NationStates Jolt Archive

Wargames! (modern, open)

Blood Moon Goblins
03-05-2005, 04:04
Well, since nobody seems to be having open wars (that havent been going on for ages with +1000 posts), I figured I could have a wargame.
This will be of the 'alternate dimension' type, that is, its a REAL war, but it has no relation at all to the real world, it doesnt affect your nation or your military AT ALL.
Basicaly its an excuse to use real weapons :P
The wargame will be held in BMG, an invading force will be attacking it just to see how things go.
The terrain is not very invader friendly, theres a huge wasteland surrounding the main area of the nation, which extends for roughly two-three hundred miles at least and a few thosand at most.
The nation itself is a rough square about eight thosand miles to a side and consists mostly of swamps, surrounded by a nearly solid chain of mountains.
The capitol is a mountain located in the center of the nation, one of the taller ones, which houses an entire city. Most Goblin cities are like this.
The other mountains are fairly well fortified, There is enough artillary avalible to provide light cover to most areas that can be climbed by large forces.
The main passess into the nation are heavily defended by some of the more elite troops. Entry via the passess in the first part of the war will not be practical unless you have a majorly superior force.
There is no ocean near enough to launch fighters from, but naval landings might be possible since the shoreline is hardly defended at all.

My idea is this:
There should be about a 1::2 ratio of defending/attacking nations, the attackers are going to be subject to some nasty guerilla tactics and the heavy conventional defences.
Attackers can use their military as much as they want, except their navy (obviosly) and their air force wont be involved much in the beggining unless theyre REALLY good at building temporary airstrip.

No limits on use of WMD, although I would prefer that strategic nukes were left out. Tactical nukes are fine provided you use some common sense. Chemical/Bio weapons are fine, but most bioweapons designed for humans wont work on Goblins due to their copper-based blood and a slightly differnt anatomy. Same for chemical weapons.
03-05-2005, 04:13
[QUOTE]There is no ocean near enough to launch fighters from, but naval landings might be possible since the shoreline is hardly defended at all.[QUOTE]

what is this saying that you have an ocean but its not close enophe for fighters to attack from the sea but ships can get in just fine?

i know i spelt enophe rong :(
03-05-2005, 04:15
we would be willing to try but a 2:1 ratio of attackers to defenders is suicide for the attackers. A good defence can deal with a ratio of 5:1 and a great defence 10:1.
Blood Moon Goblins
03-05-2005, 04:22
Its too far for fighters to fly, I suppose if you have some sort of long range carrier-bomber it could make it though. Landing troops is differnt, troops dont have a limited fuel supply. It might take them a while, but they would get there, especialy if they used helicopters or something (carried fuel with them maybe...)

I meant 2:1 in terms of nations, not troops.
03-05-2005, 04:23
Ah, sign us up.
03-05-2005, 04:25
and us
Blood Moon Goblins
03-05-2005, 04:29
Both as attackers, or would one of you like to help defend and wait for another nation?
03-05-2005, 04:31
Either or for us, I don't mind either way.
03-05-2005, 04:32
I'm game.

OOC: You mentioned being really good at temporary airstrips? one of the mainstays of any Mondothian naval landing is the immediate deployment of FRWDS (Fast Runway Deployment Systems) capable of turning all but the most mountainous or overgrown areas in to a working military airstrip id just six hours, and the terrainbeing desert, makes this doubly easy. My Airforce will control the skies unopposed!!!! (not really, well, maybe, but I don't know what the other players are bringing in terms of air power and forward air deployment.)

oh, and I'd like to be an attacker but if the atacking position is full then I could settle for defender
03-05-2005, 04:33
based on the 2 to 1 thing i would be an attacker but if more join in which i think there will be i want to be on the defenders side
Demonic Gophers
03-05-2005, 04:40
I'm in, if you'll have me. Be warned that I have certain fantasy elements, though. My preference would be for attacker, but I'm happy to defend if the numbers work out better that way.
Blood Moon Goblins
03-05-2005, 14:53
Right, so its me and Nebarri vs. Gophers, Mondoth and Theao.

Not desert...waste. Its sort of like a desert, but theres less water, fewer critters, more heat and high winds. And lots and lots and lots of dust.
Better bring your maintenance people ;)

Could you define fantasy elements?
03-05-2005, 22:17
ok so are we keeping it on this thred or will it be on a different one
Mini Miehm
03-05-2005, 23:16
I'll send my slivers, hivemind ant colony type things that look like a cross between worms, ants, and certain beetles, they transmit abilities to each other when in close proximity, I'll detail the abilites in a later post if you would like me to.
Royale Daito
03-05-2005, 23:34
*00C*Im in if u got room =)
Blood Moon Goblins
04-05-2005, 00:31
I think we have enough people for now, if one of them doesnt show you two can join though.

