NationStates Jolt Archive

Need fellow UN assistance, Rioki under attack

03-05-2005, 03:46
The country of Rioki is being unlawfully attacked by Octavious Paenite for involvement in the UN and no other reason. Although his population is 2 billion under ours he exists in our region and is therefore a significant threat. I ask for your help in persuading him to change his mind and prevent a brash movement that could cause harm to both nations for poor intentions.

Mito Rioki (Leader of Riokian Government)
03-05-2005, 04:05
To locate the evidence to this, visit The Flying Nation in the Sky. Any assistance given will not be forgotten, and our military can compensate should any allied nations support the borders of Rioki.
Space Union
03-05-2005, 20:37
I urget the offender nation to back down. I don't see why he would try to attack a far superior nation (terms of military). If it comes to war I will back Rioki up.

President Harsimran Mann
Technocratic Republic of Space Union
03-05-2005, 20:45
Intangelon offers assistance in the form of materiel and supplies. Our armed forces aren't sharp or large enough to join the fray, but we'll support you in any way we can. Should we draft a resolution condemning all this sabre-rattling?

Magister Jubal
03-05-2005, 20:55
Yes, thank you. Octavious and his ally, Walther Atkinson, are hell-bound for attacking me. Any resolution that could be passed would be helpful. And Space Union, thank you for your support. I will let you know when or if this escalates to war.
Roman Republic
03-05-2005, 20:57
If you are in a dilemma. I'll send the 100th Airborne Division. Instead of that, I'll send a couple Special Forces groups.
03-05-2005, 22:04
Thank you, all help is appreciated. Any help those who have posted will need in the future I will give.
03-05-2005, 22:14
Jenrak wonders why such a nation would attack a larger and most likely superior nation. If needed, we could supply chemical weapons.
03-05-2005, 22:23
Trolsk has armed, fueled, and readied its Lph01 Ocean Helicopter Carrier. An entire 400 strong battalion of Trolskian Special Forces, of the 1st Regiment, are preparing to move out. The Helicopters in use will be Sea Kings, with 2 Apache squadrons in support. This is a preliminary force, with orders to set up counter attack raids should enemy forces penetrate the border. Further aid is unavaliable as we are waging war with the Phyrexians, protecting our allies, and potentially, the world.
03-05-2005, 22:30
Jenrak wonders why such a nation would attack a larger and most likely superior nation. If needed, we could supply chemical weapons.

They attack because Rioki is in the UN, as well as other reasons they have not made clear. Unfortunately although Atkinson has a lower population, their economy is better than that of Rioki and they have mandatory military service. Chemical weapons will not be needed, as it is against Riokian and FNS policy to use them, however any other assistance you could give would be greatly appreciated.

To Trolsk

Thank you, when this conflict has ended I will aid you in battle against the Phyrexians.
03-05-2005, 22:43
We have have 5 army divisions inbound on the area of your border that needs protection. We allso have ou 1st, 3rd, & 6th fleets coming to the port you specify. We request 4 areas for air bases. We are sending a special forces group 700 strong with our 5 army divisions. Here is what the enemy will be doing once we are done because they even thought of going to war with you:
:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Any recources specified will be givin as will any more military forces.
03-05-2005, 22:50
Please telegram me if you have a reply.
03-05-2005, 23:19
The war thread will be posted should negotiations fail, which seems to be happening rapidly. Please keep track of this thread, your help is essential not only to prove that Rioki is capable of running the FNS but that the UN is a functioning unit willing to provide help to other members in need.
03-05-2005, 23:28
Offical Defense Ministry Messege
The Imperial Land of Findan is sending the 10th Naval Fleet, 67th Airborne Division, 12th Fighter Group, 3rd Bomber Group, and the 13th Marine Expeditoanry Unit to aid Rioki.
Sir Yohn Rodgerson
Defense Minister
Imperial Land of Findan (ILF)
03-05-2005, 23:30
:D The Democratic Republic of Gilfredia backs with you with what little we have.

