Ethnic Cleansing in Macton
Official transmission from the Mactonese Government
Following the rebellion by the native Mactonese aboriginals in New South Scotland in a blatant attempt to overthrow our glorious leader, all aborginals have been declared Enemies of the Commonwealth. Our retribution will be swift and merciless. Not only have they attempted to overthrow the white man, but they have denied the natural order of things by declaring themselves equal to the white man; not only that, but they have shown their unwillingness in the past to subject themselves to the life of servitude to the white man that their colour demands. This is unacceptable. The destruction of these upstarts will begin immeadiately
02-05-2005, 12:49
The UN pretenama panel has been notified awaiting secondment.
Have a nice apocalypse!
The Mactonese President beamed at the news. He turned to his head of military.
"Those damn abo's will rue the day they messed with us. Send the order out immediately: second 1,000 officers and men to the task; force the abo's to build the prison camps; they are to be killed through either over work (after all, what's the point of wasting this resource!) and those who are unfit for work are to be shot with a single bullet. Those who resist are to be burnt at the stake, and there family the same."
02-05-2005, 15:10
A shadowy figure slinked furtively across the border into Macton. Only a set of piercing red eyes were visible from beneath a flowing black cloak, and they stared fiercely ahead. There was only one thing in Macton that was of interest. The President. There was a hefty price on his head.
Standard Bearer Leader John Walsh, of the Storm Troops, oversaw the construction of Camp IX, which was to be the most heinous of the camps. The aboriginals were building it themselves, believing both correctly that they would be shot if they didn't, but incorrectly that they would be spared due to their hard work.
Man, women, and children worked as hard as they could on this misguided assumption. The dug pits, built walls, barred windows, buried those who died from over work. They had there possessions seized, and they had been stripped of there clothing and dignity. Walsh smiled. He had always hated abo's, and he was glad to see that the government was finally doing something about it...
02-05-2005, 17:13
Marramopia's council remembers the temple war, where thousands of inncocent people were rounded up by the temple and ritualy murdered for claiming they were equal to the temple followers, this plunged the country into three decades of total war. therefore all aborginals are welcome in marramopia and we will strive to allow them their own land on our wide and verdant plains.
If the mactonese will stop with thier heinous crime the Marramopians will allow them to deport all the aborignals to marrampoia. if not then we will contemplate an invasion
Macton has no desire to lose a useful, albeit temporary, labour resource to some abo loving hippy communist government. Our people demand that they be punished for their crimes against the whites, whom God has made superior to these heathens. Public opinion and support is far more important to us then what the pinko international community thinks.
As for civil war, we have no fear. 90% of the white population supports it, and the abo's only constitute 15% of our country.
Venerable libertarians
03-05-2005, 02:44
Message to the Government Of Macton.
The Motion to investigate accusations of Genocide or the the threat thereof by the government of Macton, Has been seconded by the Hibernian Kingdom of Venerable libertarians, Representing the Region of The Realm of Hibernia to the UNO.
A Pretenema Panel will be convened.
Message from the Commonwealth of Macton
We do not fear the Pretenama Panel; they were quite ineffective against Crimmond.
03-05-2005, 12:42
Communication from President Cairo
To: The Mactonese Government
It has come to the attention of the Magna Cartman government that your government is planning to remove all aboriginies from your population. Whilst we can sympathise with your decision to take action at those attempting to overthrow the government (we are experiencing this ourselves), we think it not wise to murder those who are not involved simply because of their race.
Therefore, it is at this time that Magna Cartman would like to make two offers to your nation:
1) Take the aboriginals off your hands at our expense
2) Open a communications channel to discuss this action and other possible resolutions.
T.R. Cairo
President of Magna Cartman, Defender of the Beta
Presidential Castle, Neptune City, Magna Cartman
03-05-2005, 13:53
We do not fear the Pretenama Panel; they were quite ineffective against Crimmond
The difference being, Crimmond was a very large military power.
Macton is not.
Gwenstefani alone outnumbers Macton in both population and military statistics. A coalition of TPP members will immensely outpower you. You would do well to avoid a military confrontation, and resort to diplomatic resolutions.
Marramopia has already offered to allow all aboriginals to relocate there. That seems like a peaceful solution.
What would we have to gain economically from giving them away? Nothing! We would be throwing away a vast resource!
03-05-2005, 14:44
Upon hearing of this disgusting act that your government is preforming the Shadow Realm demands that you treat these people with respect or we will have a new member to the ten slave states already conqured.
OCC:Nothing personel but geocide is a old fad
Official Transmission from Macton:
We are not a UN member, thus outside the jurisdiction of the pre-thingy-ma-jig panel.
The first camps have been constructed and those who are able to work are not being killed. Yet. Merely the elderly and infirm whom it would be economically non-viable to use for work.
