various combat and fleet actions with all the communication signals intercepted didn't make the Gaians feel 'fuzzy' inside, and it was time to let discresion rule the day.

Ten minutes later, the Fleet Fold Jumped back to the Antaries Galaxy, with others back to the Core Republic Worlds to give first hand accounts to Intel Command and SpecOps.
The Serene Death
09-05-2005, 07:30
OOC: of course we love out egoing eachother Gaian[/sarcasm]

Serene News Node
--Vonar City, Dunwyl
"This is Sarm Relsa. News has come in now that the former president's aide Tav Breil'lya has been arrested and charged with several felonies including fraud and conspiracy, as well as treason. The Can Toi, seen here at a press conference:
Was able to get rid of the treason charge when he confessed to dealings with the Kazecistan government and released a large amount of info about their dealings with the former president. It is believed by many in the intelligence community that Kazecistan bribed the president to give up several planets to The Republic as long as they gave him asylum.
New charges are now being filed against the former president due to these new aligations and this news is even more damning evidence against the Kazecistan's belligerent attack. There is little belief in their claim that the Serene Death start this now, and more evidence that Kazecistan started this themselves.
09-05-2005, 17:33
In response to The Serene Death's claims that Kazecistan's attack was unprovoked the Kazeci council has issued the following statement:

Fellow citizens of the Galaxy, I assure you that this war is a just one, and one that we shall win! When Serene Death ships first jumped into Kazeci space, without warning, and fired on 2 of our ships, we did not understand. Then we realized that this Violent, unprovoked, attack came out of their false claims of bribery and black mail about our government. These vicious allegations were merely their excuse for the war they had been planning for much time. They used these to over through their government and start a war.

Kazecistan will not stand for this! We have been called to war and we will not back down. We will continue to fight until they admit their lies and apologize for what they have done.
09-05-2005, 23:02
(OOC: Since this one is getting pretty full, I'm going to start a new thread for my invasion. I will post the link and what it's called when I set it up.)
09-05-2005, 23:29
(OOC: Here you go, the name is "The Second Wave(Attn: Serene Death and Republic Forces)

The link is
10-05-2005, 19:52
Transmission sent to: The serene death
From: emperor Trilkan
Subject: Assisting war

An image of Huntaer's emperor appeared upon one of the SD's command ships.

"We shall send in whatever forces we have available. I'll send in one of our Kirtir lords, Lord(mistress) Shelintiave to command our fleet through the Sovereign Class Super Star Destroyer Nemesis. It will contain aproximatly 200 Huntaer Class Star Destroyers, 200 Consternation Class Star Destroyers, and 200 Nova Class Star Destroyers. If the battle worsens, we will bring in more ships. We shall not let the Republic win. We will arive upon your command. We shall send in several Kirtir Knights and Masters to help assist any land offencive. We uphold our vow to destroy the light side of the force and it's allies."

End Transmission.

OOC: The fleet will jump from hyperspace when ever you need/tell me to.
The Serene Death
11-05-2005, 03:43
Transmission to: Emperor Trilkan
From: Sharda Folk'en
Subject: attack strategy

An image appeared of the messanger:

"Hello great Emperor of Huntaer. I am the emissary of the Military Council of the Serene Death. They request that you send your forces immediately to the Renbo System (, where our planets Cret and Annoo are under attack. This is where most of the Republic's forces are, and so this is where your forces would do the most good. When they enter, we will send in our fleet to fight.

Thank you for helping ridding us of these scum."

End of transmission.