President Ike Newton
04-05-2005, 00:08
You both have Rioki's thanks.
04-05-2005, 00:35
Octavious has the right to do anything he wants. I'll back him up all the way> It's his rights.

Space Union
04-05-2005, 00:37
Do you want me to send in the 4th-8th Armies to your region. I will also give naval and air support.
04-05-2005, 00:42
BY the way: my guerilla fighters are awesome and chemical weapons arent against my beliefs so watch out! All of them were taught by Che Guevarra.
Space Union
04-05-2005, 00:46
BY the way: my guerilla fighters are awesome and chemical weapons arent against my beliefs so watch out! All of them were taught by Che Guevarra.

Any use of chemical weapons by your side will assure complete destruction of your country.
04-05-2005, 00:49
my country is in such a remote area it would cost you fortunes to send you military to it. Only i have that kind of money.
Space Union
04-05-2005, 00:53
my country is in such a remote area it would cost you fortunes to send you military to it. Only i have that kind of money.

I can easily send my army to your remote nation. I also I will use nuclear weapons if you scum down to use of chemical weapons.
Space Union
04-05-2005, 01:01
I'm sending the following forces:

4th Crusader Army
5th Yamto Army
6th Simran Army
7th Nitz Army
8th Allegiance Army

I'm also mobilizing my 6th-9th Air Armadas to get ready if air support is needed.

Space Union's 5th-8th Naval Armadas are ready as we speak to leave and will arrive in two weeks (1 RL hour).

President Harsimran Mann
Technocratic Republic of Space Union
04-05-2005, 01:03
The free people of Egroth, as well as the other soverigne states in our Region respect and armdire countries willing to defend themselves agaisnt unprovocted attacks. Our region is founded on this premises, i can not support in any way but ecomic, and token military aide. but others in the region have promised to give what aide they can. The confederation is behind you 100 percent.
04-05-2005, 01:06
I'm also sending the following forces to octavius:

Terrorist force Alpha
Geurilla force 5
Terrorist force gamma

And these supplies:
1500 tons of mustard gas
2,000,000,000 gas masks
1000 tons of tear gas (any protesters within the country)
200 Nuclear war heads
5000 tons of napalm
Space Union
04-05-2005, 01:20
I'm also sending the following forces to octavius:

Terrorist force Alpha
Geurilla force 5
Terrorist force gamma

And these supplies:
1500 tons of mustard gas
2,000,000,000 gas masks
1000 tons of tear gas (any protesters within the country)
200 Nuclear war heads
5000 tons of napalm

You're only 1 month. You can't possibly be able to send all those supplies. Give up your going to lose.
04-05-2005, 01:52
Until Ducassi modifies his nation's abilities in accordance with his age, consider his nation ignored. Ducassi please read up on God-modding and role playing before continuing to post.

Thank you Space Union for the quick mobilization, and thank you Egroth for the support of a region, this should end quickly. I will begin a war thread and post it shortly.
04-05-2005, 02:10
Here's the war thread
27-01-2006, 04:35
SSRN, 18:43

"Hello i'm Jeh'ric On'ric with SSRN. Breaking news at this hour, at 13:23 today, the Soviet Socialist Confederacy of Stukav recived word of the unneeded attack on the Rogue Empire of Ducassi. Such attacks will NOT be tolerated, says Chairman of the Party Oleg Gromy, as Ducassi has the right to Stukavian protection under the treaty of the Province. The Confederacy will be dispatching the Sol battlegroup and Air Wing X-303 to help Ducassi and it's allies at the earliest possible time."

"In other news, the Soviet Socialist Confederacy of Stukav's forces have been strained, now facing conflicts in Rioki, Xharn, and Rutzky. We now take you live to a press conference with Commisar of War Victor Sokolov."

'And we will take all nessicary measures' said Sokolov, 'In the support of Marxism, and the defence of Ducassi. Any movements against Ducassi will be considered hostile against Stukav and the other 41 nations under the Provincean treaty and dealt with accordingly.'

"Bringing the news to your doorstep, this is Jeh'ric On'ric with Stukavian Socialist Resource News."