operation Spring (attn feline catfish)
Call to power
02-05-2005, 21:31
ooc: please wait until my coalition sends all there troops as this is to be timed ( I will say when to respond)
General Hammer sat in his chair watching as the last of the transports take of he wondered how many troops would make it though this war alive but such talk though wasn’t for now.
"This is zero leader calling all planes maintain radio silence until we are detected"
ooc: sorry I can't go into more detail but I don't won't to give a boring read
80 C-5 Galaxy
1600 paratroopers
72 avengers
200 SOV-06 Infantry Fighting Vehicle
224 Hummers
224 Buford Light Battle Tank
divided into 2 groups containing
group one (ordered to take the command e.g. white house)
800 troops
-125 combat engineers
-125 medics
-125 heavy weapon troops
-75 elite troops
-300 regular troops
-50 snipers
group two (ordered to smash places of importance such as fuel dumps)
224 Buford Light Battle Tank
224 Hummers
72 avengers
200 SOV-06 Infantry Fighting Vehicle
200 combat engineers
200 medics
200 regular troops
200 heavy weapon troops
ooc: feline catfish please post a map or at least a nation
EDiT: ooc: forgot escort
160 F-14 Tomcat will be sent as escort
Call to power
02-05-2005, 21:42
bump due to lack of views!
Flaming Souls
02-05-2005, 21:48
ooc: tag due to escaltion of FC sit...possibly ending it, I hope...
*holds tounge on numbers being sent*
02-05-2005, 21:49
I have 100,000 men ready to invade. All we need are ships to take us there. Also, after the war starts, will the nations that are presently trying to stop nuclear war keep it up.
The MoD of Stevid plays down this invasion of FC. Stevid remains neutral but if told to take sides would not back FC, however, it has been brought to many nations' attention that a number of countries intend this crisis should end peacefully. Stevid is one of those nations.
This only worsens events and so Stevid asks the nation "Call to Power" to reconsider this aggressive action and to stand down. The FC Defence Doctrine Clearly states that they will use Nuclear weapons instead of costly conventional forces. You will be destroyed.
Please turn back from FC waters and save your men's lives.
Roman Republic
02-05-2005, 21:51
I'll send Special Forces.
Call to power
02-05-2005, 21:54
I have 100,000 men ready to invade. All we need are ships to take us there. Also, after the war starts, will the nations that are presently trying to stop nuclear war keep it up.
message from Call to power airforce command
we donate aircraft to drop your troops:
60 C-130 Hercules
10 C-5 Galaxy
then must be sent asap though
ooc: lets just say your closer to feline catfish
People please, come to your senses, the situation is volatile enough already without this making things worse.
Call to power
02-05-2005, 21:56
I'll send Special Forces.
Message from Call to power command
we accept your contribution and await your troops movements
02-05-2005, 21:57
my men are there.
OOC: the orbital platforms will prevent Nukes, Stevid
Call to power
02-05-2005, 21:58
People please, come to your senses, the situation is volatile enough already without this making things worse.
ooc: you don't know about are troops yet they have just took off (and are stuck until the coalition forces finish the transporting)
02-05-2005, 21:58
"Admiral, we're detecting large numbers of transport planes heading for Feline Catfish."
"Identification?" The Admiral snapped, looking intently at the radar screen the Lieutenant was sitting in front of.
"They bear markings of the nation 'Call to power'."
"I've never heard of them. What's their stance on the Feline Catfish situation? Commodore?" He asked, looking around to the Commodore attached to handle the political side of the operation.
"They appear to be fairly anti-Catfish. THis could very well be an invasion."
"Hmmm... it could be... it's rather odd for anyone to start a purely airborne invasion... but Feline Catfish does have fairly old AA systems, by all accounts." The Admiral mused to himself. Every second the planes were drawing closer.
"Sir, they will enter SAM range in 5 minutes. Should I give fire?" Another Lieutenant asked, looking round from his station. The Admiral was weiging up his options. His career depended on this. If he fired and it went badly, it would be the end of his career. If he failed to fire and Feline Catfish was annexed by Call to power, the situation would be the same.
"Order the fleet to standby."
"Yes sir."
"Inform the planes that if they enter Feline Catfish sovereign waters we will give fire."
"Sir?" Protested the Commodore.
"Do it. Have the entire fleet ready their SAM systems to engage."
"Yes sir."
[OOC: Just read your post. Have this apply when they're actually approaching FC.]
02-05-2005, 22:00
Stevid-I don't like war either. If I did, I still wouldn't go against AMF! obviously, I am doing this because I believe it is right.
Call to power
02-05-2005, 22:00
my men are there.
OOC: the orbital platforms will prevent Nukes, Stevid
ooc: there won't really be any nukes as feline catfish has spent all his money on nuclear cruise missiles which is why I have suggested to feline catfish not to accept anything else (sniggers)
Call to power
02-05-2005, 22:01
Praetonia I will quote it when the time comes
02-05-2005, 22:07
ooc-rename the thread Invasion of Feline Catfish, or something. That way the entire coalition will partake
02-05-2005, 22:08
Praetonia I will quote it when the time comes
[OOC: Ok. I wont be on until tomorrow GMT anyway.]
Call to power
02-05-2005, 22:10
ooc-rename the thread Invasion of Feline Catfish, or something. That way the entire coalition will partake
ooc:most won't be online for about 8 hours
EDiT: if anyone else is attacking please tell us your plans so we can co-ordinate
02-05-2005, 22:11
Riconiaa's fleet is 80nm of FC. Our forces in the transport ships are as followed:
1st Special-forces Rangers SOAR Brigade
2nd Special-Forces Rangers SOAR Division
5th "tank hunters"
3rd Infantry Division
4th Infantry Division
Weapons used (all infantry): Rangers: CAR-15, M16A1/203, M60 machine gun. Standard infantry: M16, M4 Carbine, various machine guns Tank hunters: M16 Carbines, Anti-tank weapons.
"rolling thunder" armor division
This division includes Abrams tanks, Bradley light tanks, Crusader and Paladin tanks.
Air support:
All air support from ASR carrier in the ASR fleet.
50x VF-12 "gulls"
10x UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters
4x Aurora Alha jets
Are forces are ready and poised for invasion. We are ready to rid us of this nuclear monarch and ready to eliminate Feline Catfish so he cannot inflict further terror on the world! Let us go forward together!
Call to power
02-05-2005, 22:20
secret ic:
Message to coalition forces
We are offering the following bombers should you need them
1 Naram-Sin Strategical Long Term Bomber
10 Tu-95 Bear (there pretty much expendable)
state what munitions you wish to be equipped and we will supply them
Paul Sculthorpe fans
02-05-2005, 22:47
OOC: What's this coalition?
When Empress Serena heard about the attack against Feline Catfish, She soon ordered Ming Asakura, who was still in Hong Kong, to head for Brazil. Ming Asakura didn't know why, The battle was at Feline Catfish, not South America. But orders were orders.
The Invasion Fleet that was to head for Welsh Sheep Unite (Till Whittier stoped that war.) headed for Brazil.
another Fleet was headed some where also, To fight the Invaders that were attacking FC.
5 Golden Queen Galaxia[i] Class Carriers (with 56 RAGI-10s and 34 HANOI Bombers in each)
10 [i]Sharktooth Class Battleships
12 Dead Moon Class Curisers
15 Pacifica Class Destroyers
23 Tangalee Class Attack Subs
54 Sea Wolf Class Subs
12 Empire Class Destroyers
23 Ammo Ships
1 Angel Class Hospital shp
Paul Sculthorpe fans
02-05-2005, 23:13
OOC: What's this coalition?
ahh...begger it. I don't need to know to join them. :p I'm in on this war, too!
Call to power
02-05-2005, 23:14
When Empress Serena heard about the attack against Feline Catfish, She soon ordered Ming Asakura, who was still in Hong Kong, to head for Brazil. Ming Asakura didn't know why, The battle was at Feline Catfish, not South America. But orders were orders.
The Invasion Fleet that was to head for Welsh Sheep Unite (Till Whittier stoped that war.) headed for Brazil.
another Fleet was headed some where also, To fight the Invaders that were attacking FC.
5 Golden Queen Galaxia[i] Class Carriers (with 56 RAGI-10s and 34 HANOI Bombers in each)
10 [i]Sharktooth Class Battleships
12 Dead Moon Class Curisers
15 Pacifica Class Destroyers
23 Tangalee Class Attack Subs
54 Sea Wolf Class Subs
12 Empire Class Destroyers
23 Ammo Ships
1 Angel Class Hospital shp
ooc: the war hasn't started yet (you don't even know about the troop movements!) I would like to take a vote all those with think Hataria should be ignored due to godmodding repeatedly please state
Call to power
02-05-2005, 23:15
ahh...begger it. I don't need to know to join them. :p I'm in on this war, too!
ooc:what side are you on?
Paul Sculthorpe fans
02-05-2005, 23:25
ooc:what side are you on?
I proclaim my support to your stance on the issue
02-05-2005, 23:29
OOC: Do you guys really think you can win? Especially considering you have no fleets to send your troops, :p
OOC2: Time to begin the crushing!
IC: A military spy satellite flies ten thousand kilometers above the Earth's surface. It notices something odd and zooms in. A flight of aircraft has begun moving towards the allied nation of Feline Catfish. It wasn't alarmed, but it's masters will be as it takes picture after picture of the aircraft...
Dragon Mountain Military Command Center
"General Swenson, we have something." A soldier said, as he printed out the pictures.
"Hmm. Aircraft? Type and heading?"
"Preliminary, but it appears to be an airborne invasion of our allies."
"Shit. Get me the Empress and notify the Master Yosho. It appears that we're about to go to war." The General said, hoping his brother the Admiral would survive the battle.
"Yes sir!"
Imperial Palace
"They did what?!" The Empress asked on the phone, and gritted her teeth in anger, then calmed herself down. "Ok, tell the Admiral that his fleet is now at Defcon 1, but please ensure that he gives ample warning to the 'Call to power' invasion."
"Yes Ma'am."
CSS Master Yosho supercarrier, several hundred miles from the Feline Catfish coast...
"Yes, David, I have them on long-range radar. I'm going to intercept and destroy them if necessary." Admiral Swenson told his brother the General.
"Very well. Oh, you have Flash Traffic from the Empress, you're now at Defcon One."
The Admiral sighed, his fifty years of service showing. "Very well. Thank you, my brother." He hung up and went to fleet intercom. "All ships, this is the Admiral. We are now at war by order of the Empress. Our orders are clear: to remove the threat of war to our allies in the nation of Feline Catfish. Godspeed, and good luck to us all."
"CAG, you have a go." He nodded to his Commander, Air Group, Captain Helen Kennison.
"Yes, sir." She nodded and picked up another phone. "Red Squadron, this is Lioness. Intercept, warn and destroy."
Red Squadron, a squadron of Super Tomcats, upgraded F-14s
"Copy that, Lioness." Crackled the lead pilot, Commander Samuel Clemens (no relation to Mark Twain). "Ok, lock and load, boys and girls! We're going in!"
Even as the flight of 12 fighters armed their missiles, vectored in by the AWACS plane on station over the fleet, they began to send warnings to the Call to Power air invasion.
"This is Coredia Navy Red Squadron to invading forces! You have fifteen seconds to immediately turn around and return home, or else you will be destroyed. This is your first and only warning!"
ooc: the war hasn't started yet (you don't even know about the troop movements!) I would like to take a vote all those with think Hataria should be ignored due to godmodding repeatedly please state
OOC: Looking at the way he put it I can understand what you mean, he's assuming he knows alot... though to be fair to the guy, any large mobilisations are relatively easy to notice with todays technology, from large movements being watched by satellite, to increased military activity and various leaks coming from the tickle of information during preparations.
He's taken liberties, but it's not impossible to see an threat coming, knowing it's an attack is too much I think, but knowing a hostile nation is mobilising a large force isn't. You know it's happening, but you can only guess why.
Right after I came up with a good little plan that pleased everyone, in case you guys have been wonderfully only focusing on your own goals, in this situation, here it is:
A special LNN news report:
After weeks of controversy over the nation Feline Catfish demanding and aquiring nuclear weapons, then demanding more territory, the President of Laskon and its advisors had prepared a public statement, this statement is now being made international news. A video of it will be played now:
Myself and my advisors have come up with an interesting proposal, not really a proposal, an agreement. Feline Catfish now has several powerful allies and supporters along with its small but potent nuclear aresenal. We think that perhaps neither side should have to give in, rather Feline Catfish keeps its weapons along with its allies, but the coalition is allowed to moniter all movements made by Feline Catfish concerning these weapons. Of course, one FC makes its own military and defense force, the allies can leave and the monitering can be toned down, and FC will only be subject to the same checks that all nations armed with nuclear weapons are given.
Laskon hopes the statement will be considered deeply by all the nations now arming themselves for war, and is preparing its military forces at this time.
Space Union
02-05-2005, 23:40
Space Union supports this invasion. Its time we get rid of this nuisance. Currently we won't send any military aid but if requested I will ask Congress to send military support. I'm getting the 1st-4th Armies, 1st-4th Naval Armada, and 1st-4th Air Armadas ready for battle.
President Harsimran Mann
Technocratic Republic of Space Union
Odd... the Space Union seems to think this invasion is being done in order to 'get rid' of this nuisance. Hardly the benevolent attitude of a nation which would invade to remove nuclear weapons, but more the malevolent attitude of a nation wishing to remove an annoying problem though the slaughter of innocents.
I'll assume that this view is limited to just this one nation and not the coalition as a whole, who I imagine is looking for a peaceful solution to this mess.
Iuthia is, on the whole, happy with the views put forth by Laskon... it would be better for everyone to just take a step back and instead keep an eye on this nation instead of starting a war just to remove a threat which only continues to be a threat because they are threatened.
Feline Catfish needs time to cool down, this preposal would allow for time to resolve this peacefully...
OOC: well, it looks like war is starting and I did say I will help FC. If you guys don't like it, then say it elsewhere.
Copiosa Scotia
03-05-2005, 01:05
We have noted with great concern that several of the nations threatening Feline Catfish have mobilized or are in the process of mobilizing troops. We sincerely hope that this is not being done in preparation for an invasion, as Feline Catfish has committed neither crimes nor acts of war. While we do not favor proliferation of nuclear weapons, we respect the right of all nations to increase their own security, and condemn those who seek to take this right from Feline Catfish.
Sophia Kahler
Secretary of Foreign Affairs
Space Union
03-05-2005, 01:13
Odd... the Space Union seems to think this invasion is being done in order to 'get rid' of this nuisance. Hardly the benevolent attitude of a nation which would invade to remove nuclear weapons, but more the malevolent attitude of a nation wishing to remove an annoying problem though the slaughter of innocents.
I'll assume that this view is limited to just this one nation and not the coalition as a whole, who I imagine is looking for a peaceful solution to this mess.
Iuthia is, on the whole, happy with the views put forth by Laskon... it would be better for everyone to just take a step back and instead keep an eye on this nation instead of starting a war just to remove a threat which only continues to be a threat because they are threatened.
Feline Catfish needs time to cool down, this preposal would allow for time to resolve this peacefully...
I would rather have this crisis dealth through peace but Feline Catfish is hardheaded. We have no other choice then to invade. Also what I meant by "get rid of this nuisance" was that we could finally disarm Feline Catfish and allow them to continue there dailywork. I have no ambitions of occupying their country instead destroy their nukes and leave as fast as possible. I think there was a misconception here, friend.
President Harsimran Mann
Technocratic Republic of Space Union
If the coalition is planning on doing that, then just make FC a protectorate so you don't have to pretend it won't be.
The idea put forth by us is a win-win situation for all parties, and no massive military action has to be taken by either side.
OOC: Ehem, I hate to rain on all you April 2005 nations, but there is no way you guys have that large a military force. And besides, what will stop FC from nuking all of you guys when you reach their territorial waters?
Space Union
03-05-2005, 01:32
OOC: Ehem, I hate to rain on all you April 2005 nations, but there is no way you guys have that large a military force. And besides, what will stop FC from nuking all of you guys when you reach their territorial waters?
Who are you calling April 2005er? ;) Just kidding.
03-05-2005, 01:34
first of all-Those who are mobilizing fllets and airforces: THE INVASION HASN"T STARTED YET!!
second-one this does start I leave my casualty count up to Call to Power untill my forces leave his airplanes.
03-05-2005, 01:38
Nascent-There are nations with satellites orbiting in order to stop Nuclear war.
03-05-2005, 01:50
first of all-Those who are mobilizing fllets and airforces: THE INVASION HASN"T STARTED YET!!
second-one this does start I leave my casualty count up to Call to Power untill my forces leave his airplanes.
OOC: We are trying to stop it before it even reaches the coastline! After all, this is a war we're talking about, not a child's game!
03-05-2005, 01:52
Our forces haven't moved into Feline Catfish territory yet. There's been build up for weeks in these waters. In the eyes of the world YOU are starting this war
OOC: Ehem, I hate to rain on all you April 2005 nations, but there is no way you guys have that large a military force. And besides, what will stop FC from nuking all of you guys when you reach their territorial waters?
What are you talking about? Not to sound all arrogent, but all of our nations are months older than the newbie Feline Catfish, and that is just facts. What we really are concerned about if an invasion does happen, (and one shouldn't if you'd all bother to read my proposal which many already have and agreed its a logical course of action...) then we'd only be dealing with his allies.
But seriously, the invasion is LOOMING, it hasn't happened yet, its just very, very close to it.
Yarr, so anyone who hasn't read my proposal, I posted it on the last page, and two other threads concerning this topic.
OOC: I had totally forgotten about this thread until I cleaned things out and looked for something else I should be doing (like my wedding thread) but after reading it again I notice alot of similarities, quite recent too:
Link (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=8776349&postcount=1)
You guys may enjoy this... I'm sure it would be interesting to see if the same conditions apply to this nation as they do Feline Catfish, though I doubt it, he's too big to threaten in the same manner.
OOC: I had totally forgotten about this thread until I cleaned things out and looked for something else I should be doing (like my wedding thread) but after reading it again I notice alot of similarities, quite recent too:
Link (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=8776349&postcount=1)
You guys may enjoy this... I'm sure it would be interesting to see if the same conditions apply to this nation as they do Feline Catfish, though I doubt it, he's too big to threaten in the same manner.
Dumpsterdam is a crazy, violent, jerk. This was made evident when he expressed his position on wanting to "kick my ass."
Copiosa Scotia
03-05-2005, 03:06
We have no other choice then to invade.
You most certainly have another choice. Leave him alone. Let him keep his nuclear weapons, which he clearly intends to use for defensive purposes. Let him keep his extended territorial waters, which don't interfere with your shipping or anyone else's. Just walk away.
Sophia Kahler
Secretary of Foreign Affairs
03-05-2005, 03:15
Our forces haven't moved into Feline Catfish territory yet. There's been build up for weeks in these waters. In the eyes of the world YOU are starting this war
OOC: Very well, then let the war begin! *evil grin*
03-05-2005, 03:18
Statement from the Department of War
Good G-d, this carnival of stupidity has gone on for FAR too long.
Having observed the Feline Catfish situation since its inception, the Militant Imperium of Tyrandis decrees that the lives of these nitwits arrayed against Feline Catfish are forfeit. Although one may frown upon FC's weaponization programs, the sheer lunacy of attempting to forcibly coerce an end to the actions of a sovereign state is proof enough that the countries demanding such actions are incapable of residing peacefully within the international community.