If they die through over work, that is God's will and proof that the white man is superior
OoC: I've only just discovered the idea of stats, and as I've only just inherited this nation from someone who kept it on "vacation mode" and I've had no issues relating to the military or law and order so far, could you temporarily overlook the lack of a military budget! For this RP, could you assume that I've halved my healthcare and social equality budget, giving it to defence. (that would be 17% at the moment)
03-05-2005, 18:34
Marramopia has called the gathering of the wise in the capital, 500 commune leaders gathered together to debate a course of action, of the 500, 300 voted for intervention, 100 against and 200 didnt vote. The communes of the 300 pro interventionists have let out a call to arms, donning the blue bands of freedom they set out in Lambda 3 -7 dropships to rescue as many aboriginals as possible while causeing as little dammage to the infrastructure of the country as possible. The temple has played an active part in polotics for the first time in decades and the temple representative argued against intervention.
The protector is saddened by the vote, wishing to have more time and support.
03-05-2005, 19:27
Could Marramopia please post-pone military intervention until full negotations have taken place between the Pretenama Panel and Macton; if talks fail and we are forced to go in we would be able to form a larger, united force and bring about true regime change and stop the nation from performing further abuses. Of course, if it comes to intervention I am sure you would be most welcome to participate.
OoC: And remember; Macton's RP, Macton's rules!
03-05-2005, 20:10
What would we have to gain economically from giving them away? Nothing! We would be throwing away a vast resource!
Killing them has no economic benefits either.
03-05-2005, 20:14
Official Transmission from Macton:
We are not a UN member, thus outside the jurisdiction of the pre-thingy-ma-jig panel.
OoC: I've only just discovered the idea of stats, and as I've only just inherited this nation from someone who kept it on "vacation mode" and I've had no issues relating to the military or law and order so far, could you temporarily overlook the lack of a military budget! For this RP, could you assume that I've halved my healthcare and social equality budget, giving it to defence. (that would be 17% at the moment)
Your populations and budgets are still well below those of the Pretenama Panel.
And you are mistaken to think you are beyond our jurisdiction. We are essentially a coalition of states who can attack you whenever we want. However, *we* (and not you) are bound by UN regulations in how we behave in our intervention. Be assured, the Pretenama Panel will intervene in this situation. And we can do it the easy way- diplomacy (preferred all round)- or the hard way: military intervention. (we may have to whoop your ass)
(All of the above is the opinion of Gwenstefani and not the official statement of TPP, let me make myself clear)
We watch this conflict with intrest
03-05-2005, 21:23
OOC: This is a tie in from another thread. I have one aircraft carrier near a disputed zone that will be refueled and redispatched to the location of Macton.
Secret IC:
Aboard the USS Wolverine, Captain James T. Kelon paces back and forth. There has been no official communication between SNC and the Wolverine for the past 2 hours. The last message that the ship recieved was to hold position. Stress has gripped the crew as they await what they wish to be new orders from SNC. The Captain looks out the main window out toward the 100 Nauticle Mile zone and ponders what will happen in the near future with this conflict. He is hoping that he won't have to stay to find out and is praying that he will be leaving this area once and for all. As he stands there looking out the window, a red light begins to flash over near the communications consol. it catches his eye and he walks over.
Kelon: "Report."
Officer: "Incomming transmission. It's encripted and will take a minute to decode."
They wait as the message is decripted. It suddenly appears on the screen after the computer is done with the decription process. They stare at it in amazment.
**Intership Communication**
To: Captain James T. Kelon
From: Shazbotdom Naval Command (SNC)
CC: Admiral George Yackber, Minister of the Navy
You are ordered to hold position. The 3rd HAVOC Naval fleet is being deployed to the region immediatly to assist you in getting up to full efficency. The USS Gamble (On loan to 3rd HAVOC from 2nd HAVOC) will bring a full compliment of aircraft and personell to be moved to your carrier. Once the USS Gamble is done moving aircraft and personell, you are to head on a direct coarse to the Nation of Macton at . It will take the 3rd HAVOC fleet approximatly 10 hours to reach you, and then another 3 hours to complete the transfer.
Captain Kelon then picks up the radio and transmits a message all over the ship.
Kelon: "Stand down General Quarters. Return ship functions to normal."
He puts down the radio and then turns toward the bridge crew.
Kelon: "Now we wait..."
Killing them has no economic benefits either.
They are not to be killed unless they are unable to work or refuse to work. They must be killed as otherwise it would be too dangerous to let these renegades walk around freely after what they have done to us. Those who are fit to work will be forced to work on a railway connecting Macton City to Cranberry through the desert. We will use there labour well. Untill they die of starvation or heat exhaustion or pneumonia or sleep deprevation. Then we will have a railway and anything else we can think of built (I would like a nice palace, thinking about it) and get rid of the aboriginal scum simultaneously.
