We, the undersigned, hereby petition the nation of Feline Catfish to work to resolve the ever-impending military action they may face by decreasing their nautical claims and agree to have their nucular stockpiles inspected and destroyed. If they do not do this, it is fair to say many nations will look upon their actions, particularly those that would impinge on shipping, as a direct act of war; leading to a conflict that would be disasterous for themselves, their enemies and the international community at large.
Sincerely, and with highest hopes for peace,
Spacedragonblue, President of N Y C
OOC: If I see one more thread pop up in II about Feline Catfish I swear I will rip all of my hair out.
Seriously though, you could have posted this in one of the thousand other threads about Feline Catfish and no one would have have to suffer through yet another one of these pointless threads. And its not like you have said anything different than the other 100 people who decide they would like a little attention and make a pointless post like yours have.
ooc:well, A, they havn't been in petition form. It's easier then sorting through hundreds of posts. B, what in hell gives you the right to defrock every single person you don't agree with. There is, believe it or not, something to be said for civility. I'm absolutley sick of some of the posters here who believe just because they've been around longer or have a higher post count they can walk over everyone else. It defeats the purpose of a freeform rpg; they are supposed to allow heated debate, but insults are an abuse of that right. So I think I'll leave this thread as is, just so people realize that.