As such, the Imperium offers the government of Call to power and her various allies the following ultimatum; either cease and desist immediately, or face the complete devastation of your countries by our own armed forces.
A deadline of seventy-two hours has been set. Failure to stand down within this timeframe WILL result in retaliation, including use of NBC arms if necessary.*
*Please note that this demand does not apply to those seeking a diplomatic resolution to the crisis. If the above is true of you, please disregard this message with extreme prejudice.
03-05-2005, 03:27
ooc-I have urged FC to back down diplomatically, but am now pursuing military action. I assume I fall under your ultimatum, please verify. Also, will you go against our homeland or just our forces attacking FC. I may accept this Ultimatum upon your reply
03-05-2005, 04:15
The Empress also issues an ultimatium, even as war is about to begin. "We concur with the nation of Tyranis, but my sources reported that several nations have begun moving to attack Feline Catfish already. We can, however, still salvage the situation by demanding an immediate withdrawl of all units threatening Feline Catfish or else we will remove the threat to "FC" as we deem necessary for the security and livelihood to our ally. If that does not happen, then we will unsheath the sword of war and strike hard."
Secret IC:
The First Imperial Naval Fleet has quietly left the docks to who knows where:
4 Supercarriers
3 Battleships
5 Cruisers
6 Destroyers
9 Frigates
2 Missile Sub
2 Attack Subs
3 Marine Helicopter ships
6 Landing Craft
OOC: Too lazy to input the extra stuff.
Secret IC:
The Second Imperial Fleet the one defending Feline Catfish has recieved new orders as well, especially for the Submarine Force.
**End Ecryption**
my men are there.
OOC: the orbital platforms will prevent Nukes, Stevid
OOC at your age and financial ability - what platforms?
ooc-I have urged FC to back down diplomatically, but am now pursuing military action. I assume I fall under your ultimatum, please verify. Also, will you go against our homeland or just our forces attacking FC. I may accept this Ultimatum upon your reply
OOC: Here's an ultimatum for you. "Withdraw or we will first blow your tin foil orbital platforms out of orbit, then we will drop heaven's fire on you until nothing in your nation grows for the next hundred thousand years."
Now stop being inflammatory.
03-05-2005, 05:16
In response to Concador's orbitial platforms moving into position, Coredia's Space Command has issued orders to its SOL laser/particle cannons to start moving into a position to strike at them.
The laser/particle cannons fire a blue beam of destructive energy that has been occasionally used for orbitial bombardment against terrorist nations and have also been noted to be highly effective against ballastic missiles and enemy satellites. The laser part tracks the enemy satellite or missile or ground force, then a beam of high-speed particle energy shoots to just in front of the target, taking in account speed of both the cannon and the target among other things, and then it makes the target blow up, vaporize or whatever other destructive words our soldiers can come up with. There is a constellation of fifteen SOL cannons and protecting that are a larger constellation of 30 smaller laser platforms, which fire slightly weaker red beams. All in all, Coredia's Antispace defenses pack plenty of firepower indeed.
We also have Space Missiles (ICBMs and Conventional Cruise Missiles) and Tungsten Rod Launchers, but those are on our Philadelphia Space Station.
03-05-2005, 14:15
The orbitals AREN'T MINE. It was posted in other threads that 2 nations (I forget which) have sattelites there which will destroy all nukes. They have stated that destroying them will be a declaration of war. Also, I'm not being inflammatory, Most of the really large nations are against us. I may consider backing down.
03-05-2005, 17:03
OOC - Right so how are you getting past the Omzian and Hogsweatian fleets outside FC waters?
03-05-2005, 17:07
Call to Power WILL back down or we WILL destroy them. There is no ultimatum or deadline - you do this now or we will destroy you. We are not afraid to wipe out your entire nation and your entire race.
Stop this attack or face the consequences.
And i'm serious.
Comrade Josef Dorsal, Directory of the Free Allied Republics (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v685/SME/Characters/JOSEFDORSAL.png)
"A Bear that smells the trap cannot be caught.."
From: Empress Serena
To: The Nations attacking Feline Catfish
This is your Last Warning, keep away from Feline Catfish or face your doom.
you have 12 hours.
Copiosa Scotia
03-05-2005, 17:34
Our ships are now on station and awaiting further orders.
Call to power
03-05-2005, 17:56
ooc: you have took two turns I haven’t posted my excuse yet!!!
ic:Message to nations operating in and around FC
The nation of Call to power is performing an military exercise near FC waters this is mainly to scare some sense into feline catfish but we ask that not a shot be fired as we are conducting simple training and will leave in haste after the operation
ooc: now you can state something from this but remember we are just scaring FC ;)
ooc: Tag in support of FC
Call to power
03-05-2005, 18:14
ooc: where is feline catfish?
03-05-2005, 18:33
Republican Grey House Press Statement
Though the Republic has some reservations over the nation of Feline Catfish and its foreign policy, the President has signed a treaty with Hogsweat and other countries calling for the defense of Feline Catfish against any and all aggressors. As such the Republic will honour this treaty and deploy the First Carrier Group, led by the Republican Carrier Avenger to the position of the Hogsweatian and Allied Naval Forces in order to protect the national waters of Feline Catfish. The First Republican Carrier group was already enroute to the Nerotikan crisis and has been diverted.
Republican Carrier Avenger
Onboard the bridge of the Avenger, all present stood to attention and snapped a salute as Admiral Sam 'Chisel' Rocker moved into the Operations Area and took his place next to the clear perspex Operations Board that portrayed the Carrier group and the 50 nm around the large number of vessels in the Taskforce.
He turned to the Communications Officer. 'Now that we've arrived, send a Priority FLASH message to the Hogsweatian ships informing them of our arrival and enquire whether they've got a place we can park ourselves'
The Comms Officer nodded and scurried off to send the message to the Hogsweatian group whilst the Admiral pushed his Baseball Cap back on his head and took another sip from his coffee...
Feline Catfish
03-05-2005, 18:34
03-05-2005, 18:39
ooc: you have took two turns I haven’t posted my excuse yet!!!
ic:Message to nations operating in and around FC
The nation of Call to power is performing an military exercise near FC waters this is mainly to scare some sense into feline catfish but we ask that not a shot be fired as we are conducting simple training and will leave in haste after the operation
ooc: now you can state something from this but remember we are just scaring FC ;)
The Ministry of Defense replies:
Your so-calls 'military exercise' is now being monitored very closely by our naval fighters. You may have noticed that they have armed and targeted your craft. One wrong move, and they will be destroyed. Move over the 100 nm mark, and they will be destroyed. This is your only warning.
Call to power
03-05-2005, 18:46
ooc: Fc please post some sort of map (even if it is a nation)
Feline Catfish
03-05-2005, 18:49
The Hatarian Fleet will stay Near Feline Catfish Waters to make sure the enemy doesn't Invade.
03-05-2005, 19:38
Stevid-I don't like war either. If I did, I still wouldn't go against AMF! obviously, I am doing this because I believe it is right.
So do I. ANd I am sure many other nations believe the same thing.
03-05-2005, 19:42
OOC: I had totally forgotten about this thread until I cleaned things out and looked for something else I should be doing (like my wedding thread) but after reading it again I notice alot of similarities, quite recent too:
Link (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=8776349&postcount=1)
You guys may enjoy this... I'm sure it would be interesting to see if the same conditions apply to this nation as they do Feline Catfish, though I doubt it, he's too big to threaten in the same manner.
OoC: *grin*
Come on guys, haven't forgotten about me have you? Come on, try to do the same thing to me as you try to do to FC.
OoC: *grin*
Come on guys, haven't forgotten about me have you? Come on, try to do the same thing to me as you try to do to FC.
OOC: same here.
Oh and Dumpsterdam, do you have MSN?
Roman Republic
03-05-2005, 20:36
OCC: Could anyone have my Special Forces base at a Country's Naval Fleet and use use give Close Air Support to my men against FC and his allies.
03-05-2005, 20:39
OOC: same here.
Oh and Dumpsterdam, do you have MSN?
OoC: Check under my name; see the little MSN piccie? Click it to get my MSN name.
Call to power
03-05-2005, 20:44
Ooc: well since I need to keep this going I will deploy some more forces
News bulletin
A new space craft to be launched today in call to power though the design is classified it is stated from various sources to be on a peaceful mission of exploration
Secret airbase 1
[40] B-69 SkyMaster Bombers waited fully loaded on the runway the pilots were already onboard making last minute checks to the computers
Secret airbase 2
[20] F/A-117X Nighthawks shot off the runway quickly catching up with the transport planes they remained there hidden in the dense collection of aircraft
Airbases 1-4
[96] F-27 Haste Stealth Fighters
[200] F-31X Cyclone Interceptors
Sat on the runways fully loaded pilots as well there was a quick pause then out of nowhere they blasted off heading towards Roman Republic
Ooc: sorry for the naff post I really can’t be bothered today
Call to power
03-05-2005, 20:45
OCC: Could anyone have my Special Forces base at a Country's Naval Fleet and use use give Close Air Support to my men against FC and his allies.
ooc: since we have no idea where his nation is lets just say it is close but not too close
OoC: Check under my name; see the little MSN piccie? Click it to get my MSN name.
OOC: it won't work.
03-05-2005, 21:34
OOC: it won't work.
OoC: lecarrot@hotmail.com (you know the drill)
03-05-2005, 21:38
Secretary General Brezhnekov looked at the files in front of him.
Minister of Defense Bilmore "Sir, there's going to be a major world nuclear war unless we act. The only thing left to prevent is to remove the issue that is leading up to it."
Foriegn Minister "Sir that will bring us into conflict with AMF and Hogsweat and several other nations we have been cooperating with in this conflict. And it could severly damage our reputation and geopolitical position in the world."
Brezhnekov grimaced, turning Al Reed the Minister of Intelligence, "Do we have any other alternatives?"
Reed "Sir, I am afraid our spies in FC, AMF, Hogsweat, Euroslavia, Hataria, and other places involved confirm what both the Foreign Minister and the Minister of Defense are saying. We are basically in a no win situation. What ever happens there is going to be a war. If we leave the nukes in place that war will certainly be nuclear in nature. If we bomb the nukes, we will likely go to war with some very powerful nations. Many of whome we are allies and or have treaties with. But that war at least, won't be nuclear unless they invade our own soil. My advice is to make a decision, stand by it and let the dice fall where they may."
Brezhnekov thought for what seemed an eternity then gave Operation Nuclear Prevention a green light.
"Launch the Golden Dragons."
20 minutes later 3 Golden Dragons were launched for the first sortie ever over a foreign nation. They took off from Los Angeles Air Base and moving hypermach speed headed for Felince Catfish, their targets: all military nuclear sites including warehouses where nuclear materials where stored.
Hopefull, the issue that was fueling the conflict would be removed and there would be no war.
Golden Dragon in flight:
03-05-2005, 21:45
After the attack the Golden Dragons headed home at maximum speed. They would be reloaded in the event the previous strikes were unsuccessful.
Secret IC: And give FC some time to move his WMD's around and hide them. But no one knows this, only FC is allowed to know.
03-05-2005, 21:45
Laser cannons sparked to life, but 'calmed down' as it was Whitter's craft. They would then be charged to prevent missiles firing from Feline Catfish from hitting any other nation and missiles from other nations from hitting the small country. It's a tall order, but they have a job to do and they'll do it.
OOC: "After several nuclear sites were destroyed, the GD's returned to base to resupply (secret IC)and give FC time."
Uhhh. That's Feline Catfish's job to decide what damage happened. You've no authority to say what you have destroyed. You can only state, in legal RP, that you've fired missiles at what you -think- to be nuclear missile sites. Feline Catfish, if he doesn't ignore the post, is expected to state what damage is done. In fact, you should simply say your fleet entered firing range, firstly. Who knows? He could have decent anti-aircraft. He could have defensive measures. Anything. Simply saying you took off and destroyed numerous nuclear sites and then returned to resupply isn't 'legal.'
03-05-2005, 21:56
After several nuclear sites were destroyed, the GD's returned to base to resupply (secret IC)and give FC time.
Please Whittier, you've been around for a long time, your suposed to know better then this.
Now be a good boy, and let me, Praetonia, FC and the rest of the coalition take shots at your aircraft.
No endorse
03-05-2005, 21:57
ooc: there won't really be any nukes as feline catfish has spent all his money on nuclear cruise missiles which is why I have suggested to feline catfish not to accept anything else (sniggers)
Who here has them? I'm not sure if anyone here has orbiters, besides most of the 03s and maybe an early 04 or two
03-05-2005, 22:06
OoC; I do, wil use them if I must.
No endorse
03-05-2005, 22:10
What are you talking about? Not to sound all arrogent, but all of our nations are months older than the newbie Feline Catfish, and that is just facts. What we really are concerned about if an invasion does happen, (and one shouldn't if you'd all bother to read my proposal which many already have and agreed its a logical course of action...) then we'd only be dealing with his allies.
But seriously, the invasion is LOOMING, it hasn't happened yet, its just very, very close to it.
Yarr, so anyone who hasn't read my proposal, I posted it on the last page, and two other threads concerning this topic.
ooc: And you guys are proud of being several months older and invading him? Seriously! Dog piling on someone like that?
To Dumpsterdam:
Yeah, I knew you had them, just not who else.
Space Union
03-05-2005, 22:20
It is time to end this crisis. I'm going to give a true compromise treaty that will not be lop-sided.
1. Feline Catfish should destroy any missles that are medium to long-range.
2. Feline Catfish may keep their 100 nm water boundary but No Warning area should be limited to the 65-68 nm area.
3. All nations that are against Feline Catfish should give up there campaigns against Feline Catfish or face retailiation.
4. Feline Catfish may keep up to 3,000 short-range missles. (Short-Range should have a maximum range of 100 nm. Your Mockingbird missles will be considered Short-Range.)
5. On May 16th, 2005, Feline Catfish will legally be allowed to build and buy any range nuclear missle and not come under fire. Also they will be allowed to build as many nuclear weapons as they want.
I urge all the nations to accept this. This is truly a compromise and I believe that it fits everyones views. Feline Catfish accept this because it will allow you to become a nuclear power legally in just 13 days. You can keep those 3,000 short-range nuclear missles. I don't think you will need any longer-range ones if it is just for defensive reasons.
President Harsimran Mann
Technocratic Republic of Space Union
No endorse
03-05-2005, 22:27
ooc: I do not endorse this treaty on the grounds that Feline Catfish must relinquish that which is rightfully his. No one can deny that he got nukes, leave him be. I RPed that I wasn't going to intervene again, but this is seriously getting out of hand. Leave him with his bombs, he isn't going to touch you guys. Besides, you can paste him if he does (the beauty of MAD). Parts two and three are acceptable terms.
Space Union
03-05-2005, 22:35
This is the problem. No one wants to compromise. If you guys just compromised for once than this would have been all been done a long time ago. I know that you think they should keep their nukes but other don't. Would you rather go to a nuclear war then sign a compromise?
President Harsimran Mann
Technocratic Republic of Space Union
03-05-2005, 22:49
This is the problem. No one wants to compromise. If you guys just compromised for once than this would have been all been done a long time ago. I know that you think they should keep their nukes but other don't. Would you rather go to a nuclear war then sign a compromise?
President Harsimran Mann
Technocratic Republic of Space Union
In all honesty, we'd probably go to war before we ever made it to the compromise table. It just happens to be the way things work in these days.
~Empress Tamithia
Imperial Republic of Coredia
03-05-2005, 22:54
Brezhnekov approached the podium, staring into television cameras carrying his image around the world. Try as he might, he could not hide the regret and anxiety on his face as prepared to tell the world what had just happened.
"Tonight, in a last ditch effort to avoid global nuclear war, 3 hypersonic bombers from Los Angeles bombed nuclear sites inside the nation of Feline Catfish. This was not something I wanted to do. I was hoping this could be resolved with war and without military action. I am and it is the policy of Whittier that what nation's do inside their own borders is their own affair and no one elses. But today is one of those days when the events within one nation's borders threatens the national security of countless other nations, namely by threatening to ignite a global holocaust. After carefully monitoring the situation and consulting with my cabinet, I was faced with no alternative but to remove the reason for such a war. There is no way to win in this situation. Whatever happens, there will be war. I could remove the cause of the conflict and prevent nuclear war but ironically still end up at war or I could continue to do nothing which would result in a thermonuclear holocaust causing great harm to the citizens of all nations on Earth. The choice was nuclear war or nonnuclear war. In the decision I made, I realized I may have disappointed some allies and other nations who have been working diligently for a peaceful solution. It is still my hope that their efforts will succeed. But with the choice I was given, that whatever I did, there would certainly be war, I chose to take action to ensure that war remained conventional and nonnuclear. Tonight Pandora's Box, the armed forces and our allies stand vigilant against nuclear retaliation that may be attempted by either Feline Catfish or its allies. We have no ill will toward the people of Feline Catfish or their government. Our actions were taken to prevent them from being invaded and setting off a nuclear catastrophy.
Even I am still wondering if I gave the right orders. Did I take the right action. Governments around the world are right to be concerned about the actions I have taken in this case. Only in the most serious of circumstances is aggression against any nation justified. This was such. Though Feline Catfish did not invade anyone, events in their nation and materials they were acquiring were going to exterminate billions of lives. Faced with loss of a few hundred million around the world versus the loss of hundreds of billions, I chose to risk the smaller number of people.
Hence I have ordered all recordings of all cabinet meetings, including all top level meetings within the defense and intelligence departments open to review by the international community. My intentions are good and not bad as the videos and audio recordings will show. Whatever the outcome of this conflict or of the investigations, in due time, history will be the ultimate judge of whether I made the right decision.
Thank you."
He turned around and left the podium. Meantime in government offices in the capital material was being copied for distribution to the world community.
03-05-2005, 22:56
Please Whittier, you've been around for a long time, your suposed to know better then this.
Now be a good boy, and let me, Praetonia, FC and the rest of the coalition take shots at your aircraft.
you can try but they're pretty fast and basically flying at hyper speed high above the atmosphere. Should be a good test for them.
03-05-2005, 22:59
oOC: He's always free to say that the materials were moved to other locations before the strikes. After all, Iraq did it before the US invaded so that the suspected sites turned out to be empty. I only said I destroyed sites, not materials.
03-05-2005, 23:06
The Empress and her cabinet and military officials awaited with bated breath for the reaction by Feline Catfish to Whitter's attack.
The Holy Imperial Empire of Belem at the present time extends its full support to the nation of Feline Catfish which is currently in good standing in the International Community and has unjustly been denied their soverign rights to develop and stockpile nuclear arms. The Empire is now extending full trade, defense and military rights to Feline Catfish for the extent of the crisis. For all technical and legal purposes the Empire will view FC as a legal protectorate of the Empire in accordance with all laws of defense and government intervention as well as self rule for the Felines.
As of now any attacks or illegal passage through FC territories will be treated as an act of war against the Holy Imperial Empire itself and shall be met with swiftly and brutality.
A full Imperial Battle Fleet is being deployed to the region at the time of this announcement to oversee the protection of our ally.
We also extend to FC the offer to purchase weapons and armaments are greatly reduced costs, this offer extends too but is not limited to: Nuclear Biological, Chemical and EMP weaponary.
oOC: He's always free to say that the materials were moved to other locations before the strikes. After all, Iraq did it before the US invaded so that the suspected sites turned out to be empty. I only said I destroyed sites, not materials.