We also have no desire to shore up a pinko abo loving communist country's economy by giving them a free supply of labour.
03-05-2005, 23:16
***Official Proclimation***
The Holy Empire of Shazbotdom
Made by: Multiple Persons (Signitures Below)
The Holy Empire of Shazbotdom, with much anger, has to condemn the actions of the Leader of the Nation of Macton. Ethnic Cleansing is the worst possible crime against humanity there can be. We are currently in the process of dispatching the 3nd HAVOC Naval group to investigate the occourances in your nation. If needed, a mass deployment of our Naval, Army, and Air forces will be warranted. Native people need the respect of all of us, this includes you. If they don't like what type of government that your nation has, then listen to them for once and stop trying to push them aside like they are worthless pieces of trash then they are not. We hearby declare that any and all ethnic cleansing will decist immedeatly or else we will have to interfear and help being about a regeme change.
Signed on this Holy Day, April 28th:
Mr. Shaz Bot
Grand Admiral James E. Rockenbach
Minister of Defence
4 Star General Craig L. Theod
Minister of the Army
Admiral George Yackber
Minister of the Navy
Brigadeer General Ken Shuemaker
Minister of the Air Force
Mr. Larry Williams
Minister of Forign Affairs
Mr. John J. Adams
Speaker of the Parliment
~~~End Transmission~~~
Venerable libertarians
04-05-2005, 02:03
Notice to the Nations distressed at Mactons Plans. Do Not! we repeat do not Intervene at the present time.
Do Join The UNO Backed Pretenema Panel
The Pretenema Panel UNO link thingy! Click it! (
Notice to the Nation of Macton. You have been warned. We ask one final time that your representitives turn to diplomacy to solve this. The Nation of The Hibernian Kingdom of Venerable Libertarians Requests an Audience with your leaders. The International Diplomatic Liaison for the region of the Realm of Hibernia, Prince Alvetti of the Medici Legacy, is requesting safe passage to the Meeting. The Panel is being convened as we speak and If you resist our plea your Government will be Judged.
The Ball is In your Court. Choose wisely!
Telegram from Macton:
Rest assured that Macton is willing the negotiate over this matter, (although we fail to see why everyone is so worried about it. They're only abos).
However, we have no desire to cause our great railway to fail, thus we have rejected the current options on the table.
Over Group Leader John Johnstone had been ordered to the Presidents office. He strode along the great hall of Macton Government and turned into the President's private office.
"You asked to see me, my leader?"
"Yes. How many aboriginals have died so far?"
"The current figures show, that of 150,000,000 aboriginals we started with, 5,000,000 have so far been killed as unfit for work, and 2,500,000 died whilst working."
"And how far is the railway from completion?"
"Ten percent completed, my leader."
"Good, good..."
04-05-2005, 09:26
President Sutton sat within the Credonian Presidential Palace reviewing intelligence information on the nation of Macton. He was deeply disturbed by what he read. He rose to his feet and began pacing the floor, stopping at the large window behind his seat to look out of it. He pondered whether or not he should get Credonia involved in this conflict. Credonia was already engaged in two other major conflicts and poising to enter a third large conflict. After thinking for quite a long time while staring out of the window, he decided that it would be wise and in the best interest of Credonia to intervene. One of our allies Shazbotdom was already declaring its condemnation of the attrocities committed by Macton, so he decided to follow suit. He quickly went back to his seat and drafted a message to the world concerning the conflict.
Official Statement by the President of the United States of Credonia, Kaimoni A. Sutton
Credonia, a nation devoted to the worldwide protection of human and civil rights and liberties, is deeply disturbed by the attrocities committed by the Mactonian government, which can only be identified as a nation Nazi nation. We vehemently condemn such acts of attrocity and cannot standby while innocent men, women, and children are slaughtered. This is mass genocide, and the Credonia cannot and will not allow this to go on any further. With that being said, you have 24 hours to cease and desist and to enter negotiations with Credonia and the allied forces in this conflict or else Credonia will be forced to take further actions to bring an end to the mindless slaughtering of these innocent civilians. We cannot let a precedent to take hold within the world, and Credonia will not allow that to happen. Please note that Credonia will, by any and all means necessary, see to it that your nation stops the killing of its own innocent citizens and you should take that to heart. We have no problem invading and taking over a nation, replacing its government with a pro-democratic government if it will benefit not only your nation's citizens, but the international community as a whole. The choice is yours. Make the right decision or we will be forced to act, and we WILL act.
Kaimoni A. Sutton
United States of Credonia
General Sola al-Din looked over the latest OVERSIGHT reports, centering her gaze for a moment on one section.
