The Fallen War (OOC sign up CorpSacian/Galatic Civil War)
ok, for some time now ive been setting the scene in meny RPs for my Civil war thing (the Betrayal of about 7 million Space marines, The Fallen Gods awakening etc) and now im ready to start.
ok here the basic background:
Rgiht the fallen gods were once powerful beings that walked the plains of the universe for Billions of years with the Gods, at some point and for some reason a band of 12 know as The Fallen Twelve plotted to destroy the gods. The names of the 12 gods were: Death, Hate, Anger, Annoyance, Betrayal, Envy, Greed, Lies, Revenage, Pain, Suffer and Luciferian (he being the Grate leader of the 12). At the start of the war 1000s apon 1000s of the Minor and lesser gods join the fallen in the hope of more power, in the end the fallen gods were sent to a Plain far from here, in shame and the death corsed by the war the Remaining gods seeded world after world and tryed to prepare them for the day that maby just maby the fallen escape.
the CorpSacian race was one thos races, the Corpsacian race came from earth in, the mother world of all humans. For centries one Emperor knew that one day the war wold come and started to make the Defenders of the CorpSacian race and the humans. His daughter was cursed by the fallen gods to sleep till the day that she would be reborn, the thought she would be easy to currupt, they were wrong.
When the Homeworld was destroyed, millions of the marines managed to get away from the planet going to the place called the Fallen Cluster. For 1000s of years this band grew in numbers and crated new chapters, from 1 became meny. some time after the last Grate chapter war that wiped out 2/3 of all the chapters and reduced most of the others to join one another or die meny died.
When the Empress Kimiko sith was killed by the Currupt Emperor of the Empire, her soul was taken by the gods for she was the decendant of the true royal line (what was keept secret.) and so trained her to what for her was 1000s of years when infact was only 2.
At the point she awoken the fallen gods did to, they knew now that all that stood between them and total power was the races of the universe, curruption would be the only way.
First to fall was the Camarilla Chapter of the space marines, over 7 million marines joined the Fallen gods becomeing the Fallen Legion of Death. at this point the Empress declared that the Sabbat chapter was to brake down into smaller 1 million sized chapters, all Navy Regiments formed there own chapters tied to one other chapter.
Next to fall would be decided in the fallen wars, at the start of the war so to speak, the fallen Legion will attack empires left right and center (not all space marines but like Rouge Armys, Rebels fallen to the gods, cults etc). At first no one knows what the hell is going on, army after army was falling for no reasion, some even joining the Invaders.
It isnt till after the attacked figure out that what they are fighting knowing that it wants to kill all life.
The RP starts a few days befor the nations figure out whats happening, chaos and confussion runs rampent and you have no idea whats going on. Treaties are forced to brake so you can defend what left of your Empire Allainces are near the point of calapse and Moral is low.
I want ideas from all but im planning to keep this small, say 8-10 other RPers and i have some people in mind.
02-05-2005, 19:50
Snake Eaters
02-05-2005, 19:58
bump, now that im back from my week long party binge
Dracun imperium
06-05-2005, 17:59
I'll play along once this gets rolling...
Mini Miehm
06-05-2005, 18:33
OOC: I'll join in, I've abandoned humanity and now use slivers, like tyrannids, only worse. I'll send the whole hive(all 30 million or so, probably more than that, closer to 40 or 50 by now) anyway I've got a post about their abilities, I'll put it up if you wanna see it.
Snake Eaters
06-05-2005, 18:50
OOC: Sorry to interrupt, but Slivers... cool. I have a friend who uses them exclusively... damn, magick slivers kick ass
Mini Miehm
06-05-2005, 20:35
OOC: Sorry to interrupt, but Slivers... cool. I have a friend who uses them exclusively... damn, magick slivers kick ass
OOC: hell yes, wanna try and beat them?
Snake Eaters
06-05-2005, 20:38
OOC: hell yes, wanna try and beat them?
I work with him, I'm no fool.
Mini Miehm
06-05-2005, 20:53
I work with him, I'm no fool.
OOC: oh, I just need to kill something with them, all the good RPs are earths and I feel a need to gut something, violently and with malice, plus your a big nationyou can handle it.