The fact is, you destroyed nothing until Feline Catfish says otherwise. Your missiles could, if so chooses, have been 100% blasted to smithereens. It would be unrealistic and unfair roleplaying, but there it is. It's his decision.
Feline Catfish tells YOU what you did or did not-- not the other way around. He can say, "Five sites destroyed. x# of anti-aircraft machines fire a total of x# of munitions at intruding planes." Then, you can tell HIM whether any of your aircraft were destroyed or not, but to be fair and more realistic, some should be. Or, he can say, "No sites destroyed." Up to him, not you.
At this point, unless you become more reasonable and acknowledge such adopted rules, I'd simply ignore you if I were him. You can't tell him what his losses are. Period.
04-05-2005, 01:39
The fact is, you destroyed nothing until Feline Catfish says otherwise. Your missiles could, if so chooses, have been 100% blasted to smithereens. It would be unrealistic and unfair roleplaying, but there it is. It's his decision.
Feline Catfish tells YOU what you did or did not-- not the other way around. He can say, "Five sites destroyed. x# of anti-aircraft machines fire a total of x# of munitions at intruding planes." Then, you can tell HIM whether any of your aircraft were destroyed or not, but to be fair and more realistic, some should be. Or, he can say, "No sites destroyed." Up to him, not you.
At this point, unless you become more reasonable and acknowledge such adopted rules, I'd simply ignore you if I were him. You can't tell him what his losses are. Period.
Fact is, something was destroyed. I doubt he's been around long enough to have anything to counter smart weapons. As any one who has rped with me knows, I don't use dumb bombs I only use smart precision guided weapons.
I destroyed some sites, its up to FC to say how many and where they were.
So there is no way my missiles, coming in as quickly as they were would have been blasted to smithereens as you claim.
As stated earlier, people can try to attack my planes but these are the best my nation has. They move above Mach 7 speeds above the atmosphere, and involve stealth technology which is dampened by the high speed cause anything moving as fast as my planes are, is going to make your radar go on a fritz (assuming you are using the most advanced radar available on NS, otherwise you won't know they're there until there's been an explosion. Course some of the big nations on FC's side have been around long enough that they would have the type radar that could detect the high speed object was in fact one my planes but this tech is limited to only 2003 and early 2004 nations, no one else would have it.) regardless of what stealth tech you use. So my planes rely almost entirely on speed though stealth is available.
Further, only 3 planes were launched and the only people who would have a remote chance to shoot them down would be people like Hogsweat, AMF, Dumpsterdam, and a couple of others who are of the same age as them.
Actually I didn't even say how many sites I hit cause I WAS leaving that for FC to say.
Now then, I suggest you back the hell up and wait to see what FC has to say. But if I was his big nation allies, I would not be waiting for an official response from FC, I'd be trying to shoot those planes down the minute I detected they were hostile against FC.
As for losses to my planes, I'll be using a random number generator. I only have 3 of those planes so if I lose them all, so be it.
04-05-2005, 01:43
The Empress and her cabinet and military officials awaited with bated breath for the reaction by Feline Catfish to Whitter's attack.
you have tg.
04-05-2005, 01:44
The Holy Imperial Empire of Belem at the present time extends its full support to the nation of Feline Catfish which is currently in good standing in the International Community and has unjustly been denied their soverign rights to develop and stockpile nuclear arms. The Empire is now extending full trade, defense and military rights to Feline Catfish for the extent of the crisis. For all technical and legal purposes the Empire will view FC as a legal protectorate of the Empire in accordance with all laws of defense and government intervention as well as self rule for the Felines.
As of now any attacks or illegal passage through FC territories will be treated as an act of war against the Holy Imperial Empire itself and shall be met with swiftly and brutality.
A full Imperial Battle Fleet is being deployed to the region at the time of this announcement to oversee the protection of our ally.
We also extend to FC the offer to purchase weapons and armaments are greatly reduced costs, this offer extends too but is not limited to: Nuclear Biological, Chemical and EMP weaponary.
Whittier will abide by this.
Fact is, something was destroyed. I doubt he's been around long enough to have anything to counter smart weapons. As any one who has rped with me knows, I don't use dumb bombs I only use smart precision guided weapons.
I destroyed some sites, its up to FC to say how many and where they were.
So there is no way my missiles, coming in as quickly as they were would have been blasted to smithereens as you claim.
As stated earlier, people can try to attack my planes but these are the best my nation has. They move above Mach 7 speeds above the atmosphere, and involve stealth technology which is dampened by the high speed cause anything moving as fast as my planes are, is going to make your radar go on a fritz (assuming you are using the most advanced radar available on NS, otherwise you won't know they're there until there's been an explosion. Course some of the big nations on FC's side have been around long enough that they would have the type radar that could detect the high speed object was in fact one my planes but this tech is limited to only 2003 and early 2004 nations, no one else would have it.) regardless of what stealth tech you use. So my planes rely almost entirely on speed though stealth is available.
Further, only 3 planes were launched and the only people who would have a remote chance to shoot them down would be people like Hogsweat, AMF, Dumpsterdam, and a couple of others who are of the same age as them.
Actually I didn't even say how many sites I hit cause I WAS leaving that for FC to say.
Now then, I suggest you back the hell up and wait to see what FC has to say. But if I was his big nation allies, I would not be waiting for an official response from FC, I'd be trying to shoot those planes down the minute I detected they were hostile against FC.
As for losses to my planes, I'll be using a random number generator. I only have 3 of those planes so if I lose them all, so be it.
Doubts do not equal to facts. As an 'experienced RPer,' you should understand that. Whether by Feline Catfish OR the NUMEROUS defensive fleets set up to protect him, those missiles could, if they have the technology available, be deflected or blasted into smithereens. Jumping through such potential checks on your power because you 'doubt' they can deflect them is a fancy term for Godmoding. Again, as an experienced RPer, perhaps that's something you should take into consideration.
I'm glad to see you're well-versed in defensive military technology. Your planes can travel so fast at mach 7, yet nothing could possibly destroy or deflect your missiles 'coming in so fast?' Impressive. I don't care if your planes zoom around at mach 248842 and your missiles are cloaked with the finest technology and turn into fog so enemy AA munitions fly through them, it is not YOUR place, as a joint-RPer, to decide the damage inflicted upon your target. You are not a GOOD RPer if you find no fault in that, whether you are EXPERIENCED or not. Some of America's finest technology was foiled in rare moments by Iraq. It is perfectly reasonable to assume that it can happen or that your enemies DO have the technology to prevent such strikes. It is unreasonable to instantly assume otherwise. This game's roleplaying is built off of compromise and teamwork, in an odd sense. You've no authority to take such a lead and bypass thousands of possible checks.
While you did not give a specific number of targets you 'hit,' you did limit him and his allies to using a number greater than zero. Surely, I would be disappointed to see them use that number, but it is UP TO THEM. If they roleplay poorly and do such Godmoding of their own, then it's a shame and you should simply ignore them (after trying to intelligent argue about your results).
I'm not going to 'back the hell up,' because my claims are perfectly justified. Whether you think the enemy can't defend itself or not is no roleplaying pass to your ultimate execution of military maneuvers against the enemy. As stated before, that's just a fancy way to cover up Godmoding.
You've always the right to dispute things, but you've never the right to declare facts without consent when it involves another player.
As seen directly on the "What is Godmoding?" post:
"Because in freeform role-play, it's up to the person being attacked to determine their own losses"
Doing otherwise is Godmoding.
04-05-2005, 01:59
Its all over: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=416616
Japanese Antarctica
04-05-2005, 02:04
OOC: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=416757
Two Battle Strike groups will be deployed to monitor the situation.
4th Navy, 1st Battle Strike Group
1 Yoshitsune Class CVN
1 Kairyo-Hin Yamato Battleship
2 KH Mikuma Class Cruisers
2 Severodvinsk Attack sub
3 Oscar II class Sub
4 Murasame Class Destroyers
3 Kongo Class Guided Missile Destroyers
1 AS-39 Emory Land
1 AGF-11 Coronado
1 MSO 301 Yaeyama
1 MST 463 Uraga
1 MCL 722 Niijima
2 T-AE 26 Kilauea
1 T-AOE 6 Supply
1 Mercy Class Hospital Ship
4th Navy, 2nd Battle Strike Group
1 Yoshitsune Class CVN
1 Kairyo-Hin Yamato Battleship
2 KH Mikuma Class Cruisers
2 Severodvinsk Attack sub
3 Oscar II class Sub
4 Murasame Class Destroyers
3 Kongo Class Guided Missile Destroyers
1 AS-39 Emory Land
1 AGF-11 Coronado
1 MSO 301 Yaeyama
1 MST 463 Uraga
1 MCL 722 Niijima
2 T-AE 26 Kilauea
1 T-AOE 6 Supply
1 Mercy Class Hospital Ship
04-05-2005, 02:07
Leafanistan is dragging naval forces home due to a serious zombie infestation at home and needs to search merchant ships leaving Leafanistan. However long range air-cover and *wink wink* *nudge nudge* is still available to coalition forces, be back when I've slaughtered the unholy monsters.
04-05-2005, 02:11
Doubts do not equal to facts. As an 'experienced RPer,' you should understand that. Whether by Feline Catfish OR the NUMEROUS defensive fleets set up to protect him, those missiles could, if they have the technology available, be deflected or blasted into smithereens. Jumping through such potential checks on your power because you 'doubt' they can deflect them is a fancy term for Godmoding. Again, as an experienced RPer, perhaps that's something you should take into consideration.
I'm glad to see you're well-versed in defensive military technology. Your planes can travel so fast at mach 7, yet nothing could possibly destroy or deflect your missiles 'coming in so fast?' Impressive. I don't care if your planes zoom around at mach 248842 and your missiles are cloaked with the finest technology and turn into fog so enemy AA munitions fly through them, it is not YOUR place, as a joint-RPer, to decide the damage inflicted upon your target. You are not a GOOD RPer if you find no fault in that, whether you are EXPERIENCED or not. Some of America's finest technology was foiled in rare moments by Iraq. It is perfectly reasonable to assume that it can happen or that your enemies DO have the technology to prevent such strikes. It is unreasonable to instantly assume otherwise. This game's roleplaying is built off of compromise and teamwork, in an odd sense. You've no authority to take such a lead and bypass thousands of possible checks.
While you did not give a specific number of targets you 'hit,' you did limit him and his allies to using a number greater than zero. Surely, I would be disappointed to see them use that number, but it is UP TO THEM. If they roleplay poorly and do such Godmoding of their own, then it's a shame and you should simply ignore them (after trying to intelligent argue about your results).
I'm not going to 'back the hell up,' because my claims are perfectly justified. Whether you think the enemy can't defend itself or not is no roleplaying pass to your ultimate execution of military maneuvers against the enemy. As stated before, that's just a fancy way to cover up Godmoding.
You've always the right to dispute things, but you've never the right to declare facts without consent when it involves another player.
OOC: Someone needs to make an ooc thread for this.
For a 9 million nation that was pretty much created just yesterday, you are really one to talk about experienced rping :rolleyes:
Only a 2003 nation would be able to afford that type of tech. unless said 2003 nations gave the tech to a non 2003 nation. Which, as far as I know, is not the case with Feline Catfish.
Its not a matter of enemy AA going through the planes, its matter of them having time to be launched and then being fast enough to catch the planes.
I think you are reading stuff that just isn't there and being picky nicky.
Fact is this was tantamount to a sneak attack.
Now given that the planes would have had to slow a bit, the primitive radars could have picked up that there foreign craft in his airspace launching missiles at stuff, but that would only be a brief moment while the cargo was released at the targets (the missiles being independently targetable from up to 300 miles away from desired targets), after that, after about 30 seconds or however long it took to release all missiles, the blip would have disappeared.
Now if any future tech nation or any nation older than March 2004 wants to attack my planes, I'll rp losing all 3 of them. Heck, I'll rp pretty much all the missiles being destroyed, depeding on what FC wants to do. But if your like a Feb. 2005 modern tech nation, your not going to have a chance in hell.
I think you should follow your own advice and wait for FC. But for the moment, as far as my govt knows, the strikes were successful and they won't know otherwise till the intell assessments come in. And those won't come in till FC responds. You should watch political programs more often, that's how it works in the real world. You attack. You say blew up such and such. And you find out afterward if you really did blow up such and such.
04-05-2005, 02:16
Please Whittier, you've been around for a long time, your suposed to know better then this.
Now be a good boy, and let me, Praetonia, FC and the rest of the coalition take shots at your aircraft.
OOC: Are you going to attack? And you have tg.
OOC: Someone needs to make an ooc thread for this.
For a 9 million nation that was pretty much created just yesterday, you are really one to talk about experienced rping :rolleyes:
Only a 2003 nation would be able to afford that type of tech. unless said 2003 nations gave the tech to a non 2003 nation. Which, as far as I know, is not the case with Feline Catfish.
Its not a matter of enemy AA going through the planes, its matter of them having time to be launched and then being fast enough to catch the planes.
I think you are reading stuff that just isn't there and being picky nicky.
Fact is this was tantamount to a sneak attack.
Now given that the planes would have had to slow a bit, the primitive radars could have picked up that there foreign craft in his airspace launching missiles at stuff, but that would only be a brief moment while the cargo was released at the targets (the missiles being independently targetable from up to 300 miles away from desired targets), after that, after about 30 seconds or however long it took to release all missiles, the blip would have disappeared.
Now if any future tech nation or any nation older than March 2004 wants to attack my planes, I'll rp losing all 3 of them. Heck, I'll rp pretty much all the missiles being destroyed, depeding on what FC wants to do. But if your like a Feb. 2005 modern tech nation, your not going to have a chance in hell.
I think you should follow your own advice and wait for FC. But for the moment, as far as my govt knows, the strikes were successful and they won't know otherwise till the intell assessments come in. And those won't come in till FC responds. You should watch political programs more often, that's how it works in the real world. You attack. You say blew up such and such. And you find out afterward if you really did blow up such and such.
That is like stating that a mediocre teacher who has been in the business for 4 years is somehow better than an excellent one who just joined the business and has been teaching for one. Your sarcastic vibe means nothing, and was ignorant. If you want to know, I do believe I am a better roleplayer than you when you put forth such unreasonable restraints on the formation of the roleplay. However, that's quite irrelevant.
Top American technology has been brought down by the Iraqis. Simply becaues he does not have 'super-duper' uber technology means absolutely nothing. You don't even know if the coalition forces defending him do-- you've admitted that much. For all you know, they secretly smuggled and gave new, high-tech anti-aircraft defense systems into Feline Catfish. You DON'T KNOW. Nor can you know all the technology your enemies have. That's like saying the United States knew the entire technological armament of the Soviet Union in the Cold war. They didn't. You cannot, as a good roleplayer, assume such things. It's GODMODING, plain and simple. Saying that the technology cannot exist is also godmoding.
As for them having the matter of time to launch the missiles that fast... again, if you've developed a plane that can effectively bomb at mach 7, there's no reason to doubt such super-hyper anti-aircraft processes do not exist. That's called 'illogical.' They certainly wouldn't be manned by men.
It matters not if it was a sneak attack. I sneak twenty conventional explosives into your country. In fact, they were actually created within the country by men from your own military bribed to do my bidding. My men set them off. Oh, wait! You're a super advanced nation! Guess what, so is the United States, and they're not invulnerable to such atrocities. Please post me your losses. You can't assume you have none. Also, account for these losses. Your economy is shocked due to this. They were all detonated in major citizen facilities, by the way. That is as unreasonable as you are being right now. You can not dictate losses to the enemy, nor force them to dictate any. This type of roleplaying exhibited by NS is only achieved through intellectual compromise aimed to result in fun for both sides.
As for you RPing all the missiles being destroyed, at least you're offering to back out of that 'historical action' your country took. It shows that you indeed know that your action of stating that you hit targets was unfair as the other side had not been able to respond with their own 'sneak attack' of technology or other such things. I agree, you SHOULD blow things up. But you cannot SAY you even hit things without the other side responding in kind.
Your report was not a news report. You were describing the fighters taking off, the missiles homing in, and targets being hit. That was for the pure information of Feline Catfish, not 'possibly flawed news.' You had another post for that. Your news report is an entirely different matter. You can have your government say it blew 935924892849284928492849284928492849248 things up. You can have your government broadcast that the war has already been won! King George lies dead! So long as you MAKE it a news broadcast by your government that does not have any affect on your true winnings. Otherwise, you have to obviously communicate with the other player to roleplay, which was what the post I am discussing was created for, and your message of hitting targets was not some 'news report.' Don't try to cover it up as one.
At least you're backing down and stating that Feline now has the proper authority to tell you whether the missiles were destroyed before hitting the targets or not. If he says they were all destroyed, you've every right to argue against it, and you've logic on your side. Until then, you simply can't definitively know what your missiles have done.
04-05-2005, 03:40
That is like stating that a mediocre teacher who has been in the business for 4 years is somehow better than an excellent one who just joined the business and has been teaching for one. Your sarcastic vibe means nothing, and was ignorant. If you want to know, I do believe I am a better roleplayer than you when you put forth such unreasonable restraints on the formation of the roleplay. However, that's quite irrelevant.
Top American technology has been brought down by the Iraqis. Simply becaues he does not have 'super-duper' uber technology means absolutely nothing. You don't even know if the coalition forces defending him do-- you've admitted that much. For all you know, they secretly smuggled and gave new, high-tech anti-aircraft defense systems into Feline Catfish. You DON'T KNOW. Nor can you know all the technology your enemies have. That's like saying the United States knew the entire technological armament of the Soviet Union in the Cold war. They didn't. You cannot, as a good roleplayer, assume such things. It's GODMODING, plain and simple. Saying that the technology cannot exist is also godmoding.
As for them having the matter of time to launch the missiles that fast... again, if you've developed a plane that can effectively bomb at mach 7, there's no reason to doubt such super-hyper anti-aircraft processes do not exist. That's called 'illogical.' They certainly wouldn't be manned by men.
It matters not if it was a sneak attack. I sneak twenty conventional explosives into your country. In fact, they were actually created within the country by men from your own military bribed to do my bidding. My men set them off. Oh, wait! You're a super advanced nation! Guess what, so is the United States, and they're not invulnerable to such atrocities. Please post me your losses. You can't assume you have none. Also, account for these losses. Your economy is shocked due to this. They were all detonated in major citizen facilities, by the way. That is as unreasonable as you are being right now. You can not dictate losses to the enemy, nor force them to dictate any. This type of roleplaying exhibited by NS is only achieved through intellectual compromise aimed to result in fun for both sides.
As for you RPing all the missiles being destroyed, at least you're offering to back out of that 'historical action' your country took. It shows that you indeed know that your action of stating that you hit targets was unfair as the other side had not been able to respond with their own 'sneak attack' of technology or other such things. I agree, you SHOULD blow things up. But you cannot SAY you even hit things without the other side responding in kind.
Your report was not a news report. You were describing the fighters taking off, the missiles homing in, and targets being hit. That was for the pure information of Feline Catfish, not 'possibly flawed news.' You had another post for that. Your news report is an entirely different matter. You can have your government say it blew 935924892849284928492849284928492849248 things up. You can have your government broadcast that the war has already been won! King George lies dead! So long as you MAKE it a news broadcast by your government that does not have any affect on your true winnings. Otherwise, you have to obviously communicate with the other player to roleplay, which was what the post I am discussing was created for, and your message of hitting targets was not some 'news report.' Don't try to cover it up as one.