"Macton. Do we have an interest in this one?"
"No, my General"
"von Rommel, at ease."
"Yes, sir. Sir, Shazbotdom is sending a fleet."
"Shazbot... is that the same nation we had to 'escort' one of their freighters out of Feline Catfish waters at gunpoint?"
"That's what the reports say, my General. I cannot verify it's veracity."
"Ah. Well. Whatever."
She flipped the page, her attention to the matter evaporated.
04-05-2005, 09:54
Please wait for the Pretenama panel's verdict before inavding.
04-05-2005, 09:58
"The deadline has been set and we will not go back on it. Credonia will take further actions within 24 (NS) hours if the panel does not reach a verdict by then, and even if the panel does reach a verdict, that does not mean that Credonia will not take actions."
Kaimoni A. Sutton
United States of Credonia
The Imperial Navy
04-05-2005, 10:05
Official Imperial Response.
Meh. Doing the old massacre to get attention bit eh? Well we're not interested. Burn your whole country to the ground for all we care.
This has been an official Imperial response.
The Mactonese President turned to Ober Group Leader Johnstone
"What do you think about Credonia's threat?"
"Well they admit that they are fighting two other wars. This serious reduces their ability to attack us. Any sensible government would ensure triumph in two other wars before engaging in another. Fighting a war on two fronts is bad enough, but three is insane, no matter how large a country is"
"And how large are they"
"Three times, but seeing as they are fighting two fronts at the moment they could only send a maximum of one third of their military, putting us more or less equal"
"Good. What do you think about the comment concerning regime change?"
"If our people wanted regime change, they can elect us out in two weeks time. Just like they did with the former, comunist hippy pinko abo loving government"
"Yes; as we are already a democracy it seems silly to invade us and install a democracy"
"Maybe they mean giving the abo's the vote?"
"That makes about us much sense as giving cheese the vote"
04-05-2005, 12:29
Credonia, we beg you to reconsider.
A war could well lead to an acceleration of the genocide, or the use of aboriginals as cannon fodder. We do not know if there really is genocide occuring thus far, it might just be a terrorist organisation trying to destroy Macton, or a group of aboriginal terrorists who are upset that they didn't win the election.
If they are guilty, it would be far more constructive to launch a large scale multilateral force, as it would shorten a war and prevent the possibility of the the escalation of the genocide.
Of course, as you are a UN member, your help if and when the descision to invade is made would be invaluable.
OoC: This is a negotiation RP. Any premature war prior to any negotitiation will be met with stiff resistance from the old Ignore Cannons. If it comes to war, I'll start up another thread.
04-05-2005, 16:44
Could Marramopia please post-pone military intervention until full negotations have taken place between the Pretenama Panel and Macton; if talks fail and we are forced to go in we would be able to form a larger, united force and bring about true regime change and stop the nation from performing further abuses. Of course, if it comes to intervention I am sure you would be most welcome to participate.
The Protector of Marramopia Jacopo Rosso Releases the following statement:
The actions of the Mactonese are utterly abhorrent. Marramopia will post-pone military intervenion, no war can be justified and so it is better for this to be resolved by diplomacy, though many of my colleagues in the council would dissagree with me. Marramopia will still alow the deportation of Aboriginals to Marramopia. While we will not stand down out now mobilised forces we will not leave Marramopian territory unless negotiations break down. Again be ask Macton to either end your Genocidal conduct or if that is not possible allow the deportation to Marramopia especially as our vast plainsland will allow us to provide the Aboriginals with their own land and a degree of autonomy..
Jacopo Rosso
One of the Mactonese President's underlings hurried into the office, carrying Marramopia's message. the underling handed it to the President, and scurried out of the room.
The president read the message. He pondered. He felt that a war was undesirable; however, to simply bow down to these demands would be political suicide. He made a descision. He picked up his pen, dipped it into an inkwell and started writing down a message to the Marramopian Foreign ministry.
"Whilst we are unable to except your current demands, we do consider that it can do no harm to open up negotiations between us and Marromopia to be held in Macton City. We would be willing to allow delegates from other nations to attend, although we reserve the right to refuse them entry if we feel that our viewpoint will be swamped by hundreds of abo loving pinko nations hell bent on the destruction of our democratically elected government. To facillitate our discussion, and to display our true belief in a diplomatic resolution to our difference in opinion, the destruction of non-product will cease, although those working on the railway will continue with their work. Additionally, we will allow one of the leaders of the aboriginal community to be present at the talks, along with a translator. We hope this is acceptable.
{Illegible signiture}
President of Macton"
The President of Macton placed the letter in an envelope, dripped wax on the back and sealed it. He rang a bell on his desk, and another servant scurried in.