Snake Eaters
06-05-2005, 20:58
OOC: oh, I just need to kill something with them, all the good RPs are earths and I feel a need to gut something, violently and with malice, plus your a big nationyou can handle it.
OOC: Um, lemme about think about tht. You see me, you want to kill someting? Slivers can be killed... and you will be killed if you fight me.
Mini Miehm
06-05-2005, 21:07
OOC: Um, lemme about think about tht. You see me, you want to kill someting? Slivers can be killed... and you will be killed if you fight me.
I know, but you'll take some pretty heavy damage in the process, I think I'd still be around enough to build back, since the queen pumps out babies at a rate of about one every six seconds it'll take me 462 days to recover from a lost task force of 4 million slivers.
Snake Eaters
06-05-2005, 21:11
Every six seconds? That's a little quick. From what I gather, she lays batches every day, and then they mature fairly rapidly. Aren't you bordering on GM there
Mini Miehm
06-05-2005, 21:16
Every six seconds? That's a little quick. From what I gather, she lays batches every day, and then they mature fairly rapidly. Aren't you bordering on GM there
According to something I read somewhere(it may have been in a post by warhaven, but I'm not sure) she lays a single egg every six seconds, personally I thought that was a bit quick, but you realise that a human population could recover from that loss much faster(immigration and higher birth rate, only one queen, millions of human mothers, only one or two kids per mother but still alot of kids). You're right about the maturation rate though.
Snake Eaters
06-05-2005, 21:18
OOC: I can ask Warhaven myself, considering I'm in contact with him when ever he's on. Bear in mind he told me about Slivers... I think its a biot quick... although... ah, now I know the reason its tht speed for him
Mini Miehm
06-05-2005, 21:42
OOC: I can ask Warhaven myself, considering I'm in contact with him when ever he's on. Bear in mind he told me about Slivers... I think its a biot quick... although... ah, now I know the reason its tht speed for him
yeah, exactly.
No more off topic OOC now.
yeah, exactly.
No more off topic OOC now.
This is an ooc thread. Lol.
Count me in. Corpsac: what happens if the Fallen God is slain within the Hulk? (I am assuming you either have a plan B or a secret escape plan for Dahaka, but it will make for an interesting story)
Mini Miehm
07-05-2005, 18:51
This is an ooc thread. Lol.
Count me in. Corpsac: what happens if the Fallen God is slain within the Hulk? (I am assuming you either have a plan B or a secret escape plan for Dahaka, but it will make for an interesting story)
I bet we'll end up killing Dahaka, quantity has a quality all its own, and we certainly have quantity on Dahaka.
The Horned Rat
09-05-2005, 13:50
OOC: TAG, now those oh so irritatinging slpinter factions will be harming my intrests while I hunt them down.
Slivers? We did an experiment to create slivers. Well, it worked....but the space around my planets have been overrun(no, you can't control the10-50 billion flying around there)
We are still able to control a few million with one queen, but they have been isolated on a death world...
OOC: Hmm, I seem to be jumping into some kind of complex plot...
the plots pritty simple, the RP starts a few days befor someone figures out what the hell there fighting (eg there own people, massive chaotic beings etc etc). At this point all are screwed, you might have lost most of your empire, fleets, troops etc etc.
My plan is simple the first "chapter" is the start what happens determins what happens in the next chapter of the story, so if you decided that your Nation falls completely then well you will be a fallen Empire hated by all in the RP.
At the moment i want your ideas thrown in what you would like to see, what could be cool to do etc etc etc.
This is an ooc thread. Lol.
Count me in. Corpsac: what happens if the Fallen God is slain within the Hulk? (I am assuming you either have a plan B or a secret escape plan for Dahaka, but it will make for an interesting story)
Shes not dieing even if it means the fallen fleet has to pop in and take her :P, why do you think i keep saying about hte fallen Fleet gathering in Hyperspace.