At least you're backing down and stating that Feline now has the proper authority to tell you whether the missiles were destroyed before hitting the targets or not. If he says they were all destroyed, you've every right to argue against it, and you've logic on your side. Until then, you simply can't definitively know what your missiles have done.
I said that I know that some of his allies do have the tech. I would know this as I've been dealing with them for quite some time before you came around.
Since bout 2003 in fact. Before you bring up that "your just a 2004 nation" which I know you will, the original Whittier was unjustly deated by a former mod for ooc political reasons but that is not the issue here.
As for the AA tech you speak of, as stated in telegrams to both coreworlds and dumpsterdam, unless a future tech or a very old nation gives it to him, there is no way he could develop it in such a short time on his own. Nor could he afford one unless he was given a huge discount. Developing such tech would be the same time frame as if he were developing nukes. To say he has one is equal to saying he has 15 million nukes when he just a 5 day old nation.
I am not offering to rp all the missiles being destroyed. Only a lot of them. And it depends on what is used and how he got it. The real issue here is not what I said but how I said it. Since you are a debate person, I figure you would watch some political programs and foriegn policy shows. What my government did is akin to what happens in rl. History has often shown first hand assessments to have been inaccurate after witnesses and evidence and what not had finally been gone over more thoroughly than they were when the statement was made just after such an attack.
The "newreport" you speak of was a speech by a head of state. You have to expect that he is going to say "mission successful 100%". And contrary to what you believe, I was stating what his losses were. Again, you are misinterpreting a speech to be a statement of certified, already reviewed facts, presented by a nonbiased news agency which it isn't.
Touche. I do know that a lot of them would have hit unless intercepted with future tech.
Copiosa Scotia
04-05-2005, 04:20
(OOC: There's still the small matter of you RPing your fighters safely returning to base without incident.)
04-05-2005, 04:57
(OOC: There's still the small matter of you RPing your fighters safely returning to base without incident.)
You're right. I left that post too vague. I fixed it, hope it satisfies everyone now. No wonder everyone was assuming I was dictating losses and shit.
The edit should address your issue too. They were talking about one post and I was talking about a completely different one.
Brezhnekov approached the podium, staring into television cameras carrying his image around the world. Try as he might, he could not hide the regret and anxiety on his face as prepared to tell the world what had just happened.
"Tonight, in a last ditch effort to avoid global nuclear war, 3 hypersonic bombers from Los Angeles bombed nuclear sites inside the nation of Feline Catfish.
OOC: This is the reason Whittier is generally ignored - blatant Godmodding.
Copiosa Scotia
04-05-2005, 05:08
You're right. I left that post too vague. I fixed it, hope it satisfies everyone now. No wonder everyone was assuming I was dictating losses and shit.
The edit should address your issue too. They were talking about one post and I was talking about a completely different one.
(OOC: Much appreciated.)
Who here has them? I'm not sure if anyone here has orbiters, besides most of the 03s and maybe an early 04 or two
OOC: *cough* We do. We also have space platforms, which would fire on Whittiers orbitals as they were moving into position, or leaving.
you can try but they're pretty fast and basically flying at hyper speed high above the atmosphere. Should be a good test for them.
OOC: Faster then light speed? No? Consider them all splashed long before they come into range of FC. Next godmoddering idea?
04-05-2005, 05:11
OOC: This is the reason Whittier is generally ignored - blatant Godmodding.
OOC: the part you bolded, indeed the thread you chose is not a god mode as it is a speech being given by a national leader.
Had you chosen to go qoute and bold the other post which the others were referring to earlier, you would be correct (particularly the way it was worded). Hence the reason I went back and fixed it when I realized people were talking bout that one and not the one you qouted. But to rp your leader saying that the planes hit their targets is not a godmode.
I said that I know that some of his allies do have the tech. I would know this as I've been dealing with them for quite some time before you came around.
Since bout 2003 in fact. Before you bring up that "your just a 2004 nation" which I know you will, the original Whittier was unjustly deated by a former mod for ooc political reasons but that is not the issue here.
As for the AA tech you speak of, as stated in telegrams to both coreworlds and dumpsterdam, unless a future tech or a very old nation gives it to him, there is no way he could develop it in such a short time on his own. Nor could he afford one unless he was given a huge discount. Developing such tech would be the same time frame as if he were developing nukes. To say he has one is equal to saying he has 15 million nukes when he just a 5 day old nation.
I am not offering to rp all the missiles being destroyed. Only a lot of them. And it depends on what is used and how he got it. The real issue here is not what I said but how I said it. Since you are a debate person, I figure you would watch some political programs and foriegn policy shows. What my government did is akin to what happens in rl. History has often shown first hand assessments to have been inaccurate after witnesses and evidence and what not had finally been gone over more thoroughly than they were when the statement was made just after such an attack.
The "newreport" you speak of was a speech by a head of state. You have to expect that he is going to say "mission successful 100%". And contrary to what you believe, I was stating what his losses were. Again, you are misinterpreting a speech to be a statement of certified, already reviewed facts, presented by a nonbiased news agency which it isn't.
Touche. I do know that a lot of them would have hit unless intercepted with future tech.
You seem to have totally misread my post. As I stated in it, I am not discussing your OBVIOUS news report/official government report (as I told you was completely realistic, as governments do exaggerate claims and create assumptions), but the post designed to inform the players of REAL, HISTORICAL roleplaying events so that he or she can react properly as to what REALLY happened... If you don't tell them what you really did, then they cannot react accordingly. Here was the original post I called into question: "After several nuclear sites were destroyed, the GD's returned to base to resupply (secret IC)and give FC time."
That was not a news report. That was you supplying information to the players. That was you giving logistical and accurate information of your actions. You were telling him that several sites were destroyed. Now, you've gone back and edited that post to read: "After the attack the Golden Dragons headed home at maximum speed. They would be reloaded in the event the previous strikes were unsuccessful. Secret IC: And give FC some time to move his WMD's around and hide them. But no one knows this, only FC is allowed to know."
Yes, his allies have the tech. They could've implemented it in a number of different ways. Logic tells you that you cannot know, without a doubt, what the enemy could do. Otherwise, what's the point of roleplaying? Even simple tools have been found to be great obstacles to technology, but we won't enter that arena as its irrelevant. No matter what, it is not your responsibility, nor is it even within your ability, to claim the losses of your enemy. That is breaking perhaps the greatest rule in consensual roleplaying. You cannot tell them what they do or do not do. It's perfectly logical and correct in this situation to ASSUME that at least one+ missile will get through and hit its target, but it isn't your duty to make that decision. Otherwise, it defeats the purpose. If you dislike how they react (if Feline and his allies react illogically and unfairly) and think it unreasonable, you either argue it until a compromise is made, or, if you truly believe you're correct and they refuse to agree, simply stop roleplaying with them.
Touche. (EDIT: Sentence that was here isn't needed. Whittier went back and changed the post in question and acknowledged it). It will be better to roleplay with for both you and Feline. Thanks for listening.
04-05-2005, 05:12
OOC: *cough* We do. We also have space platforms, which would fire on Whittiers orbitals as they were moving into position, or leaving.
orbitals? what are those?
04-05-2005, 05:13
OOC: Faster then light speed? No? Consider them all splashed long before they come into range of FC. Next godmoddering idea?
Do you always twist what people say. The part you qouted does not say faster than light. Nothing MT can even approach the speed of light. Hypersonic is certainly not faster than light.
"You're right. I left that post too vague. I fixed it, hope it satisfies everyone now. No wonder everyone was assuming I was dictating losses and shit.
The edit should address your issue too. They were talking about one post and I was talking about a completely different one."
Yes. I was always arguing about that particular post, the one I quoted in my first objection.
Thank you for agreeing.
Do you always twist what people say. The part you qouted does not say faster than light. Nothing MT can even approach the speed of light. Hypersonic is certainly not faster than light.
OOC: As you understand at least that much physics, you can assume my LSATs have roasted your spaceplanes when they moved towards FC, as they cant' outrun particle beams or lasers. I'll change your setting back later so we won't need to discuss anything further. :rolleyes:
04-05-2005, 05:18
You seem to have totally misread my post. As I stated in it, I am not discussing your OBVIOUS news report/official government report (as I told you was completely realistic, as governments do exaggerate claims and create assumptions), but the post designed to inform the players of REAL, HISTORICAL roleplaying events so that he or she can react properly as to what REALLY happened... If you don't tell them what you really did, then they cannot react accordingly. Here was the original post I called into question: "After several nuclear sites were destroyed, the GD's returned to base to resupply (secret IC)and give FC time."
That was not a news report. That was you supplying information to the players. That was you giving logistical and accurate information of your actions. You were telling him that several sites were destroyed. Now, you've gone back and edited that post to read: "After the attack the Golden Dragons headed home at maximum speed. They would be reloaded in the event the previous strikes were unsuccessful. Secret IC: And give FC some time to move his WMD's around and hide them. But no one knows this, only FC is allowed to know."
Yes, his allies have the tech. They could've implemented it in a number of different ways. Logic tells you that you cannot know, without a doubt, what the enemy could do. Otherwise, what's the point of roleplaying? Even simple tools have been found to be great obstacles to technology, but we won't enter that arena as its irrelevant. No matter what, it is not your responsibility, nor is it even within your ability, to claim the losses of your enemy. That is breaking perhaps the greatest rule in consensual roleplaying. You cannot tell them what they do or do not do. It's perfectly logical and correct in this situation to ASSUME that at least one+ missile will get through and hit its target, but it isn't your duty to make that decision. Otherwise, it defeats the purpose. If you dislike how they react (if Feline and his allies react illogically and unfairly) and think it unreasonable, you either argue it until a compromise is made, or, if you truly believe you're correct and they refuse to agree, simply stop roleplaying with them.
Touche. It looks like you took my suggestions secretly by editing the post in question. It will be better to roleplay with for both you and Feline. Thanks for listening.
Actually you are quite right, I did misread your post. You were talking about one and I thought you were talking about the other. The one you were talking about was fixed after I realized that was the one you were referring to.
Of course I edited it, wasn't that whole point of this discussion?
I didn't realize I had posted that I destroyed his stuff.
Actually you are quite right, I did misread your post. You were talking about one and I thought you were talking about the other. The one you were talking about was fixed after I realized that was the one you were referring to.
Of course I edited it, wasn't that whole point of this discussion?
I didn't realize I had posted that I destroyed his stuff.
Yes, I took out that quip in an edit on the original post as I hadn't seen that you edited it and then acknowledged it with a post. I thought you had simply gone back and secretly edited it.
Thank you. I think we both agree on the issue. It was simply a mistake in wording.
04-05-2005, 05:23
OOC: As you understand at least that much physics, you can assume my LSATs have roasted your spaceplanes when they moved towards FC, as they cant' outrun particle beams or lasers. I'll change your setting back later so we won't need to discuss anything further. :rolleyes:
OOC: If you did attack you would be attacking one FC's defenders since if you read my previous posts, I threatened to attack anyone who invaded his territorial waters. You would see my aircraft heading to FC but there is no way that you would know they would attack sites in that nation. You wouldn't know until after you detected launches targeted at FC facilities. So basically, since we were both on FC's side, you would attack an ally.
OOC: ... and then you launch missiles, which force a reaction, which means they all get toasted and we add you to our "HOSTILE NATION - DESTROY ON SIGHT" list. And just when we had such hopes of your turning a new leaf. Oh well.
04-05-2005, 05:43
OOC: ... and then you launch missiles, which force a reaction, which means they all get toasted and we add you to our "HOSTILE NATION - DESTROY ON SIGHT" list. And just when we had such hopes of your turning a new leaf. Oh well.
Oh well. They get destroyed then don't they? Are you going to rp it or are you just going to (what's that term I'm looking for? whine? moan? bitch? no it can't be those. what the heck is the term I'm thinking of?)
Oh well. They get destroyed then don't they? Are you going to rp it or are you just going to (what's that term I'm looking for? whine? moan? bitch? no it can't be those. what the heck is the term I'm thinking of?)
OOC: :rolleyes: keep digging, I don't think you've hit China yet.
04-05-2005, 05:52
OOC: :rolleyes: keep digging, I don't think you've hit China yet.
OOC: Look, my nation's leadership has gone over the options, they know that some nations like yours would be upset if FC's nukes were attacked and they also took into consideration that nation's like yours might retaliate on FC's behalf. When confronted with that and the alternative of global nuclear holocaust, they chose the former cause either way, this situation was going to end in a war.
If your going to have nation declare war on mine because why don't you just rp it? If your going to attack the planes why don't you just do it? My people already know its coming. They made the best decision they could under the circumstances. Whether they win or lose such a war as you are proposing, history will be the final judge of whether they made the right decision.
I really don't understand what all this ooc back and forth really serves.
Copiosa Scotia
04-05-2005, 07:06
(OOC: Have to agree with Whittier. The mistakes, as far as I can tell, have been corrected. Vastiva, please RP your attack on the bombers. Now, so that this isn't a totally useless post...)
Admiral Aaron Pierce politely declines the invitation to attend the conference, as Copiosa Scotia is not directly involved in the conflict. It is his hope, however, that those meeting will be able to negotiate a safe end to hostilities.
04-05-2005, 07:57
In all sadness, I, the Director of the Free Alllied Republics of Hogsweat, declares a beginning to hostilities with Whittier. We hope that other nations will support us as Whittier has clearly made an act of war against Feline Catfish, no matter what they say, violating FC's sovereignty. I hereby call into action the Feline Catfish Sovereignty Defense Pact in negating Whittier as a threat to Feline Catfish.Comrade Josef Dorsal, Directory of the Free Allied Republics (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v685/SME/Characters/JOSEFDORSAL.png)
"A Bear that smells the trap cannot be caught.."
Far above - warned by the defense fleet - the fleeting Whittier bombers were targeted by that part of the VAA Defense Grid able to intercept them while in flight.
Controlled by weapons officers aboard the massive Tudrussel platform, thirty satellites were chosen. As each of the bombers came into the upper atmosphere, they were targeted and fired upon with a melange of maser/laser and particle beam weaponry.
Commander Akhgar Yashar al-Shahab shook his head sadly as the first hits were registered. "Only a fool fights over such a nothing - and only a fool creates a war which will surely eat their nation over such a nothing. Better to have stood and done nothing, then to become nothing. Weapons? Target any Whittier satellites in our area and send our Larrys. Then prepare for engagement. I would guess these fools do not realize what they have awakened."
OOC: We would also guess FC is ignoring this thread, in which case all of this is moot.
04-05-2005, 09:39
Onboard the SD Titan, admiral Diaz studied the incoming planes for a few seconds. "Hypersoars, markings indicate Whittier craft or manufactured in Whittier and they are approaching the line fast." Diaz mumbled to himself, he turned away from the tactical display. "Comms, do we have contact yet?"
The communications officer shrugged, throwing his arms into the air. "No sir, its impossible to even get their ID signatures."
Diaz pondered for a few more seconds, throwing a glance over his shoulder to the tactical display; he had to make a decision now. As he sighed and sat himself down in the command chair in the middle of the bridge he finally decided.
"Comms, red alert, all crews to battlestations until this is over...."
His words where crudely interrupted by a yell coming from the DMC operator present at this earth-orbit uplink. "Sir, ANGEL station just confirmed Vastivan orbital weaponry discharge!" Diaz signalled for the tactical display to be updated. "Where exactly?"
"Directly above the hypersoars admiral, registering energy discharges, do you want me to drop a canister from ANGEL to deal with them?" The operator’s fingers nervously hovered above the uplink console.
Diaz repositioned himself in the command chair, nodding slowly. "Yes, deal with them, time to screw them over good."
"Aye admiral, contacting ANGEL, canister away."
Angel Orbital Defence Station
A single discharge was seen from the bombardment turrets, a canister the size of a car fell down to earth slightly in the advance path of the hypersoars. As the package entered the atmosphere its heat shield flared up red, groaning under the immense heat and pressure created by the re-entry.
As the red glow slowly disappeared from the outer surface of the canister, explosive charges blew off the locking bolts to reveal twelve AARGM missiles, a small parachute unfolded from the roof as the missiles shot out of the canister one by one, their range of nearly 230 mile would be more then enough to hit the hypersoars at just a few miles distance should the Vastivans need some mopping up.
OOC: BLARGH! What next, a formal alliance with Dumpsterdam? :eek:
04-05-2005, 09:44
OoC: Marrying each other would be out of the question right? ;)
OoC: Marrying each other would be out of the question right? ;)
OOC: :eek:
*pictures Dumpsterdam in a dress* :fluffle:
04-05-2005, 09:54
OoC: Sorry for the stoned look honey, my girlfriend took this picture when I wasn't realy paying attention during a webcam session. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v662/Dumpsterdam/Foto5.jpg)
OoC: Sorry for the stoned look honey, my girlfriend took this picture when I wasn't realy paying attention during a webcam session. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v662/Dumpsterdam/Foto5.jpg)
OOCWe have just seen The REAL Dumpsterdam! :eek: :eek:
San Salvacon
04-05-2005, 14:16
OOC: BLARGH! What next, a formal alliance with Dumpsterdam? :eek:
OOC: Actually, I've been considering that. He would make a fine client for some of the toys I've been working on.
Oh, and no, its not a megatank.
04-05-2005, 15:59
OOC: I am going to try to keep all replies to one thread. All replies to everything before this post that is. I know that CS posted before Vastiva counter attacked but since V's actions are real time and CS government wouldn't have known till after the bombing, I am going to respond to Vastiva first.
IC: The Golden Dragons were too busy congratulating each other over assumed successes. Course they didn't know which of their missiles hit. They just figured they would all hit. But they did know they were targets for some people that would upset. People with better technology. They're advanced air to air and air to space radar systems detected the incoming missiles. Coming in too fast to outmanuever. They had been prepared for this in their breifing.
The pilots set the auto self destruct sequence to that would set off a huge explosion to vaporize what ever was left of the aircraft in 10 mile radius range in the event the incoming missiles were big enough to do so. Their first job in this instance was to ensure that Whittier's tech did not fall into enemy hands.
Seconds later, they were walking the fields of Elyssia. The planes and the missiles flying way too fast for ejection systems to be safe or practical. (Not at the MT level anyway.)
The 3 Dragons were replaced with 3 explosions followed 10 seconds later by 3 superheated fireballs that combined and formed a radius some 20 miles in circumference in the skies. Dumpsterdam's missiles were destroyed in the melee.
OOC: I am assuming you are shooting at Pandora's Box. There are 125 sats in that system. This would leave 90. Since you didn't specify I am going to rp that you hit the 30 that were carrying nuclear weapons and anti sat weaponry as the rest are anti nuke sats, weather sats or recon sats.
IC: In space, everything happens extremely fast. The Pandora's Box sats, as advanced as they were, could not react fast enough to counter the enemy's moves. The 5 nuclear carrying sats and 25 anti sat sats were replaced by silent explosions of blinding white light followed by expanding shock wave rings that intersected and impacted all other sattelites in earth orbit on both sides of the conflict. Though not targetted specifically, a couple of the other sats in Pandora's Box were damaged by the resulting electromagntic shockwave.
OOC: Now responding to Hogsweat.
IC: We regret that several nations have taken the actions they have. However, we also understand their reasons. At this time there is no further plans for further attacks on FC sites.
The loss of the Golden Dragons was an acceptable cost for the goal we have set. A huge memorial for the pilots is being planned and a holiday has been declared in their honor.
