NationStates Jolt Archive

The Kindleling of an International Market

The Macabees
03-05-2005, 04:57
[Sealed Letters to International Countries]
Greetings nations of the world, whether empires, dicatorships, democracies, Communist states, or whatever the leaders prefer. The Second Empire of the Golden Throne has decided that the day has come to reduce all trade barriers to nations willing to join the economic sphere of the Empire. Although this sphere sounds rather belligerent, behold for it is not! It is merely an extensive trade route system envisioned by myself, Jonach I, between the Empire and hundreds of other trade partners.

The Empire is host to countless natural and refined resources, and today I have decided to offer these to the international community without importation or exportation taxes, or other barriers such as tariffs. Consequently, I am hoping that the international response, and the creation of larger trade triangles will spur from my decision.

Whether you decide to open up trade or not, I wish to thank you all for most graciously reading this letter.
[signed]Jonach I

[Major Resources Currently Offered]
Refined Oil - $32 per barrel
Crude Oil - $30 per barrel
Natural Gas - $30 per barrel
Steel - $400 per ton
Tungsten - $2,300 per ton
Uranium - $10 per pound
Marble - $350,000 per square kilometer [bundled in tighter packs, meaning higher]

Of course, this list will expand as more and more businesses change their policies to allow themselves to further gain profit with these new policies.
Evil Woody Thoughts
03-05-2005, 05:28
OOC: Natural gas is not sold by the barrel as oil is. It is generally sold in millions of cubic feet (at "standard temperature and pressure" IIRC) or by the quantity of energy that would be released by burning it (usually in millions of British thermal units, IIRC).

Edit: Don't balk at the "millions of cubic feet." That's basically if the NG was allowed to disperse to atmospheric pressure. Of course, it can be compressed.

To give you an idea of RL prices... (
The Macabees
04-05-2005, 02:54
OOC: Natural gas is not sold by the barrel as oil is. It is generally sold in millions of cubic feet (at "standard temperature and pressure" IIRC) or by the quantity of energy that would be released by burning it (usually in millions of British thermal units, IIRC).

Edit: Don't balk at the "millions of cubic feet." That's basically if the NG was allowed to disperse to atmospheric pressure. Of course, it can be compressed.

To give you an idea of RL prices... (

[OOC: Oh ok, that's what I thought. I was searching google last night and I saw both used, and I thought it would be easier to measure in barrels. But of course, it's hard to fill barrels with a gas now isn't it. :p ]
04-05-2005, 03:17
The Empire of Calpe would be interested in signing a trade agreement with The Second Empire of the Golden Throne concerning the delivery of 50 million barrels of crude oil every year to our refineries. It would come to 1,5 billion $/year i believe.
Evil Woody Thoughts
04-05-2005, 03:28
[OOC: Oh ok, that's what I thought. I was searching google last night and I saw both used, and I thought it would be easier to measure in barrels. But of course, it's hard to fill barrels with a gas now isn't it. :p ]

OOC: I could see where liquid natural gas would be measured in barrels, but it's hard and expensive as hell to ship because of the üb3rcold temperatures required to keep it in liquid form.