"This is to go out on the next mail ship to Marramopia. See it is done"
OoC: I'll RP the Aboriginal delegate
04-05-2005, 20:51
Letter from Cobdenia's Prime Minister to the Mactonese President:
Your Excellency,
Cobdenia would be interested in participating in these negotiations. Would you accept our delegation, consisting of the The Rt. Hon. Rory Relp MHA (our foreign minister) and Mr John Colman-Cook (a member of our foreign ministry), who will act as an adviser to Mr Relp.
The Rt. Hon. Dr John Snipe-Maddox, MHA
Prime Minister of Cobdenia, Leader of the House of Advisors.
Leninist Workers
04-05-2005, 21:18
Commissar's Letter to Macton...
the Socialist People's Republic takes interest in the troubles surrounding your nation and would like to take part in negotiations.
the National Assembly.
04-05-2005, 21:36
**On board the USS Wolverine**
*On the Bridge*
One day has passed and the 3rd HAVOC Naval fleet and the USS Gable have completed their restocking of the USS Wolverine. Captain Kelon is pacing the bridge as the crew is relieved from duty by the 2nd Shift. The last of the planes from the USS Gamble are being brought below deck outside and the USS Gamble is currently on it's way back to it's home port to join up with the 2nd HAVOC Naval Fleet. The last intel report from spysat 12 is that thousands of the aboriginals have been killed in Macton.
Kelon: "Report."
Leutenant: "Sir. 2nd Shift is on duty and were on course toward the Nation of Macton. Estimated time of arrival is 20 minutes at current speed."
Kelon: "And the fleet?"
Leutenant: "They are at combat readiness. Reporting weapons loaded. The Amphibious ships are ready. Reports from the region is that nations are persuing diplomatic relations for an attempt to stop the genocide."
Kelon: "Alright. Prep a team of 3 F/A-117x Nighthawk's for recon of this nation."
Leutentant: "Yes, Sir!"
The leutenant gets on the radio and gives the order to the flight deck.
Leutenant: "Captain ordered 3 Nighthawk's ready for recon. Over."
Deck Officer: "Rodger that. We just pulled 3 off of the aircraft elevators. We'll turn them around, fuel them up and prep them for takeoff."
Leutenant: "Roger that. Bridge Out."
*On the flight deck*
3 F/A-117x Nighthawks rise slowly up the aircraft elevators. The pilots are seen in the cockpit doing a final systems check before their launch. As the planes are brought toward the launch strip, they give eachother thumbs up and click on their radio.
Falcon 1: "Falcon 2 and Falcon 3, this is Falcon Lead. 3 Minutes out from the USS Wolverine you are to start radio silence. At Mach 5 we will arrive at destination in T Minus 7 minutes, a whole 13 minutes before the fleet. Scout out area and send data back to the Wolverine. Over."
Falcons 2 & 3: "Rodger that lead."
The Holy Empire of Shazbotdom
Made by: Multiple Persons (Signitures Below)
The Holy Empire of Shazbotdom, under much careful consideration, demands a diplomatic meeting with the Government of Macton. We demand a face to face conference to discuss the reason for the unlawful killing of thousands of aboriginals in your nation. On board the fleet that is approaching your nation is Admiral Jack O'Neil, he is the Fleet Commander for the 3rd HAVOC Naval Fleet. He will be my eyes and ears, as well as my voice, at this meeting. If a peaceful resolution is not made, we will stop your aboriginal laboring methods and take them to a secure location on board the 3rd Fleet. If any attack is made upon the 3rd Fleet of the Holy Empire, there will be retalliation. You have been warned.
Signed on this Holy Day, April 28th:
Mr. Shaz Bot
Mr. John J. Adams
Speaker of the Parliment
Grand Admiral James E. Rockenbach
Minister of Defence
4 Star General Craig L. Theod
Minister of the Army
Admiral George Yackber
Minister of the Navy
Brigadeer General Ken Shuemaker
Minister of the Air Force
Mr. Larry Williams
Minister of Forign Affairs
~~~End Transmission~~~
Letter to the Nations of Leninist Workers, and Cobdenia (OoC: I know who you are, you git! Well, I'll shew you, Hehe!)
We accept your delegates. A merchant ship carrying them will be given permission to dock in Elport, and a special train will be laid on for their transport to Macton city.
Semaphor message to the Shazbottom fleet
We accept your delegates. Your captain's tender carrying them will be given permission to dock in Elport, and a special train will be laid on for their transport to Macton city.
OoC:Aircraft carriers and jets? In 1903?
05-05-2005, 13:54
Relp and Colman-Cook borded the GMS Brandywine at Port Sir Richard.