The goal of preventing a nuclear war, required that we had no choice but to violate FC soverignty. That the soverignty of a foreing nation was violated is something we will not deny. At this moment documents are being distributed to governments around the world showing the reasons we acted as we did.
In the process of all this, we have lost 30 of our nation's most advanced sattelites. As the sattellites targeted were offensive in origin, we will accept those losses with ingreious.
We have no forces in FC soverign territories whether it be their airspace, land, or their seas.
I will not activate our armed forces to full alert. Though another nation has declared war on our nation and others will follow. Whittier will not go to war status unless one of our fleets or our troops in allied nations come under attack. Or if any more of our sats are attacked.
As in past dealings with others nations, we offer compensation to Feline Catfish government for the loss of materials and weapons and any loss of life.
The details of such comensation will be worked out between the Feline Catfish and WHittier government's.
It my hope that other national leaders will heed my call to meet in a third party nation to discuss a peaceful resolution to this conflict. All options are up for negotiation.
Call to power
04-05-2005, 16:50
ooc: I can't wait any longer so here goes
secret airbase one
"this is master 01 all craft scatter and head towards FC defending ships"
(the skymasters flew slow so as not to compromise stealthyness but still quick enough to outrun the transport planes)
inside aircraft transport group 1, 2 and 3
ten stealth fighters flew hidden inside each of the group (of course in radio silence)
John Smith sat there fixed on the stealth fighters
"there is fighters in the group"
"no sh!t Sherlock"
in the upper atmosphere
a Naram-Sin broke from the engines that had propelled it to the upper atmosphere and hyper soured to FC defence ships
fighter group launched from airbases 1-4
this is cyclone 1 breaking route and heading to transport groups
ooc: since you can't do anything with this info I will attack
fighters begin there escort of the transports
in the transport groups
the 20 F/A-117X Nighthawks break formation and attack anti-air ships
"yeeehaaaaa scratch one"
40 B-69 SkyMaster Bombers appeared and dropped the bombs on the fleets (mainly hitting anti-air)
the Naram-Sin bomber shoots to the scene dropping its payload on everything and anything
transport planes reach there maximum altitude and go full speed to there destinations
ooc: post losses :D
Call to power
04-05-2005, 16:52
"Admiral, we're detecting large numbers of transport planes heading for Feline Catfish."
"Identification?" The Admiral snapped, looking intently at the radar screen the Lieutenant was sitting in front of.
"They bear markings of the nation 'Call to power'."
"I've never heard of them. What's their stance on the Feline Catfish situation? Commodore?" He asked, looking around to the Commodore attached to handle the political side of the operation.
"They appear to be fairly anti-Catfish. THis could very well be an invasion."
"Hmmm... it could be... it's rather odd for anyone to start a purely airborne invasion... but Feline Catfish does have fairly old AA systems, by all accounts." The Admiral mused to himself. Every second the planes were drawing closer.
"Sir, they will enter SAM range in 5 minutes. Should I give fire?" Another Lieutenant asked, looking round from his station. The Admiral was weiging up his options. His career depended on this. If he fired and it went badly, it would be the end of his career. If he failed to fire and Feline Catfish was annexed by Call to power, the situation would be the same.
"Order the fleet to standby."
"Yes sir."
"Inform the planes that if they enter Feline Catfish sovereign waters we will give fire."
"Sir?" Protested the Commodore.
"Do it. Have the entire fleet ready their SAM systems to engage."
"Yes sir."
[OOC: Just read your post. Have this apply when they're actually approaching FC.]
ooc: :mad:
04-05-2005, 17:04
The supercarrier's powerful radars managed to pick up the incoming enemy planes and alerted the fighters in the air and the AA cruisers on the high seas.
"We got contacts, bearing 150, heading in fast!"
SAMs lit off and aimed towards the enemy aircraft while the fighters were vectored in to attack the enemy transports. Missiles streaked from the fighters and lanced out towards them, the pilots hoping they'd hit something.
Meanwhile, the cruiser Anastasia was attacked by the incoming bombs. She blew up, but didn't sink, several guns were missing and the bridge was damaged. Another bomb finished her off, horrifying the rest of the fleet as they vowed to avenge their fallen comrades. Seahawk helicopters lifted off to search for survivors, but it is clear now...War has begun!
Call to power
04-05-2005, 17:21
The supercarrier's powerful radars managed to pick up the incoming enemy planes and alerted the fighters in the air and the AA cruisers on the high seas.
"We got contacts, bearing 150, heading in fast!"
SAMs lit off and aimed towards the enemy aircraft while the fighters were vectored in to attack the enemy transports. Missiles streaked from the fighters and lanced out towards them, the pilots hoping they'd hit something.
Meanwhile, the cruiser Anastasia was attacked by the incoming bombs. She blew up, but didn't sink, several guns were missing and the bridge was damaged. Another bomb finished her off, horrifying the rest of the fleet as they vowed to avenge their fallen comrades. Seahawk helicopters lifted off to search for survivors, but it is clear now...War has begun!
ooc: wtf? have you been reading the posts?
04-05-2005, 17:26
ooc: wtf? have you been reading the posts?
OOC: You happened to attack me. Now respond to my counterattack or else. Besides, I don't care how stealthy your planes are, we can see where the missiles and bombs are coming from, extrapolate where you guys are, then shoot there.
Call to power
04-05-2005, 17:28
OOC: You happened to attack me. Now respond to my counterattack or else. Besides, I don't care how stealthy your planes are, we can see where the missiles and bombs are coming from, extrapolate where you guys are, then shoot there.
ooc: I meant how did you know it was me?
also the nara-sin would probly take out all navys posted
04-05-2005, 17:32
ooc: I meant how did you know it was me?
OOC: We have been tracking you for a while.
also the nara-sin would probly take out all navys posted
OOC: Evidently, you didn't destroy much more than a cruiser. Time for it to die.
A laser satellite has detected the so-called nara-sin bomber and began to fire a deadly spear of red light towards the high-altitude bomber...
04-05-2005, 18:13
OOC - lets assuming your attacking me, as FC doesnt have a navy. YHou did say defending fleets.
Admiral Colson turned his head slightly to the right to face the comms ensign and the detection ensign.
"What is it Comrade Ensign?"
"Enemy airplanes on approach, Call to Power markings.. wait, we're receiving something --'"
The ensign patched through the comm transmit through from HCNB Portsmouth,
"BGZZZGKKGAKGAKG HMS Diamond, we are taking fire from enemy missiles, port breached, water flooding in, VLS detonati- BAZZZZZZKGOW!"
Colson was stunned. he dashed to look out the window, and as he saw the CIWS opening fire, the Diamond was smoking horribly and on fire.. Colson clenched his fists as he saw a missile smack into the Diamond and the superstructure exploded. However, Colson's face lit up when he saw the Anti Air Picket opening fire. quick launch VLS fired salvo after salvo of four pattern Aster 15 missiles, the most spectacular thing COlson had seen his career. At diving range the Aster 15s were sure not to miss, and because of the spectacular firehold of the Type 23 Daring's, [my own] There was approximately twenty missiles per each of the F117s. There would be no mistake in accuracy - they would all die. But Colson wondered - was it worh the deaths of the crew and the sinking of the ships from HMS Diamond, HMS Destroyer and HMS Dancer. as the damage reports came in, Colson got more angry and more saddened by the loss of life;
over 390 crewmen dead -a lot considering each destroyer had a complement of 150. Three extremely expensive destroyers.
"My god.. ensign, inform the Omzians and the Praetonians. Send out a distress signal: FAROH Fleet Under Attack, SOS, repeat, SOS. Enemy aircraft.."
The ensign was still staring into space.
"Well! What are you waiting for?" After youve done that patch me a line through to the whole fleet."
Having received orders, six of the destroyer anti air picket primed anti air missiles. Forget the Aster 15 and 30s - the AAW DDs loaded the longer range Aster90 series of missiles, designed to hit bombers and transports.
Locking onto targets, the highest travelling planes, the Aster 90s launched. In a series of launches, crew ran for cover on the open decks of the warm sun as the huge whoooooshes made tremendous smoke.
OOC - nothing can kill three navies..
04-05-2005, 18:28
Onboard the Republican Carrier Avenger
Flashes of light had lit up all over the huge clear perspex board that dominated the Command Room of the Avenger's bridge as the Call to Power aircraft that the Republican fleet had been tracking for the past few hours launched a volley of missiles at the Hogsweatian fleet and CoreWorld vessels.
Immediately the entire Republican fleet went to high alert and its Air Defense Network went into operation, actively scanning the airspace surrounding the fleet to ensure that there would be no suprise missile strikes upon any of the Republican vessels in the waters. As the ADN went active, the first flight of F/A 18 Fighters onboard the Avenger were launched from the powerful catapults on the deck of the Carrier. Twelve of the powerful fighters were launched and were vectored in towards the Call of Duty Aircraft.
Onboard the leading F/A 18, the pilot flicked a switch and opened a radio channel to Admiral Rocker. The Admiral's rough tone filled the cockpit. 'Commander, it looks like this may well be it. Those aircraft have hit the Allied fleet with a strike, and we're about to give them some payback. Find those aircraft, if there are any left, and engage with extreme prejudice. We'll get you some back-up as soon as the next flight is launched in about three minutes. Rocker out.'
The flight of F/A 18's moved quickly towards the enemy aircraft and soon had them in air-to-air missile range, and launched a dozen AMRAAMs...
Copiosa Scotia
04-05-2005, 18:42
"Sir, orders have just come through from Coburn!" executive officer Joseph Malinski shouted to Admiral Pierce. "We're instructed to attempt to divert any transport aircraft belonging to nations hostile to Feline Catfish. Should they refuse to change course, we have permission to engage."
Pierce suppressed a groan. Why couldn't these orders have been issued just half an hour earlier? The Scotian government was way ahead of the more cumbersome, bloated and bureaucratic governments in most countries when it came to getting things done quickly, but to a military man like Pierce they still left much to be desired in that department.
"Scramble all twenty JSFs, and instruct the Defender and Guardian crews to try and get firing solutions on those transports," Pierce ordered. "Don't bother attempting to communicate with them, they're already past us and there's not much hope of changing their minds now. Shoot them down."
Feline Catfish
04-05-2005, 18:43
Several Whittier- missiles shot from the sky, blowing up a small bicycle, three postboxes and a large dog. Sadly the Whittier- bomber forces may have the latest technology, but they werent all that smart.
ooc: Before you all accuse me of godmodding, I would like to say this: I am perfectly happy to take casualties from well RPed attacks. At the end of the day, if it comes to it and I launch Mockingbirds at someone's fleet and they then choose to nuke me in return, I will accept that my nation is dead. On the other hand, if someone is just going to assume they can write up an entire attack in 1 post and post damages for me, then I'm really not interested. I apologise "Whittier-" for not being a 2003 nation (I notice you aren't either, but that's besides the point...), but I'm interested in an intelligent, well written RP, not a "kill the n00b" thread.
I hope that explains it.
04-05-2005, 19:00
OoC: Mess with the best CTP, die with the rest.
Bright red warning lights flashed on the bridge of the Titan as incoming missiles where detected. Admiral Diaz entered the bridge in a hurry, missing his pants, shirt and quite frankly, his underwear too. "Whats going on?!"
"VIPERS inbound sir, SPYSAT just picked them up, CIWS is opening fire, Weapons is tracking the VIPERS as we speak, returning fire in two, one."
The Titan rocked in the water as its turrets opened fire, its port VLS batteries where ablaze with missile launches, mainly Javelin SAM's.
"All twenty-eight 25' guns firing cycle complete sir, reloading, 309 Javelin's inbound for VIPERS sir." Diaz nodded, a very good return fire for the Titan if you figured out the 500 or so missiles and scores of anti aircraft fired by its escorts and patroling aircraft wings.
"CIWS?" Diaz asked, hopefull about his losses.
"No losses sir, two frigattes damaged, one heavily, but our CIWS and AMM systems worked perfectly." The officer exclaimed, smiling from ear to ear.
"Very well, notify Hogsweatian and Praetorian fleets, we've just been attacked."
Calling all FC allied naval fleets and units, this is the Royal Navy Dreadnought; Titan, we've just been attacked by unknown aircraft.
Casualties extremely low, can assist other fleets if required.
Admiral Marcus Diaz.
04-05-2005, 19:01
OOC - ROFLMAOLOL good one FC, hopefully that will bring Whittier's ego down. I fully agree with you there.
The Isle of Skye
04-05-2005, 19:05
"Attention Call to Power invasion force, this is Prince-Admiral Uilleam McNamara. You sasenatch interrupted a lovely dinner, so now, I'm going to have to ask that all of your aircraft surrender immediately, or be shot down."
Six Stealth Ships in the area, brought to aid the IOS fleet, launched their compliments of unmanned, stealth CAVs. because doing so would recquire them to open their doors, their stealth signatures would change momentarily, and slightly. Advanced radar devices should be able to get a general idea, that those weren't just waves out there. The high-speed vessels then moved away quickly, having re-engaged stealth. And while this did make them invisible, again, to radar, a traditional recon plane might be able to spot them.
72 UF-51 "Equis" Stealth Equipped Anti-Aircraft Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles now move towards the invasion fleet.
04-05-2005, 19:21
HOGSWEAT BOMBS CALL TO POWER (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=8811146#post8811146)
Roman Republic
04-05-2005, 20:36
To: The leadership of Feline Catfish
From: The Roman Pentagon
We are here to help you. Forget about the enemy. They are bluffing. I will help you defeat the enemy with nuclear weapons the Romans have to offer. I'll send 1000 Peacekeeper Nukes, 100,000 Tomahawk with a Nuclear Warhead, and 1 ton of Chemical weapons.
A Sea Knight takes off from the Highland and flys towards the Call to Power fleet.The Poliot delivers a meessege: " Attention Call to Power, You are ordered to withdraw, repaet you are ordered to withdraw. if you do not withdraw, cease fire, and sit down to negoatiate the Findanian fleet sahll open fire upon you. The Corelian Admrial was negoatiating with Island of Skye, Preatotria, Vastivia, and Findan during the time your attack began. We promised protection and if you do not withdraw we do plan to follow up on our promise." The helicopter flew back.
04-05-2005, 20:56
OOC: Orbital platforms are MT? Hmm didn’t know that.
RR you need a desperate use of spell-check, also if you want germ warfare to kill EVERYONE then send chemical weapons.
The young intelligence officer was trying to make an understanding of the information coming in at almost a new message every two minutes. The blood drained from his face when he saw the newest message from the intelligence gathered. He ran to the NSA Alex Trevolsky, a man of 42.
"Sir there’s a huge problem; exchanges of war have been traded between allies and enemies of FC"
"Holy shit" replied the NSA "this is going to the top, let me know any new updates"
The NSA barged into the president’s office
"Mr. President, there’s been shots fired between sides on the FC conflict, this could be the big one"
"Holy god, has there been any nuclear missiles fired off?"
"No sir, bombs were dropped on FC by a nation called Whittier. This was the spark as all allies of FC will retaliate."
"Goddamn it" The president paused "Shit.....so....what next?"
"Well sir it seems a few nations have started attacks on the protecting fleets. We don’t have the full extent of who is attacking who yet, and this could either be a small bump or the start of WWIII.”
“Jesus Christ” he paused “this is bullshit we can’t allow this”
“Well I have been reviewing a lot of Intel lately ((OOC: ive been reading all the threads on this)) and FC hasn’t done anything wrong. They’re not near anything important or insanely close to other nations so ive decided to just let ‘em have the borders without complaining. And as far as im concerned everyone got nukes and it’s not a big deal until someone uses them.
“Sir?” replied the NSA “what’s our next step?”
“Get all armed forces on high alert and I will send a message”
The NSA nodded and left.
+++Official response+++
The nation of HailandKill is ultimately disappointed at all attacking nations for starting official war in this conflict. We have, in the past, declared many stances towards this conflict and apologize as necessary if we have offended anyone due to lack of intelligence. Our new policy is as follows: IF there is a ground war on FC soil we would like to assist in helping FC defends their homeland. The water claims are non-offensive to us and we feel, since they are not near anyone or shipping routes they should be left alone. Everyone has nukes, and if you want FC to give them up, give up yours. This is out of hand.
Until final judgment, we stand against the anti-FC coalition
Thank you and good day.
Greater Valia
04-05-2005, 21:00
OOC: Orbital platforms are MT? Hmm didn’t know that.
RR you need a desperate use of spell-check, also if you want germ warfare to kill EVERYONE then send chemical weapons.
Yes, someone published a link to a story in general that the US had been funding a ortillery program for quite some time. It didnt state however how far along it had gotten.
Call to power
04-05-2005, 21:32
ooc: just so you know I am very annoyed that my nara sin didn't do anything sounds a bit godmoddish
losses (as much as I can make out)
10 F/A-117X Nighthawks
In the transport group
"sh!t here we go" the transports dropped all the troops group one near the capital group two near the crucial railways that maintained the nukes and group three (concadors) also near the capital
the sky was black with Para shoots
at call to power missile command
"phase one confirmed commencing phase two" said the computer in a haunting voice
"firing archer missiles 1-10 at enemy carriers
firing napalm archer missiles 1-5 at possible airstrips in FC territory"
EDiT: Message to Feline Catfish HQ
surrender we are in your lands now we will be lenient if you surrender
are forces are sweeping the lands you have seen what has happened to the fleets
04-05-2005, 21:42
Republican Carrier Avenger
Throughout the Republican fleet sirens screamed and the Air Defense Network went into overtime as it tracked several large missiles that had been launched against the Avenger. The CIWS and Patriot Missile Batteries that were arranged throughout the fleet tracked the missiles and when the missiles came into range they opened fire with a crushing volley of CIWS Depleted-Uranium Rounds and Patriot Missiles.
One of the missiles was hit directly on the warhead by a Depleted-Uranium Round and blew up on contact, however the second missile was only knocked off course by the detonation of the first and hit the Republican Destroyer O'Brien. The missile detonated just under the waterline of the Destroyer, and the funneled energy of the blast actually lifted the hull of the boat upwards and outwards for a few seconds, cracking the hull in several places. At the same time, ammunition stored near the blast-centre detonated in a fiery-ball that consumed most of the O'Brien and killed the majority of the crew before breaking the ship in half and sinking it. There were very few survivors, mostly those who had been lifted off of the deck by the first blast from the missile.
Onboard the Avenger, the blast of the missile detonation was felt by all onboard, and as the sinking of the Destroyer was registered, Admiral Rocker flew into a rage at the death of so many innocent sailors. At his command, the twelve F/A 18s heading towards the transports were joined by every fighter that could be scrambled, and within minutes over fourty fighters were headed towards the transports. At the same time, Ten Tomahawk Missiles were launched towards the enemy troops landing in Feline Catfish.
Mini Miehm
04-05-2005, 21:46
OoC: Sorry for the stoned look honey, my girlfriend took this picture when I wasn't realy paying attention during a webcam session. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v662/Dumpsterdam/Foto5.jpg)
OOC: My God, I think I've actually met you, either that or you bear an eerie resemblence to my best friend from fifth grade.
