NationStates Jolt Archive

Grand Duke Celebrates 104th Birthday (Tulgary makes news for first time in a century)

02-05-2005, 13:01
Trepest, Tulgary
Grestovar Fortress

The stately residence of the Grand Duke stood almost as it had six hundred years ago, parts built to standards that only newly had considered the possibility of their defences being tested by gunpowder. The gardens were grand, but their terraces appeared defensible to the trained eye. Several natural springs broke the surface within the vast grounds, providing defenders with safe water and -he insisted- their special properties took credit for no small part of Grand Duke Felvarosh Papan's hundred and four years of good health.

Yes, this week saw the Tulgarian ruler's hundred and fourth birthday celebrations, and he planned to attend them in good health and spirits. Pupin was bald, his moustache bright white, his eyes no longer sharp, and his bones a little brittle. But his mind was sharp, his good personal grooming maintained and largely by his own initiative, and those failing eyes continued to twinkle with a wicked intelligence behind them, all held together in a good posture that rarely even required the aid of stick or chair.

Grestovar spring water, Trepestian mountain air, and God's gratitude to a wise and righteous ruler lent the Grand Duke a century of dignified public life and two generations of sound national command. Now, perhaps, it was time to let the world back in and to have the incredible Pupin recognised on a grander stage than Tulgary could provide. This brithday, after a hundred and three in national solitude, would be opened to the world's elite.

The Tulgarian diplomatic corps dispatched communiqués around the world, delivering to significant and admired governments hand-written papers signed by Grand Duke Felvarosh Papan himself and sending electonic signals to even the world's lesser states, all inviting heads of state, government, and upper nobility to join in celebrating more than a century of Tulgary's greatest person.

It was the Grand Duke's hope that new ties would be forged to make sure that his final legacy was one that brought Tulgary back to the top of the world under astute leadership before his passing forced the nation's administration into the surely less capable hands of his successor.

Tulgary awaited the certain flood of international responses...

(OOC: As well as a general introductory RP and a possible way to make ties or -offend people- I would quite like this thread to end up with Tulgary perhaps placed geographically and more importantly to work-out which foreign monarch once held sway here. Tulgary, of course, is a Grand Duchy, and has long been fully independent in practice, but in theory still owes allegiance to a foreign king or such. Perhaps it is even the case that the foreign crown was over-thrown or replaced by a Republic, so the Grand Duchy just carried on by itself; or perhaps time just pulled the nations apart because in practice Tulgary always took care of its own administration anyway.
So come along, celebrate the Grand Duke's 104th birthday!)
02-05-2005, 16:16
(Up you go, don't break a hip)
02-05-2005, 16:38
"We congratulate the Grand Duke on reaching such a landmark, and wish him the best of health in the years to come. Indeed, it has been quite a while that your nation has actually made the international news; we were quite worried that perhaps your nation had fallen off of the face of the earth, until now, that is. Euroslavia would be willing to discuss relations with Tulgary in some sort of diplomatic summit, as well as trade, and international incidents, among other things. Our leader, Lady Destra nos Thiendrel is currently attending a conference of her own with the Speaker of Scolopendra and a representative from the Dominion of Dread Lady Nathicana; however, Lady Marona, who is second in line to the leadership of Euroslavia would gladly attend."

Jason Morris,
Minister of Foreign Relations
02-05-2005, 18:14
The Tulgarian diplomatic service sent word of its pleasure to receive Lady Marona at Grestovar, though of course didn't mention the self-aggrandised Papan's standing desire to have his birthday attended by all of the finest world leaders, nor that the Lady had been gladly accepted largely because nobody else was interested...
02-05-2005, 18:58
Many ordinary Tulgarians had little time to spend thinking of the Grand Duke's birthday. He'd celebrated so many.

Most of the petit-bourgeoisie looked forward to holding small parties and were already putting scant savings towards decorating their usually plain homes, and the nobility was full of people trying to convince one another that they had been invited to attend at Grestovar. The majority of the population, however, wouldn't have time to give a moment's thought to the affair until it was upon them and they -most of them- would get a holiday and spend it at village fetes, most likely.

Casper Noreash was one amongst these many, and he was planning to put half the day into ales at the Advantage Arms, having found time for contemplation of the coming events while another detail worked to repair the damaged lift that had fallen during a catastrophic cave-in at the mine. Actually, he supposed, there may not be money enough to drink himself happy through the day, since he and his mates were paid in reward for meeting targets and got nothing while production was shut-down. Some from his team had gone off to beg loans just to tide them over: they'd probably try to spend the Duke's Birthday working unsupervised to make-up ground against their quotas.

Tulgarian workers certainly hadn't been in regular contact with the outside world since before the Grand Duke was even born, and had clearly not heard that any special significance had been attached to the first of May, though some did get the day off because it happened to be Sunday.

The grounds of Grestovar Fortress were quite insulated as tents went up and decorations hung from trees and ramparts alike. Soldiers marched with long breach-loading rifles and carbines, with sword and spike bayonets aplenty. Cannons around the fortress began to fire hourly volleys for each of the Grand Duke's many years.
03-05-2005, 03:15
(Up for over-night views)
07-05-2005, 01:02
(Don't really want to add more text so soon and discourage new people from reading, but it's not looking much like a party! Perhaps it would be best if Tulgary announced itself by invading somebody else or exterminating part of itself instead of whipping up a cake.)
07-05-2005, 01:07
ooc; Just wait a bit longer man. (i'm currently busy, so i can't participate).

And please, don't give up! My first 12 threads were basically ignored.