Thats fine. It would probobly give us the opportunity to RP a little fight between the fallen fleet and my fleet. So long as I can take the Hulk back with me without pissing off your empress. It is a vital part of my own planned part in this. (Gronde's first civil war)
BTW: how do you plan to resolve the Empress's search for a husband? That is also significant in the proceedings of the upcomming RP.
meh i dont really know the other guy so you win by default just remember piss her off and she will kill Kalgar, anyway IDEAS throw them at me. *ducks under a wall*.
if i can id like to join in. im currently i guess considered a diplomatic prospect to you so using the helghast 4th army would be a good way to get more brownie points.
yeah my Navy sucks not much there for fighting mostly there troop transports meant for landing massive amounts of soldiers and equipment onto a planet. i got parasite craft though that have their own units of specially trained soldiers to take out a ships most important functions and do as much damage as possible. not to mention every ship has a fail safe sytem to explode if it stops monitoring soldiers vital signs
now my army is one of the best regualrs are made up of volunteers who under go about 12 weeks of just basic training not to mention their MOS training depending on what they go into it can be from 6 weeks to field positions that last 9 weeks just perfecting everything they learned in basic. my special forces units are trained from birth until they are 21 and get sent out with an expeirnced special forces team to make guirella runs on an unfreindly target they usualy do about 5 missions before they are let out on their own specific missions. and we have, as corp sac knows, a fresh batch of cloned predators, you know from the movies.and ive got all terrain tanks and APC's with some thick ass armor, and all of these things ranging in the millions.
as for ideas i dont know the system that well but whatever you have cant be worse than the conditions on helghan, my grunts can take it.
if i can id like to join in. im currently i guess considered a diplomatic prospect to you so using the helghast 4th army would be a good way to get more brownie points.
yeah my Navy sucks not much there for fighting mostly there troop transports meant for landing massive amounts of soldiers and equipment onto a planet. i got parasite craft though that have their own units of specially trained soldiers to take out a ships most important functions and do as much damage as possible. not to mention every ship has a fail safe sytem to explode if it stops monitoring soldiers vital signs
now my army is one of the best regualrs are made up of volunteers who under go about 12 weeks of just basic training not to mention their MOS training depending on what they go into it can be from 6 weeks to field positions that last 9 weeks just perfecting everything they learned in basic. my special forces units are trained from birth until they are 21 and get sent out with an expeirnced special forces team to make guirella runs on an unfreindly target they usualy do about 5 missions before they are let out on their own specific missions. and we have, as corp sac knows, a fresh batch of cloned predators, you know from the movies.and ive got all terrain tanks and APC's with some thick ass armor, and all of these things ranging in the millions.
as for ideas i dont know the system that well but whatever you have cant be worse than the conditions on helghan, my grunts can take it.
i take it you have read the Entire thread.
The EverQueen
10-05-2005, 09:22
I have been ordered by Tsurani to join in the name of the EverKingdom, so I will Rp all movements by the EverQueens Kingdom. Because Tsurani is currently facing the Plague/war, I will bear the brunt of this attack, so, Hi.
meh i dont really know the other guy so you win by default just remember piss her off and she will kill Kalgar, anyway IDEAS throw them at me. *ducks under a wall*.
Or at least try to kill him. And personally, I would not choose to be around if that ever happened. We would likely see an entire city destroyed. Lol. At this particular point, other than character developement, the main reason is that now I will end up rushing to help you faster than normal. That way, while Kalger is off in the Dark Empire, a civil war will start. (I don't wish to spoil it with the details)
The Horned Rat
10-05-2005, 13:28
OOC: Separatists have always been a thorn in my side, but this “Dahaka”, could unite the untold tens of millions of rebels under one banner. So, the Council of Thirteen has decided to initiate a cleansing program, no slaves shall be taken, cyclonic torpedoes will simply be fired. For choosing sides on the fallen gods vs. everyone else, well, they’ll remain somewhat neutral, but give aid to Gronde, but who knows, maybe they’ll help the fallen…
I was planning a “civil war”(slave revolt), but it was for modern tech.
Mini Miehm
11-05-2005, 20:10
Shes not dieing even if it means the fallen fleet has to pop in and take her :P, why do you think i keep saying about hte fallen Fleet gathering in Hyperspace.
Since the hulk is my last human thread I'd have to have the fleet return mere minutes after your fleet showed up(the fleets on its way back anyway, your appearance just makes a very good time to show up), then we'll see a real fight, Gronde and the Eighth fleet, versus the fallen fleet, my moneys on me and gronde.