Call to power
04-05-2005, 21:47
ooc: tomahawks would not be advised as this is a paradrop thus everyone would be spread out
fighter escorts break off and engage fighters then quickly return
0 (due to F-27 Haste Stealth Fighters and F-31X Cyclone Interceptors being out of F-18 missiles range)
04-05-2005, 21:48
ooc: just so you know I am very annoyed that my nara sin didn't do anything sounds a bit godmoddish
losses (as much as I can make out)
10 F/A-117X Nighthawks
In the transport group
"sh!t here we go" the transports dropped all the troops group one near the capital group two near the crucial railways that maintained the nukes and group three (concadors) also near the capital
the sky was black with Para shoots
at call to power missile command
"phase one confirmed commencing phase two" said the computer in a haunting voice
"firing archer missiles 1-10 at enemy carriers
firing napalm archer missiles 1-5 at possible airstrips in FC territory"
Fighters continued to launch missiles at the transports while Super Hornets forced their escorts to engage in deadly dances of dogfight duels with them.
"Admiral, we have possible enemy troop deployment coming out of the transports!" One of the fighters reported as he flew over some parachutes.
"Very well, thank you." The admiral grimaced. This isn't good...
"Order the Marines to intercept with their choppers!" The Admiral ordered. "The fighters have permission to shoot the enemy soldiers out of the sky if they can!"
"Yes sir!"
Lt. Commander Henry Boggart sighed as he recieved the orders to kill the men streaming out of the transports over the FC mainland. Firing Vulcan 20mm cannons at them to turn them into red sprays of chopped meat...he won't be feeling good in the morning. But he had a job to do, so he took his F/A-18D and lined up with the parachutes and touched the trigger, spitting a couple of bullets at them per man...
In the meantime, the Marine Corps have launched their Blackhawks and Apache helicopters towards the FC mainland to help them intercept and destroy the invasion force...
Mini Miehm
04-05-2005, 21:48
OoC: *grin*
Come on guys, haven't forgotten about me have you? Come on, try to do the same thing to me as you try to do to FC.
Ok, I'll mobilise my slivers, the whole hive, all 30 million of them(they make up most of my population).
Call to power
04-05-2005, 21:48
OOC: My God, I think I've actually met you, either that or you bear an eerie resemblence to my best friend from fifth grade.
ooc: I think I know you aswell where abouts do you live? e.g. london
Call to power
04-05-2005, 21:53
in the country
troops quickly land and begin return fire with there Tow and stinger missiles the spread out into teams before regrouping a few miles ahead in the forests
in the city
troops quickly land and begin return fire with there Tow and stinger missiles
they then head to the capital and begin a slow street to street battle to feline catfish HQ
ooc: losses
04-05-2005, 21:53
Republican TaskForce
Having failing to engage the enemy fighters and taken five losses from air-to-air missiles, the F/A 18s returned to the Carrier to be replaced by F-22 Raptors and A-10 Warthog Fighter-Bombers, as well as a number of Intruder Fighter-Bombers from the Avenger. The entire AirGroup flew low over Feline Catfish and released their ordanance over the enemy troops that had just landed in the nation.
Meanwhile, the first Blackhawk and Apache Helicopters carrying the First Marine Infantry Battalion were launched of of the deck of the Avenger towards Feline Catfish to engage the enemy forces that had landed and were at this moment fighting Allied troops in the country. As the first Blackhawks skimmed at tree-top height and weer escorted by the ferocious Apache Gunships, Marines checked their rifles and gear and prepared to land and fight...
Call to power
04-05-2005, 21:53
OOC: waiting for concadors move
Mini Miehm
04-05-2005, 22:01
That is like stating that a mediocre teacher who has been in the business for 4 years is somehow better than an excellent one who just joined the business and has been teaching for one. Your sarcastic vibe means nothing, and was ignorant. If you want to know, I do believe I am a better roleplayer than you when you put forth such unreasonable restraints on the formation of the roleplay. However, that's quite irrelevant.
Top American technology has been brought down by the Iraqis. Simply becaues he does not have 'super-duper' uber technology means absolutely nothing. You don't even know if the coalition forces defending him do-- you've admitted that much. For all you know, they secretly smuggled and gave new, high-tech anti-aircraft defense systems into Feline Catfish. You DON'T KNOW. Nor can you know all the technology your enemies have. That's like saying the United States knew the entire technological armament of the Soviet Union in the Cold war. They didn't. You cannot, as a good roleplayer, assume such things. It's GODMODING, plain and simple. Saying that the technology cannot exist is also godmoding.
As for them having the matter of time to launch the missiles that fast... again, if you've developed a plane that can effectively bomb at mach 7, there's no reason to doubt such super-hyper anti-aircraft processes do not exist. That's called 'illogical.' They certainly wouldn't be manned by men.
It matters not if it was a sneak attack. I sneak twenty conventional explosives into your country. In fact, they were actually created within the country by men from your own military bribed to do my bidding. My men set them off. Oh, wait! You're a super advanced nation! Guess what, so is the United States, and they're not invulnerable to such atrocities. Please post me your losses. You can't assume you have none. Also, account for these losses. Your economy is shocked due to this. They were all detonated in major citizen facilities, by the way. That is as unreasonable as you are being right now. You can not dictate losses to the enemy, nor force them to dictate any. This type of roleplaying exhibited by NS is only achieved through intellectual compromise aimed to result in fun for both sides.
As for you RPing all the missiles being destroyed, at least you're offering to back out of that 'historical action' your country took. It shows that you indeed know that your action of stating that you hit targets was unfair as the other side had not been able to respond with their own 'sneak attack' of technology or other such things. I agree, you SHOULD blow things up. But you cannot SAY you even hit things without the other side responding in kind.
Your report was not a news report. You were describing the fighters taking off, the missiles homing in, and targets being hit. That was for the pure information of Feline Catfish, not 'possibly flawed news.' You had another post for that. Your news report is an entirely different matter. You can have your government say it blew 935924892849284928492849284928492849248 things up. You can have your government broadcast that the war has already been won! King George lies dead! So long as you MAKE it a news broadcast by your government that does not have any affect on your true winnings. Otherwise, you have to obviously communicate with the other player to roleplay, which was what the post I am discussing was created for, and your message of hitting targets was not some 'news report.' Don't try to cover it up as one.
At least you're backing down and stating that Feline now has the proper authority to tell you whether the missiles were destroyed before hitting the targets or not. If he says they were all destroyed, you've every right to argue against it, and you've logic on your side. Until then, you simply can't definitively know what your missiles have done.
OOC: I gotta say that his planes would be pretty much immune to FC's AA fire, at mach 7 he would be moving faster than the bullets that were fired at him(or the missiles, or anything that wasn't another fighter or coherent light) and would theoretically be going so fast as to drive any RADAR in the area insane, since they'd be getting returns much faster than they could process them. Just my 2 cents, ignore it if you like.
04-05-2005, 22:03
Ricconiaan transport ships and fighter aircraft soar through the sky. The Hercules transport planes are dropping the 2nd Special-Forces Rangers Brigade. Aboard the transport ships are the 1st Special-Forces Rangers Division, along with the 5th "Tank Hunters" and 3rd Marine Infantry Division. 2 of Ricconiaa's tank divisions are on board. The ships are facing heavy artillery and gunfire. But, since these brave men are accompanied by so many otehr nations, they are not afraid to fight. Heavy Riconiaan air support and Blackhawks and Apache Gunships buzz and circle the ships. All forces soon see a large formation of VF-12 "Gull" aircraft (50x) soaring at around 400 feet towards the direction of the beaches.
All forces aboard transport ships and transport aircraft check their weapons, pray to god for their survival. The battle is just about to begin.
Mini Miehm
04-05-2005, 22:03
ooc: I think I know you aswell where abouts do you live? e.g. london
OOC: uh, nope, unless you used to live in Virginia in the US and your name is theodore o'connel, he moved away when I was in 6th grade and I never found out where he moved to. I live near manassas Virginia. You look alot like I think he would now, I haven't seen him since the summer before sixth grade, since he moved in september(I think).
04-05-2005, 22:10
in the country
troops quickly land and begin return fire with there Tow and stinger missiles the spread out into teams before regrouping a few miles ahead in the forests
in the city
troops quickly land and begin return fire with there Tow and stinger missiles
they then head to the capital and begin a slow street to street battle to feline catfish HQ
ooc: losses
Three fighters were lost to the stingers, but were soon replaced by the helicopter forces and Harrier jets launching from the Honor and Truth, two of the four Carriers with the Yosho carrying air-to-ground munitions. The Blackhawks soon crossed the coastline and aimed for the capital to intercept the enemy, dropping members of the 1st Battalion of the 2nd Marine Corps to cut off the enemy troops from Feline Catfish's HQ.
I think we should slow down and wait for FC to post.
Call to power
04-05-2005, 22:12
I think we should slow down and wait for FC to post.
ooc: not waiting for FC waiting for concador (sinse I did just thave to para drop his troops)
04-05-2005, 22:16
I think I will wait too. After all, after hearing the attack was beginning all transport aircraft, fighters, transport and landing craft had to be launched 75nm away pretty quickly; so I will wait while our Riconiaan Naval Fleet catches up.
Mini Miehm
04-05-2005, 22:18
OOC: uh, nope, unless you used to live in Virginia in the US and your name is theodore o'connel, he moved away when I was in 6th grade and I never found out where he moved to. I live near manassas Virginia. You look alot like I think he would now, I haven't seen him since the summer before sixth grade, since he moved in september(I think).
oopsie, I thought the last quote was by dumpsterdam, either way the location stuff still applies.
President Shrew, busy fighting zombies, has no opinion on the current situation, though he would probably be pretty pissed at how the situation has escalated for near absolutely no reason, but as long as the battle has started, our fleets will move into position.
The 2nd Laskonian fleet, which has been moving towards Feline Catfish to watch over the situation (check a few pages ago...) was now only 40 miles off the coast.
Admiral Horace Corsair stood on the bridge of the CVN-21 aircraft carrier, Cardigon. The medium sized fleet spread out behind the flagship, the forty F-16s and Harrier IIs spread out on deck.
"Sir? Message from General Kaye at Port Hughes, they can't contact the President now, but he says to engage enemy ships at our will, as long as it is to help the colation, but we are not to infiltrate Feline Catfish unless given further orders..."
"I understand, soldier, get back to your station."
The Admiral now looked out at the battle raging over Feline Catfish and around it, missles being fired into the air, ships firing at oneanother...
"Admiral, our orders?"
Corsair snapped out of the trance, he turned to the communications officer.
"Get the Call to Power flagship on the line, ask them where they need our support."
"Aye, aye, sir!"
2nd Laskonian fleet:
1 CVN-21 aircraft carrier (w/40 assorted F-16s and Harrier IIs aboard)
4 Battlecruisers
5 Porter class destroyers
2 Ticonderoga Missile Cruisers
2 SSN-21 Seawolf class submarines
04-05-2005, 22:37
IC: In their hurry, the Riconiaan forces made a big mistake: They had landed on one of the most defended beaches in the area. But with the air support, they were able to set up a beachhead to unload in 6 hours while sustaining considerable casualties. In the Riconiiaan naval fleet, on board the ASRS Caljuna , the final regiment from the 2nd Special-Forces Ranger Brigade cram into Blackhawks and Chinooks and in 2 hours fast rope into the seaside capital of FC to help other friendly forces in the area. Pinned down literly on their arrival, progress to FC's HQ are slow, but FC forces soon start to thin as they encounter more and more attacks from other coalition nations.
The Rangers, who have separated into several platoons, two of them, are known to be pinned down in isolated areas of the city, but are slowly making their way to the rest of the regiment. Fighting has been intense all over thecountry of FC. Patriotic citizens take up arms and fight alongside their army.
The Rangers hear worse news that they enemy has laid out a long minefield close to the city. The tank and infantry forces will not be able to reach and help their country's Rangers in the city. As night falls, it is extremely emotional as the Rangers huddle around the severly wounded who are dieing, while gunfire and cannons can be heard at alternating distances. Medivacs are not possible because of the high amount of anti-air and evacuating soldiers in a city is nearly impossible. The Rangers already lost a Chinook, and have garrisoned buildings overlooking the crash site.
OOC: The stranded Riconiaan Rangers are experiencing a situation similar to that of the movie, Black Hawk Down. Also, may I suggest that we make the fight to invade FC long and difficult, as this makes a much better RP.
04-05-2005, 22:42
IC: Past midnight, the Riconiaan fleet has arrived off the coast of where the Riconiaan Tanks and Infantry forces set up a beachhead. Artillery support and missle bombardment are now availible to our forces who have established the beachhead. The forces on the beachhead so far, have sustained heavy casualties. 1st Special Forces Rangers Division: 334 killed, 201 wounded, Tank divisions: 304 tanks destroyed, some others are damaged, 3rd "Tank Hunters" arrived last on Beachhead, minimum casualties: 12, 2 wounded, 1st and 2nd Marine Infantry Division: 667 dead, 76 wounded.
In the meantime, Riconiaan forces must regroup after the fierce attack. All of the men who attacked the beach have been exhausted and must rest. Many tents and small buildings are being prepared to take care of the wounded. The forces have set camp for the night.
Meanwhile, several nm away from the beaches in FC's capital city....
0300 hours: Exhausted Rangers fight in a fierce fire-fight that has reached their area. All of the Rangers have arrived at the Chinook crash site (where all of the Rangers are). The Rangers have sustained casualties.
They lost 47 Rangers with more wounded and few severly wounded but patched up and looked after.
Copiosa Scotia
04-05-2005, 23:04
The first reports of Call to Power troop landings were now coming in, and Pierce signalled the fighters to update their orders. "Flights one through four, break off pursuit of the transports. They've got no more combat value, so they can go home. Finish off the CtP fighters. Flight five, return to the escort group and screen us in case of counterattack."
Pierce switched off the comm and turned, barking orders to his bridge crew. "Flight ops, I want the F/A-18s and the choppers prepped for takeoff. Ground attack packages on the Hornets. Fleet ops, have the Guardians and Defenders stop looking for transports and start looking out for incoming missiles. Communications, send the following message to King George."
I've been given orders to prevent your country from being
invaded. If you want my assistance, I can deploy one Marine battalion
(1,873 men) in aid in the defense of your capital, and can release 10
F/A-18 Hornets to hit enemy troop positions in your country.
Admiral Aaron Pierce
6th Free Provinces Fleet
Pierce knew what he was doing was technically beyond the limits of his authority, but he was certain that the Speaker would excuse him once he found out what had happened. If not, he'd accept whatever punishment he was given. But now was not the time to think about that.
04-05-2005, 23:20
OoC: Uhm, no, I live in the Netherlands...
By the way; if you need a map to find it, your a true American...
04-05-2005, 23:59
President Shrew, busy fighting zombies, has no opinion on the current situation, though he would probably be pretty pissed at how the situation has escalated for near absolutely no reason, but as long as the battle has started, our fleets will move into position.
The 2nd Laskonian fleet, which has been moving towards Feline Catfish to watch over the situation (check a few pages ago...) was now only 40 miles off the coast.
Admiral Horace Corsair stood on the bridge of the CVN-21 aircraft carrier, Cardigon. The medium sized fleet spread out behind the flagship, the forty F-16s and Harrier IIs spread out on deck.
"Sir? Message from General Kaye at Port Hughes, they can't contact the President now, but he says to engage enemy ships at our will, as long as it is to help the colation, but we are not to infiltrate Feline Catfish unless given further orders..."
"I understand, soldier, get back to your station."
The Admiral now looked out at the battle raging over Feline Catfish and around it, missles being fired into the air, ships firing at oneanother...
"Admiral, our orders?"
Corsair snapped out of the trance, he turned to the communications officer.
"Get the Call to Power flagship on the line, ask them where they need our support."
"Aye, aye, sir!"
2nd Laskonian fleet:
1 CVN-21 aircraft carrier (w/40 assorted F-16s and Harrier IIs aboard)
4 Battlecruisers
5 Porter class destroyers
2 Ticonderoga Missile Cruisers
2 SSN-21 Seawolf class submarines
"Sir, I'm getting radar contacts. Enemy ships on the horizon!"
"Now things get interesting. Do we have a firing solution for the Harpoons or torpedoes?"
"Some of the fleet is getting solutions for the Harpoons and the Swordmaster is reporting a solution with the new Sea Tomahawks the Navy's R&D Division just sent her. I think it's a good time to use them."
"Sea Tomahawks? Interesting." The Admiral smiled. "Have the Swordmaster target their carrier. The rest of the fleet will be assaulted with the Harpoons."
"Aye, sir."
The battleship Swordmaster, proud and valiant on the high seas, has begun preparing the powerful new missiles. Firing solutions were calculated...and then, they launched. Three missiles were launched, one a decoy, the other two the real deals. They were followed by a couple dozen Harpoon antiship missiles from the AEGIS cruisers and a submarine as well as the rest of the fleet. Now the Admiral would see if this first strike would work...
At less than 40 miles away, the missles were seen on the radar long before they struck.
"What is it, coporal?"
"Torpedoes heading towards us, sir, three seem to be heading towards us, the others are breaking off towards the rest of the fleet!"
"Get the Seawolfs to fire decoys back! Get all anti torpedoe weapons in the water, depth charges, anything!"
"Aye, sir!"
The battlecruisers and carrier fired off several dozen depth charges into the water in front of them, the Seawolf subs fired off four torpedoes each, sent to intercept the harpoons.
"Sir, one of the torpedoes got through!"
A crash struck the carrier, sending the crew reeling.
"I want a damage report!" The admiral roared.
"Sir, damage to the port side, but its being patched up as fast as they can move."
"Move some men down there, and make it faster."
"Aye, sir."
Several of the harpoons got through the depth charges, one destroyer sacrificed itself by getting in the way of many of them, it took tons of damage to its starboard and the crew began to evacuate.
"Those bastards, we hadn't even done anything yet! Get the missle cruisers to send their heaviest payload towards their ships, fire at will!"
"Aye, sir!"
The two missle frigates began to fire off their payloads towards the enemy ships, the Laskonian fleet was less than 20 miles away now.
"Corporal, are we in range for the battlecruisers, yet?"
"Not for a while sir."
"Fine, but once we are in range, have them all immediately fire at the Coreworlds fleet."
"Right away, sir."
The battleships and destroyers all moved their cannons into position to attack when needed.
"Ready the fighters, I want them airborne in 10 minutes."
The pilots began to scramble for the fighters whilst the fleet got closer to the island nation.
Mini Miehm
05-05-2005, 01:11
OoC: Uhm, no, I live in the Netherlands...
By the way; if you need a map to find it, your a true American...
OOC: I resent the hell out of that you high and mighty european bum!!! Anyway in all seriousness, sprechen sie deutsche? (I wann see how much laughter this gets)
Du sprectst die Deutsche? Das ist gut!
the Hatarian fleet soon sent it's Fighters up to help in the fight against The Invaders. The Planes were armed with AR-78 Fialiayu Anti Air craft Missiles. The Planes were now going to end this War by destroying the Invasion force of the enemy.
05-05-2005, 01:25
OOC: Uh, these are all missiles, not torpedoes heading towards your carrier and other ships. You just gave away your sub position!
CSS Saberslasher
"Sir, we have torpedoes in the water, bearing mark 110!"
"Aiming for us?"
"No, sir, they're after the destroyers."
"Very well, load tubes one through four! Firing solutions?"
"Got 'em, Captain!"
"Torpedoes loaded!"
"Ready and shoot tubes one and two!"
"Torpedo 1 launched, torpedo 2 launched! Torpedoes running hot, straight and normal!"
"Get ready to launch 3 and 4!"
A second submarine has also chosen its target and launched a couple of supercaviating torpedoes. They sped faster than the normal torpedoes for their target...
Meanwhile, two destroyers were hit by the enemy torpedoes and a third one dodged to escape harm. Countermissiles struck one of the battleships, but only damaged it near the stern.