The two were a very stark contrast. Relp, the working class hero, wore a lounge suit, a high bent collar,and a bowler hat; Colman-Cook, a gentleman from a leading Cobdenian family, wore a frock coat, striped trousers and a top hat. Relp had a thick working class Port Sir Richard accent, Colman-Cook an upper class peninsular accent.
The Brandywine let off a deep hoot from the ships whistle, and they were on there way to Elport; they would arrive by the morning.
05-05-2005, 17:55
The Protector, three aides and a small honour guard from the back of a Marramopia dropship in archaic traditional clan attire land in Macton city.
" We will provide the Aboriginals with land of their own in the east marramopia, this land is verdant grassland. The land will be from the temple stonghold of Tylia is the south to the coast of sea of islands in the north. This is an area aproximatly 200 square miles.
In addition we will provide the transportation of the aboriginals who wish to come to this area.
They will be given full marramopian citezenship with all the privilages that entials (including the right to choose your own name, customs and way of living) and full access to the rest of the country. The area belonging to the aboriginals is theirs to live in the way they choose."
05-05-2005, 20:28
Secret IC:
*On Board Flacon Lead*
Falcon Lead check his insturments one last time as he begins to enter Macton's territorial waters. it's been 5 minutes since radio silence began. Any and all information relayed to the USS Wolverine was to be done via a secure channel with Level 10 Military Encription.
It would be great if a map of your nation was posted for us to see so we know where we are going and where your military bases, cities, and capital is. Also where mountains, valleys, rivers, lakes and other stuff are.
06-05-2005, 16:22
Cyrian space
07-05-2005, 02:01
The Planetary Republic of Cyrian Space will be providing food and water to efforts to alleviate the suffering of the aboriginal people.
Also, should a compromise be made, Cyrian Space is willing to transport any number of willing aboriginals to our space, granting them full citizenship.
ooc: we would supply more, but as an alien FT nation, we really can't.
07-05-2005, 07:14
The Free Lands of Bitewaldi stands ready and able to offer humanitarian aid to the laboring aboriginal population, including food, water, medical supplies, and temporary shelter.
We also can provide safe haven within the Region of User Friendlia for refugee populations.
The Mactonese delegate, Mr Michael Lord, and the Aboriginal delegate, Seeraah Mi'Nuto Mbeko, sat side by side. The first time in Macton history a white man had come to a negotiating table with an aboriginal. The look of contempt that Lord gave Mbeko was scathing, but not as scathing as the one Mbeko was giving Lord in return.
"Macton, for her part, will allow countries to provide food, shelter and medical aid to the aboriginals, although they will still be used in the construction of the railway. Indeed, it is agreeable that you provide such services. If an abo is healthier, he can work better."
Mbeko stood up afterwards;
"How dare the international community try to 'evacuate' us from our land. This land has been ours for centuries. We would rather die at the hands of the white scum then leave the land that our fathers and forfathers and our God's have bequeathed to us! If the international community wishes to help us, it should destroy the white man who has raped our land!"
OoC: Can you check your emails, Les? I've emailed you a map. Can you stick it on your image hosting thingy? Thanks. It's got capital city, cities, coastlines, completed railways, proposed railway (where the aborigine's are working), slave camps and death camps. Assume the slave camps and death camps are military bases, and Elslport is a Navy base. The south is temperate, the north desert.
08-05-2005, 15:20
Father Bruce's hands were trembling. The communication from The Theocrat's office was unambigous:
The Theocrat, the Theocratic Council and all the Faithful condemn the genocide being perpetrated by the Mactonese government and, by the power vested in us by God order the Mactonese government to cease and desist in its actions, lest they suffer Divine Wrath.
Further, any members of the Parologic Church are ordered to refuse to participate in this genocide on pain of excommunication.
The comminucation ordered him to read this message as part of the morning sermon, and to disseminate it as far as possible among the faithful.
The Parologic Church was not big in Macton - in fact, his church was the only Parologic Church in Macton at all. But his congregation consisted of respectable people, some in the military. His son was in the military. Some members of the congregation were in the secret police, he knew that. The Church has never been political before.
As he walked towards the pulpit, he felt the contents of his stomach making their way upwards, and had to swallow them again, rather than barf in front of his congregation. His palms were sweaty. "Oh God, why me?" he thought to himself.
09-05-2005, 11:47
On behalf of the Pretenama Panel, Cobdenia proposes the following:
Cobdenia will buy the trackbed for the new railway off Macton, and pay anyone, Mactonese or aboriginal, working on the railway a market wage, including health insurance and accomodation. Naturally, all revenue from the railway would go to Cobdenia, and any profits payed to the aboriginals
Mactonese Delegate:
"This is acceptable. Our desire to have the railway built is not profit, but access to and from the gold mines in the north."