Since the hulk is my last human thread I'd have to have the fleet return mere minutes after your fleet showed up(the fleets on its way back anyway, your appearance just makes a very good time to show up), then we'll see a real fight, Gronde and the Eighth fleet, versus the fallen fleet, my moneys on me and gronde.
They don't really need to win, they simply needs to extract Dahaka.
Mini Miehm
12-05-2005, 23:35
They don't really need to win, they simply needs to extract Dahaka.
But our combined fleets should be able to smash them with ease, if they're destroyed they can't extract Dahaka.
yeah I've read it and the 4th army has been mobilized and is waiting consent to ship out to your system. and I'm calling back col Talon hes going to be in the fighting as well.
meh im back, my networks screwed so i cant get on the net that often plus im away for 5 days starting friday till wednesday (tho i might be able to get on the net).
Anyway i still want ideas from all people who want to get into this RP.
plus, Gronde knows how hard my ships are now think my ships but due to be fallen some of the weapons fire pure Hyperspace Energy (grav energy just alot stronger) and the armor reinforced by the Fallen gods (only the Flag ships and ships i give names to). Alot harder then my ships and able to wipe out an entire High fleet of my ships with a small group of about 75-100 of these.
oh and did i tell you that the fallen are insane.
Mini Miehm
18-05-2005, 19:29
plus, Gronde knows how hard my ships are now think my ships but due to be fallen some of the weapons fire pure Hyperspace Energy (grav energy just alot stronger) and the armor reinforced by the Fallen gods (only the Flag ships and ships i give names to). Alot harder then my ships and able to wipe out an entire High fleet of my ships with a small group of about 75-100 of these.
oh and did i tell you that the fallen are insane.
I figured they'd be insane, and you just might have a weapon capable of penetrating my impeller wedges, gimme some specs and I'll figure out if it's enough more powerful than a grav drive at full output to smash through and hit the ships themselves, a grav drive at full power makes about 600 or so Gees and requires two superdense fusion generators to run, which means that your weapon has to be able to deal out energy equivalent to 1200 gravities to penetrate because of the military double stress bands(two impellers per wedge half).
think of it like this, hyperspace (that i use) is a space were time hight etc dont mean anything. but ofcorse real space effects it (Grav spikes, grav weapons are a bad thing to use on them since it boosts the power of the Fallen). See the deeper you go in hyperspace the futher you traval but the amount of real space in one area of hyperspace is incressed (eg you traval 1 light year in deep hyperspace but you traval 20 ly in real space, that real space still effects that 1 ly of Hyperspace.)
The best place to fight the rock hard fallen are in deep space away from any MASSIVE grav fields (systems, black holes, stars etc).
Want stats look at my storefront that will give you the basics on the ship, im not giving to much detail out about them now as it will be a suprise.
Mini Miehm
19-05-2005, 22:04
think of it like this, hyperspace (that i use) is a space were time hight etc dont mean anything. but ofcorse real space effects it (Grav spikes, grav weapons are a bad thing to use on them since it boosts the power of the Fallen). See the deeper you go in hyperspace the futher you traval but the amount of real space in one area of hyperspace is incressed (eg you traval 1 light year in deep hyperspace but you traval 20 ly in real space, that real space still effects that 1 ly of Hyperspace.)
The best place to fight the rock hard fallen are in deep space away from any MASSIVE grav fields (systems, black holes, stars etc).
Want stats look at my storefront that will give you the basics on the ship, im not giving to much detail out about them now as it will be a suprise.
Hyperspace usually works like that, except for the whole grav weapon part, and I bet that x-ray lasers will penetrate at least something, and if they don't work I'll use my grasers and lasers at close range, along with contact nukes, to shred your ships around you, or just send out LACs to peck you to death, and I've still got alot of LACs left, so don't think I can't.
ok well i dont have lasers or anything like that on my ships, i got nukes, missiles and rockets im sure i could find a use for some of them, i got a lot of parasite craft though and if the fallens armor is as great as you make them out to be i could use my rockets ro soften up spots to allow the parasite ships to attach themselves better, and since i dont really know what these fallen are everyone of those ships are going to be packed tight with explosives in case they turn out to be more than we can handle.
