NationStates Jolt Archive

The Big 3 Meet(Attention nations in FC conflict)

Communist Louisiana
03-05-2005, 03:12
OCC: This is a meeting between the nations of Fluffywuffy, Parthia, and I. This is a CLOSED IC between our three nations. Meaning that all things said between us 3 nations are between us 3. We may release public statements, but that will come later if at all.

It was an unusually cool morning in the capital city of New Orleans. Premier Dufour walked down his city appartments hallway escourted by 3 Zouave Guards. He walked out onto the streets sidewalk and entered a SUV and with his guards and as the truck began to drive, the Premier looked at his Secretary of State (Timothy Rye) who was sitting directly across from him and they began to talk

Secretary Timothy Rye- Sir, I have those reports and what not you asked for last night. I also think that you should set up a meeting as soon as possible between our two allies of Parthia and Fluffywuffy to discuss the plans for any possible engagements with Feline Catfish or there allies.

Premier Daniel C. Dufour- I agree, I am wondering where we could have the meeting. We could possibly have it at Clipperton Island. But, I want 2 units of Zouave Guards on that island.

Secretary Timothy Rye- No problum sir.

The SUV came to a hault and the guards exited the vehicle as well as the Premier and the Secretary. They walked to the front door of the government headquaters and the doorman opened the door as the two men entered still talking

Secretary Timothy Rye- Our commonwealth of Ratheia has also agreed to help protect our nation if we are required to leave only a few Red Guard units to protect the Gulf as well as the nation.

Premier Daniel C. Dufour- Thats good, I will have to visit their capital of Velikgrad and talk with Premier Vladimir Zaitsev to discuss those plans as well as possible trade deals for both of our nations.

Secretary Timothy Rye- Alright Daniel, do you want me to send invitations to Parthia and Fluffywuffy to meet with you and discuss Feline Catfish?

Premier Daniel C. Dufour- I want that to be the first thing you do. See when we could all meet and try to make it where no one will have to change there plans or be a hassel.

Secretary Timothy Rye- I will get right to that when I get to my office Daniel.

Premier Daniel C. Dufour- I am happy I can trust you to have my back comrade. Thanks.

Timothy nodded to Daniel and they both made it to a T in the hall and went there seperate directions
03-05-2005, 03:14
Communist Louisiana
03-05-2005, 03:20
**Transmission to Fluffywuffy and Parthia**

I think that before any plans that involve the use of military, we should all meet so we can discuss those possible plans of strategy. We have choose our Pacific held Clipperton Island which is a coupple hundred miles off the coast of Western Mexico.

Please RSVP so we could possibly set up a date and time for this very important meeting. We look forward to meeting with both of your nations leaders and we will take care of all the arrangements while on the island. Security is to be very tight so we ask that you please tell us the way your plan to reach the island so we can make those plans.

Again, we look forward to meeting with both of your nations leaders. This will be remembered as a very important meeting and will go down in history.


Premier Daniel C. Dufour
Premier of the CCP of CL
New Orleans, Louisiana, CL
03-05-2005, 03:32
Communist Louisiana
03-05-2005, 03:32
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03-05-2005, 03:33
Communist Louisiana
03-05-2005, 17:05
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Call to power
03-05-2005, 18:03
tag ooc: I thought I had the plan :(
Dracun imperium
03-05-2005, 18:05
Tag: Do you think I can get re-involved in this conflict, on your side?
Feline Catfish
03-05-2005, 18:30
North East Somerset
03-05-2005, 18:43
Communist Louisiana
03-05-2005, 20:03
bump for tags
Copiosa Scotia
03-05-2005, 20:06
This thread tagged.
03-05-2005, 23:41
The Second Empire was in a state of literal anarchy; there was no leader. Emperor Victor Ramius had fallen due to heart attack weeks ago, and the election to replace him had not been held yet. Oddly enough, it looked like the Pope was going to win, despite heavy resistance by nearly every politician in Fluffywuffy. Having no leader meant that there was no one person to approve or deny any request, as the Council of Ministers had to vote on everything, unless they empowered someone by vote to do the Council's bidding.

Foreign Minister James Sutton and Defense Minister Roger Christianson sat across from one another, occassionaly sharing a knowing look at one another. Christianson had courted Sutton through concillatory lines and votes of approval into his ally, and it was his hope to be sent to the conference. After all, he knew wars and no one else did, did they? So what if he couldn't negotiate worth a damn? That was his arguement, and the Foreign Minister agreed. When the meeting concluded, Defense Minister Christianson was confirmed as Fluffywuffy's representative. Minor Foreign Ministry diplomats sent over an RSVP to Communist Louisiana, saying that Defense Minister Christianson would come.
The Parthians
05-05-2005, 22:22
The Parthian defense and foreign ministers, dressed in military uniforms sat uneasily on the end of the table. The defense minister, Lord-Marshall Rostam Bahari smoked on a thick and strong Montecristo cigar while the foreign minister sat next to him, looking around. The sheer amount of gold on the uniform of the Marshall reflected in the light like a sun, casting a glow onto whatever caught it. Taking his cigar from his mouth and exhaling a bit of thick, hot smoke, he prepared to speak.