Aboriginal Delegate:
"Assuming we are not forced to work on this railway, we accept"
09-05-2005, 13:05
Excellent. Now to more important business;
Taking into account the antipathy between the Mactonese and the Aboriginals, we feel there is only one option.
Macton must be partitioned; we currently believe that 15% of Macton is to become an independent Aboriginal nation; The TPP will also help in humanitarian aid. Also, both countries are to enter a free trade union, with the aim of reuniting the country in the future. TPP reserves the right to send in peacekeeping troops should they be necessary
Current Map (
Proposed Partioning (
Mactonese Delegate
"If we have to partition, we'll agree to it. We want to avoid a military confrontation as much as possible. At least you're not exiling us and giving Macton to the ni-..., I mean to the aboriginals"
Aboriginal Delegate:
"Hmm. The partitioning would mean we would get a temporate region, a bush region, a lot of coastline, some desert. That's good. It means that the tribes that traditionally lived in the desert can still live in the desert, the tribes that traditionally lived on the coast can still live on the coast, and so on and so forth. However, we wish to grow economically as well as be at one with the traditions of the past. Will some kind of economic aid will be arranged?"
10-05-2005, 19:47
The Theocracy of Parologicistan does not have much of a discretionary budget for foreign aid, but we have several hundred well-educated young people willing to volunteer as elementary and high school teachers. Parologicistan can pay their transportation and living expenses.
If the aboriginals can let us know if this will help, we will fly the teachers in right away.
Warhammer Syndicate
10-05-2005, 20:23
IC: The Warhammer Syndicate government would like to extend support to Macton. Other countries should not have gotten involved on Macton affairs, but since it has already happend I will get involved (limited).
10-05-2005, 22:09
The Free Land of Bitewaldi is ever ready to assist. We can help with favorable trade status with our nation and our trade partners, and our educational system is a world benchmark; we would be happy to train your teachers, if that is something you would like.
11-05-2005, 12:43
I propose that education programmes with the intention of eradicating misconceptions about either race should be instituted in both nations. If neither the Mactonese nor the aboriginals comply, Cobdenia will not build the railway, which will:
a) Mean that the Mactonese would have to pay for the railway themselves, using whites (which they would, knowing them, pay a high wage) or suffer the economic consequences of lack of access to the gold mines
B) The aboriginal nation would lose some of it's aid (as the aid from Cobdenia will consist of the railways entire profits)
15-05-2005, 13:01
The Pretenama panel is currently working out the final plans of a proposed treaty. Please be patient
20-05-2005, 15:10
The Pretenama Panel has written the following treaty, which is largely a codification of previously agreed negotiation points. Please read it and sign it, if you have no objections.
The Macton-Aboriginal Treaty
1. Separation of the Macton territory into two Independent states, to be overseen by the Panel. The New Aboriginal State has the option if it wishes to join the UN. A Liaison for TPP to be installed to oversee the move.
2. The Mactonese Railway is to be built by the Cobdenian Railway Company, with all profits after amortisation of construction costs going to the Aboriginal Government. When all construction costs have been accounted for at the end of or after a period of fifty years, which ever comes first, the railway is deemed jointly owned by both the Commonwealth of Macton and the Aboriginal Nation. There is to be no transfer of ownership of either state's interest in the railroad without the consent of the other state. The Cobdenian Railway Company must also give its consent to any transfer of ownership interest until all construction costs have been repaid from the revenues of the railroad. 10% of railway profits will go to a "Remember" Foundation, which will fund the educational programmes mentioned in article 3. This funding must continue after the transfer of railway control.
3. Education programmes designed to end racism and bigotry are to be instituted in both countries, lest the people forget. A centre for reconciliation be set up to bring the two sides closer over time.
4. The Aboriginal state and Macton are to enter into a common market agreement, with the aim to bring the two sides closer over time.
i, The Liaison need not be from a UN state.
ii, If the governments of either Nation fail to implement the proposal TPP may step in again.
iii, Cobdenia reserves the right to cease running the railway, leading to economic consequences to both the Mactonese and Aboriginal government, should any of the above articles be violated.
iv, Independent Audits are to be performed and published yearly to ensure all monies with regard to the Railway, reach their correct accounts.
The Macton-Aboriginal Treaty
1. Separation of the Macton territory into two Independent states, to be overseen by the Panel. The New Aboriginal State has the option if it wishes to join the UN. A Liaison for TPP to be installed to oversee the move.