Corpsac: do you ever actually check your storefront? *Grumbling*
yes, just not as offten as i normaly do since i dont really have sales. ANYWAY IDEAS
Well I already have my plan in this. It involves the Cybertech Defence Corporation's 3 private branches of the Gronde military breaking off and trying to take over while my a large amount of my forces are off helping Corpsac forces fight Fallen. Hopefully, I will have my "Important People" section up in my storefront. It will contain Kalgar, his brother, Admiral Enjire, and a few others. I had planned to have Kalgar killed off during the war, but since he is now married to your Empress, I don't see that happening anytime soon. (Unless you plan on killing off Kimiko, that is. TG me if you are going to)
Well, that's all for now. I don't want to give it all away.
AND CHECK YOUR STOREFRONT!!! I have and order in superweapons. You aren't selling production rights, so I simply bought a bunch of them.
Mini Miehm
31-05-2005, 19:23
I might use my "Empire of Man" troop set for this, now that I think about it, it would be lots of fun, and I can explain everything for this, instead of relying on family members who read the same books I do...
The Horned Rat
31-05-2005, 20:58
OOC: I have to resign from this RP due to instability...(I was looking forward to actually be on the "same side" as DER UBER force of the RP)
im afraid i have to resign from this as well, when i first signed on i was hoping it would move quickly instead of just sitting like this. but anyways i leave for basic training on tuesday and wont be online for 16 weeks. basics 9.
then i have Advanced training
Corpsac: Could we get the thread started up now/soon? It would give us enough time to handle exposition while we finish up the Space Hulk thread.
i did write up the first post of the fallen war but i kinda forgot to post it and closed the box. it will be up by the end of the day.
Mini Miehm
10-06-2005, 20:25
i did write up the first post of the fallen war but i kinda forgot to post it and closed the box. it will be up by the end of the day.
It's three days later, where's the post? :D
It's three days later, where's the post? :D
sos been busy, trying to get the ESUS involved but it didnt work. will write up the frist post by Monday night latest. In the mean time GET MORE PEOPLE and throw so ideas about so i can have a General idea what to do.
Also can People send me an OOC description, notes, etc on your empire, what your forces are like in combat, how meny will join the fallen and names of systems inclueding ones you do not wish to be attacked in the first wave (mark with a *).
Gronde, i take it some of your space marines will fall if so well, im shore u know Chaos and thats what the fallen are based on (not completely tho).
Any other infomation that you think is needed give it to me, to let you know all this infomation will ONLY be used in this RP unless you state otherwise or at a later date its needed (mostly just the system names).
Corpsac: Actually, none of my marines will fall. Cybertech Defence forces probobly wont "fall" but will side with them out of greed and to destroy Gronde.
Mini Miehm
11-06-2005, 19:59
sos been busy, trying to get the ESUS involved but it didnt work. will write up the frist post by Monday night latest. In the mean time GET MORE PEOPLE and throw so ideas about so i can have a General idea what to do.
Also can People send me an OOC description, notes, etc on your empire, what your forces are like in combat, how meny will join the fallen and names of systems inclueding ones you do not wish to be attacked in the first wave (mark with a *).
Gronde, i take it some of your space marines will fall if so well, im shore u know Chaos and thats what the fallen are based on (not completely tho).
Any other infomation that you think is needed give it to me, to let you know all this infomation will ONLY be used in this RP unless you state otherwise or at a later date its needed (mostly just the system names).
Empire: We're pretty small as things go, only three systems in our region of space, with a full cluster in the area near Sol.
We have pretty good tech, although we have less of it than most other nations of our size.
Our systems will only become fallen if conquered, and one system is "unconquerable", you can take the planets, but you have to kill every single defender to do it, and not just the adults either, all of them.
You've seen what happens with my ships in combat during the Hulk RP, although the numbers for my ships are off on armament, by about ten times what I put down as their equipment, but the missile pod and LAC equipment is correct, it's just the capitol ships I screwed up on.
My ground forces are very tough, they don't give up very easily and if you commit atrocities they'll never give up, especially the Graysons(who're unlikely to give up anyway).
We have alot of mobility throughout our systems, each of which has a nexus of the Wormhole junction.
I can give more specifics if you'd like me to.