"They're getting closer, sir."
"In range of the battleship cannons?"
"Yes, sir. Outer range."
"Very well. Battleships may fire at will. Launch another wing of Super Tomcats!"
As the 16" cannons spoke their mind against the enemy fleet at long range, another 3 squadrons of F-14s were being launched. The battle is surely in force now!
Right-o, so basically everything is reversed...
20 F-16s streaked into the air, broke into formation, and engaged the Coreworld F-14s.
"Godspeed, pilots, distract them as long as you can."
Targetting ridicules came up onto the F-16s cockpits as they prepared to fire the first volley of missles.
"Admiral, sir, they're firing their forward cannons at us!"
"Fall back to the rear of the fleet, let the battlecruisers take over."
"Aye sir, falling back."
The four battlecruisers began to fire their powerful main cannons at the enemy fleet, though one's stern cannons were demolished by enemy gun fire.
The destroyeres spread out around them, offering fire support, hitting areas that the heavier cannons on the battlecruisers missed. The missle frigates continued firing, though their reserves were getting low.
The Akula subs barely dodged most of the torpedoes where they had been hiding under the cruisers, they returned fire and continued head towards the enemy ships, two torpedoes rammed into one of the subs, sending it spiraling towards the bottom, it fired one last torpedoe off before crashing into the ocean floor and being demolished by a third torpedo.
"Sir, what about the harriers?"
"Get them up into the air, but go around the Coreworld fleet. I want them to bomb any of Feline Catfishes allies military bases on the mainland. If they are engaged, they can take care of themselves."
"Aye, sir."
Fifteen of the twenty harrier IIs flew off of the massive aircraft carrier, heading around the battle now raging between Laskon and Coreworlds.
"Keep up that suppressing fire, cruisers! Get ready to have the CIWS shoot down any planes that get to close to us! And weren't there four torpedoes fired, corporal?"
"It looks like it missed its target and just kept going, sir."
"Good. Tell the remaining sub to fall back and ready its payload..."
05-05-2005, 01:49
Several Whittier- missiles shot from the sky, blowing up a small bicycle, three postboxes and a large dog. Sadly the Whittier- bomber forces may have the latest technology, but they werent all that smart.
ooc: Before you all accuse me of godmodding, I would like to say this: I am perfectly happy to take casualties from well RPed attacks. At the end of the day, if it comes to it and I launch Mockingbirds at someone's fleet and they then choose to nuke me in return, I will accept that my nation is dead. On the other hand, if someone is just going to assume they can write up an entire attack in 1 post and post damages for me, then I'm really not interested. I apologise "Whittier-" for not being a 2003 nation (I notice you aren't either, but that's besides the point...), but I'm interested in an intelligent, well written RP, not a "kill the n00b" thread.
I hope that explains it.
1. I am actually a December 2003 nation that was deated for obvious ooc political reasons.
2. The mistaken post was changed. I think the way you are reacting is pretty childish. But if that's the way you are going to be, then none of my stuff was shot down cause none of it was ever launched at your nation. If you get my drift.
Consider Whittier's involvement to be nonexistent cause you wish to listen some people who ooc political grudges or what not against me.
BTW, I would advise you to read everything in the future and not listen to secondhand bullshit.
05-05-2005, 01:53
OOC - ROFLMAOLOL good one FC, hopefully that will bring Whittier's ego down. I fully agree with you there.
Obviously you don't read every post. I really enjoy the part where you apparently skip over and deliberately leave out the part where I admitted the mistake. Not something you expect from someone with EGO now is it.
Why don't just admit you got a very old grudge.
The attacks were well rpd, any mistakes in the posting were corrected. I allowed my stuff to be destroyed. But since you all are going to be A Holes about it, I take it all back, the destruction of my craft, my sats, hell my planes never left Los Angeles.
And if anyone else feels the same as you do, you can all kiss my American ass.
good bye.
The local Don Pachi team saw the fighting over the distance and decided to participate in the combat entering their fighters they began their attack and prepares to protect the call to power's defence force.
05-05-2005, 02:03
Right-o, so basically everything is reversed...
20 F-16s streaked into the air, broke into formation, and engaged the Coreworld F-14s.
"Godspeed, pilots, distract them as long as you can."
Targetting ridicules came up onto the F-16s cockpits as they prepared to fire the first volley of missles.
Advanced Phoenix-type missiles streaked into the sky as the the lead Coredian F-14s began to acquire their targets and shoot...
"Admiral, sir, they're firing their forward cannons at us!"
"Fall back to the rear of the fleet, let the battlecruisers take over."
"Aye sir, falling back."
The four battlecruisers began to fire their powerful main cannons at the enemy fleet, though one's stern cannons were demolished by enemy gun fire.
"Order the battleships to broadside the enemy!" The Admiral ordered, "Aim another volley of missiles at the carrier!"
The battleships began to turn, even as one was hit amidships by main cannons and another was hit on the bow, losing one of the cannons, and began to coordinate powerful broadsides upon their enemies, while the Swordmaster and two escort cruisers lit off another volley of missiles at the carrier, hoping to defeat it once and for all.
The destroyeres spread out around them, offering fire support, hitting areas that the heavier cannons on the battlecruisers missed. The missle frigates continued firing, though their reserves were getting low.
Countermissile fire worked well, but a missile managed to hit one of the carriers, blowing up a fighter that was about to take off and suspending flight operations for that ship. In response, the numerous destroyers launched torpedos and medium missiles at their enemy counterparts.
The Akula subs barely dodged most of the torpedoes where they had been hiding under the cruisers, they returned fire and continued head towards the enemy ships, two torpedoes rammed into one of the subs, sending it spiraling towards the bottom, it fired one last torpedoe off before crashing into the ocean floor and being demolished by a third torpedo.
A submarine was hit, but the Swordstriker was not as she lit off noisemakers which confused some of the torpedos. She then reaquired targets and sent four, count four torpedos into the water after them. Two after the remaining submarine, the other two after surface ships...
"Sir, what about the harriers?"
"Get them up into the air, but go around the Coreworld fleet. I want them to bomb any of Feline Catfishes allies military bases on the mainland. If they are engaged, they can take care of themselves."
"Aye, sir."
Fifteen of the twenty harrier IIs flew off of the massive aircraft carrier, heading around the battle now raging between Laskon and Coreworlds.
A flight of four F/A-18s noticed the Harriers from high altitude and began to dive like eagles after them, lighting off missiles like they were talons upon ducks.
05-05-2005, 02:08
The local Don Pachi team saw the fighting over the distance and decided to participate in the combat entering their fighters they began their attack and prepares to protect the call to power's defence force.
SAM missiles lit off to attack the enemy newcomers, all coming from an antiaircraft cruiser aptly named Duckshooter.
05-05-2005, 02:41
Leafanistan declares that since domestic affairs (massive zombie attack) have taken precedence, none of our troops will be participating at the current time. We will pull out of any alliances in this conflict and remain neutral. Though our treasuries have been drainied heavily and we shall sell weapons to any side to help in our defense. Also we shall accept no foreign help in defending ourselves.
I shall have a storefront open soon, and for you warring nations that means a chance to arm yourselves for either invasion, replusion, etc.
Advanced Phoenix-type missiles streaked into the sky as the the lead Coredian F-14s began to acquire their targets and shoot...
Two F-16s were blown away, but the other 18 let loose their full fury of missles upon the squadrons of F-14s.
"Order the battleships to broadside the enemy!" The Admiral ordered, "Aim another volley of missiles at the carrier!"
The battleships began to turn, even as one was hit amidships by main cannons and another was hit on the bow, losing one of the cannons, and began to coordinate powerful broadsides upon their enemies, while the Swordmaster and two escort cruisers lit off another volley of missiles at the carrier, hoping to defeat it once and for all.
"Sir! Enemy missles headed straight towards us!"
"Get those CIWS ready!"
"Sir, most have been taken out by our anti air weapons, but a few got through..."
"Sir, three just hit the deck, three of the harriers are out of commission..."
"Dammit, continue getting out of their range."
"Aye, sir."
Countermissile fire worked well, but a missile managed to hit one of the carriers, blowing up a fighter that was about to take off and suspending flight operations for that ship. In response, the numerous destroyers launched torpedos and medium missiles at their enemy counterparts.
One of the missle frigates was blown in half by incoming fire, the other was able to avoid such a fate and fired two large STS missles straight towards the lead cruiser.
A submarine was hit, but the Swordstriker was not as she lit off noisemakers which confused some of the torpedos. She then reaquired targets and sent four, count four torpedos into the water after them. Two after the remaining submarine, the other two after surface ships...
The remaining sub increased its speed and the two torpedoes skidded along its hull, one blowing up right in front of it, sending it straggling around.
One of the destroyers took a direct hit underneath it, and began to capsize.
A flight of four F/A-18s noticed the Harriers from high altitude and began to dive like eagles after them, lighting off missiles like they were talons upon ducks.
Five of the harriers banked upwards, one crashed directly into one of the F/A -18s, the others flew by the wreckages and unleashed their missles upon the enemy fighters.
05-05-2005, 03:01
ooc: I may have missed something, but why are we still fighting in the water after troops have landed?
IC: Joe Perol listened to his radio ". . . All troops move forward. Spread out, side by side, keep going untill you meet some resistence. Then entrench and await further orders." Joe moved forward, one man in the surging mass of the Concadorian Army.
00C: CtP, Please post any losses I took while in your planes.
05-05-2005, 03:03
Uh I think everyone involved should get the map of FC and also show where they are.
Plus I don’t think any more posts should be up until FC responds.
+++From the presidential office of HailandKilll+++
Due to the invasion of FC, the army of HK has been mobilized. We have declared that we are for FC and we are going to combat this landing.
If the FC government allows we would like to send 16 transports with two divisions to go around the back ((OOC: ha-ha no one has said that they covered ALL 100NM of FC waters)) to land on FC shores. We request that we can get 96 C-130 aircraft are also in air to dispatch paratroops to combat the situation quickly.
OOC: if we can land and drop troops ill send the sizes of my divisions. I wanna send two and I have 4, until I get more rifles.
05-05-2005, 03:18
OOC: i have decided to help out even though we havent gotten a response from FC. Another ally helping though is another ally. and again i have done more reading and completly changed stances due to...well what ive seen and read.
96 C-130's have just taken off from HK's military base. In these planes we have our paratroop division. Our route from behind, where the most minimal combat is happening. We ask, in case of an attack of these planes that Allies of FC help protect these C-130's.
Thank you.
P.S. We have 2 full divisions en route to help repel the invasion. They will arrive in 2weeks time. If these tankers run into trouble we also ask for help.
05-05-2005, 03:24
ooc: I may have missed something, but why are we still fighting in the water after troops have landed?
IC: Joe Perol listened to his radio ". . . All troops move forward. Spread out, side by side, keep going untill you meet some resistence. Then entrench and await further orders." Joe moved forward, one man in the surging mass of the Concadorian Army.
00C: CtP, Please post any losses I took while in your planes.
OOC: Because your allies are fighting my ships!
IC: An Apache gunship took notice of the Concadorian Army and began to shoot hellfire missiles, 2.75 inch rockets and most deadly 20mm cannons at the men...
05-05-2005, 03:28
ooc-HK-FC normally doesn't allow ANY troops in. Even allies. You may want to wait.
IC: 100 'modernized' P-51s take off from Concador to intercept and destroy the paradroppping planes. (ooc: I got these from nebarri Prime when first began building army. Ask him for stats if you want. Yes they're junky, but all I can spare right now.)
05-05-2005, 03:34
Joe heard gunfire behind him. Whoever theofficer on the radio was he was smart, "Keep moving folks, You guys don't have any artillery, so you can't fight back to ships. Move out of range."
They moved out of range (tell me their range please for more accurate loss count.) Loss Count: 45 men
05-05-2005, 03:34
OOC: Hmm...yea that might be true, but he's no where to be found. Neither are his large allies. Where is everyone? The planes can still turn back if need be. Also why are other nations allied not fighting on the FC soil?
05-05-2005, 03:39
Two F-16s were blown away, but the other 18 let loose their full fury of missles upon the squadrons of F-14s.
Three F-14s weaved and dodged but failed to shake off the enemy missiles and were shot down. Two men died while one managed to parachute.
The other Tomcats bore in, now launching Sidewinder after Sidewinder at the bulk of the enemy squadron.
"Sir! Enemy missles headed straight towards us!"
"Get those CIWS ready!"
"Sir, most have been taken out by our anti air weapons, but a few got through..."
"Sir, three just hit the deck, three of the harriers are out of commission..."
"Dammit, continue getting out of their range."
"Aye, sir."
Attack submarine CSS Nightshade has decided to target the carrier and let loose another volley of four torpedos at the large ship as it tried to escape. In addition, a missile submarine called Megalodon launched a couple of Harpoons to compound the damage done by the previous missiles. The Admiral has ordered the enemy carrier's death, and so it shall die...
One of the missle frigates was blown in half by incoming fire, the other was able to avoid such a fate and fired two large STS missles straight towards the lead cruiser.
The cruiser Anastasia spectacularly blew up from the enemy bombardment and the remaining destroyers, cruisers and frigates began to fire off Alpha Strikes, full volleys of missiles, torpedos and guns at the enemy, intensifying the firepower that the Core fleet sent.
The remaining sub increased its speed and the two torpedoes skidded along its hull, one blowing up right in front of it, sending it straggling around.
"Hit, sir! Sounds wounded!"
Hmm. "Prepare a supercaviating torpedo in tube one, but do not fire. Send a message to the sub asking for it's surrender."
"Just do it. I don't want to have to kill it if I can help it."
One of the destroyers took a direct hit underneath it, and began to capsize.
Another enemy ship bagged by the Swordstriker...
Five of the harriers banked upwards, one crashed directly into one of the F/A -18s, the others flew by the wreckages and unleashed their missles upon the enemy fighters.
The three Hornets let loose their missiles upon the Harriers, one going down to the missile fire. The remaining two were screaming for help, and help did come.
A flight of F-22 Sea Raptors broke off and stealthily launched a volley of AMRAAMs at the other Harriers, trying to force them away from the sea coast.
05-05-2005, 03:39
ooc: maybe we should continue the invasion on a thraed with the title being "Invasion of FC begins". You know, to attract everyone involved.
ooc: maybe we should continue the invasion on a thraed with the title being "Invasion of FC begins". You know, to attract everyone involved.
OOC: I think that would be best. I hadn't even been reading the last few pages of this post until I found out battle was being done in here. Frankly, I'm waiting for FC to return and make some posts before I do anything.
05-05-2005, 03:44
Joe heard gunfire behind him. Whoever theofficer on the radio was he was smart, "Keep moving folks, You guys don't have any artillery, so you can't fight back to ships. Move out of range."
They moved out of range (tell me their range please for more accurate loss count.) Loss Count: 45 men
OOC: Apache helicopters have a large range, but usually they close in and strike, like snakes.
05-05-2005, 03:44
ooc: maybe we should continue the invasion on a thraed with the title being "Invasion of FC begins". You know, to attract everyone involved.
OOC: No, keep it in this thread. Those 'involved' have either said 'screw it', or they're watching.
Which is what I've been doing......
SAM missiles lit off to attack the enemy newcomers, all coming from an antiaircraft cruiser aptly named Duckshooter.
Not knowing that the enemy has higher tech levels then the opposition and the fact the Don Pachi is rather imfamous for their laser cannons the missiles were dispatched so that only minor damages were inflicted on the squadron. In counter attack the fighters locked on the ship and fired the heavy beam cannon on the duck shooter and have the fighter bomb stockpile to augment the laser's power, to the observers on the coaster they said they saw blue streams of light.
05-05-2005, 04:06
OOC: Apache helicopters have a large range, but usually they close in and strike, like snakes.
ooc:He said Apache gunboats
05-05-2005, 04:15
Not knowing that the enemy has higher tech levels then the opposition and the fact the Don Pachi is rather imfamous for their laser cannons the missiles were dispatched so that only minor damages were inflicted on the squadron. In counter attack the fighters locked on the ship and fired the heavy beam cannon on the duck shooter and have the fighter bomb stockpile to augment the laser's power, to the observers on the coaster they said they saw blue streams of light.
OOC: Oh no, you did not just use future-tech. Fortunately, I have my own to deal with yours!
"High technology! Get Command on the line! Tell them to launch an X-wing squad--!" The Duckshooter's commander cried out as the beam cannon cut it in half and sank it with a deafening explosion.
"Damn, I hate surprises!" The Admiral cursed, and sent word up the line to launch one of the nation's famous X-wing squadrons reserved for special occasions like this.
In a minute, the green-striped squadron lifted off and locked their S-foils into attack position before blasting off into space and circling around to the war zone in mere minutes.
"We got them, sir!" Commander Davin Jackson replied to the Admiral and he and his squadron dove upon the enemy "futuristic" fighters, spitting red laser cannons at the foes from above.
The strange mix of "modern" and "future" technology is one of the things Coredia is famous for, after all.
OOC: You break out future-tech, I break out future-tech. :p
05-05-2005, 04:16
ooc:He said Apache gunboats
OOC: They're one and the same, my friend. Actually, the correct term is the Apache helicopter gunship.
Copiosa Scotia
05-05-2005, 05:00
(OOC: I'm going to assume that FC responded in the affirmative to my offer of assistance. If he signs on later and says he wouldn't have accepted my troops, we can retcon this, but I don't think that's likely to happen.)
43rd Marine Battalion Provisional Headquarters
Cattia, Feline Catfish
5:29 a.m. local time
Slowly, travelling by helicopter and transport ship, the 1,873 Scotian Marines had assembled at a military airfield just outside the city of Cattia. The unit was a young one, as were most of Copiosa Scotia's infantry units, but many of the Marines were already veterans of one campaign, the defense of Ferrussia against Gothenburg-Franc. Major General Trent Russell, commanding officer of the 6th Marine Division, was not with them, having remained at home with the majority of the division.
The 43rd Battalion was instead lead by Major Carl Ward, who sat in the early morning light poring over various maps of Cattia. A street map, a satellite image, a topographic map, even a map of tourist attractions, glancing from one to another and mentally overlaying them to determine the best possible defensive positions for his men. It was a special talent of his, really, one that had drawn the notice of his instructors as a cadet and had served him well throughout his time at the Clabourne Marine Infantry Academy and in the field. In Ferrussia, he'd helped to draw up the defense plan for Odessa that had already found its way into half a dozen tactical textbooks.
Truthfully, he'd already identified the prime locations in Cattia, and was at the moment triple-checking his work. There was little else he could do until he was contacted by his liaison with the Feline Catfish armed forces, and he wanted to be sure he knew the area in case the locals tried to put him somewhere tactically awkward. So he continued marking locations, the same ones he'd marked the last two times he'd gone through the exercise, only using a red pen this time instead of blue or black. Finally satisfied, he got into his cot to catch a couple of hours' rest.
05-05-2005, 13:19
OOC: Ive noticed two things, first all FT should be completly ignored since were all using MT, also to the "modernized" p-51's well, i never said i was far off my home island but ill RP what happens anyway. Plus i need aproval from FC to actually drop them. If it get a yes, well see what happens if he says no well they will turn back far before they get there.
05-05-2005, 15:17
OOC: i have decided to help out even though we havent gotten a response from FC. Another ally helping though is another ally. and again i have done more reading and completly changed stances due to...well what ive seen and read.