2. The Mactonese Railway is to be built by the Cobdenian Railway Company, with all profits after amortisation of construction costs going to the Aboriginal Government. When all construction costs have been accounted for at the end of or after a period of fifty years, which ever comes first, the railway is deemed jointly owned by both the Commonwealth of Macton and the Aboriginal Nation. There is to be no transfer of ownership of either state's interest in the railroad without the consent of the other state. The Cobdenian Railway Company must also give its consent to any transfer of ownership interest until all construction costs have been repaid from the revenues of the railroad. 10% of railway profits will go to a "Remember" Foundation, which will fund the educational programmes mentioned in article 3. This funding must continue after the transfer of railway control.
3. Education programmes designed to end racism and bigotry are to be instituted in both countries, lest the people forget. A centre for reconciliation be set up to bring the two sides closer over time.
4. The Aboriginal state and Macton are to enter into a common market agreement, with the aim to bring the two sides closer over time.
i, The Liaison need not be from a UN state.
ii, If the governments of either Nation fail to implement the proposal TPP may step in again.
iii, Cobdenia reserves the right to cease running the railway, leading to economic consequences to both the Mactonese and Aboriginal government, should any of the above articles be violated.
iv, Independent Audits are to be performed and published yearly to ensure all monies with regard to the Railway, reach their correct accounts.
Michael Lord
Seeraah Mi'Nuto Mbeko
Venerable libertarians
20-05-2005, 23:22
Members of Macton and The Newly formed Aboriginal State, The Nation of the Hibernian Kingdom of Venerable Libertarians representing the Pretenema Panel shall keep a close watch on Your Nations Developement.
We require Confirmation of the New states Institution within 48 hours. On confirmation of this your nations may petition for aid in the Points laid out by TPP 0002's intervention Plan. You may at any time object to Our nation acting as Liaison and another will be appointed.
Be warned that we shall look unfavorably on any delays in setting up the Intervention plan and its Points. Act swiftly and we shall all get along swimmingly.
Prince Gianluca Alvetti of the Medici,
International Diplomatic Liaison for the Realm of Hibernia.
20-05-2005, 23:36
The Holy Empire of Shazbotdom has released the following statment
***Official Proclimation***
The Holy Empire of Shazbotdom
Made by: Multiple Persons (Signitures Below)
We are glad that the situation in the nation of Macton has reached a non-lethal conclustion. We have dispatched a crate of Shazbotdom's finest wine to the region for celebration purposes.
Signed on this Holy Day, April 28th:
Mrs. Charrel Cralom
Minister of Public Relations
Grand Admiral James E. Rockenbach
Minister of Defence
~~~End Transmission~~~
Secret IC:
Spysat 13 Moves into Geosynchronous orbit above Macton
Secret IC
As an supply veichle enter the area of one of the slave camps. The Driver of the transport was soon questioned by Macton authorites. They asked about the contents of the truck, the driver said: "just supplies such as food and magazines for your men. No need to inspect them." The Macton authorites were about to take a look when the drive quickly offered a reply: "How about a drink? I will make the Delivery free of charge and give you our local suppliers most finest alcohol in a distant nation." The soldiers quickly took a drink and their attentions are diverted. The driver soon told the suppliers to bring the crates to the camps of the aboriginals. As soon as the last box was place. Several White Robe Elite Guards emerged from the boxes and told the aboriginals: "Do not worry, we are here to help you establish an rebellion and we got the weapons to do it." And they plotted quickly
21-05-2005, 00:10
Official Communication from the Government of Magna Cartman
To: The Mactonese Government
The government of Magna Cartman wishes to extend an offer to assist in what-ever way needed to help both nations during this transition.
Genevieve Whirlson
Minister of Defense and Military for the LOTF Region
Venerable libertarians
21-05-2005, 05:32
Secret IC
As an supply veichle enter the area of one of the slave camps. The Driver of the transport was soon questioned by Macton authorites. They asked about the contents of the truck, the driver said: "just supplies such as food and magazines for your men. No need to inspect them." The Macton authorites were about to take a look when the drive quickly offered a reply: "How about a drink? I will make the Delivery free of charge and give you our local suppliers most finest alcohol in a distant nation." The soldiers quickly took a drink and their attentions are diverted. The driver soon told the suppliers to bring the crates to the camps of the aboriginals. As soon as the last box was place. Several White Robe Elite Guards emerged from the boxes and told the aboriginals: "Do not worry, we are here to help you establish an rebellion and we got the weapons to do it." And they plotted quickly
OOC> Are you an Idiot? WE have concluded this Peacefully and the aboriginals have signed up to the deal. Also you are Godmoding the reaction of the Mactonese troops and the Aboriginals. If i were you i would post something to cancel this intrusion. and for god sake man! read the Previous Posts!
OOC: ALright but I have to hit the hay.
IC: As the soldiers prepare to launch an attack, they saw an newspaper that will end the enslavement of the aboringials, with that they sneak back to the truck and left with the driver.
Warhammer Syndicate
26-05-2005, 17:48