NationStates Jolt Archive

Declaration of Intent (introduction)

The Amen-Re Network
02-05-2005, 12:46
ooc:The idea behind this is that a video tape has arrived at your intelligence HQ or something.

A man, in military uniform walks on screen. His face is covered by a balaclava with an eye of Horus embroidered on the front.

"We, the Amen-Re Network demand the liberation of the sites of historical importace in Egypt. The tourist industry has defiled our holy sites, and taken the bodies of our kings from their tobs. As such we demand tha the government ofEgypt hand over power to our leader. We are all that is left of the once proud ancient Egyptian 18th Dynasty. We did not die out. We hid. Thousands of shameful years, worhipping our gods in dark places. No more. The west has desecrated the holy sites of our ancestors, and taken the body of the boy-king Tutankhaten, better known to most of the tourist scum who vvisit his tomb as Tutankhamen. If power is not handed over to Pharoah-in-exile Akhetaten II within one week we will begin a campaign of bombings, to help take back Egypt, and recreate the proud ancient days!"

The man walks ofscreen, and the tape ends.