Everybody ready?
Mini Miehm
04-05-2005, 00:34
lets do it
Demonic Gophers
04-05-2005, 00:35
Could you define fantasy elements?
The biggest thing, of course, is simply the fact that this is a nation of sapient gophers, capable of talking and building machinery. A minority have additional powers, ranging from size shifting and minor shape shifting to resistance to disease, poison, or extremes of temperature. There's nothing absurdly powerful except the leader, Zeek, and he wouldn't be taking part directly. Does that sound all right?
Mini Miehm
04-05-2005, 00:37
The biggest thing, of course, is simply the fact that this is a nation of sapient gophers, capable of talking and building machinery. A minority have additional powers, ranging from size shifting and minor shape shifting to resistance to disease, poison, or extremes of temperature. There's nothing absurdly powerful except the leader, Zeek, and he wouldn't be taking part directly. Does that sound all right?

OOC: damn, you make my slivers sound simply godmod, luckily there is a perfectly reasonble biological explanation for everything they can do.
Demonic Gophers
04-05-2005, 00:49
OOC: damn, you make my slivers sound simply godmod, luckily there is a perfectly reasonble biological explanation for everything they can do.
OOC: No explanations here... DG abilities just come from the demonic aspect of their nature. Of course, I can modify exactly how much this affects them to fit the situation. This seemed like a time to keep them relatively ordinary.

So, what exactly are slivers?
04-05-2005, 00:52
ooc: Slivers are characters from the Magic the Gathering game, they look sort of like snakes with arms.
Blood Moon Goblins
04-05-2005, 00:53

Invaders, start your engines!
Mini Miehm
04-05-2005, 00:55
ooc: Slivers are characters from the Magic the Gathering game, they look sort of like snakes with arms.

OOC: Good explanation, except for the hive-mind and ability transferrance, which I've decided to limit to ten meters to reduce complaining. Basically any sliver within ten meters of another sliver confers some sort of benefit on the other sliver and vice versa, except for the drone, queen, and overlord, they're justt kinda there.
04-05-2005, 00:55
do you have an aproximate map of BMG territory?
I'd make it easier on us invaders
Demonic Gophers
04-05-2005, 00:58
Also, would it be reasonable to assume that I have an outpost somewhere outside of, but near, your territory? DGs travel primarily by tunnel...
04-05-2005, 01:08
I understand that two other people want to get in before me, but I would like to join. Most likely as an attacker, since elves are usually opposed to Goblins ;) . However, if duty calls, I will be perfectly willing to become an ally also.
Blood Moon Goblins
04-05-2005, 02:25
I have a map, but jolt wont let me upload >_<

I suppose that would be okay, DG. You want a tunnel war, eh?
Mini Miehm
04-05-2005, 22:15
I have a map, but jolt wont let me upload >_<

I suppose that would be okay, DG. You want a tunnel war, eh?

Never get in a tunnel war with goblins, it's what they do, like blowing things up, or saying funny but idiotic\intelligent things all the time, they just do, you can't explain it.
Demonic Gophers
04-05-2005, 22:38
Never get in a tunnel war with goblins, it's what they do, like blowing things up, or saying funny but idiotic\intelligent things all the time, they just do, you can't explain it.
This should be interesting, then... :evil laugh:
Mini Miehm
04-05-2005, 23:02
If you still want to understand the slivers my factbook will have a post detailing their abilities and weaknesses within the next hour.
Demonic Gophers
09-05-2005, 22:15
I hate to do this, but I'm going to have to cancel my involvement here. It looks like I'm not going to have much in the way of internet access for a while. Sorry. I was quite looking forward to this. Perhaps after summer vacation...
09-05-2005, 22:41
count me in, i'd prefer to defend but attackings still good.

could this be like an Earth thing, i could knock up a map with several different terretories attackers have to fight through to gt to the capital. Since its only defenders vs attackers, people wont get confused as is usual in Earth games.

what do you think, it would hamper godmoding and give it a more realistic edge.
09-05-2005, 23:22
Mini has dibs on the open position, if you want to make a map thats fine but I think BMG said he already had one.

If you're having trouble getting it to work on Jolt give a url for it.
09-05-2005, 23:47
i can host the thing no problem, and when BMG gives me a few territory/city names i'll get started.

or, he can use his own. i dont mind, as im getting into adobe now and need something to do.

EDIT: i actually read page 2 of this properly, and it appears its already started. cancel me, in that case. will join in next time though.
15-05-2005, 20:55
is this still happening?