96 C-130's have just taken off from HK's military base. In these planes we have our paratroop division. Our route from behind, where the most minimal combat is happening. We ask, in case of an attack of these planes that Allies of FC help protect these C-130's.
Thank you.
P.S. We have 2 full divisions en route to help repel the invasion. They will arrive in 2weeks time. If these tankers run into trouble we also ask for help.
OOC: Got it. 20 VF-12 aircraft diverting to escort transport planes.
IC: Meanwhile, the Riconiaan fleet off the coast of FC heard all of the noise from the naval battles not far away. All aircraft have been scrambled to set up patrol routes to protect the fleet.
OOC:Can anyone tell me how Call to Power's forces got to Feline Catfish? He says he's not using a nvay so i would like to know waht he has.
IC: The Findanian fleet moves towards the coast of Feline Catfish to attack Call to Power if Call to Power's forces do not withdraw.
Call to power
05-05-2005, 18:22
ooc: a few answers
# there were no losses to the transports
# my aircraft left long ago
# this war will be a quick one
# concadors troops were dropped near the capital
# as far as I know FC hasn't allowed anyone into his territory thus you are fighting me and the FC defences (if he has any)
# FC needs to post his reply before we can go any further (since he will need to have a surrende)
in the capital
troops appraoch the capital building were FC's leaders will hopefully be captured
elite troops storm the building fighting the enemy door to door
losses: 15 reguler troops
2 elite's
near the rail control centre (something along those lines)
avengers spring to life covering the forces
the team then splits
group one (mostly infantry) take the rail centre in a bloody battle
group two (mostly armour) moves to the nearby airfield destroying all aircraft and capturing crucial supply's
ooc: we now wait for FC as he defends the leaders of FC
05-05-2005, 18:24
[OOC: This is utter godmod. You've completely bypassed FC's army, you've ignored mine and others' naval forces firing at your transports and you've just posted effectively winning a war in 2 posts. My verdict: IGNOREd.]
Oh, FC, ignore the funny man that Hogsweat is about to invade called "Call to Power"
05-05-2005, 18:57
[OOC: This is utter godmod. You've completely bypassed FC's army, you've ignored mine and others' naval forces firing at your transports and you've just posted effectively winning a war in 2 posts. My verdict: IGNOREd.]
OOC: Exactly.
Call to Power, what you are doing is called godmoding. If you are unsure what godmoding is, please refer to this thread.
In the meantime, I don't think anyone is going to acknowledge your last few posts.
05-05-2005, 19:09
OOC: You know, that nation from another thead (that I can't remeber), was right. FC actually was going to start a world war.
IC: 0730 hours: Morning arrives, AMF troops hold most of the city. Isolated battles are fought throughout the city. Fresh VF-12 air support has arrived and Riconiaa has control of a small part of the sea-side city. The Rangers have expierinced no attacks since 0545 hours last night. They have rested a litte bit in their garrisoned buildings, but are still tired and a little battle weary from last nights fierce attacks, but are comfortable because Concador and Findan's troops are close by.
Orders come to the Ranger commander
Admiral Rigaz: Come in Ranger garrison.
Captain Rodriquez: (who is in charge of the Rangers in the city) This is Ranger Regiment 2. Come in command.
Admiral Rigaz: Good. YOu have survived the night. We understand that a good part of your brigade has captured the highway coming into the city. Humvees loaded with supplies and tanks will arrive at your position ETA 30 minutes. Stay sharp. We also have Blackhawk and Apache gunsip support heading your way from ASRS Caljuna . (the Riconiaan carrier, in case you have forgotten.)
Captain Rodriquez: Roger. Looking forward to it. We had a tough night, and we have sustained considerable casualties. We are currently unable to advance further into the city.
Admiral Rigaz: Understood. We can offer artillery support if neccasary. Our forces have set up some artillery garrisons on the beach.
Captain Rodriquez: Alright. We await your reinforcements. Ranger garrison out.
OOC: Sit-rep: (situation report) Riconiaa's 2nd Special-Forces Rangers Brigade have secured a small part of a city around 3 miles from the Beachead Riconiaa has established. Riconiaan forces are holding their small beachead close to other allied coalition beaches.
At Somego Air Base, Somego, Findan Twenty-Five B-52 take off from the airbase near the port city of Somego. They have been ordered by the Emperor to attack the forces of Call To Power. Their leader Lt. Colonel Howard Henderson yawns as the planes take off and start thier twenty-one hour jounrey. The palnes are carrying daisy cutter bombs.
Feline Catfish
05-05-2005, 19:38
ooc: Call to power is ignored until he writes a non-godmodded post. And Riconiaa whose nation do you have a beachead in?
05-05-2005, 19:40
Uh, yours if you have been paying attention. I mentioned AMF in my last post, if you haven't noticed AMF is protecting your nation with his troops.
05-05-2005, 19:40
uh FC i asked before and asked via TG if i could help you with troops and i recieved no response. So..uh can i?
05-05-2005, 19:42
Uh, yours if you have been paying attention. I mentioned AMF in my last post, if you haven't noticed AMF is protecting your nation with his troops.
OOC: Well, thats also a godmod. And for some reason, I feel compelled to invade you. Been a long time since my airforce tasted blood.
Feline Catfish
05-05-2005, 19:42
Uh, yours if you have been paying attention. I mentioned AMF in my last post, if you haven't noticed AMF is protecting your nation with his troops.
AMF doesnt have any troops in my nation, and if you want to invade me then RP transports approaching, fighting the men on the beaches etc, dont just go "Ah well I have a beachhead and I err... lost some men I guess. Anyway Im advancing into your nation. Wait... what about an army? Nah you dont have an army I'll just RP your troops as well as mine."
05-05-2005, 19:43
Ok we need to start a new thread if people are going to invade because there are serious flaws and godmods in this one. One people have to RP the ;landings withFC and his coalition and Two somehow people bypassed a naval war. We cant do anything until everything is sorted out
05-05-2005, 19:45
Yeah, I agree. I am confused with the recent events and who's side nations are on. I think thats why people think I have godmodded. If I did, I am sorry and I will correct it as soon as possible.
On board the crusier Imperial Pride: The crew loads cruse missles and fires them. The crew aboared her sister ships do the same aboared her three other sister ships. Each ship fires six missles towards Call to Power's forces near Feline Catfish's capital. Twenty-four missiles fill the sky.
OOC: I hope this is not godmoding.
Mini Miehm
05-05-2005, 19:52
Du sprectst die Deutsche? Das ist gut!
OOC: jawohl!
05-05-2005, 19:58
On board the crusier Imperial Pride: The crew loads cruse missles and fires them. The crew aboared her sister ships do the same aboared her three other sister ships. Each ship fires six missles towards Call to Power's forces near Feline Catfish's capital. Twenty-four missiles fill the sky.
OOC: I hope this is not godmoding.
Hearing of the launches by Findan and other tensions. The Special-Forces Rangers fall back out of the inland city and begin to go back to the beachhead via Blackhawks and CHinooks.
OOC: Because of the missunderstandings I am backing down a bit. The Riconiaan forces on the beachheads are ready to evacuate back to the Riconiaan fleet should further missunderstandings or opposing nations compromise our operations.
Feline Catfish
05-05-2005, 19:58
Yeah, I agree. I am confused with the recent events and who's side nations are on. I think thats why people think I have godmodded. If I did, I am sorry and I will correct it as soon as possible.
Well, I havent let you land, so that means you made a hostile landing, which means I'd probably have nuked your landing fleet if you'd given me the chance.
05-05-2005, 20:12
OoC: *Grins*
Seriously, if you where actualy facing Sentinels in the defence of FC you would have been driven straight back into the sea.
Counting superior numbers, weaponry, training and the fucked up mentality on the enemies side your troops would be shitting bricks even before they went ashore.
More than 7 1/2 hours after the B-52's took off from Somego AFB, they were refueled so they could continue on thier journy.
OOC: By the way FC, nuking an ivasion fleet would be dumb, becuase you could damage your allies fleets. hopefully you follow this advice.
IC: The missles hit Call to Powers troops.
Call To Power: Please post losses.
05-05-2005, 20:21
OoC: *Grins*
Seriously, if you where actualy facing Sentinels in the defence of FC you would have been driven straight back into the sea.
Counting superior numbers, weaponry, training and the fucked up mentality on the enemies side your troops would be shitting bricks even before they went ashore.
Sentinals kick ass.
05-05-2005, 20:24
Sentinals kick ass.
OoC: Meh, they will only fare better against troops not used to their deployment, younger nation's soldiers can be scared but against the older likes the pysche effect will have degraded alot especialy when those nations deploy brain-washed crack troops.
In short, its what I do.
Mini Miehm
05-05-2005, 20:25
More than 7 1/2 hours after the B-52's took off from Somego AFB, they were refueled so they could continue on thier journy.
OOC: By the way FC, nuking an ivasion fleet would be dumb, becuase you could damage your allies fleets. hopefully you follow this advice.
IC: The missles hit Call to Powers troops.
Call To Power: Please post losses.
OOC: godmod of doom, he decides if they hit, not you.
OOC: godmod of doom, he decides if they hit, not you.
oops my mistake. Sorry. correction the missles close in own his troops.
OOC:Would it be godmode if he says none of the missles hit? Thanks and oonce againg sorry. i'm somewhat new at this and still make mistakes from time to time.
Mini Miehm
05-05-2005, 20:32
oops my mistake. Sorry. correction the missles close in own his troops.
OOC:Would it be godmode if he says none of the missles hit? Thanks and oonce againg sorry. i'm somewhat new at this and still make mistakes from time to time.
OOC: yes it would, unless there was an extreme mitigating circumstance, like firing WW2 missiles at modern SAMs, the WW2 missiles won't do squat pretty much, under these conditions he would be godmoding.
Three F-14s weaved and dodged but failed to shake off the enemy missiles and were shot down. Two men died while one managed to parachute.
The other Tomcats bore in, now launching Sidewinder after Sidewinder at the bulk of the enemy squadron.
Five F-16s were instantly blown apart by the surprise attack, the others banked up and down, firing their vulcan cannons and missles at near point blank range. Fourteen were left.
Attack submarine CSS Nightshade has decided to target the carrier and let loose another volley of four torpedos at the large ship as it tried to escape. In addition, a missile submarine called Megalodon launched a couple of Harpoons to compound the damage done by the previous missiles. The Admiral has ordered the enemy carrier's death, and so it shall die...
"Sir, incoming torpedoes..."
"Launch the last of the depth charges! Hurry!"
Two dozen of the charges floated towards the torpedoes streaking towards the carrier, they were all either blown apart or sent off course.
"Sir! Missles coming in!"
The crew dropped to the floor as a missle crashed through the bridge window and out the back, spiralling into the ocean.
"Sir, the CIWS seemed to have stopped the last of the missles, but one of the gun installations was taken out."
"Thats fine. Are we out of the missle range, now?"
"Yes, sir. But we're going to have to move carefully, now."
The cruiser Anastasia spectacularly blew up from the enemy bombardment and the remaining destroyers, cruisers and frigates began to fire off Alpha Strikes, full volleys of missiles, torpedos and guns at the enemy, intensifying the firepower that the Core fleet sent.
A battleship was blown in half by the sudden upheaval of fire, then another destroyer, the remaining ships followed up with a heavy blast of their own.
"Hit, sir! Sounds wounded!"
Hmm. "Prepare a supercaviating torpedo in tube one, but do not fire. Send a message to the sub asking for it's surrender."
"Just do it. I don't want to have to kill it if I can help it."
"Sir, the enemy ships want us to surrender."
The captain of the Triton looked out at his crew, these people relied on him, could he throw their lives away?
"Issue a command to surrender, get ready to surface."
"Aye, aye, sir..."
The three Hornets let loose their missiles upon the Harriers, one going down to the missile fire. The remaining two were screaming for help, and help did come.
A flight of F-22 Sea Raptors broke off and stealthily launched a volley of AMRAAMs at the other Harriers, trying to force them away from the sea coast.
The five harrier IIs fell quickly to the fire, but the remaing ten outlanced the missles and gunfire and made their way towards the Feline Catfish mainland, targetting the ports and firing off their large payloads of missles.
Perhaps we should keep this as the invasion thread, and move the OOC chatter to another?
OOC: jawohl!
Ja, das ist gut Krieg.
Good Idea. You start an FC OOC Thread.
Mini Miehm
05-05-2005, 20:46
Five F-16s were instantly blown apart by the surprise attack, the others banked up and down, firing their vulcan cannons and missles at near point blank range. Fourteen were left.
"Sir, incoming torpedoes..."
"Launch the last of the depth charges! Hurry!"
Two dozen of the charges floated towards the torpedoes streaking towards the carrier, they were all either blown apart or sent off course.
"Sir! Missles coming in!"
The crew dropped to the floor as a missle crashed through the bridge window and out the back, spiralling into the ocean.
"Sir, the CIWS seemed to have stopped the last of the missles, but one of the gun installations was taken out."
"Thats fine. Are we out of the missle range, now?"
"Yes, sir. But we're going to have to move carefully, now."
A battleship was blown in half by the sudden upheaval of fire, then another destroyer, the remaining ships followed up with a heavy blast of their own.
"Sir, the enemy ships want us to surrender."
The captain of the Triton looked out at his crew, these people relied on him, could he throw their lives away?
"Issue a command to surrender, get ready to surface."
"Aye, aye, sir..."
The five harrier IIs fell quickly to the fire, but the remaing ten outlanced the missles and gunfire and made their way towards the Feline Catfish mainland, targetting the ports and firing off their large payloads of missles.
Perhaps we should keep this as the invasion thread, and move the OOC chatter to another?
Ja, das ist gut Krieg.
OOC: He Mann, haben Sie jede mögliche Familie, auf einer seitlichen Anmerkung bitte beleidigen nicht meine Konjugation, ich waren nie sehr gut an ihr. Ich fühle gerade wie das Beginnen, unsere europäischen besseren Mitglieder zu kennen, wenn Sie mich haben ein Weibchen einer Schwester und des Bruders sich interessieren, der die Verbindung eines siebzehn Einjahres hat.
05-05-2005, 20:55
Well, I havent let you land, so that means you made a hostile landing, which means I'd probably have nuked your landing fleet if you'd given me the chance.
Since the "hostile" landing was caused by lack of understanding. All Riconiaan forces on our beachhead are evacuating via transport ships. The transport ships will meet up with the Riconiaan Naval Fleet 20nm of your beaches, after they meet with teh fleet, our Naval Fleet along with the transport ships containing my forces will proceed to Findans Naval Fleet and help them. (in whatever their doing) Consider this an act of misunderstaning and not of hostility. :confused:
Call to power
05-05-2005, 20:56
# know one posted any attack on my forces ever (except the stealth fighters and my landed troops)
# I already had troops in the capital and near the railway what do you want me to do wait for an attack from your troops hardly since FC has no army and I waited anyway for a whole day
# obviously this will be a blitzkrieg since I am fighting a massive force
# no we can’t restart unless all fronts are restarted as that won’t be fair or even realistic
ooc: I suggest everyone ignore Hataria as he is a total godmodder and still is (counter-cuss :p )
05-05-2005, 20:59
More than 7 1/2 hours after the B-52's took off from Somego AFB, they were refueled so they could continue on thier journy.
OOC: By the way FC, nuking an ivasion fleet would be dumb, becuase you could damage your allies fleets. hopefully you follow this advice.
IC: The missles hit Call to Powers troops.
Call To Power: Please post losses.
Riconiaans navy is diverting to your position to root out CTP's forces out of FC. We have a Hyrda missle Barrage ship that will help you to root out his forces. Once our forces have loaded onto the transport ships, we will start to sail to your Naval Fleet's position. We are sending our Admiral via Blackhawk (accompanied by Delta Squad 5-4) to negotiate on our strategy.
Call to power
05-05-2005, 21:00
Riconiaans navy is diverting to your position to root out CTP's forces out of FC. We have a Hyrda missle Barrage ship that will help you to root out his forces. Once our forces have loaded onto the transport ships, we will start to sail to your Naval Fleet's position. We are sending our Admiral via Blackhawk (accompanied by Delta Squad 5-4) to negotiate on our strategy.
ooc: wasn't you on my side?
Everyone please start posting your regular OOC comments and questions in my new thread "OFFICIAL! Feline Catfish OOC thread" anything pertaining to the battles should be posted here, otherwise, do it over there.
Call to power
05-05-2005, 21:17
OOC: Um.....You are a godmodder, too.
ooc: no I corrected that one mistake
Sorry, heres the thread (http://http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=417172)
05-05-2005, 21:29
# know one posted any attack on my forces ever (except the stealth fighters and my landed troops)
Actually I did post an attack, and you didnt post any losses.
# I already had troops in the capital and near the railway what do you want me to do wait for an attack from your troops hardly since FC has no army and I waited anyway for a whole day
FC has an army of 50,000 men and 2,500 tanks. He posted it on one of the old OOC threads before you joined this RP. You're also forgetting the thousands of allied vessels surrounding and protecting his territorial waters.
# obviously this will be a blitzkrieg since I am fighting a massive force
I dont care. You godmodded to zap your forces past his defences. Your style of attack is largely irrelevant.
# no we can’t restart unless all fronts are restarted as that won’t be fair or even realistic
Ditto. You cant godmod your way to winning a war and then say that it's unfair on you having to restart. Im very sorry, but if you dont want to waste time restarting RPs then dont godmod.
05-05-2005, 21:51
Prae makes some good points. I also RP'ed an attack, but somehopw your fighters managed to magically disappear out of range somehow. You also managed to send in a para-landing of forces despite large numbers of AAA fire and SAM missiles, not to mention Tomahawks and fighter-attacks, without a single loss to your forces.
05-05-2005, 21:52
[QUOTE]# know one posted any attack on my forces ever (except the stealth fighters and my landed troops)
# I already had troops in the capital and near the railway what do you want me to do wait for an attack from your troops hardly since FC has no army and I waited anyway for a whole day
OOC: Are you blind? I have been tracking and attacking your transports all day! And yes, you must wait for an attack from our troops, no matter what.
# obviously this will be a blitzkrieg since I am fighting a massive force
# no we can’t restart unless all fronts are restarted as that won’t be fair or even realistic
OOC: Bah, I for one don't care. There are rules on how to play this game, and you have broken those rules. Now I'm nice enough that I'm not ignoring you yet, but I will if you keep this up. You have one last chance, my friend.
Call to power
05-05-2005, 21:54
losses (as much as I can make out)
10 F/A-117X Nighthawks
05-05-2005, 21:55
OOC: this seems to have partially degenerated into a godmode fest,but I will still step in again.
IC: On hearing the news of the outbreak of war, President Jacobus checked the intelligence reports carefully, then swore as he realised that most of the combat was taking place at sea, the one combat zone where UNIverseVERSE's recently re-organised and updated military has very little power. However, he decided that he did have the capabilities to send in a powerful land force, and sent an encrypted message to Feline Catfish asking them for permission to do this.
To: the government of Feline Catfish
UNIverseVERSE asks permission to send in troops to help defend you if
enemy forces land on your soil. We would send in 5 divisions (50,000 men)
to support you, plus logistics personnel, for a total of 500,000 personnel.
We would also give you debt free economic aid, and provide safe points for
your nations leaders to flee to if necessary. Do you accept our offer?
Sincerely, President Jacobus, on behalf of UNIverseVERSE
Call to power
05-05-2005, 21:56
losses: 15 reguler troops
2 elite's
Call to power
05-05-2005, 21:58
ooc: I could dig up more but I don't want to